Chapter 11
Short denotative analysis
Ralph Messenger is talking about his collegue and he criticizes him
Reflection on the meanng of winning a Nobel Prize
He remembers the moment when he kissed Helen and when he descovered
Emily in the bathroom
Ralph Messenger
Helen Reed
Duggers, a Ralph’s collegue
Emily Carrie’s daughter
Narrative technique
Stream of consciuosness
Thursday, March 12°
Ralph is in his car
New Words
Ahead = avanti
Flashy = sgargiante
To begrudges = invidiare qualche cosa a qualcuno
To Screw up = accartocciare
To Gang up on = fare comunella contro qualcuno
Broomstick = scopa
To ditch= abbandonare, mollare
Chapter 12
Short denotative analysis
The female protagonist talks to Sandra Pickering because the protagonists of
their books are the same
Sandra says that she wrote her book before reading hers and they discuss about
the matter
Helen Reed goes to Cheltenham to buy a present for Ralph and a dress.
The female protagonist: Helen Reed
Sandra Pickering: a Helen’s student
Simon Bellamy: a Helen’s student
Martin:Helen’s dead husband
Ralph Messenger: a male protagonist
Thursday 13th March: University of Gloucester
Friday 14th March: Cheltenham and Richmonds’ house
Narrative technique
Direct and indirect style
Comparison between the protagonists of the two books : Burnt and The Eye of
the Storm
The protagonist of two book. A comparison
Burnt and The eye of the storm
Alastair and Sebastian:
They have the
Odd socks
same features
New words
To glimpse = intravvedere
Subdue = sottomettere
Sharpish = pungente
To bang into = sbattere contro
Chapter 13
Short denotative analysis
At the party the guests chat about topical problems (DNA, dolly the cloned
sheep and elections)
Ralph has a lot of lovers (Marianne is one of them) and he takes them to a
Ralph tries to kiss Helen
Ralph Messenger: the male protagonist
Helen Reed: the female protagonist
Carrie: Mr. Messenger’s Wife
Prof. Douglass: a party guest
Laetitia Glover: a further party guest
Jasper Richmond: Helen’s friend
Sir Stanley and Lady Hibberd: vice-director and his wife
Colin Riverdale: one more party guest
Marianne: Richmond’s wife and Messenger’s lover
Messenger’s house
He celebrates his birthday
Narrative technique
Direct style
Particular features
Charles Robert Darwin was an English naturalist . He advanced the Theory of
T. O. M: Theory of the mind
AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
New words
Poll =sondaggio
To wink = fare l’occhiolino
Cheerfully = allegramente
To feed = dare da mangiare
Chapter 14
Short denotative analysis
Helen passed another weekend to the Messengers
Ralph tried to kiss her, but she doesn’t want to have an affair with him
She has new neighbours, a young couple
She doesn’t see or hear much of the neighbours
Ross and Jackie
Annabelle Riverdale
Messenger’s house
Helen’s house
Narrative technique
Convey the idea of embarassment of telling something which crossed our mind,
but we don’t really want to say it (opposition between say what we want and what
we think)
Chapter 15
Short denotative analysis
Ralph Messenger is in tailback
Flashback of Ralph: Isabel Hotchkiss, their sexual intercourse and San Diego
Come back to present: sexual intercourse between Ralph and his wife
Ralph Messenger (the main
character, a professor at Cheltenham’s University)
Isabel Hotchkiss ( works with Ralph, she is his lover)
Carrie (Ralph’s wife)
Inner Ring (the street where Ralph is in tailback)
Hotel in San Diego
Ralph and Carrie’s house (their bedroom)
Narrative technique
Stream of consciousness
Direct speech
Free direct speech
Remembering the past we can try to improve our present
New Words
Trap = boccaccia
Purdah = reclusione donne società musulmana e indù
Bloke = tizio, vecchione
To have a bit of time in hand = avere un po’ di tempo a disposizione
To dim = affievolire
To nod =f are un cenno col capo
To frow = disapprovare
To truant = marinare la scuola
Hem = orlo
Chapter 16
Chapter XVI is organized into three stories about the same
 Mary Comes Out
 Mary’s Rose
 Mary Sees Red
Short denotative analysis
Mary Comes Out
Mary, a grown woman, sees colours for the first time
she lives into a kind of prison in which only white, black and grey exist
a masked man teaches her a lot of things about a wide range of subject everyday
how do humans react when they
see colours for the first time and
what happen in their brains?
Mary dies for the intensity of her
sensations and thrills
Short denotative analysis
Mary’s Rose
guinea pig: Mary
− is colour the same
for everybody?
− does it happen just
in your brain?
− is colour
different for
− does it exist on
its own?
Short denotative analysis
Mary Sees Red
Philosophers and scientists jailed Mary from the day of her birth
Her books taught her everything about everything
FINAL TEST: At the age of thirty-one they take her into a white room with a red
Unfortunately they forgot Mary is a woman and has got her period
Mary Willingdon
Hubert Dearing, the masked man
Miss Calcutt
Scientists and philosophers
Giles Dickinson, philosopher
Mr. Stigwood, neuroscientist
We don’t have any temporal reference signalling the first two stories but the
third is set in the future, in year 2031
- secret house
- colourless house’s underground
- white room
Narrative technique
Lodge uses the third-person narration which provides the reader with a full
view of the characters and their feelings and he speaks directly to the reader
(‘she did not see color when she was a baby like you and I’)
there are also dialogues between characters which complete our knowledge
about what is happening
From the Reader’s Point of View
1. Human beings are fragile in front of thrills
2. Senses are more important than mental knowledge
3. The reason why Mary already knew red colour
concerns body structure and scientific notions
are colours merely brain’s reactions
or are they a part of us that exists
on their own?
Mary dies and his
jailer won’t ever
have his answers
philosophy beats
science beats
through her death Mary
will keep this secret for
her own
New Words
minute/hour – hand
lancetta minuti/ore
bocciolo di rosa
to kneel
to feel blue
essere triste
to be red with anger
essere rosso di rabbia
to be green with envy
essere verde d’invidia
to rise the stake
alzare la posta
to nourish
prigione sotterranea
Mary’s name
symbolic choice:
= Jesus’ mother
she can be turned into whatever her jailers
: volunteer
she’s glad to do it
Chapter 17
Short denotative analysis
Discussion about fantasy and science
Ralph goes to Helen’s maisonette to install the modem
Ralph Messenger
Helen Reed
Narrative technique
Third person narrator
Late morning on Friday, March 21st
Ralph’s office
Helen’s maisonette
New Words
Ceiling = soffitto
To Shrug = scrollare
To dial = fare (il numero)
Swirl = mulinello
Glance = occhiata
To stack = impilare
Chapter 18
Short denotative analysis
 Helen is getting ready for Ralph: she has a shower, she changes clothes and puts
a careful attention in choosing them.
After that she cleans all her house even the bathroom but she forgets a pair of
knickers in the shape of an accident and changes the sheets of the bed.
While she is waiting for Ralph she thinks about having sex with him.
Ralph Messenger: Professor and director of the prestigious Holt Belling Centre
for Cognitive Science
Helen Reed: A novelist writer
Carrie Messenger: Ralph’s wife
Martin: Helen’s husband
Helen’s house
Narrative technique
Helen is writing her journal in the first person ”I”
Helen is wondering whether it is right to have sex with Ralph because he would
be the first man after Martin.
She feels guilty and feels it would dishonour Martin’s memory or of their
She seems to believe the soul lives after death even if she agrees with Ralph
that soul does not exist: what we call “soul” is our consciousness.
Probably it isn’t Martin’s consciousness.
It has just ceased to exist, except in Helen’s mind and in her memories.
But this is only a mind construction, a fiction.
New words
Inkling = sentore
Heel = tallone
Cheddar = formaggio mezzo stagionato
To dash = uscire di corsa
Tore = passato di to tear, strappare
To tidy = ordinare
Simmering = bollire lentamente
Knickers = mutandine
Joint = comune
Burglars = svaligiatore, ladro
Karamàzovs: lultimo romanzo scritto da Fëdor Michajlovič Dostoevskij, è ritenuto
il vertice della sua produzione letteraria e la sintesi delle su concezioni filosofiche.
La trama del romanzo si sviluppa attorno alle vicende dei membri della famiglia
Karamàzov, al contesto in cui matura l'assassinio di Fëdor, il capofamiglia e al
conseguente processo nei confronti di Dmitrij, il figlio primogenito accusato di
Ad un livello più profondo è il dramma spirituale scaturito dal conflitto morale tra
fede, dubbio, ragione e libero arbitrio.
Chapter 19
Short denotative analysis
Ralph is thinking about his date with Helen: he has realized Helen has prepared
all for best and thinks also she did not accidentally loose her knickers.
He is unsure too and thinks that it maybe a genuine oversight and didn’t have
sex with her.
The main point is Ralph wonderings whether Helen wanted to have sex with him:
very strange for him because he had sex with some women without paranoia.
Ralph Messenger: professor and director of the prestigious Holt Belling Centre
for Cognitive Science
Helen Reed: a novelist writer
Carrie Messenger: Ralph’s wife
Ralph does not mention the place where he is thinking, but we can suppose he
is at home or in his office.
Narrative technique
Stream of consciousness.
Ralph is a science man, he is sure and has many certainties but in front of Helen
he has so many paranoias.
He makes so many conjectures and tries to understand if she wants to have sex
with him: he wants to kwon what she is thinking to act consequently.
This is the first time Ralph makes some paranoia, before he does what he feels.
In front of love even science men have not certainties.
New words
Spectrophotometer: spettrofotometro, strumento usato nella spettrofotometria,
ovvero la scienza che designa lo studio degli spettri elettromagnetici
Hanky-panky: qualcosa di losco, imbroglio
Boredom: noia
Niche: nicchia
Wire: fil di ferro
to swap: fare scambio
tit-for-tat: rendere pan per focaccia, occhio per occhio, dente per dente
Chapter 20
Short denotative analysis
Ralph invites Helen to eat something together
Helen does not meet Ralph
Ralph suggests Helen to
exchange their journals
 Helen does not exchange her journal
he wants to understand the
structure of women’s thought
Ralph Messenger
Helen Reed
Narrative technique
Journal:use by Helen
E-mail:used by Ralph
Maybe in their house
aspect of technology
New Words
Ahead = avanti
Flashy = sgargiante
To begrudges = invidiare qualche cosa a qualcuno
To Screw up = accartocciare
To Gang up on = fare comunella contro qualcuno
Broomstick = scopa
To ditch= abbandonare, mollare

Chapters 11-20 - marilena beltramini