Istituto comprensivo Altipiano-Italy
Volksschule Emmerting- Mehring- Germany
Europaeische Mittelschule – Gruenbach – Austria
Cumra Sedat Cumrali Technical and Vocational High School for Girls- Turkey
Organismo Autonomo De Progras Educativos Europeos Madrid-Spain
Zakladni Skola Mnichovickà Kolin- Czech Republic
Trieste Italy
Cumra Turkey
Grünbach am Schneeberg/Austria
Kutna Hora – Czech Republic
Comenius Camp in Germany
Incontro di progetto a Madrid- Spagna
Marzo 2012
Comenius- camp Trieste
21-25 maggio2012
Comenius- camp
Istituto Comprensivo Altipiano
21/05- 24/05 2012
Comenius Multilateral School Partnerships Project:“Climate shapes the home country:
seasonal, climatic comparisons in the region of the partner schools and their effects on
flora and fauna”( ref. 2011-1-DE3-COM 06-19104-4)
COMENIUS PROJECT press release of 24 May 2012
About ninety students from primary and secondary schools coming from Austria,
Germany, Spain, Turkey, Czech Republic and Italy (Trieste) were received by the
council member Antonella Grim in the meeting room in the Trieste Town hall to
conclude the Comenius Camp held in these days in Trieste.
The two years project is coordinated for the second time by The ISTITUTO
COMPRENSIVO ALTIPIANO, seat of Prosecco. It is achieved in the Programme of
multicultural and linguistic orientation and coordinated by the teachers Isabella Pallaver
and Silvana Roncelli.
As above said, the Project will last for two years and in this first year the subject
examined is the climate across the four seasons and its effects on the natural
environment that is to say on the flora and fauna using the English language. The
students can study the natural environment of the area where they live and to observe the
seasonal changes and to elaborate the data of the air and sea temperature and then to
compare them with those of the other partner schools’ countries.
There were meetings and visits of teachers to other schools. Also some teachers from the
Istituto Comprensivo Altipiano went to visit the other schools of the project, where they
taught some lessons and German teachers taught lessons in Trieste to Italian students in
During the Comenius Camp the students took part to activities and visits to Sincrotrone,
the Forest teaching centre in Basovizza, the Giant Cave, went seightseeing in Trieste
and went on trips to Grado and Venice.
Some Italian students had the role of guides for the foreign partners, giving them
explanations of the monuments in Trieste in English.
The Head teacher of the Istituto Comprensivo Altipiano Rita Manzara Sacellini
explained that the school of Prosecco had already taken part to this kind of experience
and that this is due to the fact that the teachers want to stimulate pupils to the learning
of the foreign languages as an instrument of improving the mutual knowledge and to
overcome every barrier thus favouring a policy of peace and civil living together.
Climate in winter 2011-2012
The winter 2011-2012 was special because it seemed fall, then at the end of January winter has arrived
suddenly. A temperature so cold was not recorded from almost 50 years. Because of the Bora, we felt the
cold more intensely. The Bora reached 150km / h, for about two weeks without a break. There was no rain
and no snow, even in the mountains. Such a winter weather is a very rare phenomenon. In short, we can
say that winter 2011-2012 was characterized by cold, bora, and very low temperatures.
Molo audace
Palazzo Carciotti
Palazzo Carciotti after the Bora in FebruaryThere has been consistent damage to the historical buildings of
the city, in particular Palazzo Carciotti: a piece of the roof has been untiled by the gusts of wind.
The Bora and the the freezing cold burned the olive groves in the municipality of San Dorligo, and now it is
time to draw some conclusions. The intense cold accompanied by ceaseless Bora in February has caused
serious damage to the olive groves. Even the drought has contributed to this situation The olive tree is in
the period of vegetal renewal and now it is fundamental for the rain to come. Nevertheless the cold has
inflicted various kinds of damage and the olive production will result weakened. The cold and the Bora have
made the lymph/sap freeze and have made the bark break off, with the consequent death of the branch.
Lopping the trees will be necessary. The situation is different from area to area.
Bora soffia fra Quercioli e Castagni
Si diverte come ragni
Entra in una grotta
E scotta
Scotta d’amore
Ma poi venne il dolore
Quando entrò Vento
Bora prese uno spavento
Vento arrabbiato
Tergesteo a terra ha scaraventato
Dalle lacrime di Bora è apparso
Il nostro Carso
Dal sangue mutato in sommaco
È scomparso il cielo opaco.
The legend of Bora wind
The bora wind blows among the oak saplings and
It amuses itself like spiders
It goes into a cave
Where it burns
It burns with love
But then there was pain
When the wind came
The Bora wind was scared
The angry wind
Hurled Tergesteo
So from the Bora's tears
Our Carso was created
From the blood of Tergesteo changed into sumach
The dull sky disappered
Valori meteorologici rilevati dagli studenti
A dry summer is followed by a warm autumn, but with a lot of rain ( almost a record).
This year was characterized by a dry winter with a little snow;
from late January to mid-February there was frost and strong Bora wind (a record);
Record of sunshine in March, return of rain and snow in April.
From mid-June to November dry and warm.
A lot of rain in October and November.
Sea storms on the coast;
In early December snow and ice only on Venezia Giulia.
A little snow in January;
from 29/1 to 12/2, 15 consecutive days with Bora> 100km, frost
dry month;
records of sunshine, the last decade of the month is hot
The climate in Trieste – Opicina and its effects on the region
The climate of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region presents mixed characteristics varying between a continental
and a Mediterranean climate. The coast line is influenced by the action of the Southern winds which
strengthen the effect of the sea. Along the coast there is less rain and summer is the driest season. A
particular type of wind called Bora, which comes from North-East, has an important influence: when it is
accompanied by good weather there is a drastic decrease in temperature and gusts that can be over
100km/h; when the weather is bad the Bora is called „scura“ (dark) which implies rainstorms or snow.
Lately an impressive rising of the maximum temperatures has been observed, as is the case almost
everywhere (temperature increase of 0,74°). Another phenomenon that was registered is the lesser
amount of precipitations (rain and snow) with consequent droughts, mostly in the woodland areas of the
Climate: it was mild, with little rainfall and windy. The average temperature ranged from 10° to
24°deegres. In April and May, the north-eastern wind bora hit the Gulf of Triest and blew over
the town. The students and teachers of Comenius camp could experience the cold and gusty
wind bora, during the visit to our town.
Climate: it was very hot and dry. The average daytime temperature ranged from 28° to 32°
deegres. It didn‘ t rain for three months. The extended heatwave and drought let the lanscape
of the Karst plateau very dry. The grass and leaves were withered and turned to yellow. The
lack of water forced wild animals to move near the town area in search of food and water.
Climate: It was cold and wet. Air temperature ranged from 8° to 24° deegres . As summer
was very hot, leaves fell off the trees very early, leaving the wood with a bare look.
Climate: it was ice-cold and dry for a long period. Bora wind blew over Triest and air
temperature ranged from -4° to 12° degrees. Frozen ponds and the extended cold weather
caused the death of a lot of fresh and salt water fish. The lack of rainfall during the winter
months had heavy consequences on the agricolture, a lot of trees and plants got dry and died.
At the end of winter, mainly for drought, forest fire occured on Karst Plateau burning hectars
of wood. Fire got close to Opicina forcing some families to leave their houses.
Winter 2013 It was chilly, frozen and bora blew very often. The average temperature ranged
from -5° to 10° degrees and it snowed a lot. On the 26.03.2013 the schools in Triest were
closed as it snowed and the streets were frozen.
Different landscapes of Trieste during the year
Miramare Marine Reserve
It is located in the Gulf of Trieste in the far northeast of the country, the reserve was the first
marine protected area created in Italy in 1973, which is now managed by WWF.
The sea beds are rocky as you move off from the coast, pebbly and sandy up to the depth of 8
meters, when the depth is lower they are muddy.
In the reserve there are many kinds of flora such as the parasol of the sea (acetabularia
acetabulum), the marine oak ( fucus vesiculosus), the tail of the peacock (Padina pavonica), the
Spirographis spallanzani, the cucumber of the sea ( Holothuria tubulosa), the organ-pipes sponge,
the cymodocea nodosa, the sea potato, the patella, the sea-lace and the sea small coin.
A fauna rich of poripheres, coelenterates, anellids, crustaceans (shellfish), molluscs, echinoderms
and bone fish live in the three habitats before described.
The Blenny peacock
It is the symbol of the reserve.
It lives at low depths ( about 0.5-2 metres). You can find it in the tidal puddles too.
Description and peculiarities
Its snout is short, the mouth is small, there is a small tentacle on its head, the body has a long
shape and the male has a high yellow crest. Its colour is geeenish with spots and vertical light blue
stripes and an oval black spot behind the eye.
The Blenny peacock takes shelter in natural holes among the rocks. It eats invertebrates
and especially molluscs and sea weeds.
It reproduces from May to July. Its behavior of reproduction is known in detail. The
female, having in this occasion an intense colour, gets near the hole occupied by a male
and shows him her brilliant and eggs swollen belly. Then if the male accepts the female,
he reacts changing his colour and swelling his body. After that he gets out of his den and
starts dancing following the shape of an eight and in the meanwhile the spawning takes
place. A male receives the spawning of different females and each female spawns in more
nests. The male, after fertilizing the eggs, will take care of them until they hatch, defending
and keeping them clean and well oxygenated.
SUMMER 2012 – The Contovello Pond
The Contovello pond is now in bad condition. Strong wind has knocked down the willow tree
surrounding it. Due to the low water level and to the poor oxygen the fish are dead. The little
precipitation and the new houses around the pond have caused problems to the water springs and
subterranean water canals, impairing their supply. In addition, other damage has been caused by a
bad maintenance and by the introduction into the pond of animal species that don’t belong there, as
red fish or turtles which have destabilized the Carsic eco-system. This situation needs to be solved
as soon as possible with a radical intervention to try and save this pond, which is a symbol of
Contovello. In order to do so, no more time has to be wasted: the strategies which are necessary to
re-establish the supply of water have to be enforced.
Per il sangue di Tergeste
La storia di Bora
che in sommaco si tramutò
tra quercioli e castagni
tra le lacrime di pietra
La bora
Tre giorni la crese
Tre giorni la fiorise
Tre giorni la finise
Piero Cortese
Federico Monti Bragadin
Vento d’amore
Tra quercioli e castagni
Si consumò una storia d’amore
Tra Bora e Tergesteo
Senza tempo ne sagoma.
Tutto finì in gocce di sangue
Diventate Sommaco
Ed in lacrime tanto appesantite dalla tristezza
Da diventare pietre.
Beatrice Patisso
C’era una volta Vento
Che scorrazzava violento
Bora da lui si allontanò
Per giocare tra i rami
Dei quercioli e castagni.
In una grotta si riposò
Dove l’eroe Tergesteo trovò
E subito si innamorò
Tergesteo ricambiò.
Quando Vento alla grotta arrivò
Scagliò Tergesteo contro la parete e lì immobile restò.
Ogni lacrima che dal viso di Bora sgorgava
In pietre si tramutava.
Il sangue di Tergesteo in un Sommaco si trasformò
E da allora l’autunno carsico inondò.
Angie Pertot
BORA chiara BORA scura
BORA che ama l’avventura
Tra foglie cadute da quercioli e castagni
Tra pietre che ormai bloccano i sogni
Passando tra il sangue divenuto Sommaco
Ricordi quei tre , cinque , sette giorni d’amore scoppiato.
In ricordo dell’amato Tergesteo
Nacque Tergeste , oramai la nostra TRIESTE
La Bora gioca tra castagni e quercioli,
mentre padre vento bada ai suoi figliuoli.
Stanca la Bora di correr per l’altipiano,
in una grotta entra piano.
Mentre il cuor di Bora incominciò a batter forte,
a Tergesteo spettava la morte.
Tante le pietre quante le lacrime versate
E le foglie del sommaco dal sangue sono nate.
Bora che soffi
Sempre in azione
Si apran le porte
Con Tergesteo di pura passione
Scomparsa dal padre
Trovata dall’ amore
Si rifugiò in una grotta
E di stupore le si riempì il cuore
Arriva Vento
Cammino dimenticato
Tergesteo per terra
E così scatta la guerra
Lacrime di pietra cadute
Sangue macchiato
Nasce l’ altipiano
Ed un bellissimo sommaco.
Jennifer Stigliani
colei che adora l’avventura.
Camminando tra i rami dei castagni e quercioli,
Vento ti cerca coi suoi sette figlioli.
Camminando tra il sangue divenuto sommaco,
ricordi quei 3, 5, 7 giorni d’amore passato.
Lisa Farosich
Un amore rovinato
Tra Bora e Tergesteo un amore rovinato
Da un essere non taciuto
Dal sangue è nato un sommaco
Dal pianto le rocce
Che ricoprirono il regno dove regnano
quercioli e castagni
Da Tergesteo morto per amore
È nata una città regnata dal dolore
Anna Stanovich
Pallaver, Isabella
Aydin, Tuba
Tvrznikova, Dana
Méndez Germain, Nina
Wernhart, Andrea
Hacker, Barbara
Tiefenthaler, Helmut
Si ringraziano studenti ,insegnanti, genitori che hanno partecipato attivamente al progetto e gli Enti
Istituzionali che hanno collaborato durante il Comenius- camp, sia nelle visite guidate che negli interventi a
Comune di Trieste
Centro Didattico Forestale di Basovizza
Area di Ricerca Sincrotrone ( Trieste)
Let’s start together a new journey in order to discover the wonders of Turkey!
Most of the country consists in the region of Anatolia, surrounded by the mountains of Ponto in the North
and by the Tauro mountains in the South. All the eastern region is a highly seismic area. The seacoast of
the Aegean is high and bevelled, the Caspian seacoast is low and swampy. There are many rivers, th most
important are: Keilrmok, Sakarya, Meandro and the first part of Tigri and Eufrate. The climate on the
western and southern coast is Mediterranean while the hinterland has a continental climate. The highland
is occupied by forests, in the level ground there are prairies and swamps.
Many different populations have occupied this territory throughout history: Ittiti, Greeks, Persians,
Macedonians and Romans. In the V century the Eastern Roman Empire reaches its peak in magnificence
thanks to Giustiniano, and the Byzantine Art is born.
In the XVIII century the Ottomans conquer the Balkan peninsula and in 1453 they conquer Constantinople.
This occupation goes on for three centuries. In 1919 the independence war begins, in 1923 AtaTurk
proclaims the birth of the republic.
Where will we start our journey?
We will start from Istanbul, the capital city. Istanbul is the ancient Constantinople, former capital of the
Roman and Byzantine empire. It is one of the most important cities in History. It is located on the
Bosphorus strait, the meeting point between Europe and Asia. Istanbul is well known all over the world
because of its wonderful buildings. One of these is the cathedral of Santa Sofia. This cathedral is was built
under Giustiniano with the most precious materials. In 1853 it was converted into a mosque.
Another wonderful mosque is the blue mosque, it was named like this because of the beautiful decorations
in blue ceramics. Now let’s visit the historical center where the sultan’s palace is located, it is called the
Let’s have a break and have a snack! The Turkish sweets are delicious!! They are made of honey, nuts and
pistachios. Let’s try some pomegranate juice! After a tour of the Bosphorus channel let’s move on to the
city of Konya.
Konya is located in the central plateau of Anatolia. There are quite a few interesting places to visit; first of
all the museum Mevlana. The mausoleum, called “Kubbe-I Handra” because it is green, was built by the
architect Bedrettin da Tebriz. The construction continued until the XIX century. The museum was finally
named Mevlana.
Let’s add some magic to our visit and let’s go visit the fantastic region Cappadocia, with its hidden cities and
the famous fairy chimneys. Cappadocia is a historical region and it is mainly appreciated because of its
geological characteristics.
The Göreme National Park (Göreme Milli Parklar in Turkish) was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List
in 1985. This site is more or less 60 km south-east of Konya and it was a Neolithic village.
How climate shapes the homeland; seasonal and climatic comparisons in the region of the partner
schools, and their effects on flora and fauna.
As part of this project we got to know our home country, made use of scientific techniques and edited the
results through writing, graphics and information technology. The focus was on using new electronic media.
All participants shared a platform and provided their results, so that everyone could read and compare
them and add new ideas.
The platform had to be private, in order to protect the children’s and adults’ personal rights. Therefore the
results can be adapted only partially for further publication. All results will be gathered on a DVD and
provided for the participating teachers in English.
Single reports also can be found at the schools homepages. Through exhibitions and public events the
Comenius-Project was opened to the public. Public relation was a very important part of our work.
Therefore each project meeting resulted in visiting a public ambassador to discuss the idea of the project,
and to emphasis the importance of the European unification.
Project meeting in Grünbach am Schneeberg, 18th to 21st of March, 2013.In the middle: Bezirkshauptmann
Frau Magistra Alexandra Grabner-Fritz, Neukirchen.

Poesia - Istituto Comprensivo Altipiano