Semantic Intelligence, Speech & Language Technologies
Carlo Aliprandi – Mario Spoto
Synthema srl
Carlo Aliprandi
Company Profile
Based in Pisa (Italy), SyNTHEMA is a high-technology SME that was
established in 1993 by computer scientists from the IBM Research Center.
Since then, the company has rapidly evolved, becoming nowadays a
leading provider of Language and Semantic solutions, with state-ofthe-art technologies for applications like Enterprise Search, Audio&Text
Mining, Technology Watch, Competitive Intelligence, Speech Recognition,
Respeaking and Speech Analytics.
Grounding its leadership into a strong IT Research and Development,
SyNTHEMA has pioneered a number of innovative applications and
solutions, adopted on a daily basis by a vast amount of users to perform
productivity tasks in different markets and industries, including Homeland
Security, Intelligence and Law Enforcement, Public Administration and
Government, Healthcare and Media.
Carlo Aliprandi
Structure and activities
• 30 People (20 IT, 10 Localisation Services)
Semantic Technology
Translation Technology
Speech Technology
Carlo Aliprandi
Tecnologie del Linguaggio – COSA SONO?
• Language technology is often called Human Language Technology
(HLT) or Natural Language Processing (NLP) and consists of
computational linguistics and speech technology as its core but
includes also many application oriented aspects of them.
Language technology is closely connected to computer science
and general linguistics
• Bill Clinton: “Soon researchers will bring us devices that can
translate foreign languages as fast as as you can talk ….”
Carlo Aliprandi
Tecnologie del linguaggio, alcuni esempi
Traduzione Automatica
Analisi Semantica
Ricerca in linguaggio naturale
Information Retrieval
Question Answering
Speech Recognition – Speech to Text
Trascrizione Automatica
Sottotitolazione Assistita
Intelligent Speech Interfaces
Comprensione del Parlato
Gestione del dialogo (Avatar,..)
Carlo Aliprandi
Il linguaggio naturale
Source Ethnologue
Source Netz-Tipp.De 2002
Source http://www.netz-tipp.de/languages.html
AIIA NLP Workshop 2010
Carlo Aliprandi
• La semantica è una parte della linguistica che studia il
significato delle parole, delle frasi e dei testi.
• Computazionalmente, si tratta di analizzare automaticamente il
testo, cercando di capire il testo e di rappresentarne il significato
profondo, (Natural Language Understanding) che risulta sempre
dipendente dal contesto.
AIIA NLP Workshop 2010
Carlo Aliprandi
Semantica: stato dell’arte
Tecnologie fondanti, esempi:
“Questo prodotto è rivolto ai clienti cui interessi la qualità”
“Contattateci per il calcolo interessi addebitati nei conti correnti e nei mutui”
POS tagging
“La borsa di Milano oggi ha chiuso in rialzo”
“La Treasure è una borsa in pelle di lusso“
“Dal 2010 diventa obbligatoria la borsa della spesa biodegradabile”
“Il presidente ha le borse sotto agli occhi”
“per ottenere la borsa di studio della Camera dei Deputati…”
AIIA NLP Workshop 2010
Carlo Aliprandi
Semantic Technology
The Italian market offers State of the art for deep NLU:
• Lemmatisation
• POS Tagging
• MultiWord Detection (MWD)
• Named Entity Recogniiton (NER)
• Parsing (dependency – constituency)
• Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD)
• Sentiment Analysis (SA)
• Semantic Role Labeling (SLR)
Carlo Aliprandi
• è un cool topic?
– Bing Microsoft – Powerset (linguistic processor)
– Google – Applied Semantics (ontology, or knowledge base of
concepts and their relationships, coupled with linguistic processing
– Google Squared (structures the unstructured data on web pages)
– Hakia (meaning-based search engine, ontology and semantic
lexicon, ontological parser)
– WolphramAlpha
+ computational knowledge engine, distilled and revised knowledge, NL
query, rich visualisation
- Knowledge engineering, language dependent
– IBM Watson (Jeopardy!)
• aspettando la killer app, c’è una domanda latente di
“Semantic Search”
AIIA NLP Workshop 2010
Carlo Aliprandi
Speech Technology
The Italian market offers State of the art speech technology for:
Automatic Speech Recognition
Automatic Transcription
Dialogue Systems
Speech Analytics
Carlo Aliprandi
Speech Recognition
• Dictation
– Dictation is the interactive composition of text
– Medical Report, court – parliamentary proceedings
• Transcription
– Transcription is transforming
speech into text (Batch – Online)
• Dialogue
– CRM, device control, navigation, call routing
• Speech Retrieval
– Search audio and video using keywords
Carlo Aliprandi
Thank you
– Q&A
Carlo Aliprandi
Language and Speech Solutions Manager
Synthema srl
Carlo Aliprandi
from Core NLP&ASR Technologies to products
Dal 1997, portiamo tecnologia R&D nel mercato SR (consumer - professional)
1997: primo sistema di Riconoscimento del Parlato Continuo per l’Italiano (IBM Viavoice – Rad, Pat)
2000: Camera dei Deputati: CameraVox, primo sistema di Speech Reporting basato sul respeaking
2001: SpeechTitle (VoiceSubTitle), primo sistema per la sottotitolazione con Live Respeaking (broadcasting)
2002: Voice Suite, primo sistema professionale per il distributed Speech Reporting
2005: Voice Suite (and Fabrizio G. Verruso) World Champion in Speech Reporting - (still current) WR of 174 wpm
2009: Applicazione al mondo Giudiziario: Voice Suite Legal edition
2007: SpeechAligner, sistema di allineamento automatico tra video/audio e testo
2008: DictaSpeech, sistema ALL-IN-ONE per la gestione del workflow dell’Audio Digitale e della Resocontazione Vocale
2009: Applicazione al mondo Giudiziario: Voice Suite Legal edition
2010: SpeechJive, Riconoscimento del Parlato su nuovi motori Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking
2012: SpeechScribe.Server, Speaker Independent ASR. Trascrizione automatica batch di audio e video del parlato
2012: SpeechScribe.Live!, primo sistema di Online Speaker Independent ASR. Trascrizione automatica Live di audio e
video del parlato spontaneo per la lingua italiana
2013: SpeechScribe, new languages:
Carlo Aliprandi
Main Clients - Italy
Italian Chamber of Deputies
Università di Pisa
Regione Emilia-Romagna
Tribunale di Milano
200+ Hospitals, 10.000+ physicians:
Ospedale di Merano (German & Italian)
Azienda Ospedaliera Pisana
Ospedale di Viareggio
Ospedale Savigliano
Area vasta Toscana Sud-Est
Carlo Aliprandi
HealthCare (Public and Private)
Local and central Government
Customer care
Carlo Aliprandi
R&D - current projects
Mosaic (Multi-Modal Situation Assessment & Analytics Platform)
Automated detection, recognition, geo-location and mapping, to enhance situation
awareness, surveillance targeting and camera handover
Caper (Collaborative information, Acquisition, Processing, Exploitation and
Reporting for the prevention of organised crime)
A common platform for the prevention of organised crime through information
sharing, exploitation and analysis of open and closed information sources
Savas (Sharing AudioVisual language resources for Automatic Subtitling)
Audiovisual resources collection and sharing, to develop a new Speech Recognition
(ASR) technology for Multilingual Live Subtitling, specifically tuned to the needs of
the Broadcasting and New Media Industries.
OpenNER (Open Named Entity recognition)
Provide enterprise and society with base technologies for Crosslingual Named Entity
Recognition and Classification and Sentiment Analysis through the reuse of existing
Carlo Aliprandi

SyNTHEMA - MediaLab