Drops of
Seeds of
S. Maria di Costantinopoli
Scuola Secondaria di I Grado
a.s. 2009-2010
Dirigente Scolastico:
Ernesto Morabello Morabito
Drops of History…Seeds of Hope
Attività integrativa di lingua inglese
Docente referente Prof.ssa Elvira D’Angelo
Il progetto Drops of History…Seeds of Hope, giunto alla terza
annualità, ha riaffermato le finalità e gli obiettivi del percorso didattico
avviato nel biennio precedente con simili modalità metodologiche.
Rispetto a quell’esperienza la novità è, però, consistita nel fatto che la
scuola, a seguito delle attività di formazione e coprogettazione svolte
nell’ambito dei lavori del Forum delle Culture 2013 sul tema della pace,
ha avviato quest’anno la fase di sperimentazione del progetto dando al
percorso un taglio più spiccatamente educativo-formativo trasversale..
Dal punto contenutistico l’attenzione degli allievi è stata focalizzata
sulle celebrazioni a tema previste per l’anno 2010 proclamato da diverse
fonti istituzionali internazionali come anno di pace.
Sul piano contenutistico, se nel precedente biennio si sono ripercorsi
avvenimenti ed esperienze di personaggi, associazioni, artisti che nel
corso dell’ultimo secolo si sono battuti nel campo dei diritti umani, nel
presente anno, designato da più fonti
istituzionali internazionali come anno di pace, l’attenzione degli allievi è
stata focalizzata appunto sul significato di queste proclamazioni:
 L’anno 2010 conclude il decennio 2001-2010 proclamato dall’Unesco
il decennio internazionale per i diritti all’educazione del bambino.
 L’anno 2010 è stato designato dai capi di stato africani come anno di
pace in quel continente martoriato da decenni di lotte interne fratricide.
 L’anno 2010 è diventato simbolico della rivoluzione multimediale a
livello globale interpretata dalla proposta di destinare il Nobel della Pace
alla rete Internet .
L’attività didattica ha quindi evidenziato come negli ultimi anni, le
problematiche dei conflitti razziali e dei processi di integrazione
interculturale si sono spostate in aree e in paesi che per il passato non ne
erano stati pienamente investiti proponendoci nuovi protagonisti e
testimoni dei processi di costruzione dei percorsi di pace.
Trattandosi di argomenti di attualità i contenuti e le immagini sono stati
prevalentemente tratti da fonti on-line.
Drops of History…Seeds of Hope 2010
The city of Naples will host the 2013 Universal Forum of Cultures that is
established with the objective of creating, for the largest possible number of
people, new opportunities for reflection and dialogue on the problems
associated with the acceleration of globalization processes and new
uncertainties and opportunities of today’s world. This leads to establish
objectives aimed at the reevaluation of respect for diversity as a value, and
with the cultural richness of humanity as the final goal.
The UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization) decided in the 1997 to give life to this important event in the
course of which cultures and citizens from around the world will meet and
engage in dialogue in an atmosphere of openess and creativity. It will be the
ideal forum for celebrating human diversity and for discovering common
point of interest amidst a plethora of different opinions.
International Decade for a Culture of Peace
and Non-Violence for the Children of the World
UNESCO Culture of Peace: Because the year 2000 is the
International Year for the Culture of Peace and the period 20012010 is the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and NonViolence for the Children of the World , there is no better time to join
the global movement to educate for a sustainable culture of peace.
"A culture of peace will be achieved when citizens of the world
understand global problems, have the skills to resolve conflicts and
struggle for justice non-violently, live by international standards
of human rights and equity, appreciate cultural diversity, and
respect the Earth and each other. Such learning can only be
International Decade for a Culture of Peace
and Non-Violence for the Children of the World
International Decade for a Culture of Peace
and Non-Violence for the Children of the World
Children for peace:
BAMBINI by Paola Turci
Shirin Ebadi in the Wired Manifesto
that candidates Internet for the
Nobel Peace Prize 2010
Shirin Ebadi is the first Iranian to have been awarded the Nobel Peace for her outspoken
campaigns for human rights and democracy in her own country of Iran.
Shirin Ebadi gradutated from Tehran University and became Iran’s first female judge,
serving from 1975. However, after the Islamic revolution of 1979 she was forced to resign, as
women were no longer allowed to serve as judges. During a long period of unemployment
Shirin wrote many books and articles on issues of human rights. In 1992 Shirin finally
obtained a lawyers certificate enabling her to set up her own practice. Shirin Ebadi has also
established two non-governmental organizations, the Iranian Society for Protecting the
Rights of the Child and the Centre for the Defence of Human Rights. Her work for human
rights in Iran have won her admiration and respect from humanitarian bodies across the globe.
The Iranian protest movement now has a
symbol and a face: Neda. She has become the
new symbol of the movement for Peace all over
the world thanks to the net.
Neda was an Iranian woman who was shot
dead by Basij militia on Saturday during a
protest of thousands against the Iranian
presidential election results that declared
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad president. Her death
was captured on video by bystanders and
uploaded to the internet. She died with her
eyes wide open, and her last moments
transcended citizen media to mainstream
media, reaching millions of people.
A website has been dedicated to Neda, named
We are all Neda. A quote on the homepage
says, “We did not throw rocks at them, we
cried ‘we want freedom'. They shot us.” Both
Iranians and non-Iranians are leaving
comments in memory of Neda on the site.
Neda Agha Soltani
AU declares 2010 'African Year of Peace
AU declares 2010 'African Year of Peace
The African Union (AU) has declared the Year 2010 the African Year of Peace,
reiterating its commitment to further push the peace process in Africa,
where millions of people are killed an d displaced due to civil strife. ‘The
month of January 2010 marks the beginning of the Year of Peace and Security
in Africa’, the African Union Commission said in a statement obtained by
PANA on Sunday. AU Commission Chairperson (AUC) Jean Ping, pledged the
commitment of the entire Commission towards intensifying its efforts in the
area of peace and security and appealed to African Governments, people,
media and civil society organisations to take advantage of the Year of Peace
and Security to re-dedicate themselves to the realisation of the objective of a
conflicts free continent.
2010 anno della pace
2010 year of peace 2010 année de paix 2010 año de la paz 2010 ano de paz 2010 das jahr des friedens 2010 fredsåret 2010 år med fred 2010 год Мира 2010 anul de pace 2010 ‫عاما للسالم‬
- ‫ שנת השלום‬2010
二千零十 年和平 平和の2010年 2010 χρόνια της ειρήνης Miaka ya 2010 amani 2010 jaar van vrede
S. Maria di Costantinopoli
A School for Peace
A School for Peace
A School for Peace
A School for Peace
Together for Peace
Marcia della Pace
Perugia- Assisi
16maggio 2010
Marcia della Pace
Perugia- Assisi
16maggio 2010
2010 anno della pace
2010 year of peace 2010 année de paix 2010 año de la paz 2010 ano de paz 2010 das jahr des friedens 2010 fredsåret 2010 år med fred 2010 год Мира 2010 anul de pace 2010 ‫عاما للسالم‬
- ‫ שנת השלום‬2010
二千零十 年和平 平和の2010年 2010 χρόνια της ειρήνης Miaka ya 2010 amani 2010 jaar van vrede

Drops of History…Seeds of Hope