Università degli studi di Pavia Corso di Laurea Magistrale Interdipartimentale in Comunicazione Professionale e Multimediale. THE USE’S EFFECT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON THE COMPANY’S VALUE Cases: Unieuro & Grandi Navi Veloci Relatrice: Prof.ssa Chiara Demartini Correlatore: Prof. Giampaolo Azzoni Claudia Lanza Matr: 416295 A.A. 2013/2014 What we about? What are Social Media? Social Media is a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of usergenerated content. Kaplan & Haenlein Social Media Marketing Social Media Marketing is the branch of marketing that uses the new media, including a range of activities aimed at increasing the visibility of a company or a brand on social media, in the community and in the platforms of the web. Traditional Marketing Social Media Marketing (Above the line) (Below the line) Traditional tools Standardized message Unidirectional and top-down Mass Market Company oriented Online tools Interactive approach Bidirectional and conversational UserFriendly, one to one Customer Oriented Marketing Mix Model Change PRODUCT PRICE TARGET MARKET PLACE PROMOTION CONSUMER COSTS TARGET MARKET CONVENIENCE COMMUNICATION Benefits? Increasing traffic Relational Benefits Customer engagement Emprove Brand Awareness Speed of feedback and results The Social Enterprise Collaboration New information technologies Customer-Centric culture Social Media strategy Social media strategy is the way in which a company decides to become part of the Social Web, listening to your audience and speak directly with it. Listening and analysis of situation Definition of objectives Strategy plan Monitoring and evaluation When is a company performing? A company can be defined as performing, if it can effectively achieve its goals. Counting Metrics Outcome Metrics Metrics Business Value Metrics Foundational Metrics How about ROI? ROI as Return On Influence? Person able to influence the thoughts and decisions of others, thanks to what he says or writes, succeeding in a short time to change the opinion and the general sentiment around a theme . Exposition Echo Share of Voice Empirical Cases SocialMediAbility Index Orientation 2.0 118.783 11.500 165 / / 130.448 247.051 640 265 / 40 247.987 SocialMediAbility Index Dedication - Facebook Competitive Analysis Report SocialMediAbility Index Dedication - TweetReach SocialMediAbility Index Engagement - Facebook Competitive Analysis Report Conclusion The marketing contest is changing Benefits are too relevant to ignore them The social are used to create affection for the brand, for promotion operations and cultivation of relationship Company are still unripe Brands are not using enough social “Il Web è più un’innovazione sociale che un’innovazione tecnica. L’ho progettato perché avesse una ricaduta sociale, perché aiutasse le persone a collaborare, e non come un giocattolo tecnologico. Il fine ultimo del Web è migliorare la nostra esistenza reticolare nel mondo” Tim Berners-Lee