Zanzibar Birds Colouring & Information Uccelli di Zanzibar Opuscolo informativo Les Oiseaux De Zanzibar Dossier D’Information PATHWAY TO SUSTAINABILITY VOYAGE DE DURABILITÉ VOYAGE DE DURABILITÉ Youth Technicians & Solar Power Tecnici della Gioventù e di energia solare Les techniciens de la jeunesse et l'énergie solaire Fuel efficient stoves Alimentare stufe efficienti Poêles à combustibles efficaces Mangrove Rehabilitation Mangrove Riabilitazione Réhabilitation des mangroves Sustainable Enterprises Volunteering Imprese sostenibili Volontariato Entreprises durables Bénévolat Teacher Scholarships Borse di studio degli insegnanti Bourses d'études pour les enseignants Biodiversity Awareness Consapevolezza della biodiversità Sensibilisation à la biodiversité Health Promotion Promozione della Salute Promotion de la santé School Links Collegamenti Scolastici Liens Scolaires Dimorphic Egret Medium sized bird from the egret family with a slim black beak, black legs and yellow feet. This bird can be either white or dark grey. Found on coasts. Feeds by running on shore and stabbing prey with its beak. Diamorphic Egretta Airone di taglia media con becco nero sottile, gambe nere, piedi gialli. Esistono varietá chiare (bianche) e scure (griggio scuro). Molto simile al piccolo airone ma confinato alla costa. Si nutre correndo sulla riva e infilzando la preda con il becco. u 65cm 55cm Aigrette Dimorphe 50cm deux formes: une forme 45cm entièrement blanche et une 60cm 40cm 35cm 30cm 25cm 20cm Echassier qui presente forme gris foncé avec variations de gris, menton et gorge blanche plus une tache blanche sur l’aile visible en vol. Long bec gris, pattes noires et pieds jaunes. Zones humides, eaux peu profondes, eaux saumâtres, zones côtieres surtout si récif de corail. 15cm 10cm Questi uccelli mangiano: 5cm These birds eat: 0cm Ces Oiseaux Mangent: 1 African Golden Weaver A very bright yellow bird, dull orange on the head, pale red eyes. This bird lives with others of its kind. They are usually found in coastal areas. Tisserin Jaune Tessitore Delle Palme Corps jaune Uccello di colore arancione giallo molto opaco sulla chatoyant, intenso, sommet de la tête testa, occhi rosso pallido. Di orangé, yeux rouges (plus comportamento gregario, è molto pales chez la femelle), comune nelle aree costiere. bec conique noir. Commun, grégaires vivant en bandes dans les milieux côtiers. Très habiles dans la 55cm construction de 50cm leurs nids. 45cm 40cm 35cm 30cm 25cm 20cm u 2 Questi uccelli mangiano: 15cm 10cm These birds eat: 5cm Ces Oiseaux Mangent: 0cm Bronze Mannikin Blackish head and chest; the back of the neck, top of the back and wings are brown. The lower part of its chest is white. It has a short beak and is found in all habitats. Nonnetta (Spermetes cucullata) Testa e petto neri, nuca, mantello e ali marrone opaco, petto bianco. Becco tozzo. Largamente diffuso in tutti gli habitat. 55cm 50cm 45cm 40cm 35cm 30cm Capucin Nonnette La zone qui va du front jusqu’au capuchon, la nuque, la face, les cotés du cou et le menton sont noirs à noir brunâtre. La couleur noire s’étend jusqu’au milieu du dos, formant une bavette. Le manteau, le dos et les scapulaires sont bruns, avec des nuances gris ou 25cm chamois. Les parties inférieures sont blanches. La queue et les pattes 20cm sont brun-noir. Le bec, trapu est noir en dessus et bleu-grisâtre en 10cm 5cm 0cm u 15cm dessous. Commun, zones boisées, buissons, zones marécageuses. Questi uccelli mangiano: These birds eat: Ces Oiseaux Mangent: 3 Collared Sunbird The breeding male has a green throat, chest and head. It has a violet band on its chest, underneath this is bright yellow. It has a short beak. The female is similar but less bright and has no violent band on the chest. Non-breeding male has yellow underneath and brown top parts. They are found in lots of green habitats like forests, bushes and gardens. Nettarina Dal Collare (Cinnyris chalybeus) Maschio d’allevamento: parti superiori, testa gola e parte superiore del petto di colore verde iridescente. Petto bordato da una riga viola. Parti inferiore di colore giallo acceso. Becco corto. Femmina: simile, ma meno brillante e priva della riga viola. Il maschio selvatico ha le parti 55cm inferiori gialle e quelle 50cm superiori marroni. Cresce prolifico in molti habitat: 45cm foresta, bosco, giardini 40cm e bassopiani costieri. 35cm Souimanga A Collier 30cm Le male a la tête, la partie superieure, la gorge et le dos d’un vert brilliant métallique. Une bande violette sépare la partie verte de la poitrine du ventre 25cm jaune. Pattes noires. Femelle dos brun et ventre gris jaunâtre. Bec long et 20cm incurvé. Jardins, buissons, forêts et habitats côtiers. 15cm 4 Questi uccelli mangiano: These birds eat: Ces Oiseaux Mangent: u 10cm 5cm 0cm Common Bulbul Slim brownish bird with a black head, pale belly and is bright yellow underneath the tail. Found in all habitats. Bulbul dei Giardini Uccello snello e marroncino con la testa quasi nera, le piume al di sotto della coda sono giallo brilliante. Commune in tutti i habitat. 55cm 50cm 45cm 40cm 35cm 30cm Bulbul Des Jardins 25cm 15cm 10cm Dessus gris foncé et dessous gris brunâtre un peu plus clair. Capuchon u 20cm sombre, queue noire, bas-ventre jaune. Commun, se trouve un peu partout. Questi uccelli mangiano: 5cm These birds eat: 0cm Ces Oiseaux Mangent: 5 Cattle Egret All white with a pale yellow beak and yellowish-green legs. Faded orange patch on the head, back and chest when breeding. Found in damp grassy areas and land used for farming. Airone Guardabuoi (Bubulcus ibis) Tutto bianco con becco giallo pallido e zampe giallastre-verdognole. Gli esemplari d’allevamento hanno sfumature arancioni sulla testa, sul dorso e sul petto. Praterie e zone coltivate. u 55cm Heron Garde-Boeufs Echassier trapu blanc, bec robuste 50cm 45cm jaune pale, pattes gris-jaunâtres. 40cm En plumage nuptial, plumage orangé 35cm chamois sur le dos, la poitrine et la couronne et pattes rouges. Se nourrit dans les espaces herbeux, à proximite de bétail. 30cm 25cm 20cm 15cm 6 Questi uccelli mangiano: 10cm These birds eat: 5cm Ces Oiseaux Mangent: 0cm Crab Plover Black and white bird, lives on coasts. Big head, black beak and blue-grey legs. It feeds by running and stabbing its prey using its beak. Droma (Dromas ardeola) Uccello costiero dalla testa grossa, bianco e nero, con becco nero intenso e zampe blu-grigiastre. Vive nelle pianure costiere. Si nutre come un piviere, con camminata decisa, arresto improvviso e beccata decisa. 55cm Drome Ardéole 50cm (Pluvier Crabier) 45cm 35cm 30cm 25cm u 40cm Limicole noir et blanc, avec un gros bec disproportionné par rapport à sa tête. Longues pattes gris bleu. Bancs de sable côtiers, vasières et récifs de corail. 20cm 15cm 10cm Questi uccelli mangiano: 5cm These birds eat: 0cm Ces Oiseaux Mangent: 7 Scarlet Chested Sunbird Male has a bright red chest and small green cap. The female is dark brown on top and yellowish-white with brown patches below. Usually found in pairs among forest edges, woodland, gardens and farm land. Bulbul dei Giardini Il maschio ha il torso di scarlatto brillante ed un piccolo berretto verde iridescente. La femmina e marrone scuro di sopra e di un giallo-bianco sporco con marrone chiazzato sotto. Di solito in coppie. Margine del bosco, valle boscosa, giardini e coltivazione. 55cm Souimanga A Poitrine Rouge 50cm Male arbore un 45cm magnfique plumage avec 40cm poitrine rouge écarlate et capuchon vert brilliant 35cm métallique. Femelle a 30cm dessus brun foncé et dessous gris-jaunâtre tacheté de brun. Bec long et incurvé. En géneral 25cm en couple sur les bords des forêts, des vallées 20cm boisées, et des jardins. 8 u Questi uccelli mangiano: 15cm 10cm These birds eat: 5cm Ces Oiseaux Mangent: 0cm Pied Kingfisher Black and white bird with a tuft of feathers on its head and a black beak. Male has two bands on its chest, female has one broken band. They are found in all types of water including shallow sea water. Martin Pescatore Bianco E Nero (Ceryle rudis) Uccello bianco e nero con una larga cresta e il becco di colore nero intenso. Il maschio ha due bande nere petto. La continue sul femmina una sola banda discontinua. Tutti i tipi di acque, incluse le superfici costiere. 55cm 50cm 45cm 40cm 35cm 30cm 20cm 15cm 10cm u 25cm Martin-Pecheur Pie Livrée noire et blanche. Front, capuchin et nuque noirs striés de blanc. Male a deux bandes noires sur la poitrine, une large et une mince. Femelle a une fine bande noire, souvent interrompue. Vit en divers habitats humides. Questi uccelli mangiano: 5cm These birds eat: 0cm Ces Oiseaux Mangent: 9 Zanzibar Red Bishop Red top of the head and back. Red-brown tail. Black face and under parts. Found in marshes, high grass and farm land. Vescovo Rosso Di Zanzibar (Euplectes nigroventris) Corona interamente rossa, dorso rosso, coda marrone. Faccia e parti inferiori nere. Paludi, terreni con erba alta e zone coltivate. 55cm 50cm 45cm 40cm 35cm Euplecte De Zanzibar 30cm Couronne rouge, dos rouge, queue rouge brun. Face noire, dessous noir. Marais, herbes hautes, cultures. 25cm 20cm 15cm 10 Questi uccelli mangiano: u 10cm These birds eat: 5cm Ces Oiseaux Mangent: 0cm Lilac-breasted Roller Lilac throat and chest, light greeny-brown back. There are dark blue underparts and also dark blue sections of the wings when they are spread. Found in open bush country, wooded grassland, woodland and farm land. Rollier A Long Brins Grande tête avec calotte vert delavé. Cou court, menton blanchâtre contrastant avec la poitrine d’une belle couleur lilas. Face rosâtre, orange clair. Dos et scapulaires bruns, avec extérieur des rémiges violet, ainsi que le croupion. Base et premières couvertures bleu verdâtre clair. Parties inférieures bleu verdâtre. Etroite queue. Bec noir, crochu au bout. Yeux bruns. Courtes pattes jaune 55cm verdâtre. Zones boisées 50cm ouvertes, cultivées et 45cm proches des cours 40cm d’eau. 30cm 25cm 20cm 15cm 10cm u 35cm Ghiandaia Marina Pettolilla (Coracias caudatus) Gola e petto lilla, dorso verde oliva chiaro-castagna, copertura delle ali blu intenso. Parti inferiori blu scuro. Le estremità viola della coda sono dritte e sottili. Aree forestali, praterie boscose, aree coltivate. Questi uccelli mangiano: 5cm These birds eat: 0cm Ces Oiseaux Mangent: 11 House Sparrow Male has a large black section on its neck/chest area, white cheeks and a grey section above the tail. The rest of the bird is brown and it has a dark beak and eyes. Female is pale brown with fewer marks. Found around buildings. Passero Domestico (Passer domesticus) Il maschio ha una larga bavaglia nera, guance bianche, posteriore grigio. Il resto è di colore castagna scuro. Mento e occhi neri. La femmina è un uccello marrone pallido con meno caratteri distintivi. Comune intorno ai fabbricati. 55cm 50cm 45cm Moineau Domestique Male a dos brun strié de noir, scapulaires chatain, ailes brunâtres avec barres alaires blanches. Croupion gris, queue gris-brun 40cm 35cm 30cm foncé. Bavette noire en plumage nuptial. Female a calotte brun grisâtre, 25cm parties supérieures et ailes plus grises que chez le male. Abdomen 20cm blanchâtre. Commun dans les milieu urbains. 12 Questi uccelli mangiano: 15cm u 10cm These birds eat: 5cm Ces Oiseaux Mangent: 0cm Fork-tailed Drongo A shiny black bird with a fork shaped tail. Found at the forest edge, open wooded country and farming areas. Drongo Codaforcuta (Dicrurus adsimilis) Un uccello nero lucido dalla coda con profondo taglio a forchetta. Largamente diffuso ai margini delle foreste, nelle aree boschive, nei boschi semiaridi e nelle zone coltivate. Drongo Brillant 55cm Male noir brilliant, avec des 50cm ailes plus ternes. Grosse tête et queue fourchue. Bec noir et 45cm gros. Oeil rouge. Pattes courtes. 40cm Se tient très droit quand il est 35cm perché, comme une pie grièche. Femelle a une plumage moins 30cm 20cm brousses. u 25cm brilliant. Forêts ouvertes et 15cm 10cm Questi uccelli mangiano: 5cm These birds eat: 0cm Ces Oiseaux Mangent: 13 Feral Pigeon There are lots of different types. Varies from grey with pale wings, shiny purple neck with two grey-white bars on the wing, through to brown and white birds and those that are sooty black. Flocks are common in buildup areas and villages. Piccione Selvatico Piccione molto variabile. Varia da griggio con ali chiare, collo lucente viola con due ali griggie-bianche, marrone e bianco fino a nero fuligginoso. Stormi sono diffusi in zone urbane e villaggi. Pigeon Biset Espèce qui comprend le pigeon domestique et la plupart des pigeons des villes. Corps trapu, ailes étroites et pointues, tête ronde, bec mince et court. Plumage grisbleuté, plus pale sur le dos avec des tons plus verts et violacés sur les cotés du cou. Croupion blanc. Ailes ont deux barres noires. Pattes rouges. 55cm 50cm Rassemblements 45cm nombreux, villes et 40cm villages. Hybridation fréquente. 35cm u30cm 25cm 20cm 15cm 14 Questi uccelli mangiano: 10cm These birds eat: 5cm Ces Oiseaux Mangent: 0cm House Crow Slim black crow with dark grey neck and breast. Longish slightly decurved bill. Ubiquitous scavenger, especially tips and rubbish dumps. 55cm 50cm Cornacchia Delle Case 45cm (Corvus splendens) 40cm Corvo magro e nero con becco e petto grigio scuro. Becco lungo e leggermente ricurvo. Spazzino in ogni dove, specialmente nelle discariche. 35cm 25cm 20cm 15cm 10cm u 30cm Corbeau Familier Principalement de couleur noir brilliant, avec poitrine et nuque gris suie. Iris brun, bec et pattes noires. Omnivore, avec impact négatif (dégats, transmissions de maladies, menace sur la survie des espèces locales) Questi uccelli mangiano: 5cm These birds eat: 0cm Ces Oiseaux Mangent: 15 Zanzibar Sombre Greenbul Olive-brown top and yellowish below with creamy white eyes. Found along coasts. Bulverde Scuro (Andropadus importunus) Verde oliva e marrone nelle parti superiori, giallastro verde-oliva in quelle inferiori, con notevoli occhi bianco crema. Predilige le aree costiere. Bulbul Importun Plumage essentiellement vert-gris olive terne, plus pale sur le dessous que sur le dessus. Iris blanc. Commun, cache dans le feuillage des buisssons côtiers et forêts vivaces. 55cm 50cm 45cm 40cm 35cm 30cm 25cm 20cm u 15cm 16 Questi uccelli mangiano: 10cm These birds eat: 5cm Ces Oiseaux Mangent: 0cm White-browed Coucal Dark head and face with a long white eyebrow. Pale parts streak onto the brown back. Pale below with dark bars on the tail. Found in grassland and bush areas, usually near water. Cucal Cigliabianche (Centropus superciliosus) Chioma e volto scuri, separati da lunghe sopracciglia bianche, con pallide striature estese fino al dorso fulvo. Striature pallide nelle parti inferiori, più scure sulla coda. Si adatta a un’ampia gamma di tipi di vegetazione: macchie, boschi, praterie boscose. Spesso vicino al’acqua. 55cm 50cm 45cm 35cm 30cm 25cm u 40cm Coucal A Sourcils Blancs Face ventrale de couleur jaune crème, ailes brun roux, plumes caudales noires. Tête brun-noir avec de grands sourcils blancs. Nuque, coté du cou et épaules noirâtres avec des stries longitudinales blanches. Furtif, fait 20cm de courtes sorties avec les pieds ressemblant à un pingouin. Végetation 15cm dense, fourrés, broussailles, roseaux. 10cm Questi uccelli mangiano: 5cm These birds eat: 0cm Ces Oiseaux Mangent: 17 Profits from the sale of this book will contribute to: Problem: Students and girls in particular don’t have access to Sanitation & Health toilets in school. Solution: Construction of school toilet $500 blocks costs $500 Benefit: Improved sanitation & Health Problem: Very few qualified teachers. Solution: Sponsoring 1 teacher to get a diploma degree in teaching, cost $30 per month Quality Education for 100 children Benefit: 100 children per year receive quality education $30 per month www. Supporting Sustainable Livelihoods in Zanzibar Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved