Study Visit of the Jordanian Justice Delegation 25-27 March 2014, Bologna and Turin, Italy Cepej key case flow indicators and some examples from the Turin First Instance Court [email protected] Cepej key case flow indicators 2 Cepej key case flow indicators Pending cases: the number of cases that still have to be dealt with by the court at a certain date (beginning and end of the year) Incoming cases: the number of new cases that needs to be dealt with by the court, that have been filed during the year of reference Resolved cases: the number of cases that have been dealt with by the court, during the year of reference 3 Cepej key case flow indicators Clearance rate: indicator of the capability of the court to cope with the caseload it is calculated dividing the number of resolved cases by the number of incoming cases and presented as a percentage Disposition time: It estimates the number of days necessary for a pending case to be solved in court. It is calculated by dividing the 365 days of a year by the number of resolved cases in the year of reference and multiplying them by the number of pending cases at the end of the year. 4 Cepej key case flow indicators Average length: Average length to the procedure per court instance for the year of reference, it can be calculated on the basis of other dimensions or the actual average of the time between the filing of the case and the publication of the sentence closing the case for that instance of all cases. Backlog: number of cases (or percentage of cases) that have not been resolved within an established timeframe Pending cases by age: present the pending cases at a certain date, dividing them by their age (0-6 moths, 6 months 1 year, 1-2 years, 2-3 years, more than 3 years) 5 Some examples form Turin court caseload Sources: Relazione sui dati statistici anno 2012 Relazione Strasburgo II semestre 2012 Court section presidents Judges Expected dealing with civil cases number of Actual number of Judges Judges Pending 01/01/2012 Court sections dealing with civil cases Court detached sections dealing with civil cases (Now suppressed - d.lgs. 155/2012) Civil cases Resolved Pending with (contenzioso ordinario) Incoming 2012 resolved 2012 sentence 2012 31/12/2012 Average duration in days Civil cases incoming & resolved 2009-2012 Incoming by year Resolved by year Average civil cases duration2009-2012 (days) Court sections dealing with civil cases Court detached sections dealing with civil cases (Now suppressed - d.lgs. 155/2012) Turin court Strasbourg programme data collection areas (the exercise is carried out every six months) A. lavoro Employment B. previdenza e assistenza cases C. fallimentare e procedure concorsuali D. esecuzioni immobiliari E. esecuzioni mobiliari F. volontaria giurisdizione e procedimenti camerali in materia di famiglia e persone (compresi divorzi e separazioni non contenziosi ed escluse tutele, curatele e amministrazioni di sostegno) G. volontaria giurisdizione e procedure camerali non in materia di famiglia e persone H. separazioni e divorzi contenziosi I. contenzioso civile ordinario (categoria rappresentata in massima parte dai procedimenti di cognizione ordinaria e che comprende ogni altro procedimento contenzioso che non sia specificamente collocabile in un altro ambito) J. procedimenti a cognizione sommaria o cautelare (esclusi decreti ingiuntivi) K. decreti ingiuntivi (per tutte le materia complessivamente considerate) L. tutele, curatele e amministrazioni di sostegno Date of reference Employment cases (pending cases at 31/12 2012) Age of the pending cases: less than one year, less than two years etc. Number of cases Comparison with the previous semester exercise Percentage of cases by age Cases below and over 3 years