L’alfabeto Prendete la scheda… a ___ b ___ c ___ d ___ e ___ f ___ g ___ h ___ i ___ l ___ m ___ n ___ o ___ p ___ q ___ r ___ s ___ t ___ u ___ v ___ z ___ SWBAT recall classroom commands, acquire the pronunciation of the Italian alphabet and the foreign letters in order to spell out one’s name and other words. SWBAT recall classroom commands, acquire the pronunciation of the Italian alphabet and the foreign letters in order to spell out one’s name and other words. Adesso… L’alfabeto americano = ventisei (26) lettere L’alfabeto italiano= ventuno (21) lettere Quali lettere NON esistono in italiano?! _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ • BUT the Italian language adopts a lot of words from other Foreign letters… languages… • • • • • J= I lunga K= cappa X=ics Y= ipsilon W=vu doppia/ doppia vu SWBAT recall classroom commands, acquire the pronunciation of the Italian alphabet and the foreign letters in order to spell out one’s name and other words. SWBAT recall classroom commands, acquire the pronunciation of the Italian alphabet and the foreign letters in order to spell out one’s name and other words. Ripetete: a _ah_ f _effe__ l _elle__ p _pi__ t _ti__ b _be__ g _gi__ m _emme__ q _cu__ u _u__ c _ci__ h _acca__ n _enne__ r _erre_ v _vu d _di__ i _e__ o _o__ s _esse__ z _zeta e _eh__ Ecco il completo alfabeto Io posso dire a-b-c Ho finito e basta così Un dialogo… Say hello, find out your partners name, ask how to spell it, ask how this person is doing today. • Ciao, Salve • Come ti chiami? • Come si scrive il tuo nome? (si scrive…) • Come stai? (Io sto…) SWBAT recall classroom commands, acquire the pronunciation of the Italian alphabet and the foreign letters in order to spell out one’s name and other words. Il dolce… Gioco dell’impiccato SWBAT recall classroom commands, acquire the pronunciation of the Italian alphabet and the foreign letters in order to spell out one’s name and other words. Il 12 settembre • Sub plans• Italian A- p.127 part C, page 129 part C Exploring Italian teachers guide, • P.6 and 7 Prego B, C and A Buon Giorno a tutti! Oggi è il quindici settembre Da fare adesso: 1. I gesti italiani!!! What is the correct expression? Try not to look at your notes! 1. You do not know how to spell “arrivederci” 2. You need to ask the teacher to use the bathroom 3. You answer another student and tell them how to spell “bellissimo” SWBAT recall classroom expressions and commands, acquire the colors and numbers 1-10 in Italian. Ripassiamo il lavoro • p.127 part C, page 129 part C Exploring Italian teachers guide, • P.6 and 7 Prego B, C and A SWBAT recall classroom expressions and commands, acquire the colors and numbers 1-10 in Italian. Il compito • Quiz tomorrow-greetings, salutations, classroom expressions and commands SWBAT recall classroom expressions and commands, acquire the colors and numbers 1-10 in Italian. Espressioni in classe SWBAT recall classroom expressions and commands, acquire the colors and numbers 1-10 in Italian. Rosso Arancione Giallo Verde SWBAT recall classroom expressions and commands, acquire the colors and numbers 1-10 in Italian. Blu Viola Nero Bianco Marrone SWBAT recall classroom expressions and commands, acquire the colors and numbers 1-10 in Italian. Rosa Celeste/azzurro Rosso bordeaux Chiaro Scuro SWBAT recall classroom expressions and commands, acquire Indicate il colore Alzatevi!!! SWBAT recall classroom expressions and commands, acquire the colors and numbers 1-10 in Italian. 0=zero 1=uno I numeri… 2=due 3=tre 4=quattro 5=cinque 6=sei 7=sette 8=otto 9=nove 10=dieci SWBAT recall classroom expressions and commands, acquire the colors and numbers 1-10 in Italian. Il dolce… Prendete un mini lavagna bianca e un evidenziatore!!! SWBAT recall classroom expressions and commands, acquire the colors and numbers 1-10 in Italian. Nome: Data: I numeri- 0-100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Signorina Costigliola Italiano A 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 38 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Nome: Italiano A Data: Signora Tyska Rispondete alle domande: Respond to the review questions. 1.Quanti anni hai? ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Che vuol dire “gabinetto”? ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Come si dice “hello” in italiano? ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Che cosa significa “piacere”? ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Qual’è la data di oggi(today)? ____________________________________________________________________________ 6. Qual’è il tuo numero preferito? ____________________________________________________________________________ 7.Qual’è il tuo numero di telefono? ____________________________________________________________________________ Oggi è il sedici settembre Da fare ora: Write the correct expression, try not to look at your notes! 1. You do not know how to spell “arrivederci” 2. You need to ask the teacher to use the bathroom 3. You answer another student and tell them how to spell “bellissimo” SWBAT show knowledge of greetings, classroom expressions and commands through a quiz, acquire numbers 11-100 in Italian. Ripassiamo il compito • P.6 and 7 Prego B, C and A • Quiz- greetings/class expressions- any questions?! SWBAT show knowledge of greetings, classroom expressions and commands through a quiz, acquire numbers 11-100 in Italian. Il compito • Non c’è compito!!! SWBAT show knowledge of greetings, classroom expressions and commands through a quiz, acquire numbers 11-100 in Italian. 1. L’esamino Mettete tutto sotto banco!!! 2. Prepare battleship boards SWBAT show knowledge of greetings, classroom expressions and commands through a quiz, acquire numbers 11-100 in Italian. 0=zero I numeri… 1=uno 2=due 3=tre 6=sei 4=quattro 7=sette 5=cinque 8=otto 9=nove 10=dieci SWBAT show knowledge of greetings, classroom expressions and commands through a quiz, acquire numbers 11-100 in Italian. 11=undici 12=dodici I numeri… 13=tredici 14=quattordici 15=quindici 16=sedici 17=diciassette 18=diciotto 19=dicianove 20=venti Il dolce Mamma Mia! SWBAT show knowledge of greetings, classroom expressions and commands through a quiz, acquire numbers 11-100 in Italian. 1 Battleship La mia nave La tua nave 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 Le navi: Aircraft carrier (5 spazi) Battleship (4 spazi) Cruiser (3 spazi) Patrol Boat (2 spazi) 7 8 9 10 9 10 Take turns firing upon your enemy by calling out plot points (esempio: RossoCinque). Mark your shots as “colpo” (X) or “colpo mancato” (dot) on your enemy ships plot according to your enemy’s reply. Oggi è il diciassette settembre Quali colori sono le seguenti maglie? A.C Milan 1. Inter Milan 2. Roma 3. SWBAT show knowledge of colors, acquire months and how to answer questions that have to do with numbers and personal id, utilize the structure for Il compito • Wb handout p.9, 10due Friday SWBAT show knowledge of colors, acquire months and how to answer questions that have to do with numbers and personal id, utilize the structure for 11=undici 22=ventidue I numeri…23=ventitré 12=dodici 24=ventiquattro 13=tredici 25=venticinque 14=quattordici 26=ventisei 15=quindici 27=ventisette 17=diciassette 28=ventotto 16=sedici 18=diciotto 29=ventinove 19=diciannove 30=trenta 20=venti 31=trentuno 21=ventuno I numeri… 38=trentotto 40=quaranta 50=cinquanta 60=sessanta 70=settanta 80=ottanta 90=novanta 100=cento SWBAT show knowledge of greetings, classroom expressions and commands through a quiz, acquire numbers 11-100 in Italian. Tocca a te: settantasei ottantuno 76_____________ 81_____________ cinquantacinque 49 ____________ quarantanove 55_____________ La nave da guerra… Giochiamo!!! gennaio febbraio marzo aprile maggio giugno luglio agosto settembre ottobre novembre dicembre SWBAT show knowledge of colors, acquire months and how to answer questions that have to do with numbers and personal id, utilize the structure for Il dolce • Prendete il biglietto e scrivete: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SWBAT show knowledge of colors, acquire months and how to answer questions that have to do with numbers and personal id, utilize the structure for Da fare ora: Rispondete nel quaderno: 1.Quanti anni ha tua mamma? 2.Quanti anni ha tuo cugino/ tua cugina(cousin)? 3.In che mese è Halloween? 4.In che mese è il giorno di indipendenza americana? 5.In che mese è il tuo compleanno (birthday)? SWBAT utilize months, numbers and the alphabet, acquire how to answer questions that have to do with numbers and personal id, practice the structure gennaio febbraio marzo aprile maggio giugno luglio agosto settembre ottobre novembre dicembre SWBAT utilize months, numbers and the alphabet, acquire how to answer questions that have to do with numbers and personal id, practice the structure Il compito • Wb handout p.9, 10due tomorrow • Quiz Tuesday- alphabet, colors, months, dates, numbers SWBAT utilize months, numbers and the alphabet, acquire how to answer questions that have to do with numbers and personal id, practice the structure Classnotes- handout Domanda(question), Risposta(response) L’eta (age) 1. a)Domanda: Quanti anni hai? Risposta: Io ho____ anni. 1. b)Domanda:Quanti anni ha Mark Sanchez? Risposta: Lui ha _____ anni. Avere- to have, to be a certain amount of years old Io ho Tu hai Lui/lei ha SWBAT utilize months, numbers and the alphabet, acquire how to answer questions that have to do with numbers and personal id, practice the structure for writing the date in Italian. Classnotes SWBAT utilize months, numbers and the alphabet, acquire how to answer questions that have to do with numbers and personal id, practice the structure for writing the date in Italian. La Data (the date) 2. a)Domanda: Qual’è la data? Risposta: È il _______ di settembre. 2. b)Domanda: Qual’è la data di tuo compleanno? Qual’è la data di Halloween? Risposta: La data di mio compleanno è il _____ di _______. La data di Halloween è il _______ di ottobre. Tocca a te: Scrivete le date importanti 1. Il giorno di Cristoforo Colombo (8/10) 2. Natale (christmas) (25/12) 3. La festa dell’ indipendenza americana (4/7) 4. Il primo giorno di scuola quest’anno (3/9) 5. Il giorno di Halloween (31/10) SWBAT utilize months, numbers and the alphabet, acquire how to answer questions that have to do with numbers and personal id, practice the structure for writing the date in Italian. Il dolce SWBAT utilize months, numbers and the alphabet, acquire how to answer questions that have to do with numbers and personal id, practice the structure for writing the date in Italian. Da fare ora: 1. Clock partners 2.Con un compagno di classe… SWBAT spell out words in Italian, acquire how to answer questions that have to do with numbers and personal id, show knowledge of intro topics through the use of e-clickers. Wb handout p.9, 10 B and C SWBAT spell out words in Italian, acquire how to answer questions that have to do with numbers and personal id, show knowledge of intro topics through the use of e-clickers. Quiz Tuesday- alphabet, colors, months, dates, numbers SWBAT spell out words in Italian, acquire how to answer questions that have to do with numbers and personal id, show knowledge of intro topics through the use of e-clickers. Classnotes Il numero di telefono (telephone number) 3. a)Domanda: Qual’è il tuo numero di telefono? Risposta: Il mio numero di telefono è _______ . 3. b)Domanda: Qual’è il numero di telefono di White Plains High? Risposta: Il numero di telefono di White Plains è ________. Classnotes Il numero preferito(favorite number) 4. a)Domanda: Qual’è il tuo numero preferito? Risposta: Il mio numero preferito è _______ . 4. b)Domanda: Qual’è il numero preferito di Signora T? Risposta: Il numero preferito di Signora T è ________. SWBAT spell out words in Italian, acquire how to answer questions that have to do with numbers and personal id, show knowledge of intro topics through the use of e-clickers.