INTER-HED project Dissemination activities Manuela Costone PNC – Italia Erasmus Mundus 14 November 2011 INTER-HED Kick off meeting Rome, Piazza Rondanini 48 Dissemination: what? Dissemination: what? the course the project Dissemination: which are our target groups? Dissemination: which are our target groups? EMNSs EU HEIs and….. Dissemination: which are our target groups? HEI worldwide? National bodies and authorities? Networks, organisations, associations? EM students? EACEA? European Commission? Dissemination: when? Dissemination: when? from now for the whole duration of the project Disseminate: where? Disseminate: where? International events National events Meetings In your office Dissemination: how? Dissemination: how? speech article, pubblication web-site, email, voice mail Dissemination: how to report? Follow up of dissemination activities - INTER-HED Project Partner Date Place Type of actions Support used Target group Number of people reached Outcomes Xhvgdhòfgv