Università di Pavia Corso di Laurea in Editoria e Comunicazione Multimediale Agnese Fonte Eye-tracking e disabilità Relatore: chiar.mo prof. Mauro Mosconi Correlatore: chiar.mo prof. Marco Porta Specialized Degree in Publishing and Multimedia Communication Communication by disabled people by means of Multimedia Technology Assistive Technologies AT promote greater independence by enabling people to perform tasks that they were formerly unable to accomplish Assistive Technologies Technologies ALS Eye-Tracking Disabilities My Thesis, with interviews with patients My Thesis, with interviews with patients Outline 1 motor impairments and ALS 2 accessibility 3 laws and regulations 4 assistive technologies and eye-tracking (ET) 5 ET applications for disabilities (Italian market) 6 interviews with ALS patients 7 conclusions Eye-Tracking infrared leds Eye-trackers calculate the point of gaze ("where we are looking"). They allow disabled people to communicate with eyes. infrared camera E.T. Italian Market SrLabs Tobii Easy Labs Erica / Alea Tech. Tiflosystem Seetech Handy System Tobii Eye-Tracking Applications for disability Basic interaction techniques Instant speech from preset phrases Virtual keyboard Predictive keyboards Applications for “advanced” users E-mail Internet browsing VoIP Telephone Reading Multimedia Archives Home automation (domotics) E.T. Italian market: emerging issues North-South divide in Italy North South Sicily # of Eye-Trackers Institutions’ support in Europe and in Italy ALS ALS Italy ALS Cerebral Palsi (CP) CP Europe CP Interviews with ALS patients Interviews with ALS patients Interviews Stefano Borgonovo, with ALS ex patients - footbal player “Non getto via la vita. Continuerò a dare il mio contributo perché si riesca a trovare una cura. La vita non si getta mai via. Non bisogna distruggere il bene più prezioso che abbiamo.” Interviews Anna Cortese, withmiddle-aged ALS patientslady “L’eye tracker è stato la mia salvezza. Ho ricominciato a vivere comunicando con gli altri.” InterviewsCasadidio, Maurizio with ALS apatients fight against bureaucracy “Mi ha dato la possibilità di rivivere la comunicazione con gli altri” Interviews Antonio Tessitore, with ALSleaving patients no stone unturned “Ho dato un senso a questa assurda lotta contro la malattia. Pur essendo stato una cavia, mi sento fortunato. Non ho intenzione di lasciare nulla d’intentato. E’ una battaglia dura ma non lasciamoci sconfiggere dalla paura!” Interviews Antonio Carboni, with ALS worried patients about his family “Ho il desiderio di rimanere aggrappato alla vita e la volontà di continuare a darle un senso.” Once again, connected to the world Thanks for your attention!