NicoNote - Alphabe Dream PRESS KIT Pag. 2 ENGLISH Pag. 10 ITALIANO Pag. 18 FANÇAISE NicoNote presents the new album Alphabe Dream Artist: NicoNote Title: Alphabe Dream Label: Cinedelic Records CNCD29 Distribution: Audioglobe Production: NicoNote Dream Action 2013 NicoNote, is a world, a universe between music and performance. An Italian Siren speaking Austrian. Not definable, she’s a performer, dj selector, a director. Her path crosses many fields of the underground scenes in Italy and France. She began in the eighty with a seminal new wave band Violet Eves playing also in France (La Cigale, Printemps de Bourges, Transmusicales) singing in english, french and italian and after moving into the theatre scene with Romeo Castellucci director of Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio with whom she plays in many international tournees. Inventor of unconventional spaces she collaborated during the ninety with the italian club Cocoricò creating the Morphine Room with dj David Love Calò. She lead her own working group NicoNote Dream Action between Italy and France, in different frames in the world of music, performing arts, clubbing and entertainment, attending equally important festivals (Actoral Marseilles, Mettre en scene Rennes, vie Modena, MilanOltre), ramshackle bars, art galleries and foundations like The Fondation Cartier for contemporary arts in Paris, where she was invited at Le Soiree nomades. ALPHABET DREAM is her album – produced by NicoNote Dream Action and released by Cinedelic records with distribution Audioglobe . It contains materials coming from different performances, original songs and severals covers reworked in a very personal key , from Tuxedomoon to Henry Purcell, passing through to the italian poet Luigi Tenco and Robert Schumann or Eisler/Brecht. The title track was composed with the french musician Mikael Plunian ( Shane Cough, Fatale). NicoNote has an independent spirit, visceral and refined at the same time. Evocative, lunar and melancholy her voice along with her charismatic presence, as a single body floating in the space of sound. Track list: 01 AMARCORD 02 IN A MANNER OF SPEAKING 03 NEVERENDING 04 ALPHABE DREAM 05 WHEN I’M LAID 06 WHY (part 2) 07 ROCK’N’ROLL IS ROCK’N’ROLL 08 HÖR ICH DAS LIEDCHEN KLINGEN 09 NU BLUE 10 SOMEDAYS 11 TI RICORDERAI 12 UND ICH WERDE NICHT MEHR SEHEN More infos about the songs: 01 AMARCORD Music: Mikael Plunian, NicoNote, Johannes Brahms Lyrics: Raffaello Baldini Vocals: NicoNote Soundscapes: Mikael Pluinian Recorded and mixed by Antonio Patanè at Merlin Digital Studio, Rimini Produced by NicoNote The poem is taken from “1938” by Raffaello Baldini / Einaudi This track is taken from the play “Rhapsody (or Alphabet Dream)” by NicoNote 02 IN A MANNER OF SPEAKING Music & Lyrics: Winston Tong Vocals: NicoNote Guitar: Alfredo Nuti Dal Portone Recorded and mixed by Antonio Patanè at Merlin Digital Studio, Rimini Produced by NicoNote This track is taken from the recital “Possibile Songs” by NicoNote 03 NEVERENDING Music: A. Felli, NicoNote Lyrics: NicoNote Vocals: NicoNote Piano, keyboards and programming: Andrea Felli Recorded and mixed by Andrea Spadaro at Farmhouse Studio, Rimini Mastered by Bob Katz at Digital Domain, Florida Produced by Andrea Felli 04 ALPHABE DREAM Music: Mikael Plunian, NicoNote Lyrics: NicoNote Vocals: NicoNote Soundscapes and arrangements: Mikael Plunian Cello: François Tanguy Recorded and mixed by Antonio Patanè at Merlin Digital Studio, Rimini Produced by NicoNote This track is taken from the play “Rhapsody (or Alphabet Dream)” by NicoNote 05 WHEN I’M LAID Henry Purcell (1659-1695) from “Dido and Aeneas” libretto by Nahum Tate (1652-1715) Vocals : NicoNote Keyboards and programming: Andrea Felli Turntables and treatments: David Love Calò Drums: Franco Caforio Recorded and mixed by Antonio Patanè at Farmhouse Studio, Rimini Produced by A.N.D. This song is contained in the album “Fashion Victims” by A.N.D. and is taken from the play “Porpora, a baroque suite” by NicoNote 06 WHY (part 2) Composed and produced by A. Felli and NicoNote Field recordings and vocals: NicoNote Keyboards and programming: Andrea Felli Recorded by Andrea Felli and Nicola Rosti Mixed by Antonio Patanè at Farmhouse Studio, Rimini This track is part of the soundramaturgy based on “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare, conceived by NicoNote with Andrea Felli for the play “Cerimonia” by Monica Francia Dance Company 07 ROCK’N’ROLL IS ROCK’N’ROLL Music composed and produced by Mikael Plunian Vocals: NicoNote, Geoffrey Charey Programming, keyboards, treatments: Mikael Plunian Recorded and mixed by Mikael Plunian at Parc de la Villette, Paris Taken from the sountrack of the play “Le Sang des Reves” based on “Blood and Guts in Highschool” by Kathy Acker, conceived and directed by Patricia Allio 08 HÖR ICH DAS LIEDCHEN KLINGEN Music: Robert Schumann (1810-1856) from “Dichterliebe” poems by Heinrich Heine (1797-1856) Vocals: NicoNote Piano: Andrea Felli Recorded by Carlo Sferco at Farmhouse Studio, Rimini Edited and mixed by Antonio Patanè at Merlin Digital Studio, Rimini Produced by NicoNote This track is taken from the play “Drinnen - performance suite through Schumann” by NicoNote 09 NU BLUE Music: A. Felli, NicoNote Lyrics: NicoNote Vocals: NicoNote Keyboards, programming, treatments: Andrea Felli Doublebass: Atto Alessi Guitar: Max Corona Recorded and mixed by Andrea Felli at Farmhouse Studio, Rimini Produced by Andrea Felli and NicoNote 10 SOMEDAYS Music: A. Felli, NicoNote Lyrics: NicoNote Vocals: NicoNote Piano, keyboards, treatments: Andrea Felli Guitar: Max Corona Recorded and mixed by Andrea Felli at Farmhouse Studio, Rimini Produced by Andrea Felli and NicoNote 11 TI RICORDERAI Music: G. Reverberi, L. Tenco Lyrics: L. Tenco Vocals and field recordings: NicoNote Recorded and mixed by Daniele Marzi at L 1 Studio, Riccione Produced by NicoNote This track is taken from the play “Fever 103°” by NicoNote 12 UND ICH WERDE NICHT MEHR SEHEN Music: Hanns Eisler Lyrics: Bertold Brecht Vocals: NicoNote Piano: Antonio Patanè Soundsandscapes: Mikael Plunian Recorded and Mixed by Antonio Patanè at Merlin Digital Studio, Rimini Produced by NicoNote This song is contained in the Boats4People web project and is taken from the play “Drinnen, performance suite through Schumann” by NicoNote NicoNote Dream Action Contact : Céline Bouteloup ph +33 6 99338501 e-mail: [email protected] Roberta Arcangeli ph +39 345 8983205 e-mail: [email protected] NicoNote presenta il nuovo Album: Alphabe Dream Cinedelic Records CNCD29 Distribuzione: Audioglobe Produzione by NicoNote Dream Action 2013 NicoNote: Outsider della scena indipendente – performer, dj, inventrice di spazi. NicoNote alias Nicoletta Magalotti - italiana di madrelingua austriaca - non si definisce una cantante. Una delle voci più affascinanti del tempo recente a partire dai mitici esordi nell’underground degli anni ’80 quale voce dei Violet Eves, nella scuderia del rock italiano insieme a Litfiba , Diaframma solo per citarne alcuni. Da sempre NicoNote, ha seguito con spirito indipendente il suo richiamo per la scena, con sperimentazioni vocali, musicali e in teatro, per esempio con la Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio in giro per il mondo. Negli anni novanta è stata la ideatrice del mitico Morphine all’interno del Cocoricò insieme a David Love Calò - ambiente musicale d’avanguardia unico in Italia, dove creò NicoNote ovvero una entità di suono/presenza e condivisione al di là del mercato, in sintonia con il clima condiviso. Molte performance e spettacoli da lei scritti e diretti - a cavallo tra musica e teatro creando un vero e proprio linguaggio scenico e compositivo, fatto di percorsi sonori e luce nella condivisione e nella intimità che NicoNote riesce ad instaurare con il pubblico ad ogni sua apparizione. Molte collaborazioni con dj /producer della scena clubbing e nuovi progetti musicali legati al jazz di influsso pulp. Una peculiare luce interiore che è stata applaudita nei club di culto o nei bar sgangherati o in festivals e luoghi prestigiosi dell’arte contemporanea come la Fondation Cartier di Parigi. Ha creato il gruppo di lavoro NicoNote Dream Action col quale produce formati originali e unici nella linea del suo immaginario. Attraverso un percorso trasversale e non convenzionale NicoNote ha plasmato la sua cifra dove alla base della sua ricerca c’è l’incontro con l’altro nella dimensione della musica e della alterità. Vibrante e incredibilmente comunicativa. Per parlare della voce di NicoNote bisogna incontrarsi con i suoi mondi ed entrarci dentro nella misura in cui è consentito a chi ascolta. Solo così è possibile un incontro con la dimensione di questo Alphabe Dream: album che raccoglie 12 brani provenienti da progetti e momenti differenti, che esprimono un magma/mood unico. Un viaggio da ascoltare, Alphabe Dream contiene brani originali e alcune rielaborazioni di brani celebri da Tuxedomoon a Henry Purcell a Luigi Tenco, passando per Robert Schumann e Eisler/Brecht. Alphabe Dream affonda le radici in un eros lunare e malinconico, un viaggio nei reami dell'alterità tra sogno e allucinazione. E’ un magma che si dipana brano dopo brano come ad episodi, scene di un Alphabe Dream. Un flusso attraverso momenti di spleen emozionale per suggerire l’idea di un mondo interiore. Una modalità del sentire e avvertire ciò che ci accade nel profondo raccontando piccole storie, traducendo stati d’animo. Lampi d’estate e zucchero bruciato , micro ambienti che si avviluppano tra note e suggestioni che NicoNote ha nutrito per molto tempo e ora sono in fase di trasformazione (verso mondi sonori differenti per il prossimo album già in gestazione). Alphabe Dream è un album che NicoNote ha prodotto per racchiudere un percorso ma anche per dare emozione ai suoi fans, che attendono questo disco da anni e anche per parlare di NicoNote a chi non l’ha ancora scoperta. Ogni brano ha qualcosa di intenso ma anche indefinibile, dove da subito non è solo la voce a parlare. Gesti di suono, pensieri di un infinito presente. Track list: 01 AMARCORD 02 IN A MANNER OF SPEAKING 03 NEVERENDING 04 ALPHABE DREAM 05 WHEN I’M LAID 06 WHY (part 2) 07 ROCK’N’ROLL IS ROCK’N’ROLL 08 HÖR ICH DAS LIEDCHEN KLINGEN 09 NU BLUE 10 SOMEDAYS 11 TI RICORDERAI 12 UND ICH WERDE NICHT MEHR SEHEN More infos about the songs: 01 AMARCORD Music: Mikael Plunian, NicoNote, Johannes Brahms Lyrics: Raffaello Baldini Vocals: NicoNote Soundscapes: Mikael Pluinian Recorded and mixed by Antonio Patanè at Merlin Digital Studio, Rimini Produced by NicoNote The poem is taken from “1938” by Raffaello Baldini / Einaudi This track is taken from the play “Rhapsody (or Alphabet Dream)” by NicoNote 02 IN A MANNER OF SPEAKING Music & Lyrics: Winston Tong Vocals: NicoNote Guitar: Alfredo Nuti Dal Portone Recorded and mixed by Antonio Patanè at Merlin Digital Studio, Rimini Produced by NicoNote This track is taken from the recital “Possibile Songs” by NicoNote 03 NEVERENDING Music: A. Felli, NicoNote Lyrics: NicoNote Vocals: NicoNote Piano, keyboards and programming: Andrea Felli Recorded and mixed by Andrea Spadaro at Farmhouse Studio, Rimini Mastered by Bob Katz at Digital Domain, Florida Produced by Andrea Felli 04 ALPHABE DREAM Music: Mikael Plunian, NicoNote Lyrics: NicoNote Vocals: NicoNote Soundscapes and arrangements: Mikael Plunian Cello: François Tanguy Recorded and mixed by Antonio Patanè at Merlin Digital Studio, Rimini Produced by NicoNote This track is taken from the play “Rhapsody (or Alphabet Dream)” by NicoNote 05 WHEN I’M LAID Henry Purcell (1659-1695) from “Dido and Aeneas” libretto by Nahum Tate (1652-1715) Vocals : NicoNote Keyboards and programming: Andrea Felli Turntables and treatments: David Love Calò Drums: Franco Caforio Recorded and mixed by Antonio Patanè at Farmhouse Studio, Rimini Produced by A.N.D. This song is contained in the album “Fashion Victims” by A.N.D. and is taken from the play “Porpora, a baroque suite” by NicoNote 06 WHY (part 2) Composed and produced by A. Felli and NicoNote Field recordings and vocals: NicoNote Keyboards and programming: Andrea Felli Recorded by Andrea Felli and Nicola Rosti Mixed by Antonio Patanè at Farmhouse Studio, Rimini This track is part of the soundramaturgy based on “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare, conceived by NicoNote with Andrea Felli for the play “Cerimonia” by Monica Francia Dance Company 07 ROCK’N’ROLL IS ROCK’N’ROLL Music composed and produced by Mikael Plunian Vocals: NicoNote, Geoffrey Charey Programming, keyboards, treatments: Mikael Plunian Recorded and mixed by Mikael Plunian at Parc de la Villette, Paris Taken from the sountrack of the play “Le Sang des Reves” based on “Blood and Guts in Highschool” by Kathy Acker, conceived and directed by Patricia Allio 08 HÖR ICH DAS LIEDCHEN KLINGEN Music: Robert Schumann (1810-1856) from “Dichterliebe” poems by Heinrich Heine (1797-1856) Vocals: NicoNote Piano: Andrea Felli Recorded by Carlo Sferco at Farmhouse Studio, Rimini Edited and mixed by Antonio Patanè at Merlin Digital Studio, Rimini Produced by NicoNote This track is taken from the play “Drinnen - performance suite through Schumann” by NicoNote 09 NU BLUE Music: A. Felli, NicoNote Lyrics: NicoNote Vocals: NicoNote Keyboards, programming, treatments: Andrea Felli Doublebass: Atto Alessi Guitar: Max Corona Recorded and mixed by Andrea Felli at Farmhouse Studio, Rimini Produced by Andrea Felli and NicoNote 10 SOMEDAYS Music: A. Felli, NicoNote Lyrics: NicoNote Vocals: NicoNote Piano, keyboards, treatments: Andrea Felli Guitar: Max Corona Recorded and mixed by Andrea Felli at Farmhouse Studio, Rimini Produced by Andrea Felli and NicoNote 11 TI RICORDERAI Music: G. Reverberi, L. Tenco Lyrics: L. Tenco Vocals and field recordings: NicoNote Recorded and mixed by Daniele Marzi at L 1 Studio, Riccione Produced by NicoNote This track is taken from the play “Fever 103°” by NicoNote 12 UND ICH WERDE NICHT MEHR SEHEN Music: Hanns Eisler Lyrics: Bertold Brecht Vocals: NicoNote Piano: Antonio Patanè Soundsandscapes: Mikael Plunian Recorded and Mixed by Antonio Patanè at Merlin Digital Studio, Rimini Produced by NicoNote This song is contained in the Boats4People web project and is taken from the play “Drinnen, performance suite through Schumann” by NicoNote NicoNote Dream Action Contact : Céline Bouteloup ph +33 6 99338501 e-mail: [email protected] Roberta Arcangeli ph +39 345 8983205 e-mail: [email protected] NicoNote présente le nouvel album Alphabe Dream Artist: NicoNote Titre: Alphabe Dream Label: Cinedelic Records CNCD29 Distribution: Audioglobe Production: NicoNote Dream Action 2013 Nico Note, est un monde, un univers entre la musique et la performance. Une sirène italophone et autrichien. Pas définissable elle est interprète, sélecteur DJ, metteur en scene. Son chemin croise de nombreux domaines de la scène underground en Italie et en France. Elle a commencé dans les quatre-vingt avec une bande rock-wave les Violet Eves qui joue également en France (La Cigale Paris, Printemps de Bourges, Transmusicales Rennes) elle chantait en anglais, français et italien, et après avoir emménagé dans la scène théâtrale avec Romeo Castellucci directeur de Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio avec qui elle a joué dans de nombreuses tournées internationales. Inventeur des environnements non conventionnels, elle a collaboré au cours de la quatrevingt dix avec le club italien Cocoricò. Elle a créé sa propre equipe de travail NicoNote Dream Action entre l'Italie et la France, travaillant dans différents domaines de la musique, performance , clubbing et de divertissement, assiste la même façon festivals importants (Actoral Merseilles, Mettre en Scène Rennes, Vie Modena, MilanOltre), bar délabré et des lieux aussi prestigieux comme La Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain à Paris, où elle a été invitée à Le Soiree nomades. ALPHABE DREAM est son album - produit par NicoNote Dream Action par Cinedelic et Audioglobe. Il contient des matériaux provenant de différents spectacles, des chansons originales et plusieurs chansons célèbres à partir de Tuxedomoon à Henry Purcell, en passant par le poète italien Luigi Tenco et Robert Schumann ou Eisler/Brecht, retravaillé en une touche très personnelle. La chanson qui donne le titre à l'album été composée avec le musicien français Mikael Plunian (Shane Cough, Fatale). NicoNote a un esprit indépendant, viscérale et raffiné, dans le même temps. Évocatrice, lunaire et mélancolique sa voix est avec sa présence charismatique comme un seul corps flottant dans l'espace sonore. Track list: 01 AMARCORD 02 IN A MANNER OF SPEAKING 03 NEVERENDING 04 ALPHABE DREAM 05 WHEN I’M LAID 06 WHY (part 2) 07 ROCK’N’ROLL IS ROCK’N’ROLL 08 HÖR ICH DAS LIEDCHEN KLINGEN 09 NU BLUE 10 SOMEDAYS 11 TI RICORDERAI 12 UND ICH WERDE NICHT MEHR SEHEN More infos about the songs: 01 AMARCORD Music: Mikael Plunian, NicoNote, Johannes Brahms Lyrics: Raffaello Baldini Vocals: NicoNote Soundscapes: Mikael Pluinian Recorded and mixed by Antonio Patanè at Merlin Digital Studio, Rimini Produced by NicoNote The poem is taken from “1938” by Raffaello Baldini / Einaudi This track is taken from the play “Rhapsody (or Alphabet Dream)” by NicoNote 02 IN A MANNER OF SPEAKING Music & Lyrics: Winston Tong Vocals: NicoNote Guitar: Alfredo Nuti Dal Portone Recorded and mixed by Antonio Patanè at Merlin Digital Studio, Rimini Produced by NicoNote This track is taken from the recital “Possibile Songs” by NicoNote 03 NEVERENDING Music: A. Felli, NicoNote Lyrics: NicoNote Vocals: NicoNote Piano, keyboards and programming: Andrea Felli Recorded and mixed by Andrea Spadaro at Farmhouse Studio, Rimini Mastered by Bob Katz at Digital Domain, Florida Produced by Andrea Felli 04 ALPHABE DREAM Music: Mikael Plunian, NicoNote Lyrics: NicoNote Vocals: NicoNote Soundscapes and arrangements: Mikael Plunian Cello: François Tanguy Recorded and mixed by Antonio Patanè at Merlin Digital Studio, Rimini Produced by NicoNote This track is taken from the play “Rhapsody (or Alphabet Dream)” by NicoNote 05 WHEN I’M LAID Henry Purcell (1659-1695) from “Dido and Aeneas” libretto by Nahum Tate (1652-1715) Vocals : NicoNote Keyboards and programming: Andrea Felli Turntables and treatments: David Love Calò Drums: Franco Caforio Recorded and mixed by Antonio Patanè at Farmhouse Studio, Rimini Produced by A.N.D. This song is contained in the album “Fashion Victims” by A.N.D. and is taken from the play “Porpora, a baroque suite” by NicoNote 06 WHY (part 2) Composed and produced by A. Felli and NicoNote Field recordings and vocals: NicoNote Keyboards and programming: Andrea Felli Recorded by Andrea Felli and Nicola Rosti Mixed by Antonio Patanè at Farmhouse Studio, Rimini This track is part of the soundramaturgy based on “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare, conceived by NicoNote with Andrea Felli for the play “Cerimonia” by Monica Francia Dance Company 07 ROCK’N’ROLL IS ROCK’N’ROLL Music composed and produced by Mikael Plunian Vocals: NicoNote, Geoffrey Charey Programming, keyboards, treatments: Mikael Plunian Recorded and mixed by Mikael Plunian at Parc de la Villette, Paris Taken from the sountrack of the play “Le Sang des Reves” based on “Blood and Guts in Highschool” by Kathy Acker, conceived and directed by Patricia Allio 08 HÖR ICH DAS LIEDCHEN KLINGEN Music: Robert Schumann (1810-1856) from “Dichterliebe” poems by Heinrich Heine (1797-1856) Vocals: NicoNote Piano: Andrea Felli Recorded by Carlo Sferco at Farmhouse Studio, Rimini Edited and mixed by Antonio Patanè at Merlin Digital Studio, Rimini Produced by NicoNote This track is taken from the play “Drinnen - performance suite through Schumann” by NicoNote 09 NU BLUE Music: A. Felli, NicoNote Lyrics: NicoNote Vocals: NicoNote Keyboards, programming, treatments: Andrea Felli Doublebass: Atto Alessi Guitar: Max Corona Recorded and mixed by Andrea Felli at Farmhouse Studio, Rimini Produced by Andrea Felli and NicoNote 10 SOMEDAYS Music: A. Felli, NicoNote Lyrics: NicoNote Vocals: NicoNote Piano, keyboards, treatments: Andrea Felli Guitar: Max Corona Recorded and mixed by Andrea Felli at Farmhouse Studio, Rimini Produced by Andrea Felli and NicoNote 11 TI RICORDERAI Music: G. Reverberi, L. Tenco Lyrics: L. Tenco Vocals and field recordings: NicoNote Recorded and mixed by Daniele Marzi at L 1 Studio, Riccione Produced by NicoNote This track is taken from the play “Fever 103°” by NicoNote 12 UND ICH WERDE NICHT MEHR SEHEN Music: Hanns Eisler Lyrics: Bertold Brecht Vocals: NicoNote Piano: Antonio Patanè Soundsandscapes: Mikael Plunian Recorded and Mixed by Antonio Patanè at Merlin Digital Studio, Rimini Produced by NicoNote This song is contained in the Boats4People web project and is taken from the play “Drinnen, performance suite through Schumann” by NicoNote NicoNote Dream Action Contact : Céline Bouteloup ph +33 6 99338501 e-mail: [email protected] Roberta Arcangeli ph +39 345 8983205 e-mail: [email protected]