II CIRCOLO DIDATTICO DI CIAMPINO PROGETTO COMENIUS 2007-2009 IL PROGETTO: “UNDERSTANDING THROUGH THE ARTS” OGNI PAESE HA LA PROPRIA MODALITA' DI ESPRIMERE L'ARTE E HA I PROPRI ARTISTI DI CUI ANDARE FIERO. L'ARTE OFFRE UNA SPLENDIDA OPPORTUNITA' DI ESPRIMERE SE' STESSI, A PRESCINDERE DALLE PROPRIE ABILITA'. LE PERSONE CHE TROVANO DIFFICOLTA' AD ESPRIMERSI UTILIZZANDO I CONSUETI CANALI ESPRESSIVI, SPESSO SONO FACILITATI DALL'USO DI CANALI ARTISTICI. L'ARTE SORPRENDE E FA SCOPRIRE. PER TUTTE QUESTE MOTIVAZIONI E PER ALTRE, LE SCUOLE PARTECIPANTI AL PARTENARIATO HANNO SCELTO QUESTO TEMA. PER I BAMBINI PROVENIENTI DA SEI PAESI DIVERSI, LE DIVERSE FORME D'ARTE RAPPRESENTANO UN'OTTIMAMODALITA' PER CONOSCERSI E PER TROVARE SIMILITUDINI SULLE QUALI FONDARE UN LAVORO DI TEAM. GLI INSEGNANTI DI SEI SCUOLE APPARTENENTI A SEI PAESI EUROPEI HANNO VISTO COME OTTIMA OPPORTUNITA', TRATTARE IL TEMA DELL'ARTE PER COSTRUIRE UN PROGETTO DOVE I BAMBINI POTESSERO CONOSCERSI SENZA LIMITI POSTI DAI CONFINI GEOGRAFICI. DURANTE OGNI ANNO DEL PROGETTO E' STATA TRATTATA UNA DIVERSA FORMA D'ARTE. IL PRIMO ANNO SI E' PARLATO DI MUSICA, IL SECONDO DI PITTURA ED IL TERZO DI POESIA. Quelle che seguono sono delle ricerche effettuate dagli alunni del II circolo su alcuni artisti rappresentativi dell’Italia. Non tutti i lavori svolti dai bambini sono stati inclusi in questa presentazione. B. MILANO, 29TH SEPTEMBER 1571 D. PORTO ERCOLE, 18TH JULY 1610 The real name of Caravaggio is Michelangelo Merisi, was born in Milan and when he was very young moved to Rome where he stayer for 13 years; there he had the protection of the cardinal and the pope. After he died he became one of the most important artist of the XVII century and more in Europe. He had very strange personality and very disorderly life: he committed also a crime of murder. Caravaggio’s paint was very realistic because he gave attenction to the light and to the subject that he was painting. B. Anchiano, 15 Aprile 1452 D. Amboise, 2 Maggio 1519 Leonardo is one of the most important artist in all the word and his art works are well known all over the world He was a painter, a sculptor, an architec, an engineer, a matematic, scientist, a musician. He studied since he was very young and he lived in the period of the Rinascimento, that was very important for the development of arts, literature and science in Italy. Leonardo spended the first 30 years of his life in Toscana expecially in Florence and in Milano after that he started to go around the most famous court in Italy and in France where he died. He paint the famous Ultima Cena, La Gioconda. He studyed the way of flying of the birds and designed some kind of machines; he made studyes of anathomy. B. LIVORNO, 12 LUGLIO 1884 D. PARIGI, 24 GENNAIO 1920 Amedeo Clemente Modiglioni was born in a poor Jewish family and since he was very youg he had health problems. He became a popular painter and sculptor with the name of Modì. Very well known are his portrait about women with long face and long neck. He studied in Firenze with Giovanni Fattori, another Italian important painter. After he moved in Venezia to study at the Accademia di Belle Arti where he meet popular French artists and he decided to go to Paris, at the time was the world capital of the arts. In the years 1909 he started to be a sculptor, he prefered stone and nude of woman called Cariatidi. In the year 1914 his health became worst and he stopped to sculpt . B. COLLE DI VESPIGNANO (FIRENZE), 1267 D. FIRENZE, 1337 The real name of Giotto is Ambrogio Bondone; is one of the most important painter of the XII century. He was born from a farmer family. Soon he met Cmabue, he was another italian painter, and he gave to Giotto good Bizzantine grounding. Giotto painted the most beautifull Bizzantine church and Basiliche in Italy. B. CAPRESE, 6 MARZO 1475 D. ROMA, 18 FEBBRAIO 1564. Michelangeo Buonarroti is well known as Michelangelo. He was painter, sculptor, architector and poet of the Italian Rinascimento. When he was very young he started to study arts but his father was not agree and he sent the young Michelangelo in Florence to study grammar with Francesco da Urbino. When he grow up, he met in Florence many famous painters and started with them to study arts. His name is connected with the most famous opere d’arte in Italy and well kown in all the world. The most famous painting are in the Città del Vaticano: l’ affresco of Cappella Sistina, il Giudizio Universale, la Creazione di Adamo. As a sculptor he made la Pietà , il David and il Mosè. NICOLA PIOVANI E’ NATO A ROMA IL 26 MAGGIO 1946. NICOLA PIOVANI WAS BORN IN ROME THE 26TH OF MAY 1946. E’ UN PIANISTA, COMPOSITORE E DIRETTORE D’ORCHESTRA. HE PLAYS PIANO, IS A COMPOSER AND ORCHESTRA DIRECTOR. NATO A ROMA IL 10 NOVEMBRE 1928 WAS BORN IN ROME THE 10TH NOVEMBER 1928 CELEBRE PER LE SUE COLONNE SONORE CINEMATOGRAFICHE SOPRATTUTTO PER FILM WESTERN Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo; Per un pugno di dollari; C’era una volta in America. WAS FAMOUS FOR HIS SOUNDTRACK EXPECIALY FOR WESTERN MOVIES NEL 2007 HA VINTO IL PREMIO OSCAR IN THE YEAR 2007 HE WON THE OSCAR GIUSEPPE VERDI (1813-1901) 1886 - Giuseppe Verdi Giuseppe Verdi è uno dei massimi compositori italiani dell'Ottocento, autore di pagine musicali indimenticabili e di melodrammi che fanno parte delle opere più belle del mondo. Nacque da povera famiglia a Roncole di Busseto (ora Roncole Verdi). Giuseppe Verdi era dotato di una grande inclinazione musicale ed ebbe come primo maestro l' organista del paese. Da ragazzo, si esercitava su una vecchia spinetta (strumento musicale) ed aiutava i genitori nella bottega, una modesta osteria di paese. Studiò musica con i maestri più conosciuti del tempo. A 15 anni tentò di entrare in Conservatorio, ma non fu ammesso perché non aveva più l’età adatta e decise di proseguire gli studi da solo. Nel 1835 si sposò ed ebbe due figli, si trasferì a Milano dove esordì come compositore di opere. Le opere di maggior successo di Verdi sono: “Nabucodonosor” (o Nabucco) “Rigoletto”, “Il Trovatore”, “La Traviata”, “I Vespri Siciliani”,che furono e sono rappresentate nei teatri di tutta Italia e di tutta Europa. Negli anni seguenti, scrisse tra le ultime opere l’ “Otello”. Giuseppe Verdi morì a Milano, il 27 gennaio 1901. Sono state effettuate delle visite didattiche presso l’Auditorium Parco della Musica di Roma, dove sono state organizzate numerose attività. …VISITING THE AUDITORIUM The Auditorium in Rome Some strange and big instruments We are enjoying playing!!! LE NOSTRE ATTIVITA’ FATTE ALL’AUDITORIUM STRUMENTI CONOSCIUTI ALL’AUDITORIUM MUSICA = EMOZIONI VISITA ALL’AUDITORIUM DI ROMA CLASSE III A P.SARRO Gli alunni hanno imparato a suonare uno strumento musicale DURANTE L’ORA DI MUSICA ATTRAVERSO LA MUSICA LE NOSTRE EMOZIONI LE NOSTRE SENSAZIONI Gli alunni hanno costruito degli strumenti musicali con materiali poveri The “tricche-ballacche We are working… ” Our class made a traditional Italian instrument. We prepared the necessary things Here it is the instrument! We made instruments with pasta’s box…. ……We used scissors, glue, water and painting’ colours …and those are the “Pasta Instruments”!! Gli alunni delle 6 scuole partner hanno tradotto in inglese proverbi, scioglilingua ed hanno inventato delle poesie su temi a piacere. TONGUE TWISTERS (scioglilingua) TIGRE CONTRO TIGRE. TIGER AGAINST TIGER. SOPRA LA PANCA LA CAPRA CAMPA, SOTTO LA PANCA LA CAPRA CREPA. ON THE BENCH THE GOAT LIVE, UNDER THE BENCH THE GOAT DIE. TRENTATRE’ TRENTINI ENTRARONO A TRENTO TUTTI E TRENTATRE’ TROTTERELLANDO. 33 PEOLPE FROM TRENTO (city in the north of Italy) GOES TO TRENTO ALL OF 33 AT A GALLOP. DIETRO A QUEL PALAZZO C’E’ UN POVERO CANE PAZZO, DATE UN PEZZO DI PANE A QUEL POVERO PAZZO CANE. BEHIND THAT BUILDING THERE IS A POOR CRAZY DOG, GIVE A PIECE OF BREAD TO THAT POOR CRAZY DOG. UN PEZZO DI PIZZA PAZZA E’ CADUTO NEL POZZO CHE PUZZA. A PIECE OF CRAZY PIZZA FALL DOWN IN THE STINKY WELL. PROVERBS (proverbi) CHI TROPPO VUOLE NULLA STRINGE. WHO WANT TOO MUCH NOTHING GET. (when somebody wants to many things on the end doesn’t get anything). A CAVAL DONATO NON SI GUARDA IN BOCCA. IF YOU GET AN HORSE AS A PRESENT YOU DON’T HAVE TO LOOK IN HIS MOUTH. (if somebody give you a present you cannot criticize it). TANTO VA’ LA GATTA AL LARDO CHE CI LASCIA LO ZAMPINO. SO MUCH THE FEMALE CAT LOOKS FOR THE LARD THAT ON THE END SHE LOOSE HER LEG. (if somebody wants to much of something will loose everything). IL LUPO PERDE IL PELO MA NON IL VIZIO. THE WOLF LOOSE HIS HAIR BUT DOESN’T LOOSE HIS VICE. (a bad person can change something about his body but cannot change the bad habit). QUANDO IL GATTO NON C’E’ I TOPI BALLANO. WHEN THE CAT IS NOT THERE THE MOUSES DANCE. (when the one is incharge is not there the others does what they want). Il cielo è azzurro come il mare Quando lo guardo posso cantare, nel cielo viaggiano nuvole bianche camminano, camminano, sono stanche. Se vedi il cielo con un tuo amico è tutta un’ altra cosa, per divertimento ti fa una foto e ti metti in posa scherzate, urlate e ridete e vedi che i tuoi brutti pensieri sono spariti. Guardo spesso il cielo Ma l’ amicizia che provo non ha limiti. The sky is blue as the sea When I se it I can sing. In the sky white clouds travel Walking, walking, they are tired. If you look at the sky with your friend It is all another thing He likes taking you a picture We joke, we scream and we laugh And you feel, your ugly thoughts go away I often look at the sky But the friendship I feel It is without limits. Andrea Montemarra V C “ T. Rossi” Seasons In spring blossom the flowers and it’ s full of colours. In spring children are happy and the swlloows came back here. In summer you go the seaside you can swim and you eat all flauvered ice – creams to refresh. Leaves fall down in autumn and the school begins for all children. There are lots of season fruits and some are brown. In winter is cold and everyone stay at home father Christmas brings us present and all children are very happy. Le stagioni A primavera sbocciano i fiori ed è piena di colori. In primavera i bambini sono felici e le rondini ritornano. In estate si va al mare si fa un bagno e si mangino gelati di tutti i gusti per rinfrescarti. Le foglie cadono in autunno e la scuola inizia per ogni alunno. Ci sono tanti frutti di stagione e certi sono di color marrone. In inverno molto freddo fa e ognuno chiuso in casa se ne sta. Babbo Natale i regali ci dona e tutti i bambini sono felici. La mia mammina Sta sempre in cucina Sta vicino ai fornelli E fa cibi molto belli. Ogni tanto si arrabbia Quando fa, sbaglia. La mia mammina E anche carina E grazie a lei adesso Sono una bella creaturina. Sometimes she gets angry My mother Always stays in the kitchen, She is near the stoves And She makes very good food When she makes mistakes . My mother Is also pretty And thanks to her I’m now a lovely little creature. SORRISO DI PASQUA Pasqua è una festa speciale Bella e colorata. Come la primavera è particolare E da tutti è ricordata. E’ dolce come un uovo Che sa di cioccolato E regala qualcosa di nuovo Al nostro cuore addormentato. Pasqua è l’ arcobaleno Simbolo di serenità Di cui non puoi fare a meno Per vivere in tranquillità. C’è un dono Che non si può comprare Che ha il sapore del perdono E tutti lo possono donare. E’ il sorriso che sul tuo volto compare Ed ogni cuore invita ad amare EASTER’S SMIlE Easter is a special feast Beautiful and colorful As the spring is particularly And is remembered by all. Is sweet like an egg Which has the flavour of chocolate And offers something new To our hearts asleep. Easter is the rainbow Symbol of serenity Of which we can not do without To live in peace. There is a gift That can not be bought Which has the flavour of forgiveness And all they can donate. Is the smile on your face appears And every heart calls for love. L’AMICIZIA Che bella l’amicizia, che ci da gioia e delizia. Mangiare insieme una pizzetta con la mia cara amichetta. Il tempo con gli amici mi da tanti sorrisi. Ritornare a casa con la gioia nel cuore ma il salutarci ci lasca un po’ di tristezza FRIENDSHIP How wonderful is friendship that gives us happinesss and delight. Eating together a small pizza with my dear little friend. The time with my friends gives me a lot of smiles. Come back home with joy in my heart and saying “bye bye” let us a bit of sadness. Gli alunni dei 6 paesi partner hanno composto una chain story con l’ausilio degli insegnanti. Mystery on Platform 18 Chain story written by pupils from Norway, Hungary, Germany, England, Italy and Holland Mystery on Platform 18 It had been one of those mornings. The rain was lashing down with a chill wind sweeping through the streets. Azza had been up in plenty of time to meet the 12.20 from Termini Roma. Unfortunately, the taxi had arrived several minutes late and then they were stuck in heavy traffic: the meter ticking and the horns blasting and the hands of the clock slowly creeping round to the designated time. On eventually arriving at the station Azza found herself at a complete loss. She hated stations at the best of times and today was no exception. Being a stranger in a strange city and finding herself in one of the largest and busiest stations imaginable and running late did nothing to help her keep calm and with her mind on the task. She spun round several times in blind panic. She had been reading the platform signs carefully but the one that hung over what she guessed to be platform 18 did not read so. A chill overhung in the air and her blood chilled. The thought of a delayed or even non-existent end to her task did not fill her with excitement, after all Rome could ghastly at the best of times . ‘Where could it be?’- an annoying question at such a frustrating time. The noise and the volume of people were not helping her stay calm. The train was about to leave and her mission would be incomplete. Just then a strange character wandered towards her through the mist that was now swirling around the platform where she found herself. With a strange feeling she evaded backwards. Azza felt excited and uncertain about her situation. Then she recognized the outline of the figure hurrying towards her. It seemed to carry a big suitcase. But no, it wasn’t an ordinary case, but a pear-shaped, bulbous box. As the figure came nearer, Azza saw a boy, not much older than herself, coming out of the fog. “Hello, nice to meet you. I’m looking for this train. Can you help me?” the boy said breathlessly and showed Azza his lemon-yellow ticket. The girl took a closer look at the ticket and was pretty surprised. There was neither any destination nor the number of the train on it. Only “PLATFORM 18” and the time of departure “12:20” were printed there in huge capital letters. It was the same as Azza’s ticket, except hers was red. “This is very strange,” she thought and compared the tickets again. The girl shrugged her shoulders helplessly, raised her eyebrows and told the boy, that she wanted to leave from platform 18, too. She also reminded him, that they were quite late. Furthermore she whispered: “I’m on a very important and top secret mission!” She silently repeated the instructions from the e-mail she had received: Go to platform 18, enter the train in time and on seat number 18 you will find … What does that mean? Something will happen on seat number 18. That’s like mathematics: calculating with an unknown number. Maybe there will be a fairy sitting on seat number 18 or a tiny parcel will lie under it. Or a cat will even be crying and I will be supposed to save it… Why does the mail come to an end at the most thrilling moment? Azza pulled up the collar of her jacket because she felt that mysterious chilling wind again. In the meantime, she had found out that her opposite’s name was Simon. He was twelve years old and loved to play the cello. Azza thought by herself: “Wow! Other boys are playing football, but Simon is playing the cello patiently.” She sadly remembered her pitiful attempt to play the flute last year. Suddenly a voice from the loudspeaker informed: “Dear passengers! The train on platform 18, departure time 12:20, will be 18 minutes late.” “So we have plenty of time to find our platform,” Azza said relievedly and had a look at the huge cello-box and her own bag. The children went on together. On their way Simon told Azza about his music enthusiastically and that he would like to play for a big audience. But his biggest dream would be to find his lost sister, Evelyn. Azza asked: ”What happened to her?” ”She was going to take a train from platform 18, just like you and me, but she disappered inexplicably.” ”One more mystery about platform 18…” ” What do you mean?”, Simon asked. ”Nothing…”, Azza said, and she started to cry, but very quietly so that Simon could not hear her. Suddenly, a man came out of the mist ”Your tickets, please”, he whispered. ”Who are you?” asked Simon. ”My name is Someone.” ”You”, he said and pointed at Azza. ”You are looking for your sister” ”And you”, he said, pointing at Simon. ”Are looking for your sister as well. Now give me your tickets.” Azza and Simon looked at each other, and gave their tickets to Someone. ”Hum. Well, have a wonderful journey.” He laughed a spine chillingly evil laugh, and ran back into the mist. “But how do we get to platform 18?!” Azza shouted after him. Someone did not answer her. He was already gone. ”Are you also looking for your sister?”, Simon asked Azza. “Yes, I am. I miss my big sister so much! Poor Emma. She was kidnapped at platform 18. I’ve always wondered how she ended up here on this platform.” “Maybe she…” Simon was interrupted by a message from a nearby loudspeaker: “The train from Termini Roma is now entering on platform 18” Someone appeared beside Azza, smiling in a sinister kind of way, and said: “Welcome on board. Your sisters are waiting for you”. And a few seconds later, before they knew what was happening, they were on board on a train. “Emma!” Azza shouted, and Simon cried ”Evelyn!” The two young girls sat in purple seats inside the train, looking out of the window. They were very still and didn’t answer their siblings’ greetings. ”Emma!” Azza shouted again, and gave her sister a big hug. Emma was as cold as stone, and she continued looking out of the window. And in the next second Azza saw that Emma wasn’t older than her self! She was still the same age as when she disappeared all those years ago. “Simon, they’re dead, oh, Simon! Emma, don’t be dead, NO!” Azza cried. She fell down on the floor, and cold tears flowed down her cheeks. Simon felt terrible, but could not cry. Something was wrong here… He slumped down in one of the seats…but immediately leapt up again. In the seat there was a note:it read: “You children are so predictable. You are now trapped on this train. Your sisters are not dead but simply in a deep sleep. To release them from my clever little arrangement you will have to find my ruby gemstone, which is hidden in this train. SIMPLE! If you find ir, you will all leave, if you don’t you may face a terrible consequence! You have until sundown tomorrow. Good Luck – you’ll need it! From Someone…” The two looked at each other in astonishment. Azza announced: “We’d betta get going!” They raced up and down the aisles trying to think where something so precious could be hidden. Then Simon had an idea. “Maybe the letter was just a threat, maybe we’re doing it all for nothing, maybe we could just grab Evelyn and Emma and leave!” They dashed towards the door, dragging their motionless sisters with them. Azza opened the door. All they could see were shapes flashing past and they could hear the laugh, identical to someone’s that they had heard earlier… They turn around but they saw nothing. They keep hearing the strange laugh. It seems that the sound is coming closer but at the same time it seems to turn away. In the pockets of Emma and Evelyn they find a strange white powder and also they find a piece of paper. Azza and Simon read the paper and it says: “Throw the white powder through the train and I will be visible for you”. Azza and Simon throw the white powder and slowly a man is becoming visible. At the same time Emma and Evelyn are slowly waking up. Azza and Simon are shouting against the two girls to get them to wake up sooner, but they stay a little bit slow. Emma and Evelyn look to afraid to talk and they are just sitting there being very afraid. Someone walks towards Simon, touches him and Simon is slowly falling asleep. Azza is now very afraid and starts to cry at the same time Someone vanishes again. After 18 minutes Simon is waking up . Simon tells him that in his sleep he saw the kidnapping of Emma and Evelyn by Someone. The four children are now hugging each other and try to find a way out. They run through the train but they can’t find a door anymore. Then a strange fog is appearing in the train. It starts to get cold and then suddenly they hear a soft laughter. The children start to run faster, but the train seems to be endlessly. The laughter is becoming louder and louder. Their ears are about to get very painful and at a moment when they think their ears are going to explode, Someone is standing before them. He smiles very mean and says: “ you can ‘t run away from this train if you don’ t find my ruby gemstone!! I already told you!! You must find my ruby gemstone!!” The four children looked each other and decided to listen to Mr Someone and made him a promise to find his gemstone: Azza and Emma went to their right and Simon and Evelyn went to their left. Both groups looked very carefully all over the train..but nothing!! After one hour of searching they met again at seat 18, they looked out the window and sow a beautiful landscape, a very green field with red spot made by lots and lots of poppies and suddenly the train speaker announced: “we are now approaching Florence station –Santa Maria Novella-“. The four children had a big question mark on their faces: “what we should do?” says Azza “shall we try to escape as soon the door will be open??”, Simon answered: “and what about the promise we made to Mr Someone?” While they were thinking, the doors opened and a group of foreigner teachers and pupils got into the train. The four children got distract from the way how the new passengers were speaking… all in English.. more or less, but with funny accents. Azza turned to a blond Italian female teacher with large smile on her face and. they ran to her happily, then Azza asked where they were going and the teacher with blond hair answered that they were travelling to a mysterious place in Hungary. „I’ve got another question” said Azza „Who’s that girl sitting so sadly in the train?” „ She’s a Hungarian girl, who’s travelling home, but nobody knows why she must stay here for five more days”. Azza’s gone and told the others what he’d found out. It made Simon very conscious and he went towards the girl, then the others followed him and they also asked the girl why she was so sad. The girl answered and suddenly raised her head and said. „There isn’t enough time.” „Time for what?” asked the others. „To find the ruby gemstone” answered the girl. The four children looked at each other „The stone.” Suddenly there was a cloud of fume. After it’s gone, Someone was standing where the teacher was standing and vigorously laughing, then disappeared again. Instead of him there was an envelope. Simon rushed to Azza and they wanted to open it together. Azza said „It’s better if you open it, I’m frightened.” Simon opened the letter and found a picture there, in which he could see the 18 th platform of the Western Railway Station in Hungary and someone’s shadow, who was holding the ruby gemstone in his hands. Let’s go to Hungary!!! Then door closed and they could hear a silent laugh and the train left, everybody took their seats. Simon stood on a seat and exclaimed “Help me to find Someone’s ruby gemstone, because without it we cannot get off the train.”. Everybody went searching the gemstone. Whilst that the four children went to see who was driving the train. In the cabin there was strong fog, they could not see anything. It covered everything. The foreign children were screaming in the train, then Someone appeared again, the fog’ gone, then he said “Now only a few hours left to find my gemstone” and suddenly disappeared. After a few hours of travelling and searching the train stopped, the doors opened and they have noticed they were on the 18th platform, in Hungary. They’ve arrived. Somebody appeared again and said “You’ve done your job, you reached Hungary” and handed over the ruby stone. However instead the shadow of him a face of an old man in mediaeval clothes of a prayer started to figure out… Tutti i lavori effettuati dai bambini sono stati filmati o fotografati, questo materiale non è stato allegato in quanto non tutti i genitori hanno fornito l’autorizzazione. Al termine di ogni anno scolastico sono state effettuate delle rappresentazioni che hanno coinvolto i genitori, il Comune di Ciampino e tutto il Circolo Didattico.