The name of our country is ITALY: it’s a
Around Italy there are 4 seas:
In our country there are 20 regions:
Liguria,Piemonte,Lombardia,Lazio,Valle d’ Aosta, Friuli
Venezia Giulia,Trentino Alto Adige,Veneto,Emilia
Calabria,Basilicata, Puglia,Umbria,Sicilia and Sardegna.
Our country is a DEMOCRAZY.
The Italian Prime Minister is
Silvio Berlusconi.
He is the President of Republic,his name is Giorgio
He is old ,but he is an intelligent person.
He lives in Lazio
(in Lazio there
is Roma).
Its name is Rome.. It’s very beautiful!!!It’s in Lazio, in Italy
.In this city there are some monuments: “Colosseo”,
“Colonna Traiana”,“Chiesa di San Pietro” “Campidoglio”…
and so on.
DO YOU WANT TO COME HERE ?????????????????????
It’s the Colosseo in the day.
It’s the Colosseo at night.
In our country there are other beautiful cities!!!
These are:Pisa,Genova,Bari,Palermo,Venezia,Aosta,
Milano,Torino,Napoli,Bologna,Pisa,Firenze…and so on
It’s the “ Duomo di Milano”.
It’s the “Torre di
It’s Venezia, it is ON the sea!!!
Italy is a Euopean country.
There are many countries in the European
Community: Spain, France, Portugal ,Germany
,Belgium, Austria ,Ireland , Denmark ,Sweden
,Finland, Estonia, Lithuania ,Poland, Greece and
others. This is Europe:
Europe with
European Flags
Our country is also famous for art:Giotto,Cimabue,
Leonardo Da Vinci, Brunelleschi, Botticelli, Donatello,
Masaccio, Raffaello, Michelangelo, Caravaggio ...
They are very famous!!!!
This is a Leonardo’s
painting: The Gioconda.
This is a flower, the
“Stella alpina”.
In Italy there are many plants:”pino,pino marittimo,
stella alpina,ulivi,aranci,mandarini,and so on.
It’s a tree, its name is “ulivo”.
It’s another tree,its name is
“pino marittimo”.
The tipical Italian food is :“pizza”,” “pasta”, ”passatelli”,
The typical food of the Liguria is:”pesto”, ”panissa”,
”chinotti”, ”amaretti”, ”farinata”… and so on!!!
It’s “PIZZA”,it is very good!!!
It’s a fruit,its name
It’s the
In our sea there are many types of Fish:
”Tonno, Dentice,Buga,Fiamma …and “Vongole,
Cozze,Aragoste,Gamberi, Seppie,Totani”…
And in Italy you can eat pasta with
Tonno, Gamberi,Vongole,and so on…
It’s VERY good
In our country we have some parties ”Natale, Befana,
Capodanno, Pesce d’ Aprile, Ferragosto and an American
typical party!!!!!! It’s a beautiful party! HALLOWEEN!!!
If you want to come here you must
visit ROMA!!!!( and Savona …
Where we live!!!)
Our names are :

Take a tour of Italy