Le prospettive per l’ultimo anno e… per il futuro!
Plenaria MINNI
Le prospettive per l’ultimo anno
Plenaria MINNI
Le prospettive per l’ultimo anno
Studio Uniroma su caratteristiche PBL (definizione altezza di mescolamento)
- verifica parametrizzazioni del PBL di SURFPRO
- run RAMS a alta risoluzione?
- verifica di “classificazione” (es. brezze) dinamica e chimica con le sole misure
- casi dei voli
- Studi UTMEA-TER, Uniroma sulle caratteristiche delle nubi
- verifica riproducibilità nubi nel modello critica per l’implementazione del
modulo di trasferimento radiativo
- Studi UTMEA-TER, MORE misure frequenze di fotodissociazione
- verifica modello radiativo e impatto su O3 & co
- Profili meteorologici (UTMEA-TER, Uniroma, MORE)
- validazione 4x4 RAMS standard (approccio misto, casi studio e statistico)
- Studio casi desertici Uniroma, UTMEA-TER, UTVALAMB-AIR, SSC, ARPAl. UNIFE
- verifica moduli o approcci implementati
- Distribuzione verticale ozono e aerosol (MORE)
- run RAMS a alta risoluzione come chiave interpretativa sul percorso?
- Studio andamento concentrazioni e speciazione al suolo UTVALAMB-AIR, SSC, ARPAl, UNIFE
- relazioni tracer con fenomeni dinamici
- relazioni aerosol colonnare con aerosol al suolo (Uniroma, UTMEA_TER, MORE)
- aspettando FARM
… per il futuro!
Campagna di misura per caratterizzare/valutare MINNI in ambiente urbano ed
extraurbano (Frosinone)?
Largo utilizzo database MINNI, meteorologico, chimico ed emissivo?
Verifica dei moduli marino, desertico.
Traffico marittimo…..
Plenaria MINNI
… per il futuro!
Studio dell’impatto del traffico navale nel canale di sicilia
S. Becagli1, R. Traversi1, C. Ghedini1, S. Nava2, M. Chiari2, F. Lucarelli2, G. Calzolai2, A. di Sarra3, G. Pace3,
D. Meloni3, D. M. Sferlazzo4, C. Bommarito4, F. Monteleone4 and R. Udisti1
1 Department of Chemistry, University of Florence, Sesto Fiorentino, Florence, I-50019, Italy
2I.N.F.N., Sez. Florence, Sesto Fiorentino, Florence, I-50019, Italy
3ENEA CR Casaccia, S. Maria di Galeria, Roma, I-00123, Italy
4ENEA, Climate Laboratory, , Palermo, I-90141, Italy
Temporal evolution of Nisol, Vsol, nssSO42- in PM10 samples at Lampedusa island
Temporal evolution of Nitot/Sitot in PM10 samples collected at Lampedusa island. Black line
represent the Ni/Si mean ratio in upper continental crust (REF), dashed line represent one order of
magnitude higher than black line and represent the threshold values for sharing samples enriched
and not enriched. Red dots are samples with high dust content (Si> 800 ng m-3).
Slope (±error)
Vsol / Vtot ship events
0.80 (±0.02)
Vsol / Vtot pure Saharan dust events
0.40 (±0.02)
Nisol / Nitot ship events
0.77 (±0.02)
Nisol / Nitot pure Saharan dust events
0,45 (±0.02)
Table 1. Correlation parameters between V and Ni soluble and total fraction in ship events (Vsol > 6 ng m ) and
pure Saharan dust events (Si > 800 ng m and Vsol < 6 ng m )
Nome file
Monthly frequency occurence
(5 years)
Montly mean Vsol (ng/m3)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Months number
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Vsol concentration class (ng/m3)
Annual behaviour of monthly mean value of Vsol and (left panel) Vsol monthly frequency
occurrences evaluated on the whole 5 years dataset (frequency occurrence is evaluated
normalizing on the number day of each month independently if the measured were performed
or not). Monthly standard deviation value of Vsol is presented as error bar.
Figure A and B show respectively the 18 hours back trajectory relatives to the measurements of V sol less than or great/equal to 6 ng/m3.
18 hours back trajectories for the 20 June - 9 July 2008 period, when only 3 daily Vsol measurements (25 June, 3 July and 7 July)
decrease below the Vsol_thereshold. The number at the end of the back-trajectories indicate the corresponding day of June and July.
Taking into account the source emission profile obtained from exhaust samplings at sea going ship
(Agrawal et al., 2008) it was possible to estimate the ship aerosol contribution to the total PM10
sampled at Lampedusa island. In the selected events we found that aerosol from this source
contribute as averaged for about 0.9 mg m-3 and represent as average the 3% of the PM10
For each year, and for the periods 2004-06, 2007-08 are reported: the number of PM samples (measurements of Vsol), the number (frequency
occurrence on the total number of annual Vsol measurements) of measurements with Vsol>6 ng/m3, their mean and standard deviation values,
the number of episodes of single and consecutive days (frequency occurrence on the number of annual Vsol measurements affected by ship
emission) of Vsol greater than 6 ng/m3. Annual mean and standard deviation values of the single day episodes are also presented; for episodes
longer than one day the mean and standard deviation values of each episodes are shown.
Grazie e buon lavoro 

Diapositiva 1