Workshop in Bovec, 2-3 Sept. 2010 Forum on cross-border cooperation Claudio Di Giorgio, Lia Gover - Informest Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze WP5 summary /1 WP5 is dedicated to promoting a joint ITA/SLO territorial marketing and to supporting the internationalization of local SMEs. WP leader: INFORMEST, Gorizia (PP8) 33% of the WP budget Co-Leaders: GZS Gospodarska Zbornica Slovenije, Nova Gorica (PP5) OZS Obrtno-podjetniška Zbornica Slovenije, Ljubljana (PP6) 31% of the WP budget Main partners involved: ROD (LP), SDGZ (PP7), EINE (PP13) (13%) Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze WP5 summary /2 WP5.1 Territorial marketing of the CB area WP5.2 CB economic cooperation WP5.3 Internationalization of local SMEs WP5.1 main activities: - Organization of a Forum on cross-border integration - Identification of 5 driving economic sectors for TM - Identification of 6 most promising foreign markets - Realization of 40 market researches (5+5+30) Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze WP5.1 Time schedule Forum on CB integration Nov.10 Guidelines for territorial marketing by Dec.10 Identification of 5 target sectors by Jan.11 Identification of 6 foreign markets + comparative analysis by Apr.11 Internal market research on target sectors by Jun.11 CD and promotional material by Aug.11 Local partnership events (9) Feb.11 – Sept.12 Joint missions abroad (3) Jul.11, Mar.12, Oct.12 Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze The Forum Date and venue: Nov. 2010, Gorizia Topic: state of the art of ITA/SLO economic integration Participants: local institutions, R&D centres, business support organizations, SMEs associations, entrepreneurs (Identification and assesment of potential stakeholders – WP 2) Scope: (1) to analyze the level of territorial integration in the CB area – past experiences and best practices; (2) to analyze the common interests and potentialities of cross-border cooperation; (3) to define common strategic guidelines for a joint territorial marketing Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze Inputs for the Forum • WP 3: 4 Thematic dossier; • Identification of main economic needs from SMEs (check list sent with invitation); • Interest and potentialities from each region (partners’ contribution) Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze FORUM • WP 4: Reccomendations on potential areas and on networks + 15 areas and key factors; Outputs for the Forum Guidelines for territorial marketing FORUM - analysis of the territorial economic potential and main assets - methodology and tools for implementation of territorial markeing actions (5.2 and 5.3) - basis for the identification of target sectors and foreign markets Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze A proposal for the agenda Opening session Institutional opening remarks (“kick off conference” - LP) - presentation of the iCON project: main activities, outputs and results; - institutional representatives from the CB area: needs and expectations for strenghtening the CB cooperation; - press conference; Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze A proposal for the agenda To follow Forum on territorial development - Results coming from the 4 dossier (PP 8 and PP2); - SMEs economic needs (LP, SDGZ) - Potentialities and opportunities for regional CB cooperation (invited speakers) - Best practice for CB cooperation: the experience of SMEs - Conclusions (LP) Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze Tasks and responsabilities of the partnership TASK Activity to be performed PPs resp. Deadline PARTICIPANTS Definition of the list of participants (stakeholders list and main contacts, at least e-mail) ALL 17° Sept. SAVE THE DATE: Delivery of a “save the date” to main stakeholders identified WP leader and WP co-leaders 30° Sept. AGENDA: Identification of topics Identification of speakers Identification of best practices ALL 15° Oct. Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze Tasks and responsabilities of the partnership (2) TASK Activity to be performed PPs resp. Deadline DISSEMINAT. and COMMUNIC. ACTIVITIES: Dissemination of invitation (with check list of economic needs) ALL 5° Nov. Publication on regional press (1 x region) and on main communication networks OZS + INF. 8° Nov.+ 2/ 3 days before the forum Processing of needs WP leader and WP co-leaders 15° Nov. GATHERING OF NEEDS Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze Tasks and responsabilities of the partnership (3) TASK Activity to be performed PPs resp. Deadline 4 DOSSIER Dossier fullfilment and elaboration for forum scope PP2 and PP 8 12° Nov. ORGANIZATION AND LOGISTICS All logistic and organizational details WP leader and WP co-leaders + LP 6 Sept ->date of the forum Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze Open discussion - Forum agenda - Speakers - Preparatory documents (partners’ contribution) Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze Thank you for your attention Lia Gover – Informest [email protected] Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze