Interfacciamento • emissione su stampante di un dato che rappresenta una tensione acquisita da un convertitore analogico digitale • decodifica e visualizzazione del segnale orario dell’Istituto Galileo Ferraris diffuso dalla RAI Modalità di realizzazione • Acquisizione d.d.p. • tramite Personal Computer • tramite microcontrollore 80552 • Decodifica oraria • tramite Personal Computer • tramite microcontrollore 80552 SCHEMA A BLOCCHI Acquisizione d.d.p. tramite personal computer d.d.p. scheda ADC PC programma stampante SCHEMA A BLOCCHI Acquisizione d.d.p. tramite microcontrollore 80552 d.d.p. microcontrollore 80552 contiene un ADC a 10 bit programma stampante Blocchi funzionali voltmetro Acquisizione dati Start Conversione formato Lettura Reset Stampa tensioni Invio sincrono Vuota buffer Temporizzazioni stampante Segmento di acquisizione e conversione formato outportb(adc,0x1); delay(1); dato = inportb(adc); num = dato * 0.01953; sprintf(dato_stampa,"%f",num); for (i=0; i<5; i++){ outportb(port, dato_stampa[i]); } ... SCHEMA A BLOCCHI Decodifica segnale orario tramite personal computer segnale B.F. RAI PLL lpt1 PC display 7 seg. programma video SCHEMA A BLOCCHI Decodifica segnale orario tramite microcontrollore 80552 segnale B.F. RAI PLL 80552 programma display 7 seg. Segnale orario codificato Blocchi funzionali orario decodifica segnale attendi sincronismo leggi i bit del segnale emetti display attiva digit attiva segmento stampa video solo PC Segmento stampa_display void stampa_display(unsigned long dato_letto) { unsigned char temp,temp1; struct orario{ unsigned Parita2 : 1; unsigned gioS : 3; unsigned gioU : 4; unsigned gioD : 2; unsigned mesU : 4; unsigned mesD : 1; unsigned Parita1 : 1; unsigned Legale : 1; unsigned minU : 4; unsigned minD : 3; unsigned oraU : 4; unsigned oraD : 2; }; union { struct orario y; unsigned long letto; } x ; x.letto = dato_letto; #define rai(tv) 0x0B ^ Struttura microcontrollore 80552 Dettaglio memoria SFRegisters C:\disco_d\SCUOLA\sheet\80c552overwiev.pdf HEADER per 80552 /* - IO525.H - Special header for the 80C552 processor. Version 4.00 [IANR] */ #pragma language=extended /*===============================*/ /* Predefined SFR Byte Addresses */ /*===============================*/ sfr sfr sfr sfr sfr sfr P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 = 0x80; = 0x90; = 0xA0; = 0xB0; = 0xC0; = 0xC4; sfr sfr sfr sfr PSW = 0xD0; ACC = 0xE0; B = 0xF0; SP = 0x81; HEADER 80552 /* ######################### 8X51 and 8xC51 ########################### */ #define P0 (*(unsigned char *)(0x80)) #define SP (*(unsigned char *)(0x81)) #define PCON (*(unsigned char *)(0x87)) #define TCON (*(unsigned char *)(0x88)) #define TMOD (*(unsigned char *)(0x89)) #define TL0 (*(unsigned char *)(0x8a)) #define TL1 (*(unsigned char *)(0x8b)) #define TH0 (*(unsigned char *)(0x8c)) #define TH1 (*(unsigned char *)(0x8d)) #define P1 (*(unsigned char *)(0x90)) #define SCON (*(unsigned char *)(0x98)) #define SBUF (*(unsigned char *)(0x99)) #define P2 (*(unsigned char *)(0xA0)) #define IE (*(unsigned char *)(0xA8)) #define P3 (*(unsigned char *)(0xB0)) #define IP (*(unsigned char *)(0xB8)) #define PSW (*(unsigned char *)(0xD0)) #define ACC (*(unsigned char *)(0xE0)) #define B (*(unsigned char *)(0xF0)) Compilatore e Linker IAR • compilatore • ICC8051 -ms -L -q -P <path> nomefile.C • linker • XLINK - f <path> nomefile.XCL Il File nome.XCL -! -LNK8051.XCLXLINK 4.2x command file to be used with the 8051 C-compiler V4.xx using the -mt, -ms, -mc, -mm or -ml memory model Usage: xlink your_file(s) -f lnk8051l First: define CPU -! -c8051 -! Select register bank [0,8,10 or 18]-! -D_R=0 -! Setup "bit" segments (always zero if there is no need to reserve bit variable space for some other purpose) -! -Z(BIT)C_ARGB,BITVARS=0 -! Setup "data" segments. Start address may not be less than _R+8 (start of register bank + 8). Space must also be left for interrupt functions with the "using" attribute. That is, if _R is 0 and there is an interrupt function with using [1], the start address should be set to 10 (hex) -! -Z(DATA)C_ARGD,D_UDATA,D_IDATA=8 ecc. File in formato INTEL :10028D001203317810E4F608F6C37811E6940618D7 :10029D00E69400506A75C5087F017E0012035D78F3 :1002AD0016A6C675C5007816E6FFE4FEFDFC120223 :1002BD00517B617AFD799F783C1200B57812A604C6 :1002CD0008A60508A60608A607780AE4F608F6C3E8 :1002DD00780BE6940518E69400501075C041120392 :1002ED0011780B06E61870010680E412034C7FE8C6 :1002FD007E0312035D781106E618700106808A7F71 :10030D00007E00227F017E0012035D7590FE7F014D :10031D007E0012035D7590FF7F017E0012035D7FED :10032D00007E00227590FF7F017E0012035D75C077 :10033D001B12031175C0401203117F007E00227540 :10034D00C00A12031175C00D1203117F007E002229 :10035D007808A60608A607780CE4F608F6C3780D0B :10036D00E679099718E619975026780EE4F608F6FF :10037D00C3780FE694DC18E69405500A780F06E66C :10038D001870010680EA780D06E61870010680CD1A :01039D00223D :03000000020003F8 :1000030075811678167600D8FC900000AE83AF8217 ... parte di file pronto per essere inviato ad un programmatore di EPROM