Convegno Dagli individui alla collettività: folle e sciami 15-16 novembre 2012 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, 00185 Roma Aula Conferenze Libretto degli abstract Organizzazione: Andrea Tosin Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo “M. Picone” Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Patrocinio: Gruppo di Attività SIMAI sui Sistemi Complessi Dagli individui alla collettività: folle e sciami GA-MeMoMa-COMPLEX-SIMAI Bazzani MODELING SELF-ORGANIZED PHENOMENA IN PEDESTRIAN DYNAMICS ARMANDO BAZZANI∗ Dipartimento di Fisica Università di Bologna Abstract Pedestrian dynamics has been mainly simulated by using physical-like models to study crowding effects for safety reasons. However despite of some successful results, the Newtonian force models are still not fully consistent with experimental observations. In particular this is the case when one considers cognitive aspects in individual behavior. Recently new cognitive inspired models have been proposed where the pedestrian dynamics is related with cognitive processes due to local vision (e.g. collision avoidance dynamics) and cooperative versus selfish behavior [1, 2]. The collective self-organized states of crowd dynamics can be seen as emergent properties from decisional process at individual level. We present a simple microscopic model for pedestrian dynamics that integrates local vision effects and the existence of counteracting strategies in the individual decision mechanisms. By using numerical simulations we discuss the emergence of self-organized dynamical states and the transition from ordered cooperative states to “panic states”. A statistical physics approach is also proposed. Bibliografia [1] A. Bazzani, B. Giorgini, F. Zanlungo, and S. Rambaldi. Cognitive Dynamics in an Automata Gas. In R. Serra, M. Villani, and I. Poli, editors, Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation, pages 3–19, Singapore, 2009. World Scientific. Proceedings of Wivace 2008. [2] M. Moussaı̈d, D. Helbing, and G. Theraulaz. How simple rules determine pedestrian behavior and crowd disasters. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 108(17):6884–6888, 2011. ∗ Con B. Giorgini, S. Rambaldi, Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Bologna 1 Dagli individui alla collettività: folle e sciami GA-MeMoMa-COMPLEX-SIMAI Bellomo MODELING AND SIMULATION OF FREE BOUNDARY PROBLEMS FOR CROWD DYNAMICS BY THE KINETIC THEORY FOR ACTIVE PARTICLES NICOLA BELLOMO Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche Politecnico di Torino Abstract The contents of this lecture is presented in three parts. The first part presents a modeling approach to crowd dynamics viewed as a large living system by methods of the mathematical kinetic theory for active particles [1], which includes a detailed analysis of the complexity features of the system under consideration as well as development of multi-scale methods [2, 3]. The second part is devoted to the development of splitting methods to simulate the overall dynamics focusing on depicting the evolution of the moving boundary of the domain containing the crowd. The presentation is constantly focused on the modeling complex large systems of individuals interacting in a non-linear manner, which, as known, are difficult to model and understand at a global level. Specifically, to describe the emerging collective behavior of the overall system, based only on the knowledge of the dynamics of their individual elements. The third part presents some perspective ideas and research hints towards the modeling and simulation of animal swarms looking at the beautiful shapes of swarms [4]. Bibliografia [1] N. Bellomo. Modeling complex living systems – A kinetic theory and stochastic game approach. Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology. Birkhäuser, Boston, 2008. [2] N. Bellomo and A. Bellouquid. On the modeling of crowd dynamics: Looking at the beautiful shapes of swarms. Netw. Heterog. Media, 6(3):383–399, 2011. [3] N. Bellomo and C. Dogbé. On the modelling of traffic and crowds. A survey of models, speculations, and perspectives. SIAM Rev., 53(3):409–463, 2011. [4] N. Bellomo and J. Soler. On the mathematical theory of the dynamics of swarms viewed as complex systems. Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 22(suppl. 1):1140006 (29 pages), 2012. 2 Dagli individui alla collettività: folle e sciami GA-MeMoMa-COMPLEX-SIMAI Bruno PEDESTRIANS, GROUPS AND CROWDS: STRUCTURAL EFFECTS ON FOOTBRIDGES LUCA BRUNO∗ Dipartimento di Architettura e Design Politecnico di Torino Abstract After the closure of the London Millennium Bridge in 2000 due to the so-called Synchronous Lateral Excitation (SLE) phenomenon, an intense research activity related to footbridge dynamics under human-induced excitation has been carried out (reviewed e.g. in [2, 5, 6]). The SLE is a crowd-structure interaction phenomenon, characterized by the following key features: self-excitation, due to the synchronization between the pedestrians and the laterally moving walking platform (lock-in); synchronization among the pedestrians themselves, when walking is constrained by the surroundings pedestrians in dense crowd; self-limitation of the structural response, when the pedestrians stop because of excessive vibrations. This contribution proposes an introduction to this engineering problem and an overview on the modelling strategies and codified practices that have been proposed in literature to deal with it. The earlier and most common approach in engineering considers and models the pedestrians as a simple action applied to the structure. The problem, therefore, reduces to the calculation of the structural response under the action of a suitable load model. According to this approach, several load models have been proposed (reviewed e.g. in [3]). Codified design guidelines (e.g. [4]) handle collective phenomena by introducing different design scenarios referred to single pedestrian and not well defined “groups” and “crowd”. A different approach - inspired by crowd models mainly developed in the fields of applied mathematics, physics and transportation engineering (e.g. reviewed in [1]) - has been recently applied to this problem. It considers the pedestrians as a dynamical system, which has its own governing rules and that interacts with the structure system. This approach results in coupled models characterized by non-linear, multi-physic and multi-scale features. In particular, two issues of the problem are addressed in the contribution: i. how to model the transition and the coexistence of individual and collective phenomena (“pedestrian, group and crowd” in civil engineering literature) and their effects on structures? ii. How to account for the inherent randomness of the walking pedestrians (“intersubject” and “intrasubject variability” in civil engineering literature) in a probability-based design of structures? The above mentioned issues are still open and could benefit of the contribution of research fields beside civil engineering (e.g. applied mathematics and physics) to evaluate new modelling perspectives towards real world applications. ∗ Con F. Venuti, Dipartimento di Architettura e Design, Politecnico di Torino 3 Dagli individui alla collettività: folle e sciami GA-MeMoMa-COMPLEX-SIMAI Bibliografia Bibliografia [1] N. Bellomo and C. Dogbé. On the modelling of traffic and crowds. A survey of models, speculations, and perspectives. SIAM Rev., 53(3):409–463, 2011. [2] E. T. Ingólfsson, C. T. Georgakis, and J. Jönsson. Pedestrian-induced lateral vibrations of footbridges: A literature review. Eng. Struct., 45:21–52, 2012. [3] V. Racic, A. Pavic, and J. M. W. Brownjohn. Experimental identification and analytical modelling of human walking forces: Literature review. J. Sound Vib., 326(1):1–49, 2009. [4] F. Sétra. Assessment of vibrational behaviour of footbridges under pedestrian loading. Technical report, 2006. Technical guide SETRA. [5] F. Venuti and L. Bruno. Crowd-structure interaction in lively footbridges under synchronous lateral excitation: A literature review. Phys. Life Rev., 6(3):176–206, 2009. [6] S. Živanović, A. Pavic, and P. Reynolds. Vibration serviceability of footbridges under human-induced excitation: a literature review. J. Sound Vib., 279:1–74, 2005. 4 Dagli individui alla collettività: folle e sciami GA-MeMoMa-COMPLEX-SIMAI Colombo INDIVIDUALS-POPULATION INTERACTIONS: MODELING AND CONFINEMENT PROBLEMS RINALDO M. COLOMBO Dipartimento di Matematica Università degli Studi di Brescia Abstract Various analytical frameworks are able to describe the interaction between agents and a moving population. First, within a PDE setting, this presentation describes a well posedness result. Then, a model based on differential inclusions is presented. In this context, recently obtained positive and negative confinement results are discussed. 5 Dagli individui alla collettività: folle e sciami GA-MeMoMa-COMPLEX-SIMAI Corbetta INDIVIDUAL DYNAMICS AND COLLECTIVE PERCEPTION IN BUILT ENVIRONMENTS ALESSANDRO CORBETTA Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale, Edile e Geotecnica Politecnico di Torino Abstract A mathematical model for the active motion of pedestrians in a crowd is proposed, hence a reasoned application is considered. The pedestrian motion is phenomenologically approached reckoning the interactions that, in a crowd, exist between single individuals and the collectivity around them. These interactions, indeed, are regarded as a reaction to perceptions one has of his surroundings. On this basis, a model formulated in terms of a conservation law for the pedestrian mass is deduced. Particularly, the pedestrian mass is considered in the general sense of measures and its evolution is determined by non-local interaction terms. The obtained model is further read in a probabilistic sense, aiming at retrieving statistics about agents’ distribution. Affine statistical data are currently used in the engineering practice in order to assess performances and serviceability of pedestrian facilities. Finally, after outlining some of the ingredients necessary to apply the model in real situations (e.g. behavior at boundaries and inflow conditions), an application is examined. 6 Dagli individui alla collettività: folle e sciami GA-MeMoMa-COMPLEX-SIMAI Di Carlo DO WE HAVE ANYTHING TO LEARN FROM MOLECULAR DYNAMICS? ANTONIO DI CARLO Dipartimento di Strutture Università degli Studi “Roma Tre” Abstract The dynamics of large molecular systems, exactly like that of crowds and swarms, is essentially driven by the mutual interactions between individual particles. In this talk, I raise the question of which lessons we can learn from past experience with Molecular Dynamics, and which methods hold better promise for application to more complex systems (more complex in a sense to be made precise). I also attempt to give some partial answers, concentrating on the strategies to be adopted for bridging the scale gap. 7 Dagli individui alla collettività: folle e sciami GA-MeMoMa-COMPLEX-SIMAI Freguglia AN ATTEMPT TO DETERMINE A SAFE DRIVING INDEX PAOLO FREGUGLIA Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Scienze dell’Informazione e Matematica Università degli Studi dell’Aquila Abstract The aim of our proposal is to explain some considerations in order to determine a safe driving index with regard to a road and with regard to state of a driver. In other words, we propose a measure which enables to establish when a road can be covered with a sufficient safety. A driving index depends on a function (driving function) F (t, x) consisting of an objective part f (t, x) [features of the road and conditions of the journey] and a subjective part g(t, x) [state of heath and decisions of driver] (t denotes the time and x the road course), that is: F (t, x) = f (t, x) + g(t, x) In its turn, f (t, x) and g(t, x) depend on other basic functions which on the one hand describe the road width, the traffic density, the velocity of vehicles (in the considered road) and the rainfall (bat also i.e. sun position on the horizon, road typology [number of lanes, motorway ], dangerous curves, sharp curves, etc.) and on the other hand the state of health (i.e. reaction time, etc.) and the velocity of driver are considered. The safe driving indexes are particular average values of F (t, x), that is, values belonging to a suitable intervals of t and of x. But F (t, x) can be obtained also by means of a PDE or SDE which expresses the following law: the variations during the time t and during the course x of the road of F (t, x) depend on an assigned function pertinent to state of driver (subjective part) and on another assigned function pertinent to the state (possible harshness and windings) of the road (objective part). It is possible to set this approach in the context of the information theory. Besides an important general contribution can be obtained by the studies about the mathematical models of traffic (the references about this topic are very large). F (t, x) is established (as the safe driving indexes) a priori, but of course it is necessary a posteriori a comparison with the accident data and a consequent possible application of the DEA method. Our approach is consistent i.e. with [1, 2, 3] but we would like give some new contribution. Bibliografia [1] E. Hermans, T. Brijs, G. Wets, and K. Vanhoof. Benchmarking road safety: Lessons to learn from a data envelopment analysis. Accident Anal. Prev., 41(1):174–182, 2009. [2] E. Hermans, F. Van den Bossche, and G. Wets. Combining road safety information in a performance index. Accident Anal. Prev., 40(4):1337–1344, 2008. 8 Dagli individui alla collettività: folle e sciami GA-MeMoMa-COMPLEX-SIMAI Bibliografia [3] Y. Shen, E. Hermans, T. Brijs, G. Wets, and K. Vanhoof. Road safety risk evaluation and target setting using data envelopment analysis and its extensions. Accident Anal. Prev., 48:430–441, 2012. 9 Dagli individui alla collettività: folle e sciami GA-MeMoMa-COMPLEX-SIMAI Giardina STATISTICAL MECHANICS MODELS FOR FLOCKS OF BIRDS IRENE GIARDINA Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Abstract Collective animal behaviour has attracted enormous interest among physicists in recent years. Self-organization of individuals into coordinated groups indeed strongly reminds ordering phenomena in condensed matter systems. How much can we push the analogy with physical systems? Can we describe animal aggregations in the same way we would do with a system of particles or spins? Despite the intense work in theoretical studies and numerical modelling, the scarce feedback with experimental data has restrained to give a clear answer to these questions. In this talk I will show that, in some cases, this can actually be done. Starting from field data of large flocks of starlings we indeed construct a maximum entropy model, which describes the statistics of individual flight directions in the group. This model is of the same kind as models used to describe ferromagnetic ordering and we can study and solve the statistical mechanics associated to it. In this way, we prove that interactions between individuals in a flock are local (a bird interacting with a finite number of neighbours) and topological (the number of interacting neighbours being independent of group density). The model quantitatively predicts the propagation of order throughout the flock, using no free parameters, even in very large aggregations. 10 Dagli individui alla collettività: folle e sciami GA-MeMoMa-COMPLEX-SIMAI Gosse NUMERICAL STABILIZATION AND PATTERNS FOR WEAKLY NONLINEAR KINETIC MODELS OF CHEMOTAXIS DYNAMICS LAURENT GOSSE Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo “M. Picone” Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Abstract Well-balanced discretizations of scalar balance laws can be derived by lifting the original equation at the level of a non-conservative (NC) 2 × 2 Temple class system: the NC product renders locally the action of the source term by means of a linearly degenerate field across which conservative variables jump according to the steady-state equation. Such a reformulation allows to prove rigorously improved L1 error estimates which don’t hold for more classical numerical schemes (joint result with Debora Amadori). Besides, this lifting can be applied to linear kinetic equations in the discrete-ordinate approximation as soon as an analytic expression of their steady-state solutions is available. Such expressions were derived during the 60/70’s for several types of problems by following a seminal paper by Kenneth Case (the so-called “Caseology”). We shall explain how these techniques can be used in order to derive interesting numerical schemes in the context of two types of time-dependent chemotaxis models: one studied by Hillen-Othmer, and another investigated by Bournaveas-Calvez. Bibliografia [1] D. Amadori and L. Gosse. Transient L1 error estimates for well-balanced schemes on non-resonant scalar balance laws. Preprint, 2012. [2] L. B. Barichello and C. E. Siewert. A discrete-ordinates solution for a nongrey model with complete frequency redistribution. J. Quant, Spectrosc. R. A., 62(6):665–676, 1999. [3] N. Bournaveas and V. Calvez. Critical mass phenomenon for a chemotaxis kinetic model with spherically symmetric initial data. Ann. I. H. Poincaré C, 26(5):1871–1895, 2009. [4] K. M. Case. Elementary solutions of the transport equation and their applications. Ann. Phys., 9(1):1–23, 1960. [5] L. Gosse. Transient radiative transfer in the grey case: Well-balanced and asymptotic-preserving schemes built on Case’s elementary solutions. J. Quant, Spectrosc. R. A., 112(12):1995–2012, 2011. [6] H. G. Othmer and T. Hillen. The diffusion limit of transport equations II: Chemotaxis equations. SIAM J. Appl. Math., 62(4):1222–1250, 2002. 11 Dagli individui alla collettività: folle e sciami GA-MeMoMa-COMPLEX-SIMAI Pareschi MODELING SELF-ORGANIZED SYSTEMS INTERACTING WITH FEW INDIVIDUALS: FROM MICROSCOPIC TO MACROSCOPIC DYNAMICS LORENZO PARESCHI∗ Dipartimento di Matematica Università di Ferrara Abstract In nature self-organized systems as flock of birds, school of fishes or herd of sheep have to deal with the presence of external agents such as predators or leaders which modify their internal dynamic. Such situations take into account a large number of individuals with their own social behavior which interact with a few number of other individuals acting as external point source forces. In order to describe this phenomena we consider the classical Cucker-Smale and the D’Orsogna-Bertozzi et al. model for flocking and swarming dynamics, adding the new feature of a predator/leader interaction. Starting from the microscopic description we derive the kinetic model through a mean-field limit and finally the macroscopic system through a suitable hydrodynamic limit. ∗ Con G. Albi, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Ferrara 12 Dagli individui alla collettività: folle e sciami GA-MeMoMa-COMPLEX-SIMAI Toscani FLUID DYNAMIC MODELS OF FLOCKING GIUSEPPE TOSCANI Dipartimento di Matematica Università di Pavia Abstract We introduce and discuss the possible dynamics of groups of indistinguishable agents, which are interacting according to their relative positions, with the aim of deriving hydrodynamic equations. These models are developed to mimic the collective motion of groups of species such as bird flocks, fish schools, herds of quadrupeds or bacteria colonies. Our starting model for these interactions is the Povzner equation, which describes a dilute gas in which binary collisions of elastic spheres depend of their relative positions. Following the Cucker and Smale model, we will consider binary interactions between agents that are dissipative collisions in which the coefficient of restitution depends on their relative distance. Under the assumption of weak dissipation, it is shown that the Povzner equation is modified through a correction in the form of a nonlinear friction type operator. Using this correction we formally obtain from the Povzner equation in a direct way a fluid dynamic description of a system of weakly interacting agents interacting in a dissipative way, with a coefficient of restitution that depends on their relative distance. 13