“Capitalization of JULIUS Project's results: a route toward 2014-2020 Program” Saverio D’Eredità, INFORMEST Bruxelles, 4 The project Goals The project aims at improving social integration and quality of life through a sustainable and environmentally respectful approach to sport and social infrastructures. The project main purpose is the promotion of openair sport activities – in particular Alpine ones, e.g. climbing, hiking and mountaineering – especially addressed to young and socially disadvantaged individuals. JULIUS – Fruizione e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale e utilizzo congiunto di infrastrutture sportive nell’area transfrontaliera dalle Alpi Giulie all’Adriatico Julius - Raba in ovrednotenje kulturne dediščine ter skupna uporaba športne infrastrukture na čezmejnem območju od Julijskih Alp do Jadrana Saverio D’Eredità, Bruxelles, 10/10/2012 The project The activities JULIUS IN 3 POINTS 1) An active project 2) A project for mountain culture 3) A concrete project JULIUS – Fruizione e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale e utilizzo congiunto di infrastrutture sportive nell’area transfrontaliera dalle Alpi Giulie all’Adriatico Julius - Raba in ovrednotenje kulturne dediščine ter skupna uporaba športne infrastrukture na čezmejnem območju od Julijskih Alp do Jadrana Saverio D’Eredità, Bruxelles 10/10/2013 Capitalization of results What is it possible to learn from JULIUS experience? 1. Open-air activities with targeted groups (young, tourists, disabled and citizens); 2. Infrastructures and services for sport activities; 3. Cultiral exibitions, guides and pubblications. Sustainability is acheivable thanks to local agents involvement and project’s purposes calibration in order to meet targeted groups’ real needs. JULIUS – Fruizione e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale e utilizzo congiunto di infrastrutture sportive nell’area transfrontaliera dalle Alpi Giulie all’Adriatico Julius - Raba in ovrednotenje kulturne dediščine ter skupna uporaba športne infrastrukture na čezmejnem območju od Julijskih Alp do Jadrana Saverio D’Eredità, Bruxelles 10/10/2013 Capitalization of results A new and innovative concept of territorial enhancement 1. Evolution: from the usual «environmental protection and safeguard» to a smart and active approach to natural resources and heritage; 2. Regional Inland: from disadvantaged areas to surplus-value; 3. Strengthening of the regional cross-border feature: collaborations among Julian Prealps Parks and Karst Plateau ones; 4. Active tourism as a driver for natural areas; 5. Social inclusion and sustainable tourism as elements to be competitive. JULIUS – Fruizione e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale e utilizzo congiunto di infrastrutture sportive nell’area transfrontaliera dalle Alpi Giulie all’Adriatico Julius - Raba in ovrednotenje kulturne dediščine ter skupna uporaba športne infrastrukture na čezmejnem območju od Julijskih Alp do Jadrana Saverio D’Eredità, Bruxelles 10/10/2013 THE INDOOR CLIMBING GYM IN CODROIPO THE GYM IN POSTOJNA EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES TRAINING COURSES THEMED ITINERARIES FOR THE MOUNTAIN CULTURE Thank you for your attention! Hvala za vašo pozornost! Saverio D’Eredità INFORMEST [email protected] +39/0481 597407