I PROGETTI VOICE E MOISE Presentazione di Giuliano Pirelli European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for the Protection and the Security of the Citizen Seminario Moise Madrid, 15 dicembre 2001 ACCESSIBILITA’ ED INTEGRAZIONE NELLA SCUOLA LA SORDITA’ IL PROGETTO VOICE Il Progetto VOICE Il PROGETTO Voice VOICE and MOISE Projects - Madrid Principio di base Promuovere l’uso dei sistemi di riconoscimento vocale per la sordità. Esempio: un PC può riconoscere le parole e convertirle in testo, consentendo ad una persona sorda di leggere su uno schermo ciò che viene detto. Sottotitoli per: scuola conferenze transmissioni televisive conversazione telefonica VOICE TEXT VOICE and MOISE Projects - Madrid Sottotitolazione VOICE and MOISE Projects - Madrid Riconoscimento via telefono VOICE and MOISE Projects - Madrid Il Progetto VOICE Videoconferenza sottotitolata [email protected] http://voice.jrc.it 100 seminari, 5000 partecipanti, Sito Web e Forum Associazioni Sperimentazione presso le scuole Trasmissioni RAI, RTBF, TV5, contatti TV Europa e Canada. PC portatile con occhiali Seminario sottotitolato VOICE and MOISE Projects - Madrid Telematics Applications Programme VOICE Accompanying Measure: Giving a VOICE to the deaf, by developing awareness of VOICE to text recognition capabilities Objectives: Partners develop prototypes of voice systems for the deaf demonstrate the prototypes to relevant organisations use a VOICE Forum on the Internet as a Project tool organise meetings / workshops using the prototypes JRC-ISIS, Kepler University of Linz, SoftSol-FBL, ALFA, CECOEV, IHSB Duration: 2 years VOICE and MOISE Projects - Madrid Conferences, School or University A slide is projected on the left screen by the speaker: the text generated by the speech recognition system is converted into subtitling lines and projected on the right wall-screen, under the speaker's image taken by a video-camera. VOICE and MOISE Projects - Madrid Subtitled Videoconference A deaf user communicates with a colleague: the text generated by the speech recognition system is converted into subtitling lines and overlaid onto the correspondent’s video image. VOICE and MOISE Projects - Madrid Hearing impairment 25% of EU elderly or disabled (hearing loss increasing with age) 5% of EU deaf or hard of hearing Just imagine being one of Europe’s... 300,000 3,000,000 30,000,000 deaf (0.1% of the population) partially deaf (1%) hard of hearing, disavantaged and foreigners(10%) …and try to read my lips. VOICE and MOISE Projects - Madrid VOICE Project EUROPEAN COMMISSION JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE Ispra Site INSTITUTE FOR THE PROTECTION AND THE SECURITY OF THE CITIZEN VOICE PROJECT [email protected] http://voice.jrc.it [email protected] fax: +39-0332-785154 tel.: +39-0332-785113 VOICE and MOISE Projects - Madrid