IMMUNOTERAPIA SPECIFICA (ITS) Somministrazione di estratti allergenici purificati (prima a dosi crescenti e poi a dose di mantenimento), al fine di ottenere la riduzione della risposta clinica all’allergene stesso. L’immunoterapia allergene specifica è un vaccino a tutti gli effetti La via tradizionale di somministrazione è quella iniettiva sottocutanea (SCIT), ed è disponibile in alternativa anche la via sublinguale Leonard Noon 1877-1913 ISHIZAKA NOON 1986 Uso empirico Studi randomizzati IgE 1928 2005 1960 ROMAGNANI Allergoidi SLIT 1986 Peptidi Meccanismi Th1/Th2 WHO Pos Pap Liposomi, Adiuvanti Allergeni ricombinanti 1990 1998 DURHAM DNABased ITS 2005 Rands DA. Anaphylactic reaction to desensitization for allergic rhinitis and astma Br Med J 1980; 281: 854 Frankland AW. Anaphylactic reaction to desensitization. Br Med J 1980; 281: 1429 Ewan PW. Anaphylactic reaction to desensitization. Br Med J 1980; 281: 1069 Committee on the safety of medicines (CMS) CMS Update Desensitizing vaccines Br Med J 1986; 293:948 26 fatalities since 1957 certainly due to IT 11 of them since 1980 Dal 1910 fino agli anni ’70: Prescrizione ingiustificata dell’ITS Prescrizione non corretta Pratica non adeguata, senza regole precauzionali e con estratti scadenti DUBBIA EFFICACIA E SCARSA SICUREZZA Desensitizing vaccines 26 deaths due to SCIT Committee on the Safety of Medicines BMJ 1986 Non-injection routes for immunotherapy ... the overall aim of improving safety of immunotherapy and making it more convenient for the patients... EAACI IT Position Paper 1993 WHO Pos Pap. Therapeutical vaccines for allergic diseases Allergy 1998 Standards for practical allergen-specific immunotherapy. Allergy 2006 Allergen immunotherapy: A practice parameter second update JACI 2007 L'ITS e' mirata invece all'allergene causale e non all'organo principalmente coinvolto.” L’ITS non è un trattamento di ultima scelta da usare se i farmaci falliscono, ma è complementare ad essi. L’ITS è efficace nelle allergie da -Inalanti (acari, pollini, alcuni funghi, epitelio di gatto) - Veleno di imenotteri RINITE SINTOMI SCIT - Meta-analysis: Symptom score RINITE FARMACI Calderon M et al 2007 Passalacqua G, Canonica GW. Clin Exp Allergy 2011 Cochrane 2010 MEDICATIONS BHR Cochrane 2010 ARIA Update on immunotherapy SR Durham and G.Passalacqua JACI 2007 SCIT SLIT Clinical efficacy: Rhinitis Ia Ia Clinical Efficacy: Asthma Ia Ia Clinical efficacy: Children (rhinitis) Children (asthma) Ib Ib Ia Ia Prevention of new sensitizations Ib IIa Longterm effect Ib IIa Prevention of asthma IIb IIb Aspetti pratici. In Italia è un “patient named product” (preparato dalla ditta per ciascun paziente dietro indicazione specialistica. Gli estratti sono standardizzati (ossia è nota la quantità di allergene maggiore e la potenza) Si effettua una fase di graduale incremento del dosaggio (solitamente 1/sett per 2 mesi), seguita da una fase di mantenimento (1/mese). Per allergeni pollinici si può effettuare un trattamento prestagionale. Per allergeni perenni, il trattamento è continuativo. Durata consigliata 3-5 anni, da sospendere se dopo 2 anni non si ha beneficio. Indications Not costeffective? Mild intermitt. Mild Moderate- persistent severe intermitt. Moderatesevere persistent RHINITIS IMMUNOTHERAPY. ASTHMA HIGH RISK? Intermitt. Mild Moderate Severe I fattori da valutare nella prescrizione dell’ITS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Il disturbo deve essere IgE - mediato (skin test o RAST positivi) L’allergene responsabile deve essere individuato con sicurezza Valutare la gravità e la durata dei sintomi l trattamento farmacologico é sufficientemente ben tollerato? Il paziente é in grado di affrontare l’ITS? (costi, impegno, stile di vita) È disponibile un vaccino standardizzato? L’efficacia del vaccino che si intende usare é dimostrata? CAUSAL ROLE OF THE ALLERGEN(S): Clinical history and exposure SKIN TESTING RAST ASSAY NASAL (CONJUNCTIVAL) CHALLENGE SLIT (IT in general) for the clinically relevant allergen(s) Preferably one, but in selected cases 2 or 3 extracts. Verificare ed annotare la dose, l’ora e il sito di iniezione Visitare il paziente!!! Iniezione sottocutanea Aspirare per escludere di iniettare in un vaso Tempo di osservazione 30 minuti PREMEDICATION: PROS: Preventing reactions Avoiding severe reactions Diminishing reactions’intensity CONS: May mask symptoms’ onset May delay appropriate treatment INDUZIONE O BUILD-UP Flac 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 Flac 2 Flac 3 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 MANTENIMENTO 0.8 0.8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 settimane 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 mesi INIZIO: Prima della stagione di pollinazione (2 mesi) In qualsiasi momento per i perenni SCHEMA: Tradizionale, cluster, rush MANTENIMENTO: Prestagionale, precostagionale, continuo DURATA: Almeno 3-5 anni, poi se beneficio sospendere Se non beneficio dopo 2 anni sospendere VALUTAZIONE: Clinica (riduzione dei sintomi e dei farmaci) CONTRAINDICATIONS •Co-existent uncontrolled asthma (within the UK, presence of asthma is considered a relative contraindication). •Patients taking beta blockers •Patients with other medical/immunological disease •Small children (less than 5 years) •Pregnancy (maintenance injections may be continued during pregnancy) •Patients unable to comply with the immunotherapy protocol POSTPONE INJECTION IF: Concurrent ilness Asthma Exacerbation of allergy GRADING OF SYSTEMIC REACTIONS 1) Nonspecific reactions (likely non IgE-mediated) disomfort, nausea, headache, arthralgia 2) Mild systemic reactions mild rhinitis/asthma (PEF>60%) responding to b2 agonists/antihistamines 3) Non life-threatening systemic reactions Urticaria, angioedema, severe asthma (PEF<60%) Responding well to treatment 4) Anaphylaxis itching, urticaria, bronchospasm, with HYPOTENSION requiring intensive care Malling & Weeke, Allergy 1993 FATALITIES Lockey RF et al. JACI 1987 Period: 1945-1984 46 fatalities Reid MJ et al. JACI 1993 Period 1985-1989 17 fatalities FATALITIES: 1/2.000.000 injections RISK FACTORS Based on nonfatal reactions Uncontrolled asthma Severe asthma Use of betablockers Rush immunotherapy Use of new vials Technical errors Based on fatal reactions Uncontrolled asthma Severe asthma Use of betablockers Rush immunotherapy Build-up phase Use of new vials Technical errors Estimated incidence of fatalities < 1/2.000.000 injections COSA OCCORRE: Adrenalina (iniezione i.m.) Broncodilatatore short acting Steroide orale e i.v. Antistaminico orale e i.v. Set da infusione Ossigeno Ambu EFFETTI “SPECIALI” DELL’ITS Efficacia a lungo termine dopo la sospensione Prevenzione di nuove sensibilizzazioni Riduzione del rischio di insorgenza di asma Modificazione della risposta immunitaria Effect of SIT or ICS on asthma Shaikh et al Clin.Exp.Allergy 1997; 27:1279-84 Symptom Score Treatment discontinued 9 8 7 6 5 ICS IT 4 3 2 1 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 months AUTHOR (ref) ALLERGEN Mosbech (36) Grass Grammer (37) Ragweed Hedlin (38) PATIENTS DURATION SIT LONG-LASTING EFFECT 2.5 years 6 years 61 adult/children 4 months 2 years Cat/dog 32 adult/chidren 3 years 5 years Des Roches (39) Mite 40 adult 1-4 years 3 years Ariano (40) Parietaria 35 adult 4 years 4 years Durham (41) Grass 52 adult 3-4 years 3 years Eng (43) Grass 25 children 3 years 12 years Specific immunotherapy has long-term preventive effect of seasonal and perennial asthma: 10-year follow-up on the PAT study Jacobssen, Allergy 2007 1986, Scadding et al 1st DBPC trial 1998: WHO SLIT is accepted 2001: ARIA document 1998, first Tablet SLIT 20 years 1970ties ORAL IT 2004 1st META ANALYSIS 2005-2009: Large randomized controlled trials Studies on the mechanism of action 1993. SLIT is Mentioned in an EAACI pos pap 1997, Tari, 1st pediatric trial 2004: Preventive effect Compliance 2005: SLIT in children below the age of 5 THE LITERATURE 60 RDBPC TRIALS 8 RANDOMIZED OPEN TRIALS 6 COMPARATIVE (SLIT vs SCIT) 5 TRIALS IN OTHER DISEASES JACI 2010 ARIA Update on immunotherapy SR Durham and G.Passalacqua JACI 2007 in press SCIT SLIT Clinical efficacy: Rhinitis Ia Ia Clinical Efficacy: Asthma Ia Ia Clinical efficacy: Children (rhinitis) Children (asthma) Ib Ib Ia Ia Prevention of new sensitizations Ib IIa Longterm effect Ib IIa Prevention of asthma IIb IIb WAO POSITION PAPER 2009 ON SUBLINGUAL IMMUNOTHERAPY CHAIRS: GW Canonica, J Bousquet, RF Lockey, T.Casale Allergy, Dec 2009 WAO Journal, Nov 2009 Indications Not costeffective? Mild intermitt. Mild Moderate- persistent severe intermitt. Moderatesevere persistent RHINITIS IMMUNOTHERAPY. ASTHMA HIGH RISK? Intermitt. Mild Moderate Severe The optimal maintenance dose has been clearly identified (by dose-ranging studies) only for grass tablets. It is 15-25 mcg major allergen per day (30 times an equivalent SCIT course) Dose ranging studies are lacking for the remaining alllergens The efficacy has been anyway proven over a wide range of doses, and therfore the recommendation of the manufacturers should be followed. NO BUILD UP 7/60 MAINTENANCE DAILY 31/60 MAINTENANCE 3/wk 20/60 MAINTENANCE 2/wk 7/60 MAINTENANCE 1/wk 2/60 POLLEN CONTINUOUS 8/43 POLLEN PRESEASONAL 3/43 POLLEN COSEASONAL 3/43 POLLEN PRECOSEASONAL 29/43 The omission of the build-up phase seems not to increase the risk of adverse events. Build up is usually not done with the more recent tablet preparations Short build-up courses (1-5 days) can be applied, according to the manufacturer’s suggestion and to own experience Pre-coseasonal preseasonal Pollen count coseasonal Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul NO BUILD UP 7/60 MAINTENANCE DAILY 31/60 MAINTENANCE 3/wk 20/60 MAINTENANCE 2/wk 7/60 MAINTENANCE 1/wk 2/60 POLLEN CONTINUOUS 8/43 POLLEN PRESEASONAL 3/43 POLLEN COSEASONAL 3/43 POLLEN PRECOSEASONAL 29/43 SLIT No fatal or near-fatal event reported since 1986 6 cases of anaphylaxis SLIT: KNOWN SIDE EFFECTS Local: oral itching-swelling stomach-ache nausea-vomiting Systemic: Urticaria/angioedema Rhinitis Asthma Anaphylaxis Relatively frequent. Usually self-resolve after the first doses without treatment. If persist reduce the dose. Rare. Give symptomatic treatment and reduce the dose. If persist, stop SLIT Exceptional. Treat properly and stop SLIT CONTRAINDICATIONS Systemic immunological diseases Immunodeficiecies Malignancies Cardiovascular diseases Severe/uncontrolled asthma Age < 5 years (relative contraindication) Modified from WHO 1998 Explain to patients the possible side effects Explain that side effects tend to disappear after few doses Suggest medications (e.g. oral antihistamines) to control local side effects if any Administer the first dose under medical supervision PROBLEM: Recommendations differ among guidelines PROBLEM: The vast majority of patients are polysensitized BIRCH CYPRESS OLIVE 300 270 240 GRASS 210 180 150 120 90 60 30 jan feb mar apr may jun jul 300 MITE 270 240 210 PARIETARIA 180 150 120 GRASS 90 60 RAGWEED 30 mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct Vrtala S Allergy 2008 CONCLUSIONI Farmacoterapia e immunoterapia hanno meccanismi diversi Il loro effetto è additivo L’ITS consente un risparmio di farmaci sintomatici L’ITS ha effetti preventivi e a lungo termine che i farmaci non hanno L’ITS agisce contemporaneamente su naso e bronchi FARMACI E ITS NON SONO MUTUAMENTE ESCLUSIVI FARMACI Azione rapida Effetto preventivo NO SI NO SI Effetti collaterali SI Costo BASSO Lunga durata SIT NO NO ALTO SI