WE ARE BROTHERS! WE ARE THE FUTURE! CARTA DEL BUON CITTADINO EUROPEO Materiale creato dai partecipanti del progetto di scambio giovanile multi-laterale youth in action 1.1 WE ARE BROTHERS! WE ARE THE FUTURE! Svolto a Palermo dal 20 al 28 Agosto 2012 con la partecipazione di 36 giovani di 6 Paesi pag. 2 WE ARE BROTHERS! WE ARE THE FUTURE! Questo opuscolo e’ stato realizzato dai partecipanti del progetto di scambio giovanile multi-laterale We are brothers! We are the future! Durante le attivita’ i giovani partecipanti di 5 Paesi differenti hanno epresso quelle che secondo loro sono le buone prassi ed i comportamenti i quali un buon cittadino europeo attivo dovrebbe seguire. Dopo ampie riflessioni e dibattiti, i partecipanti hanno scelto 30 consigli ed hanno elaborato il seguente opuscolo che verra’ diffuso in tutti e cinque i Paesi di provenienza dei partner del progetto. Nelle pagine seguenti i consigli dei partecipanti... pag. 3 WE ARE BROTHERS! WE ARE THE FUTURE! - Be active, creative and open-minded. - Don’t be afraid to suggest ideas and solutions. - Promote cultural diversity. - Don’t believe in cultural stereotypes. - Cooperate with people from other countries to build an European family. - Respect others’ rights. -Try to consider others’ problems, not only yours! -Trust each other! - Play sports in team to create good relationships. pag. 4 WE ARE BROTHERS! WE ARE THE FUTURE! - Treat others like you would like to be treated. - Try to find solutions in a democratic way. - Believe that together we can do everything! - Prevent aggression and racism, make love not war! - Care about disabled and poor people. - Care about the other citizens instead of focusing only on your own life. - Respect the environment and remember about sustainable development! - Keep informed about EU. - Go to the elections and vote. pag. 5 WE ARE BROTHERS! WE ARE THE FUTURE! - Participate in public debates. - Be a patriot, but also remember that we are all European citizens. - Make a good use of the money that European Union gives us for development - Help each other during economic crisis. - Learn English. - Take part in European exchanges. - Open the doors to students of other countries. - Travel to see what other countries have to offer. - Present your country in the best way. pag. 6 WE ARE BROTHERS! WE ARE THE FUTURE! - Think locally, act globally! - Stop complaining, start doing something! - Behave like a hero to make something special every day! pag. 7