LUNA beyond the Sun Carlo Broggini, INFN-Padova Men in pits or wells sometimes see the stars…. Aristotle Nuclear Burning in Stars s(Estar) s(E) = S(E) e–2ph Reaction Rate(star) F(E) s(E) dE Gamow Peak Maxwell Boltzmann s E-1 Extrap. Meas. F = 0.7 m-2 h-1 F -6 cm-2 s-1 310 n luna LUNA1 ( 50 kV) Voltage Range : 1 - 50 kV Output Current: 1 mA Beam energy spread: 20 eV Long term stability (8 h): 10-4 Terminal Voltage ripple: 5 10-5 LUNA2 (400 kV) Voltage Range :50-400 kV Output Current: 1 mA (@ 400 kV) Absolute Energy error ±300 eV Beam energy spread: <100 eV Long term stability (1 h) : 5 eV Terminal Voltage ripple: 5 Vpp Ge detector pp chain p + p d + e+ + n e d + p 3He + g 84.7 % 3He 13.8 % +3He a+2p 3He +4He 7Be + g 0.02% 13.78 % 7Be+e- 7Li 7Li 7Be + g +ne +p a + a 8B 0,57 2a + e++ ne activation-PRL+PRC activation 0,55 S(E) [keV b] + p 8B + g on-line 0,53 0,51 0,49 0,47 0,45 80 100 120 140 Ecm [keV] 160 180 278 7556 1/2 7/2 + 5/2 + -21 6859 6793 3/2 + - 504 6176 3/2 - 5241 5/2 + 5183 1/2 + 1/2 - 7297 7276 14N+p 14N(p,g)15O + Q=7.3 MeV 15O 0 25Mg(p,g)26Al 304 Ex (keV) 6598 190 6496 130 6436 4- 92 6399 2- ECM (keV) Novae explosive Burning (T9>0.1) AGB or W-R Stars (T9~0.05) Jp 5+ 5+ No direct strength resonance data (level structure derived from the singe particle transfer reaction: 25Mg(3He,d)26Al) Q = 6306 keV 25Mg+p Astrophysical sites AGB stars; Novae; Massive stars. Motivation Nucleosintesis of the elements 0+ 24<A<27 5+ Astronomical interest of 1809 keV 26Mg g line 26Alm 26Al0 228 0 What else can be done with LUNA II (400kV) ? CNO Ne-Na BBN reaction Q-value (MeV) Gamow energy (keV) 15N(p,g)16O 12.13 10-300 130 50 17O(p,g)18F 5.6 35-260 300 65 18O(p,g)19F 8.0 50-200 143 89 23Na(p,g)24Mg 11.7 100-200 240 138 22Ne(p,g)23Na 8.8 50-300 250 68 1.47 50-300 700(direct) 50(indirect) 50 D(a,g)6Li Lowest meas. Energy (keV) proposal submitted to INFN (2008-2012) LUNA limit 2H(a,g)6Li Q=1.47 MeV Burning energy: 50-300 keV 12C(a,g)16O •MV-accelerator •12C-enriched targets •Beam intensity: 500A •Detection efficiency: 50% total 2.5% single segment (angular distributions) •Detection set-up: scintillator-crystal ball • We would have the possibility to measure angular distributions down to 600 keV and total S-factor down to 500 keV with 10% accuracy • Theoreticians ask for 10% uncertainty on Stot(300) Great step forward: so far,10% accuracy only over 1.5 MeV Reactions powering the astrophysical sprocess Neutron source reactions: 13C(a,n)16O and 22Ne(a,n)25Mg - Important for nucleosynthesis of elements heavier than iron -Take place in helium- and carbon-burning reactions in massive and AGB stars -For 13C(a,n)16O data above 270 keV are available (Gamow peak ~170 keV, LUNA ~200 keV) - For 22Ne(a,n)25Mg data above 850 keV are available (Gamow peak ~470-700 keV, LUNA ~630 keV) MV-accelerator Accelerator Accelerator requirements: MV electrostatic accelerator Option 1: HVEE + conventional RF ion source Option 2: NEC + ECR high charge state ion source Two possible layouts: letter of intent submitted to LNGS COLLABORATION Germany BOCHUM, Inst. For Experimental Physics, Ruhr-Universitat: C. Rolfs, F. Strieder, H.P. Trautvetter DRESDEN, Inst. For Radiation Physics, Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf : D. Bemmerer, M. Marta Hungary DEBRECEN, ATOMKI: Z. Elekes, Zs. Fulop, Gy. Gyurky, E. Somorjai Italy GENOVA, Università degli Studi and INFN: F. Confortola, P. Corvisiero, H. Costantini, A. Lemut, P. Prati LNGS, Gran Sasso: A. Formicola, C. Gustavino, M. Junker MILANO, Università degli Studi, Ist. Di Fisica Generale Applicata and INFN: R. Bonetti, A. Guglielmetti, C. Mazzocchi NAPOLI, Università, Dip. Scienze Fisiche and INFN: G. Imbriani, A. Di Leva, B. Limata, E. Roca, M. Romano, O. Straniero NAPOLI, II Università, Dip. Scienze Ambientali and INFN: F. Terrasi PADOVA, Università degli Studi and INFN: C. Broggini, A. Caciolli, R. Menegazzo, C. Rossi Alvarez TORINO, Università, Dip. Fisica Sperimentale and INFN: G. Gervino 3He(a,g)7Be Q=1.6 MeV Solar Neutrinos:7Be,8B BBN 7Li •Cross section from prompt gamma down to 90 keV (CM energy) using 4He beam on 3He target •Activation via off-line radioactive decay measurements of the 7Be atoms collected in the beam catcher •All with a final error < 5 % Summary of previous measurements 0,8 on-line g - measurements <S34(0)> = 0.51 ± 0.02 keV b activation measurements <S34(0)> = 0.57 ± 0.03 keV b S34(0) [keV 0,7 activation average 0,6 on-line g - meas. average 0,5 0,4 Nagatani et. al. 1969 Robertson et. al. 1983 Volk et. al. 1983 Osborne et. al. 1982 Hilgemeier et. al. 1988 Osborne et. al. 1982 Nara Singh et. al. 2004 Alexander et. al. 1984 Parker et. al. 1963 Kr winkel et. al. 1982 Hilgemeier et. al. 1988 0,3 Recommended S34(0) values: R-matrix analysis: 0.53 ± 0.05 keV b (9%) [Adelberger 98] 0.54 ± 0.09 keV b (16%) [NACRE 99] 0.51 ± 0.04 keV b (8%) [Descouvemont 2004] Activation measurement o 4He beam @ 350 keV o <I> ~ 230 µA o Recirculated 3He @ 0.7 mbar T½ =52.2±1.5 d Prompt g-spectra o 4He beam @ 400 keV o <I> ~ 300 µA o Irradiation time: 4.4d o 4He beam @ 220 keV o <I> ~ 240 µA o Irradiation time: 24.4d 0,57 activation-PRL+PRC activation S(E) [keV b] 0,55 on-line 0,53 0,51 0,49 0,47 0,45 80 100 120 140 Ecm [keV] ΔS = -1.4 4.2 % 160 180 S34(0) = 0.560 0.017 keV barn s of 3He(a,g)7Be down to 93 keV 7Be ≈ prompt g S34(0) = 0.560 0.016 keV barn ΔΦ(nB) reduced from 12% to 10% ΔΦ(nBe) reduced from 9.4% to 5.5% (C. Pena Garay) LUNA INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso D.Bemmerer,R.Bonetti,C.Broggini*,F. Confortola,P.Corvisiero,H.Costantini,Z .Elekes, A.Formicola, Z. Fülöp, G.Gervino,A.Guglielmetti, C.Gustavino, G. Gyurky, G. Imbriani, M.Junker, A.Lemut, B.Limata, V.Lozza,M.Marta,R.Menegazzo, P.Prati, V.Roca, C.Rolfs, M.Romano, C.RossiAlvarez, O.Straniero,F.Strieder, E.Somorjai,F.Terrasi,H.P.Trautvetter •INFN : Genova, LNGS, Milano, Napoli, Padova, Torino •Inst.Physik mit Ionenstrahlen, RuhrUniversität Bochum (GE) •Atomki Debrecen (Hungary) 0.45% HPGe Efficiency 0.40% 511 keV 662 keV 1173 keV 1275 keV 1332 keV 0.35% Efficienza % 0.30% 0.25% 0.20% 0.15% 0.10% 0.05% 0.00% 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 ACTIVITY 7Be counting efficiency PROMPT-g 1.8% Beam intensity 1.5% Target density 1.5% Beam intensity 1.5% Beam heating effect 1.3% Target density without beam 0.6% 3He purity 0.1% 7Be 0.5% Efficiency 1.5% Angular distribution 1.5% backscattering Incomplete 7Be collection 0.4% 7Be 0.4% distribution in catcher 478 keV branching 0.4% 7Be half-life 0.1% 3He purity in target 0.1% 25Mg(p,g)26Al Q=6.3 MeV Nucleosynthesis Mg-Al Astronomical interest of the g from 26Al decay •Cross section at 180-400 keV with Ge detectors •Cross section down to 90 keV with BGO summing crystals Turbo Pump 1”x1”NaI(Tl) 4 BGO Detector Target incl LN2 Trap and H2O cooling Lead shielding LN2 Trap (Isolated) Gate Valve Faraday Cup Beam Profile Monitor 4 Slits Wobblers Bellow * ncno from the Sun * Globular cluster age * C yield in AGB stars 15N(p,g)16O Q=12.13 MeV