Via Riboty 23, 00195 Roma
Tel/Fax 0039 06 39 75 17 63
[email protected]
[email protected]
Maggio 2 /May 2 2007.
Riceviamo e pubblichiamo notizie delle attività delle
compositrici e delle affiliate in ogni parte del mondo.
Ogni “news” non deve eccedere oltre le 10 righe e sarà
NEWS FROM FOUNDATION – NOTIZIE pubblicata nella lingua originale. Le notizie
circoleranno per l’intera rete della Fondazione –
11.000,00 addresses.
All composers, musicians and affiliates wishing to
NEWS FROM COMPOSERS AND MUSICOLOGISTS send news around the “Women in Music” network
may send 10 lines to [email protected].
The “Notiziario” is sent to eleven thousand women
composers, musicologists, teachers and musicians
world wide and may be sent in any language.
Choral Music for Africa – Musica corale per l’Africa At the recent meeting of the Board for the
International Music Council of UNESCO I met Dr Lupwishi Myumba who represents Africa for
UNESCO. He thanks us for the choral music that was sent by some of you in response to his call for
desperately needed music for the many choirs in Africa. Works were received from Susie Self – S.M.
Barchan – Antonia Sarcia – Maryanne Rumancik – Beth Anderson – Karin Hoghielm – Elizabeth
Gonzales – Enid
Enid Luff – Anne Marie Turcotte. These scores have been copied and forwarded to choral
societies in 10 different countries. This is wonderful BUT now we meed more scores.
Alla recente riunione del Consiglio Internazionale per la Musica dell’UNESCO,
dell’UNESCO tenuta a Roma, ho
parlato con Lupwishi Myumba che rappresenta l’Africa per l’UNESCO. Ringrazia tutte coloro che
hanno risposto al nostro appello per musica corale per l’Africa. Questa musica è richiesta urgentemente
dato la grande tradizione corale in quel continente. Lavori sono stati ricevuti da Susie Self – S.M.
Barchan – Antonia Sarcia – Maryanne Rumancik – Beth Anderson – Karin Hoghielm – Elizabeth
Gonzales – Enid Luff – Anne Marie Turcotte. Grazie! Le partiture sono state copiate ed inoltrate a
società corali in 10 paesi diversi. E’ una notizia fantastica ma ora necessitiamo altre partiture.
Mu si c Fo r Th e Mi n d
The network of this Foundation is made up of creators of music, musicians, and musicologists teaching
in schools, academies and universities which cannot buy sheet music, updated teaching materials,
recordings and instruments. In the nineties we began to collect second hand music, books and cds,which
are listed and sent to many parts of the world. Teachers, School Children, Nuns, Choir Masters,
Military Band Directors, Performers, Publishers and Record Companies all help us to help others.
Please join this projecgt. It doesn’t matter how old the materials are. We care – we share…………If
share………… your
country’s music institutions need this help – let us know!
Musica per la Mente
In molti paesi ci sono associazioni che promuovano il lavoro delle compositrici, e sappiamo che spesso gli
insegnanti non possano permettersi di comprare libri e cd che riguardano la storia della musica. Così
negli anni novanta è nata “Music
Music for the Mind”.
Mind” Tutto quello che arriva da noi per questo progetto viene
inventariato e mandato dove c’è bisogno. Servono spartiti, partiture, cd e libri sulla storia della musica
che possono essere inviati direttamente all’ufficio a Roma. La musica, di ogni genere, di uomini e di
donne, usata e nuova, CD, DVD, sarà inviata direttamente alle istituzioni musicali indicati dalle nostre
affiliate. “A noi importa quando manca gli strumenti per fare musica – per questo esiste “Musica per la
Nobel prize winner introduces Freemuse book "How can you put a song behind bars?". This is a
question that Dario Fo, the Italian Nobel Laureate in literature, raises in the introduction to the Italian
edition of the Freemuse book 'Shoot the singer'. The book is launched this week-end at the International
Book Fair in Torino, Italy, where Freemuse Director Marie Korpe will introduce the book.
Cerchiamo nominative per il dizionario che sarà anche un dizionario on-line.
Prego inviare nome, cognome, date di nascita, qualifica
(cantante/pianist/strumentista/compositrice/autrice di liriche) indirizzo web-site, indirizzo
postelettronico. Inviate a: [email protected]
Ref: Donne in Jazz (Women in Jazz)
We are now looking names for inclusion in the Dictionary which will also be on-linePlease send name,surname, date of birth, professional category (singer, pianist,
instrumentalist, composer, songwriter)
[email protected]
SC O R E S F O R C H RIST MAS 2 0 0 7
The Foundation invites scores for s.a.t.b. unaccompanied choir.
choir Duration - 5 minutes. Works – in any
language – should be inspired by popular and traditional sacred Christmas Music. Scores, in double
copies, marked NATALE 2007,
2007 should be sent to the Foundation, Via Riboty 23, 00195 Roma before 30
May Performances of chosen works are scheduled for December 2007.
PA R TI TU R E P ER N AT AL E 2 0 0 7
La Fondazione invita partiture per S.A.T.B coro polifonico - durata 5 minuti. I lavori, in
qualsiasi lingua, debbono essere ispirati da canti sacri natalizi popolari e/o tradizionali.
Le partiture, in doppia copia, debbono arrivare alla Fondazione, Via Riboty 23, 00195
Roma entro il 30 maggio contrassegnati “NATALE
NATALE 2007”.
2007 Lavori scelti saranno
presentati più volte nel mese di dicembre 2007.
- Would be happy to have information about organ works by women composers – they will arrange
to send information about the material available to their own very large national network:
please send information and scores to the Foundation, Via Riboty 23, 00195 Roma, Italy
- Invitano informazione in merito alla produzione di musica organistica di compositrici – faranno
circolare le notizie a tutta la loro grande rete in Italia: prego inviare notizie dei vostri lavori e
Calls for Performing Groups - ISME 2008 The Conference Organizing Committee invites musical
ensembles of all specialities of music to submit applications to perform during the Conference. The
purpose of the 28th ISME World Conference 2008 is to foster global understanding and cooperation
among the world's music educators by strengthening ties and sharing ideas about different aspects and
issues within music education in ways that promote music education for people of all ages throughout
the world Concerts performed by ensembles are extremely important as a way to share the music of
different genres, styles and cultures during the Conference.
The Witold Lutosławski Society sets up following edition of International Composer’s CompetitionCompetitionLutosławski Award.
Award This competition is open to composers of all nationalities and ages; our jury
members this year are: Zygmunt Krauze (Poland)-chairman, Helmut Lachenmann (Germany), Yuki
Morimoto (Japan/Austria), Edward Pałłasz (Poland), and Bernard Rands (USA). Scores should be
submitted till 15th of November.
November Proceedings will take place in Warsaw, Poland, and results will be
announced on 17th December. If You would like to know more details, write [email protected]
Shir ha shirim competition for young composers
Zurich based music festival „religio
religio musica nova“ is calling for new works in its competition „Shir
Shir ha
shirim Young composers born or residing in Israel, Lebanon or Palestine are invited to set to music the
Song of Songs. The jury is chaired by composers Kaija Saariaho and Erkki-Sven Tüür and will decide on
the accumulated prize money of 9.000 Euro. The award winnig compositions will be premiered within
this year’s festival season. Entry deadline is August 31 2007. Additional information and detailed entry
conditions can be found on > competition
ASOCIACIÓN MUJERES COSTARRICENSES EN LA MÚSICA invita al concierto inaugural con la
participación de compositoras, intérpretes, educadoras musicales y directoras, con música para piano a
cuatro manos, canto, solistas, música de cámara y coro. sábado 9 de junio, 2007 7 p.m. Sala Magna
Universidad Estatal a Distancia Sabanilla, Montes de Oca
La Asociación Mujeres Costarricenses en la Música,
Música recientemente fundada, está afiliada a la Fundación
Internacional Adkins Chiti: Donne in Musica, con sede en Roma, Italia. Reúne a las mujeres
profesionales de la música costarricenses y residentes en el país: compositoras, ejecutantes, cantantes,
directoras de agrupaciones musicales, educadoras musicales y musicólogas.
Su fin primordial es
promover la labor de las mujeres en los distintos campos de la música, en busca de la igualdad de
género; no se trata de discriminar a los hombres, sino de generar oportunidades para dar a conocer la
importante participación femenina en este arte. La Asociación planea realizar proyectos tales como
conferencias, recitales, talleres, intercambios con mujeres músicas de otros países y publicaciones.
Asociaciones como ésta existen ya en muchos lugares del mundo y han servido para rescatar un
merecido lugar en el ámbito cultural, para las mujeres que se dedican en una u otra forma a la música.
En Costa Rica se cuenta en la actualidad con gran número de mujeres músicas que están brindando su
valioso aporte al desarrollo cultural del país. La Asociación cuenta con una Junta Directiva y varias
asociadas; está en proceso de legalización y crecimiento. Para información puede escribir al correo:
[email protected] o llamar al 224-95-65
Mujeres en Música Filial Uruguay MÚSICA Y POESÍA - HOMENAJE A LAS POETISAS
- ESPACIO CULTURAL LA SPEZIA (LIBERTAD 2479) - Jueves 24 de mayo de 2007 - Hora 19:30 –
COMPOSITORAS: Elbia Cánepa, Elba Díaz,
Díaz, Elizabeth González,
Susana Gutman, Estela Klein, Beatriz Lockhart, Marinoel Nalborczyk,
Marita Perdomo, Ana María Pierotti, Dora Salvatierra de Meyer
AUTORAS: Delmira Agustini, Elsa Baroni de Barreneche, Amanda Berenguer, Angélica Bianchi, Iris
Bombet, Elbia Cánepa, Nelly de Perino, Elba Díaz, Estrella Genta, Graciela Genta, Susana Gutman,
Estela Klein, Marinoel Nalborczyk, Amalia Polleri, Dora Salvatierra de Meyer, Idea Vilariño
RECITANTE: Iris Bombet Franco
CANTO: Irene Abreu, Isabelle Gibert, Marinoel Nalborczyk PIANO:
Raquel Fort, Beatriz Lockhart GUITARRA: Ana María Pienotti
Foro Argentino de Compositoras Temporada 2007 Crear es la paz en acción Círculo Italiano
Miércoles 16 de mayo 19.30 hs. Liberad 1264 Buenos Aires
Obras de: Gisela
Gisela García GleriaGleria-Nelly Beatriz GómezGómez-Adela Barroso Norma LadoLado- Cecilia FlorentinoFlorentinoCecilia Gros y Elena Llarionow
IL QUADERNO DI MUSICA DI MADDALENA opera in un atto per soli e coro di voci bianche, ensemble
strumentale e apprendista pianista musica Roberta Vacca (rev. 2007) testo Paola Campanili - 9 e 10
maggio 2007 (ore
9:30-11:30/19) - Auditorium del Castello - L’Aquila:
E’ la favola di una bambina che
incontra la musica di Bach rendendola parte del suo mondo di sogni, giochi e personaggi fantastici.
Maddalena - apprendista pianista - possiede un bellissimo libro di musica (“Klavier buchlein fur Anna
Magdalena”) e suonando riesce ad immaginare storie straordinarie. Un giorno si addormenta sulla
tastiera suonando una fughetta e si apre il mondo dei suoi sogni: i suoni trascolorano, al pianoforte
lentamente si sostituisce un clavicembalo, un flauto si aggiunge e poi ancora un violino e un violoncello
…La sua Gallina di peluche si anima e ci introduce nella storia: un calzolaio sfortunato di nome
Bastiano, sua moglie Lena, un folletto maligno e dispettoso, tanti piccoli gnomi assai volenterosi, e, al di
sopra di tutto, sempre la musica che muove l’azione. La traccia del testo (da “Gli Gnomi” dei fratelli
Grimm) si presta bene a suggerire in forma fantastica l’aspetto più artigianale del fare musica, tanto
presente nel modo di lavorare dei compositori.
Il coro della società Dante Alighieri di Vienna,
Vienna accorDante, si esibira' nell'ambito dei Wolfsthal
Sommerspiele il 12.Maggio 2007 alle 18.30. Villa Pannonica, Villagasse 9,2412 Wolfsthal. In programma musiche popolari italiane. Direttrice:Nelly
Nelly LiPuma
The Andrea Wolper Quartet returns to Enzo's Jazz Room on Wed., June 13, 2007. Andrea's quartet will
appear later in the month at one of the NY JVC Jazz Festival's free outdoor concerts at Citicorp Plaza
on Thursday, June 28. Thurs. June 28 - Ada Rovatti
Quintet followed by Andrea Wolper Qt. (one set) - JVC Jazz Festival and Midtown Arts Commission Citicorp Plaza at St. Peter's Church Lexington Ave. @ 53rd St., NYC
Der 35. Mai Kinderoper von Violeta Dinescu nach dem Roman „Der 35. Mai oder Konrad reitet in die
Südsee“ von Erich Kästner Libretto von Florian Zwipf und Ulrike Wendt
Musikalische Leitung Michael Millard
Inszenierung Svenja Tiedt
Bühne und Kostüme Tatjana Ivschina Choreinstudierung Sebastian Hernandez-Lavern
Damenchor des Staatstheaters Mainz Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Mainz
Premiere 28. April 2007, Kleines Haus MAINZ
Brani, di altrettanti compositori contemporanei italiani e stranieri, ispirati ciascuno a un brano di
Tenebrae Responsories di Tomás Luis de Victoria, alternando l’esecuzione di un brano antico al
rispettivo moderno che includono lavori di Rita Portera e Paola Brino: Tenebrae factae sunt di Rita
Portera per quintetto vocale, quartetto d’archi e percussioni.Direttore: Guido Maria Guida. Info: tel.
American composer Beth Anderson’s In the Company of Women will be performed by the St. George’s
Church Choir, Leonard Lehrman, conductor on Sunday, May 13 – 10:15 am at St. George’s Episcopal
Church, 319 Front Street in Hempstead, New York. This piece, for SATB choral ensemble, will be
presented with instrumental accompaniment as part of the church’s regular Sunday
morning worship. Beth Anderson’s music has been described as having “a refreshing simplicity without
naiveté” and as –“deeply felt, direct, and yes, beautiful” and “charming and deeply felt to the point of
romanticism.” ( and Quilt Music (Albany Records), a CD of chamber
music. An essay about her music for American Music Center’s NewMusicBox web magazine can be read
at For more information about composer Beth
Anderson, including list of works, discography please visit Jeffrey James Arts Consulting at
[email protected]
Angela Montemurro Lentini: Mercoledì 9 Maggio a Bari, e giovedì 10 a Gravina di Puglia, è stata
eseguita in prima assoluta mondiale la mia composizione “E ’l naufragar m’è dolce in questo mare”,per
Orchestra Sinfonica , scritta su commissione del direttore artistico dell’Orchestra della Provincia di Bari
Maestro Marco Renzi, e ispirata all’ ”Infinito” di Giacomo Leopardi. Il brano è stato diretto dal Maestro
Franceso Lentini, con l’apporto della voce Recitante di Alberto Rubini, grande attore barese, padre di
Sergio Rubini.
Venerdì 11 maggio, alle ore 19,30, nella Chiesa del Purgatorio di Palo del Colle,per la Prima Stagione
Concertistica organizzata da Comune di Palo del Colle, Eurorchestra e ParnasoDonneinMusica,
ParnasoDonneinMusica con la
direzione artistica dei Maestri Francesco Lentini e Angela Montemurro, si è tenuto il secondo
Concerto della serie “Preghiere
Preghiere e Poesie in Musica delle Compositrici del passato e del presente” .
Questo concerto è stato tenuto dalla pianista Annamaria Giannelli e dal Flautista Sergio Bonetti. La
stessa pianista Annamaria Giannelli ha condotto la guida all’ascolto. Sono state eseguite musiche di
Music by Deborah Nodel Gordon will be performed on Saturday, May 19 at the legendary Apollo
Theater, 253 W. 125th Street in Harlem, New York, as part of a very special “Beyond the Tears”
Humanitarian Awards Ceremony, beginning at 7 PM that evening. This award ceremony and
concert will honor Winnie Mandela, Princess Senator Florence Ita-Giwa of Nigeria, Professor
Babatunde Osotimehinn, Minister Christine Walker and others who have done exceptional work in the
field of HIV/AIDS in Africa.Ms. Nodel Gordon’s Dreams Are Never Free for two sopranos and piano will
be performed by sopranos Jamet Pittman of Three Mo' Divas and Ramona, with the composer at the
piano. The song, draws strength from the words of Martin Luther King's dream followed by the poetry of
a 16-year-old South African AIDS orphan, who turns from sorrow to a celebration of life. Deborah Nodel
Gordon studied with Leonard Eisner, Nadia Reisenberg, and Oxana Yablonskaya and is the recipient of
the Judith Grayson Memorial Award and numerous awards from Meet the Composer and ASCAP.For
more information about Deborah Nodel Gordon, please contact her at [email protected].
Stringing the Bow for string orchestra by Judith Shatin will be performed by the San Jose Chamber
Orchestra, Barbara Day Turner
ner Music Director, as part of their Spring Strings concert on Sunday, May
20 – 7 PM at Le Petit Trianon Theatre, 72 North Fifth Street in San Jose, California.
Stringing the Bow was commissioned by the Virginia Chamber Orchestra and premiered by that
ensemble, Fabio Mechetti conducting in 1992. Shatin says she was trying for sound that moves. “I want
the rhythm to provoke a physical response,” she says. “I was after a kind of sympathetic vibration.”
Conductor Barbara Day Turner is founder and music director of the San José Chamber Orchestra, now
in its fifteenth season. Her background includes eighteen years as conductor and artistic administrator
of Opera San José and an alter-ego musical life as a harpsichordist. More about her and the Orchestra
at Visit her online at more information about
Judith Shatin, contact Jeffrey James Arts [email protected].
Sonia Bo ci ricorda:
- la composizione "Il fruscio delle pagine nascoste"per
voce recitante e pianoforte è stata eseguita
domenica 6 maggio al Centro Asteria a Milano da Maria Cinzia Bauci,
Bauci voce recitante e Rossella
Spinosa pianoforte .
-"L'arbitro, il merlo, il vaporetto che va a Ischia..." per flauto parlante è stato eseguito venerdì 11
maggio da Silvia Vergamini a Voghera.
Meira Warshauer’s In Memoriam,
Memoriam, September 11, 2001 for solo violin will be performed by renowned
violinist Gregory Harrington as part of his Traces of New York concert on Saturday, May 26 – 2 PM at
the Chelsea Art Museum: 556 West 22nd Street in Manhattan. The 4 minute 30 second In Memoriam
September 11, 2001 is available in four versions, for solo violin,for solo cello and string orchestra, for
solo cello or cello and violin duo. Meira Warshauer’s compositions have been performed and recorded to
critical acclaim throughout the United States and in Israel, Europe, and Asia. She studied composition
with Mario Davidovsky, Jacob Druckman, William Thomas McKinley, and Gordon Goodwin and has
received numerous awards from ASCAP, the America Music Center, Meet the Composer, and the South
Carolina Arts Commission. In 2000, she received the first Art and Cultural Achievement Award from
the Jewish Historical Society of S.Carolina. She is a Visiting Lecturer at Columbia College, Columbia,
South Carolina. Her music is published by Oxford University Press, MMB Music, World Music Press
and Kol Meira Publications. can
find much more about her at
Jay Gottlieb New@[email protected] Concerts/Master Classes Le dimanche,
dimanche, 1er juillet à
20h un récital au Château de Crémault à Bonneuil-Matours, dans le cadre du Festival des
Claviers en Poitou. Musiques de Sofia Goubaidoulina, Ruth CrawfordCrawford-Seeger, Karen Tanaka,
Barbara Kolb, Betsy Jolas, Tona Scherchen.
Scherchen Renseignements au ou [email protected]
Sunday, 1 July at 8 p.m.,
p.m a recital at the Château de Crémault in Bonneuil-Matours, in the
aegis of the Festival des Claviers en Poitou. Music of Sofia Goubaidoulina, Ruth CrawfordCrawfordSeeger, Karen Tanaka, Barbara Kolb, Betsy Jolas, Tona Scherchen.
Scherchen Information/reservations
at or [email protected]
[email protected]