UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIA FACOLTÀ DI ECONOMIA, GIURISPRUDENZA, INGEGNERIA, LETTERE E FILOSOFIA, SCIENZE POLITICHE. Corso di Laurea Interfacoltà in Comunicazione Professionale e Multimediale CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: UNA LEVA PER LA REALIZZAZIONE DI PARTNERSHIP FRA PROFIT E NON PROFIT Relatore: Chiar.mo Giampaolo Azzoni Correlatore: Chiar.mo Giorgio Rampa Tesi di Laurea di Giorgia Frigerio Anno Accademico 2012/2013 Etichs & Economy Can exist a break-even point? CSR: profit e non profit insieme Etichs & Economy Committee for Economic Development (1971) Responsibilities to its economic functions Responsibility of the business in relation to society’s value Responsibility of the business facing great social problems CSR: profit e non profit insieme Etichs & Economy Carroll (1979) CSR: profit e non profit insieme Etichs & Economy Good enterprises get even more attention to community, enviroment and public-private partnership. CSR: profit e non profit insieme Etichs & Economy THIRD SECTOR STATE MARKET CSR: profit e non profit insieme Business has a responsability to give back to the community CSR: profit e non profit insieme Corporate Social Responsibility PARTNERSHIP CSR: profit e non profit insieme Third Sector In Italy: 235,000 non profit organizations 488,000 employed 4,000,000 volunteers 67 billion Euro = 4,3 of PIL CSR: profit e non profit insieme Partnership profit - non profit Partnership does not mean just philantropy, but common goals and long-period vision. CSR: profit e non profit insieme Partnership profit - non profit • employee volunteering • Cause Related Marketing • donation • joint promotion • product which are value to the community • awareness campaigns CSR: profit e non profit insieme Employee Volunteering Businesses invest in this resource because they believe it is crucial for economic and social cohesion. Volunteers also benefit from broadening their horizons and gaining new and fresh perspectives on social issues. CSR: profit e non profit insieme Cause Related Marketing CSR: profit e non profit insieme Donation Donations are still the most common form of partnership. CSR: profit e non profit insieme joint promotion CSR: profit e non profit insieme Products with high social value An ordinary Sustaninability Report becomes an exclusive one. CSR: profit e non profit insieme awareness campaigns CSR: profit e non profit insieme different reasons Profit: - reputation; - better relationship with the local community; - differentiate its image. Non profit: - more opportunity to achieve its mission; - new volunteers; - spread the culture of solidarity; - more resources to carry out its projects. CSR: profit e non profit insieme some limits What is necessary: 1) a higher management level of non profit; 2) more orientation towards Corporate Social Responsibility when for profit are concerned. Collaboration between the two parts allows the overcoming of any mutual barriers, professional growth, thus reducing possible critical situations and empower business ethics in some aspects. CSR: profit e non profit insieme The recipe for success Long shot vision of society, its needs and expectations. The company makes use of its professional value and costant quality research; Non-profit underlines the importance of deep knowledge of community, its listening capabilities and all the people's energy. CSR: profit e non profit insieme Grazie per l’attenzione Giorgia Frigerio - CSR: una leva per la realizzazione di partnership fra profit e non profit