ISTITUTO SUPERIORE COMMERCIALE STATALE E. MONTALE – NUOVO I.P.C. sede: Via Timavo, 63 16132 GENOVA Classe 3 B linguistico PROGRAMMA SVOLTO DI LINGUA INGLESE A.S. 2014 – 2015 Prof. Poggi – Prof. Dixon OBIETTIVI Si è mirato all'apprendimento e all'uso comunicativo della lingua straniera a livello intermediate (verso il livello B2 del portfolio linguistico europeo). Nell'ambito della comunicazione quotidiana sono state sviluppate: la capacità di lettura di brani narrativi, articoli, testi autentici, opuscoli; la capacità di drammatizzare, narrare, discutere dei testi ascoltati e/o letti. la capacità di ascolto e comprensione orale di dialoghi, estratti di programmi radiofonici, testi narrativi, conversazioni telefoniche, etc.; la produzione di lettere, resoconti, narrazioni. Oltre allo sviluppo di competenze comunicative sono state curate: la correttezza grammaticale dell'espressione orale e scritta; l'arricchimento del vocabolario. La riflessione sulla lingua (l'analisi contrastiva delle strutture morfologiche, fonologiche e sintattiche della lingua 2 e della lingua madre/ l'uso dei false friends, l'uso dei phrasal verbs) Obiettivi relativi all'ambito letterario: Conoscere i tratti essenziali della letteratura britannica dalle origini al ‘600. Analizzare e commentare un testo letterario. Individuare le caratteristiche di un autore attraverso la lettura di un testo letterario. Collegare un testo al proprio contesto letterario. Parlare e relazionare brevemente per scritto di autori e di movimenti letterari. Esprimere opinioni personali sul testo letto. Acquisire un linguaggio appropriato nel settore letterario. CONTENUTI Ambito linguistico Dal testo di lingua Guy Brook-Hart, Complete First Certificate, CUP: Sono state svolte le unità 1-5 in copresenza con la docente madrelingua. Per ciascuna unità è stato previsto lo studio delle funzioni comunicative e delle strutture linguistiche introdotte, con relative letture ed esercitazioni orali e scritte. Sono stati evidenziati i vocaboli relativi alle aree semantiche di ciascuna unità (famiglia e lavori di casa, tempo libero, viaggi e vacanze, cibo, dieta e salute). Sono state individuate le procedure per la stesura di composizioni, articoli, relazioni, recensioni. Unit 1 A family affair Listening: Young people talking about their families and activities Vocabulary: phrasal verbs: get on with, do up….; collocations with make and do Grammar: present perfect simple and continuous Use of English: word formation (negative prefixes) Reading: Parents are Human too, Do you help with household chores Speaking: talking about yourself your home and your family Writing: writing an essay. Expressing opinions. Using linking words for contrast (although, however, on the other hand, whereas) Unit 2 Leisure and pleasure Reading: My first bike Vocabulary: phrasal verbs and expressions: take up, sum up ……. Listening: A talk from a games developer Grammar: making comparisons; adjectives with –ed and -ing Use of English: key-word transformation Speaking: comparing photos of free-time activities. Using discourse markers to structure the answer Writing: writing an article; writing compound and complex sentences using when, who, which, that, but, and, because Vocabulary and grammar review unit 1 and unit 2 Unit 3 Happy holidays? Listening: Five young people talking about their holidays Vocabulary: travel, journey, trip and way Grammar: past simple, past continuous and used to; at, in or on in time phrases; past perfect simple and continuous Reading: A bus journey; My nightmare holiday! Use of English: word formation: adding suffixes Speaking: Discussing the benefits of different kinds of trip; phrases to involve partners in discussion; Strategies for dealing with Part 3 of the First certificate exam Writing: writing a story: a trip I’ll never forget Unit 4 Food, glorious food Listening: A radio interview about eating insects Reading: Can chocolate make you smarter?; Moso, Moso; a restaurant review Grammar: so and such, too and enough Vocabulary: food, dish and meal; adjectives to describe restaurants Use of English: multiple - choice cloze Speaking: Discussing diet, food and health; supporting opinions with reasons and examples Writing: writing a review: A local restaurant, café or snack bar Vocabulary and grammar review unit 3 and unit 4 Unit 5 Study time Listening: People talking about studying and school Vocabulary: words connected with studying; phrasal verbs: live up to, hand back, get away with, point out, put off, look back, drop out, find out; get to know, know, learn, teach, study, attend, join, take part in, assist Grammar: revision of if-clauses (zero, first, second, third conditional) Use of English: word formation (forming nouns from verbs) Ambito letterario Dal testo di letteratura Spiazzi - Tavella, Only Connect….New Directions, ed. Zanichelli The Origins o Celtic Britain pp. A4-5, The Romans p A9, The Anglo-Saxons pp. A10-11, The Conversion to Christianity p A12, The Vikings and the end of Anglo-Saxon England pp. A13-14, o Poems and Chronicles: the figure of the scop, the verse form (alliteration and kenning), the riddle, old English prose pp. A16-17. o The epic poem, p A22. Beowulf: plot, Beowulf’s origin, the mysteries of Beowulf, why Beowulf is an epic, the language of epic style pp. A24-25 The Middle Ages o The Norman Conquest and feudalism. o The medieval ballad p A56. Text 5 Lord Randal pp A60-61. o Geoffrey Chaucer: biography, the father of English literature p A64. The Canterbury Tales: the plot, the structure, the General Prologue, the characters, realism and allegory Chaucer narrator, Chaucer’s verse, pp. A64-66. Text 8: The Prioress, pp A68-69. o Medieval Drama p A53. The Renaissance o The sonnet p. B16-17. The Elizabethan sonneteers p B27, o William Shakespeare : life p B31. Shakespeare’s sonnets: the form, the themes and addresses, style p B32. Text 14: Shall I compare thee p B 33. Text 17: My mistress’ eyes p B36. o The development of drama p B21. The world of theatre: the permanent playhouse, the architecture of theatres, the internal layout, Elizabethan and modern theatres, the scenery, the actors p B21-22. o Drama as a literary genre: the origins of drama, the elements of drama, tragedy, fixed features, comedy, comprehension, structure and style, contextualisation p B23-24. The features of a dramatic text: the structure, plot and sub-plot, setting, stage directions, characters, Analysis of a character, dramatic techniques (dialogue, soliloquy, monologue, asides), language p B25-26. o Shakespeare the dramatist: the phases of his dramatic production (teacher’s notes), dating the plays, a Shakespearean play. General features, characters, stage directions, double illusion, the structure, variety of style, imagery, plot p B42-44. Genova, 26 maggio 2015 Paola Poggi I rappresentanti