A. Schepis, F. Biassoni, N. Karp, A. Zuczkowski, I. Bianchi Drag, Push, Shove: Sensory-motor structures in the mental images of three causative verbs ALPS ADRIA ‘08 Theoretical frame Gestalt approach More recent contributions -Linguistics, Cognitive Psychology...(Paivio 1971, 1983, 1986; Pylyshin 1973, 1981, 2003; Petöfi 1973; Jackendoff 1997; Talmy 2000; Barsalou 2003; Langacker 2004). “L’ancoraggio dei nomi è negli osservabili” (Names are anchored on what is observable) (Bozzi, 1999; Coventry & Garrod, 2004; Pecher & Zwaan, 2006). Prefiguration and derivation hypotheses (Michotte, 1962; Zuczkowski, 1999). Mental image (Arnheim, 1969; Kosslyn, 1983; Giusberti, 1995). ALPS ADRIA ‘08 Hypothesis The mental images evoked by a word are characterized by precise structural features, based on perception and inter-subjectively invariant. Drag, The structure Push,of the three verbs overlaps Shove(at least partially) the structures identified by Michotte ALPS ADRIA ‘08 3 studies Study 1 : Drag Study 2 : Push Study 3 : Separate groups of participants Same procedure Shove (Michotte, 1954; 1962) Each study: First phase Second phase ALPS ADRIA ‘08 First phase The aim: identification of the structural features common to the mental images created by each participant Two groups of 5 subjects: Create a mental image related to the verb XXXXX. Describe it. Draw it. ALPS ADRIA ‘08 First phase Discussion within the group, comparing images, descriptions and drawings. Two main purposes: To enrich the initial description (features actually present in the scene, but not verbalized) To list the shared salient features (structural invariants of the images) questionnaire compiled by the experimenters, based on the emerged features (to be used in the second phase) ALPS ADRIA ‘08 ALPS ADRIA ‘08 Second phase The aim: Verify if the results from the first phase could be generalized to a wider sample of participants Drag (D): 80 Ss (10 M, 70 F); aged 19-26 Push (P): 53 Ss (10 M, 43 F); aged 19-49 Shove (S): 82 Ss (12 M, 70 F); aged 18-52 ALPS ADRIA ‘08 Second phase Create a mental image related to the verb XXXXX. Describe it. Draw it. Questionnaire (responses regarding all the features, also when not spontaneously verbalized in the free description) ALPS ADRIA ‘08 ALPS ADRIA ‘08 ALPS ADRIA ‘08 ALPS ADRIA ‘08 D-P-S: Shared features Two entities Direct contact Both moving (S: only before contact) Entity 1: spontaneous movement Entity 2: caused movement Same direction Same plane -horizontalEntity 2 in contact with a surface Entity 2: absent / medium active resistance ALPS ADRIA ‘08 Drag: Distinctive features D1 someone – D2 something D1 precedes D2 Continuous motion Same speed (slow / medium slow) D1: quite big / big effort D2 smaller than D1 D2 heavy / medium heavy D2: medium / little friction ALPS ADRIA ‘08 Push: Distinctive features P1 someone – P2 something P1 behind P2 Continuous motion Same speed (slow / medium slow) P1: very big / quite big effort P2 bigger than P1 P2 very heavy / heavy P2: great deal of / medium friction Prolonged contact ALPS ADRIA ‘08 Shove: Distinctive features S1 someone – S2 someone S1 behind S2 Shove intensity: strong / medium S2: fast / medium speed (after the shove) S1: small / medium effort S1 and S2 equal in size S2 medium / light weight S2 little / medium friction Momentary contact ALPS ADRIA ‘08 D-P-S: Main differences Relative size: D2 smaller than D1 P2 bigger than P1 S2 equal in size to S1 ALPS ADRIA ‘08 Relative size 70 70 70 60 60 60 50 50 50 40 40 40 30 30 30 20 20 20 10 10 10 0 0 D2 sm aller 0 sam e size D2 bigger D2 smaller Same size D2 bigger P2 smaller Same size 50 62,50% 24 30,00% 6 7,50% 6 11,50% 10 19,20% DRAG P2 smaller same size S2 smaller same size P2 bigger S2 smaller Same size S2 bigger. 36 69,20% 19 23,45% 55 67,90% 7 8,64% P2 bigger PUSH ALPS ADRIA ‘08 SHOVE S2 bigger D-P-S: Main differences Relative position: D1 precedes D2 P1 and S1 behind P2 e S2 Duration of contact: P: prolonged contact S: momentary contact ALPS ADRIA ‘08 But D and P: someone-something S: someone-someone D and P: after the contact, both moving S: after the contact, only S2 in motion ALPS ADRIA ‘08 But D and P: after the contact, slow/medium speed (both entities) S: after the contact, fast/medium speed (only S2) D2 and P2: heavy S2: medium/light weight D1 and P1: big effort S1: small effort ALPS ADRIA ‘08 Weight 60 60 60 50 50 50 40 40 40 30 30 30 20 20 20 10 10 10 0 0 v.light light m ed. VL L M H 3 3,75% 9 11,25% 24 30,00% 30 37,50% DRAG heavy v.heavy 0 v.light light med. heavy VH VL L M H 14 17,50% 1 1,90% 5 9,40% 12 22,60% 12 22,60% PUSH ALPS ADRIA ‘08 v.heavy v.light light med. heavy VH VL L M H VH 23 43,40% 3 3,70% 19 23,45% 50 61,73% 7 8,63% 2 2,47% SHOVE v.heavy Effort DRAG SHOVE PUSH VS S QB B VB VS S QB B VB VS S QB B VB 9 11,25% 16 20,00% 27 33,75% 20 25,00% 8 10,00% 3 5,80% 10 19,20% 14 26,90% 9 17,30% 16 30,80% 11 13,60% 39 48,14% 26 32,09% 2 2,47% 3 3,70% small q.big big v.big 50 50 50 40 40 40 30 30 30 20 20 20 10 10 10 0 0 v.small small q.big big v.big 0 v.small small q.big big ALPS ADRIA ‘08 v.big v.small In conclusion The results of both the first and the second phase confirm that the mental images evoked by the verbs drag, push, shove have topological, kinetic, dimensional and kinaesthetic features which are salient, inter-subjectively invariant, and which allow direct comparison between the sense-motor structures of these three verbs ALPS ADRIA ‘08 Developments and applications Distinguishing constitutive from marginal features Extending the research from the literal to figurative use of the verbs Important additions to the linguistic definitions in dictionaries Human-machine communication ALPS ADRIA ‘08 Thank you! 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