NEUROMUSCULAR BANK OF TISSUES AND DNA SAMPLES UNIVERSITA’ DI PADOVA CORRADO ANGELINI - Dept. Neurosciences, University of Padova, via Giustiniani 5, and Venetian Institute of Molecular Medicine, via Orus 2, 35128 Padova. TEL. 049.8211943 FAX. 049.8751770 e-mail: [email protected] TELETHON project # GTF02009 ABSTRACT ORGANIZATION OF THE BANK Sample collection and storage The bank collects about 6500 tissue samples stored frozen (6000 skeletal muscle, 240 nerve, 122 thymus, 18 heart, 54 skin, 9 chorion villi) and about 300 new samples are collected every year. The bank stores the slides of stained sections of about 7000 muscle biopsies, and 2400 muscle specimens embedded in epoxy resin for electron microscopy. About 2000 DNA samples from patients and relatives with inherited neuromuscular disorders are stored. A standard protocol for collection of biopsies is followed: at the arrival in our laboratory, each sample is subdivided in several fragments, stored both in a bank of frozen tissues for morphological and biochemical studies, and in a bank for tissue culture, where more than 2400 muscle biopsy samples are kept in "vital freezing" in liquid nitrogen.Since most of muscle diseases are inherited, in many of them the genetic or protein defect has been identified. However, the parallel clinical followup of the patients enables to assess a more precise diagnosis and implies occasional revision and updating of diagnoses. A computer database has been implemented, in which are recorded the data of patients who underwent muscle biopsy and DNA sample collection (clinical report, histopathological and molecular diagnosis, sample code number, storage location). A new web site page has been implemented to describe the presence and activity of the bank. Activity of the last year, utilization of the bank During the last year, 213 specimens of muscle biopsy, 4 samples of muscle biopsy embedded in epoxy resin, and 30 DNA samples have been transferred to other italian and foreign laboratories, to analyse muscle specific proteins and transcripts, and to identify gene mutations in rare muscle disorders. The availability of muscle tissues stored in our bank has allowed both scientific collaborations of great importance for a better comprehension of the pathogenetic mechanisms in muscle disorders, and to obtain a molecular, biochemical and pathological diagnosis in a large number of neuromuscular patients. INCOMING DNA SAMPLES FREEZER –20°C The bank includes tissues from patients affected with a variety of neuromuscular disorders (Tab.1). A parallel patients’ clinical follow-up and appropriate molecular analyses enable to assess more precise diagnoses. A standard protocol for collection of biopsies is followed. At the arrival in laboratory, each sample is subdivided in several fragments, stored both in a bank of frozen tissues and in a bank for tissue culture kept in "vital freezing" in liquid nitrogen (Tab.2). The bank stores 2000 DNA samples from patients and relatives with inherited neuromuscular disorders (Tab.3). An informatic database records the clinical data, diagnosis, muscle biopsy code number and location of each sample. A web site describing the activity of our bank is available at: STORAGE AND ACCESS TO THE BANK MUSCLE BIOPSY TANK OF LIQUID NITROGEN ULTRA FREEZER -80° C FREEZER -20° C FROZEN TISSUES CELL CULTURES MORPHOLOGY MYOBLAST BIOCHEMISTRY FIBROBLAST PROTEIN ANALYSIS CYBRYD PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS • Proper collection and storage of frozen tissues, samples for cell cultures, and DNA samples; check samples’ safety by continuous supervision of liquid nitrogen, freezer’s temperature, etc. • Keep an updated database of collected samples, and record the material provided to other laboratories. • Obtain accurate and updated diagnoses by appropriate protein and gene analyses involved in new disorders. EQUIPMENT • 3 ultra-deep freezers for storage of about 5000 frozen tissues. • 2 vial-tanks for liquid N2 for tissue storage for cell culture • 1 freezer (-20°C) for DNA samples storage • general laboratory equipment for microscopy, morpohology, biochemistry, electrophoresis, cell culture, molecular biology. PICTURES OF THE BANK SAMPLE REQUEST DNA SAMPLES REQUEST APPROVAL COMPUTER DATA BASE DNA/RNA MOLECULAR BIOLOGY SAMPLES PROVIDED TO LABORATORIES INCOMING MUSCLE BIOPSY SAMPLES COMPUTER STAFF EFFORT ULTRA FREEZER –80°C TANK OF LIQUID N2 FROZEN TISSUES COMPUTER CELL CULTURES Bank of frozen muscle samples and slides OUTGOING SAMPLES WRITTEN REQUEST ON TELETHON FORMS DELIVERY OF SAMPLES DATABASE MUSCLE MORPHOLOGY, IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY DATA BANK RECEPTION, TREATMENT, STORAGE BIOCHEMISTRY, PROTEIN ANALYSIS DNA/RNA EXTRACTION Myoblasts, myotubes * PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS MUTATION DETECTION TISSUE SAMPLES STORED FROZEN 6000 muscle, 240 nerve, 122 thymus, 18 heart, 54 skin, 9 chorion villi Disease Disease code MIM # N. of cases Duchenne dystrophy DMD 310200 199 * Becker dystrophy BMD 310100 165 * DMD/BMD carrier DMD/BMD Sarcoglycanopathy LGMD2C-2F Calpainopathy LGMD2A 253600 57 * Disferlinopathy LGMD2B 253601 13 * Caveolinopathy LGMD1C 607801 8* Limb-girdle dystrophy LGMD Limb-girdle dystrophy type 2I LGMD2I 607155 13 * Merosinopathy LAMA-2 156225 22 * Congenital dystrophy CMD Facio-scapulo-humeral FSHD 158900 29 * Myotonic dystrophy DM-1 160900 57 * Cong. myotonic dystrophy DM-1 160900 14 * Thomsen disease TD 160800 18 310200, 310100 253700, 600119, 604286, 601287 Oculo-pharyngeal 52 * 34 * 199 41 Scapulo-peroneal 33 OPMD 164300 Distal myopathy 13 10 Nemaline myopathy NEM-1, NEM-2 Central-core myopathy CCD Minicore myopathy Myotubular myopathy MTM-1 161800, 256030 14 117000 25 157550 45 310400, 160150, 255200 29 Fiber type disproportion 255310 55 Tubular aggregates 160565 26 Pompe disease 232300 15 * Mc Ardle disease 232600 36 * Respiratory chain defects 15 * Mitochondrial encephalomyop. 27 * PEO, Kearns-Sayre syndrome KSS 530000 64 Mitochondrial myopathy 33 Metabolic myopathy 39 Lipid storage myopathy LSM 82 CPT deficiency 12 Polymyositis PM 69 Dermatomyositis DM 50 Inclusion body myositis IBM 20 Disendocrine myopathy 64 151900 Multiple lipomatosis LMS Myasthenia gravis MG 119 Congenital myastenia CMG 3 Myastenic syndrome 11 5 Periodic paralysis HP 170400, 170500, 170600 5 Malignant hyperthermia MH 145600, 154275 59 * Werdnig-Hoffmann SMA-1, SMA-2 253300 45 * Kugelberg-Welander SMA-3 253400 31 * Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALS Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease CMT-1A 292 118220 Chronic neuropathy * MOLECULARLY OR BIOCHEMICALLY PROVEN Myotubes ? MOLECULAR DIAGNOSIS 54 37 COMMITTEE APPROVAL SAMPLES STORED IN VITAL FREEZING FOR CELL CULTURE Muscle biopsies: 2320, fibroblasts/myoblasts: 102, cell lines: 6 DISEASE Duchenne dystrophy Becker dystrophy DMD/BMD carrier Sarcoglycanopathy Calpainopathy Limb-girdle dystrophy Facio-scap-humeral Congenital dystrophy Myotonic dystrophy Congenital myotonic Thomsen disease Scapulo-peroneal Oculo-pharyngeal Distal myopathy Nemaline myopathy Centralcore myopathy Minicore myopathy Myotubular myopathy Tubular aggregates Fiber type disproportion Charcot-Marie-Tooth N. 114 85 23 22 19 61 54 25 44 8 13 16 5 12 7 1 18 5 9 33 13 DISEASE N. Polymyositis 22 Dermatomyositis 20 Inclusion body myositis 9 Myasthenia gravis 9 Congenital myasthenia 1 Acid maltase deficiency 5 McArdle glycogenosis 14 Other glycogenoses 5 Respiratory chain defect 8 Mitochondrial enceph. 20 PEO/KSS 27 Mitochondrial myopathy 23 Metabolic myopathy 14 Lipid storage myopathy 46 Myasthenic syndrome 2 Periodic paralysis 5 Malignant hyperthermia 24 Werdnig-Hoffmann 36 Kugelberg-Welander 36 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 118 Chronic neurogenic atrophy 38 DNA SAMPLES OF DIFFERENT PATHOLOGY Blood:1550, muscle:414, cells: 7 DISEASE TOTAL = 2000 N. of samples Dystrophinopathies 58 Sarcoglycanopathies 84 Limb-girdle dystrophy 431 Myotonic dystrophy 114 Facio-scapulo-humeral 103 Mitochondrial - metabolic myopathy 330 Channelopathies 74 Spinal muscular atrophies 79 Lipomatosis 26 EXPRESS COURIER ACTIVITY OF THE BANK DURING LAST YEAR During the last year, 213 specimens of muscle biopsy, 4 samples of muscle biopsy embedded in epoxy resin, and 30 DNA samples have been transferred to other italian and foreign laboratories, to analyse muscle specific proteins and transcripts, and to identify gene mutations in rare muscle disorders. The availability of muscle tissues stored in our bank has allowed both scientific collaborations of great importance for a better comprehension of the pathogenetic mechanisms in muscle disorders, and to obtain a molecular, biochemical and pathological diagnosis in a large number of neuromuscular patients. UTILIZATION OF THE BANK BY OTHER RESEARCHERS Claude Desnuelle Giovanna Cenacchi Elena Pegoraro Carlo Foresta Aaron Russell Elena Pagoraro Marco Carrozzi Luigi Fulizio Alessandra Ferlini Leonardo Salviati Andrea Martinuzzi Botta Annalisa Gerolamo Lanfranchi Raffaella Di Lisi Peter Van der Bergh Leonardo Salviati Marina Fanin Roberto Massa Cinzia Gellera Hospital de l'Archet, Nice, France University of Bologna, Italy University of Padova, Italy University of Padova, Italy Clinique de readaptation, Sion, Switzerland University of Padova, Italy Burlo Garofolo Hospital, Trieste, Italy University of Padova, Italy University of Ferrara, Italy University of Padova, Italy Medea Hospital, Conegliano, Italy Tor Vergata University Rome, Italy CRIBI, University of Padova, Italy University of Padova, Italy Lab. Neuropathologie, Brussels, Belgium University of Padova, Italy University of Padova, Italy Tor Vergata University Rome, Italy Besta Neurologic Institute Milan Bank of muscle samples kept in vital freezing in liquid nitrogen for cell culture RIASSUNTO La banca ha raccolto finora circa 6500 campioni di tessuti congelati da pazienti affetti da una varietà di malattie neuromuscolari (6000 muscolo, 240 nervo, 122 timo, 18 cuore, 54 cute, 9 villi coriali) ed ogni anni vengono raccolti circa 300 nuovi campioni. Sono conservati anche i vetrini delle sezioni colorate di 6500 biopsie muscolari, e 2400 campioni di biopsie muscolari incluse in resina per microscopia elettronica. La banca di DNA conserva oltre 2000 campioni di pazienti (e familiari) con malattie neuromuscolari ereditarie. Per la raccolta delle biopsie e del DNA viene seguito un protocollo standard: ogni campione viene suddiviso in vari frammenti, destinati parallelamente alla banca di tessuti congelati e alla banca di tessuti per colture cellulari, dove oltre 2400 campioni vengono mantenuti in congelamento vitale in azoto liquido. La maggior parte delle malattie muscolari sono ereditarie, e in molte di queste un difetto genetico o proteico è già stato identificato. Tuttavia, il continuo aggiornamento delle diagnosi è reso possibile da una parallela rivalutazione clinica dei pazienti, da nuovi ed appropriati studi molecolari sul DNA, da studi biochimici sulle proteine muscolari e sui deficit metabolici. E’ stato allestito un database computerizzato contenente i dati clinici, la diagnosi istopatologica, le indagini molecolari, immunoistochimiche e biochimiche, la collocazione di stoccaggio dei campioni, ed è stata edita una pagina web per presentare l'attività della banca. Durante l'ultimo anno, 213 campioni di biopsie muscolari, 4 campioni di tessuto muscolare incluso per microscopia elettronica, e 30 campioni di DNA sono stati trasferiti a vari laboratori italiani o esteri, per l’analisi di proteine e trascritti muscolo-specifici e per la ricerca di mutazioni genetiche. La disponibilità dei tessuti muscolari conservati nella nostra banca ha permesso sia delle collaborazioni scientifiche di grande importanza per una migliore comprensione dei meccansimi patogenetici nelle malattie muscolari, sia di ottenere una diagnosi molecolare, biochimica e istopatologica in un gran numero di pazienti con malattie neuromuscolari. Publications with acknowledgments of this project: 1. Angelini C, Pegoraro E, Zambito Marsala S, Vergani L, Nascimbeni AC, Fulizio L, Fanin M. Adult acid maltase deficiency: an open trial with albuterol and brached-chain aminoacids. Basic Appl. Myol. 14: 71-78; 2004 2. Fanin M, Fulizio L, Nascimbeni AC, Spinazzi M, Piluso G, Ventriglia VG, Ruzza G, Siciliano G, Trevisan CP, Politano L, Nigro V, Angelini C. Molecular diagnosis of LGMD2A: gene mutation analysis or protein testing? Hum. Mut. 24: 52-62; 2004 3. Prandini P, Berardinelli A, Fanin M, Morello F, Zardini E, Pichiecchio A, Uggetti C, Lanzi G, Angelini C, Pegoraro E. Laminin a-2 negative congenital muscular dystrophy (MDC1A) presenting with a mild phenotype. Neurology 63: 1118-21; 2004 4. Fulizio L, Nascimbeni AC, Fanin M, Piluso G, Politano L, Nigro V, Angelini C. Molecular and muscle pathology in a series of caveolinopathy patients. Hum. Mut. 25: 82-89; 2005 5. Cenacchi G, Fanin M, Badiali De Giorgi L, Angelini C. Ultrastructural changes in dysferlinopathy support defective membrane repair mechanism. J. Clin. Pathol. 2005 (in press) 6. Fanin M, Nascimbeni AC, Fulizio L, Angelini C. The frequency of limb girdle muscular dystrophy 2A in northeastern Italy. Neuromusc. Disord. 2005 (in press) 7. Piluso G, Politano L, Aurino S, Fanin M, Ricci E, Ventriglia VM, Belsito A, Totaro A, Saccone V, Topaloglu H, Nascimbeni AC, Fulizio L, Broccolini A, Canki-Klain N, Comi LI, Nigro G, Angelini C, Nigro V. The extensive scanning of the calpain-3 gene broadens the spectrum of LGMD2A phenotypes. J. Med. Genet. 2005 (in press)