Le filiere dell'energia
Fondazione Internazionale Trieste
L'energia nei paesi in via di sviluppo
Ralph Gebauer
Monday, May 31st, 2010
ICTP’s mission
• Foster the growth of advanced studies and research in physics and mathematics, especially
among researchers from developing countries;
• Provide an international forum for the exchange of information and ideas among scientists
from the North and South;
• Maintain excellent research facilities for visitors, associates and fellows, principally from
developing countries, who participate in the Centre's research and training activities.
Example: Ethiopia
Population (2005): 73 million
TPES (2003): 238.4 109 kWh
Share of renewables: > 92%
Example: Ethiopia
Population (2005): 73 million
TPES (2003): 238.4 109 kWh
Share of renewables: > 92%
Share of renewables, excluding combustible renewables: < 1%
This portion is mainly hydro-electricity from large installations
(mainly unreliable)
Solar energy distribution in Europe
Solar energy distribution worldwide
Required Land Areas
using 10 % efficient photovoltaic modules
Percentage of
total Sahara area:
0.12 %
0.7 %
5.4 %
7.6 %
40 % of present annual end energy consumption of FRG (3*1018 J)
50% of present end energy use of Western Europe (1.8 * 1019 J)
50 % of present annual world energy consumption (1020 J)
50 % of extrapolated annual world energy consumption in 2030 (2* 1019 J)
Arbeitskreis Alternativenergie Tübingen (Herausg.): "Energiepolitik vonunten", Fischer, Frankfurt/Main, 1982
Hanoi, Dec 2009
Addis Ababa, Maggio 2010
Key challenges for research in new materials:
Energy conversion which is:
• Scalable (10 – 30 TW, in 2050)
• CO2 free
• Affordable
Energy storage which is:
• Scalable
• Affordable
"Energy engineering" knowledge:
• For all

Time-dependent density functional theory and its applications to