Alternating training
in Italy
Dott. Ruggiero Francavilla
Dirigente Ufficio III – USR Puglia
Castellana Grotte 12 aprile 2010
Legge 28 marzo 2003, n.53 (art. 4)
Decreto legislativo 15 aprile 2005, n.77
Accordo - quadro regionale 9 luglio 2003
(Regione Puglia, USR Puglia, Confindustria,
Unioncamere, Spegea)
Castellana Grotte 12 aprile 2010
Objectives of alternating training
To allow all students to complete their
education between 15 and 18 years of age, by
means of alternating school and job training
periods, on the basis of formal agreements with
businesses,artisans,public and private services
which are available to host students for
qualifying periods.
Castellana Grotte 12 aprile 2010
What alternating training is NOT
It’s NOT a stage, that is a verification field of
what has been learned at school;
Here the job experience is substitutive not
additional to the normal traditional school
Castellana Grotte 12 aprile 2010
What alternating training is NOT
It is NOT an apprenticesip, since students keep
their students’ status being under the formal
responsability of the school
Castellana Grotte 12 aprile 2010
What alternating training is NOT
It is NOT a third way to education,in addition to
the grammar schools and vocational school system
It is NOT a specific educational procedure,
aimed to weaker subjects in education
Castellana Grotte 12 aprile 2010
What is alternating training
It is an educational course aimed to the
acquistion of competences spendable on the
job market.
Castellana Grotte 12 aprile 2010
What is alternating training
It is an innovative educational methodology
which tries to get through the traditional separating
line between the educational act and the application
one, following the learning by doing theory
It is an educational methodology which values the
formative aspect of practice focusing on skills
rather than on professional aspects
Castellana Grotte 12 aprile 2010
What is alternating training
It is an educational course which has an
orientation function, whose aim is to transmitt
young generations the right value of work,
meant as irreplaceable element of freedom and
social and moral redemption of individuals.
It is an educational course which tries to
transform knowledge into competence
Castellana Grotte 12 aprile 2010
Advantages for institutions:
a) Cross over the schools self-referential attitude
b) To enhance competences
c) To facilitate orientation and profesional integration
d)To contribute to the economic and moral development of
the Country
e) To facilitate continous teachers’ in-service training
f) To develop teaching contents and school organization
Castellana Grotte 12 aprile 2010
Advantages for firms:
a) To spread the value of entrepreneurship
b) To become active subject of the training process
Castellana Grotte 12 aprile 2010
Advantages for youth and families:
a) Full realization of the individual life project
b) Exploitation of skills and potentalities unexploited at
d) Verification of training and profesional attitudes
e) Direct opportunities of job resources
Castellana Grotte 12 aprile 2010
Alternating training in Apulia
- a.s. 2003/04
- a.s. 2004/05
- a.s. 2005/06
- a.s. 2006/07
- a.s. 2007/08
- a.s. 2008/09
- a.s. 2009/10
n. 17
n. 20
n. 41
n. 76
n. 84
n. 90
n. 56
Castellana Grotte 12 aprile 2010
Vocational training has always been on
the forefront in linking school and job
market. To be remembered, the introduction
of the professional area, since 1994, which
sees the compulsory in-training for 120
hours in the last two school years.
Castellana Grotte 12 aprile 2010
Last but not least, the new reorganization of
vocational schools of 15°th March 2010,
states that these schools paths must be
developed through “active” methodologies
such as laboratorial teaching
alternating training.
Castellana Grotte 12 aprile 2010

I percorsi di Istruzione e Formazione Professionale