BADO e MART AUCTIONS Science Books and Manuscripts Thursday - March 24, 2016 Science Books and Manuscripts 1: ACTUARIUS, Joannes. De Urinis EUR 800 - 1,000 ACTUARIUS, Joannes. De Urinis Actuarii Ioannis Zachariae filii, medici praestantissimi, Libri VII. Basel, eredi di Andreas Cratander, s.d. [1529]small 8vo, mm. 160x110, Contemporary sewing cardboard binding, title written on the spine; pp. [16], 447. Printer’s mark on the verso of the last leaf, Round and Italic Type. Stamp of extinct library on the Titlepage. Important issue. With the Treaty of the famous greek-Byzantine doctor of the thirteenth century, translated into Latin by Ambrogio Leone, is here added the work on the colors of Antonio Tilesio and De decretorijs diebus Paul Egineta. De urinis is the first organic treaty of diagnostics based on analysis of the urine. Is the most comprehensive and systematic work on the subject that has survived from ancient times, and was the benchmark for the physicians to the new acquisitions of the chemical in the nineteenth century.Garrison-Morton: "An elaborate treatise on urinoscopy. Actuarius was the first to use a graduate glass for its examination." Garrison-Morton, n. 2666; Durling, n. 2577; D.B.I., LXIV, p. 561; Choulant, p. 154. 2: ALBERTUS MAGNUS. De Secretis Mulierum EUR 300 - 400 ALBERTUS MAGNUS. De Secretis Mulierum. Item de Virtutibus Herbarum, Lapidum et Animalium. Amsterdam, apud Henricum et Viduam Theodori Boom, 1669 12mo, mm. 140x80; Contemporary full calf vellum binding, golden spine with 4 ribs, red edges; pp. 329, 7; Architectural Titlepage engraved on copper with cherubs and scenes of fertility. Rare edition. Treaty of the famous philosopher, alchemist and kabbalist, commented by Henry of Saxony who was his disciple. Starting from page 204 is added on the work of the secret nature of Michael Scot. The two works relate to all aspects of fertilization, the formation of the embryo and fetus, childbirth and sperm function: there are then shown the beneficial and healing properties of herbs, animals and stones, with references to astrology, magic and hermeticism.Ferguson, 15; Caillet, 129. 3: ALDINI Giovanni. Essai théorique EUR 800 - 1,200 ALDINI Giovanni. Essai théorique et expérimental sur le Galvanisme.Paris, Fournier Fils, An XII-1804 2 tomes in 1 vol. in-8vo, mm. 210x130; Contemporary full calf binding, label on the spine; pp. 6, XVI, 350, 7 copper folded plates; pp. 4, XII, 330, with 3 folded copper plates. A total of 10 copper plates out text. First octavo edition. In this classic study of the central nervous system, Aldini describes and illustrates the effects of galvanic electricity on the system of the animals. The author was a pioneer in the field of electrophysiology. The finely carved tables illustrate Aldini's experiments with human bodies and animals where you see the muscle contractions produced by contact with the voltaic pile. They are also examined many other aspects of electrical conduction.Wheeler: “The effects of the electric current on the animal system; the velocity of electricity through water; electrical fishes; conductivity of flames.” Garrison Morton, 1989; Mottelay, Bibliographical History of Electricity & Magnetism, pp. 304-306; Wheeler Gift Catalogue 660; Honeyman, n. 64. 4: ALEXIUS PEDEMONTANUS. De Secretis Libri. EUR 800 - 1,000 ALEXIUS PEDEMONTANUS. De Secretis Libri.Basilea, Pietro Perna, 15608vo, mm. 160x100; wonderful contemporary full calf binding with clasps, etched with plant motifs and geometric patterns, and figures of the Evangelists; pp. 16, 354, 30; decorated initials. Signature of the previous owner on the Title-page. Spine of the binding skillfully restored. Very rare and interesting "book of secrets" attributed to Jerome Ruscelli. This translation of Wecker was widespread in Europe. The book, which promises miraculous effects in the treatment of many diseases, contains chapters on how to make wine, ink, soap, toothpaste. Ferguson: "It is one of the most famous of the receipt-books and its popularity is shown by the number of editions in various languages ... The receipts are for the most part medical and pharmaceutical, and there is very little direct Which bears Alchemy online or on Chemistry". Ferguson, Bibl. Chemical, I, p. 22; Duveen, p. 15: "This is the third edition of Wecker's translation, and the first one to Contain the seventh book"; Durling, n. 111; Ferguson, Books of Secrets, I, pp. 25 5: Glass Making. Istruzione dei modi da praticarsi EUR 400 - 500 Glass Making. Istruzione dei modi da praticarsi per coltivare il Kali Maggiore, o sia Salsola-Soda, erba comunemente nota col nome di Roscano; e di formarne la Soda, cenere che impiegasi nella composizione de' Vetri, e de' Saponi. Venezia, Pinelli, 17804to, mm. 260x190; Original blank wrappers; pp. XXI, 3, last bl.; Woodcut Vignette with the lion of S. Marco at the Title page, another vignette on the head Title of page III, Titlepage and text in double woodcut frame. Very rare original edition. The work, printed for command of the magistrate who oversaw the Art Glassmaking, was written by Pietro Arduino and illustrates the process of production of soda by incineration, in order to increase employment especially in the glass and soap. Taccolini, Fonti per la storia dell'agricoltura italiana, Milano 2000, p. 54, n. 483. Science Books and Manuscripts 6: ASTRONOMICI VETERES. Iulii Firmici Materni Iunioris EUR 1,500 - 2,400 ASTRONOMICI VETERES. Iulii Firmici Materni Iunioris... Astronomicon Libri VIII, per Nicolaum Prucknerum Astrologum nuper ab innumeris mendis vindicati. His accesserunt, Claudii Ptolemaei Pheludiensis Alexandrini, quod Quadripartitum vocant, Lib. IIII. De inerrantium stellarum significationibus, Lib I. Centiloquium eiusdem. Ex Arabibus et Chaldaeis. Hermetis vetustissimi Astrologi centum Aphoris. Lib. I. Bethem Centiloquium. Eiusdem de Horis Planetarum Liber alius. Almanzoris Astrologi Propositiones ad Saracenorum regem. Zahelis Arabis de Electionibus Lib. I. Messallah de ratione Circuli et Stellarum, & qualiter in hoc seculo operentur, Lib. I. Omar de Nativitatibus Lib. III. Marci Manilii Poetae disertissimi Astronomicon Lib. V. Postremo, Othonis Brunfelsii de Diffinitionibus & terminis Astrologiae libellus isagogicus.Basileae, per Ioannem Hervagium, 1551folio, mm. 310x200; Full calf armorial binding, back with ribs in vellum, label with title in gold, sides restored with coat of arms impressed in gold; 2 parts of pp. 12, 244; pp. 227, 1. Initials Figured; Italic, round and greek type, printer’s mark at the verso of the last leaf; astronomical and zodiacal figures in the text of the first part, some annotations in the text. Signature of possession on the Title page. In this rare work are collected many important astronomical and astrological texts, of ancient and modern authors. The first part of the volume is occupied by the eight books of Astronomicon Firmicus Maternal, Sicilian astronomer of the fourth century. They follow in the second part of the Quadripartitum Ptolemy and collection of astrological writings of Arab authors and Chaldeans, from Hermes Trismegistus. There are also published important writings of Latin authors and Europeans, as Marcus Manilius, Giovanni Gioviano Pontano, Niccolò Leonico, Otto Brunfels. Gardner: "Largely Firmicus drew from the works of Claudius Ptolemy and presented a really practical digest in a small compass." Caillet: "Cet ouvrage, divisé en Huit Livres, est un véritable Manuel pratique de l'Astrology, compiles d'après la Doctrine de Ptolémée de Péluse, et dans les maintes fois recommandé "Commentaires" de Junctin, comme une autorité de premier ordre ... ".." Houzeau-Lancaster, n. 761, "rare"; Riccardi, I, 57, "Rare"; Gardner, Bibl. ASTROL., N. 406; Caillet, n. 3959. 7: [Gastronomy] ATHENAEUS. Dipnosophistarum EUR 1,500 - 1,800 ATHENAEUS [di Naucrati]. Dipnosophistarum siue Cœnae sapientum Libri XV. Natale De Comitibus Veneto nunc primum è Græca in Latinam linguam uertente.Venezia, Arrivabene [ad signum Putei], 1556folio, mm. 315x220; Nice binding with manuscripted leaf of the XV century; pp. [12], 288, [12]. Printer's device on the Title page, woodcut Initials and ornaments, Italic, round and greek type. Rare first Latin edition. The "Banquet of the Sophists", fascinating evidence of Hellenistic culture is a unique source of information about Greek cuisine, music, luxury, homosexuality and the pleasures of the time. Particularly is the part devoted to dietetics, gastronomy, and customs of the ancient convivial; there is the quality of the fruits, legumes, condiments, meat, fish, wine; purecitati are famous chefs, like Apicius, and many writers of antiquity, of which there remained no work. Partington: “Athenaios of Naukratis... whose Deipnosophistai [completed perhaps in Rome after A.D. 192 or even 228] in its present incomplete form [15 to 30 books] quotes some 800 authors, 700 otherwise unknown, and often mentions the Museum [of Alexandria]”. Biogr. Universelle: “On y trouve plusieurs passages concernant les fleurs et les fruits, et leurs différents usages d’utilité ou d’agrément, et ils ont servi plus d’une fois à éclaircir le texte des auteurs qui ont écrit sur ce sujet, tels que Théophraste et Dioscoride”. Il testo è stato tradotto da Natale Conti, raffinato umanista specialista della mitologia greca ed egiziana, utilizzando diversi manoscritti greci. Adams, A-2098; Partington, I, 169; Vicaire, p. 52; S.T.C. It. Books, p. 60. 8: BACON, Francis. De Augmentis Scientiarum Lib. IX EUR 600 - 800 BACON, Francis. De Augmentis Scientiarum Lib. IX.Leiden, A. Wijngaerden, 165212mo, mm. 130x70; contemporary full vellum binding; pp.20, 684, 60. Engraved Title-page. Signature of the previous owner dated 1818 on the end-paper. Rare edition of Leiden. The work is proposed as a comprehensive survey on human knowledge and the teaching of the sciences, and expresses the philosophy of the great Anglo-Saxon scholar. This is the fifth Latin edition of the Treaty, which first appeared in 1605 under the title On the Proficience and Advancement of Learning. DSB: "In De augmentis, which is Primarily Concerned with the classification of philosophy and the sciences, Bacon Develops His influential view of the relation between science and theology." Brunet: "Cet ouvrage est très recherché". Gibson, 133; Brunet, I, p. 603; D.S.B., II, p. 374. 9: BARTHOLINUS, Thomas. De Morbis Biblicis Miscellanea Med EUR 500 - 600 BARTHOLINUS, Thomas. De Morbis Biblicis Miscellanea Medica. Editio secunda correctior. Frankfurt, Bibliopola Hafnensis, s.d.pp. 8, 100, 2, 1 c. b.; Printer’s mark on titlepage, woodcut Initials, Headpiece, Finals, Round, Italic, Jewish type Bound with:Paralytici N. T. Medico et Philologico Commentario illustrati. Leipzig, Wohlfart, 1685pp. 4, 103, 1, 2 cc. b.; Segn.: A-G⁸; Woodcut ornament at Titlepage, woodcut Initials, Headpiece, Finals, Round, Italic, Greek type Bound with: De Latere Christi Aperto Dissertatio. Leipzig, Wohlfart, 1685pp. 16, 144; Printer’s mark on titlepage, woodcut Initials, Finals, Round, Italic, Jewish and Arabic type 3 works in 1 vol. small 8vo, mm. 160x100; Contemporary full vellum binding. Ex-libris of the XVIII century pasted to the first inside cover "Ex bibliotheca Williana"; Stamp of extinct library on the Titlepage. Three interesting dissertations rich in biblical scholarship and in the New Testament. The famous physician, anatomist and Danish philologist, he features in these studies on the history of ancient medicine his vast clinical and philological expertise.Dezeimeris, I, pp. 291-93; Krivatsy, nn.807, 812, 838. Science Books and Manuscripts 10: BATE, George. Pharmacopoeia Bateana EUR 600 - 800 BATE, George. Pharmacopoeia Bateana.... Appendix ad Pharmacopoejam Bateanam.Venezia, Hertz, 17032 tomes in 1 vol. 8vo small, mm. 190x110; Contemporary full marbled calf binding, golden titles and ornaments on the spine, red edges; pp. 8, 337, i.e. 327, 1 bl, omitted in the numbering p. 321-330; pp. 32, 301, 3 bl. Pictorial frontispiece, copper vignette on the second Titlepage. First Venetian edition. Important work of pharmacopoeia that presents the composition of the leading pharmaceutical preparations, with their indications and dosages, elaborated by George Bate; published posthumously by his colleagues and students for the first time in London in 1688, it was then gradually increased with additions of other authors. The text remained in vogue until the mid-eighteenth century. In this edition has added the important appendix curated by Thomas Fuller, and the second volume with the work of Jacques Le Mort, Fundamenta November antiqua theoriae Medicinae to Naturae operas revoked. The beautiful frontispiece engraved on copper depicting a chemical laboratory and pharmaceutical preparations, topped by title and allegorical figures.Wellcome, II, p. 113. Cfr. Ferguson, II, pp. 24-5. 11: BAUHIN, Kaspar. Pinax Theatri Botanici EUR 2,500 - 3,000 BAUHIN, Kaspar. Pinax Theatri Botanici. [Unito con:/Bound with:] Prodromos Theatri Botanici.Basileae, J. Regis, 1671 2 parts in one vol. 4to, mm. 250x180; Contemporary full brown calf binding, title and ornaments in gold on the back; pp. 24, 518, 22; pp. 4, 160, 12. First Title in red and black, Printer’s mark on the Title, Head-piece, end-pieces, Initials, illustrated ornaments, 138 illustrations in the text in the second work. Second illustrated edition greatly expanded. Are brought together the two most important works of the great Swiss botanist, who inaugurated a new system of classification of plant species. PMM: "Bauhin first established in scientific nomenclature. His' Pinax'describes six thousand species: it is the beginning of a modern 'natural' classification based on general morphology. Bauhin Realized the convenience of the binomial nomenclature, Which later Became a central feature of Linnaeus's system. He decisively differentiated generates and species, giving names to generate, but without descriptions, while distinguishing species by diagnostic phrases. Bauhin's book is still our most important source for the investigation of the botanical literature preceding him ... "Sachs:" A still higher value must be SET ON or the repute in Gaspard Bauhin the distinction between species and genus is fully and consciously any carried out; Has every plant with him in generic and specific name, and this binary nomenclature Which Linnaeus is usually you thought to have founded, is almost perfectly maintained by Bauhin, Especially in the 'Pinax' ". Cuvier, II, pp. 211-14; Nissen, n. 104; Pritzel, nn. 507 and 509; P.M.M., n. 254; Sachs p. 33. 12: BAILLY, Jean-Sylvain. Histoire de l’Astronomie moderne EUR 1,200 - 1,500 BAILLY, Jean-Sylvain. Histoire de l’Astronomie moderne depuis la fondation de l’Ecole d’Alexandrie jusqu’à l’époque de M.D.CC.XXX. [Segue:] Histoire de l’Astronomie Ancienne depuis son origine jusqu’à l’établissement de l’Ecole d’Alexandrie. Seconde édition.Paris, De Bure, 1779-82. 17814 vols. in-4to, mm. 260x200; Contemporary full calf binding, spines with 6 sections and labels, marbled endpapers and edges; pp. XVI, 728, 13 copper plates at the end; pp. [4], 751, 5 copper plates folded at the end; pp. [4], 415; pp. XXIV+527, [1], 3 copper plates at the end. A total of 21 copper plates out text. Stamps of extinct library at the Titlepage. Original edition. The three volumes of modern astronomy in the first edition has added the volume of ancient astronomy in the second edition. This is the complete set of this monumental work by the French astronomer. DSB: "These tomes Represent Bailly most lasting achievement ... The first of Bailly's historical works was the Histoire de l'ancienne astronomie depuis son origin jusqu'à l'établissement de l'Ecole d'Alexandrie ... His Histoire de l 'modern astronomy Appeared in two stages: two volumes devoted to the period up to 1730, were published in 1779 and were Followed by a third That brought` the story up to 1782. "Bailly consulted, especially for drafting dell'Astronomie ancienne, a substantial number of oriental manuscripts, which are listed at the end of the first volume. At the end of the third volume of the work it is accompanied by a good index making it easily searchable. Also interesting are the tables outside text, illustrating scientific instruments for observation and astronomical calculations.DSB, I, pp. 400-402; Houzeau-Lancaster, nn. 22 e 23. 13: BAILLY, Jean-Sylvain. Traité de l’Astronomie Indienne EUR 1,300 - 1,800 BAILLY, Jean-Sylvain. Traité de l’Astronomie Indienne et Orientale, Ouvrage qui peut servir de suite à l’Histoire de l’Astronomie ancienne.Paris, Debure, 17874to, mm. 270x210; Binding of XIX century .in half vellum with corners, title written on the spine; pp. [4], CLXXX, 427, 1 bl.Rare first edition. This is the most difficult to find of the set of books dedicated to the history of ancient astronomy by Bailly, and it are developed the important part dedicated the Indian astronomy, supported by scholarly research and by dense masses of astronomical calculations, especially the solar eclipse of the eighteenth century.De Lalande: “Ce traité ne pouvait être fait que par un très habile astronome” Brunet: “ouvrage estimé [mais qui est] rare.” Quérard: “Volume qui se joint aux Histoires de l’Astronomie ancienne et moderne, mais on le trouve très rarement ”. Houzeau & Lancaster, I 482; De Lalande, Bibliographie Astronomique, pp. 601 et 732; Brunet, I, 615; Quérard, I, 158-59; Zeitlinger, n. 5940, “Rare“. Science Books and Manuscripts 14: BECCARIA, Giambattista. Dell'Elettricismo EUR 2,500 - 2,800 BECCARIA, Giambattista. Dell'Elettricismo… Lettere dirette al sig. Giacomo Bartolomeo Beccari… Coll’Appendice di un nuovo fosforo descritto. Colle Ameno in Bologna, all'Insegna dell'Iride, 17584to, mm. 310x210; Contemporary full calf binding, spine with 5 ribs and golden spine, red edges; pp. 12, 378, 6, last leaf bl. Name of ancient possessor on Title page dated 1759. Rare original edition. Gliozzi: "The most important contribution made by Beccaria. Beccaria, repeated Franklin's experiments of 1751, magnetization of an iron wire and reverse polarity of a magnet, suggests that there is a close link between the 'movement' of the electric fluid and magnetism, and wonders whether it both the electric fluid "with no universal determination, imperceptible, perpetual, regular movements ... worldwide each magnetic direction to produce and preserve": it is a brilliant thought, which tore a cry of admiration Priestley ".Paci: “È questa una delle più importanti opere stampate a Colle Ameno per contenuto scientifico e per veste editoriale.” Gliozzi, Storia della Fisica, p. 185; Mottelay, p. 207; Wheeler Gift, n. 392 bis; Rossetti e Cantoni, p. 15; Paci, La Tipografia di Colle Ameno, n. 28. 15: BELLINI, Lorenzo. De urinis et pulsibus EUR 2,800 - 3,000 BELLINI, Lorenzo. De urinis et pulsibus. De febribus. De morbis capiti set pectoris.Bologna, Antonio Pisarri, 16834to,mm 210x153; Contemporary full stiff vellum, title written on the back, spryed edges; pp. 20 not numbered, 606, id est 608. Ornament on the Title, Illustrated Initials and End-pieces, printer’s mark of Bologna impressed at p. 19 not numbered. First rare edition. In this work for the first time is given urine analysis for diagnostic purposes. Bellini, professor of anatomy and medical theory in Pisa, was one of the founders of the Italian iatromechanics, a system that played physiological events such as blood circulation in terms of physical and mathematical principles. This work represents the first attempt to systematically apply the iatromechanics to medical theory: for diagnostic describes the character of the urine depending on the various diseases and also examines the various types of fever with an etiologic concept that was, for its time, the everything new. It also addresses the problem of coronary artery disease, and found that the condition which he called "Pressio" is dangerous and can result in the contraction of the heart; also describes the external pressure produced by tumors and fat, and the impediment of blood flow produced by calcification of the coronary arteries. Hirsch, 446s .; Wellcome II, 140. 16: [Salt] BENVENUTI, Giuseppe. De Lucensium Thermarum EUR 300 - 400 [Salt]BENVENUTI, Giuseppe. De Lucensium Thermarum Sale Tractatus.Lucca, Giuseppe Salani, 17588vo small, mm. 160x110; Contemporary marbled binding; pp. XI, [1 b.], 46. lacking of the last blank.First edition. Rare work on the baths of Lucca and the virtues of their waters terapetiche written by the doctor and mineralogist Joseph Welcome, originally from Pescia, and then doctor at the Baths of Lucca for over thirty years.D.B.I.: “operetta sulle virtù terapeutiche dei sali contenuti nell’acqua delle terme”. Wellcome II, p. 145; Walleriana 900; De Renzi, V, p. 682, n. ll; D.B.I., VIII, pp. 673-77. 17: [Mineral waters]BERGMAN, Torbern Olof. Opuscoli chimici EUR 300 - 400 [Mineral waters]BERGMAN, Torbern Olof. Opuscoli chimici e fisici.S.n.t., ma Firenze, Tofani, 17876 opuscoli in 1 vol. in-8vo, mm. 210x140; Leg. coeva m. pergamena, tit. oro al dorso; pp. 20; 32; 30,[2]; 76 1 tav. in r. rip. al termine; pp. 61, 1 tav. in r. e 4 tabelle a stampa rip. f.t. al termine; pp. 130, 1 tav. in r. rip. f.t. al termine. In totale 3 Tavole fuori testo inc. in rame. Interessante e curiosa miscellanea degli scritti relativi all’acqua del chimico svedese. Tutte queste dissertazioni, che riguardano l’idrologia minerale, sono tratte dal primo volume degli Opuscoli chimici e fisici pubblicato a Firenze dal Tofani con alcune sue note e aggiunte. Radunate all’epoca forse dallo stesso editore con un criterio tematico, le dissertazioni sono nell’ordine: Della Fonte Acidula Danimarchese; Dell’Acque di Upsal; Dell’Acqua di Mare; Dell’Acque Medicinali Fredde preparate artificialmente, con aggiunte del Tofani sulle acque minerali della Toscana; Dell’Acque Minerali Calde preparate artificialmente. Chiude il volume l’opuscolo Dell’Analisi delle Acque, che costituisce lo scritto più significativo di questa raccolta, in quanto pone le basi della moderna analisi chimica nel campo dell’idrologia minerale. 18: [Mineralogy] BERTRAND, Philippe. Nouveaux Principes EUR 600 - 800 [Mineralogy] BERTRAND, Philippe. Nouveaux Principes de Géologie, Minéralogie, Géographie-Physique. Paris, Maradan, An XI – 18038vo, mm. 200x130; Contemporary calf binding, title in gold on the spine, marbled end-papers, spryed edges; pp. XVIII, 1, 559, 1. Second edition increased. In this work, the geologist and mineralogist sifts the geological theories of thinkers and philosophers of the past and the ones of his time. Supports personal ideas and sometimes quite original about the tectonic upheavals at the base of the origin of continents and mountain chains, disputing almost all scientists who have studied the matter, except only Dolomieu. Poggendorff, I, 170. Science Books and Manuscripts 19: [Mineralogy] BERZELIUS. The use of the Blowpipe. EUR 700 - 1,300 [Mineralogy] BERZELIUS, Joens Jakob. The use of the Blowpipe in chemical analysis, and in the examination of minerals.London, Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 18228vo, mm. 220x130; half cardboard and calf binding, titles in gold on the spine; pp. XXXIX, 1 b., 343, 1; a great synoptic table folded outside the text, 3 plates outside text. First English edition. It is a comprehensive discussion on the methods of use of the blowpipe and its applications in chemistry and mineralogy: This edition was edited by JG Children, which he kit with additions and a considerable number of notes. The blowpipe had been formerly used by jewelers and craftsmen in metalworking; in mineralogical field it was used during the eighteenth century by Swedish scientists, especially from Bergman. Berzelius, based on the experiences of Bergman, and his disciple Gahn, presents here the first practical the use of the blowpipe. Partington: "In His work on the blowpipe he Describes the four zones of the candle flame, overlooking the description of the blue part at the base by GC Morgan, Which, with Davy's description ... completed the four zones.” Partington, IV, 149; Zeitlinger, n. 6186; ; Cohen 139; Bolton 310. 20: BIANCHINI. Astronomicae, ac Geographicae Observationes EUR 1,800 - 2,500 BIANCHINI, Francesco. Astronomicae, ac Geographicae Observationes Selectae Romae.Verona, Dionisio Ramanzini, 1737Folio small, mm. 300x22; Contemporary full vellum binding, title written on the spine, blue edges; pp. [14, incl. Half Title, Frontispiece and Titlepage], XIII, [1], 278, [2]; printer’s device on the Colophon, Woodcut Finals and Ornaments; Frontispiece with portrait, Vignette on Titlepage, Initials, many geometrical illustrations within the text, all engraved; Folded engraved map. Stamp of extinct library in the first 3 leaves. Original edition. This rare and important work of the astronomer from Verona, elegantly printed by Ramanzini, was published posthumously by Eustachio Manfredi. Based on dense notes left by Bianchini, documenting the great work done by the author on the example of Cassini, who had drawn the great meridian through France: he therefore decided to do something for Italy, and he proposed to measure the meridian arc from the Adriatic to the Tyrrhenian Sea via Rome.Riccardi,: "rare and precious"Riccardi, I, 133-16; Honeyman, n. 325. 21: BION Nicolas. Traité de la Construction EUR 1,000 - 1,300 BION Nicolas. Traité de la Construction et des principaux usages des Instrumens de Mathématique. Paris, Chez Boudot, Ganeau, Robustel et Rondet, 1716In 8vo, mm. 210x135; Contemporary full calf binding; golden Title on label at the spine, golden ornament; pp. 8nn, 389, 3nn, with 28 copper plates out text. Rare edition of one of the most interesting works on the scientific instruments, written by Nicolas Bion. The work contains 28 copper engraved plates illustrating the main scientific instruments then in use. To the drafting of the work seems to have collaborated La Hire. Zeitlinger: "One of the best old books on scientific instruments, including anche astronomical instruments, the micrometer, in showing solar and lunar eclipses machine, nautical instruments, and a chapter on dialing, including moon and star dials". Poggendorff, I / 195. 22: BION Nicolas. L’usage des Globes Celeste EUR 1,000 - 1,300 BION Nicolas. L’usage des Globes Celeste et Terrestre, et des Spheres suivant les differens systèmes du Monde.Paris, Chez Boudot, Ganeau, Robustel, Rondet, 17178vo; mm 200x125; Contemporary full calf binding; golden Title on label at the spine, golden ornament; pp. 8nn, 400, 8nn, with 51 copper plates out text depicting globes, world maps, maps. Interesting edition of this practical treatise on terrestrial and celestial globes, greatly expanded by a rich and detailed illustrative part. The work is divided into three books: the first two provide basic concepts of astronomy, cosmography and geography; the third contains the rules for the construction of terrestrial and celestial globes, and their use.Poggendorff, I/194; Houzeau-Lancaster, n. 9735. 23: [Metallurgy]BIRINGUCCIO, Vannuccio. Pirotechnia EUR 1,500 - 1,800 [Metallurgy/Fireworks]BIRINGUCCIO, Vannuccio. Pirotechnia … nella quale si tratta non solo della diversità delle Miniere, ma anco di quanto si ricerca alla pratica di esse, e che s'appartiene all'arte della fusione, ò getto de Metalli. Far Campane, Artigliarie, fuochi artificiati, et altre diverse cose utilissime. Nuovamente corretta, e ristampata.Bologna, Longhi, s.d. [1678]8vo, mm. 152x100; Contemporary full vellum binding; pp. [32], 630, 84 woodcuts within the text. Signature of ancient possessor. “francesco Galeani”. Valuable seventeenth illustrated edition. The engraved vignette reproduce by metalworking tools, furnaces, stills, the merger phase, bells, weapons. The work extensively describes the different types of metals and different practices for their processing to fire is also widely artillery, furnace, the production of glass, fireworks and distillation.Partington: “The book is essentially practical; it covers the whole field of metallurgy and is the first printed work to do this, but it deals also with applied chemistry, gunpowder, military arts, and fire-works. The Pirotechnia describes and pictures reverberatory furnaces, describes the liquation of silver from copper by means of lead, and has important descriptions of bell casting and cannon founding. “ La data si ricava dalla dedica di Natale Doriguzzi al marchese Giuseppe Montecuccoli. Partington, II, p. 33; Michel-Michel I, p. 167. D.B.I. vol. 10, pp. 625-631 Mieli, Scienziati ital., I, pp. 20-24. Science Books and Manuscripts 24: BLAEU Guiljelmus. Institutio Astronomica EUR 1,200 - 1,400 BLAEU Guiljelmus. Institutio Astronomica de usu Globorum & Sphaerarum Caelestium ac Terrestrium: duabus partibus adornata, Una, secundum hypothesin Ptolomaei, per Terram Quiescientem. Altera. juxta mentem N. Copernicum, per Terram Mobilem. Latine reddita à M. Hortensio, in Ill. Amsterdamensium Schola, Matheseos Professore. Amsterdam, Ioh. et Cornelius Blaeu, 1640 8vo, mm 170 x 110; Contemporary full vellum binding, title written on the spine; pp. 16nn, 246, 2 bl, many geometrical and astronomical woodcuts within the text.Important work of the illustrious Dutch geographer. The Institutio Astronomical contains extremely detailed astronomical calculations and practical instructions for the construction of terrestrial and celestial globes. Willem Janszoon Blaeu, a pupil of Tycho Brahe, è il più grande costruttore di globi e strumenti nautici della prima metà del XVII secolo. Van der Kroght, Old Globes in Netherlands: "After a short stay with the great astronomer Tycho Brahe, he started business in Alkmaar, but soon moved to Amsterdam, where he started publishing maps, books, globes and later atlases. In 1634 published a manual to his globes". Poggendorff, I/col. 206. 25: BLUMENBACH, Friedrich. De Generis Humani Varietate EUR 1,000 - 1,200 BLUMENBACH Johann Friedrich - De Generis Humani Varietate Nativa. Editio Tertia. Praemissa est Epistola ad Virum Perillustrem Iosephum Banks Baronetum... Gôttingen, Vandenhoek et Ruprecht, 1795. Small 8°, mm. 160 x 100, pp. XLIV, 2, 326, 10, with 2 copper plates folded at the end. Contemporary full calf binding, title and ornaments in gold at the spine. Ex libris F. De la Mennais. Foundamental text in the history of anthropology, belonged to the famous writer of Catholic inspiration François de La Mennais: Third Edition, with new additions, this interesting specimen. Johann Friedrich Blumenbach [1752-1840] this text originally published in his youth as a doctoral work in 1775; in this edition will add a letter to Joseph Banks and the Index Suppelectilis Anthropologicae Aucthoris [ie the collection of artifacts gathered from the same Blumenbach]. "His work is now ... Considered as the foundation of the science of physical anthropology - the study of the origin and evolution of the races of men ... - B. was portatili develop the thesis That All the races are living varietis of a single species, Homo sapiens ... B. was opposed to the practice of slavery and the then current belief in the inherent savagery of the colored races ... Blumenbach had a great influence on the scientific explorers and travelers of the time; among His pupils were Alexander von Humboldt and others. " [P.M.M., n. 219]. "His classification, with little modification, has survived to the present time" [Garrison-Morton, No. 156]. 26: [Mineralogy]BONNARD Augustin-Henri. Essai Géognostique EUR 300 - 400 [Mineralogy]BONNARD Augustin-Henri. Essai Géognostique sur l’Erzgebirge, ou sur les Montagnes Métallifères de la Saxe. Extrait du Journal des Mines... [unito con:] Observations d’un Mineur sur le discours de M. Dugas de Varennes relatif aux Mines. Paris, Bossange, 1816; et Paris, Agasse, 1816. 2 booklets in l vol. in-8°, mm. 200 x 120, pp. 156 e pp. 48. Contemporary half calf binding, golden titles and ornaments at the spine.Two booklets of mineralogy. Augustin-Henri Bonnard [1781-1851] was chief engineer of the Royal Corps des Mines, and Inspector General of Mines. In the first of these two books examining the geotechnical characteristics of high interest and variety of components from the Erzgebirge, between Saxony and Bohemia; in the second [published anonymously] defends the Napoleonic legislation based on a distinction between ownership of the soil surface [private] property and the subsurface [always public, and under the concession], and reaffirms the importance of the Royal Corps des Mines. Quérard, France Litt., I / p. 404; Poggendorff, I / col. 230. 27: [Botany] BONNET. Recherches sur l’usage des Feuilles EUR 400 - 500 [Botany]BONNET Charles. Recherches sur l’usage des Feuilles dans les Plantes, et sur quelques autres sujets relatifs à l’histoire de la végétation. A Gottingue & Leide, chez Elie Luzac, Fils, 1754. 4°, mm. 280 x 220, pp. VII, [1], 343, [1] with 31 copper plates out text, engraved by Wandelaar, vignette at the titlepage. Contemporary sewing binding. Ex libris pasted to the inside cover.Original edition of this still young the great naturalist from Geneva, where the observations of the author were condensed on plant nutrition, their growth, the function of the leaves and their behavior with respect to light, humidity etc. During the study, carried out largely through microscopic analysis, the Bonnet irreparably damaged his eyesight."Il s’occupa de rechercher comment les plantes se nourrissent. Il fit des expériences sur l’usage des feuilles, des quelles il resulta des faits extrêmement curieux et entièrement neufs" [Cuvier, IV/246]. Nissen, n. 201; Pritzel, n. 981. 28: BORELLI, Giovanni Alfonso. Euclide rinnovato EUR 1,500 - 1,800 BORELLI, Giovanni Alfonso. Euclide rinnovato.Bologna, Gio. Battista Ferroni, 1663small 8vo, mm. 160x190; contemporary full calf vellum, title in gold on the back, red edges; pp. 32, including Half-title and Title page, 310, 2; many geometric engravins inside the text. Ancient signature of belonging in the Title page. Rare first edition in Italian. Important work translated by the same Borelli in collaboration with Domenico Magni. DBI: "The Euclides Restitutus wanted to be both a summary and a clarification of the text of the Elements; it is a job that gives inspiration to new research directions ... The points at which the Borelli opens new perspectives are the examination of Euclid's fifth postulate, or parallel postulate, and the theory of proportions. "Riccardi" rare".. D.B.I., XII, p. 546; Riccardi, I, 158-2.2; Riccardi, Bibl. Euclidean, p. 442. Science Books and Manuscripts 29: BORELLI, Giovanni Alfonso. De Vi Percussionis EUR 1,200 - 1,500 BORELLI, Giovanni Alfonso.De Vi Percussionis, et Motionibus Naturalibus a Gravitate pendentibus.Leyden, Peter Vander Aa, 16864to, mm. 210x170; Contemporary sewing cardboard binding; pp. 16 nn., including Frontispiece and Title-page, 262, 22 nn.; Vignette on Title-page, nice allegoric Frontispiece, 6 copper plates out text, all engraved on copper. Stamp of extinct library on Title-page. Rare and important edition illustrated, with plates engraved on copper. In this Borelli proposes the theory of percussion of hard bodies and responds to the controversy with Stefano degli Angeli. Roberts & Trent: “In this, Borelli's first book on mechanics, he quotes Galileo's youthful work on percussion, the fourth Dialogo, and lectures by Torricelli. As well as the detailed discussion of impact, the book deals with the dynamics of falling bodies, vibration, gravity, fluid mechanics, magnetism, and pendular motion.... he gives the name resilience for the first time to a number of problems now classed under this name.” Il curatore Johann Broen presenta questa edizione come migliore della prima italiana, che aveva le tavole impresse in xilografia: la bella antiporta figurata è incisa da Romain de Hooge. Gillispie, D.S.B., II, pp. 306-314; Riccardi, I, col. 159 n. 6.2; Roberts & Trent, Bibl. Mechanica, pp. 41-2. 30: BORELLI, Giovanni Alfonso. De Motu Animalium EUR 2,300 - 2,800 BORELLI, Giovanni Alfonso. De Motu Animalium. Pars Prima [et Secunda]. Editio Altera. Correctior et Emendatior.Leyden, Gaesbeeck & Boutesteyn, 1685 2 parts in 1 vol. small 4to, mm. 200x150; Contemporary full vellum binding, spine with titles and golden ornaments; pp. 16 nn., Including half title, frontispiece and Title-page, 280 [i.e. 274], 17 nn., 1 bl., omitted into numbering p. 273-278, 15 copper plates out text. I-XV; pp. [4], 365, [15], 3 copper plates folded numb. XV-XVIII. A total of un a pictorial Frontispiece and 18 copper plates out text. Rare second edition illustrated. Heirs of Hippocrates: “The illustrations showing human beings and animals in various positions of muscle exertion could only have been conceived by one who was primarily a physicist and not an anatomist”. Starting from the Galilean physics, and developing theories of the school iatro-mathematics, Borelli investigated in depth the mechanics of muscular motion, starting from the heart muscle, and blood circulation seen as complex hydraulic system. The first part of the work is devoted to external movements of the body, the second to internal movements. Famous is the section De Volatu, where Borelli demonstrates the impossibility of human flight based on observation of the muscle structure, in comparison with that of birds, opening the way to the study of mechanical flight.Garrison-Morton: “Borelli originated the neurogenic theory of the earth's action and first suggested that the circulation resembled a simple hydraulic system. He was the first to insist that the earth beat was a simple muscolar contraction”. Roberts & Trent: “Closely associated with the outstanding anatomist Malpighi, Borelli’s analyses of locomotion, respiration and digestion as purely mechanical processes did much to reveal the true functions of the muscles, the lungs, and the stomach”. Norman: “After Descartes Borelli was the principal founder of the iatrophysical school, ...Inspired by Harvey's mathematical demonstration of the circulation of the blood, Borelli ...conceived of the body as a machine whose phenomena could be explained entirely by the laws of physics. Borelli was the first to recognize that bones were levers powered by the action of the muscle, ...[he was ] the first to explain the heartbeat as a simple muscular contraction, and to ascribe its action to nervous stimulation. He was also the first to describe circulation as a simple hydraulic system.” Garrison-Morton, n. 762; Roberts & Trent, Bibl. Mechanica, p. 43; Horblit, n. 13¸ Heirs of Hippocrates 496; Dibner, n. 190; Norman 270. 31: BOSCOVICH, Giuseppe. Elementorum Universae Matheseos EUR 2,600 - 2,800 BOSCOVICH Ruggero Giuseppe. Elementorum Universae Matheseos... Tomus I. Continens Geometriam Planam. Arithmeticam Vulgarem. Geometriam Solidorum. Trigonometriam Planam et Sphericam. Tomus II. Continens Algebram Finitam. Venezia, Antonio Perlini, 1757. 3 vols. 8° mm. 190 x 130, pp. VIII, 256, with 5 copper plates by Antonio Baratti; pp. 268 [error numbering 168]; pp. XX, 356, with 7 copper plates. Sewing binding, titles written on the spine. Sbn riporta la presenza di III pagine numerate romane alla fine del primo volume prima delle carte di tavole, nel nostro esemplare non ci sono, tuttavia il registro corrisponde con sbn.Malgrado la dicitura del frontespizio, trattasi di copia dell'edizione romana del 1754, tutt'altro che corretta. Questa ristampa veneta dimostra il successo dell'opera, che ebbe larga diffusione come testo didattico. Whyte, p. 217. Riccardi, col. 177, n. 41.2: "Ediz. scorretta e men bella delle precedenti". 32: BOSCOVICH, Ruggero Giuseppe.De Solis ac Lunae EUR 700 - 800 >B>BOSCOVICH, Ruggero Giuseppe.De Solis ac Lunae. Venezia, Zatta, 1761small 8vo, mm. 170x110; Contemporary full calf binding, spine adorned in gold; pp. XLIII, 1, 343, 1; copper vignette on Title page. Stamp of extinct library on Title page. Second edition, successive year to the London one. This didactic poem, dedicated to solar and lunar eclipses, also includes a compendium of modern astronomy and synthesis of Newton's theory of light. Interesting on pp. XI-XXVI reasoned catalog of all the works given to light by Father Boscovich until then.Riccardi, I, 55; Sommervogel, I, 1842; Whyte, p. 219. Science Books and Manuscripts 33: BOSSE, Abraham. La Maniére Universelle EUR 700 - 800 BOSSE, Abraham. La Maniére Universelle de Mr. Desargues Lyonnois, pour poser l'Essieu, & placer les heures & autres choses aux Cadrans au Soleil.Paris, Pierre Des Hayes, 1643small 8vo, mm. 180x110; Contemporary full calf binding, back at 6 ribs with golden ornaments and title, marbled end papers, red edges; pp. 6 with Frontispiece, Title page, Dedication engr., 28; pp. 2 with engr. Title page, 68; 66 copper plates out text. The beautiful allegorical frontispiece, the dedication, the Title page and the tables outside the text, printed in front and back of the same sheet, are finely engraved on copper by Bosse. A total of 69 copper plates. Rare first edition illustrated. In this work richly illustrated on gnomonics Bosse exposes the method for the construction of sundials of his master Girard Desargues. The plates outside the text are numbered from 1 to 28: some are repeated several times and are engraved at front and back of 34 cards. The complexity of the numbering has often resulted in errors in the binding: There are a loto f not completed specimens, as the two of the Bibliotheque Nationale. This specimen also contains the board engraved with a dedication to Monseigneur de Noyers, almost always missing.Le Blanc, I, p. 270; Bibliothèque Nationale, T. XVI, col. 695-96, cotes V. 2224 et 2226. 34: CARDANO, Girolamo. Contradicentium medicorum EUR 1,600 - 2,000 CARDANO, Girolamo. Contradicentium medicorum libri duo… Accesserunt praeterea Jocobi Peltarii contradictiones ex Lacuna desumptae, cum ejusdem Axiomatibus. Parigi, Jacques Macé, 1564-653 parts in one vol. 8vo, mm. 166x100; contemporary full brown calf with frames at sides, fleurons in gold at the sides and on the back, title written in red on the spine, initials “IMD” and date “1567” impressed in gold; leaves 12, including Title-page, 180; leaves 4, including the Title-page, 324, 2, last blank; leaves 28, including the 3rd Title-page, errors numbering. Printer’s mark at the 1st and the 3rd Title-page; decorated Head title and Initials, round type. Rare work, with the first edition of De conciliatione locorum Galeni by Jacques Peletier. The Contradicentium medicorum of Cardano is one of the rare texts that the scientist devoted to the history of medical theories. Combining, as was his custom, rational analysis and taste for the marvelous, he seeks the contradictions in the doctrines of many authors who examines and tries to resolve them. The drafting of this monumental work kept him busy for much of his life: he began to deal in the 30's five hundred; expanded over time the amount of news, observations, comments to texts studied. In the second book he speaks about two miracle cures, treating their properties and their use: the Zarza Pariglia and the root of China. Fundamental text for the medical knowledge of Cardano, the Contradicentum can be considered one of his most important works.The edition is particularly important because it is published here for the first time the innovative treaty Peletier, where the French doctor tries to reconcile the doctrines of Galen with those of Hippocrates. Humanist and poet, Jacques Peletier came at a young age in the circle of Marguerite de Navarre and in 1540 he became secretary of Rene 'du Bellay. He wrote several works on mathematics and geometry: he is due to the term "billion", also was the first to use the letters in algebra, solving systems of equations binary. Adams, C-656; Durling 837; Wellcome 1284-1285. 35: CASSINI, Jacques. Elements d'Astronomie. EUR 2,500 - 3,000 CASSINI, Jacques. Elements d'Astronomie.A Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 17404to, mm. 250x190; Contemporary full marbled calf binding, golden ornaments and titles on the spine, marbled endpapers, red edges; pp. xvj, 12 nn., 643, 1 bl; Head pieces,Finals, 10 geometric woodcuts within the text, 21 copper plates out text with 88 astonomical illustrations by F. Simonneau. Ex libris of the Maraldiana library, pasted at the first inside cover. Exemplary belonged to Jean-Dominique Maraldi, as evidenced by the draft of a letter in two parts of the sheet left inside the book. First illustrated edition. In this comprehensive treaty, Cassini exposes his original research of the numerical value of the main elements of astronomy: the work also contains some historical details still of considerable interest. After an introduction on the sphere in general, Cassini is the fixed stars, and then explains his theory about the sun, moon and planets. The work ends with the study of the movements of the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. Jacques Cassini, member of the Académie des sciences, the Royal Society and the Academy of Berlin, was in contact with Newton and Halley: described the perpendicular meridian of France and studied the inclination of the satellites and the rings of Saturn.Nel 1741 abbandonò le ricerche astronomiche lasciando gli incarichi presso l’Osservatorio di Parigi al figlio Cesar-Francois. DSB: “Cassini's principal areas of interest were the study of the planets and their satellites -- particularly the inclination of the orbits of the satellites and the structure of Saturns ring -- the observation and the theory of the comets, and the tides.” Entro l’esemplare è conservata la minuta di una lettera, in due parti di foglio, con calcoli astronomici scritta da Jean-Dominique Maraldi ed indirizzata a un amico astronomo di cui dice “le nouvel astre que vous avez decouvert le 4 de ce mois”. 36: CASSINI, Jacques, Tables astronomiques du soleil EUR 1,400 - 1,600 CASSINI, Jacques, Tables astronomiques du soleil, de la lune, des planetes, des etoiles fixes, et des satellites de Jupiter et de Saturne; avec l\'explication & l\'usage de ces memes tables.Paris, Imprimerie Royale,17404to, mm. 250x190; Contemporary full marbled calf binding, golden ornaments and titles on the spine, marbled endpapers, red edges; pp. xiv, 6 nn., 1-119, 1 nn.; 1-222, 1 leaf of errata, 5 copper plates. Engraving with the Astronomical Observatory seen on page one. Bookplates manuscript and printed the Maraldiana library, glued to the first inside cover. Original edition first run. This work constitutes the natural continuation of Elemens of astronomy. These boards have been long considered as the best. Houzeau & Lancaster 12793. Science Books and Manuscripts 37: [fossils]CATULLO EUR 400 - 750 [fossils]CATULLO, Tommaso Antonio. Saggio di Zoologia Fossile ovvero Osservazione sopra li petrefatti della Provincie Austro-Venete con la descrizione dei monti entro ai quali si trovano. Con tavole litografiche. Padova, Tip. Seminario, 1827 Wide 4to, mm. 320x230; Contemporary full vellum binding, title on label on the spine, sprayed edges; pp. 348, [4]; Copper Vignette on the Titlepage with map, 8 litography plates depicting various types of fossils. First edition. Important work on the geology and fossil zoology in Italy, which also contains significant comments on the mineralogy of some areas. The author was the first to scientifically investigate the geology, paleontology using the method to determine the relative age of the Mesozoic land, with the application of an innovative methodology, based on the presence of fossils in different strata analyzed. The work is accompanied by dozens of figures and a detailed map, all in lithography: the title page is printed, finely engraved in copper, a small map of the areas of Veneto and Trentino involved in research.Poggendorff, I, 398; Bibl. Geol. e Paleont. Ital., n. 5194. 38: CESALPINO, Andrea. Katoptron, speculum artis medicae EUR 1,800 - 2,300 CESALPINO, Andrea. Katoptron, speculum artis medicae Hippocraticum: spectandos, dignoscendos curandosque exhibens universos.Francoforte, M.Becker & L. Zetzener, 16058vo, mm.155x95; contemporary full stiff vellum binding; pp. 16, including Title-page, 663, 1. Printer’s mark on the Title-page. Very rare work, with the first description of blood circulation. Pagel: "Cesalpino remains an important precursor of Harvey, and perhaps most important of all." This is the second edition of the last and most complete work of Cesalpino, first published in 1602 under the title of Ars Medica and reprinted several times with different titles, all editions very rare. The treaty covers a wide range of diseases that affect the heart, lungs, head, gynecological disorders, with observations on syphilis and with extensive information about drugs. His main interest, however, lies in the enunciation admirably clear and conclusive author of his findings on blood circulation, many years before Harvey. Fontana: "in the Ars Medica Cesalpino has formulated the most comprehensive, clear and conclusive statement on the small and, connected with it, great movement." Referring to this very edition, Walter Pagel, the most important scholar of the genesis of the theory of the circulation writes: "we find the statement of the basis of Cesalpino that blood moves continuously from the veins in the heart and arteries on it. In fact here is set forth in its most generalized ". Osler 904; Krivatsy 2343; Bruni Celli 733; Cini, Scientists Aretini, 12a; Luigi Fontana, the almost unknown original edition of the Ars Medica, in Minerva Medica, vol. 63 November 1972; W. Pagel, ideas biological Harvey. Selected aspects and historical background, 1979. 39: CHAPMAN. Traité de la Construction des Vaisseaux EUR 2,000 - 2,500 CHAPMAN, Fredrik Henrik. Traité de la Construction des Vaisseaux, avec des Eclaircissemens & Demonstrations touchant l\'Ouvrage intitulé: Architectura Navalis Mercatoria.Brest, Malassis; Paris, Durand et Jombert, 1781 4, mm. 250 x 200, contemporary full calf vellum, back with 5 ribs with gold ornaments and a label for the title; pp. XXV, 3, 219, 1 with 20 copper folded plates out text, with geometric figures, cleaved and profiles of different boats. Text printed on light blue paper. French edition, enriched with substantial additions of Vial du Clairbois, this well-known treatise on shipbuilding originally appeared in Stockholm in 1775. The author, vice-admiral of the Swedish navy, and a member of the Academy of Sciences in Stockholm, had previously published in 1768 a great album titled tables Architectura Navalis Mercantilus, on the construction of merchant vessels. Some of these have been inserted by Clairebois in this translation, in addition to the 16 original. Stratico: \"This work is one of the finest that have been written on the theory of the construction of ships, and deserves to be matched to that of Jorge Ivan.\" Zeitlinger: \"The author was the first to elaborate a comprehensive theory of shipbuilding , and to give rules for finding the center of gravity and the carrying power of ships \". Polak, n. 1605; Stratico, p. 113; Zeitlinger, n. 757. 40: CHAPTAL Jean-Antoine. Elémens de Chimie EUR 700 - 1,000 CHAPTAL Jean-Antoine. Elémens de Chimie. Tome I [-III]. Montpellier, Jean-François Picot, 1790. 3 vols. in-8° small. di mm. 190 x 120, di pp. CX+[2] bl, 259, [1]; pp. 443, [1]; pp. 460. Contemporary full calf binding with golden ornaments and rules at the spine, golden Titles on label. Very rare first edition of this fundamental text, which along with the Traité élémentaire by Lavoisier, appeared the previous year, marking the entry into the new era of modern chemistry. In it they were summarized the lessons of chemistry course taught by Chaptal in Montpellier since 1781, preceded by an important Discourse préliminaire, which occupies the front pages CX."It was in this work... that Chaptal first suggested the word nitrogen to take the place of azote, as adopted in the Nomenclature Chimique, which had replaced Priestley’s "phlogisticated air". The first edition is very rare. It is neither in the British Museum nor in the Bibliothèque Nationale. The book was reissued the same year with a Paris imprint" [Offenbacher, The Chemical Revolution, 1967, n. 39]. Duveen, p. 129. Partington, II/p. 557. Science Books and Manuscripts 41: CHAPTAL Jean-Antoine. Chimie appliquée aux Arts. EUR 200 - 300 CHAPTAL Jean-Antoine. Chimie appliquée aux Arts. Paris, Crapelet, 1807. 4 vols. in-8° di mm. 190 x 130, di pp. LXXIX, [1], 302, [2], with 10 copper plates folded at the and; pp. VIII, 544 with 1 copper plate at the end; pp. [4], VIII, 534, with 1 copper plate at the end; pp. [4], VIII, 554. Ancient half velum binding, title and ornamens in gold on the spine. First edition of this fundamental text of Applied Chemistry of the great French chemist, who with other texts of the period marked the entrance to the industrial revolution; in it they condense decades of teaching Chaptal and progress of the applied chemistry. "First edition of the earliest treatise on chemical technology based on the new principles of chemistry. Chaptal [1756-1832] did much to develop France industrially. G. Washington invited him repeatedly to come to America... It contains important sections on tanning, soap making, dyeing, glass making, gunpowder, etc." [Emil Offenbacher, 1972, n. 25]. Partington, III/p. 557; Duveen, p. 130; Bolton, p. 361; Morgan Collection, n. 129. 42: [Wine]. Trattato chimico ed economico sopra i vini. EUR 400 - 500 CHAPTAL, Jean Antoine Claude. Trattato chimico ed economico sopra i vini.Venezia, s.n.t., 1801 8, mm. 200x140; Cartonatura originale alla rustica; pp. 176. Versione italiana di questa nota opera del grande chimico francese, importante per l’applicazione delle conoscenze della nuova chimica ai processi di vinificazione. Zeitlinger: “This important work first publishes the process, now known as chaptalising, for improving wines by neutralising an excess of acids and adding beet or cane sugar.” Zeitlinger, 758. 43: CLAIRAUT. Théorie de la Figure de la Terre. EUR 1,800 - 2,000 CLAIRAUT, Alexis-Claude. Théorie de la Figure de la Terre, tirée des Principes de l’Hydrostatique. Paris, David Fils, 1743In 8vo, mm. 200x130; Contemporary half calf binding, titles and ornaments in gold at the spine, red sprayed edges; pp. XL, 305, 5 not numbered, Copper Vignette at the Titlepage by Duflos, a lot of geometric illustrations within the text. Rare first edition. It is the most important of the French mathematician and astronomer, in which Clairaut exposes his theory of elliptical shape of the Earth conceived thanks to the comments made in the expedition in Lapland together with Maupertius, which aimed to measure the length of a degree of latitude near the North Pole.Zeitlinger: “Rare...His fame rests chiefly on his ‘Théorie de la Figure de la terre’, in which he promulgated the theorem that the variation of gravity on the surface of the earth, regarded as an elliptic spheroid, was altogether independent of the law of density. He develops in this work the first theory of capillary attraction, and first gives the differential equation, till then unknown, of the equilibrium of fluids, supposing an attractive force, following any law whatever, to exist among the molecules... In the figure of the earth no other person has accomplished as much as Clairaut.” DSB: “A scientific classic. Théorie de la figure de la terre was to some degre to some degree the theoretical epilogue to the Lapland expedition and to the series of polemics on the earth's shape -- an oblate ellipsoid, according to Newton and Huygens, and a prolate ellipsoid, according to Cassini.” Zeitlinger, n. 799; Honeyman, n. 700; DSB III, p. 282; Bibliotheca Mechanica p.72; Poggendorff I, 447. 44: CLAIRAUT. Théorie de la Figure de la Terre. EUR 1,800 - 2,000 CLAIRAUT, Alexis-Claude. Théorie de la Figure de la Terre, tirée des Principes de l’Hydrostatique. Paris, David Fils, 1743 In 8vo, mm. 200x130; Contemporary full vellum binding, titles and ornaments in gold at the spine, red sprayed edges; pp. XL, 305, 5 not numbered, Copper Vignette at the Titlepage by Duflos, a lot of geometric illustrations within the text. Rare first edition. It is the most important of the French mathematician and astronomer, in which Clairaut exposes his theory of elliptical shape of the Earth conceived thanks to the comments made in the expedition in Lapland together with Maupertius, which aimed to measure the length of a degree of latitude near the North Pole.Zeitlinger: “Rare...His fame rests chiefly on his ‘Théorie de la Figure de la terre’, in which he promulgated the theorem that the variation of gravity on the surface of the earth, regarded as an elliptic spheroid, was altogether independent of the law of density. He develops in this work the first theory of capillary attraction, and first gives the differential equation, till then unknown, of the equilibrium of fluids, supposing an attractive force, following any law whatever, to exist among the molecules... In the figure of the earth no other person has accomplished as much as Clairaut.” DSB: “A scientific classic. Théorie de la figure de la terre was to some degre to some degree the theoretical epilogue to the Lapland expedition and to the series of polemics on the earth's shape -- an oblate ellipsoid, according to Newton and Huygens, and a prolate ellipsoid, according to Cassini.” Zeitlinger, n. 799; Honeyman, n. 700; DSB III, p. 282; Bibliotheca Mechanica p.72; Poggendorff I, 447. 45: CLAIRAUT. Elémens d’Algèbre EUR 300 - 500 CLAIRAUT Alexis-Claude. Elémens d’Algèbre. Paris, David l’Ainé, 1749.Small 8 vo mm. 190 x 130, pp. XXIV, 348, [4], with 10 tables of algebraic formulas folded out text. Contemporary Full leather binding, back adorned [corners worn]. Second Edition [the first is in 1746] of this book under a modest title conceals extensive mathematical knowledge of the author [who gave birth in those years also elemens de geometry]. Recall that A.-C. Clairaut [1713-1765], eminent mathematician and astronomer, made important contributions to geometry infinitesimal, and in many other fields. Zeitlinger, n. 797 [una edizione più tarda]; Poggendorff, I/col. 447. Science Books and Manuscripts 46: CLAIRAUT, Alexis-Claude. Théorie de la Lune EUR 2,500 - 3,000 CLAIRAUT, Alexis-Claude. Théorie de la Lune, déduite du seul principe de l’Attraction réciproquement proportionnelle aux Quarrés des Distances; pièce qui a remporté le Prix proposé en 1750, par l’Académie de Pètersbourg. Seconde édition, à laquelle on a joint des Tables de la Lune, construites sur une nouvelle révision de toutes les espèces de calcul dont leurs équations dépendent. Paris, Dessaint et Saillant, 1765 4to, mm. 270x200; Contemporary half calf binding , spine decorated with gold, marbled endpapers; pp. 7, [1], 161, [1], copper plate folded out text. Label and stamp of extinct library. Rare second edition, with the first two works joined together. Clairaut was fundamental to the development of the theory of the Moon, showing the accuracy of the analytical method with Newton's law applied to the motion of three bodies, sun, moon and earth, and explaining the inequalities of the lunar motion with values that are very close to modern; together with studies of Euler and D'Alembert, Clairaut this is the foundator of the modern theory of lunar motion. Cajori: “He applied the process of differentiation to the differential equation now known by his name and detected its singular solution”. DSB: “Clairaut found toward the end of 1748 that in Newton's theory the apogee of that moon moved over a time period very close to that called for by observations. This is what he declared to the French Academy on 17 May 1749. The first approximate resolution of the three-body problem in celestial mechanics culminated in the publication of the Théorie de la lune in 1752 and the Tables de la lune in 1754.” La presente edizione riunisce per la prima volta, sotto lo stesso titolo, questi due lavori complementari. Esemplare appartenuto al matematico piemontese Carlo Ignazio Giulio, con timbro della sua biblioteca privata. " DSB III, p. 283; Zeitlinger, n. 975, “rare”; Norman 487; Cajori, p. 246. 47: CLAVIUS, Christophorus. Gnomonices Libri Octo. EUR 5,000 - 7,000 CLAVIUS, Christophorus. Gnomonices Libri Octo.Roma, Francesco Zanetti, 1581folio, mm. 330x230; Contemporary full vellum binding; pp. 16, 654, 2. Nice Titlepage engraved on copper in architectural frame e bunches of fruit, title to the center; in the text hundreds of geometrical figures engraved in wood and depictions of various types of solar clocks. Text pages num. 644 and 653 have not been impressed by default typeface, and the text was completed in ink by hand coeval; the same hand adds design at the margin of the p. 197 and perfected with further additions in the illustration geometric text p. 412. Very rare original edition illustrated. An excellent example with action manuscript of contemporary hand made by a scholar who knows the subject. The author of integration corrects an error of typography on his own hand, reproducing the entire text of two pages that were not printed; also bears two important additions, tracing a design on 197, in relation to the clock italics horizontal, and completing the graph illustrating a problem creating clock italics vertical, on page 412. This powerful work of German Jesuit C. Schlussel, dedicated to King Stephen of Poland, it is the most comprehensive treaty on gnomonics appeared in the sixteenth century, and established himself as the "classic" on the subject later in life. Houzeau-Lancaster: “C'est le plus grand ouvrage existant sur la gnomonique”. Clavius, sapientissimo gesuita di Bamberg naturalizzato cittadino romano, soprannominato “L'Euclide del XVI secolo”, è celebre oltre che per le sue opere matematiche anche per aver dato un contributo fondamentale alla riforma del calendario giuliano e alla formulazione di quello gregoriano. Houzeau-Lancaster, n. 11383; Zeitlinger, n. 817; S.T.C. of Ital. Books, p. 186; Brunet, II, 92; De Backer-Sommervogel, II, 1215, n. 3. 48: COLONNA, Fabio. Fabii Columnae Lyncei Phytobasanos EUR 2,000 - 2,300 COLONNA, Fabio. Fabii Columnae Lyncei Phytobasanos [graece] cui accessit Vita Fabii et Lynceorum Notitia Annotationesque in Phyrobasanos Iano Planco Ariminensi Auctore et in Senensi Academia Anatomes Publico Professore.Firenze, Gaetano Viviani, 1744 4to, mm. 280x210; sewing cardboard binding; pp. 2 not numbered, LII, 134, 2 n.; 38 copper plates depicting botanic species. On the Title-page vignette copper with the lynx, the emblem of the Accademia dei Lincei, 2 warheads representatives medals, two initials engraved on copper. Second edition enlarged and beautifully illustrated. In this important work the naturalist Neapolitan describes 80 new plant species identified by him and shall state the medical-pharmaceutical properties. Column was epileptic and devoted himself to the study of botany to find herbs and concoctions from plants that could be used to improve the symptoms and effects of epilepsy. The first edition, of great rarity, had appeared in Naples in 1592; in this there is the important addition of the life of Fabio Colonna and history of the Accademia dei Lincei, written by John Bianchi under the transparent pseudonym Janus Plancus. D.B.I., XXVII / p. 286: "The work ... cost the column ... the collapse of its finances, because, instead of woodcuts wanted to prepare himself 35 fine copper engravings, used for the first time for such a purpose. In C. illustrates them the plants found in the area of Naples, comparing them with the descriptions of the ancient ... C. proves keen observer botanical ".Nissen, B.B.I. 386; Pritzel 1822; Carutti, St. Accademia dei Lincei, p. 179/n. 6; Bibl. Botanica Caldesi, n. 150; D.B.I., XXVII/p. 286; Cleveland Collections 401. 49: FERRARI. Democrito et Eraclito dialoghi. EUR 1,500 - 2,000 FERRARI, Giacomo. Dialoghi del Riso, delle Lagrime e della Malinconia.Mantova, Aurelio e Lodovico Osanna fratelli, 16274to; Half calf and marbled boards binding. golden titles on the spine; pp. 8 nn., including title page, 41, 3 bl., 19, 1 bl., 20 - 100; Coat of arm of Vincenzo Gonzaga duke of Mantua, woodcut Headpieces, Initials, Finals. Notes from contemporary hand on the margins, good condition. Rare original edition. Interesting work of the chief physician of Mantua, divided into three parts: the first two contain the dialogues of laugh, between Alexander Guerino and Cesare Cremonini, and dialogue of tears, between André Du Laurens and Joseph Du Chesne, said Quercetano; the third, with the title, the Sermon on the melancholy, is an original version of the work on diseases melancholic of the illustrious French doctor Du Laurens; the last one contains a fine selection of chemical recipes "to fortify the head, cheer your heart, and warm it for the stomach" and "Theoretical essatta of Melancholy" with indications of medicines for its cure.Bound with: GARZONI, Tommaso. Il teatro de vari e diversi cervelli mondani8 nn, 100, 2 (Error numbering)Curious work run in various editions. The author describes the different types of youth brains, crude, virtuous, sad. Which operates from a strong contribution to psychology, cabala, alchemy and astrology.Choix 7003, Caillet 4352, Adams I261. Science Books and Manuscripts 50: COMMANDINO. Liber de Centro Gravitatis Solidorum EUR 2,500 - 3,000 COMMANDINO, Federico. Liber de Centro Gravitatis Solidorum. Bologna, Alessandro Benacci, 1565 4to small, mm. 210x150; half vellum binding, title written on the back; cc. 4 nn. , 47, 1 b.; Initials figured, many geometric woodcuts within the text. Stamp of the library extinct on the frontispiece and the first card. Rare first edition. It is one of the few original scientific work of Commandino, an elaborate system of theorems and proofs to determine the center of gravity of solid bodies of all shapes and sizes: among the new results obtained, the center of gravity of the pyramid and the paraboloid.Honeyman: “An original treatise on the centre of gravity of solid bodies”. Riccardi, I, 42, n. 5, note; Honeyman, n. 739. Cfr. P. D. Napolitani, Nicchie per una nuova scienza.Scuole e corti nell’Italia del Rinascimento, 2008. 51: CONGRESSI DEGLI SCIENZIATI ITALIANI EUR 2,500 - 3,000 [CONGRESSI DEGLI SCIENZIATI ITALIANI, I] - Atti della Prima [-Decima] Riunione degli Scienziati Italiani. Voll. I -X. 1839-1864. Pisa, 1840 [il 1° vol.]; poi: Torino, 1841 [il 2°]; Firenze, 1841 [il 3°]; Padova, 1843 [il 4°]; Pisa, 1844 [il 5°]; Milano, 1845 [il 6°]; Napoli, 1846 [il 7°]; Genova, 1847 [l'8°]; Genova, 1847 [il 9°]; Siena. 1864 [il 10°]. 10 voll. in-4° [30 x 23], tutti in cartonatura editoriale stampata o in mezza tela editoriale con numerose tavv. in rame fuori testo. Ottimi esemplare.Serie completa di questi volumi, contenenti i resoconti e le importanti memorie scientifiche presentati nelle 10 Riunioni delle Scienziati Italiani tenute nel periodo risorgimentale. I volumi apparvero di norma l'anno successivo allo svolgimento della Riunione L'iniziativa di riunire a congresso gli scienziati italiani, e cercare una forma di coordinamento nazionale dei principali rappresentanti della cultura scientifica italiana, venne promossa e attuata per iniziativa di Carlo Luciano Bonaparte [nipote di Napoleone I e naturalista di fama]. La prima riunione si tenne a Pisa nell'ottobre 1839, e suscitò grande entusiasmo negli ambienti liberali; l'ultimo [il X] si tenne a Siena nel 1864, ormai in periodo post-unitario. "L'importanza storica dei nove [in realtà 10, col 1864, n.d.r.] Congressi degli Scienziati Italiani degli anni 1839-47... consistette nel fatto che centinaia di intellettuali delle varie parti d'Italia potessero incontrarsi, conoscere, discutere... Nei Congressi cominciò ad amalgamarsi la futura classe dirigente dell'Italia unitaria... Questi incontri peraltro contribuirono in misura notevole all'elaborazione del programma del movimento moderato e alla diffusione di esso in tutta l'Italia" [G. Candeloro, Storia dell'Italia Moderna, vol. II]. Dopo una lunga interruzione nel periodo post-unitario, la tradizione fu poi ripresa con la costituzione della Società Italiana per il Progresso delle Scienze [S.I.P.S.], che svolse la sua attività e pubblicò i suoi Atti dal 1907 al 1937 [q.v.].Diamo la descrizione dettagliata dei 10 volumi della raccolta [peraltro tutti corredati di indici ragionati]:I] Atti della Prima Riunione degli Scienziati Italiani tenuta in Pisa nell'ottobre del 1839. Seconda edizione aumentata dell'orazione del prof. Rosini per l'inaugurazione della statua di Galileo... Pisa, Nistri, 1840. Pp. LIV+[2]+324, con bel ritratto di Galileo in apertura, e medaglia galileiana al frontespizio, incisa in rame.II] Atti della Seconda riunione degli Scienziati Italiani tenuta in Torino nel Settembre del 1840. Torino, Cassone e Marzorati, 1841. Pp. L+[2]+397, con 1 grande tav. in litografia ripieg. di cm. 65 x 45 raff. i Céphalopodes de la Mediterranée observés à Nice ou à Gênes par J. B. Verany. Cartonatura editoriale stampata. Contiene l'elenco dei ca. 600 partecipanti al Congresso.III] Atti della Terza Riunione degli Scienziati Italiani tenuta in Firenze nel settembre del 1841.. Firenze, Tip. Galileiana, 1841. Pp. 791, con 3 tavv. in litografia ripiegata al fine. Esemplare n. 195, dedicato al prof. C.F. Bellingeri. Con l'elenco nominativo degli 888 scienziati partecipanti al Congresso. IV] Atti della Quarta Riunione degli Scienziati Italiani tenuta in Padova nel settembre del 1842. Padova, Tipogr. del Seminario, 1843. Pp. CVIII+588, con 3 tavv. in rame f.t. [in parte a colori]. Cartonatura editoriale stampata, qualche abrasione al dorso. Contiene importanti memorie di botanica, geologia, fisica, chirurgia, alcune interessanti la regione veneta.V] Atti della Quinta Riunione degli Scienziati Italiani tenuta in Lucca nel settembre del 1843. Pp. 844+[2], con 2 tavv. f.t. in litografia [eruzioni del Vesuvio], e medaglione al frontespizio. Piccolo guasto alla parte superiore della cerniera anteriore. Con l'elenco dei 496 scienziati che parteciparono al Congresso.VI] Atti della Sesta Riunione degli Scienziati Italiani tenuta in Milano nel settembre del 1844. Milano, Pirola, 1845. Pp. [4]+1014+[2], con 4 tavv. f.t. in litografia [tra cui una carta a colori della Corsica] e un medaglione al frontespizio. Tra le molte comunicazioni interessanti: Balardini, Casus della pellagra; Amici, Perfezionamenti nella fotografia; Bruschetti, Rotaie in ferro; Angius e Lamarmora, Geologia della Sardegna; Orioli, varie Memorie sull'elettricità; parecchie memorie di chimica del Selmi, etc. Con l'elenco nominativo dei 1159 scienziati che parteciparono al Congresso. [Si unisce:] Diario della Sesta Riunione degli Scienziati Italiani convocati in Milano nel settembre 1844. N.1 [12 Settembre] - N. 15 [1 Ottobre]. In totale 20 fascicoli sciolti in-4°, ciascuno di pp. [8], il fascicolo di apertura reca le "Parole del Principe Bonaparte nell'aprire la sezione di Zoologia"; precedono pp. [4] manoscritte. Annesso grande quadro sinottico ripiegato col "Quadro statistico-comparativo e nominativo delle cinque prime riunioni".VII] Atti della Settima Adunanza degli Scienziati Italiani tenuta in Napoli dal 20 di settembre à 5 di ottobre del 1845. Parte I [e II]. Napoli, Stamperia del Fibreno, 1846. 2 parti in 2 voll. di pp. 1108+[4] con 14 belle tavv. f.t. in litografia e un medaglione al frontespizio; pp. da 1108 a 1199+92+[4]+CXCIII+[2], con 3 tavv. f.t. in litografia [una acquerellata]. Esemplare offerto al Col. Vincenzo Uberti, membro effettivo del 7° Congresso. Contiene tra l'altro comunicazioni di Abate sulle strade ferrate e sull'aeronautica, di Matteucci sull'elettricità e sulla telegrafia, altre di Orioli, Nobili, Sementini, etc. Con l'elenco dei 1613 Scienziati del Regno di Napoli e degli 814 Scienziati non del Regno partecipanti al Congresso.[Si unisce:] Diario del Settimo Congresso degli Scienziati Italiani in Napoli, n. 1. [30 Settembre] - n. 11 [2 ottobre]. In fascicoli sciolti, in-4°, pp. 158 complessive. VIII] Atti della Ottava Riunione degli Scienziati Italiani tenuta in Genova da XIV al XXIX settembre 1846. Genova, Ferrando, 1847. Pp. [4]+VIII+1004, con 8 tavv. f.t. in litografia. Cartonatura editoriale stampata. Esemplare n. 372 dedicato al fisico F. Caporali. Contiene comunicazioni di Selmi, Majocchi, Mossotti, Orioli, Liebig, Vöhler, etc.IX] Diario del Nono Congresso degli Scienziati italiani convocati in Venezia nel Settembre 1847. Venezia, Cecchini, 1847. Pp. 160. Dal n. 1 [14.9.47] al n. 14 [ottobre 1847]. Al fine elenco nominativo dei 1478 membri componenti il 9° Congresso.X]. Atti del Decimo Congresso degli Scienziati italiani tenuto in Siena nel Settembre del 1862. Siena, Mucci, 1864. Pp. [4]+223, con 1 tav. f.t. Al fine elenco alfabetico dei 225 membri componenti il X Congresso. Esempl. n. 207, con dedica al cav. Ercole Ferrario.Questi volumi offrono un completo panorama dei progressi della cultura scientifica in Italia; ogni Riunione [definita poi, a partire dal IX, "Congresso"] venne articolata in varie sezioni, di cui furono responsabili i più illustri scienziati dell'epoca, nei vari campi: chimica, fisica, matematica, geologia, geografia, botanica, fisiologia, medicina, agronomia, tecnologia, dando ampio spazio anche a studi locali relativi alle città ospitanti. Di particolare importanza furono le comunicazioni interessanti il progresso delle teorie elettriche e l'elettrotecnica; più in generale, nella sezione agronomia e tecnologia, vennero discussi problemi economici e sociali, come lo sviluppo delle tecniche agrarie, l'istruzione popolare, l'igiene pubblica, le condizioni degli ospedali e delle carceri, le malattie "sociali", etc. I volumi furono tutti pubblicati in tirature limitate, ad uso dei congressisti. Science Books and Manuscripts 52: CONTARINI. De Elementis eorum mixtionibus EUR 600 - 1,000 CONTARINI Gaspare. Gasparis Contareni Cardinalis. ampliss. Philosophi sua aetate praestantissimi de Elementis eorum mixtionibus libri quinque... Scipionis Capitii de principiis rerum poema. [legato con:/Bound with:] Gasparis Contareni Primae Philosophiae Compendium. Lutetiae Parisiorum, per Nicolaum Divitem [Nicolas Le Riche], 1548; ibid., ex Typogr. Guilielmi Nigri [Guillaume Le Noir], 1556. 2 works in 1 vol. in 8° small; mm.160 x 100, Contemporary smooth vellum binding, leaves. [8], 119, [l]bl; errors in the numbering Printer’s device on the Titlepage with double Anchor, Italic type; Leaves [8], 114, [1] errors in the numbering. Nice printer’s device on the title page trophy with a helmet surmounted by a bust of a Moro. Roman Type.First and rare editions. The first work [however that in the history of the author is here after the second unit], dedicated to Matteo Dandolo, was written between 1532 and 1535, years in which the Contarini had begun to cultivate philosophical and scientific interests, ranging from Aristotelian physics to medicine. In it, the Contarini "refers to the doctrines of Aristotle and Galen, rather than to those of the Pythagoreans and atomists. He also launches an attack against astrology divination which reproached the causes and reasons of all the effects of celestial bodies”.[D.B.I., XXVIII/p. 181]. Al termine del testo del Contarini si trova il poemetto latino di Scipio Capicius, De principiis rerum, dedicato a Paolo III. Adams, C.2563; S.T.C., p. 122. 53: [Surveying] Elementi Aritmetici EUR 500 - 600 CONTI Alessandro Maria di S. Matteo. Elementi Aritmetici ne' quali si contengono tutte le Operazioni principali dell'Aritmetica. Seconda Edizione coll'Aggiunta di alcuni Precetti di Agrimensura. Roma, Stamparia di S. Michele, per Girolamo Mainardi, 1741. 8° small, mm. 160 x 110, Contemporary full vellum binding. pp. 12, 238, 6, with 3 woodcut plates folded in 2 leaves out text. Many of geometric illustrations within the text. Useful treatise of practical arithmetic, here in the second edition after that of 1740, whose author published in those years other manuals of similar subject, including a treatise on currency exchange.Riccardi, I/col. 368, n. 3.2: "E' un buon trattatello d'aritmetica, e poco conosciuto. Ai primi elementi si limitano i precetti di agrimensura". 54: [Surveying] Breve compendio di vari Essercizij EUR 500 - 600 CONTI Antonio. Breve compendio di vari Essercizij di Compasso fondati su gli Elementi di Euclide. Con alcune regole d'Aritmetica, e Geometria, modo di fare e formare Livellazioni. Bologna, Borzaghi, 1702. 8° small, mm. 150 x 100, Binding in half vellum and marbled cardboard of XIX binding, golden titles on leather label on the spine. pp. 16 [including the first bl.], 246, 2 n.n., with 6 copper plates out text, hundreds of geometric woodcut illustrations within the text. First and only edition of this treatise of practical geometry and surveying, written by Antonio Conti, "expert of Bologna", to the prevalent use of Surveyors , with chapters on "Plants , Leveling, and Profiles". Among the illustrations outside the text interesting ones dedicated to the use of the compass, the proportional compass and the tablet, and other measuring instruments. Manual uncommon.Riccardi, I/col. 369: "Libretto di qualche utilità per il pratico agrimensore di quei tempi". 55: [Wine]CORTACIO, Giorgio. Trutina Medica EUR 600 - 800 [Wine]CORTACIO, Giorgio. Trutina Medica qua tum sanguinis missionis, tum Vini exibitioni vulgaris in Febribus usus adversus aimophobous [graece] Galeni decractores pro ipsis tutela, ac ydrophobous [graece] expenditur. Padova, Pietro Luciano, 1654. 4° mm. 220 x 170, Contemporary sewing binding. pp. 14, 143, 4. Copper Vignette at the Titlepage with coat of arms of the cardinal Pietro Ottoboni, dedicatee of this work, stamp of extinct library at the Titlepage. Greek and Latin type. Work very rare, especially dedicated to the deepening of inflammation and fever, is divided into two parts, the first interesting blood circulation and the utility or otherwise of withdrawals for therapeutic purposes, and the entire second on loans curative of the wine , which are discussed quality, strengths and weaknesses, and dietary intakes.British Library, Italian XVIIth Cent. Books, p. 262. 56: Origine, trasporto in Italia EUR 1,500 - 2,000 [Bodoni Typography] COSSALI Pietro. Origine, trasporto in Italia, primi progressi dell'Algebra. Storia critica, di nuove disquisizioni analitiche e metafisiche arricchita. Parma, dalla Reale Tipografia, 1797-99. 2 vols 4°, mm. 300 x 230, Late half calf binding, with golden titles. pp. 24, 396, 4; pp. 10, 492, 4, with 2 wide copper plates folded out text. First and only edition. Cossali, the best-known historian of mathematics in 18th-century Italy, taught physics and astronomy at the University of Parma, and was later named by Napoleon to the chair of mathematics at Padua. "He wrote various memoirs on mathematical questions, chiefly algebraic, but is best known for his history of algebra, a work of considerable scholarship and even yet of service to the student of this phase of the subject" (Smith, History of Mathematics, 1, p. 541). "C'est un ouvrage important, plein de recherches auxquelles prÈside la critique la plus ÈclairÈee. Apres avoir examine toutes les opinions contraires, il conclut que l'algebre a ete empruntee aux Indiens par les Arabes, qui l'ont ensuite introduite en Europe" (NBG). Cossali's work was one of the very few scientific books printed by Giambattista Bodoni (1740-1813), the most successful and influential Italian printer of his era, associated with the Royal Press.Poggendorff, I/pp. 482-3; Brooks, n. 696. Science Books and Manuscripts 57: COTTE, Louis. Traité de Météorologie EUR 300 - 400 COTTE, Louis. Traité de Météorologie. Paris, Imprimérie Royale, 1774 4to, mm. 260x200; Ancient calf binding, spine adorned, marbled endpapers, red edges; pp. XXXVI, 635, [1]; 14 copper plates of which 1 folded. Esemplare appartenuto al matematico piemontese Carlo Ignazio Giulio, con firma e data 1819 nel primo foglio di guardia e timbro della sua biblioteca all’ultimo. Rare first edition illustrated. Important work of the founder of modern meteorology, where Cotte presents and discusses the theories of Franklin, Nollet and other leading scientists of the time, setting up the first complete treatise of meteorology as a scientific discipline. Honeyman: “Includes an historical description of the barometer, thermometer and othe meteorological instruments. Cotte believed agricultural utility to be the principal aim of meteorology with medical application an important secondary purpose” Are described in detail several instruments, such as thermometer, barometer, hygrometer, anemometer, udometro, compass, electrometer, which are beautifully illustrated in the plates engraved by Elisabeth and Catherine Haussard.Zeitlinger, 7046; Poggendorff, I, 486; Honeyman, II, 769. 58: CRAANEN, Theodor. Tractatus physico-medicus EUR 400 - 600 CRAANEN, Theodor. Tractatus physico-medicus de Homine in quo status ejus tam naturalis, quam praeternaturalis, quoad Theoriam rationalem mechanice demonstratur. Cum figuris aeneis et Indicibus... Leyden, P. Vander Aa, 1689 4to, mm. 200x160; Contemporary full calf binding, brown edges; pp. [16], 765, [51]; Title page in red and black ink. with vignette, Headpiece with coat of arms of the prince d'Orange e Nassau Guglielmo Enrico, 1 copper plated folded out text with the portrait of the Author engraved by A. Blooteling, 38 plates copper plates out text. Two notes of possession of old hand on the first sheet of the guard, with a date 1737. First Edition illustrated. In this remarkable work of anatomy and physiology, published posthumously by Theodor Schoon, the Dutch physician, professor at the University of Leiden, supporter of Cartesian philosophy, applies the mechanistic paradigm of Descartes anatomy and physiology of the human body. Remarkable defense of blood circulation exhibited by Harvey argues among other breathing of the fetus in the womb, something that was derided by many contemporaries. The anatomical plates illustrating the works are very precise and detailed. Bierens de Haan, n. 993; Biogr. Univ. X, 166; Hirsch, II, 135; Wellcome, II, p. 403. 59: Introduction à l’Analyse des Lignes Courbes Algébriques EUR 2,400 - 2,800 CRAMER, Gabriel. Introduction à l’Analyse des Lignes Courbes Algébriques. Genève, chez les Frères Cramer, 17504to, mm. 250x190; Contemporary full calf binding, spine with 5 ribs, marbled end papers, red edges; pp. XXIII, 1, 680, XI, [1 with Errata]; 1 table out text in the appendix, 33 copper plates folded out text. First edition. This is the largest treaty on analytic geometry and contains the rule, and the paradox of Cramer. Struik: “The most complete exposition of algebraic curves existing at that time.” Boyer: “a worthy successor to Newton's Enumeratio.” DSB: “Cramer's major publication Introduction à l'analyse lignes courbes algébriques, was published in 1750 … The first chapter of the Introduction defines regular, irregular, transcendental, mechanical, and irrational curves and discusses some techniques of graphing, including our present convention for the positive directions on coordinate axes. The second chapter deals with transformations of curves, especially those which simplify their equations, and the third chapter develops a classification of algebraic curves by order or degree, abandoning Descartes's classification by genera. Both Cramer's rule and Cramer's paradox develop out of this chapter. The remaining ten chapters include discussions of the graphical solution of equations, diameters, branch points and singular points, tangents, points of inflection, maxima, minima, and curvature. Cramer claims that he gives no example without a reason, and no rule without an example.” Cajori: “Euler in his Introduction in analysis (1748) had undertaken a classification of quartic curves, as had also a mathematician of Geneva, Gabriel Cramer (1704/1752), in his Introduction à l'analyse des lignes courbes algébriques, Geneva 1750. Both based their classifications on the behavior of the curves at infinity, obtaining thereby eight classes which were devided into a considerable number of species... Cramer gave also a classification of quintic curves.” Boyer, History of Analytic Geometry, pp.194-96; Cajori p. 241;. DSB III, p.460; Honeyman 775; Struik, A Source Book in Mathematics 1200-1800, pp.180-81. 60: CRAMER Johann Andreas. Elémens de Docimastique EUR 200 - 300 CRAMER Johann Andreas. Elémens de Docimastique ou l’Art des Essais, divisés en deux parties; La première Théorique, & la seconde Pratique; Traduit du Latin. Paris, Briasson, 1755. 4 vols. in-8° small mm. 170 x 100; pp. LXIII, [3], 432; pp. VIII, 439, [1]; pp. XXIV, 454; pp. XII, 347. With VI copper plates folded out text. Contemporary full calf binding, spine with 6 sections, golden ornaments and title. French version [of Villers] of this important work of metallurgical chemistry of German chemist JA Cramer [1710-77], appeared for the first time in Leiden in 1736; in this city the Cramer practiced the art of taster of metals, then moving to London and eventually becoming, on his return to Germany, an adviser in the field of mining and metallurgy in Blankenburg. In this work, very much appreciated, he poured his vast professional experience. Duveen, p. 147: "An important work on the art of assaying ... This French edition was not known to Bolton."Ferguson, I/p. 180. Science Books and Manuscripts 61: CREVENNA, Pietro Antonio. Catalogue raisonné EUR 6,000 - 8,000 CREVENNA, Pietro Antonio. Catalogue raisonné de la Collection de Livres de M. Pierre Antoine Crevenna.Amsterdam, 17766 Vols. 4to, mm. 272x225; Contemporary half calf binding; pp. 2, VIII, 149, 1; 2, 244, 2; 322, 2; 327, i.e. 323, 1; 346, 2; 4, 336, 4. Vignette on title pages, engraved head pieces and Finals. Very rare edition, work printed in few copies, according to the indications of the author. Passionate and erudite bibliophile of Milan, Crevenna, who lived a long time in Amsterdam, spent substantial resources to collect a library of exceptional value. This catalog, accompanied by an extensive and rigorous system of bibliographic notes, describes over a thousand incunabula, manuscripts and Aldine editions of his library; He collaborated with preparing his then librarian Carl'Andrea Oltolina, Milanese dialect author, former secretary of the small literary Academy of the Phoenicians in Milan. Notes that the Catalogue reserves at each edition of any significance testify to a precise and tight critical comparison of Crevenna with large bibliographies of the time: the work thus makes a valuable contribution to the literature science. The last volume contains comprehensive indexes and includes the incunabula in date order, a list of Greek and Latin authors, chronological lists of the books printed by Aldus, the Giunti, Gryphius and others. Cfr. D.B.I., Vol.30, 1984. 62: [ancient currency excange/ wheights] CRISTIANI EUR 400 - 500 [ancient currency excange] CRISTIANI Girolamo Francesco. Delle Misure d'ogni genere antiche, e moderne con note letterarie, e fisico-matematiche, a giovamento di qualunque architetto. Trattato. Brescia, Giambatista Rossini, 1760. 4°mm. 280 x 210, Contemporary sewing binding, pp. XXIV, 208, with a nice pictorical Frontispiece engraved on copper by G. Giampiccoli on drawing by F. Monti, Copper Vignette at Titlepage, 3 illustrated Initials, and 2 copper plates folded at the end. Work of the young engineer, already employed by the Venetian Republic as stated in the title, and professional always praised for the accuracy and precision of his works from all the bibliographies of the fieldD.B.I., XXXI/p. 18: "Fu ben giudicato da matematici come Poleni e Marzagaglia". Riccardi, I/col. 383: "Utile trattato". Comolli, Bibl. Architettura Civile, pp. 133-5. 63: CURIE SKLODOWSKA, Marie.Traité de Radioactivité EUR 3,000 - 4,000 CURIE SKLODOWSKA, Marie.Traité de Radioactivité … Tome I [-II]. Paris, Gauthier Villars, 1910 2 voll. 8vo big, mm. 250x170; original paper binding; pp. XIII, 1, 426, 1 blank, 1 portrait of Pierre Curie in "héliogravure" signed Dujardin impresed by Wittmann, 2 plates out text, many engravings within the text; pp. 548, 5 plates out text, many engravings within the text. A total of 7 plates engraved out text. Original edition. Milestones of sciences: “Marie Curie's classic Traité de radioactivité (1910) is an account of her work through collected papers”. The authoress writes: “Cet ouvrage représente l'ensemble des leçons qui ont constitué pendant ces dernières années le cours de Radioactivité professé à la Sorbonne. La rédaction de ces leçons a été complétée par quelques développements qui n'avaient pu trouver place dans l'enseignement. ... Dans ce livre l'exposé des phénomènes de la radioactivité proprement dits a été précédé par un exposé de la théorie des ions gazeux et par un résumé des connaissances les plus importantes sur les rayons cathodiques, les rayons positifs, les rayons Röntgen et les propriétés des particules électrisées en mouvement. … Après la description détaillée de la découverte et de la préparation des substances radioactives, vient l'étude des émanations radioactives et de la radioactivité induite et des radiations émises par les corps radioactifs. Les substances radioactives sont ensuite classées par familles, avec l'étude, pour chacune d'elles de l'ensemble des propriétés et de la nature des transformations radioactives”. Heirs of Hippocrates:”In 1896 Henri Becquerel had suggested the radioactive properties of pitchblende. Inspired by this suggestion, Marie Curie, and her husband Pierre, began the labors which led to their discovery of polonium and radium and to their sharing with Becquerel of the Nobel Prize for physics in 1903”. Honeyman, n. 789; Milestones of Science, p. 47; Heirs of Hippocrates, n. 2261. 64: [Paleontology]CUVIER George EUR 1,500 - 2,000 [Paleontology]CUVIER George. Discours sur les Révolutions de la Surface du Globe, et sur les changemens qu\'elles ont produits dans le Règne Animal. Troisième édition française. Paris, Dufour et D\'Ocagne, 1825. 8°mm. 200 x 130; Contemporary half calf binding, golden titles and rules on the spine; pp. 4, 400, with 2 synoptic tables and 6 copper plates folded out text at the end. Third edition on its own, of this Discourse written to serve as a general introduction to Recherches sur les ossements Fossiles of the great French naturalist George Cuvier [1769-1832], one of the fathers of comparative anatomy and paleontology. The Discourse is of great importance for the foundations of the science of paleontology, even though many theories of Cuvier relation to geological formations proved approximate. He had the merit of providing a methodological support to further research in the field of animal anatomy. \"The Discourse préliminaire ... ... was printed separately in the style of Buffon\'s Epoques de la Nature, but written in a less philosophical spirit than as a defense of biblical chronology. This essay ... drew its inspiration from the geological concepts of Alexander Science Books and Manuscripts 65: CUVIER, Georges. Leçons d’Anatomie Comparée EUR 600 - 800 CUVIER, Georges. Leçons d’Anatomie Comparée... recueillies et publiées sous ses yeux par C. Duméril … chef des travaux anatomiques de l’Ecole de Médecine de Paris. Paris, Baudoin, An VIII - An XIV [1800-1805]5 vols. in-8vo, mm. 210x130; Contemporary half calf vellum, title and ornaments in gold on the spines; pp. [4], XXXI, [1], 521, [1], 9 Tableaux on 7 wide folded tables out text, pp. V-VI inserted before III-IV, wrongly; pp. [4], XVI, 697, [3]; pp. [4], XXVIII, 558, [2]; pp. [4], XII, 539, [3]; pp. [4], VII, [1], 368, 52 copper plates out text. Stamp of extinct library at the Titlepages and inside, ex-libris of Francesco Maria Marcolini. First edition, accompanied by a large selection of illustrations. Important work that founded the comparative anatomy. The classification of the animal kingdom here defined and developed in his later works, then it will be in fact the basis of the modern zoology. It was published by C. Duméril and GL Duvernoy: Duméril he edited the first two volumes, the following Duvernoy. Flourens: “Les Lécons d’anatomie comparée de M. Cuvier sont le premier ouvrage où ce veritable ordre ait réellement paru. C’est là que chaque organe, pris à part, se montre, pour la première fois, rigoureusement comparé à lui même dans toutes les modifications qu’il éprouve en passant d’une espèce à l’autre... et c’est de cette ouvrage... qu’on a pu remonter enfin, avec certitude, jusqu’aux lois générales qui régissent l’organisation entière”. Norman 565; Garrison & Morton 311; Nissen 1008: Flourens, Cuvier, histoire de ses travaux, p. 150. 66: [Games] Encyclopédie Méthodique: Mathématiques EUR 4,000 - 5,000 D'ALEMBERT - BOSSUT - DE LA LANDE - CONDORCET. Encyclopédie Méthodique: Mathématiques. Paris, Panckoucke - Liège, Plomteux, 1784-89. 3 vols.+ 1 vol. of plates 4° mm. 270 x 200, pp. IV, CXIV, 721, [1]; pp. IV, 787, [1]; pp. IV,XXVIII, 56, 184, III, 316, with 16 copper plates out text; the volume of plates comprending 108 coppper lates [of which 10 on double leaf]. 3 text vols, Contemporary full calf binding, spine adorned with rules on covers; The vol. of "Plates" late half calf binding, imitation of XVIII century. This part of the Encyclopaedia méthodique [here in enhanced edition of Panckoucke, structured so that each section can be a separate part] is a comprehensive Dictionnaire des Sciences Mathématiques, updated to the discoveries and advances in mathematical sciences made in the eighteenth century; it collaborated in addition to the authors mentioned in the frontispiece, also Castillon, J. Bernoulli, Dargenville, Rallier des Ourmes; but it was above all the decisive contribution of D'Alembert, which was responsible for some of the most challenging. The work includes, in addition to mathematics, even astronomy, geometry, mechanics, hydrostatic and hydrodynamics, optics, perspective and the sundial. Interesting tables copper illustrating scientific instruments. In an appendix to the 3rd volume is the Dictionnaire des Jeux [315 pp.], Referred to in the 16 illus. f.t. [Illustrating goose games, chess, etc]. The Discourse préliminaire of Bossut, at the opening of the 1st vol., Shows the progress of mathematics until the eighteenth century. 67: Dell'Elettrismo Idro-metallico EUR 400 - 500 DAL NEGRO Salvatore. Dell'Elettrismo Idro-metallico. Opuscolo I - [segue:/ follows] Opuscolo II. Padova, Fratelli Conzatti, 1802-3. 2 works in 1 vol. 8° mm. 230 x 170, pp. VIII, 116, with 1 copper plate folded out text; pp. XI, [1],84. Contemporary half calf binding and marbled cardboard, golden titles on label on the spine. Stamp of extinct library on the titlepages. Opera non comune del fisico padovano Salvatore Dal Negro [1768-1839], professore di fisica sperimentale in periodo napoleonico, i cui interessi si indirizzarono fin dal 1791 verso i fenomeni dell'elettricismo e la costruzione di macchine elettrostatiche. "Nel 1802 e 1803 pubblicò a Padova due opuscoli... in cui esponeva diversi perfezionamenti da lui apportati alla pila di Volta, di recente invenzione. Alle pile, che chiamava 'elettromotori', si interessò poi sempre" [D.B.I., XXXII/p. 160]. Wheeler Gift, n. 638: "Description of a voltaic pile consisting of 150 discs arranged in three 'columns' connected in series; experiments made with it; static and current electricity compared; theory of the pile". Ronalds, pp. 123-4. 68: [Optics] DANTI Egnazio - La Prospettiva EUR 1,300 - 1,500 [Optics] DANTI Egnazio.La Prospettiva di Euclide, nella quale si tratta di quelle cose, che per raggi diretti si veggono: et di quelli, che con raggi riflessi nelli Specchi appariscono. Tradotti dal R. P. M. Egnazio Danti Cosmografo del Seren. Gran Duca di Toscana. Con alcune sue Annotationi de' luoghi più importanti insiemeLa Prospettiva di Eliodoro Larisseo cavata dalla Libreria Vaticana, e tradotta dal medesimo nuovamente data in luce. Firenze, Stamperia de' Giunti, 1573. 4°mm. 220 x 150, Late vellum binding, with golden titles on the spine; pp. [8], 110; pp. 36, [2]bl for the text of Larisseus, with 2 autonomous Titlepage. Round and Italic type, at the end about the Optics of Larisseus text in greek and latin on 2 columns. Printer’ device on Titlepage [the Globe with coat of arms of Medici family], many geometric illustrations within the text, illustrated initials. First edition in vernacular, beautiful and rare. This version by Egnazio Danti of the Euclidean text adding dell'Optiké Heliodoros Larisseo [his only known work]. Egnazio Danti [1536-86], Dominican Perugia, aka Charles Pellegrino, an important mathematician, astronomer and cosmographer, a painter, a hydraulic engineer, he spent a good part of his life to the service of Cosimo de 'Medici.Riccardi, I/col. 391.4: "Bella e rara edizione... preziosi sono i commenti del Danti... A p. 51, 82 e 83 spiega gli effetti della camera oscura e dà il mezzo di raddrizzare l'immagine mediante gli specchi". Science Books and Manuscripts 69: [Optics] DANTI Egnazio - La Prospettiva EUR 1,200 - 1,300 DANTI Egnatio. Le Scienze Matematiche ridotte in compendio dal Rev. P. Maestro Egnatio Danti pubblico professore di esse nello Studio di Bologna. Bologna, Compagnia della Stampa, 1577. [legato con:/ Bound with:] CORNEFFER Ignazio. Descrizione ed uso d'una Tavoletta più comoda, ed accurata del Globo Celeste pe' problemi d'Ascension Retta.Piacenza, G. Tedeschi, 1781[legato con:/ Bound with:] SAGGIO Cronologico d'Autore Anonimo. Parte I In Milano : nella stamperia di Francesco Pogliani, 17853 works in 1 vol. folio mm. 350 x 240, pp. [4],59, [1] [Danti] p.p.48, with 1 copper plate at the end, the model of the"Tavoletta" engraved, composed of two sliding pieces [ Corneffer]; pp. 4, 62, 2 [il Saggio Cronologico].Binding in half calf of the XVIII century.Very rare work of mathematician and astronomer Ignazio Danti of Perugia, lecturer in mathematics and astronomy at the Ateneo Bologna [drew in San Petronio's famous gnomon], author of the famous treatise on the astrolabius. The work of Danti collects, 45 summary tables, the main branches of astronomy and mathematics [including geography, perspective, painting, architecture, fortification, science mirrors, mechanics, hydrography, etc.]. Riccardi, I / col. 392, n. 5: "Rare ... It 'a tree species science of mathematics, very interesting for those involved in the historical classification of these sciences." Poggendorff, I / 520; Zeitlinger, Bibl. Ch. Math II Suppl., N. 1322: "Rare". The second work tied together with Danti, is actually the work of Francis P. Chiabrandi, and Corneffer is only its curator. The Tablet described, which is attached to the model, is shown as adapted to measure the ascensions and perform various astronomical calculations instead of the globe. The work is described by Riccardi, I / 347; but question citation secondhand. Cf. Also Houzeau-Lancaster, n. 9969. The third work, bound with Danti, is an essay in history anonymous and probably unfinished. 70: DARWIN, Charles. L'origine des espèces EUR 200 - 300 DARWIN, Charles. L'origine des espèces au moyen de la sélection naturelle ou la lutte pour l'existence dans la nature. Traduit sur l'édition anglaise definitive par Ed. Barbier. Paris, C. Reinwald, 1880 71: [DARWIN] DE FILIPPI EUR 200 - 300 [DARWIN] DE FILIPPI, Filippo. L'Uomo e le Scimie. Lezione pubblica detta in Torino la sera dell’11 gennaio 1864. Terza edizione, con aggiunte dell’autore. Milano, Daelli, 186512mo, mm. 160x110; Editorial paperback; pp. 70, 1 copper platea t full page out text. Rara e importante opera, la prima testimonianza dell’introduzione del Darwinismo in Italia. Questa edizione, ornata da una bella incisione raffigurante una ‘Testa di gorilla’, è accresciuta e contiene la risposta di De Filippi alle critiche dei suoi detrattori. Cimino: “Rispondendo ai suoi critici nella "aggiunta" alla 3 edizione, e in particolare a G. G. Bianconi, ribadiva come la sua conclusione, che era parsa ambigua, fosse invece capace di conciliare il “fatto scientifico” dell'evoluzione con la fede religiosa … Mostrare che l’intelligenza è stata impressa in una particolare specie di primati - ragionava il D. -, piuttosto che in un “pezzo di impuro fango”, non sminuisce certo la dignità umana, né pone in dubbio l'intervento di Dio… Tra tutti gli interventi della pubblicistica italiana sulla questione dell'evoluzione, quello del D. è uno dei pochi che tenti di rimanere sul piano strettamente scientifico (e per questo fu apprezzato particolarmente anche all'estero) ed è anche uno dei pochi che cerchi di comporre la polemica.” Giacobini: “Il merito di avere, primo nella nazione, sostenuto le idee di Darwin, va a Filippo De Filippi, professore di zoologia all'Università di Torino... Non era la prima volta che De Filippi si pronunciava a favore dell'evoluzione, ma per la prima volta queste convinzioni erano esposte in una lezione pubblica; nella conferenza, poi, e questo è degno di nota, le nuove idee venivano francamente applicate alla specie umana. Darwin stesso era stato molto reticente su questo punto... De Filippi ebbe il coraggio di centrare subito l'attenzione sul problema dell'origine dell'uomo.” Guido Cimino, D.B.I., Vol. 33; G. Giacobini, Il problema dell'origine dell'uomo e la critica postdarwiniana a Torino. 1864-1900, in Studi Piemontesi, marzo 1977, pp. 77 e sgg.Bound with:DARWIN Charles. La descendance de l'homme et la sélection sexuelle. Traduit de l'anglais, par J. J. Moulinié. Préface par Carl Vogt. Paris, C. Reinwald et, 1872. 2 vols. 8° mm. 230 x 140, pp. [4], XV, 452, 24 publisher's catalog; pp. [4], III, 494, [2]. with 76 engravings within the text. Publisher binding in full cloth, golden titles and ornaments on the spine, contemporary signature on the title pages.First French version of this important Darwinian text, very promptly published, a short distance from the English original [1870-71]. Also interesting is the foreword by Carl Vogt, who had the appreciation of Darwin, with a clear break from the theories "creationist". Freeman, n. 1058. Science Books and Manuscripts 72: Catalogue of the Library of Charles Darwin EUR 200 - 300 [DARWIN] RUTHERFORD, H. W. Catalogue of the Library of Charles Darwin now in the Botany School, Cambridge. Compiled by H. W. Rutherford, of the University Library; with an Introduction by Francis Darwin. Cambridge, University Press, 19088vo, mm. 220x140; Editorial binding in cloth, blind tooling at the front cover; pp. XIV, 91. Rare original edition. Important work with a foreword by Francis Darwin. Cambridge University Press: "For Those engaged in research on Darwin or His circle, the Darwin Library is an invaluable resource. Originally donated by Darwin's son Francis to the library of the School Botany and now deposited in the Cambridge University Library, it contains handwritten scribbles on book pages, note-filled scraps of paper pinned to back covers and personal inscriptions from mentors such as JS Henslow. First published in 1908, this catalog to the Darwin Library collection, with an introduction by Francis Darwin, Provides a gateway into Darwin's thought, research and intellectual context via His personal books and pamphlets. The book lists works in Inglese and other languages, and contains bibliographic information, including the original publisher and date of publication, together with details of translations. "Cambridge University Press, with:DARWIN Charles. De la variation des animaux et des plantes sous l'action de la domestication. Traduit de l'anglais par J.-J. Moulinié. Preface de Carl Vogt. Paris, C. Reinwald, 1868. 2 vols. 8° mm. 230 x 140, pp. XVI, 444, [2], 17 publisher's catalog, pp. [4], 532, [8], with 43 engravings in the first tome. Publisher binding in full cloth, golden titles and ornaments on the spine, blind tooling on covers. Prima traduzione francese, edita con grande tempestività lo stesso anno dell'edizione originale inglese, dell'unica parte della vasta opera sulle origini delle specie che fu pubblicata vivente l'Autore. "This represent the only section of Darwin's big book on the origin of species which was printed in his lifetime and corresponds to its first two intended chapters... A large part of it contains detailed facts about artificial selection and discussion of them, but it also contains, in Chapter XXVII, his provisional hypothesis of pangenesis..." [Freeman, p. 122]. In quest'opera Darwin "took up in detail that subject which had been confined to one chapter of the Origin. It contained his hypothesis of pangenesis, by means of which Darwin tried to frame an explanation of hereditary resemblance, inheritance of acquired characters, atavism and regeneration" [Gillispie, Dict. Scientific Biogr., III/p. 574]. Freeman, The works of Ch. D., An Annotated Bibliographical Handlist, n. 912. 73: DEIDIER, L’Abbé. La Science des Géomètres EUR 700 - 800 DEIDIER, L’Abbé. La Science des Géomètres, ou la Théorie et la Pratique de la Géometrie.Paris, Jombert, 17394to, mm. 250x200; Contemporary full calf binding, spine with 5 ribs enhanced with gold, marbled endpapers, brown edges; pp. 16 nn., including half title and Titlepage, 654, 4 nn.; 4 illustrated headpieces engraved by Cochin fils, woodcut Final, 47 copper plates folded out text. Note of possesison dated 1791. First edition. Substantial work that illustrates the application of geometry in different professions, from surveying to geodesy of civil and military architecture. In addition to the Elements of Euclid, it contains “Trigonometrie, la Longimetrie, l’Altimetrie, le Nivellement, la Planimetrie, la Géodésie, la Méthode des Indivisibles, les Sections Coniques, la Stereometrie, le Jaugeage, la mesure des Onglets, des Corps Annulaires, des Solides... et des Voutes de toutes especes”. Mosselmans :“Véritable encyclopédie du géomètre, en tant qu’arpenteur et métreur.” Quérard, II, 426; Poggendorff, I, 537 ; Zeitlinger, n. 989; Mosselmans, Les Géomètres Arpenteurs, n. 79. 74: DELAMBRE Jean-Baptiste-Joseph. Rapport historique EUR 200 - 300 DELAMBRE Jean-Baptiste-Joseph. Rapport historique sur les progrès des Sciences Mathématiques depuis 1789, et sur leur état actuel, présenté à Sa Majesté l’Empereur et Roi, en son Conseil d’Etat, le 6 Février 1808, par la Classe des Sciences physiques et mathématiques de l’Institut, conformément à l’arrêté du Gouvernement du 13 Ventôse an X; imprimé par ordre da Sa Majesté. Paris, Imprimérie Impériale, 1810. 8 vo di mm. 220 x 150, pp. [7], [1], 362. Ancient half calf binding, spine adorned with frames and golden titles. Preceded by a speech by Bougainville, the report of Delambre offers a significant statement of the progress of the physical sciences and mathematics after the Revolution: geometry, geodesy, mechanics, astronomy, physics, applied arts and manufactures, geography and travel [including the trip Mungo Park], cartography. J.-B. Delambre [1749-1622], astronomer and member of the Académie des Sciences, was one of the most significant exponents of this development of scientific thought since the Revolution. Poggendorff, I/col. 539; Gillepsie, D.S.B., IV/pp. 17-8: "A major historical work". 75: [Colouring/Metals]DELAVAL Edward Hussey EUR 1,500 - 1,800 DELAVAL, Edward Hussey. An experimental Inquiry into the Cause of the Changes of Colours in Opake and Coloured Bodies. London, J. Nourse, 1777 4to, mm. 240x190; Contemporary Bodoni binding, title printed on the spine; pp. 2, LXXV, 1 b., 138, 2 of Addenda, between p. 94 e p. 95. First and only edition. Important essay, which covers the chemical composition of the colors and their changes in the application on opaque bodies, with particular attention to their use _ field of applied arts and manufactures dealing with textiles, glass, ceramics, metals. From page 95 begins the work “A Letter to Right Honourable the Earl of Morton... containing experiments and observations on the Agreement between the Specific Gravities of the several Metals, and their Colours when united to Glass”, che fu letta presso la Royal Society nel 1765. Zeitlinger: “Rare... The work is still valuable for its investigations on the colouring of glasses”. In questo esemplare l’importante pagina non numerata con l’addenda è posta alla fine del saggio e non al termine del volume. Un solo esemplare censito in Iccu. Zeitlinger, n. 7225; Duveen, p. 165; Poggendorff, I, 540-1. Science Books and Manuscripts 76: [Colouring/Metals]DELAVAL EUR 400 - 600 [Colouring/Metals]DELAVAL Edward Hussey. Ricerche sperimentali sulle cagioni del cangiamento di colore ne' corpi opachi, e colorati. Con una Prefazione storica sulle cognizioni degli Antichi intorno a quest'argomento. Trasportate in Italiano da Gio. Francesco Fromond. Milano, Imp. Monastero di S. Ambrogio Magg., 1779. 8° small mm. 210 x 140, pp. [8], 280,.Broch. XVIII century marbled board binding. Stamp of extinct library at the Titlepage. Italian version, dedicated to Count Carlo Firmian, with interesting notes of the translator of this essay appeared in London in 1777 under the title An experimental Inquiry into the Causes of the Changes of Colours in Opake and Coloured Bodies; at the end added a Letter ... on the relationship that there is between the specific gravity of various metals and their colors when mixed with the glass ... added Mr. Eduardo Delaval ... read to 24. January 1765. The author, starting optics Newton, examines chemical preparation, composition and physical changes of various dyes of vegetable, animal and mineral, with interesting historical excursus on the dyestuffs the ancient and the various artistic techniques.Duveen, p. 165; Zeitlinger, n. 1605 [l'ediz. orig. inglese]. variante B dell’opac senza l’erata corrige finale 77: DEPARCIEUX Antoine. Nouveaux Traités de Trigonometrie EUR 700 - 800 DEPARCIEUX Antoine. Nouveaux Traités de Trigonometrie Rectiligne et Sphérique. Demontrés par une Méthode nouvelle & plus facile que celle que l’on a employé jusqu’a présent. Accompagnés de Tables des Sinus, Tangentes et Secantes... Avec un Traité de Gnomonique, dans lequel on applique le Calcul de deux Trigonométries, à la constructions de Cadrans Solaires Paris, Hippolite-Louis, et Jacques Guérin, 1741. 4° di mm. 250 x 200, pp. II, XII, 6, 118, 204, 169, [1], XVII copper plates of plane and solid geometry and gnomonic folded at the end. Contemporary full calf binding, spine with 5 ribs with golden ornaments and titles. First edition. of this work of eminently practical character of the mathematician and student of applied physics Antoine Deparcieux Ainé the [1703-68], member of the Académie des Sciences, also known for its probabilistic calculation texts. His nephew of the same name, cultivated similar interests. Interesting especially the part dedicated to Gnomonica. Zeitlinger, n, 1014; Poggendorff, I/551. 78: Mémorial du Dépôt Général de la Guerre imprimé EUR 700 - 800 Dépôt Général de la Guerre. Mémorial du Dépôt Général de la Guerre imprimé par ordre du Ministre. Tome I [-IV].Paris, Ch. Picquet, 1829, 1831, 1826, 18284 Voll. in 4to, mm. 260x210; Leg. coeva mezza pelle coeva,; I : pp. [4], X, [2], 696, 10 tavv. in rame ripieg. f.t.; II : pp. [4], XIV, [2], 620, 34 tavv. in rame ripiegate f.t.; III : pp. [4], LXII, 466, i.e. 478, [2], VIII, 1 tabella sinottica a stampa e 12 tavv. in rame f.t., tra cui alcune tabelle sinottiche e diverse carte topografiche più volte ripiegate; IV : pp. [4], LXVI, 498, [2], con 6 tabelle sinottiche incise su rame, 1 facsimile di lettere di Luigi XIV in litografia, 25 tavv. in rame ripiegate f.t. In totale 81 tavole incise in rame fuori testo. Ex-libris coevi del marchese Corneliis De Witt di soggetto araldico, e timbri della "Bibliothèque de Mr. Guizot". Mancanze al dorso del IV vol. e guasti alle cerniere, internamente freschissimo esemplare. Quattro volumi su sette.Importante raccolta di memorie e osservazioni relativi alla cartografia e alla geodesia, conservate presso il Dépot de la Guerre. Finalizzate alle campagne e alla scienza militare del periodo napoleonico e dei primi anni della Restaurazione, questi lavori costituiscono un capitolo importante nella storia della cartografia in Francia e in Europa, che fece proprio in quegli anni grandi progressi con gli Ingénieurs-géographes durante le diverse campagne militari. I primi due volumi riguardano rispettivamente gli anni 1802-1803, 1803-1805 e 1810: contengono i primi VII fascicoli originali del Mémorial, con l’aggiunta di nuove dissertazioni sulla costruzione delle carte di Barbié de Boccage e sulle operazioni geodetiche, del colonnello Bonne, e di altre memorie di vari autori; il tomo III, che riguarda l’anno 1825, comprende il n. VIII del Mémorial, e il tomo IV, che riguarda l’anno 1826, il n. IX; ambedue questi volumi sono poi arricchiti di varie dissertazioni, del Brossier, del Bonne, del Puissant, del Brousseaud, e numerose altre memorie dedicate alla costruzione delle carte geografiche e alle operazioni geodetiche allora effettuate, con allegate carte della Svevia, di Cadice, della battaglia di Marengo [5 carte ricche di dettagli sulle operazioni militari], del Danubio, e altro. Il Dépôt de la Guerre, nato nel 1688, acquistò un ruolo sempre più importante a partire dalla metà del XVIII secolo. Alinhac : “Sous la Révolution et l’Empire, le D. G. corrigea, révisa et compléta la carte [de France], notamment par exploitation de nombreux levées exécutés entre temps par les ingénieurs géographes... l’Empéreur éstimant qu’une telle carte détaillé était une arme de guerre, elle fut jusqu’en 1815 réservée aux militaires.” Diverse memorie inserite in questi volumi concernono la revisione e l’aggiornamento della grande Carte de France, e i metodi rilievo cartografico allora impiegati, con diversi saggi di impressione e rilievo topografico riportati nelle tavole in rame. Alinhac, Hist. de la Cartographie, I, p. 76 e p. 91. Science Books and Manuscripts 79: Annali del Museo Imperiale di Fisica e Storia Naturale EUR 700 - 800 DE VECCHI Domenico - BABBINI Giovanni - GAZZERI Giuseppe - UCCELLI Filippo - TARGIONI TOZZETTI Ottaviano - NESTI Filippo. Annali del Museo Imperiale di Fisica e Storia Naturale di Firenze per il MDCCCVIII [e per il MDCCCIX]. Firenze, Tofani, 1808-10. 3 tomi in 2 voll. in-4° [30 x 21] di pp. [8]+VII+16+13+25+15+14 +15+7+26+16+8+19+5+9 +12+19+55+17+[4] con 9 tavv. in rame f.t.; pp. [2]+192+[4] con 8 tavv. in rame f.t. Leg. mezza pelle primi '800. Bella raccolta di memorie e dissertazioni scientifiche dei direttori e collaboratori del Museo Imperiale di Fisica e Storia Naturale di Firenze, istituito nel 1775 dal Granduca Pietro Leopoldo, e collocato in Palazzo Torriggiani [divenuto poi Museo degli Strumenti Antichi]. Dall'Osservatorio Astronomico annesso al Museo nel 1789 derivò poi nel secolo successivo il celebre osservatorio di Acetri. "Nel primo volume, uscito nel 1808, sotto il titolo di Rapporti, i professori del Museo, - che erano Domenico De Vecchi d'astronomia, Giovanni Babbini di fisica, Giuseppe Gazzeri di chimica, Filippo Uccelli d'anatomia comparata, Ottaviano Targioni Tozzetti di botanica e Filippo Nesti di zoologia e mineralogia - descrivono i progressi più recenti delle varie scienze naturali e indi pubblicano alcune loro memorie originali... Due anni dopo comparve un secondo volume interamente consacrato alla descrizione dell'Osservatorio astronomico fatta dal direttore De Vecchi, degli strumenti meteorologici e delle osservazioni meteorologiche". [Boffito, Strumenti della Scienza, p. 177]. Questi due volumi costituiscono tutto il pubblicato, e le Memorie non ebbero seguito. Interessanti, tra gli scritti raccolti in questi due volumi, le memorie di chimica del Gazzeri, di paleontologia del Nesti, e le Observationes Botanicae di O. Targioni Tozzetti, corredate di belle tavole illustrative. Cfr. Pritzel, n. 9110. Bigazzi, n. 1445. 80: [Surgery/ Dentistry]. Cours d'Opérations de Chirurgie EUR 700 - 800 [Surgery/ Dentistry]DIONIS Pierre. Cours d'Opérations de Chirurgie, démontrées au Jardin Royale. Quatrième édition, revûe, augmentée de Remarques importantes, et enrichie de Figures en taille douces qui representent les Instrumens nouveaux les plus en usage. Par G. de la Faye... Paris, D'Houry, 1751. 8°mm. 190 x 120; Ancient full calf binding; pp. XXII, 920, with the portrait of the Author at the beginning, view of the Royal Garden and Leçon d'Anatomie engraved in copper, 51 woodcuts within the text, 16 copper plates out text, surgical instruments depicting at the end. In this volume particularly developed is the part dedicated to the dental surgery; see. Poletti, p. 57: "This book brings a significant contribution to dental surgery ... you will show you different dental surgery instruments of the time, and so basic steps was then performed on the teeth." Garrison-Morton, No. 5575; Hirsch, II / 274; Wellcome, II / p. 471.The work of the French surgeon Dionis, appeared for the first time in 1707 and subsequently several times republished with additions, represented for a long one of the basic texts of surgery eighteenth century, for clarity and illustrative [in correspondence of each operation is depicted the table surgical tools required]. The author taught surgery operating at the Jardin du Roi of Paris, making it a first-rate school, and in the practice and surgical instrumentation. 81: DIOSCORIDES. De Medicinali Materia Libri Quinque EUR 700 - 800 DIOSCORIDES. De Medicinali Materia Libri Quinque. De virulentis animalibus, et venenis, cane rabioso, corum notis, ac remedijs libri quatuor.Venezia, Giovanni Antonio Nicolini da Sabbio, 1538. Small 8vo, mm. 160x100; Late full vellum binding made with a leaf of XV century manuscript; cc. 12, 212, 60, 24; Titlepage with woodcut frame. Third edition, the text of Dioscorides in the Latin version of J. Ruellius. This reprint was added to the Treaty of Benedictus Textorius Stirpium differentiae, inserted at the end with the title autonomous. The work of Dioscorides, greek doctor native of Cilicia, lived in the first century after Christ, was the foundation of all studies of herbal medicine until the seventeenth century; It lists the medicinal properties of about 600 plants, which are accurately described. In the commentary and in the enrichment of the text of Dioscorides wrestled major medical scholars of the Renaissance. Choulant, p. 80; Nissen, n. 2302; Carbonelli, Bibl. Med. Pedem., n. 116; Durling, n. 1148. 82: DIOSCORIDES. Pharmacorum Simplicium EUR 1,500 - 1,800 DIOSCORIDES. Pharmacorum Simplicium, reique Medicae Libri VIII. O. Ruellio interprete. Una cum Herm. Barbari Corollarijs, & Marc. Vergilij, in singula Capita censuris, sive Annotationibus. Adiecto Indice duplici singulorum Simplicium, & difficilium terminorum Strassburg, Schott, 1529. folio, 310 x 205; Contemporary full vellum binding; leaves 4nn, 361 numbered just on the recto, 13 nn.; Illustrated Title page in red and black ink with woodcut frame; Illustrated Initials. Rare edition of Materia Medica of Dioscorides with the translation of Jean Ruel. The greek physician Dioscorides is the most authoritative source of antiquity for the materia medica; It describes more than 600 plants and their pharmaceutical properties."Dioscorides was the originator of the materia medica; his work is the authoritative source of antiquity. He was the first to write on medicinal botany as an applied science. His descriptions were followed word by word for sixteen centuries. The treatise of D. is the historic source of most of our herbal therapy" [Garrison]. Jean Ruel, matematico francese, professore all’Università di Parigi, dedicò buona parte dei suoi studi all’analisi della Materia Medica di Dioscoride, della quale pubblicò nel 1516 una traduzione in latino. Wellcome, n. 1783; Pritzel, n. 2304; Choulant, Handbook, p. 80; Walleriana, n. 2486; Gering, Nat. Lib. Med., XVIth Cent., n. 1144. Science Books and Manuscripts 83: DONI, Anton Francesco. Mondi celesti EUR 500 - 650 DONI, Anton Francesco. Mondi celesti, terrestri, & infernali.Vicenza, Heredi di Perin, 1597 8vo; Contemporary full vellum binding; pp. [16], 431, [17], last leaf bl.; error numbering. Woodcut Vignette depicting the Globes on the verso of Title page, portrait of the Author on the second Title page, Round and Italyc type. Contemporary signature of possession on Title page Rare edition of the late sixteenth century, edited by Bernardo Macchietta. It is one of the most complex works of Doni, concerning utopia and leads to esotericism. In this collection of quirky dialogues are described seven imaginary worlds and seven Hells: the seventh world, is both called the Mad World and World Wise, is a Utopia that seems to echo that of Sir Thomas More, where you courted a land where implemented a new social order, guarantee of justice and equality; it is almost certainly the first time that an Italian opera is influenced by English work. Moreover, the reason for the "ideal city", the focus of discussion between the Mad and Savio, interlocutors of one of the most popular dialogues, also provides the opportunity to Doni to evoke the rational urban planning projects of architects such as Alberti, Filarete, Leonardo. Graesse, II 424; Adams D-828; Gamba, 1369; Ricottini Marsili-Libelli, pp.148-149, e 151 84: DUMAS, . Leçons de Philosophie Chimique EUR 700 - 800 DUMAS, Jean Baptiste André. Leçons de Philosophie Chimique professées au Collège de France, recueillies par M. Bineau. Paris, Ebrard, 1837 8vo, mm. 230x140;Contemporary half calf binding, titles and golden ornaments at the spine, original paperback inside; pp. [4], 430. Numerose note sui margini scritte a penna da Cesare Balbo. Sulla parte inferiore del dorso scritta in oro “Con note di C. Balbo”. [legato con:/Bound with:] DUMAS. Essai de Statique Chimique des être organisés. Leçon professée le 20 aout 1841 pour la clôture de son cours à l’Ecole de Médecine. 2e édit. augmentée de Documens numériques. Paris, Fortin Masson & C., 1842 pp. [8]+88.Due opere in prima edizione unite in unico volume. Esemplare appartenuto allo storico e letterato piemontese Cesare Balbo, con parecchie annotazioni marginali di suo pugno a commento del testo. Come segnala la biografia di Ricotti, Balbo, che aveva studiato matematica in gioventù, nel periodo 1836-38, si era dedicato agli studi di chimica, fisica e matematica, successivamente abbandonati. Balbo interviene con competenza, postillando e anche criticando spesso il testo. Le Léçons de Philosophie Chimique, costituiscono un pregevole sunto storico delle teorie chimiche soprattutto del secolo XVIII. La Statique chimique è un importante sviluppo delle teorie sulla chimica organica, basato sul parallelismo della fisiologia animale e di quella vegetale; il testo, scritto in collaborazione con Boussingault, sviluppava idee analoghe a quelle di Liebig. In appendice, Ricotti stila la lista delle opere di Balbo: fra queste compaiono tre manoscritti inediti che trattano di questa materia, presenti nell’archivio di famiglia. Si tratta di: Electrochimie, 24 fogli, terminato il 5 luglio 1838; Quelques considèrations dei philosophie chimique, fogli 16, non finito, gennaio e febbraio 1839; Résumé de philosophie chimique, fogli 7, non finito, 1839. Partington, IV, 339-40; Duveen, p. 185; Bolton, I, 415. E. Ricotti, Della vita e degli scritti del conte Cesare Balbo, Firenze, 1858, pp. 180-sgg. e pp. 452-53. 85: [Food]DURANTE Castore. Il Tesoro della Sanità EUR 1,400 - 1,600 [Diet/Food]DURANTE Castore. Il Tesoro della Sanità, nel quale s'insegna il modo di conservar la Sanità, & prolungar la vita, et si tratta della natura de' Cibi, & de' Rimedij de' documenti loro. Venezia, Andrea Muschio, 1586. 8° small mm; Ancient full vellum binding; 160 x 100, pp. 16, 328. Interesting and important systematic treatise on the health giving properties of food and wine, and a comprehensive guide to the ideal conditions for health, from recommendations on daily activity, rest and bathing, to such things as the advantages and disadvantages of eating garlic. The ‘treasure’ is divided into two parts. In the first Durante considers the effects of, motion and rest, sleep and wakefulness, starvation and repletion. The second part examines food, discussing in detail the properties of each ingredient. Each ingredient discussed is prefaced with a short Latin poem on its properties. There is much discussion of the order in which food is eaten, and he also treats in detail of the combinations in which food can be eaten, and the mitigating qualities of certain foods eaten with others.Westbury, p. 85; De Renzi, III/p. 385; Durling, Nat. Lib. of Med., XVI Cent., n. 1334. 86: DUTENS Louis. Recherches sur l’Origine des Découvertes EUR 200 - 300 DUTENS Louis. Recherches sur l’Origine des Découvertes attribuées aux Modernes, où l’on démontre que nos plus célèbres Philosophes ont puissé la pluspart de leurs connoissances dans les Ouvrages des Anciens: & que plusieurs vérités importantes sur la Religion ont été connues des Sages du Paganisme. Seconde édition, considérablement augmentée. Tome Premier [et Deuxième]. Paris, Duchesne, 1776. 2 voll. in-8° piccolo di mm. 190 x 120, di pp. LVI, 304; [4], 428, [4]. Leg. piena pelle marmorizzata coeva, dorso a 5 nervi con titoli e fregi in oro. Timbri di biblioteca estinta ai frontespizi e velature d’umidità nel secondo volume. Opera curiosa e ricca di erudizione, apparsa per la prima volta anonima nel 1766, e poi accresciuta nelle successive edizioni. Louis Dutens [1730-1812], erudito antiquario, viaggiatore e poligrafo, ebbe anche molte curiosità in campo scientifico, soprattutto per la storia dell’astronomia; fu anche l’editore delle opere complete di Leibnitz. In quest’opera il primo volume è per buona parte dedicato alle conoscenze astronomiche e cosmologiche degli antichi; il secondo riguarda la chirurgia, la chimica, la botanica e le scienze naturali, la matematica e la musica e svariati altri argomenti; un capitolo è dedicato agli specchi ustorii [Miroirs ardents] degli antichi. Houzeau-Lancaster, n. 76: "On trouve dans cet ouvrage quelques renseignements historiques sur le mouvement des astres..., sur la pluralité des mondes..., sur le système planétaire..., sur les taches de la lune..., sur la théorie des marées..., sur les clepsydres et l’Astronomie des Arabes..., sur les instruments optiques des anciens". Science Books and Manuscripts 87: EINSTEIN, Albert. Vier Vorlesungen über Relativitätsthe EUR 200 - 300 EINSTEIN, Albert. Vier Vorlesungen über Relativitätstheorie gehalten im Mai 1921 an der Universität Princeton. Zweite Auflage.Braunschweig, Friedr. Vieweg, 19238vo, mm. 230x150; Editorial paperback; pp. [4], 70, [2]; 4 illustrations within the text. Second edition. Are published four basic lessons held at Princeton University in May of 1921: Space and time in the pre-relativistic physics; Special Theory of Relativity, General Relativity, in two separate chapters.Boni, n. 121.A. 88: [EINSTEIN] KOPFF, August. I fondamenti della Relatività EUR 200 - 300 [EINSTEIN] KOPFF, August. I fondamenti della Relatività Einsteiniana. Milano, Hoepli, 19238vo, mm. 230x170; Editorial paperback; pp. XXIII, 455, 17 con il Formulario. Prima edizione italiana. Questa importante opera, a cura di Raffaele Contu e Tomaso Bembo, contiene scritti, fra gli altri, di Enrico Fermi, Enriques, Majorana, Borel, Weyl, nonché i Complementi di Castelnuovo e Levi-Civita, accompagnati da una fitta bibliografia, che include anche tutti gli scritti di Einstein e le loro traduzioni italiane. August Kopff, aggiungendovi una corposa appendice contenente osservazioni e commenti dei principali scienziati e filosofi italiani. Tra questi scritti, molti dei quali segnati da ostilità e incomprensione nei confronti delle teorie relativistiche, spicca, come notevole eccezione, il breve testo di un ventunenne neolaureato, Enrico Fermi… Il contributo … è pregevole soprattutto per la straordinaria lungimiranza scientifica che lo caratterizza. Mentre l’attenzione dei fisici della vecchia guardia è prevalentemente orientata alle conseguenze ottiche della relatività, Fermi – con quella “prodigiosa capacità di vedere subito l’essenziale in ogni cosa”, di cui parla il suo amico Enrico Persico – riconosce nella relazione tra massa ed energia, espressa dalla formula E=mc², l’aspetto più importante e fecondo della teoria einsteiniana.” Vincenzo Barone, in “Asimmetrie Rivista dell’Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare”, n 14 aprile 2013. 89: [EINSTEIN] LÄMMEL, Rodolfo. I fondamenti della Teoria EUR 200 - 300 [EINSTEIN] LÄMMEL, Rodolfo. I fondamenti della Teoria della Relatività. Bologna, Zanichelli, [1923] In-8vo, mm. 235x155; Brossura editoriale; pp. [2], 132, [4]; numerose illustrazioni nel testo. Firma di precedente possessore con data non leggibile ‘Gabriel Coniglio’. Prima edizione italiana. Importante testo scritto con l’intento di fare comprendere in modo rigoroso la teoria della relatività di Einstein ad una più ampia cerchia di lettori. Nella sua introduzione il traduttore, Giulio Dalla Noce, rivendica a Levi-Civita e a Ricci di aver costruito il ‘sistema del calcolo assoluto’, servito ad Einstein per costruire le sue celebri dieci equazioni. A. Palatini, Scientia, 36, 1924, pp. 408-410. 90: [Sound waves] ESTÈVE Louis. Théorie de l’Ouie EUR 400 - 500 ESTÈVE Louis. Théorie de l’Ouie où, après avoir exposé les parties organiques de l’Oreille, l’on donne une théorie di Tintouin & du Siflement, avec plusieurs Expériences nouvelles, & la Théorie Physique & Méthaphysique du Son & de l’Audition. L’on a joint a ce traité une Observation qui peut servir à éclaircir l’Action du Poumon du Foetus. Avignon, Tournel, 1751. legato con:/ Bound with:TURREL Jean-Pierre. Dissertatio phisiologica de Mechanismo Digestionis Alimentorum. Montpellier, Martel, 1733. legato con:/Bound with: ANONIMO. Pathologiae Conspectus. S.l., s.t. primi sec. XVIII. 3 works in 1 vol. small 8°; mm. 180 x 100, di pp. 60; pp. [8], 44 with a copper plates out of text. coat of arms of the dedicatee; pp. 86. Ancient calf binding. Interesting especially the first dissertation of the doctor of Montpellier L. Esteve, who in addition to providing very precise indications on the anatomy of the ear and the auditory nerve, also exhibits interesting considerations on the transmission of sound waves, usually on acoustics, the strings sound.Hirsch, II/441; Gluyot, Litter. Philocophe, p. 293. 91: [Mineralogy] ESTNER Franz Joseph Anton EUR 200 - 300 [Mineralogy] ESTNER Franz Joseph Anton. Versuch einer Mineralogie für Anfänger und Liebhaber nach des Herrn Bergcommissionraths Werner's Metode. I. [-III.] Band. Wien, Joh. Georg Oehler [poi: Mathias Andrea Schmidt], 1794-99. 3 parts in 4 vols. [the 3rd part is splitted into 2 tomes]. Original paperback. 4° small, mm. 220 x 140, pp. 293; pp. 1191; pp. 635. Stamp of extinct library on Titlepage. Presumiamo trattarsi di tutto il pubblicato di questo vasto trattato di mineralogia dell'abate Franz Joseph Estner [1739-1803], rimasto incompiuto per la morte dell'autore; il terzo volume porta l'indicazione "III. Band. Erste Abtheilung". Al nostro esemplare mancano le tavv. in rame richiamate nel frontespizio del I° vol. ["Mit 4 Farbentabellen und 7 Kupfertafeln"]. Il primo vol. contiene una introduzione generale [Vorbereitung]; il secondo contiene: Zirkon-Diamantspath-Strontianit- Kieselgeschlecht, seguito da Thon- Talk- Kalk- Barytgeschlecht und Sidneyerde; il terzo infine Salze, Brennliche Substanzen, Metalle, Platin- GoldQuecksilber- Silber- und Kupfergeschlecht. Le esemplificazioni dell'autore si fondano soprattutto sulle collezioni mineralogiche di Vienna, ed il particolare del Gabinetto Imperiale di Mineralogia. Poggendorff, I/686, non conosce la terza parte. Science Books and Manuscripts 92: EULER, Leonhard. Theoria Motus Corporum EUR 1,400 - 1,600 EULER, Leonhard. Theoria Motus Corporum Solidorum seu Rigidorum ex primis nostrae cognitione principiis stabilita et ad omnes motus qui in huiusmodi corpora cadere possunt accomodata.Rostoch e Gryphiswald, Roese, 17654to, mm. 220x170; contemporary half vellum binding, gold title on the back; pp. 32 not numbered , 520; 15 folded copper plates out text. First edition. Roberts & Trent: “Although published some thirty years later, Theoria Motus complements the Mechanica... In the introduction Euler gives a new exposition of analytical mechanics, following Maclaurin\'s example of projecting the forces into the axes of a fixed orthogonal system. The first part deals with the motion of a point mass, and the second discusses the movement of solid bodies; in a supplement, he discusses the issue of friction.” Gautschi: “Euler’s program for mechanics progressed steadily but slowly, as he tried to develop a theory of the motion of solids. Major technical difficulties had to be overcome, and were gradually dealt with in a series of memoirs. These, in 1765, eventually led to his great treatise Theoria motus corporum, also called the Second mechanics, which crowned Euler’s work on mechanics. In addition to an improved exposition of his earlier mechanics of mass points, it now contains the differential equations (Euler’s equations) of motion of a rigid body subject to external forces. Here, Euler introduces the original idea of employing two coordinate systems—one fixed, the other moving, attached to the body—and deriving differential equations for the angles between the respective coordinate axes, now called the Euler angles. The intriguing motion of the spinning top is one of many examples worked out by Euler in detail.” DSB: “Establishing that the instantaneous motion of a solid body might be regarded as composed of rectilinear translation and instant rotation, Euler devoted special attention to the study of rotatory motion. Euler thus laid the mathematical foundation of the numerous studies on variational principles of mechanics and physics which are still being carried out.” Roberts & Trent, p. 105; D.S.B. IV, 480; W. Gautschi, Leonhard Euler, p. 22. 93: [geodesy ]FABRI Ottavio. L'uso della Squadra Mobile EUR 600 - 800 [geodesy ]FABRI Ottavio. L'uso della Squadra Mobile. Con la quale per Teorica, & Pratica si misura geometricamente ogni distanza, altezza, e profondità; s'impara à Perticare, livellare, et pigliare in disegno le Città, et provincie. Il tutto con le sue Dimostrationi intagliate in Rame. Padova, Pietro Bertelli, 1615. 4° small mm. 200 x 150; Late half vellum binding imitating the ancient one., small golden ornaments on the spine; leaves 56, [4], with 1 copper Titlepage, 1 copper plate depicting the squad signed by Ottavio Fabbri, and XXVI figures half and full page, mostly signed by Fabri, printer’s device engraved on wood at the end. Second Edition [after the first Venice in 1598] of this very rare work, with the addition of plate. f.t. depicting the instrument of the Flying Squad, dated 1606. After an introductory section, devoted to geometry and measurements of various Italian cities, the author describes the manufacture of the instrument assembling the pieces to buy at "Merchants of hardware and wood", and then it shall state the different uses in the practice of surveying and geodesy especially, accompanying text with branches of good quality.Riccardi, I/col. 434: Honeyman Coll., n. 1259. 94: [Jesuitic]FAURE Giambattista. Congetture fisiche EUR 300 - 500 [Jesuitic]FAURE Giambattista. Congetture fisiche intorno alle Cagioni de' Fenomeni osservati in Roma nella Macchina Elettrica. Roma, Bernabò e Lazzarini, 1747. In-4° mm. 210 x 150, pp. XII, 140. Full vellum binding imitating of XVIII century, golden titles on the spine, red edges, Illustrated initials. scientist and Jesuit, from page. 95 to p. 124 critics the studies of Newton's law of gravity, and contains many examples of experiments then carried in Rome with a machine of new invention, and citing the various theories of the greatest scientists (Cabeus, Fay, Gordon, etc.).De Backer-Sommervogel, III/col. 558 n. 3; Mottelay, p. 555; Rossetti & Cantoni, p. 40. 95: Tables and Tracts relative to Several Arts and Sciences FERGUSON James. EUR 300 - 500 Science Books and Manuscripts 96: Fermi. Collection of 7 works of Fermi and his students EUR 300 - 500 [FERMI E I SUOI ALLIEVI] AMALDI Ginestra e FERMI Laura. Alchimia del nostro tempo. L'ipotesi atomica - La scoperta della Radioattività - L'Atomo - Le trasformazioni radioattive - Le sostanze radioattive in natura - Come si rivelano le radiazioni radioattive Il Nucleo - Le trasmutazioni artificiali - La radioattività artificiale - Il problema delle forze nucleari e il Mesone. Seconda edizione riveduta. 22 inc. nel t. e 21 tavv. f.t. Milano, Hoepli, 1943 - XXI. In-8° piccolo [19 x 13], pp. XII+248, con 22 tavv. f.t. e 21 illustrazioni nel testo. Broch. editoriale illustrata. Volumetto "divulgativo", tuttavia interessante per essere stato scritto "dalle gentili spose di Enrico Fermi e di Edoardo Amaldi", con prefazione di Orso Mario Corbino [che era stao maestro di ambedue]. Ad onta delle leggi razziali, come si vede, il nome di Fermi non era stato del tutto bandito, ed i suoi insegnamenti furono tenuti vivi da Amaldi anche nelle difficili circostanze belliche.[FERMI E I SUOI ALLIEVI] FERMI Enrico. Introduzione alla Fisica Atomica. Bologna, Zanichelli, 1928. 8° mm. 230 x 150, pp. [4], 325, [5]. Broch. editoriale. Prima corposa opera di carattere didattico scritta dal grande fisico italiano, pervenuto nel 1926 nello storico istituto di via Panisperna, docente di Fisica Teorica all'Università di Roma, istituto da cui partì la formazione del nucleo di ricercatori che si dedicarono alla fisica atomica.[Crystals] FERMI Enrico. Molecole e Cristalli. Bologna, Zanichelli, 1934 - XII. In-8° mm. 230 x 160; Publisher binding in blu cloth, Golden Title impressed on the covers and the spine, pp. 303. First edition, which appeared in the Treaty of General Physics sponsored by the National Research Council. After analyzing molecules in crystals, the third part is dedicated to the statistics of the Quantum Theory.[FERMI E I SUOI ALLIEVI] GRAETZ Leo. Le nuove teorie atomiche e la costituzione della materia. Con prefazione del prof. G. Carrara. Prima traduzione italiana sulla IV originale tedesca curata ed annotata dall'ing. Carlo Rossi. Con 56 inc. nel testo. Milano, Hoepli, 1924. In-8° grande mm. 240 x 160; Broch. edit.; pp. XIV, [2], 247, con 56 incisioni nel testo. La prima edizione tedesca di questo testo era apparsa a Stuttgart nel 1918, poco più di un opuscolo, ed il testo venne incrementato nelle successive edizioni; esso costituisce un'efficace sintesi degli sviluppi e delle applicazioni delle nuove teorie atomiche in campo fisico e chimico, da Bohr a Ruttherford, spaziando dalla teoria cinetica dei gas alla teoria dei quanti. Il prefatore, Giacomo Carrara [1864-1925], docente di elettrochimica e poi di chimica-fisica al Politecnico di Milano, sviluppò importanti ricerche in campo elettrochimico.[FERMI E I SUOI ALLIEVI] HAISSINSKY M. L'Atomistica Moderna e la Chimica. Con prefazione di S. E. Nicola Parravano... Con 45 incisioni nel testo. Milano, Hoepli, 1930. 8° grande mm. 230 x 160; Broch. edit.; pp. xiii, [2], 315, [1] con 45 ill. nel testo. L'autore, che data la sua prefazione da Parigi, dicembree 1929, fu allievo dell'Istituto Chimico dell'Università di Roma, e ringrazia N. Parravano ed E. Fermi per gli incoraggiamenti che ebbe per quest'opera. Il testo è dedicato soprattutto ai chimici, per allargare alla loro cerchia le teorie della moderna fisica, e spazia dalla termodinamica all'atomo e alla teoria della radioattività di Bohr, per allargarsi alla fotochimica, alla radiochimica, alla meccanica ondulatoria e alla statistica di Enrico Fermi.[FERMI E I SUOI ALLIEVI] PERSICO Enrico. Fondamenti della Meccanica Atomica. Bologna, Zanichelli, 1940 - XVIII. 8° mm. 230 x 160, pp. 4, 510. Leg. tela editoriale con impressioni in oro al dorso e al piatto anteriore, sovracoperta conservata. Ottimo esemplare. Il testo di Persico, pur recando il n. II, fu l'ultimo ad essere pubblicato nel quadro del completamento del Trattato Generale di Fisica promosso dal C.N.R., quando Fermi aveva giù lasciato l'Italia da 2 anni a causa delle leggi razziali. Ricordiamo che Enrico Persico aveva anch'egli partecipato al primo concorso per l'assegnazione della cattedra di Fisica Teorica presso l'Università di Roma nel 1926, assegnata a Fermi, classificandosi secondo; ebbe poi l'incarico di Fisica Teorica all'Università di Torino, e fu il tramite tra Fermi ed il gruppo dei giovani fisici torinesi.[FERMI E I SUOI ALLIEVI] RASETTI Franco. Il Nucleo Atomico. Bologna, Zanichelli, 1936 - XIV. In-8° mm. 250 x 150, pp. 224, [10]. Leg. tela editoriale impressa in oro ai piatti e al dorso, con sovracoperta. Anche il presente volume, scritto da Franco Rasetti, stretto collaboratore di Fermi e reduce da un soggiorno di studio negli Stati Uniti a Pasadena di pochi anni prima, apparve nel contesto del Trattato Generale di Fisica promosso dal C.N.R. 97: FERNEL Jean-François. Therapeutices Universalis EUR 1,000 - 1,500 FERNEL Jean-François Therapeutices Universalis, seu medendi rationis, libri septem. Quam totius medicinae tertiam fecit partem... [legato con:/Bound with:] FERNEL. De abditis rerum causis libri duo, postremo ab ipso authore recogniti, compluribusque in locis aucti. Frankfurt, Wechel, 1593. 2 parts in 1 vol. 8° small mm. 170 x 110 Ancient full vellum binding; pp. 562,[46] of index; pp. [12], 272, [24] with 2 copper plates engraved on wood. "With his observant mind, breadth of knowledge, and new attitude toward his profession, Fernel was a man of the Renaissance.\" [DSB, IV, p. 585]. \"In medicine Fernel gave early descriptions of appendicitis and endocarditis. His ranking in the history of medicine, however, rests mainly upon his role as a reformer fighting to replace magic, sorcery, and astrology with observation at the sickbed.\" [DSB, IV, p. 586]. A collected edition of his works, including his therapeutics, to which are appended his treatises on fever, syphilis, and epilepsy. See Sherrington 71.J15. De abditis rerum causis contains his argument for observation and common sense over astrology and magic in the practice of medicine. Listed in Sherrington 30.F14. Two works bound together. 8vo. 562, index [44]; [12], 13-272, index [24] pp. Woodcut portrait of Fernel on verso of title, and repeated on p. (12) of second work.Wellcome, I/nn. 220 e 2210. 98: [Accounting] FIGATELLI . Trattato aritmetico EUR 800 - 1,000 [Accounting]FIGATELLI Giuseppe Maria. Trattato aritmetico nel quale con somma brevità, e chiarezza si contiene quanto di bello, & buono si trova sparso per gli Autori, & quanto si possa desiderare, per sapere maneggiare il numero non solo nelle quantità rationali, & per le regole Mercantesche; ma nelle quantità irrationali ancora... In questa Terza Impressione aggiontovi l'Algebra. Venezia, Stefano Curti, 1680. 8° small mm. 170 x 120, pp. [8], 376. Contemporary sewing binding.Many woodcuts illustrations within the text. People's treaty of arithmetic practice, widely used in the calculation merchant, that was widespread in the seventeenth century, the first edition appeared in 1614 in Modena until the end of the century. This edition is the first with the addition of Algebra. The treaty contains many curious examples taken from business practice of accounting period; as well as some number games.Riccardi, Correzioni e Aggiunte, Serie Va, p. 63. Science Books and Manuscripts 99: [Accounting]FIGATELLI. Trattato aritmetico EUR 500 - 600 [Accounting]FIGATELLI Giuseppe Maria. Trattato aritmetico. Bologna, Longhi, s.d. [after 1692]. 8° small mm. 145 x 100; Ancient full vellum binding, pp. [8], 376. Title written on the spine. Reprint of the 1680 edition. Riccardi, I/456, 1.6. 100: [Alchemy/Mineralogy]FIORAVANTI EUR 600 - 800 [Alchemy/Mineralogy]FIORAVANTI Leonardo. De Capricci Medicinali Libri Quattro. Nel primo de quali s'insegna a conoscere diversi segni delle cose naturali, con molti secreti nella Medicina, e Cirugia. Nel secondo si mostra il modo di fare varij, & diversi medicamenti utilissimi. Nel terzo si tratta dell'Alchimia dell'huomo, & dell'Alchimia minerale; con molti Capricci a figliuoli dell'Arte. Nel quarto si contengono alcuni belli Discorsi Filosofici, & Medicinali. Venezia, Lodovico Avanzo, 1573. 8° small mm. 150 x 100; Ancient full vellum binding; 24 leaves n n.+283 ff. numbered only at the recto, 1 leaf nn. with 6 woodcuts in the text of chemical apparates, Initials illustrated.Italic type. Stamp of extinct library on the first endpaper.Specimen of prestigious origin, belonged to the Count of Cuneo Giovanni Giacomo Bruno, who puts his note of belonging to the lower edge of the Title page. In 1666, John James, who was also a doctor of the Court, it was awarded by the Duke Carlo Emanuele II of the office of Governor General of the City of Cuneo: John James was also a doctor of the these Caprices it speaks of medicine, chemistry, mineralogy, with countless recipes of "secrets" of all kinds [including the resurrection of the dead, the philosopher's stone, the quintessence, etc.], remedies, balms, electuaries.Partington, II/29: "Fioravanti was one of the few followers of Paracelsus in Italy". Ferguson, I/278; De Renzi, III/75; Duveen, p. 219 [altre ediz.]; Durling, Nat. Lib. Med., XVIth Cent., n. 1566. 101: [Tobacco, drugs, spices] FIORAVANTI Leonardo EUR 600 - 800 [Tobacco, drugs, spices] FIORAVANTI Leonardo. Della Fisica... divisa in Libri Quattro. Nelli quali si descorrono molte, & diverse materie molto importanti. Venezia, Zattoni, 1678. 8° small mm. 150 x 90; Ancient full calf binding pp. [32], 365, [1] bl. Errors numbering, sprayed edges. List of "secrets" and recipes, collected by the author and in its long practice in Italy and in his frequent trips abroad. The first book is about medicine in general, meteorology, virtues of herbs and animal [a chapter is devoted to Tobacco]; the second describes remedies "miraculous" nature of alchemical, and the manufacture of ointments and syrups; the third and final book, curious, is produced and found from India and the Americas [drugs, herbs, spices], as well as the various regions of Italy, with their natural products, characteristics of the inhabitants, etc. The first edition of Physics had appeared in Venice in 1582. 102: FIORAVANTI Leonardo - La Cirugia EUR 500 - 600 FIORAVANTI Leonardo. La Cirugia, distinta in tre libri. Nel primo de' quali, si discorrono molte utili cose nella materia Cirugicale. Nel secondo, si tratta della Anatomia, et sue parti, et si mostra quanto al Cirugico sia necessaria. Nel terzo, si scrivono molte Ricette di diversi Autori. Venezia, Zattoni, 1679. 8° small mm. 160 x 95, pp. [16], 327, [1]. Contemporary full vellum binding, Two copper vignette in the last two leaves.The work is far more than art surgical strictly speaking, art cerusica as was practiced in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. So, next to basic knowledge of anatomy and surgery, is especially electuaries and remedies for all sorts of infirmities, the virtues of herbs, the "secrets" of various kinds; a large part is dedicated to Alchemy. The first edition appeared in Venice in 1582, simultaneously with Physics. 103: FOLLINI Giorgio. Teoria Elettrica EUR 500 - 600 FOLLINI Giorgio. Teoria Elettrica brevemente esposta ad uso della studiosa gioventù. Ivrea, Ludovico Franco, 1791. 8° small mm. 200 x 150; Publisher paperback; pp. 164, [4] and 2 copper plates folded at the end including 25 figures.The author presents here in a clear and concise development the theories on electrical phenomena until Beccaria and Franklin; then goes on to describe the main electrical equipment and expertise, as well as the phenomena of atmospheric electricity. At the end is a bound booklet by the same author:Ragguaglio della guarigione d'un ostinato tumore operata per via dell'elettricità da Giorgio Follini, presentato all'Accademia Reale delle Scienze di Torino, datato da Ivrea 21 aprile 1791, di pp. 8, estratto dalla "Biblioteca Oltremontana", vol. VIII. Rossetti & Cantoni, pp. 41-42. Science Books and Manuscripts 104: [Snakes]FONTANA, Traité sur le Venin de la Vipère EUR 600 - 800 FONTANA, Gasparo Ferdinando Felice. Traité sur le Venin de la Vipère, sur les Poisons Américains, sur le Laurier-Cérise et sur quelques autres Poisons Végétaux. On a joint des Observations sur la Structure Primitive du Corps Animal, différentes expériences sur la reproduction des Nerfs et la description d'un nouveau canal de l'Oeil... avec plusieurs planches.Florence, et Paris, Nyon l'Ainé, 17812 vols. in-4to, mm. 280x220; Contemporary sewing board binding; pp. 2, XXVIII, 2 bianche, 329, XI di indici; pp. 4, 6, 373. The index pages from V al XI, of the second vol, have been anticipated at the end of the first volume, 10 copper plates at the end of the end first vol, made on the drawing of Giovanni Fabbroni. Stamp of possession at the Titlepages. Important first French edition, very extended, compared to the text originally appeared in 1767. Hirsch: "First French edition and first editions of the important additional tracts." This work is the starting point of modern research on poisons of snakes and also includes Fontana works on the anatomy of the nerves and their regeneration: the chemical and physical Rovereto, author of original research and important in the chemistry of gases, condensed in this edition years of research on the effects of the venom of the viper, experiencing the bite vipers in 4000 over 3000 animals, as well as the effects of other poisons, including a substance similar to curare.Gorin: “He was the first to use chemical fixatives to preserve retinal tissue for examination. He found neural and supporting elements in the retina and described retina vessels.” Hirsch II, 562; Guareschi, La Chimica in Italia, I, p. 122; Gorin, 60; Wellcome III, 37; Sabin, 24988. 105: [GAS/POISON]FONTANA EUR 400 - 450 [GAS/POISON]FONTANA Gasparo Ferdinando Felice. Opuscoli Scientifici. Firenze, Gaetano Cambiagi, 1783. 8° mm. 190 x 130, Contemporary full vellum binding, golden titles and ornaments on the spine in oro al dorso pp. 8, 219; sprayed edges. In this collection the author speaks about the breathing, theories Swedes [sic, ie of Torbern Bergmann],the solidity of bodies, thermometers, the poison of the viper, and the heat of phlogiston, and some topics of animal physiology. Guareschi, La Chimica in Italia, pp. 413-48 [il presente al n. 40 della Bibliografia]. D.B.I., XLVIII/pp. 663-9. 106: [gas]FONTANA EUR 400 - 450 [gas]FONTANA Gasparo Ferdinando Felice. Analyse des Eaux Thermales de Vinay avec des observations sur les insectes microscopiques qui y sont contenus ainsi que dans leurs mousses. Turin, Briolo, 1786. 8°mm. 195 x 130, pp. 64. Marbled Binding of the XVIII century, red edges. The great chemist from Rovereto was the first who analyzed the waters of Vinadio following the principles of "pneumatic chemistry" and settled with remarkable precision analysis of their mineralizing principles, by applying its hydropneumatic equipment. 107: FONTANA Gregorio. Disquisitiones physico-mathematicae EUR 800 - 1,200 FONTANA Gregorio. Disquisitiones physico-mathematicae, nunc primum editae. Pavia, Monastero di S. Salvatore, 1780. 4° mm. 234 x 170, pp. 12, XI, [1], 384, with 3 copper plates folded at the end. Contemporary half calf binding with golden titles and ornaments on the spine. A copper medallion in the title page with effigy of Maria Teresa, 2 headpieces, 1 Initials and 17 finals engraved very accurately. the Dissertations, numbering 15, dealing among other things: estimation of solar heat; the vertical motion; nautical astronomy; the motion of comets; of the maximum and minimum; of indefinite equations; infinity logarithmic; etc. The issue is imprinted in remarkably elegant typography, and wealth of vignettes copper.Riccardi, I/470, n. 6: "Bella edizione... raccolta di interessanti memorie". 108: [Probability calculation]FONTANA Gregorio-ATWOOD George EUR 300 - 400 [Probability calculation][FONTANA Gregorio] ATWOOD George Compendio d'un corso di lezioni di Fisica Sperimentale del sig. Giorgio Atwood ad uso del Collegio della Trinità e dell'Università di Cambridge. Tradotto dall'idioma inglese, ed accresciuto di una Dissertazione sul computo dell'Errore Probabile nelle Sperienze ed Osservazioni dal P. Gregorio Fontana. Pavia, Monastero di S. Salvatore, 1781. 8° mm. 190 x 120, pp. XI, 274 with a copper plate at the end. Contemporary full vellum binding. Italian version of this successful publication of the English physicist G. Atwood. "His lectures were remarquable and exercised much influence on the scientific studies of the University" [Zeitlinger]. La presente versione è notevole soprattutto per la Dissertazione sul computo dell'Errore probabile di G. Fontana [pp. 225-274], che il Riccardi [I/p. 471] giudica "interessantissima... come una delle prime applicazioni del calcolo delle probabilità alle esperienze ed osservazioni fisiche ed astronomiche". Science Books and Manuscripts 109: [Metals]FORNI Luigi. Elémens de Physiologie EUR 300 - 400 [Metals]FORNI Luigi. Elémens de Physiologie de la Nature ou résultats des recherches proposées par l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Pétersbourg sur les propriétés des substances métalliformes des différentes terres, et notamment fur le Kali, le Natron et l'Ammoniaque. Turin, Ghiringhello et Bonaudo, 1821. 8° mm. 200 x 120, pp. 386, [2]. Half calf binding, golden titles and rules on the spine, sprayed edges. The work of the Forni is intended to respond to a question put by the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg about the properties of the earth metals and alkali; but could not arrive in time. The first part of the discussion examines the mechanism of nature by conceiving the globe as an organic body complex, with its physiological laws; the second part deals with chemicals, their combinations, the properties of metals and acids, etc. The author reveals chemical knowledge thorough enough. Hirsch, II/571. 110: Memoria sul principio delle Velocità Virtuali EUR 500 - 700 FOSSOMBRONI Vittorio. Memoria sul principio delle Velocità Virtuali. Firenze, Gaetano Cambiagi, 1796. 4° mm. 250 x 190; Original publisher paperback; pp. 191, [1] with 1 copper plate folded at the end. Stamp of extinct library on the Titlepage. First edition. \"Fossombroni goal was to translate Galileo\'s formulation of virtual velocities into the algebraic language of Lagrange\'s Méchanique Analytique and to apply them to practical hydraulic problems. His work also draws upon the Hydrodynamics of Daniel Bernoulli, hydraulic studies by d\'Alembert and Euler, and Prony\'s Nouvelle Architecture Hydraulique\" [Roberts & Trent, Bibl. Mechanica, p. 117]. D.B.I., vol. XLIX/p. 509. 111: [Secrets]FOUQUET EUR 500 - 700 [Secrets]FOUQUET, Madame Marie - Remedi caritativi di Madama Fouquet, per guarire con poca spesa ogni sorte di mali, tanto interni, quanto esterni... sperimentati da detta Dama; et accresciuti d'un terzo in quest'ultima impressione. Divisi in due parti. Tradotti dalla lingua Francese nell'Italiana, da un Sacerdote dell'Ord. Serafico de' Min. Oss. Rif. della Prov. di S. Tomaso Apost. in Piemonte. In Cuneo, A' spese d'Emanuele Massi ia [sic] Libraro [nel privilegio: impresso per Bartolomeo Strabella], s.d. [1684]. 12° mm. 140 x 70, pp. [24], 497, [31]. Contemporary full vellum binding. Italian translation imprinted in Cuneo, very rare, this "Book of Secrets" appeared in France to our knowledge towards 1675, the source of much smaller size, and subsequently increased. The work includes mainly popular pharmaceutical remedies, as well as some recipes of domestic use [recipes for the livestock, for the packaging of various kinds of soup, etc.].Walleriana, nn. 3150, cita un'ed. francese del 1678. Manca al Ferguson, Books of Secrets, e al Duveen. Krivatsy e Wellcome citano le edizioni di Milano e di Venezia. 112: FOURCROY, Antoine François de. Philosophie chimique EUR 200 - 300 FOURCROY, Antoine François de. Philosophie chimique, ou vérités fondamentales de la Chimie moderne, destinées a servir d’elémens pour l’étude de cette science. Troisième édition. Paris, Tourneisen, 1806. 8° mm. 230 x 130, pp. IX, [1], 376. Editorial paperback. Third edition, the best and the widest [the first edition. was only 128 pages.], prepared by the author of this classic text, which finally demolished the theory of "phlogiston" in the teaching of chemistry. "This work is distinguished for summing up with remarkable lucidity the principles of antiphlogistic chemistry" [Duveen, p. 226]. In this edition. the Introduction [pp. 1-86] was written expressly by Fourcroy, and summarizes the general knowledge of chemistry with the new standards.Partington, III/538; Zeitlinger, n. 1385 ["rare"]. 113: FRACASTORO Gerolamo EUR 1,200 - 1,500 FRACASTORO Gerolamo. Hieronymi Fracastorii Homocentrica. Eiusdem de Causis Criticorm Dierum per ea quae in nobis sunt. Cum gratia per annos decem M D XXXVIII. Venezia, s.n.t. [Nicolini da Sabio?], 1538. 4° small mm. 210 x 150, leaves [4], 78 numbered on the recto; nice portrait of Fracastoro at full page on the verso of leaf [4]; many geometric illustrations within the text and numeric schemes. Contemporary full vellum binding, stamp of extinct library on Titlepage. Very rare first edition of this work of great Veronese physician Girolamo Fracastoro [ca. 1478-1553], whose astronomical work sometimes tends to be eclipsed by the medical writings and poetry.Riccardi, I/col. 482: "Interessa la storia dell'astronomia, avendo l'a. tentato di sostituire, sebbene poco utilmente, una nuova spiegazione dei moti celesti con circoli omocentrici, escludendo le false dottrine degli eccentrici ed epicicli, allora comunemente adottate. Il primo concetto però di questo suo sistema è dovuto al veronese Giambattista della Torre... Si noti tuttavia che nell'opera del Fracastoro contiensi la prima idea del cannocchiale che fu detto Galileano applicato alla contemplazione degl'astri". D.B.I., XLIX/p. 544: "Va sottolineato come a più riprese il F. riconoscesse esplicitamente di considerare gli studi astronomici di G.B. Della Torre la fonte principale per le proprie ricerche cosmologiche e astronomiche.". Gillispie, D.S.B., V/p. 106: "Fracastoro again reinstates in a place of honor the most ancient astronomical theory, the Eudoxian. Apart from the intrinsec value of the work, its attents to solve certain problems in astronomical and terrestrial physics are interesting, as are the studies on refraction". Honeyman, n. 1362; Durling, n. 1640. Science Books and Manuscripts 114: FRACASTORO Gerolamo EUR 500 - 600 FRACASTORO Gerolamo. Hieronymi Fracastori Veronensis Operum Pars Prior Philosophica et Medica continens... Pars Posterior Astronomica continens figuris quamplurimis illustrata. Poemata varia hac ultima editione & aucta & emendata. Genève, Samuel Chouet, 1671. 3 parts in 1 vol. 8° small mm. 170 x 100, pp. [32], 657, [31] of index; pp. 18, 235, [5]: pp. 95. Many geometric illustrations within the text. Contemporary full vellum binding, Stamp of extinct library on Titlepage . Genevan edition of the Opera Omnia of the famous Veronese doctor, based on printed edition of 1555, divided into three sections: the medical and philosophical work, the astronomical work, and the neo-Latin poems. At the opening the life of Fracastoro and decree of erection of the marble statue to his memory, voted by the city of Verona in 1555. Krivatsy, n. 4239 cites other edition. the Chouet. It understands that in the seventeenth century the Fracastoro editions had become the prerogative of the Protestant countries. 115: FRANCOEUR. Géodésie EUR 200 - 300 FRANCOEUR Louis-Benjamin. Géodésie ou Traité de la Figure de la Terre et de ses parties, comprenant la Topographie, l’Arpentage, le Nivellement, la Géomorphie Terrestre et Astronomique, la Construction des Cartes, la Navigation. Paris, Mallet-Bachelier, 1855. 8° mm. 220 x 140, pp. XVI, 542, with XI copper plates folded at the end out text. Contemporary half calf binding, title and golden ornaments at the spine. The last and largest edition, appeared posthumously with additions derived from the manuscripts of the author of this precious tract of geodesy containing the text of the lectures given by the author at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Paris, which summarize his great experience in this field. Louis-Benjamin Francoeur [1773-1849], figlio del celebre musicista Louis-Joseph, insegnò in vari istituti parigini, dalla Ecole Polytechnique al Lycée Charlemagne, e scrisse svariati trattati di meccanica, geometria, astronomia e geodesia, tra cui il presente apparso per la prima volta nel 1835. Poggendorff, I/790. 116: FRANKLIN Benjamin EUR 800 - 1,000 FRANKLIN Benjamin. Oeuvres... Traduites de l’Anglois sur la Quatrième Edition par M. Barbeau Dubourg avec des additions nouvelles et des Figures en Taille douce. Paris, Quillau et Esprit, 1773.2 tomes in 1 vol. in-4° mm. 250 x 200, di pp. [2]+XXII+[2]+338+[2]; pp. [4]+XIII+[3]+318+[2]. With 1 portrait of Franklin in opening engraved by Martinet, 5 copper plates at the end of the I vol. and 7 copper plates at the end of the II vol. A total of 12 copper plates. Contemporary full calf binding, spine with 6 golden sections with ornaments and label for the title. First French edition of the complete works of Franklin, translated by Barbeau Dubourg, who was in correspondence with Franklin during his translation work [letters occurred, and other additions are shown here]. The first volume contains all the writings dedicated to electricity; the second all other writings, economic, political, demographic, medical, physical, weather, music, and on various subjects.Quérard, France Litt., III/p. 200: "Cette édition des Oeuvres complètes de Franklin est plus complète, sous le rapport de la partie physique, que l’édition anglaise antécédente; elle renferme le recueil des lettres adressées par Franklin au traducteur". Zeitlinger, n. 8124: "Rare". Kress, I/n. 6935. Ronalds, p. 181. 117: Catalogo dei manoscritti di Ulisse Aldrovandi EUR 300 - 400 FRATI Lodovico. Catalogo dei manoscritti di Ulisse Aldrovandi, con la collaborazione di Alessandro Ghigi e Albano Sorbelli. Bologna, Zanichelli, 1907. 8° mm. 250 x 170, pp. XXI, [2], 287, [3], with a portrait of Aldrovandi and a facsimile manuscripit out text. Contemporary half vellum with corners, golden rules on the covers, coat of arm of Savoy family, spine with golden ribs. Important and highly detailed annotated catalog of the manuscripts of the famous Bolognese naturalist of the sixteenth century was not only a scientist, also bibliophile and father of librarianship. The catalog was written by Lodovico Friars, then Director of the University Library of Bologna, on the occasion of the tercentenary of the death dell'Aldrovandi.D.B.I., II/p. 123. 118: FREIND John. Emmenologia EUR 800 - 1,000 FREIND John. Emmenologia: in qua fluxus muliebris menstrui phaenomena, periodi, vitia cum medendi methodo, ad rationes mechanicas exiguntur. Rotterdam e Leyden, Hofhout & Wishoff, 1711. 8° small mm. 160 x 100, pp. 16, 210, 14. Contemporary half vellum beginning of XIX century. Valuable work of gynecology of the great English physician friend of Mead, when the exposure is conducted according to the principles of the school iatro-mechanical; in the second, in addition to precise experimental observations, they are contained numerous recipes. This is the first important work of the author [the first edition of 1703; this is the third]; and they said the estimated medical. Astruc, De morbis mulierum [Catalogus chronologicus - A°. 1703]: "Ipse pro catameniorum casua plethoram sanguinis agnovit, qui singulis mensibus in utero cumulatur, & specialis magnitudo arteriarum per uterum repantium, eamque sufficere autumant, ut catamenia periodice eveniant". J. Freind [1675-1728], nativo di Croughton, celebre medico e chimico inglese, è noto tra l’altro per la sua History of Physick e per gli studi sul vaiuolo, scritti durante la sua prigionia nella Torre di Londra per ragioni politiche; fu medico personale del Re d’Inghilterra. Hirsch, II/433; Niceron, XXXV/p. 258, n. 4. Gillispie, D.S.B., V/pp. 156/57: "Emmenologia [1717] displays a learning toward mechanistic physiology". Science Books and Manuscripts 119: FRISI Paolo. Cosmographiae Physicae EUR 1,200 - 1,400 FRISI Paolo. Cosmographiae Physicae, et Mathematicae Pars Prior, Motuum periodicorum theoriam continens - Pars Altera, De Rotationis motu et phaenomenis inde pendentibus. Milano, Giuseppe Marelli, 1774-5. 2 tomes in 1 vol. 4° mm. 250 x 210, pp. [8], 266, [2], with 3 copper plates at the end: pp. [8], 276, with 3 copper plates at the end. On Title page portrait of Frisi, by Giacomo Mercori. Contamporary half calf binding. First edition of this important work of cosmography devoted primarily to the study of planetary motion, written by the great scientist Paul Lombard Frisians [1734-1784], a friend of Beccaria and closely connected with the Circle of Enlightenment of Milan, during his high school diploma. He did original work here, but also a useful systematic synthesis of the accumulated knowledge on the subject from Newton on, especially educational purposes, related to his courses at the Palatine schools. His Cosmographia is therefore mainly a "broad framework of the Newtonian universe synthesis"[D.B.I., vol. L/p.564]. Riccardi, I/col. 488, n.33: "E' questa l'opera che per la sua importanza ha procurata maggiore celebrità al nostro autore". 120: FUCHS, Leonhart. Institutionum Medicinae EUR 1,600 - 1,800 FUCHS, Leonhart. Institutionum Medicinae, ad Hippocratis, Galeni, aliorumque veterum scripta. Lyon, Thomas Guerinus, 1555 8vo, mm. 170x110; Contemporary full calf binding with blind tooling at the covers and spine; pp. 48, 554, 6, last 4 bl; Printer’s mark at the Titlepage, adorned initials. Rare first edition. With this Fuchs is one of the restorers of Greek medicine, revisited in light of his extensive botanical knowledge and pharmacological. A native of Grisons, after his medical training and humanistic dedicated himself to teaching medicine at the University of Tubingen. Fuchs was also awarded numerous honorary titles by the Emperor Charles V for his services.Dezeimeris, II, p. 412; Wellcome, I, 2458; Durling, n. 170; Stubler 28. 121: FUSINIERI Ambrogio. Memorie sperimentali EUR 500 - 600 FUSINIERI Ambrogio. Memorie sperimentali di mecanica molecolare e di una forza repulsiva nuovamente scoperta nella materia attenuata. Padova, Angelo Sicca, 1846. In-4° [29 x 25], pp. [6]+310+[2], con 6 tavv. in rame ripiegata al termine f.t. Broch. editoriale stampata. Un timbro di biblioteca estinta al frontespizio.Raccolta pubblicata a spese dell'autore stesso delle memorie sparse sulla fisica molecolare inserite in vari periodici scientifici e pubblicazioni accademiche a partire dal 1819, qui riunite al fine di costituire un corpus organico sulla materia. Il grande fisico vicentino Ambrogio Fusinierei [1775-1852], dopo essersi dedicato all'astronomia, passò allo studio della fisica, "nella quale fece quelle importanti ricerche di meccanica molecolare, in cui tentò di scoprire il principio del moto della materia, ed a ridurre ad un solo principio i moti e i fenomeni della materia; sicchè a buon diritto il Fusinieri può dirsi il fondatoree della fisica molecolare... ebbe l'alto intendimento di rettificare i vecchi principi in questo ramo della fisica, ed incominciò ad abbattere alcune vecchie dottrine, e poi cominciò a studiare le proprietà della materia attenuata o ridotta a minime dimensioni, e su essa fece attentissime osservazioni e molteplici esperienze... le numerose memorie del Fusineri vennero poi raccolte da lui stesso" [Cajori & Gambioli, pp. 343-5]. D.B.I., vol. L/pp. 808-9. 122: La dinamica molecolare secondo Fusinieri EUR 100 - 200 FUSINIERI Ambrogio-REINCHENBACH Kar. La dinamica molecolare secondo Fusinieri e Reinchenbach. Foligno, Sgariglia, 1866. In-8° piccolo mm. 180 x 120, pp. XCVI, 351, 147, [5], con una tavola. in litografia al fine. Broch. editoriale. Invio autografo. L'opera è divisa in tre parti, con distinta numerazione: 1] Enrico Dal Pozzo di Mombello, Prolegomeni della dinamica molecolare; 2] Ambrogio Fusinieri, Della forza repulsiva che si sviluppa fra le parti dei corpi ridotti a minime dimensioni, ossia della spontanea espansione in lamine sottili, sperimentalmente dimostrata; 3] Reinchenbach Charles, Lettere Odo-magnetiche. Prima traduzione italiana. Il curatore dell'opera, E. Dal Pozzo di Mombello, ha qui raccolto alcune delle memorie capitali del Fusinieri, tratte dalle Memorie sperimentali di meccanica molecolare, e di una forza repulsiva nuovamente scoperta..., pubblicate dal Fusinieri in 3 voll. dal 1844 al 1847; e accosta le indagini del Fusinieri alle ricerche sui fenomeni odici del barone K. von Reinchenbach [1788-1869] interessanti il magnetismo animale. 123: Nuovi elementi della fisica del corpo umano EUR 1,500 - 1,800 GALLINI Stefano. Nuovi elementi della fisica del corpo umano. Padova, Tip. Minerva, 1835. 2 vols. 8° mm. 230 x 150, di pp. [4], XIX, 285, [3]; [4], 293, [3]. In apertura del 1° tomo bel ritratto del Gallini inciso in rame in ovale. Broch. edit., intonso. La presente opera sviluppa ulteriormente le intuizioni e le scoperte accennate nell'opera precedente nel campo della fisiologia umana, con una vasta applicazione dell'indagine diretta e sperimentale, che pone i contributi dell'autore in tale campo accanto a quelli di Magendie. La presente è la terza edizione, con correzioni e aggiunte dell'autore; la prima era apparsa nel 1818. Hirsch, II/674. Science Books and Manuscripts 124: GABRIELE, Giacomo. Dialogo EUR 1,800 - 2,000 GABRIELE, Giacomo. Dialogo… nel quale de la sphera, et de gli orti et occasi de le stelle, minutamente si ragiona. Venezia, Giovanni Griffio, Giovanni Farri e fratelli, 1545 4to, mm. 191x135; Binding in later smooth vellum; leaves 62, 1; Printer s device depicting a gryphon holding the claw with a stone which is chained a globe. Rare first edition. The interlocutors of the dialogue discussed the value of the ancient astrological theories than modern research on astronomy.L'opera is set up as a treaty where astronomy, astrology, theology and philosophy come together, putting together the Renaissance esoteric thinking and new vision of the world produced by new scientific observations.Riccardi I, 497. 125: GALENUS, Claudius. De Alimentorum Facultatibus EUR 1,800 - 2,000 GALENUS, Claudius. De Alimentorum Facultatibus Libri III. Ex Martini Gregorii interpretatione; pluribus in locis, hac editione, emendata. Subjunctus est, alimentorum de quibus agit, index et Nomenclator Graecus, Latinus, Gallicus, Belgicus. Leyden, Asingam de Fries [al fine: Wilhelm Christian], 1633 12mo, mm.100x600; Contemporary full vellum binding; pp. 4, 320, 44 of index. Pretty edition of tiny size of these books of Galen devoted to science, published several times in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the Latin version of Martinus Gregorius of the early decades of the '500. Vicaire: “Le premier livre du traité de Galen traite des grains et de leur emploi dans l'alimentation; le second, des legumes, des fruits, et de tous les végétaux en général; dans le troisième, le célèbre médecin s'occupe des animaux, volailles, poissons, lait, fromages, vin, miel etc. ” Interessante al termine la nomenclatura quadrilingue. Vicaire, 382; Krivatsy, n. 4511. 126: GALENUS. De compositione medicamentorum EUR 500 - 700 GALENUS Claudius. Claudii Galeni Pergameni de compositione medicamentorum localium, Libri decem, Iano Cornario medico interprete. Nunc ad fidem variorum exemplarium perspecti... Lyon, Guillaume Rouille, 1561. 8°small mm. 120 x 90, pp. 32, 831, printer’s mark at the Titlepage. Late full vellum binding, spine with ribs. Reprint of already published by Rouille for the first time in 1549 [accompanied interpretation of Janus Cornarius, appeared for the first time in 1537], with the same layout, this pharmacopoeia of Galen, which was widespread until the eighteenth century . Janus Cornarius or Johann Hagenbut [1500-1558], doctor and humanist friend of Erasmus, a professor at Wittenberg, edited editions of several other classical texts of Greek medicine.Hirsch, III/p. 15. Durling, n. 1865, cita l’ediz. del Rouille del 1549 127: Un mot sur les idées du docteur Gall avec un extrait EUR 200 - 300 [GALL Franz Joseph] BOBBA C. G. Un mot sur les idées du docteur Gall avec un extrait de sa théorie tiré de l’original allemand. Milan, Génie Typographique, an I de la République Italienne [1802]. 8° small mm. 180 x 12,5, pp. 69, [3], with a copper plates out text. Contemporary paperback. Rare book, the first in Italy to have made known the ideas of FJ Gall, the founder of phrenology. The first part contains an excerpt from the booklet: Darstellung der neuen Untersuchungen auf der Verrichtungen des Gehirns gegründeten theorie der Phisiognomik des Herrn Dr Gall [Wien 1802] exposing the ideas of Gall; the second part contains the critical remarks of the author of these theories, with a timely and interesting challenge. As is well known theories of Gall, as erroneous in their substance, they had the merit of stating the concept of localization of brain processes and that he recognized the fibers of the medulla. CG Bobba, probably Piedmont, declares on the title Doctor of Medicine of the Faculty of Gottingen.Quérard, Fr. Litt., I/361. Science Books and Manuscripts 128: GALL. Anatomie et physiologie du systême nerveux EUR 1,800 - 2,000 GALL, Franz Joseph & SPURZHEIM, Johann Caspar. Anatomie et physiologie du systême nerveux en général et du cerveau en particulier. Avec des observations sur la possibilité de reconnoître plusieurs dispositions intellectuelles et morales de l’homme et des animaux, par la configuration de leurs têtes. Paris, F. Schoell; Libr. Greque-Latine-Allemande; Maze, 1810-18195 Vols.: 4 voll. of text testo 4to, mm. 280x210; 1 Vol. folio “Atlas”, mm. 490x330; Contemporary half calf binding; pp. 1700 ca. and 100 copper plates [1 on double page]. I, F. Schoell, 1810: pp. [4], LIX, [1], 352; II, F. Schoell, 1812: pp. [4], 466, [2]; III, Libr. Greque-Latine-Allemande, 1818: pp. [6], XXXIII, [3], 372 ; IV, Maze, 1819: pp. [6], 404; Atlas, Libr. Greque-Latine-Allemande, 1819: Plates are engraved by Bouquet. Missing 8 pages at the beginning of the vol. I, III e IV, with dedication. First edition. Foundational work of modern neurology, beautifully illustrated. Garrison: ““Gall & Spurzheim established the fact that the white matter of the brain consists of nerve fibers and that the gray matter of the cerebral cortex represents the organs of mental activity. They were the first to demonstrate that the trigeminal nerve was not merely attached to the pons, but that it sent root fibers as far down as the inferior olive in the medulla. In addition, they confirmed once and forever the medullary decussation of the pyramids.” Heirs of Hippocrates: “This elaborately produced work attests to the fact that, despite his later fall into disrepute, Gall was an excellent anatomist. A number of original anatomical observations are introduced in this five volume work, including the concept of localization of brain function. Because Spurzheim parted with Gall in 1814, only the first two volumes were produced collaboratively. The 100 plates which comprise the atlas are exquisitely rendered”. DSB: “Gall made a number of important neuroanatomical discoveries. Their full significance was not appreciated until the development of histological and neurophysiological findings was integrated with the influence of his theoretical and speculative conceptions many decades after his death. The unifying theme in his neuroanatomical work was the conception of the nervous system as a hierarchically ordered series of separate but interrelated ganglia designed on a unified plan... The gray matter was the matrix of nerves, and the fibrous white matter served as a conducting function. The inclusion of the cerebral cortex in this scheme was an important development away from lingering glandural and humoral conceptions... Gall and Spurzheim’s investigations gave considerable impetus to the study of neuroanatomy, and both their findings and their general conceptions proved very important when they were later integrated with an evolutionary view of the nervous system and with the neuron theory”. Garrison-McHenry, 146-149; Garrison-Morton 1389; Eimas, Heirs of Hippocrates 712; Gillespie, DSB, V, 250-256; Wellcome, III, p. 84; Norman, 862. Clarke & O’Malley, The Human Brain and Spinal Cord, pp 392-95, 476-80, 598-602, 825-27. 129: [Magnetism] Saggio sul Magnetismo EUR 400 - 500 GATTESCHI G. Saggio sul Magnetismo esposto nelle sue lezioni. Pisa, Ranieri Prosperi, 1818. 8° piccolo mm. 190 x 130, pp. 112. Broch. originale muta, invio autografo in copertina. Qualche fioritura, ma Ciclo di lezioni tenuto dal prof. Gatteschi in cui si sintetizzano le principali conoscenze intorno ai fenomeni magnetici fino a Volta; una parte cospicua è dedicata alla storia della bussola. Ronalds, p. 194; Rossetti & Cantoni, p. 47. 130: [Fireplace] GAUGER Nicolas EUR 500 - 700 [Fireplace] GAUGER Nicolas. La Méchanique du Feu, ou l'Art d'en augmenter les effets, & d'en diminuer la dépense. [Amsterdam?], 1714. 8° small mm. 180 x 100, pp. 2, X, 267, [9], with a pictorial Frontispiece engraved by Goeres and 12 copper plates folded at the end depicting various types of fireplaces. Contemporary full calf binding, spine with golden ornaments. Sign of waer at the binding. Successful handbook dedicated to the systems to improve the draft in chimneys and fireplaces and improve combustion; increasing the yield of heat and decreasing the smoke.Quérard, France Litt., III/p. 280: "Ouvrage qui a été souvent reimprimé et traduit en diverses langues, et dans lequel on trove une grande partie des inventions de ce genre, qu'on a depuis données comme nouvelles". Poggendorff, I/col. 852. 131: [SURGICAL ANATOMY] GENGA. Anatomia Chirurgica EUR 500 - 700 GENGA, Bernardino. Anatomia Chirurgica, cioè Istoria Anatomica dell'Ossa, e Muscoli del Corpo Umano, con la Descrizzione de’ Vasi, che scorrono per le parti Esterne, et in particolare per gl'Articoli, et un breve Trattato della Circolazione del Sangue.Bologna, Longhi, s.d. ma 1687. 8vo small, mm. 150x100; Contemporary full vellum binding; pp. 32, 332, 20 last 4 bl. Beautiful edition increased; one of the most important treaties Italian anatomy of the seventeenth century; the first fully dedicated surgical anatomy. Hirsch:“In seiner Lehrbuch... betont er besonders die Bedeutung und Nothwendigkeit gediegener anatomisher Kenntnisse für die Chirurgie“. Il Genga fu pure tra i primi ad accettare in Italia le ipotesi di Harvey sulla circolazione del sangue, alle quali è dedicato un breve trattato in appendice alla presente opera: Breve discorso del Moto del Sangue, chiamato comunemente Circolazione. Hirsch, II, 714; Garrison-Morton, 384 “first book devoted entirely to surgical anatomy”; Vinciana, 1924; Bibl. Medica, 329. Science Books and Manuscripts 132: GENNETE’. Purification de l’Air EUR 400 - 500 GENNETE’. Purification de l’Air croupissant dans les Hopitaux, les Prisons, et les Vaisseaux de Mer, par le Moyen d’un renouvellement continuel d’air pur & frais, qui en emportera aussi continuellement la mauvaise odeur, & qui d’insects qui sont dans ces lieux, et les rendra sains & habitables. Avec une Application de ce Moyen de renouvellement, pour refraichir pendant les grandes chaleurs de l’Eté, l’air des Appartements des Princes et de riches Particuliers, celui des Eglises, des salles d’Audience & de Spectacles, celui des Maisons Religieuses, & de tous les lieux d’Assemblée, de même que les Magazins, Manufactures, &c. Et enfin le Moyen d’ôter l’Odeur infecte, que les Commodités repandent... On y a joint une seconde Edition du Manuel des Laboureurs Nancy, H. Leclerc, 1767. 8° di mm. 210 x 140, pp. VIII, 113, with a copper plate folded at the end. Binding in half calf of the beginning of the XIX century, titles and golden ornaments on the spine. L’autore, che si definisce nel frontespizio "premier Physicien de feue Sa Majésté Impériale", dichiara di aver effettuato esperienze per parecchi anni, calandosi egli stesso anche "dans le profonds & spatieux sousterrains des Mines", per risanarle dal punto di vista igienico con la circolazione delle correnti d’aria; ed espone i suoi metodi per migliorare i sistemi di ventilazione dei grandi edifici di uso collettivo per bonificarli dal ristagno dei cattivi effluvii e migliorarne le condizioni igieniche; nonché migliorare le condizioni delle case private per quanto concerne "les Commodités", ovvero i servizi igienici. Il problema, come si sa, era assai critico sul finire del XVIII secolo, e molti architetti e "fumisti" si impegnarono a risolverlo. Al termine è aggiunto in seconda edizione, con proprio frontespizio, il Manuel des Laboureurs, scritto per migliorare la resa delle coltivazioni agrarie incrementando la lavorazione dei terreni. L’autore sfoggia anche le sue conoscenze chimiche, citando il "Flogiston de l’air qui vivifie tout", "l’Acide vague de l’Air repandu dans toute la nature", "l’Alkali volatile" ed altre sostanze che non possono comunque sostituire "l’huile de ses propres Bras". Quérard, Fr. Litt., III/313; Bibl. Agronomique, n. 1004 [per il Manuel]. Re, Dizionario libri di agricoltura, II/p. 301, cita il Manuel senza grande apprezzamento ["questo libro mi è sembrato opera di un agronomo da gabinetto"]. 133: GHEZZI. Dell'origine delle Fontane EUR 500 - 700 GHEZZI Nicolò. Dell'origine delle Fontane e dell'addolcimento dell'Acqua Marina. Lettere scritte al sig. Conte N.N. Venezia, Occhi, 1742. 8° small mm. 180 x 120; Half calf binding and marbled board, golden title and ornaments on the spine; pp. [2], XVI, 404, with allegorical frontispiece, 5 copper plates depicting hydraulic and physical experiences; and a number table folded out text. Uncommon work of the Jesuit from Como Nicola Ghezzi [1685-1766]. The work is divided into six letters; dedicated to various observations and physical experiences; including: the evaporation of sea; the desalination of sea water; various experiences hydrological made in Lake Como; description of water clocks and organs; and other interesting observations physical-hydraulic. In order: Letters from Mr. Count NN the author; and response to this [the author of the letter is P. Brusati].Riccardi, I/col. 595 [menziona solo 3 tavv. in rame in luogo di 5]; De Backer-Sommervogel, III/1377, n. 1. 134: Giornale Scientifico Letterario EUR 1,500 - 1,800 GIOBERT Giovanni Antonio & GIULIO Carlo Ignazio, redattori - Giornale Scientifico Letterario e delle Arti di una Società Filosofica in Torino raccolto e posto in ordine da Gioanni Antonio Giobert e dottor Carlo Giulio membri di varie Accademie. Tomo I - IV. Torino, Stamperia Reale, 1789. 16 fascicoli in-8° piccolo [20 x 12] componenti 4 tomi, ciascun tomo comprendente III fascicoli + 1 fascicolo di Supplemento. Ogni fascicolo di ca. 100 pp., salvo i Supplementi, di 200 pp. ca. Con 14 tabelle ripieg. f.t. di "Osservazioni Meteorologiche", e 3 tavv. in rame ripiegate f.t. Tutti in brossura editoriale stampata con i programmi del giornale al recto e al verso. Prima annata completa di questo raro periodico torinese, che proseguì poi nel 1790 con un cambio parziale del titolo e forse anche del carattere del periodico, e l'aggiunta nel titolo della dicitura Epilogo ragionato della storia letteraria del fine del XVIII Sec., con l'intervento nella redazione di P. Leone e di Ignazio e Gian Teresio Michelotti. Ma anche questa prosecuzione ebbe vita breve, limitata al 1790. Esso è costituito in parte da recensioni e segnalazioni bibliografiche, e in parte da contributi originali di autori piemontesi facenti parte della comunità scientifica dell'epoca, coordinati da da G. A. Giobert e Carlo Ignazio Giulio, che dedicarono il primo numero del periodico al conte Corte di Bonvicino, Intendente di Asti. L'intento era naturalmente quello di aggiornare sulle pubblicazioni e sulle scoperte scientifiche dell'epoca, facendo circolare l'informazione in modo puntuale, come già era avvenuto con la Scelta di Opuscoli…, ma questa volta con particolare attenzione alla produzione piemontese, dall'agronomia alla meccanica, dall'idraulica alla chimica, dalla geologia alla botanica, dalla medicina alla meteorologia [in ogni numero sono riportate le osservazioni meteorologiche raccolte dal padre Bordini nell'Eremo di Torino]. La parte strettamente letteraria è invece di scarsa entità, coerentemente con gli interessi scientifici dei due principali redattori. Manno-Promis, n. 3520 [dà anche le chiavi per individuare i nomi degli estensori degli articoli]; Sirugo, p. 19. 135: [Mashrooms]GLEDITSCH EUR 1,400 - 1,600 [Mashrooms]GLEDITSCH Johann Gottlieb. Methodus Fungorum exhibens Genera, Species et Varietates sive Charactere, Differentia Specifica, Synonimis, Solo, Loco et Observationibus. Berlin, Schola Realis, 1753. 8° small mm. 190 x 120, pp. 162, [38] of index, and VI copper plates by Gericke, folded at the end. Contemporary sewing binding, title written on the spine. Attempted systematic classification of all species of mushrooms, divided into 11 genres, preceded by an introductory note on the methods of classification and a brief bibliography. Johann Gottlieb Gleditsch [1714-86], Leipzig, was a famous botanist and professor at the University of Berlin.Pritzel, n. 3356. Science Books and Manuscripts 136: [Magnetismus]GMELIN Eberhard EUR 1,400 - 1,600 [Magnetismus]GMELIN Eberhard. Ueber Thierischen Magnetismus. In einem Brief an Herrn Geheimen Rath Hoffmann in Mainz. Tübingen, J.F. Heerbrandt, 1787. In-8° small mm. 170 x 100; Contemporary binding in boards; pp. X, 134, 247, [1]; red edges, ex-libris C. Wolff at the inside cover.First edition. This convinced defense of animal magnetism contributed much to the diffusion of magnetic theories in Germany, when they were already pointing to decline in France.The author, Eberhard Gmelin [1751-1809], which belongs to the famous dynasty of the same name by German chemists and naturalists, he attributed the crowds motor [paralysis and convulsions] to changes in the distribution of the "spirit of life", interacting with the environment through the forces of animal magnetism.Mottelay, p. 251. Murhard, Bibl. der Magnetismus, n. 560. 137: [Magnetismus]GOCLENIUS Rodolphus EUR 800 - 1,000 [Magnetismus]GOCLENIUS Rodolphus. Mirabilium Naturae Liber, concordias et repugnantias rerum in plantis, animalibus, animaliumque morbis et partibus, manifestans, nunc primo in lucem datus. Adiecta est in fine brevis et nova Defensio Magneticae curationis vulnerum ex solidis pricipiis. Frankfurt, Zunner, 1643. 8° small mm. 160 x 100, pp. [16], 303, [1]. Contemporary full vellum binding. First extremely rare edition, posthumous, of both the writings of great interest in the history of the theories of magnetism.The German doctor Rudolph Goclenius [1572-1621], the medical school of Paracelsus, is best known for his treatise De magnetic vulnerum curatione, which anticipates the theories of medicine magnetic then coming into vogue in Mesmer. His treatise gave rise to long controversy, following the attack conducted against it by the Belgian Jesuit Jean Roberti and criticism both Göcklin that Roberti by Van Helmont. This work bears in fact a defense in the appendix of his treatise against attacks aimed at it. The book was published by Theodorus Christoforus Goclenius, Philiater. Wheeler Gift, n. 119; Caillet, n. 4611. Sull'opera di Goclenius cfr. anche Partington, II/p. 211; Ferguson, I/pp. 333-4; Murhard, n. 21. 138: [Mercury]GORIS Gerard EUR 500 - 600 [Mercury]GORIS Gerard. Mercurius Triumphator continens Argenti Vivi Historiam, Indolem, Praerogativas & Noxas in Morborum Chronicorum, praesertim in Luis Venereae Curatione. Accedit Nova hunc Morbum per Selectiora Specifica Curandi Methodus cum Litteris nonnullis ad Autorem conscriptis... Quibus brevissime annectitur De Curationibus Sympatheticis Tractatulus. Leyden, Theodor Haak, 1717. 8° small mm. 160 x 100, pp. XXIV, 252, 19, [1]. Half calf binding, golden title and rules on the spine. Title page in red and black ink. First and only edition of this rare work dedicated to therapeutic uses of mercury for the treatment of syphilis and other venereal diseases; The first chapters are also of interest alchemical ["de Chrysopoeia, seu Transmutatione, ejusque possibilitate, real tam quam willful"].Duveen, p. 264: "The present work, though mainly medical in character, is of alchemical interest on account of his chapter... which deals entirely with transmutation, and of the tract: "De curatione sympathetica sive magnetica' which is added to it". L'autore fu medico a Leida, ed esaminatore di chirurgia e ostetricia. Wellcome, III/p. 138. 139: Recherches sur la Géographie Systématique EUR 600 - 800 GOSSELLIN Pascal-François-Joseph. Recherches sur la Géographie Systématique et Positive des Anciens, pour servir de base à l’Histoire de la Géographie Ancienne. Paris, Imprimérie de la République [poi: Imprimérie Impériale], an VI [1798] - l813. 4 tomes in 2 vols. 4° mm. mm. 280 x 220, di pp. VIII, 271, [1]; pp. 322, [2]: pp. [4], 355, [1]; pp. [4]+463, [1]. with 54 maps on 29 copper plates, and 1 plate not numbered depicting the compass Rose. Beautiful half leather binding with corners of the mid-nineteenth century, gold ornaments to the back with titles in two-tone pieces, coat of arms not identified for backs. Inside ex-libris \"P. de La Morandière\". Work of primary importance for the history of ancient geography, based on accurate historical and scientific research, including 19 dissertations in part already published in previous academic records and here for the first time gathered on a systematic basis. The Gosselin ranges between geographical sciences of the ancients, by Hipparchus to Polybius to Marinus of Tyre in Strabo, reconstructing the various stages of knowledge of the western and eastern coasts of Africa, the Arabian Gulf, the Persian Gulf, India, the Peninsula Iberian, Gaul, Germany, Sarmatia, the British Isles. Other dissertations about the history of the Silk Road trade, the measures itinerarie of the ancient and the Rose of the Winds from them employed. The many maps attached accompanying dissertations of specific references and details. P.-F.-J. Gosselin [1751-1830], geographer and erudite scholar of antiquity, \"Conservateur de la Bibliothèque du Roi\", deputy to the National Assembly in 1789, was one of the major European geographers of his time, translator of Strabo, and author of extensive research especially on the ancient geography of the Greeks. Quérard, France Litt., III/p. 414. Science Books and Manuscripts 140: GREGOIRE Pierre. Syntaxeon Artis Mirabilis EUR 500 - 600 GREGOIRE Pierre. Syntaxeon Artis Mirabilis, in Libros XL Digestarum Tomi Duo. Per quas de omni re proposita, multis & prope infinitis rationibus disputari, aut tractari, omniumque summaria cognitio haberi potest. Authore D. Petro Gregorio Tholosano. Köln, Zetzner, 1602 [but in the Title page of the second work: 1600]. 2 parts in 1 vol. 8°small mm. 180 x 110; Contemporary full vellum binding with squares, golden frames on the covers and small rosette. Golden edges decorated with engraved motifs with arabesques, Title written on the spine; pp. [16], 97, [1]; pp. 154, [10]; pp. [2], 540, [60] of index with 8 tables within the text, jewish type, greek type, latin type. Printer’s device on Titlepage. The first volume includes the first books VII, followed by Commentaria in Prolegomena Syntaxeon Artis Mirabilis, equipped with a autonomous Titlepage; the second volume contains books VIII-XL. While the first part is of a more philosophical and preliminary [in it point out the eighth book, dedicated to the Angels, Demons and Magic], the second is an almost complete scientific encyclopedia. The initiatives included: the book VIII, largely devoted to astrology and astronomy [they refer to the tables ft]; Volume XI, dedicated to physics; the twelfth book, dedicated to the music; the Book XIV, dedicated optics; the fifteenth book, dedicated to arithmetic; the book XXIV, which is the mechanical arts, is almost entirely dedicated to the woolen mill; book XXV, dedicated to Art Military; the Book XXVI, dedicated to navigation; book XXVII, devoted to Agriculture; book XXVIII, dedicated to Medicine and Surgery; XXIX book, dedicated to the hunt; books XXX-XXXI, dedicated to architecture, the Painting and Sculpture; books XXXIII-IV, dedicated to Zoology and Botany; books XXXVI-VIII, dedicated to Geology, Metallurgy, Chemistry. In a short chapter is delMagnete Book XXXVI. Houzeau-Lancaster, Bibl. Astronomie, n. 4924: "Le tome II commence par un traité du monde, du ciel et de l'astrologie". 141: GRIMAUD DE CAUX Gabriel. Des Générations Spontanées EUR 200 - 300 GRIMAUD DE CAUX Gabriel. Des Générations Spontanées, de l’Ovologie et de l’Embryologie. Avec 5 planches gravées sur acier. [Extrait du "Dictionnaire pittoresque d’histoire naturelle"]. Paris, Baillière, 1838. 8° di mm. 220 x 140, pp. [4], 171, [1] with 5 copper plates folded at the end. Editorial Paperback. The author analyzing the reproductive mechanisms of the various species denies the possibility of spontaneous generation and critical supporters of the theories that the generation would be explained by the "electric fluid", and argues the advocates of "vitalism". G. Grimaud de Caux [1800-187 ..] was a doctor and hygienist, and is especially interested in epidemiology.Hirsch, II/p. 857. 142: Memoria sul Galvanismo EUR 300 - 400 GRIMELLI Geminiano. Memoria sul Galvanismo premiata dall'Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna a norma del suo Programma 6 settembre 1845 e del relativo giudizio accademico 30 aprile 1848. Bologna, Tip. Istituto delle Scienze, 1849. 4° mm. 290 x 200, pp. [8], 193, [3]. Contemporary cloth binding. Stamp of extinct library on the Titlepage. Dedicated work by the Grimelli to the president of the Academy of Sciences of Bologna, which had promoted a few years before the edition of the complete works of Galvani, which summarizes and examines various aspects of the theory in the field of galvanic animal physiology.Cfr. D.B.I., LIX/pp. 666-7. Rossetti & Cantoni, p. 51. 143: [Elettro-metallurgy]GRIMELLI Geminiano EUR 800 - 1,200 [Elettro-metallurgy]GRIMELLI Geminiano [and others]. Storia Scientifica e Artistica dell'Elettrometallurgia Originale Italiana con un Saggio Teorico-Pratico di Elettrometallurgia Piana e Solida e un' Appendice Lessicologica relativa alle diverse materie elettrofisiche, elettrochimiche, elettrometallurgiche. [legato con:/Bound with:] CARRADORI Giovacchino. Istoria del Galvanismo in Italia o sia della contesa fra Volta e Galvani e decisione ricavata dai fatti esposti in due partiti. [legato con:/Bound with:] DE LA RIVE Auguste Esquisse historique des principales découvertes faites dans l'Electricité depuis quelques années [Tirée de la Bibliothèque Universelle, 1833]. Modena, Antonio ed Angelo Cappelli, 1844; Firenze, All'insegna dell'Ancora, 1817; Genève, Imprim. de la Bibliothèque Universelle, 1833. 3 works in 1 vol. 8° mm. 210 x 130, pp. XVI, 192 one leaf with errata; pp. 72; pp.[4], 239. Contemporary half vellum binding, coloured labels on the spine. Stamp of extinct library on the Title page The first work speaks about the progress of electrometallurgy briefs in the first decades of the nineteenth century and its applications, with a focus on research Selmi, Noble, Marchisio and other Italian scientists. Rossetti & cantons, p. 50. The second work, Joachim Carradori from Prato [1758 to 1818], setting out the grounds of contention between advocates and proponents of Galvani Volta then reach an equitable judgment on the merits of both scientists. Rossetti & cantons, p. 27. The third work Finally, the Geneva scientists Auguste de La Rive [1801-73], cousin of Count Camillo Cavour [through the Geneva branch of lactating De Sellon], provides an account of progress on key research on electricism, from oersted [1820] until 1833.Ronalds, p. 287. Science Books and Manuscripts 144: Raccolta di 26 opuscoli EUR 800 - 1,200 GUARESCHI Icilio. Raccolta di 26 opuscoli ed estratti da atti accademici del celebre chimico parmense Icilio Guareschi [1847-1918], docente all'Università di Torino, del periodo 1872-1918. Tutti estratti in-8° mm. 250 x 160, Editorial binding. La raccolta comprende i seguenti estratti:1] Sulla costituzione dell'Esculina; di Ugo Schiff. Redazione del dott. I. Guareschi. Pisa, maggio 1872; pp. 21+[3]. [Estratto dal "Nuovo Cimento"].2] Osservazioni tossicologiche sull'Acido Cianidrico e sui Cianuri. Preparazione e proprietà del succinato d'isoamile. Siena, Bargellini, 1879; pp. 29.3] La legge dei numeri pari nella chimica. Torino, Loescher, 1887; pp. 13 [Estratto dagli "Atti della R. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino", vol. XXII].4] Sulla Canforamide. Milano, Richiedei, 1887; pp. 20 [Estratto dagli "Annali di Chimica", 1886].5] Sulle Clorobromonaftaline [in collaboraz. con P. Biginelli]. Torino, Loescher, 1887; pp. 16. [Estratto dagli "Atti della R. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino", 1887].6] Azione dell'Etere Cianacetico sulle basi organiche. Nota Prima. Torino, Clausen, 1892; pp. 13. [id. id., 1891]. [Estratto dagli "Atti della R. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino", 1892].8] Sopra un caso di falsificazione dell'Oppio con Piombo. Milano, Vallardi, 1895; pp. 4 [Estratto dagli "Annali di Chimica e Farmacologia", vol. XXII].9] Sintesi dei composti Piridinici degli Eteri Chetonici coll'Etere Cianacetico in presenza dell'Ammoniaca e delle Amine. Milano, Vallardi, 1895, pp. 28 [Estratto dalle "Memorie R. Accad. Scienze di Torino", dicembre 1895].10] Sopra un caso di falsificazione dell'Oppio con Piombo. Milano, 1896; pp. 4 [Estratto dagli "Annali di Chimica e Farmacologia", 1896]. 11] Sopra nuovi composti Cupro Ammonici. Torino, Clausen, 1896; pp. 21. [Estr. dagli "Atti della R. Accad. Scienze di Torino.", 1896].12] Sulle Diciandiossipiridine. Torino, Clausen, 1899; pp. 26 [id. id., per il 1899].13] Celebrazione del primo cinquantenario della prima pubblicazione di Marcellino Berthelot... Discorso. Torino, Clausen, 1901; pp. 8 [id. id. per il 1901].14] Henri Moissan. Commemorazione. Torino, Clausen, 1907; pp. 12 [id. id. per il 1907].15] Osservazioni sul "De Arte Illuminandi" e sul manoscritto bolognese [Segreti per Colori]. Torino, Clausen, 1905; pp. 30 [id. id. per il 1905].16] Intorno lo sviluppo di gas combustibili nell'analisi elementare. Torino, Clausen, 1907; pp. 7 [id. id. per il 1907].17] Daniele Bernoulli ed Antonio Avogadro e la teoria cinetica dei gas. Torino, Bona, 1910; pp. 24 [id. id. per il 1910].18] Giuseppe Albini. Brevi parole di commemorazione. Torino, Bona, 1911; pp. 4 [id. id. per il 1912].19] Cenni biografici di Jacobus Hendrikus van.t Hoff. Torino, Bona, 1911; pp. 4 [id. id. per il 1911]. 20] Altre osservazioni sulle mie nuove reazioni caratteristiche e sensibilissime del Bromo. Nota III. Torino, Bona, 1912; pp. 13 [id. id. per il 1913].21] Ricerche intorno ai Bromuri. Nota IV. [Torino, Bona, 1913]; pp. 12 [id. id. per il 1913]. 21] Azione dei sali ammoniacali sul joduro mercurico. [Torino, Bona, 1914]; pp. 6 [id. id. per il 1914].22] Delle singolari proprietà della calce sodata. [Torino, Bona, 1915]; pp. 64 [id. id. per il 1915].23] Delle singolari proprietà della calce sodata. Nota IV. [Torino, Bona, 1916]; pp. 20 [id. id. per il 1916].23] Commemorazione di Ugo Schiff. Torino, Bocca, 1917; pp. 22 [id. id. per il 1917].24] Osservazioni sulla chimica dell'alimentazione. Comunicazione. Torino, UTET, 1917; pp. 35 [Estr. "Giornale R. Accademia di Medicina di Torino", 1917].25] Di alcuni errori sulla localizzazione dei composti chimici nei semi di frumento e di riso, e sul cosiddetto risone. Torino, Bona, 1918; pp. 31 [Estratto dagli "Atti della R. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino", 1918].25] Sulla più razionale utilizzazione dei cereali, con esperienze ed osservazioni sulla alimentazione col riso sbramato o naturale e a diversi gradi di depauperamento o brillatura. Torino, UTET, 1918; pp. 53, con diverse ill. nel testo. [Estratto dagli "Atti della R. Accademia di Medicina di Torino", 1918].26] I leucoderivati solfitici del triaminotrifenilmetano quali reattivi dell'alcalinità e della dissociazione dei sali. Torino, 1918; pp. 10 [Estratto dagli "Atti della R. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino", marzo 1918]. 145: Storia della Chimica EUR 500 - 800 GUARESCHI Icilio. Storia della Chimica [estratti]. Estratti dalla Enciclopedia della Chimica e dagli Annali di Chimica, dedicati alla storia della chimica sotto forma di piccole monografie che l'illustre studioso andava sviluppando nei primi anni del '900. Tutti pubblicati a Torino dalla UTET, 1901-14. In-8° grande mm. 260 x 190, per lo più in brossura editoriale. I] Amedeo Avogadro e la Teoria Molecolare. Novembre 1901, pp, 47 con 1 ritr. di Avogadro in apertura.II] Faustino Malaguti e le sue opere. Ottobre 1902, pp. 69 con 1 ritratto in apertura.III] Lavoisier. Sua Vita e sue Opere. 1903, pp. da 305 a 470, con 1 ritr. di Lavoisier in apertura, 1 tav. a colori f.t. e numerose ill. nel testo.[fuori numeraz.] Biografia di Carlo Guglielmo Scheele. Ristampa con aggiunte e correzioni. 1912, pp. 31 con 1 ritratto f.t. e 4 ill. fuori testo.IX] Legge della dilatazione dei Gas di Alessandro Volta. Seconda edizione corretta e aumentata con la ristampa della Memoria... "Della uniforme dilatazione dell'aria, ec., 1793". Ottobre 1914, pp. da 351 a 394. X] Domenico Guglielmini e la sua opera scientifica. Introduzione: Brevi cenni sulla scienza e particolarmente della Chimica nella seconda metà del sec. XVII. Ristampa della Memoria: "Riflessioni filosofiche dedotte dalle Figure de' Sali" [1688]. Ottobre 1914, pp. da 393 a 472, con 1 ritratto in apertura e alcune ill. nel testo. 146: [OIL] GUARESCHI Icilio EUR 300 - 400 [OIL] GUARESCHI Icilio. Petrolii ed emanazioni terrestri e loro origine. Notizie storico-critiche di chimica geologica. with 18 figures and 1 plate. Torino, Utet, 1917. 4° mm. 280 x 190, pp. 175. Editorial publisher binding. [Estratto da: Suppl. Ann. Enciclopedia della Chimica, voll. XXXII-XXXII, 1916-17]. Con invio autografo alla "Soc. Chimique de France". XII° tomo della introvabile e mirabile "Storia della chimica" del Guareschi, pubblicata tra il 1901 e il 1917 nel "Supplemento all'Enciclopedia di chimica" della Utet. The text is divided into 2 parts: the first deals with oil and theories of the greatest chemists of the past to its origin; the second is dedicated to the terrestrial gaseous emissions in connection with the genesis of the oils [methane, ethane, hydrogen gas occluded in metals and minerals, etc.]. Interesting the 3rd chapter dedicated to the studies of Volta and Spallanzani origin of the flammable gas of the marshes. Science Books and Manuscripts 147: [Rural economy]GUERRINO Tommaso EUR 600 - 900 [Rural economy]GUERRINO Tommaso. Euclide in Campagna, o sia Geometria ridotta all'atto pratico, con la quale s'insegna a misurare qualunque Terreno, tanto in Piano, quanto in Colline, e Monti... Come pure si dimostrano varj Problemi di Altimetria per trovare le Altezza con la vista per mezzo del Quadrante, de' Triangoli, oppure per via di Gnomonica. Si aggiunge la spiegazione di molti problemi concernenti la Stereometria... con in particolare varie dimostrazioni pèr le Misure de' Cassi', e Mucchj di Fieno; come anche delle Bonze, de' Vasselli, Bottali, Tine e simili col trovarne la sua tenuta; così anche di qualunque genere di Grani, ed altro sottoposto alle Misure. Il tutto con sue Figure in Disegno... Milano, Pietro Agnelli, 1763. 4° mm. 280 x 210, pp. [16], 424, with hundreds geomtrical illustrations within the text 1 copper plate out text at p. 38. Full calf binding, spine with golden ornaments and titles. First edition of this substantial work of pratical geometry, applied to surveying altimetry, stereometry, sundial, and measurement of all dairy farms, by the end of the wine to the grain, and the country accounts in every sense; Illustrative examples of the great importance, with hundreds of woodcuts to the text.Riccardi, II/639 n. 3: "Opera di molta utilità ai pratici agrimensori". 148: [rivers] GUGLIELMINI Domenico EUR 800 - 1,500 GUGLIELMINI Domenico. Della Natura de' Fiumi. Trattato Fisico-Matematico in cui si manifestano le principali proprietà de' Fiumi, se n'indicano molte sin'ora non conosciute, e si dimostrano d'una maniera facile le cause delle medesime. Bologna, Antonio Pisarri, 1697. 4° mm. 220 x 170, pp. [12], 375, [1] with a pictorial frontispiece engraved by G. M. Giovannini, e XV copper plates folded by Moretti on drawing of Bordoni. Contemporary full calf binding, spine with ornaments and golden titles. First edition of the first important riparian treatise. Guglielmini's (1655-1710), approach to hydraulics was through extensive field observation, and Gamba praises the work not only for its classical hydraulics, but for the clarity of its verbal and mathematical expression. The book discusses the nature of rivers and their parts, the motion of water, estuaries and confluents, riverbanks, and the kind of materials carried by rivers. --- Gamba 1641: "Edizione originale e rara"; Libreria Vinciana 1659; Riccardi I1, 643, 91: "Meno pregiata, ma più rara"; Roberts/Tr. 152f.; Wellcome III, 177. 149: [rivers] GUGLIELMINI Domenico EUR 600 - 800 GUGLIELMINI Domenico. Della Natura de' Fiumi Trattato Fisico-Matematico. Nuova Edizione con le Annotazioni di Eustachio Manfredi. Bologna, Lelio dalla Volpe, 1739. 4° mm. 310 x 230, pp. [8], XVI, 427, [1] con XVIII belle tavv. in rame ripieg. al termine f.t.; una testata e alcuni finaletti in rame nel testo. Bella legatura più recente in mezza pelle con angoli, dorso a nervi con ricchi fregi e titoli in oro. Seconda edizione. Gamba, n. 1940. Canterzani, Annali dalla Volpe, p. 95, n. 15: "Edizione rarissima". 150: GUISNÈE. Application de l’Algèbre EUR 1,800 - 2,000 GUISNÈE. Application de l’Algèbre à la Géometrie, ou Méthode de démontrer par l’Algèbre, les Théorèmes de Géometrie, & d’entresoudre & construire tous les Problèmes. L’on y a joint une Introduction qui contient les Règles du Calcul Algèbrique. Paris, Boudot et Quillau, 1705. 4to di mm. 250 x 190, pp. [8], LXVI, 252, [4] with 6 copper plates out text. Ancient full calf binding, spine with 5 ribs. First edition of this treatise, important for the era in which it was written, the French mathematician and engineer Guisnée, student of Vauban. "Les savants it tardirent pas à apprecier a Traité here était un des meilleurs dans son genre ... [Guisnée] s'étendit beaucoup sur les méthodes de construction [des Equations], qu'il appliquà même à des Equations différentielles du premier ordre , à l'aide des courbes transcendentes "[Biogr. Univ., XIX/202]. Poggendorff, I/978. 151: GALILEI, Galileo. Dialogo EUR 5,000 - 7,000 GALILEI, Galileo. Dialogo ... In questa Seconda Impressione accresciuto di una Lettera dello stesso, non più stampata, e di varj Trattati di più Autori, i quali si veggono nel fine del Libro.Firenze [i. e. Napoli], s.n.t., 1710 4to, mm. 240x170; Contemporary full vellum binding, title written on the spine; pp. 12 nn., 458, 30 nn., [2], 83. Title page in red and black ink with printer's device, woodcut illustrations within the text. Rare and important second edition. The first edition had been placed on the Index immediately after its publication, in 1632: there were been other Italian editions until this 1710, published with a false place of publication and edited by Lorenzo Ceccarelli who signed with the ' anagram Cellenio Zacclori. This edition also contains the first edition of Galileo's letter to the Grand Duchess of Tuscany, beginning with its title after the Dialogue indexes. In this long letter, written in 1615 but never published in Italy, Galileo supports' ineligibility theological interference in purely scientific questions. Drake: “Galileo argued that neither the Bible nor nature could speak falsely and that the investigation of nature was the province of the scientist, while the reconciliation of scientific facts with the language of the Bible was that of the theologian.” Follows the letter on the opinion of 'Pittagorici, and Copernicus. The mobility of the earth, and stability of the sun by Paolo Foscarini. This letter was printed in Naples in 1615 and immediately condemned by the Inquisition: the printer was arrested, all copies were confiscated and burned in 1616. The other texts that close the volume are: the preface to Kepler's astronomy nova of 1609, the Inquisition ruling against Galileo and his recantation of 1633. Cinti 168; Gamba 476; Riccardi I, 512; Waller, Bib. Walleriana, 12044; cf. Printing and the Mind of Man 128; Stillman Drake, D. S. B., 2008. Science Books and Manuscripts 152: HALES. Statica de' Vegetabili EUR 400 - 500 HALES Stefano. Statica de' Vegetabili, ed Analisi dell'Aria. Tradotto dall'Inglese con varie annotazioni. Napoli, Raimondi, 1756. 8° mm. 210 x 130, pp. [8], 368, with 20 copper plates at the end. Contemporary full vellum binding. First Italian edition of this classic in the history of biology, considered the first scientific study on plant physiology. "Much of his work was devoted to the study of the loss of water which plants suffer by evaporation, and to the means by which the roots make good this loss. In these subjects many of his experiments remain of fundamental importance... Recognising that the air may be a source of food to plants, he was a forerunner of Ingenhousz and De Saussure..." [Sir F. Darwin, cit. in Zeitlinger, n. 1746]. Greco, Bibl. Femminile Italiana, p. 22. 153: HALES. Statica de' Vegetabili EUR 300 - 400 HALES Stefano. Statica de' Vegetabili, ed Analisi dell'Aria... Tradotta dall'Inglese in Italiano, confrontata colla traduzione Franzese, e commentata dalla Signora D. M. A. Ardinghelli. Edizione Terza, accresciuta, e corretta da alcuni errori nelle antecedenti edizioni trascorsi. Con Figure incise in rame. Napoli, Gaetano Castellano, 1776. 8° small mm. 170 x 120, pp. 376 [per errore 276], con XX tavv. in rame ripiegate al termine. Leg. mezza pelle primi decenni XIX sec., titoli e filetti in oro al dorso. Bruniture sparse. Edizione in gran parte simile alla precedente, in cui viene tuttavia esplicitato fin dal frontespizio il nome della traduttrice, Maria Angela Ardinghelli-Crispo, singolare figura di donna letterata napoletana. Nella prefazione la traduttrice comunica anche di aver confrontato la versione francese di Hales data da Buffon, e di averne corretto parcehie imprecisioni; nella versione francese era stata anche omessa l'esperienza XCIII. Ferri, Bibl. Femminile italiana, p. 24. 154: HALLER. Deux Mémoires sur le mouvement du Sang. EUR 800 - 1,200 HALLER, Albrecht von. Deux Mémoires sur le mouvement du Sang, et sur les effets de la Saignée, fondés sur des expériences faites sur les Animaux. Lausanne, Bousquet, 1756. 8° small mm. 160 x 100, pp. [2], VIII, 343, [1] with a nice Frontispiece engraved by Joubert. Ancient full calf binding, spine with ornaments and golden title. French version, edited by Tissot, these memories important for blood circulation, venous and arterial, here for the first time jointly published, written respectively in 1754 and in 1756 and previously listed only in collections of scholarly writings. At the end of the second memory we are analyzed the effects of bloodletting on frogs. Baron A. von Haller [1708-77], doctor and writer famous, with its many scientific writings made important contributions to the study of anatomy and physiology of human and animal.Cole Library, n. 1410; Wellcome,III/p. 199. 155: HALLER. Collection de Thèses Médico-Chirurgicales EUR 2,400 - 2,800 HALLER, Albrecht baron von. Collection de Thèses Médico-Chirurgicales, sur les points les plus importans de la Chirurgie théorique et pratique, recuellies et publiées par M. le Baron de Haller, et rédigées en François par M.*** Paris, Vincent, 1757-60. 5 vols. In-12° mm. 180 x 100, pp. XI, [1], 449, [3] with 1 copper plate.; pp. [4], 414 with 1 copper plate; pp. [4], 449, [3], with 1 copper plate; pp. [4], 480, [2]; pp. [4], 435, with 1 copper plate. Contemporary full calf binding, golden title and ornaments on the spine. Valuable collection of full-bodied doctoral thesis in medicine and surgery incurred in major medical schools German, French and Dutch, gathered for their significant importance by the great physician, anatomist and naturalist German Albrecht von Haller [1708-77]. How do you remember the introduction, it is not simple points of young graduate students, but of real dissertations surgical, on average 15-20 per volume. The first and second vol. They contain theses on diseases of the head, neck and chest [almost an entire volume. It is dedicated to eye diseases]; the third is dedicated to diseases of the lower abdomen, and to the parties; IV disease of the bladder and extremities; V finally cataract operation, the encysted tumors, ear and other ills. The first edition, in Latin, appeared in 1756; This French translation is by Macquart.Wellcome, III/p. 199. Albert, Norton & Hurtes, Source book of Ophtalmology, n. 977 [l'ed. di Losanna]. 156: HALLER. Elementae Physiologiae EUR 5,000 - 6,000 HALLER, Albrecht von. Elementae Physiologiae Corporis Humani. Editio prima Neapolitana. Napoli, Ursino, 1757-1769. 8 vols. 4° mm. 240 x 190: I]. pp. [6], 520, with a nice portrait of Haller engraved by Tardieu, 1 copper vignette at the Title page, 1 head piece with coat of arm of Federico V of Denmark and Norway to Dedication, and 2 copper plates at the end; II]. pp. [10], 497 with copper vignette at the Title page, coat of arm on dedication; III]. pp. [4], 492; IV]. pp. [4], X, 596; V]. pp. VIII, 646; VI]. pp. XVI, 639, with 3 copper plates folded out text; VII]. pp. XIV, 576, 201, a copper plate out text; VIII]. pp. XXIV, 467, 348. Various vignette within the text. Contemporary full marbled calf binding, spine with 5 ribs adorned in gold, bicoloured labels for titles. Original edition of maximum work of the great Swiss physician and naturalist, who led the way to the development of scientific physiology, the result of thorough investigations and anatomical experience. The work is divided into 10 sections: Fiber; Vasa; Circuitus Sanguinius; Cor, Sanguis, ejus motus, Humorum separatio; Respiratio; Vox; cerebrum; Nerves; musculi; Sensus externi interior; Deglutitio; ventriculus; omenta; Lien; Pancreas; Hepar. internecine; Chilus; Urine; Semen; Muliebria; Fetus; Life; Mors. In later editions the 10 sections then corresponded to as many volumes. "Haller synthetized the whole physiological knowledge of his time. In the above, probably his greatest work, Haller included some anatomical descriptions which were most valuable" [Garrison-Morton, 4th ed., n. 488]. Blake, Nat. Libr. Med. XVIIIth C., p. 195. Wellcome, III/p. 199 Science Books and Manuscripts 157: HALLER. Opuscula Pathologica EUR 600 - 800 HALLER, Albrecht von. Opuscula Pathologica partim recusa partim inedita: quibus sectiones cadaverum morbosorum potissimum continentur. Accedunt Experimenta De Respiratione Quarta parte aucta. 158: HARTSOEKER. Cours de Physique EUR 500 - 800 HARTSOEKER Nicolas. Cours de Physique accompagné de plusieurs pièces concernant la Physique qui ont déja paru, et d’un Extrait critique des lettres de M. Leeuwenhoek. La Haye, Jean Swart, 1730. 3 parts in 1 vol. 4° di mm. 260 x 195, pp. 46, 323; pp. 9, 120; pp. 66, 2. With copper plates out text, 1 vignette and many illustrations within the text. Ancient full calf binding, spine with 5 ribs. First posthumous edition of the Cours de Physique, accompanied by the Recueil de plusieurs pièces de Physique, during which the on fait principalement voir the Invalidité du Système de M. Newton. Et où se trouve, entre autres, une Dissertation sur la Peste ... Seconde édition, [already appeared in 1722], which constitutes the second part; then follows the Extrait critique des Lettres de feu M. Leeuwenhoeh, dedicated to research in the field Hartsoeker embryological, and addressed to various scientists of the time. Babson Coll. [Suppl.], P. 14: "An important posthumous work of the famous Dutch physician, who was the first to study the construction of the microscope ... The book is divided into parts dealing with the basic principles of physics, the nature of air, fire, water, glass, and lodestone, the ocean, astronomical bodies, and the origin of rivers, wells and fountains. Following this ... [are] several pieces critising the Newtonian theory ". Nicolas Hartsoeker [1656-1725], the Dutch scientist ingenuity fervent and often imaginative, bizarre and moods, is best known for his research in the field of embryology [identified under the microscope, in the semen, what he called animal sperm, thus producing all the theories that animalculistiche impervesarono until Spallanzani]. He was an opponent of Newtonian physics and the theory of emptiness; equally hostility to the Cartesian philosophy. He became simultaneously appreciate and hate from the major scientists of the [Cassini, Leeuwenhoek, Bernoulli, Leibnitz], and it was very bound of friendship with his father Malebranche and the Marquis de l'Hospital. Peter the Great, as you have recognized in Amsterdam, asked him to follow him in Russia; Hartsoeker but would not leave his city.Bierens de Haan, n. 1937; Poggendorff, I/1026. 159: HAÜY. Instruction sur les Mesures déduites EUR 500 - 800 HAÜY, René-Juste. Instruction sur les Mesures déduites de la grandeur de la Terre, uniformes pour toute la République; et sur les Calculs relatifs à leur Division Décimale. Paris, Marchant, Marchand, an IIIe [1794-95]Unito con :/ Bound with :PRIEUR-DUVERNOIS, Claude Antoine. Vocabulaire des Mesures Républicaines contenat l’indication de leurs valeurs et de leurs principaux usages. Paris, Du Pont, an IIIe [1794-5]8vo, 210x135; Binding in boards; pp XXVII, i.e. 34 including Titlepage, 224, 32 with Tables, 1 copper plates folde out text; pp. 8. Two rare works, the Vocabulaire in very rare original edition. The Instruction, published by the Commission temporaire des Republicaines Weights and Measures; en exécution des Décrets de la Convention Nationale, is the second edition increased and corrected by the author. This is the first description of the metric system that is still used today: after adopting the decimal system, the 8 May 1790 the Académie des Sciences commissioned a commission to secure the base of the unit: it contained Borda, Lagrange, Laplace, Monge et Condorcet: Hauy, secretary of the Commission of Weights and Measures, drew up instructions. THE Vocabulaire, which boasts the symbol of the Republican in Name Title page, is perhaps the first document which officially declared the correspondences between the different measures: 18 germinal an III, April 7, 1795, the Convention nationale adopts a decree defining the new standards for the measurement of distances and weights. This Vocabulaire, printed the same year, the entire system metric is clearly illustrated in all its ramifications. Dibner: "The metric system was one of the few permanent social Reforms That stemmed from the violent French Revolution. First Theproposed by Mouton in 1670, it is based on a decimal unit of length (meter), being one ten-millionth part of a quadrant of the earth through Paris. In 1790, the National Assembly appointed a commission to select a standard unit of length and the arc of meridian between Dunkirk and Barcelona was Thereafter misurate. Another Commisssion used the standard unit of length ADOPTED finally in 1799 were based on standards Which weight and volume; Became the system compulsory in France in 1801. "Barbie, II, 942; Dibner 113. 160: [Mineralogy] HAÜY. Mémoire sur une loi de la Cristallis EUR 200 - 300 HAÜY René-Juste. Mémoire sur une loi de la Cristallisation, appellée Loi de Symétrie. [Segue:] Seconde suite du Mémoire sur la Loi de Symétrie. [Segue:] Troisième suite du Mémoire sur la loi de Symètrie. Science Books and Manuscripts 161: [Magnetismus] HAÜY. Exposition raisonnée EUR 600 - 800 HAÜY, René Juste. Exposition raisonnée de la théorie de l’Electricité et du Magnetisme, d’après les principes de M. Aepinus, des Académies de Pétersbourg, de Turin, & c. Paris, Desaint, 1787 8vo, mm. 190x130; Binding in half vellum and marbled cardboard, label with golden title on the spine, sprayed edges; pp. XXVII, [5], 238; 4 copper plates out text. First edition. Valuable work by the physical and Mineralist that manages to expose clearly the theory of electricity, both as regards the phenomena of electricity based on the action at a distance, both for the phenomena relating to the pyroelectricity. Mottelay: "Hauy Publishes an abridgment of the doctrines of Aepinus under the title of Exposition raisonnée de la théorie de l'électricité et du magnétisme. He was doubtless the first to observe That all minerals in the pyro-electric has been an important connection with the want of symmetry of the crystals ... "Wheeler Gift:" He ADOPTED the one-fluid theory as modified by Aepinus; Coulomb's torsion-balance to Establish the laws of electric and magnetic attraction and repulsion ... electrification of tourmaline, ruby, topaz, ... return shock ". DSB points out that this issue was decisive in the formation of Beccaria, since allowed him to fully understand the theory of Aepinus, which had failed to read the original.Mottelay p. 286-288; Wheeler Gift 541 ; Sinkankas 2808; DSB VI pp. 178-182; Zeitlinger, 1816; Poggendorff, I,1038; Honeyman 1620. 162: HERO. Spiritalium Liber EUR 1,400 - 1,800 HERO, Alexandrinus. Spiritalium Liber à Federico Commandino Urbinate ex Graeco in Latinum conversus. Huic editioni accesserunt J. Bapt. Aleotti Quatuor Theoremata Spiritalia, ex Italico in Latinum conversa.Amsterdam, Jansson-Waesberg, 16804to, mm. 200x155; Contemporary full calf binding, golden ornaments on the spine, sprayed edges; pp. [4], 120; 92 copper engravings, of different dimensions.First Latin edition with the addition of the four theorems Aleotti. In the work, beautifully illustrated, are described and illustrated prodigious machines, such as the fountain known as Hero, welling up through the water pressure, and the Aeolus cell or Aeolus sphere, which represents the first attempt to transform steam into energy mechanics. Ball: "about 100 small machines and mechanical toys, many of Which are very ingenious, including an account of a small stationary steam-engine ... There is an account of a double anche forcing pump to be used as a fire engine." from page 101 begins with its title page the important appendix of Aleotti, with the four theorems and the Treaty of hydraulic showing how to make up a channel of water, dead or alive, on top of a high tower. These theorems, of great scientific importance, were republished in 1693 in Paris in the collection Veterum mathematicorum.Riccardi, 20-21; Osleriana, 283, l’ed. del 1583; R. Ball, cit. in Zeitlinger, n. 1876. 163: HERO. Gli Artificiosi e Curiosi Moti Spirituali EUR 1,400 - 1,800 HERO, Alexandrinus-ALEOTTI, Giambattista. Gli Artificiosi e Curiosi Moti Spirituali di Herone. Tradotti da M. Gio: Battista Aleotti d’Argenta. Aggiuntovi dal medesimo Quattro Theoremi non men belli, & curiosi de gli altri.Bologna, Carlo Zenero, 16474to, mm. 205x150; Contemporary sewing board binding; pp. [8, including Title page and Index], 103, 1 bl; Woodcut ornaments and Initials, On Titlepage coat of arms of Scipione Gonzaga, dedicatee of the work, 84 woodcut illustrations depicting various types of hydraulic equipment, water features and other curious devices whitin the text. Beautiful edition, beautifully illustrated. The work opens with a theoretical introduction that speaks of the vacuum, the theorems that follow explain how ingenious devices powered by water pressure, steam, compressed air; machines and devices are illustrated with evocative woodcuts. Ball noted that the text of Heron also contains "an account of a small stationary steam-engine, Which is of the form now known as Avery's patent ...; There is an account of a double anche forcing pump to be used as a fire engine. "In the final part of the book I exposed the four theorems Aleotti and the proposal of a turbine, which allows you to pick up the water on top a high tower.Zeitlinger, n. 1876; Riccardi, I, 21; Gillispie, D.S.B, VI, 310-15; Piantanida, n. 1627; W. W. R. Ball, A Short Account of the History of Mathematics, p. 91. 164: [Surgery/Oftalmology ] HEISTER. EUR 600 - 700 HEISTER Lorenz. Instituzioni Chirurgiche. Nelle quali si tratta con ottima e affatto nuova maniera Chirurgica, e si rappresentano in molte Tavole intagliate in Rame li più prestanti e necessari stromenti, e parimenti gli artifiziosi modi, o siano le principali operazioni di mano e fasciature Chirurgiche. Opera di Trent'Anni. [unito con:/Bound with:] Trattato della Cataratta, del Glaucoma e dell'Amaurosi. Venezia, Pitteri, 1775 e 1770. 3 vols. 4° mm. 230 x 190, pp. XVI, 447, [1] portrait of Heister and XX copper plates; pp. 447 with the plates from XXI to XL. Contemporary sewing binding. Stamp of extinct library on Title pages. 165: [Mineralogy] HEURTELOUP. Mémoires sur la lithotripsie EUR 400 - 500 [Mineralogy]HEURTELOUP, Charles Louis Stanislas baron de. Lithotripsie. Mémoires sur la lithotripsie par percussion, et sur l'instrument appelé percuteur courbe à marteau, qui permet de mettre en usage ce nouveau système de pulvérisation des pierres véscicales... Avec une planche. Paris, Béchet, 1833. In-8° mm. 215 x 140; Publisher paperback binding; pp. VII, 139, with a plate at the end. Original edition. Detailed description of the methods used by the author in the so-called lithotripsy, or pulverizing the stone in place of its extraction by working. The author, in 10 years of experience, came to produce a significant improvement in the field of related pieces [striker, bed, etc.]Garrison-Morton, n.4290: "Heurteloup designed the best lithotrite of his time. He was one of several claimants to the distinction of having introduced modern lithotrity". Hirsch, III/206-7. Science Books and Manuscripts 166: HIPPOCRATES - FUCHS EUR 1,500 - 1,800 HIPPOCRATES - FUCHS. Hippocratis medicorum omnium principis EPIDEMIΩN liber sextus, a Leonardo Fuchsio medico latinitate donatus. Basileae, apud Io. Bebelium et Mich. Isingrinium, 1537Folio, mm. 310x200; remboitage with ancient vellum; leaves 6 not numbered, 188, 6 not numbered. Printer’s mark at the titlepage and at the verso of the last leaf, Initials decorated, Italic and Greek type. Second edition of the famous comment of Leonhart Fuchs important sixth book of Epidemics of Hippocrates. The work, which contains many passages in the greek text, explained and interpreted by Fuchs, is accompanied from the epistle dedicatory of Philipp Melanchthon same Fuchs and the original greek of Hippocrates in the last pages not numbered. Garrison-Morton: \"Hippocrates Introduced the inductive method of studying epidemies. The great German botanist was among the restorers of Greek medicine and the Hippocratic especially. Wellcome, n. 3208; Hirsch, II, 638; Durling, n. 2431. 167: Hippocratis Aphorismi EUR 1,500 - 1,800 HIPPOCRATES. Hippocratis Aphorismi, cum Galeni Commentariis, Nicolao Leoniceno, interprete. unito con: / Bound with:GALENUS. Galeni Ars Medicinalis Nicolao Leoniceno Interprete. Venezia, Aloysius de Tortis [al fine], 15382 works in 1 vol. 8vo small, mm. 110x70; Binding in vellum of the XIX century, title in black at the spine; leaves 32 not numbered, 304, i.e. 318, 2 bl; 8; leaves 8 not numbered, 64. printer’s mark with initials "A.T." on the Titlepage of the second work; Round and Italic Type. Stamp of private library of XIX century, at the verso of Titlepages. Very rare edition of these two classics, into the original translation of Nicholas Leoniceno. Leoniceno, was a professor of medicine at Padua, Bologna and Ferrara, where he student Paracelsus. It was one of the most famous physicians of his time, founder of humanistic medicine and deep knowledge of the Greek language. The proposal philological leoniceniana a direct return to the sources of Greek science took shape early in a remarkable series of translations of the texts of Galen, so received the compliments of Poliziano: particularly important to the translation of the Aphorisms of Hippocrates. These two works are therefore particularly significant and should refer one with the other: even in Durling being combined in the same volume.No in Choulant, in Waller , in Wellcome e neppure in British Museum Short-Title. Durling, nn. 1848 e 2385. Cfr. Heirs of Hippocrates, n. 1. 168: HYGINUS. Fabularum Liber EUR 4,000 - 4,500 HYGINUS, Cajus Julius. Fabularum Liber... Eiusdem Poeticon Astronomicon Libri quatuor. Quibus accesserunt similis argumenti, Palephati de fabulosis narrationibus... F. Fulgentii... Mythologiarum Libri... Eiusdem de vocum antiquarum interpretatione... Phurnuti De natura deorum... Albrici philosophi de Deorum imaginibus... Arati Phaenomena fragmentum Germanico Cesare interprete. Eiusdem Phaenomena graece… Procli de sphaera libellus, Graece & Latine. Basel, Ioh. Hervag, 1549folio, mm. 300x200; contemporary full calf binding with frames impronte on the sides, spine with six ribs; pp. 8, 261, 27, last 2 blank. Printer’s mark on the Title, many illustrations within the text. Inside the slur words of belonging in contemporary beautiful handwriting: "A Pierre de laporte de Chambery pour qarante soz Tournoes. Delaporte ", and the Title-page signature" Laporte de Pierre ". Greek and Latin type. Splendid illustrated edition. Important corpus of works of astrology, which opens with the two classic texts of Gaius Julius Hyginus, a freedman of Augustus and his librarian: they are added to other works of astronomical and astrological Hellenistic several authors, among which the Greek texts of Arato and Proclus, with the Latin translation in the face. The beautiful woodcuts depicting the constellations of the zodiac, the planets, the Sun, the Moon and the Sphere: establishing in a certain shape and position of the constellations and asterisms, this work has had an important influence on celestial cartography of the sixteenth and seventeenth century, until Johann Bayer. The collection is also of considerable interest to the knowledge of the ancient mythographers and myths related to the stars. Houzeau-Lancaster: "Belles gravures sur bois". VD16, H 6480; Adams H1252; Houzeau-Lancaster 762; Zinner 1958; The Wellcome, 3378; Honeyman, n. 1739. 169: HOUARD-DALLIER.Plan et description de la Scie Mécanique EUR 400 - 600 HOUARD-DALLIER Benoit-André. Plan et description de la Scie Mécanique, ou Machine pour récéper ou couper les pieux au fond de l’eau, sans batardeau ni épuisement. Nouveau procedé employé avec succès au travaux du pont de Saumur, sur la Loire, et ceux des Arts, la Cité et Jardin des Plantes [à présent d’Austerlitz], sur la Seine à Paris... d’après MM. Vogler, Perronet et Cessart... par M.B.A. H*****. Paris, Demoraine, an 1806. 8° small, mm. 180 x 120, pp. 16 with 1 plate folded at the end. Half cloth binding, golden title on the spine. Detailed description of the complex mechanical saw arranged to operate in submersion under water, to saw the posts in the foundations and pillars of the bridges, used already in 1802-5 to some Parisian bridges. In those years, thanks to the Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées, the construction techniques of the bridges had a strong pulse.Barbier, III/col. 914. Science Books and Manuscripts 170: HUCHER. De Sterilitate EUR 1,200 - 1,400 HUCHER Jean. De Sterilitate utriusque sexus, opus in quatuor libros distributum, et nunc primum in lucem editum: cui annexus est liber De Diaeta et Therapeia Puerorum. Aureliae Allobrogum [Génève], S. Crispin, 1610. 8° small mm. 170 x 100, pp. [32], 910, [2] bl. Ancient full vellum binding. Original edition of this rare treatise [are however also examples bearing the date 1609], one of the first devoted entirely to the problem of infertility, its causes and its remedies. Very important also the second treaty [pp. 727-910], which is to our knowledge the first organic treatment of infantile dietetics. With regard to the first treaty, Astruc [De Morbis Mulierum, in Catal. Chronologicus Medicorum ...] points out: "... Opus not parvi faciendum videtur, ostenditque Auctoris doctrinam, & contemptum adversus maleficia, quae tunc temporal usu veniebant". Jean Hucher [ca. 1550-1603], a native of Beauvais, was a professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier, and personal physician of Henry IV.Hirsch, III/321; Wellcome, I/n. 3341. 171: Jamblichus Chalcidensis Ex Coele-Syria EUR 1,600 - 1,800 JAMBLICHUS. Jamblichus Chalcidensis Ex Coele-Syria in Nichomachi Geraseni Arithmeticam introductionem et de Fato nunc primum editus, in Latinum sermonem conversusArnhem, Hagius, 16883 parts in 1 vol. 8vo, mm. 190x145; Contemporary full calf binding, golden ornaments on the spine, sprayed edges; pp. 12 nn, incl. Title page, 181, 3, 239; Title page in red and black ink, many diagrams within the text, round, Italic and Greek type. Rare first edition of the Latin translation of the work of Iamblichus. This is the comment of arithmetic treaty Nicomachus, printed on two columns with the original text in greek and Latin version by side. Nicomachus was the first author to treat arithmetic as a separate topic from geometry. The work of Iamblichus is the first part of the book: the other two are the Explicatio arithmetic of Nicomachus written by Joachim Camerarius and important Notae Samuel Ten Nuyl comment on Iamblichus. DSB VII, 1 e X, 112; Roller & Goodman II, 5; Sotheran, 1st suppl., 1290. 172: JONSTON. Thaumatographia naturalis EUR 500 - 600 JONSTON Johan. Thaumatographia naturalis, in decem Classes distincta, in quibus admiranda. I. Coeli. II. Elementorum. III. Meteororum. IV. Fossilium. V. Plantarum. VI. Avium. VII. Quadrupedum. VIII. Exanguium. IX. Piscium. X. Hominis. Amsterdam, J. Janssonium et El. Weyerstraet, 1665. 12° mm. 140 x 8; Contemporary half calf binding, golden titles and rules on the spine, red edges; pp. 495/ I.E. 497, [5], last blank leaf missing. Nice pictorial Frontispiece at the begining engraved on copper. . Important work of the Polish scientist John Johnston [1603-1675], which constitutes a useful compendium of encyclopaedic knowledge of the time in the field of natural science [botany, zoology, medicine, mineralogy, etc.], according to a systematic order that is still in much of the Aristotelian. "A compilation of all the contemporary zoological knowledge..." [Garrison-Morton, n. 287]. Hirsch, II/453; Caillet, n. 5614. 173: JONSTON. Thaumatographia naturalis EUR 1,500 - 1,900 JONSTON Johan. Thaumatographia Naturalis in decem Classes distincta... Amsterdam, Guil. Blaeu, 1632. 12° mm. 130 x 70, pp. [12], 501, [3]bl. Contemporary full vellum binding. ex libris in the first inside cover.FIRST EDITION of Jonston’s most popular work on "admiranda" or wonders of nature organised into ten categories (heaven, earth, and topics relating to meteors, ‘fossils’ or minerals, plants, birds, quadrupeds, insects and ‘bloodless’ animals, fish, and humans). The work draws heavily from classical sources such as Aristotle, Pliny, and Seneca, but also from the more recent work of Aldrovandi, and in the section on plants includes descriptions of the flora and fauna of the New World, as well as tobacco. 174: KIRCHER. Magneticum naturae regnum EUR 1,500 - 1,800 KIRCHER, Athanasius. Magneticum naturae regnum sive disceptatio phisiologica de triplici in natura rerum Magnete.Amstelodami, Johannis Janssonii à Waesberge & Elizei Weyerstraet, [1667]12mo, mm. 135x75; Contemporary full vellum binding, ornaments and title written on the spine, sprayed edges; pp. 20 not numbered, including the engraved Titlepage, 201, 7 nn.; Segn.: *¹⁰ A-H¹² I⁶ K². Signature of possession and stamp of extinct library on the Titlepage. First issue in twelfth type elzeviro. The work represents the completion of the Magnes sive de art magnetic published in 1641. Caillet: "Kircher tente de montrer un grand nombre de par le phénomènes magnetisme". Merrill: "The MAGNETICUM naturae regnum contains Kircher's final words on the principle of magnetism in nature ... Kircher Discusses the role of magnetism in man (attraction and repulsion, friendship and hatred, likes and dislikes, sympathy and antipathy), in inanimate nature ... in animated or vegetative nature ... and sensitive nature ... He ASSERTS That the principle of attraction and repulsion can explain the most obscure phenomena of physics and That there is no secret in nature That can not be penetrated and understood by astute observation - an attitude characteristic of His Time . "This edition was printed in the twelfth edition in the same year-fourth appeared in Rome; The specimen corresponds to variant B surveyed by ICCU, without the year of release.Murhard, Bibliogr. des Magnetismus, p. 24; Sommervogel IV, 1065.25; Caillet, n. 5781; Merrill 21. Science Books and Manuscripts 175: KYPER. Institutiones Medicae EUR 500 - 600 KYPER [o KIJPER] Albert. Institutiones Medicae, ad Hypothesin de Circulari Sanguinis Motu compositae. Subjunguntur Ejusdem Transsumpta Medica, quibus continentur Medicinae Fundamenta. Amsterdam, J. Janssonium 1654. 2 parts in 1 vol. 4°, mm. 220 x 180, pp. [16], 346; pp. [8], 161, [3]. Ancient in boards binding. Considerable work essentially didactic of the German physician Albert Skype [1610-1653], a professor at Leiden University of Medicine and Physics. In this work the Kyper accept substantially, albeit with some cautionthe hypotheses of Harvey on blood circulation, arterial and venous circulation, and anastomosis between arteries and veins.Bierens de Haan, n. 157; Poggendorff, I/1335; Hirsch, III/522. Krivatsy, n. 6385. 176: [Glass making] KUNKEL. Glassmacherkunst EUR 1,500 - 1,800 [Glass making] KUNKEL Johann. Vollständige. Glassmacherkunst worinnen sowol dessen Erläuterungen über Anton Neri sieben Bücher von dem Glassmachen und Dr. Merrets hierüber gemachte Anmerkungen als auch eine grosse Anzahl nützlich und angenehmer Bersuche nebst einem Anhang von den Perlen und Edelsteinen enthalten sind. Erster [-und Zweiter] Theil mit Kupfern, neu vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. Nürnberg, Christoph Riegels, 1756In 4to, mm. 210x160; Ancient full calf binding; pp. 20nn including portrait and 2 titlepages, 472, 16nn, with 17 copper plates. Fine edition of this classic text of the glass art of the famous German chemist. A part of the work consists in the German version of the work of Antonio Blacks and the observations of the work of Christopher Merrets Blacks with an outline on the glass working in England at the time of Merrets. Another part of the work contains over 200 experiences on the art form, paint and gild glass vases; follow the various processes to obtain all sorts of colors from minerals and vegetables; Appendix is finally pearls and precious stones. Very interesting is the section devoted to the manufacture of ceramics. The tables provide an overview of the important techniques of glass used in the seventeenth century.Partington, II/pp. 368-9. Duveen, p. 328: "A classic book on glass-making, describing the discovery of ruby glass and the invention of a glass-blowing table with double bellows. A translation of Neri’s work and Merret’s notes too is included". Ferguson, I/485; Zeitlinger, n. 10334 [l’edizione del 1743]: “This classic work on glassmaking contains the author’s discovery of ruby glass, besides a large number of useful recipies, The plates afford a very accurate picture of contemporary process”. 177: LA MÉTHERIE. Essai analitique EUR 500 - 600 LA MÉTHERIE, Jean-Claude de. Essai analitique sur l’Air Pur, et les différentes espèces d’Air. Seconde édition. Paris, Cuchet, 1788. 2 vols. 8° mm. 220 x 130, pp. VIII, 447,1; pp. VI, 604, [4] with 4 copper plates at the end. Original paperback. Second edition, the amount almost doubled, in this text the chemical and French naturalist JC de La Métherie [1743-1817], a passionate opponent of Lavoisier and of modern chemistry. To oppose the hegemony of the Methérie exerted by the Journal de Physique scientific periodicals of the time, Lavoisier had founded the Annales de Chimie, which gave expression to the possibility of the new school. This work, while not lacking here and there with some interesting ideas in terms of chemical analysis, it's all still based on the theory of phlogiston."Many of De la Methérie’s views were based on inaccurate experiments of Priestley [to which he added some of his own] or on misinterpretation of experimental results. He thought that all combustibles... contain inflammable air, which he identified with phlogiston and thought it is contained in metals... He called oxygen ‘pure air’ and nitrogen [phlogisticated air] ‘impure air’ ..." [Partington, III/494-5]. "In this work the first to maintain - what was then considered a paradox, and even ridiculed by Lavoisier - that oxygen does not form a necessary constituent of acids" [Zeitlinger, n. 2417]. Duveen, p. 335: Poggendorff, I/1360. Bolton, p. 599. 178: LAGRANGE. De la Résolution des Equations EUR 500 - 600 LAGRANGE, Giuseppe Luigi. De la Résolution des Equations Numériques de tous les Dégrés. Paris, Duprat, An VI [1798]4to, mm. 250x180; Contemporary full calf binding, title and ornaments in gold on the spine ; pp. VIII, 268. Ex-libris “G. B. Tomaselli” pasted on the inside cover. Stamp of extinxt library on the Titlepage. Rare first edition. Really imporatnt work on mathematics. DSB: “It is a reissue of memoirs originally published on the same subject … preceded by a fine historical introduction and followed by numerous notes.” I due scritti di algebra qui riuniti erano apparsi nella Raccolta delle Memorie dell’Accademia di Berlino rispettivamente nel 1767 e nel 1768. Ball: “...the fruit of his lectures at the Polytechnic. In this he gives the method of approximating to the real roots of an equation by means of continued fractions, and enunciates several other theorems. He also here explains how the equation whose roots are the squares of the differences of the roots of the original equation may be used so as to give considerable information as to the position and nature of those roots.” Also, here it provides the proof that every equation has to have a root, a theorem which previously had been considered self-evident. Kline: “Lagrange worked in many branches of mathematics - the theory of numbers, the theory of algebraic equations, the calculus - ... and in many branches of physics, his chief interest was the application of the law of gravitation to planetary motion.” DSB VII, 559-573; Ball, A Short Account of the History of Mathematics, p. 411; Kline, Math. Thought, 493-94. Science Books and Manuscripts 179: LAGRANGE. Théorie des Fonctions analytiques EUR 1,000 - 1,200 LAGRANGE, J. L. Théorie des Fonctions analytiques, contenant les principes du calcul différentiel, dégagés de toute considération d’infiniment petits, d’évanouissans, de limites et de fluxions, et réduite à l’analyse algébrique des quantitès finies. Nouvelle èdition. Paris, Courcier, 18134to, mm. 260x200; Contemporary half calf binding, spine adorned with gold; pp. XI, [1], 383, 1 bl. Label of exinct library pasted at the first endpaper leaf. Important second edition, in part original, revised and corrected by the author. Scrive Lagrange nell’Avertissement: “Cette seconde édition a plusieurs avantages sur la première. Elle est plus correcte ; on a mis plus d'ordre dans les matières... Enfin on y a fait différentes additions dont les principales se trouvent dans le chapitre XIV de la seconde partie et dans le chapitre V de la troisième.” DSB: “In this book, Lagrange intended to show that power series expansions are sufficient to provide differential calculus with a solid foundation. Today mathematicians are partially returning to this conception in treating the formal calculus of series. As early as 1812, however J.M.H. Wronski objected to Lagrange's claims. The subsequent opposition of Cauchy was more effective. Nevertheless, Lagrange's point of view could not be totally neglected. Completed by convergence considerations, it dominated the study of the functions of a complex variable throughout the nineteenth century.” Riccardi, 3, 4.2; Poggendorf, I, 1344; DSB VII, p. 570. 180: LAGRANGE. Leçons sur le Calcul des Fonctions EUR 400 - 600 LAGRANGE, Joseph-Louis. Leçons sur le Calcul des Fonctions, Nouvelle Edition, revue, corrigée et augmentée par l’Auteur. Paris, Courcier, An 18068vo small, mm. 200x130; Contemporary half calf binding, title in gold on the spine; pp. VI, 501, [1]. Stamps of extinct library. First separate edition. The work contains the texts of lectures by Lagrange to the École Polytechnique in the year VII, who served as commentary and supplement to the first part of the Theorie des Fonctions Analytiques. A first edition, comprising 19 lessons, had appeared in 1801, in the statement of Séances des Ecoles Normales, then reprinted in the Journal de l'Ecole Polytechnique, with the addition of a new lesson. But this is the first edition in volume in its own right, and includes 22 lessons as well as further additions to the previous lessons. The lesson contains a 22 Traité complet du calcul des variations. DSB: "A separate edition of 1806 contained two complementary lectures on the calculus of variations, and the Théorie des fonctions anche devoted a chapter to this subject. In dealing with it and with all other subjects In These two works, Lagrange abandoned the differential notation and Introduced a new vovabulary and a new symbolism: first derivative function ƒ '; second derivative function, ƒ "; and so on. To a certain extent this symbolism and vocabulary have prevailed. "R. Taton, Inventaire de l’oeuvre de Lagrange, n. 114.3.; DSB 7, 570. 181: LAGRANGE. Traité de la résolution EUR 500 - 600 LAGRANGE, J. L. Traité de la résolution des équations numériques de tous les degrés, avec des notes sur plusieurs points de la théorie des équations algébriques.Paris, Courcier, 18084to, mm. 260x210; Contemporary full mottled calf, golden frame on the covers, golden titles on label, dentelles, marbled endpapers, gold edges; pp. XII, 311, [1]. Ex-libris engraved by Bernard Sancholle-Henraux and label of possession of Alphonse Lenfumé de Lignières with his signature on the Titlepage. Important second edition, partly original, revised and corrected by the author. The work brings together research on algebraic equations of Lagrange. Cajori: “Lagrange traced all known algebraic solutions of equations to the uniform principle consisting in the formation and solution of equations of lower degree whose roots are linear functions of the required roots and of the roots of unity. He showed that the quintic cannot be reduced in this way, its resolvent being of the sixth degree.” Questa edizione contiene circa 50 pagine in più rispetto alla prima del 1798 e particolare rilievo rivestono le note aggiunte. Scrive Lagrange nella prefazione: “La méthode de résolution des équations numériques de quelque degré qu’elles soient que l’on trouve dans le Recueil des mémoires de l’Académie de Berlin pour l’année 1767, est la seule qui offre des moyens directs et sûrs de découvrir toutes les racines tant réelles qu’imaginaires d’une équation numérique donnée, et d’approcher le plus rapidement et aussi près que l’on veut de chacune de ces racines. On a réuni dans le présent traité le Mémoire qui contient cette méthode et les additions qui ont paru dans le volume des mémoires de la même Académie, pour l’année 1768. Et pour rendre ce traité plus intéressant, on y a joint plusieurs notes, dont les deux dernières paraissent pour la première fois dans cette nouvelle édition. Ces notes contiennent des recherches sur les principaux points de la théorie des équations algébriques. “ Prestigiosa la provenienza dell’esemplare che reca l’ex-libris di Bernard Sancholle-Henraux, nonché l’ex libris e la firma del capitano di artiglieria Alphonse Lenfumé de Lignières, suo suocero, al quale l’opera era appartenuta in precedenza. Riccardi, 4, 6-2; Poggendorff, I, 1344; Cajori p. 253. Science Books and Manuscripts 182: LANA TERZI. Prodromo EUR 5,000 - 6,000 LANA TERZI, Francesco. Prodromo overo saggio di alcune inventioni nuove premesso all'Arte Maestra opera che prepara... per mostrare li più reconditi principij della Naturale Filosofia, riconosciuti con accurata Teorica nelle più segnalate inventioni, ed isperienze sin'hora ritrovate da gli scrittori di questa materia & altre nuove dell'autore medesimo. Brescia, Rizzardi, 1670folio, mm. 320x230; half calf beginning of XIX century binding, back adorned with gold ornaments; pp. 8 nn., 252, i.e. 254; Numer. 181-errors numbering. 20 copper plates out text. Stamp library extinct in the title. First Edition, beautifully illustrated. The first scientific work on the mechanics of flight. The work, a very rare and valuable, is among the most important in the history of science and is considered a classic of technology: contains studies of physical, technical and mechanical. Norman: “the earliest concept of flight derived from demonstrable aerostatic principles.” Joseph MacDonnell, SJ: “Previous descriptions of flight were nothing more than myths and vague fantasies whereas Lana's bold project was based on mathematical calculations and principles of physics. His work was translated by the physicist Robert Hooke in 1690 and was discussed by scientists throughout Europe for a century. It is no exaggeration to say that Lana's ideas lay behind the devlopment of the balloon and led to the successful flight of the Montgolfier brothers in 1783.” The 20 full-page engraved plates depicting various equipment and machines for physical and chemical experiments, mathematical calculations especially for the study of the lens and the focus of an object through a telescope, or a glass convex or concave, and other drawings with tools precision for air navigation. Appears for the first time in this treaty the description of a flying ship in the sky supported by metal globes in which was evacuated.Norman: “While Lana apparently originated the method of reducing air density in a vessel by heating it, the implications of this phenomenon in relation to flight were not fully understood until the advent of the Montgolfier brothers a century later”. Riccardi I, 12; Sommervogel 1441; Dibner, Heralds of Science, 176; Caproni-Bertarelli, pp.4-5; Boffito p. 96; Honeyman, n. 1903; Norman 1272; Joseph MacDonnell, SJ, The Father of Aeronautics. 183: LANA TERZI. Magisterium naturae et artis EUR 2,500 - 2,800 LANA TERZI, Francesco. Magisterium naturae, et artis. Opus physico-mathematicum.Brescia, Rizzardi, 1684-16862 Vols. folio; Contemporary ful vellum binding, label with golden titles on the spines sui; Nobiliary Ex libris and Ex libris of Augustin Seguin in the inside cover. Vol I: pp. 16 nn., incl. half Title and Title page, 526, 24 copper plates; Vol. II: pp. 34 nn., incl. half Title and Title page, 512, 2 b., 20 copper plates; text on 2 columns, woodcut Initials and Finals. A total of 44 plates engraved on copper. Very rare original edition. Work beautifully illustrated, fundamental for the history of science. Here they are treated many different topics of physics and are described by the author invented the ingenious machines: among these, particularly notable the burning glass and the car to extinguish the fires. Riccardi defines the Magisterium Naturae "an extended physical-mechanical encyclopedia" which is not possible within the constraints of a bibliographic description, give an albeit very short extract. A third volume came out posthumously in 1692. The Seguin family and in particular Marc Seguin, engineer and brilliant inventor, grandson of the Montgolfier brothers, contributed decisively to the development of the mechanical industry in France. Seguin participated in the construction of the first French railway and introduced the use of fire tube boilers in locomotives.British Library, Cat. of seventeenth cent. italian book, I, 464 ; Sommervogel IV, 1442; Graesse, IV, 100; Brunet, III, 822-23; Gamba 1953; Riccardi, I, 13-14; Cat. XIV “Polifilo”, 45; Boffito, pp. 336-37. 184: LAPLACE. Exposition du Système du Monde EUR 2,500 - 2,800 LAPLACE, Pierre Simon. Exposition du Système du Monde.Bruxelles, De Vroom et Tarlier, 18278vo, mm. 220x140; Contemporary half calf binding, rules and ornaments on the spine, sprayed edges; pp. VIII, XII, 522; Frontispiece with portrait of Laplace. Label and stamp of extinct library on the endpapers. Card signed of belonging of the Piedmontese scientist Carlo Ignazio Giulio. This sixth edition printed in Brussels is actually identical to the one of Paris of 1827, the latest and the most comprehensive, appeared shortly before the author's death. Laplace here gives it a more concise and popular theories already made in its Méchanique Celeste, relieved of mathematical proofs that this contained. This Exposition had a profound influence on the astronomical theories of the nineteenth century; in it it has been clearly and fully formulated the nebular hypothesis about the origin of the solar system. The text is preceded by a Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de l'auteur, and some commemorative speeches. Exemplary belonged to mathematical Piedmont Carlo Ignazio Giulio, with signing of these. 185: LAPLACE. Exposition du Système du Monde EUR 400 - 600 LAPLACE Pierre Simon. Exposition du Système du Monde. Sixième édition. Paris, Bachelier, 18354to, mm. 250x220; Contemporary full calf binding, golden frames and rules at the covers, golden ornaments and titles on the spine, marbled endpapers, gold edges; pp. VIII, including halftitle and Titlepage, XIV, 2 b., 474, [2]; Frontispiece with portrait of Laplace engraved. Final Edition. The title is labeled sixth edition, like those in Paris and Brussels in 1827, but this is actually to be considered as the very final edition, which appeared posthumously, revised and corrected by Laplace shortly before his death, and that he wanted to reformulate several chapters.The editors writes in the Avertissement: “L’Auteur s’occupait de la reimpression de cet ouvrage, lorsqu’il fut enlevé au monde savant; plusieurs notes de sa main ont pu être recueillis dans cette nouvelle édition.” In apertura è collocato l’Éloge historique de M. le marquis de Laplace, scritto dal barone Fourier. Zeitlinger, 2437. Science Books and Manuscripts 186: LAPOSTOLLE. Traité des Parafoudres EUR 400 - 600 LAPOSTOLLE. Traité des Parafoudres et des Paragrèles en corde de paille, précédé d’une Météorologie Eléctrique; présenté sous un nouveau jour, et terminé par l’analyse de la Bouteille de Leyde. Amiens, Caron-Vitet, 1820. 6° mm. 210 x 130, pp. [4], V, 1, 320 with a wide synoptic table and a nice litography folded at the end depicting a rural village equipped with lightning rods., + 1 brochure [Extrait du Journal de la Somme] pp. [6], Followed by 2 sets of Supplément pp. 24 e pp. 55. Late Bodoni binding, title on the spine. L’autore, "professeur de Physique à Amiens", si diffonde sull’utilità di parafulmini e paragrandine di cui propugna la diffusione in tutte le campagne francesi, e sostiene la proposta di realizzarli in "corde de paille" per ragioni di economia. Nei supplementi si appella infine al governo e al mondo scientifico e accademico perchè sostengano la sua proposta. Ronalds, p. 266; Wheeler Gift, n. 771: "After considering the effects of lightning and describing his straw-rope lightning-rod, the author proposes similar means to prevent the destruction of crops by hailstorms". 187: LAVOISIER. Traité elémentaire de Chimie EUR 2,300 - 2,500 LAVOISIER, Antoine-Laurent. Traité elémentaire de Chimie, présenté dans un ordre nouveau et d'après les découvertes modernes. Nouvelle édition, à laquelle on a joint la Nomenclature Ancienne et Moderne, pour servir à l'intelligence des Auteurs.Paris, Cuchet, 17893 vols. 8vo, mm. 210x140; Original lightblue paperback; pp. XLIV, 322, 3 bl, 2 tables folded out text; pp. VIII, 326, 2 bl; pp. IV, 259, 1 synoptic table folded out text, 13 copper plates folded out text f.t. Second edition corrected and expanded, with the addition of the third volume with the Nomenclature. It can be considered the first complete edition, in the final text, of this fundamental book that laid the foundations of modern chemistry. This edition was published the same year of the first: in addition to the third volume contains important scientific contributions regarding the chemical nomenclature, written by Fourcroy, Morveau, Baumé, Cadet, Darces and Sage.P.M.M.:”The book accomplished a chemical revolution... Together with Morveau and Berthollet he introduced a completely new system of chemical nomenclature... Thus the great confusion as to the actual number of elements and the very fanciful nomenclature which still included many alchemical terms were finally swept away. Having proved the analogy beween combustion and respiration, Lavoisier was able to explain many ciclical processes in animal and vegetable life and to carry out the earliest biochemical experiments... Lavoisier's book put an end to the phlogiston theory and the surviving remnants of alchemy”. Le tavole sono incise da Paulze Lavoisier, abile pittrice che aveva studiato con Louis David, e che collaborava con suo marito nella ricerca e negli esperimenti scientifici. Duveen & Klickstein, n. 155; P.M.M., n. 238. 188: LE MORT. Idea actionis Corporum EUR 1,000 - 1,200 LE MORT Jacobus. Idea actionis Corporum motum intestinum praesertim Fermentationem delineans. Leyden, F. Haaring, 1693. 12° di mm. 140 x 75, pp. [8], 172. Contemporary full calf binding. Rare book of the Dutch chemist J. Le Mort [1650-1718], a member of the medical school and chemistry of Leyden from which arise the talent of Boerhaave, of which Le Mort was immediate predecessor in the chair at the University of Leyden. This work contains research of considerable interest primarily on the fermentation of organic substances and mixtures of food. "[The Mort] was familiar with Boyle's writings, imbued with the atomic theory and Descartes Followed in paying special attention to the shapes of the particles ... He opposed the theory of ferments" [Partington, II/737]. Bierens de Haan, n. 3374; Poggendorff, II/col. 212; Hirsch; IV/269. Not cited by Ferguson. 189: LEONI. Ars medendi humanos EUR 1,200 - 1,400 LEONI, Domenico. Ars medendi humanos, particolaresque morbos à capite, usque ad pedes... in Tres Sectiones: quarum prima continet morbos membri animati. Secunda morbos membrorum nutritioni, et generationi servientium. Bologna, Io. Rossium, 15764to, mm. 210x145; Contemporary full vellum binding; pp. [24], 572. Woodcut Titlepage. Rare first edition. In this work Leoni describes the symptoms of various diseases, from those of the chapter, and proposes the most suitable treatments and recipes for preparations. Of particular interest is the part that deals with succubus, nightmares and the necromantic power of Merlin, defined Merlinus Britannicus Necromantiae artis maximus professor. Domenico Leoni was Player of Public Health at the University of Bologna.De Renzi: “Egli trattò di cose anatomiche... in una sua opera grande di medicina pratica; nella quale prima di trattare delle malattie, indicava la descrizione anatomica delle parti, con maggiore cura, diligenza ed estensione di quel che soleva farsi dagli altri trattatisti.” Hirsch, III/744; Nat. Lib. of Med., XVIth Cent., n. 2784; De Renzi, pp. 283-4. 190: LIBRI, Guglielmo. IL Conte Pepoli EUR 200 - 300 LIBRI, Guglielmo. 1803 – 1869 “IL Conte Pepoli, che avrò l’onore di vedere stamani dal nostro generale avrà la bontà di recarvi questa lettera. Ei vi dirà che i miei dolori di stomaco hanno ricominciato e che mi preparo a passare un cattivo ritorno”.Due pagine in 8vo di mm. 205 x 182, su bifolio. Rapida grafia in corsivo, inchiostro nero. Interessante e istruttiva lettera dall’esilio di Parigi, firmata e datata Parigi 24 settembre 1847. Guglielmo Libri, eminente matematico, era all’apogeo della carriera: insignito della Legion d’onore, cattedratico presso il College de France. Ma era anche nel pieno della sua attività di trafficante di libri e l’anno seguente sarà formalmente denunciato. In questa lettera ragguaglia il suo corrispondente sul modo più sicuro per iniviargli “lettere o altro”: utilizzando la copertura del Sig. Guizot “ogni cosa giungerà sicuramente”. Nel 1847 Guillaume Guizot era presidente del Consiglio. Science Books and Manuscripts 191: LICHTENTHAL. Manuscript letter EUR 200 - 400 LICHTENTHAL, Pietro. 1780 – 1853“Scrivendo un’opera Botanica assai complicata, prendo la libertà di rivolgermi a lei … avrei molto bisogno della Flora Veronensis del Pollini, stampato a Verona … Non bramo spendere denaro, ma fare il cambio con l’unica copia nuova che posseggo del mio Dizionario e Bibliografia della musica … a Vienna comunque non paghino così bene gli autori come nella Germania settentrionale, danno però buoni compensi agli scrittori di buone opere”8 pagine in 8vo gr. di mm. 250 x 200, su 6 bifogli. Lettere viaggiate, scrittura in corsivo, inchiostro bruno. Interessantissimo carteggio scientifico con curiose annotazioni personali. Si tratta di sei lettere autografe firmate del grande bibliografo e musicologo, tutte indirizzate all’Abate Carlo Racca di Novara, comprese tra il 1836 e il 1838. Riguardano notizie su volumi, bibliografie, ricerca di libri, invio di pubblicazioni, compensi agli scrittori, opere in corso. Si fanno numerosi riferimenti al Dizionario e bibliografia della musica, edito a Milano nel 1823, all’opera sul Duomo di Novara del Racca, inviata in omaggio a Lichtenthal, al lavoro di quest’ultimo sull’Acqua comune e minerale, in quel momento in procinto di essere pubblicato, con amplissima descrizione dei caratteri tipografici del volume. Si tratta in definitiva di un carteggio densissimo di notizie bibliografiche e di informazioni sul mercato editoriale italiano di primo ottocento. 192: LUCREZIO CARO. De rerum natura EUR 1,300 - 1,500 LUCREZIO CARO, NARDI, Giovanni. Titi Lucretii Cari De rerum natura libri sex. Vnà cum paraphrastica explanatione, & animaduersionibus, d. Ioannis Nardii Florentini.Florentiæ, typis Amatoris Massæ Foroliuienm, 16474to, mm 228x174; Contemporary half calf binding; pp. 8, 680; 9 copper plates out text f.t.; text in Italic type, comment in round type. Stamp of the florentine Gustavo Galletti at the Titlepage, and two notes from his hand. Rare and important first edition illustrated with commentary by John Nardi. This edition is the first ever to be edited by a scientist and a humanist: contains many digressions that for the first time put publicly in connection with the text of Lucretius with modern scientific doctrines. A prominent place within the work of Nardi is occupied by Paraphrastica Explanatio of De Rerum Natura of Lucretius, where he proves to know know the interpretation of the concept of Lucretius semen of the German doctor Daniel Sennert, allowing to overcome the explanation of Galen onset and spread of communicable diseases. The main interest of this edition is right in the commentary on the Book VI where Lucretius speaks of the plague: Nardi reconstructs in detail the epidemic broke out in Florence in 1630, an event which had raised fierce scientific controversy among physicians in Tuscany: here he tries to give topical scientific explanation of the atomistic spread of contagious diseases and, more generally, of atmospheric phenomena. This edition anticipates two years to Pierre Gassendi, and exercised a considerable influence especially in the medical field. The positions of Nardi return to that scientific syncretism in which the Aristotelian concepts gave way to the influence of the new natural philosophy, and atomism. This work was read and studied by the followers of Galileo, and played an important role in research on infectious fevers of Giovanni Alfonso Borelli. The interest aroused by the work of Nardi witness an epistle of 27 April 1647, in which Torricelli informs Vincenzo Renieri of its publication, claiming to have witnessed its final phase. Finally it should be noted that it is of considerable interest for its pioneering approach to archeology in Egypt, with the curious boards depicting mummies and sarcophagi of the Medici collection.Graesse, IV, 280. Cfr. Lucrezio La Natura E La Scienza, a cura di Marco Beretta e Francesco Citti, Olschki,2008. 193: MAKO VON KERCK-GEDE. Calculi Differentialis EUR 1,000 - 1,200 MAKO VON KERCK-GEDE Paul. Calculi Differentialis et Integralis Institutio, quam in Tironum usu recuperatus est. Wien, I. Ioannes Thoma von Trattnern, 1768. 4° di mm. 260 x 210, pp. XII, 250, [2], with 8 copper plates of geometic figures folded at the end. Contemporary sewing binding, spine rebacked. First and only edition of this treatise on the differential and integral calculus, and application of the latter to the mechanics and physics, written in order to give a systematic treatment of the subject, especially in the universities of the time. The author, the Hungarian-born Jesuit Paul Mako Von Kerck-Gede [1723-1793], he taught mathematics, physics and philosophy at the Universities of Vienna. Later he returned to his country of origin, and was dean of the faculty of philosophy in Buda. He will have to be published many physical and mathematical sciences adopted in educational establishments of the time.De Backer-Sommervogel, V/col. 390, n.9; Poggendorff, II/col. 21. 194: [Mineralogy] MAGER Henri EUR 150 - 200 [Mineralogy] MAGER Henri. Les Radiations des Corps Minéraux - Recherche des Mines et des Sources par leurs radiations. Notes documentaires accompagnés de 66 photogravures exécutées d\'après des Photographies instantanées. Paris, Dunod et Pinat, 1909. 4° mm. 310 x 210; Illustrated editorial binding; pp. [4], 72 with 66 illustrations. Interesting work on the research and identification of \"underground treasures\" in the water sector and mining.Caillet, n. 6957. Science Books and Manuscripts 195: [Alchemy] MAIER. Lusus serius EUR 3,500 - 4,500 [Alchemy] MAIER, Michael. Lusus serius, quo Hermes sive Mercurius.Oppenheim, Hieronymus Galler, Sumptibus Lucas Jennis, 16162 works in one volume in-4to; Binding in half marble calf, marble endpaper; p. 79, including title , 1 b. Symbolic copper Vignette on the tile. Very rare original edition. Important work on alchemy and hermetic philosophy of the Rosy Cross, dedicated by the author to his friends doctors and chemists. Maier aims to demonstrate that animals are superior to man in an imaginary dialogue seven terrestrial beings, appear in court and defend alchemy; Mercury is declared the father of all metals and is crowned king of all beings in the world. The beautiful vignette title, attributed to Ackermann de Bry but also reminds the style of the young Merian, illustrates the scene with the seven beings, a goose, a bee, a cow, a silkworm, a sheep, a 'oyster, a bundle of linen, before the king on the throne of the world; with them also Hermes. The title ambivalent, Serious game, it will become a topos of the hermetic tradition, reaching up to the Magic Flute by Mozart. Ferguson II, 63; Gardner 418; Ackermann IV, 122; Wolfstieg 42294; 570 Rosenthal, "tres rare." No in Duveen. No original in Italian libraries. Bound with:BORCH, Oluf. De ortu, et progressu chemiae. Hafniae [Copenhagen], typis Matthiae Godicchenii, 1668 Pp. [12], 150, [2]. Very rare original edition. The author advocates the divine origin of the chemical, handed down from the ancient Egyptians considered the most important of all sciences. The work is a vigorous defense of alchemy and was carefully studied by Isaac Newton. Bolton: "Celebrated this treatise, the most frequently quoted by early historians, was highly Prized by the alchemists of His day on account of Its earnest defense of Their principles". The Danish Oluf Borch, 1626 1690, grammarian, physician and scientist, is considered one of the fathers of modern science in Denmark. He was the master of Nicholas Steno, and was in contact with Johann Glauber, Francesco Giuseppe Borri and Comenius; in England and in France he met Robert Boyle Melchisedech Thévenot. Ferguson I, 119; The Bolton, 95, cit. by Duveen; Harrison, The library of Isaac Newton, 1978, p. 170; Duveen p. 89. 196: [Manuscript] Sundials EUR 1,600 - 1,800 [Manuscript] Memoria sugli orologi solari orizzontali.XVIII centuryfolio, mm. 254x190; Contemporary binding in boards; leaves 10 nn.; Italic type, black ink. Manuscripted treaty of gnomonics divided into 15 chapters. The work is aimed at the creation of horizontal sundials, with particular reference to those Italians. In the first chapters the author provides the theoretical basis of the sundial, then it shows step by step procedure to be followed to build a solar clock, also explaining the different methods that can be applied to trace the sundial and the hour lines. Chapters 12,13 expose two different ways to draw the Italian hours on the sundial; The last chapter deals with the difference in the allocation of time among the ancients and the moderns. 197: [Manuscript] Design of fortifications EUR 3,500 - 4,000 [Manuscript] CAPECE DELLA SOMAGLIA, Teodoro. Design of fortifications1726-384to, mm. 222x154; Half calf and boards binding, title impressed on golden label on the spine, corners; leaves 25 mss.with many illustrations, 1 drawing in brown ink depicting a seated warrior, leaves 52 with 26 watercolor drawings of city fortifications, many signed by the author. Ex libris of the nobily family Sforza of Milan “FR.SF.” at the inside cover. Rare and interesting manuscript with 26 watercolor drawings of city fortifications. The text, compiled by the Milanese nobleman Teodoro Capece Della Somaglia, "for his particular study," in the first leaves describes, with many annotations and figures out ways to outline the military fortifications. Follows a beautiful drawing that depicts a warrior sitting holding a spear and 26 full-page watercolor drawings, depicting the Italian city fortifications, Milan, Como, Messina, Casale Monferrato, Tortona, as well as foreign cities, including Corbie, Boulogne, Stenay, Guise, Balvet now Port Louis, Rue, Charleville, Sedan, Clermont, Chaumont, Nancy, St. Quentin, St. Malo, Villefranche. The noble Milanese family Capece of Somaglia obtained by Francesco Sforza the enterprise of the three cross-rings and the title of counts and barons.Spreti, Enciclopedia Storico-Nobiliare italiana, vol. 6, Milano 1932. 198: [Manuscript] SAUVEUR Joseph EUR 4,500 - 5,000 [Manuscript] SAUVEUR Joseph. Nouveaux Elemens de Géometrie demontrés d’une manière nouvelle et familière, par Sauveur. [France, first years of XVIII cent.]. 4° small mm. 210 x 170, pp. 158, 130, [2], with 35 drawings of geometrical illustrations. Contemporary full vellum binding, spine with 4 ribs golden titles and ornaments. Manuscript done with clear and elegant script in the early years of the eighteenth century [the paper is still seventeenth century], interspersed with tables of geometric figures made with clarity and precision by expert hand. It is divided into two parts, the first devoted to Elemens de geometries, the second to Pratique de la geometries. It is probably a transcription of a lecture series, perhaps preparatory to print a manual on the topic.Non abbiamo notizie certe circa l’autore, ma dovrebbe trattarsi di Joseph Sauveur [1653-1716], "lange Zeit Privatlehrer d. Mathematik... darauf 1686 Prof. d. Mathematik am Collége Royale... u. 1703 Examinator d. Ingenieure" [Poggendorff, II/759-60]. L’autore fu anche un grande esperto di acustica musicale. Quérard, VIII/487, cita in effetti un suo testo [postumo] di Géometrie elémentaire et pratique, avec de notes, par G. Leblond [1753]. Science Books and Manuscripts 199: [Manuscript] Philos[o]phiae Pars Seu utraque Physica EUR 4,000 - 5,000 PANKL, Matthaeus. Tertia Philos[o]phiae Pars Seu utraque PhysicaMss., 1779-1787Small 4to, mm.208x165; Contemporary binding in boards; pp. 392, numebering on recto; 5 wide astonomical illustrations, 24 drawings of scientific instuments and experiments in various dimensions out text. Brown ink, latin text, Italyc type. Illustrated scientific manuscript. It is the preparatory work for a part of the work devoted to the physics of the Jesuit Máté Pankl, published in three volumes in Buda at the end of the '700 with the title "Compendium institutionum physicarum". The manuscript is divided into two major sections: Physica Generalis with IV Dissertations, and Physica Particolaris, with Dissertations III. In the first part, after setting out a summary of the physical theories of the ancient philosophers, the author discusses the ideas of philosophers and modern scientists are cited, among others, Bernardino Telesio, Giordano Bruno, Joseph Scaliger, Galilei, Torricelli and Descartes, Gassendi, Leibniz, Newton. Newton's theory of universal attraction is criticized starting on page 20; the following pages are examined theories of modern scientists, and are described numerous experiments: the latter and the tools to accomplish them are dedicated designs out of the text. We find a chart on the gravity, on page 69, a study of ballistics of guns, p. 116, the scale and Statera, p. 125 and 127, the inclined plane, p. 132, numerous pipes and stills for studies on the blank in the following pages, by p. 137 at p. 141. A full page astronomical figures in the part which speaks of the heavenly bodies: here are exposed to the Ptolemaic system and that of Tycho Brahe, there is talk of the figure of the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, the Eclipse, the fixed stars , comets, several other celestial phenomena. The 257-263 pages concerning the influence that the stars exert on Earth and particularly about the fate and health of the men, with a comment on superstition and, in the end, the court condemns astrology. The Dissertation depending Physica Particolaris, is dedicated to the four elements and goes from page 263 to page 339. The final part, from page 340, covers the Earth Body, with chapters on plants, on the Brutes, birds and finally on humans: in this section we speak with relevance of anatomy and physiology. The manuscript ends with a chapter dedicated all'Ematosi.The attribution to Pankl is motivated from the general structure of the manuscript that is reminiscent of the work of the Jesuit professor, that dealt with philosophy, physics, agronomy and medicine, just the topics addressed here. We also found a precise response: on page 327, which speaks of the Dew, have used the same expression in the printed work "Ros est tenuis vapor", and in the following lines is hinted at Muschenbrock theory, which establishes three kinds dew "tria roris generates statuit": these same expressions are on page 235 of the third volume of the Compendium Institutorum Physicarum, in the edition of Buda of 1798. As for the dating, the two dates appear below the title in the front cover: also , on page 261 of the margin there is a quotation from Physica experimentalis of Osterrieder, published in Leiden in 1770, vol. I, pp. 369-70, which ends with the words "heu crudelis superstitio".Matúš Pankl, 1740-1798, of Croatian origin, he studied philosophy in Vienna and in 1758 he joined the Society of Jesus. Professor of Philosophy at the Royal Academy of Trnava from 1777, in 1784 became professor of physics and agronomy in Bratislava. His most important works are: Compendium Institutionum Physicarum. Partes tres: I. de Corpore abstracto; II. chemice; III. physice considered, 1790, then republished in 1793, 1797, 1798; Compendium oeconomiae Ruralis, 1790, republished in 1793, 1797, 1810, 1832. See. Szerző Szemely, Pankl Matthaeus. 200: [Eyeglasses]MANNI. Degli Occhiali EUR 1,200 - 1,400 [Eyeglasses]MANNI, Domenico Maria. Degli Occhiali da Naso inventati da Salvino Armati Gentilhuomo Fiorentino. Trattato Istorico. Firenze, Albizzini, 17384to, mm. 230x170; Imitation eighteenth century binding , half vellum, marbled covers, title and golden rules on the spine; pp. XXIV, including Titlepage, 1 leaf nn. with halftitle after p. VIII, pp. 84; Titlepage in red and black ink with depicting an allegory of Florence, illustrated Initials, woodcut Headpieces and Finals. Rare first edition. This is the edition with the addition of a small halftitle, which is entitled "Treaty ... with the addition made MDCCXLI year" and pages XXI to XXIV with the text of the addition. In this scholarly dissertation Manni doubts that the ancients knew the use of glasses, and he attributes the invention to the Florentine Armed Salvino, who died in 1317, as it alleges shows, with other witnesses, an epitaph preserved in St. Mary Novella. Of particular interest is the description of the various styles of glasses nose and optical instruments of the ancients. Pages here added the author responds to the objections that had been made to his thesis. Leg: "Operetta very valuable and uncommon."Moreni, II, p. 22; Albert, Norton & Hurtes, Source Book of Ophtalmology, n. 1445; Gamba, n. 2336. 201: Oeuvres de Marat EUR 1,400 - 1,600 MARAT Jean-Paul. Oeuvres de Marat, Mémoire sur l’Electricité Médicale couronné le 6 Août 1783, par l’Académie Royale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres & Arts de Rouen. Paris, Méquignon, 1784. 8° small mm. 190 x 130, pp. [8], 111. Original paperback. Rare work of the great French revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat [1744-93], the Ami du Peuple, written in the years when his interests were mainly directed to physics and medicine, before developing his political vocation. Wheeler Gift, n. 524: \"This is one of the early books on medical electricity. The author minutely Describes a great number of applications That he made of positive and negative electricity on himself and others. He Refers to persons killed by lightning and adds many curious observations on cats , dogs and pigeons Which he electrocuted. \"Zeitlinger, n. 11385 \"Rare... The author has the merit of being one of the first to treat soberly the subject of electro-therapeutics...\". Science Books and Manuscripts 202: [Radiant Heat]MARIOTTE. Oeuvres EUR 1,300 - 1,500 [Radiant Heat]MARIOTTE, Edme. Oeuvres; comprenant tous les Traitez de cet Auteur, tant ceux qui avaient déja paru séparément, que ceux qui n'avoient pas encore été publiés.A La Haye, Jean Neaulme, 17402 tomes in 1 vol. in 4to, mm. 270x200; Ancient full calf binding , spine with 5 ribs with label; pp. 12, 701, 35. Pp. 4 for half title and title page. At the end 25 copper plates out text, illustrating physical experiences and physical-mathematical operations. Beautiful collective edition of the works of the famous French physicist, reprint of the 1717 when appeared important works were still unpublished. Here are published the following treaties: Traité de la percussion écho ou des corps; Essais de physique; de la végétation des Plantes; de la nature de l'air; du du chaud et froid; de la nature des couleurs; Traité du mouvement des eaux; Règles pour les jets-d'eau; Nouvelle découverte touchant la vue; Traité du nivellement; Traité du mouvement des pendules; Expériences touchant les couleurs et la congélation de l'eau; Essai de logique. After a rich index. Zeitlinger: "Containing all the author's important papers on percussion, the nature of air and its pressure, the movement of fluid bodies and pendulum, on colors, etc. He is best known as the discoverer of the law named after him [Although first discovered by Boyle] on the pressure of gases, and was the first to make observations on radiant heat. "Zeitlinger, n. 2829. 203: [Magnetism] MASSON. Théorie physique EUR 200 - 300 [Magnetism]MASSON Antoine-Philibert. Théorie physique et mathématique des phénomènes électro-dynamiques et du magnétisme. Paris, Crochard, 1838. 8° di mm. 220 x 130, pp. [4], 90, [2], with 2 plates folded at the end. Original paperback. Stamp of extinct library on the Title page. The author, a professor of physics and chemistry at the Royal College of Caen and then at the Lycée Louis le Grand in Paris, in this work dedicated to Savary follows in the wake of investigations of Becquerel and de la Rive about electromagnetic phenomena, and tries to give a theoretical and systematic basis to their experiences, adding to his theories of a dense series of mathematical calculations.Poggendorff, II/col. 75; Wheeler Gift, n. 941; Ronalds, p. 333. 204: MATTIOLI. Epistolarum Medicinalium EUR 1,500 - 1,800 MATTIOLI Andrea. Petri Andreae Matthioli Senensis Medici Epistolarum Medicinalium Libri Quinque. Lyon, Casare Farina, 1564. 8° small mm. 170 x 110; Full calf binding, spine with sections golden titles and ornaments, red edges; pp. 652, [28] of index. Printer’s device on Titlepage and various woodcut within the text. A contemporary signature to the title page and a small wax seal. In the letters reveals Mattioli, as well as in his famous commentaries, the deep knowledge in botany and nature, also with reference to species recently introduced from the New World. Here, at pp. 630, is a description of the Peruvian llama, also depicted in woodcut.Durling, n. 3034; Wellcome, I/n. 4151; Capparoni, I/p. 52; Dezeimeris, III/p. 542. 205: MAUPERTUIS. La Figure de la Terre EUR 600 - 800 MAUPERTUIS, Pierre-Louis Moreau de. La Figure de la Terre, déterminée par les observations de Messieurs de Maupertuis, Clairaut, Camus, Le Monnier, de l’Académie Royale des Sciences, & de M. l’Abbé Outhier, Correspondant de la même Académie, accompagnés de M. Celsius... Nouvelle édition dans laquelle on a mis les figures aux pages où elles se rapportent. Paris, s.t., 1739. 8° mm. 220 x 140, pp. XXIV, [4], 208 with a copper plate at the beginning [paper the coast of the Gulf of Bothnia] and numerous geometric figures in the text. Contemporary sewing binding. Important collective work, prepared under the direction of the great French astronomer, an accurate summary record of the known geographical expedition sent in the polar regions by order of the King of France [another expedition had gone meanwhile in Peru] in 1736 to perform the triangulation necessary to measure a meridian arc to determine the shape of the earth, resolving the dispute between the hypothesis of Cassini and those of Newton [stretched spheroid or spheroid flattened at the poles] in favor of the latter. The first edition had appeared the previous year, with the figures gathered at the end; in this, the more understanding of the text, are placed next to the relative clauses.Babson Coll., n. 94: "A famous book on the applanation of the earth at the poles... This is one of those splendidly produced scientific works of the eighteenth century". Zeitlinger, n. 2912; Poggendorff, II/col. 85. Delambre, Grandeur et Figure de la Terre, pp. 36 e segg. 206: MAUPERTUIS. Discours sur les différentes figures. EUR 1,000 - 1,300 MAUPERTUIS, Pierre-Louis Moreau de. Discours sur les différentes figures des Astres. Où l’on donne l’explication des Taches lumineuses qu’on a observé dans le Ciel: Des Étoiles qui paroissent s’allumer et s’éteindre: De celles qui paroissent changer de grandeur: De l’Anneau de Saturne: Et des effets que peuvent produire les Comètes. Seconde édition augmentée. A Paris, chez Martin, Coignard & Guerin, 1742. 8° small mm. 190 x 125, pp. [16], 176. Nice Frontispiece in green ink depicting figures of celestial bodies. Second edition, with the addition of several notes and an appendix, by the French astronomer who first introduced in France the theories of Newton on gravitation, applying the laws of planetary motion, the analysis of nebulae, the determination of the figure of the earth, etc. "Discourse on the Par are eut le Merite de répandre, the un des premiers, en France the théorie newtonienne, ce qui he Eval the inimitie de tous les physiciens exclusivement attachées aux doctrines des Descartes ... Au moins ses dissensions it devaient pas être steriles: elles une firent entreprendre Determination plus exacte de la figure de la terre "[Hoefer, cited. in Zeitlinger, n. 11629. Opera rare.Poggendorff, II/85. Science Books and Manuscripts 207: Astronomie Nautique EUR 400 - 500 MAUPERTUIS, Pierre-Louis Moreau de. Astronomie Nautique: ou Elémens d’Astronomie tant pour un Observatoire fixe, que pour un Observatoire mobile. Seconde édition. Paris, Impr. Royale, 1751. 8° small mm. 190 x 120, pp. [4], 35, [5], 96, with many geometrical illustrations within the text. Original full calf binding, spine decorated. Concise and valuable manual for celestial navigation, drawn up in the form of questions and answers with a number of examples from the great French mathematician and astronomer, which was given the task of geodesic mission in the Arctic to determine the shape of the earth. Zeitlinger, B.C.M., n. 2908 [la prima ediz.]; Houzeau-Lancaster, n. 10737; Poggendorff, II/85. 208: MAUPERTUIS.Oeuvres EUR 800 - 1,000 MAUPERTUIS, Pierre-Louis Moreau de. Oeuvres de Mr. de Maupertuis, Nouvelle édition corrigée et augmentée. Lyon, Jean-Marie Bruyset, 1756. 4 vols. 8° small mm. 190 x 120, pp. [4], XXVIII, 309, [3]; pp. [4], IV, 399, [9]; pp. [4], VII, 468, [4]; pp. [4], VIII, 12, 346, 4]. In the first volume beautiful portrait at the opening of M. engraved on copper by Daullé with a quatrain verses praising Voltaire ["The Globe malconnu qu'il to SCU mesurer ..."]; various geometric figures in the text; title pages in red black ink. Binding full leather coeval, back to 5 ribs decorated with ornaments and gold titles. Some scars to the plates of the binding, but good copy., With bookplates eighteenth century of heraldic subject.This is considered the best edition, edited by the author himself, the works of Maupertuis [1698-1759], the famous astronomer and mathematician who worked on the complex operations undertaken since 1736 to determine the shape of the earth, participating with Clairaut , Celsius and others in the expedition to the Arctic Circle. The first vol. It contains writings cosmological, astronomical and philosophical; the second those dedicated to zoology and anthropology; the third geographical writings and accounts of the expedition to Lapland, as well as the academic discourse; Finally the fourth writings devoted to the physical sciences, and other astronomical studies.Sui lavori di Maupertuis cfr. Delambre, Grandeur et figure de la terre, pp. 36 e segg.; Honeyman, n. 2179. 209: Collection with four rare illustrated works EUR 4,000 - 6,000 MEMMO, Andrea - AA.VV: Collection with four rare illustrated works of the eighteenth century: Architecture, Theatre, Artillery.Wide 8vo; Contemporary half calf and marbled cardboard binding, yellow sprayed edges, corners, marbled endpapers Ex-libris of Riccati family inside cover. Nice binding.TEMANZA, Tommaso. Degli Scamilli impari di Vitruvio Dissertazione. In Vinegia, Nella stamperia Coleti, 1780pp. 20, including Title page, 2 copper plates by Alessandri.Unito con:/Bound with:MEMMO, Andrea. Semplici lumi tendenti a render cauti i soli interessati nel teatro da erigersi nella parocchia di S. Fantino in Venezia Prima che dieno il loro voto a quel modello che tra diversi all'occhio lor materiale e non intellettuale maggiormente piacesse.S.l. né d., ma Venezia, 1792pp. 2 nn. with tit., 100., 2 wide plates, drawed by SelvaUnito con:/Bound withVenezia primo Novembre 1789. Venezia, Palese, 1789. Rarissimo foglio volante.2 leaves, text on 2 columns; wide copper plates by Giannantonio Selva.Unito con:/Bound withMORETTI, Tommaso. Trattato dell'Artiglieria.Brescia, Rizzardi, 1672pp. 12 nn., including Title page, 56, 4 nn. with numbering tables between pp. 48 e 49. woodcut Title page, 5 copper plates "Profilo del petardo" of the last leaf. In the first work the famous Venetian architect offers his interpretation of the nature and form of the mysterious scamilli Impares of Vitruvius. This is an extract, with its own title. No original in Italian libraries.The second work is in the very rare first edition. As stated in the notice of this work it was published after printer printed a few copies "author's private issue for some friends." It is a very important source of the history of art that illustrates the genesis of the project of the new theater to be built in Venice: Memmo outlines the evolution of architecture from the theatrical text of Vitruvius to contemporary writings of Vincent Lamberti or Luigi and Rizzetti He offers his ideas for the construction of the new Fenice, a rational structure for the viewer's enjoyment. In this view they explain the new configuration and arrangement of the boxes, the proscenium and scientific attention to the acoustics. Cicognara 781; Stork 4787, De Michelis, the simple lights of Memmo, in "La Fenice", Venice 2003.The third work is the competition for erecting the Teatro La Fenice, on behalf of "Noble Society 'of Palchettisti of St. Benedict," which had to choose the new area, with the help of the drawings Selva, a professor of architecture at 'Academy. The contest for the Phoenix, announced and published November 1, 1789 with this notice in the press, has attached his recording of "Fund for the erection of the new theater", the author Selva. Are invited architects, "both domestic and foreign", with the obligation to comply with 14 points, as the delivery of the drawings, a model, the declaration of intent and the "account of the value of alert". Designed and directed by Giannantonio Selva, the building was constructed between 1790 and 1792. The attached engraved table, 466x623 mm., Is the representation in the fund plant where it was built the new theater. Maria Ida Biggi, "The competition for the Phoenix, 1789 - 1790", Marsilio, 1997.The fourth work is a rare second edition illustrated, much enlarged and more correct than the first, and concludes with an appendix on firecracker. Of great interest the boards engraved copper depicting guns, bullets, bombs and guns. Science Books and Manuscripts 210: Nouvelles Observations Microscopiques EUR 500 - 700 NEEDHAM TURBERVILLE, John. Nouvelles Observations Microscopiques, avec des découvertes intéressantes sur la Composition & la Décomposition des Corps organisés. Avec Figures. [legato con:] Traités très rares, concernant l’Histoire Naturelle et les Arts. Paris, Louis-Etienne Ganeau, 1750; Paris, Saugrain & Lamy, 1780. 2 works in 1 vol.12° mm. 170 x 100, pp. XVIII, 524, [4], with VII copper plates folded out text at the end, and a Supplement pp. 29 with 1 copper plates folded out text; pp. 164. Contemporary full calf binding, golden titles on the spine. Prima edizione/First edition, apparsa in lingua francese, e tradotta da Lavirottes; i primi capitoli, Du Calmar, erano tuttavia già stati pubblicati a Londra nel 1745. John Turberville Needham [1713-1781], biologo londinese la cui attività si svolse in parte in Inghilterra e in parte sul continente, stimolato dalla pubblicazione delle opere di Buffon, indagò attraverso pazienti osservazioni microscopiche sui fenomeni della generazione e della riproduzione, campo in cui la ricerca scientifica si intersecava all’epoca con le controversie teologiche e religiose. "Needham’s own theory of generation [1750] placed him in the vitalist camp through his reliance on principles peculiar to living things and its assignment of self-patterning power to matter...." [Gillispie, D.S.B., X/p. 10]. Le osservazioni qui descritte si riferiscono essenzialmente ai calamari e ai polipi. Alla fine, con numerazione autonoma e 1 tav. f.t., vi è la breve dissertazione Description et usage du Microscope [si tratta del microscopio costruito a Parigi da Passement e dei suoi accessori]. Cfr. Daumas, Scientific Instruments, p. 316. L’opera rilegata al termine, Traités très rares..., contiene: Traité de l’origine des Macreuses, di M. de Graindorge; ed il Traité de l’Adianton ou Cheveu de Venus, di Pierre Formi di Montpellier. 211: [Wine] OPSOPOEUS. De arte bibendi EUR 1,000 - 1,400 OPSOPOEUS, Vincentius. De arte bibendi … Quibus adiunximus De arte iocandi.Francoforte, 1582. [In fine:] Francofurti ad Moenum, ex officina haeredum Christiani Egenolphi, 15828vo; in boards; leaves 104 nn.; Segn.: A-F8 G-H4 I-O8;Title page in red and black ink, Italic type. Very rare edition. De arte bibendi, aims to teach the right way to drink to avoid becoming alcoholics. The humanist and philologist Obsopoeus is in favor of moderation and pantry many tips to get the thrill, yet so that "your mind and your feet can carry out their duty." We must therefore avoid situations in which man can be forced to drink beyond its limits. The second book is a catalog of the excesses that accurately portray customs of the time; in the third book, finally, there are useful pointers food grade, with the list of foods that should be eaten before drinking. The work added to concerns the art of the game, and is a document of great interest. "Archiv für Kulturgeschichte", 20, 1940, pp. 27-84. 212: [Navigation] Dictionnaire Mathématique EUR 1,000 - 1,400 OZANAM Jacques. Dictionnaire Mathématique, ou Idée Générale des Mathématiques. Dans lequel l’on trouve, outre les Termes de cette science, plusieurs Termes des Arts et des autres sciences... Paris, Michallet, 1691. 4° mm. 250 x 190, pp. 12, 672, 68 of index; with 24 copper plates out text [some folded] and hundreds of geometric woodcut illustrations within the text. Contemporary full calf binding, spine with 5 ribs a 5, golden ornaments and title on the spine. First edition of this esteemed work of the French mathematician, came from a family of Jewish origin then converted to Christianity, Jacques Ozanam [1640-1717], estimated by Leibnitz, whose fame is mainly entrusted with this work and Récréations Mathématiques [1694] . The work of an encyclopaedic nature, contains interesting chapters dedicated to cosmography, astronomy, navigation [with beautiful plate. rip. f.t. illustrating a vessel], mechanical, music, sundial, pyrotechnics, mechanical, architecture, fortification, etc. Many of Plates. f.t. reproduce scientific instruments.Zeitlinger,n. 3422; Marini, Bibl. di Fortificaz.,p. 184; Poggendorff, II/341. 213: OZANAM. L’Usage du Compas EUR 400 - 600 OZANAM Jacques. L’Usage du Compas de Proportion, expliqué et demontré d’une manière courte & facile, & augmenté d’un Traité de la division des Champs. Dernière édition, corrigée et aumentée. Paris, Charles Antoine Jombert, 1736. 8° mm. 190 x 120, pp. 150, [2], with 2 copper plates by Chapelet depicting the proportional compass, and various geometric figures in the text. Contemporary full calf binding, spine with 5 ribs 5, golden titles and ornaments. Widespread manual illustrating the application of the proportional compass, published for the first time in 1688 and reprinted several times until the end of the eighteenth century, confirming the clarity and practicality of this and other works by the famous French mathematician.Zeitlinger, n. 3427. 214: OZANAM. Méthode de lever les Plans EUR 400 - 600 OZANAM Jacques. Méthode de lever les Plans et les Cartes de Terre et de Mer, avec toutes sortes d’Instrumens, & sans Instrumens. Paris, Jombert, 1750. 12° mm. 160 x 100, pp. [12], 244, [8], with 16 copper plates folded out text. Contemporary full calf binding,spine with golden ornaments and titles.The name of Jacques Ozanam [1640-1717], the author of the Dictionnaire Mathématique known mathematician and many other works of practical geometry applied to various fields of activity, does not appear in the title but only in the privilege; being the posthumous text is presumed that this is a summary extracted from other works by the author. Very interesting plates depicting the era geodesic instrumentation and different applications. Schonaertz, Les Géomètres Arpenteurs, n. 84: "Traité classique, expliquant l'usage du graphomètre, de l'instrument universel de la boussole, de la planchette, et du récipiangle, et même la manière de lever a plan sans instrument ... On y trouve également de la methode lever des plans et des cartes en pays Enemies ". Science Books and Manuscripts 215: PAJOT-DES-CHARMES. L’Art du Blanchîment EUR 400 - 600 PAJOT-DES-CHARMES C. L’Art du Blanchîment des Toiles, Fils et Cotons de tout genre, rendu plus facile et plus général, au moyen des nouvelles découvertes; avec la mèthode de décolorer et de ramener à un état de blancheur parfait toutes les toiles peintes ou imprimées; suivi des procédés les plus sûrs pour blanchir les soies et les laines, et des découvertes faites par l’Auteur dans l’art de blanchir les papiers; orné de neuf grandes plances... Paris, Dugour, an VIII [1800]. 8° 130 x 210, pp. [4], 280, with 9 copper plates folded at the end some of them on blue paper. Ancient half vellum binding, golden titles and ornaments on the spine. Second edition. The author, former inspector of manufactures, and author of other interesting essays on the new procedures adopted in the arts and manufactures, perfected the method of bleaching fabrics discovered by Scheele and adopted by Berthollet; and made other important discoveries in the arts dyeing. Very detailed wide Plates out text, explaining in great detail the equipment and machinery used in the dyeing of fabrics. "C. Pajot des Charmes ... added potash or soda [carbonates], or These and quicklime, chlorine to the water, and recommended the workmen That Should wear masks and chew liquorice"[Partington, III/507]; Quérard, Fr. Litt., VI/559; Duveen, p. 445; Zeitlinger, 2d Suppl., n. 12819. 216: [Writing] Palatino. Libro.. EUR 2,000 - 2,300 PALATINO, Giovanni Battista. Libro … nel qual s’insegna a scriuer ogni sorte lettera, antica, & moderna.Roma, Campo di Fiore per Antonio Blado Asolano, 15538vo; Contemporary half calf binding and ,marbled cardboard, corners; leaves 64 nn., last bl.; Segn.: A-H8; Portrait of the Author on Title page, device at the end of the text, pages with double rules., many pages with woodcut different alphabets. Note of possession. at the verso of leaf H7, and leaf H8 same hand wrote down “7 ottobre 1591”. Rare edition illustrated. In this magnificent manual, the best known and successful treaty of handwriting of theItalian sixteenth century , see different scriptures chancery, commercial, vernacular and encrypted: the purpose of the manual, in fact, is to teach writing to the principles and rules of calligraphy young people eager to enter in the chancelleries and offices and to scholars who, through the study of epigraphy Roman, were making similar studies on geometric principles that govern the construction of letters. Of great impact the layout and graphics performance: each sheet is framed by fillets and scrolls, many are signed and dated, all imprinted in woodcut. 217: [Cooking] PAPIN EUR 2,500 - 2,800 [pressure cooker] PAPIN, Denis. La Manière d'amolir les os et faire cuire toutes sortes de Viandes … Continuation du Digesteur ou Manière d'amolir les os Seconde partie.Amsterdam, Desbordes, 16882 parts in 1 vol. 12mo, mm. 150x90; Contemporary full velum binding, title written on the spine, sprayed edges; pp. 12, 127, 2 copper plates out text; pp. 13, 240, 2 copper plates out text. A total of 4 copper plates. Rare and important figurative work that describes the invention of the pressure cooker. The first part is the second edition of the French translation of the "New Digester", while the second part is the first translation of the "Continuation of the New Digester"; translations are of the same Papin Very beautiful wide plates with the "digester", the details of the pump and the famous Valve Papin, who had discovered that the boiling temperature of water increases with increasing pressure, used this his invention for cooking the meat and to extract the gelatin from bone; to avoid the explosion of the container Papin invented the "pressure valve", which gives detailed description hereZeitlinger, II Suppl., nn. 5828 & 5830; Poggendorff, II, 355; Partington, II, 520; Walleriana, 20073 a & b. 218: PAPPIANI. Della Sfera Armillare EUR 1,000 - 1,200 PAPPIANI, Alberto. Della Sfera Armillare e dell’uso di essa nella Astronomia Nautica e Gnomonica.Firenze, Andrea Bonducci, 17454to, mm. 240x190; Contemporary full vellum binding, golden title at the spine; illustrated Frontispiece, pp. 8, 44, 493, 1. 1 Vignette at the Titlepage, 3 Headpiece, 2 Illustrated initials, 9 copper plates folded at the end. Original edition illustrated. Rare work that constitutes a complete treatise on the armillary sphere and its uses. Houzeau-Lancaster: "Cet ouvrage lists chronologique contient une des auteurs here ont traité of astronomy, of geography, of chronology, nautique de et de gnomonique". The allegorical frontispiece was engraved by Charles Gregorj designed by Mauro Soderini, the head the dedicatory depicts the coat of arms Altoviti, one of the preface, with scientific instruments, is signed "FMF" Riccardi: "Beautiful edition".Ziviani, La Misura del Tempo, p. 127; Riccardi, II, 245-2; Zeitlinger, II Suppl., n. 3622; Houzeau-Lancaster, n. 9677 Science Books and Manuscripts 219: PAPPUS. Collectiones a Federico Commandino EUR 4,000 - 4,800 PAPPUS, Alexandrinus. Collectiones a Federico Commandino Urbinate in Latinum conversae, & Commentarijs illustrate. In hac nostra editione ab innumeris, quibus scatebant mendis, et precipue in Graeco diligenter vindicate. Bologna, HH. de Duccijs, 1660Folio small, mm. 320x220; Contemporary full vellum binding, golden title on the spine; pp. 10, 490, 2. On the Title page coat of arms of Leopoldo Guglielmo Arciduca d\'Austria dedicatee of this work, 1 copper plate out text with the equestrian portrait of the same at the beginning of the text, engraved on copper by J. Troyen painting by David Teniers; hundreds of geometrical figures in the text. A stamp on the title page of the library extinct Rare and important collection of the survived writings of the great mathematician of Alexandria, collected and edited by Frederick Commandino. The work is published by Manolessi, an issue which is proposed as the most appropriate especially for the amendments of the greek text. Riccardi: \"It is the only translation that you have these precious fragments, which otherwise might have been lost or forgotten.\" D.S.B.: “The several books of the Collection may well have been written as separate treatises at different dates and later brought together... The collection, while covering practically the whole field of Greek geometry, is a handbook rather than an encyclopedia; and it was intended to be read with the original works, where extant, rather than take their place... Book VII is the most fascinating in the whole Collection, not merely by its intrinsic interest and by what it preserves of earlier writers, but by its influence on modern mathematics.” Tra i libri superstiti del testo di Pappo particolare importanza riveste l’ottavo, riguardante la meccanica. Riccardi, I, 365, n. 11.2; D.S.B., pp. 293-304. Cfr. Loria, St. delle Matematiche, pp. 72 e segg. 220: PASCOLI. Del moto EUR 1,300 - 1,500 PASCOLI, Alessandro. Del moto che nei mobili si rifonde per impulso esteriore Trattato Fisico-Matematico. Roma, Gio. Maria Salvioni, 17234to; Leg. coeva p. perg. rigida, tit. mss. sul dorso, tagli marmoriz.; pp. 28 nn., incl. Occh. e Front., 208; Front. in rosso e nero con vign. inc. in r., Due Capilettera figur. inc. in r., Iniz. orn. xil., 7 tavole f.t. ripieg. inc. in rame. Prima edizione. Opera rara in cui il medico e anatomista perugino, 1669-1757, propone una sua teoria per spiegare il moto, che riscosse l’attenzione di Francesco Bianchini il quale scrive una lettera elogiativa pubblicata nelle carte preliminari. Riccardi 248: “Buona edizione”. 221: [Wine]PASTEUR. Etudes sur le Vinaigre EUR 500 - 600 [Wine]PASTEUR Louis. Etudes sur le Vinaigre, sa fabrication, ses maladies, moyens de le prévenir; nouvelles observations sur la conservation des vins par la chaleur. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, Masson et Fils, 1868. 8° mm. 220 x 150, pp. VIII, 119, with 7 copper plates. Contemporary binding in half cloth, golden title at the spine. First edition of these studies, which complement and extend the Memoire sur la fermentation acétique of 1864, plus the text of a lecture delivered in Orléans at the request of the local Chamber of Commerce, in support of local industry They fit into the groove wider research on alcoholic fermentation, acetic and lactic field where Pasteur brought decisive contributions since 1857Bolton, p. 721. Duveen, p. 461. 222: PASTEUR EUR 200 - 400 [PASTEUR] VALLERY-RADOT René. La vie de Pasteur. Paris, Hachette, 1900. 8° mm. 250 x 170, pp. [4], 692, with prtrait of Pasteur in "heliogravure" at the beginning out text. Late binding in half cloth, label with golden title on the spine. Powerful and documented monograph on the life and work of scientific Pasteur, published five years after his death [in 1895] the great French scientist 223: PAVLOV. Les réflexes conditionnels EUR 500 - 700 PAVLOV, Ivan Petrovich. Les réflexes conditionnels. Etude objective de l\'activité nerveuse supérieure des Animaux. Traduit du russe par N. et G. Gricouroff.Paris, Alcan, 1927In-8vo, mm. 220x140; Broch. edit. stampata; pp. 4, 379, 1. Prima edizione francese, molto rara. Importante raccolta di testi del grande fisiologo russo, che documentano la progressione delle sue ricerche nell\'arco di 25 anni, a partire dal primo suo lavoro sulle secrezioni delle ghiandole salivari sottoposte a stimoli alimentari. Sono raccolti, sotto un titolo unificante, tutti gli scritti sparsi e le lezioni tenute da Pavlov in Russia e all’estero, negli anni dal 1903 al 1924. Dal 1903 cominciò i suoi esperimenti sul “riflesso condizionato”, che egli oppose al riflesso innato o incondizionato: cercò quindi di riprodurre e di precisare questo rifesso condizionato attraverso rigorose sperimentazioni, studi che gli valsero il premio Nobel nel 1903. Garrison & Morton, 1445, per l’edizione inglese uscita lo stesso anno. Science Books and Manuscripts 224: PINI. Dell’architettura. EUR 1,000 - 1,200 PINI, Ermenegildo. Dell’architettura. Milano, Stamperia Marelliana, 1770I4to; Contemporary half calf and marbled boards binding, ornaments and golden titles on the spine; yellow sprayed edges, marbled end papers; Fronispiece with portrait, pp. 6 nn., incl. Title page, 92, 5 copper plates. Ex-libris Riccati family inside cover..Rare first edition illustrated. The frontispiece with portrait is engraved from Mercoli design by Martin Knoller, the engraved copper plates are taken from the original designs of the project of the same Pines for the parish church of Seregno at Milan, now the Church of St. Joseph. Built between 1769 and 1781, it was completed by Julius Galliari. The two dialogues respectively with the domes and military architecture: the author discusses the aesthetics of the domes by Brunelleschi to Borromini, is of the static problems of the structures, the question of "beauty" in architecture, the influence of Francesco de 'Trademarks on theories of Vauban fortifications.Cicognara 611. 225: PLANA. Note sur le calcul EUR 1,500 - 1,800 PLANA, Giovanni. Note sur le calcul de la partie du coéfficient de la grande inégalité de Jupiter et de Saturne, qui dépend de la force perturbatrice. Lu le 12 avril 1829. [Unito con:/Bound with:] Addition a la note sur le calcul de la partie du coefficient.Turin, Imprimérie Royale, 18314to, mm. 270x220; In boards binding; pp. 76; pp. 12 numer. 391-402. Original edition The work includes the correction of some Poisson\'s formulas related to the subject indicated in the title On these are two excerpts from Tomo 35 of the Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Turin: the first intervention had been read by the author in 1829 at the Academy 226: PLANA. Mémoire sur la distribution EUR 600 - 800 PLANA, Giovanni.Mémoire sur la distribution de l’électricité à la surface de deux sphères conductrices complètement isolés. Turin, Imprimérie Royale, 1845 4to, mm. 305x235; Contemporary marbled cardboard binding; pp. 333, 2 Bl. Stamp of library extinct in the title page. Original edition. Important work in which Plana develops the principles set out by Poisson and then incorporated into the Coulomb law in the field of static electricity, by applying them to the distribution of electricity on contiguous spheroids, and exposes mathematical formulas Wheeler Gift: "Mathematical investigation of the distribution of electric charge on the surfaces of neighboring spheres" As indicated in the frontispiece to, it is of Extract from Tome VII, Series II, the Memoires de l'Academie des SciencesRossetti & Cantoni, p. 43; Wheeler Gift, 1804; DSB XI, 6-7. 227: POISSON. Traité de Mécanique EUR 300 - 400 POISSON Siméon-Denis. Traité de Mécanique. Seconde édition, considérablement augmentée. Tome Premier [-Second]. Paris, Bachélier, 1833. 2 vols. 8vo, mm 210 x 130 ; Binding in half calf and marbled cardboard; pp. 4nn, XXX, 2, 696, with 4 copper plates folded at the end; pp. [4], XXXV, 782, with 3 copper plates at the end.Seconda edizione. Testo di particolare interesse per l’insegnamento della meccanica analitica all’Ècole Polytechnique. Siméon-Denis Poisson [1781-1841] rientra nella folta schiera degli scienziati formatisi durante il periodo rivoluzionario e napoleonico che diedero un grande contributo al progresso delle scienze applicate; oltre che docente presso l’Ecole, operò anche come astronomo presso il Bureau des Longitudes. "His work on mechanics is organised on the pattern of the course taught at the Ecole Polytechnique... Poisson notes in the Advertisement that it was intended as the introduction to his Traité de Physique Mathématique. At the end of volume II is an addition concerning the use of kinetic energy in calculating the movement of machines [qui alle pp. 747-62, ndr]... This edition incorporates material from Poisson’s memoir of 14 april 1828 and his equations on equilibrium" [Roberts & Trent, Bibl. Mechanica, pp. 258 e 260]. Zeitlinger, n. 13474; Poggendorff, II/col. 488. Gillispie, D.S.B., Suppl. pp. 480-91. 228: PORTA. Magiae Naturalis EUR 800 - 1,000 PORTA, Giovanni Battista della. Magiae Naturalis Libri Viginti.Leiden, Petrus Leffen, 165112mo, mm. 130x80; Late Amaranth full calf Binding, spine with 4 and golden titles, marbled edges; pp. 16, 670, 22; Frontispiece on copper, printer’s device on title page, many gemometric woodcut illustrations, ovens, alembics, experiments graphics. Ownership note of Baron Charles de Margherita on the recto of the first blank leaf, dated 1913; stamp of his library on the reverse. Rare and important work illustrated on natural magic. Originally published in four books, then greatly expanded edition in twenty books, ranging from medicine to the natural sciences, from alchemy to metallic transmutation, from optics to magnetism, from distillation to cosmetics. The first book deals with the nature of the elements, celestial influence, sympathy and antipathy, the occult virtue; others illustrate experiments with drugs, poisons, metallurgy, distillation, transmutation, magnetism, cosmetics, tires; the Book XVII covers various optical experiments, and contains a description of the camera obscura. The engraved frontispiece depicts a scientist that passes a mirror with his sword and produces an optical illusion. Caillet, n. 8852; Duveen, p. 481; Biblio magica, p.112; Thorndike VI, pp.418-22. Science Books and Manuscripts 229: PRESTET. Nouveaux Elemens de Mathématiques EUR 600 - 800 PRESTET Jean. Nouveaux Elemens de Mathématiques ou Principes Généraux de toutes les Sciences qui ont les grandeurs pour objet. Seconde édition, plus ample et mieux digérée. Premier Volume qui comprend la science des Nombres & l’Algèbre, ou l’art de comparer toute sorte de grandeurs par le moyen de chiffres & de lettres. Seconde volume qui comprend un corps d’Analyse, ou l’art de resoudre les Questions qu’on propose sur toutes diverses grandeurs... Paris, André Pralard, 1689. Le carte e2 nel secondo vol sono spostate alla fine del volume.2 voll. in-4° di mm. 240 x 180, di pp. [32], 588 with 1 copper folded plate and one table; pp. [8], 452, with 1 plate folded out text. Vignette on the 2 Titlepages with allegory of Virtue. Error knotter 2 sheets preliminary second volume are inserted at the end 1 vol complete, the 2 volIt presents some inconsistencies with OPACContemporary full calf binding, spine with 5 ribs, golden ornamentsHuge math encyclopedia dedicated to the "science of the calculations" in all its aspects and in all its practical applications, from logarithmic, arithmetic merchant, the practical geometry to mathematical analysis The author seems to have borrowed his approach from the vast encyclopedias algebraic and mathematical of G. Wallis We have little information on Prestet, priest, and "ci-devant Professeur des Mathématiques dans les Universités d'Angers et de Nantes" According to the privilege of the printer, the first edition would appear in 1675Qui è aggiunto, al termine del 1° volume, il "discours que l’Auteur prononca à la première ouverture des Mathématiques ert au sujet de leur nouvel établissement dans l’Université d’Angers, en 1681"; nonché vari altri supplementi al termine del 2° vol. Loria, St. delle Matematiche, p. 555. 230: [Magnetism] PREVOST. EUR 600 - 800 PREVOST Pierre. De l’Origine des Forces Magnétiques. Genève, Barde, Manget et - Paris, Buisson, 1788.8° mm. 220 x 140, pp. XXVIII, 231, [4], with 2 copper plates at the end. Contemporary sewing board binding. Pierre Prevost [1751-1839], a citizen of Geneva but of Parisian origin, physician, economist and physicist, he cultivated many interests, also studying gravitational phenomena, and radiant heat; here it deals with the magnetic phenomena in general and in particular the earth's magnetism Wheeler Gift, n 547: "Magnetism two to two fluids, Which are self-repellent but mutually attractive Terrestrial magnetism and the great central magnet, p 200. The author of this work is the Swiss physicist to-whom we are indebted for the 'theory of exchanges 'in heat, Which bears His Name. "Ronalds, p. 412; Mottelay, p. 350. 231: [gas ]PRIESTLEY. Experiments and observations EUR 1,500 - 1,800 [gas ]PRIESTLEY Joseph. Experiments and observations on different kinds of Air. [Vol. I second edition; vol. II first edition; vol. III first edition]. [Inserito al termine del I vol:] - Philosophical Empiricism, containing Remarks on a Change of Plagiarism, respecting dr. H----s. London, Johnson, 1775-77. 3 vols. 8° mm. 220 x 140, pp. [2], XXIII, [5], 324, [4] e pp. 86+[6] for Philosophical Empiricism; pp. XLIV, 399, [20] di indici; pp. XXXIV, [6], 486, [13]. Completed of the 6 plates. Contemporary sewing boards binding, . Second edition of the 1st vol. [With the addition of the controversy H. Higgins, Philosophical Empiricism, tied at the end], and original edition of the 2nd and 3rd vol. Particularly important to the 2nd volume, because it assigns priority to Priestley's discovery of oxygen than Lavoisier [p. 320 Priestley remembers in fact the meeting with Lavoisier in Paris where he spoke of his research]. In 1777 there appeared the 3rd vol. [As it is known, Father had in mind a comprehensive plan, and 1 vol. does not bring this requirement; published then the volumes as they progressed in his research], up to a total of 6 volumes. "His Contributions to the knowledge of gases were crucial. He improved the technique of studying them by collecting them over mercury instead of water, So THAT many more gases could be Observed. He Identified nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, ammonia, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride, etc. - to use our modern name for them. On 1 August 1774 he Carried Out His historic experiment of heating calx of mercury [mercuric acid] in a small tube by focusing light from a burning glass on it; and Thus Lavoisier discovered oxygen ... repeated the experiment and ultimately gave the substance its modern name - oxygen "[PMM, n. 217].Zeitlinger, n. 11792; Partington, p. 244 [nn. IV e VII]; Crook, S/454, S/452, S/488, S/453. Science Books and Manuscripts 232: PUISSANT. Traité de Géodesie EUR 1,600 - 2,000 PUISSANT Louis. Traité de Géodesie, ou Exposition des Méthodes Astronomiques et Trigonométriques, appliquées soit à la mesure de la Terre, soit à la confection du canevas des Cartes et des Plans. [Si unisce:/Bound with] Traitè de Topographie et de Nivellement. Paris, Courgier, [an XIV]-1805 e 1807. 2 vols. 4° di mm. 260 x 200, di pp. XXIV, 302, [2] of errata, [24] tables of geodesics and 10 wide copper plate out text at the end, depicting geodetic instruments; pp. XX, 331, [10] of numbering tables, and VI copper plates out text. Contemporary half calf binding, spine with ornaments and coloured labels for the Title. First edition of these two works that together formed long texts basis for "Ingénieurs-Géographes" Dépot of général de la guerre, and schools for the implementation of the Napoleonic period. Louis Puissant [1769-1843], a professor of mathematics at the military school of Fontainebleau, lieutenant of the Army Corps of Engineers, professor of geodesy at the school for the application of the same body, the Secretary of the Steering Committee of Depôt de la Guerre, also presided over the commission the elaboration of the new map of France. As a teacher he exercised a very important role in the formation of a new class of engineers surveyors of expertise in France and in Europe, and perfected methods and measurement tools geodetic and topographical. On the importance of this figure see. especially Berthaut, La carte de la France, 1750-1898, I / passim. The first work "offers une collection complète des méthodes of observations et des calcules les plus exactes et les plus rigoureuses que les employés géomètres aient relativament à la mesure de la terre .... également applicables à la confection des cartes et des plans" , and is based on the careful application of studies of Legendre, Delambre and Laplace in astronomy geodetic operations, and also contains a detailed exposition of the science instruments then used and perfected by the same Puissant [the "Cercle répétiteur"]. The second work, dedicated to Prince Alexander of Russia, in the first part presents the fundamental theories of the great geodetic operations, and in the second part of the applications on the ground and graphics operations that lead to the formation of topographic maps. The Puissant poses so, in France and other countries of the Empire, the foundations of modern scientific cartography and astronomical measurements that developed in the decades since then in Europe. "There Celui east devenu the manuel des ingénieurs differens des services publics et des géographes, here y trouvent a Theory complète des que des Cartes projections on the chercherait vainement ailleurs" [Biogr. des Contemporaines, XVIII / p. 148]. We also remember in the 1802-4 Puissant stayed in Italy, before dedicating himself to tracking the location and maps of Elba Island, and then to Milan, to lay the foundations of the new map of Italy. Poggendorff, II / 542-3. Interesting large illus. copper representing the geodetic instruments then in use. 233: PUISSANT. Traité de Géodesie EUR 500 - 600 PUISSANT Louis. Traité de Géodesie, ou Exposition des Méthodes Trigonométriques et Astronomiques, applicables à la Mesure de la Terre, et à la construction des canevas des Cartes Topographyques. Troisième édition. Paris, Bachelier, 1842. 2 vols. 4° mm. 280 x 220, pp. XVI, 515, with XI copper plates folded out text; pp. XI, 496, XXXII, with 3 copper folded plates out text. Editorial paperback. Last and most complete edition of the Traité de Géodésie, originally appeared in 1805-7 [see previous issue], and here largely updated based on new research physical-astronomical Laplace [to which the Puissant makes fitting tribute], as well as Delambre, Legendre and Poison, which put on a new basis science and geodetic instruments and profession dell'Ingénieur-Geographe, and adding all new triangulations that led to reformulate even the cartography of France, with reference to the parallel of Strassbourg The author brought here all the necessary updates already expressed by him in the lectures at the Depôt de la Guerre; and this was the last effort of Puissant, then failure in 1844Zeitlinger, n. 13763. 234: QUETELET. Histoire des Sciences Mathématiques EUR 300 - 400 QUETELET Adolphe. Histoire des Sciences Mathématiques et Physiques chez les Belges. [segue:/Bound with:] Sciences Mathématiques et Physiques chez les Belges au commencement du XIX siècle. Bruxelles, Thiry-Van Buggenhout, 1864 e 1866. 2 vols. 8° mm. 240 x 160, pp. [4], 479; III, 751. Editorial paperback, Invio autografo dell’Autore "à Son Altesse le Prince Orloff"Documented work on the contribution of Belgium to the development of scientific thought, from the origins of the nation in the Carolingian period, until the early nineteenth century, in the first volume; and throughout the nineteenth century in the second volume, which is the logical continuation of the former Lambert-Adolphe Jacques Quetelet [1796-186 ..], a distinguished mathematician and astronomer, of Ghent, was a leading figure in the Belgian scientific world in the nineteenth century, with a vast production of scientific papers, teacher in Brussels and Secretary of 'Academy of Sciences; he devoted himself to important research in the field of meteorologyCfr. Poggendorff, II/552-3; Houzeau & Lancaster, I/nn. 66-7. 235: RAMBERT. Mémoire sur l’utilité des Paragrèles EUR 200 - 300 RAMBERT, l’abbé. Mémoire sur l’utilité des Paragrèles, et principes sur lequels ils reposent, ou l’on trouve aussi tout ce qu’il est nécessaire de faire pour préserver les édifices de la foudre, les blés du charbon et les vignes de la brulure. Paris, Huzard, 1826. 8° small mm. 190 x 120, pp. 65+[4] of ads publishing. Editorial paperback. L’abate Rambert, professore di filosofia e membro dell’Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, propugna l’installazione di parafulmini secondo un sistema che a suo dire li renderebbe atti anche a prevenire le gelate ai vigneti e ai campi di grano: e riporta esperienze da lui effettuate in Savoia in questo campo. Ronalds, p. 419; Quérard, France Litt., VII/p. 444. Science Books and Manuscripts 236: [Metallurgy]REAUMUR. L’Art de convertir EUR 3,500 - 3,800 [Metallurgy]REAUMUR, René-Antoine FERCHAULT De. L’Art de convertir le Fer Forgé en Acier, et l’Art d’adoucir le Fer Fondu, ou de faire des Ouvrages de fer fondu aussi finis que de fer forgé. Paris, Michel Brunet, 1722. 4° di mm. 250 x 190, pp. [20], 566, [3], with 17 copper plates folded out text. Contemporary full calf binding, spine at 6 sections, golden ornaments and titles. First edition of this important work in the history of metallurgy, which appeared later in the series of Descriptions des Arts et Metiers ... approuvés par l'Académie Royale des Sciences in 1762. R.-A. de Reaumur [1683-1757], physical and illustrious naturalist, known more commonly by its model of thermometer, was a leading figure of the Académie Royale des Sciences, was born under the influence of Colbert had a strong interest in new technologies that will were developed in the first half of '700, as shown by this and other memoirs he published in various fields; Colbert's mercantilist policy aimed in fact to emancipate France from foreign dependence in many productive sectors, such as steel-making, whose methods R. studied extensively in France and abroad to improve its effectiveness. Honeyman, n. 2585: "Reaumur was the first to Recognize That steel was impure iron than a form of iron rafined Generally as was believed. He correctly Showed That the amount of carbon [sulfur in the langage of eighteenth-century chemistry] is greatest in cast iron, less in steel, and least in wrought iron ". A detailed analysis of experiments and research in the field of Reaumur, see. Gillispie, D.S.B., XI / pp. 328-30. Zeitlinger, I / n. 3917. Hoover Collection, n. 677: "He revealed for the fist time hitherto secret details of the process and anche came very close to the correct explanation of the nature of steel, iron That is combined with a small quantity of carbon". 237: [Mineralogy] RECUPERO. Storia naturale EUR 2,500 - 2,800 [Mineralogy] RECUPERO Giuseppe. Storia naturale e generale dell'Etna... Opera postuma arricchita di moltissime interessanti annotazioni dal suo nipote Tesoriere Agatino Recupero. Tomo Primo [-Secondo]. Catania, Stamperia della Regia Università, 1815. 2 vols. 4° mm. 270 x 210; Contemporary half calf binding, spine with golden rules and coloured labels for titles; pp. 214, LXIII of “Annotations” and 15 of “Florula Etnea”; pp.235, XII of annotations, 22 mineralogical catalog, [2] of index. Portrait of the Author at the beginning of the first vol. and VI (of VIII) copper plates between the vols. of which the wide Carta Oryctographica di Mongibello. Stamp of extinct library on the Titlepages. XVIII century Ex-libris of the Count Camillo De Grassis.Beautiful and rare works devoted to the natural history of Etna, from topography to geology, mineralogy, to botany, and vulcanology itself with the history of eruptions and classification of lavas. Among illus. ft, in addition to the important and detailed Oryctographica Charter of Mount Etna, engraved by Giuseppe Aloja and processed by the same Recupero; we remember the beautiful view of the southern flank of the famous volcano.Mira, Bibl. Siciliana, II/p. 274 238: REISCH. Margarita philosophica EUR 4,500 - 5,000 REISCH, Gregor. Margarita philosophica.Basileae, Per Sebastianum Henricpetri, 1583 4to; Full stiff calf binding, calf label with golden titles on the spine; pp. 40, including Title-page, 1403, 3, 2 bl; Date in the colophon at recto of the last leaf, on the verso printer’s device; many woodcut illustrations within the text, many at full page. .Rare and important illustrated work, in the edition increased by Oronce Fine. The Margarita philosophica of Reisch is in fact the first encyclopedia in print, being a compendium of technical and theoretical sciences of his time gathered the arts of the trivium, the quadrivium, the natural sciences and moral, with dialogue between master and disciple on grammar , logic, arithmetic, music and elaborate chapters on astronomy and geometry. The text is accompanied by an impressive selection of illustrations, with many figures of various sizes, some twenty full page: among them, the beautiful allegorical representations of the seven liberal arts, cordiform the globe, the wheel of fortune, the creation of Eve, the 'Anatomy of the woman, the torquetum, perspective studies. The figures relate to smaller anatomy, astronomy, music, geometry and some curious scenes, such as those relating to the monsters, or the transmutation of metals.Adams R-338; Sabin 69131. Science Books and Manuscripts 239: [Economy] RICARDO. 12 works on the Bank of England. EUR 7,000 - 8,000 RICARDO, Samson. Collection of 12 works on the Bank of England.1837-1838One vol 8vo; Contemporarry half green calf and marbled boards, filett. golden rules and titles on the spine, marbled endpaper, Ex libris pasted to inside cover. Copy belonged to Michael Chevalier. HORSLEY PALMER, J. The causes and consequences of the pressure upon the money-market; with a statement of the action of the Bank of England. London, Pelham Richardson, 1837. 65 pp.RICARDO, Samson. Observations on the recent pamphlet of J. Horsley, Esq. On the causes and consequences of the pressure upon the money-market. London, Charles Knight, 1837. 43 pp.LOYD, Samuel Jones. Reflections suggested by a perusal of Mr. J. Horsley Palmer’s pamphlet on the causes and consequences of the pressure upon the money-market. London, Pelham Richardson, 1837. 56 pp.HORSLEY PALMER, J. Reply to the reflections, etc. Etc. Of Mr. Samuel Jones Loyd, on the pamphlet entitled “the causes and consequences of the pressure upon the money-market”London, Pelham Richardson, 1837. 24 pp.LOYD, Samuel Jones. Further reflections on the state of the currency and the action of the Bank of England. London, Pelham Richardson, 1837. 52 pp.RICARDO, Samson. A National Bank. The remedy for the evils attendant upon our present system of paper currency. London, Pelham Richardson, 1838. 65 pp.NORMAN, George Warde. Remarks upon some prevalent errors, with respect to currency and banking, and suggestions to the legislature and the public as to the improvement of the monetary system. London, Pelham Richardson, 1838. 109 pp.The secret Committee and the joint stock banks. A letter to the right honourable T. Spring Rice, chancellor of the exchequer by a Manchester Banker. London, Simpkin, Marshall, 1837. 29 pp.MUNTZ, G. F. The true cause of the late sudden change in the commercial affairs of the country. Birminghan, Richard Peart, 1837. 12 pp.Reflections on the approaching crisis; silver standard an local acceptances. By a man of straw. Second Edition. London, James Ridgway and Son, 1837. 23 pp.The new monetary system. By a citizen of the world. London, James Ridgway and Son, 1836. 23 pp.Thoughts upon the principles of banks, and the wisdom of legislative interference. London, James Ridgway and Son, 1837. 77 pp.Original editions. Precious collection of twelve rare texts, all of great importance. This is the famous dispute between J. Horsley Palmer, merchant, banker and governor of the Bank of England, the economist Ricardo Samson and the banker Manchester Samuel Loyd-Jones, one of the leading figures in the monetary history of England. The heated debate, which also involved other economists who are represented here, drew inspiration from the writings of Horsley Palmer on the causes and consequences of the pressure on the money market and concerns the role of the banks, the monetary system and the function of paper money, as well as the most effective way to address the crisis. The consistency of this collection is accentuated by its origin: the specimen belonged to Michel Chevalier, who affixes his bookplate and is stamped in gold on the back the inscription "Bibliothèque de Michel Chevalier". Michel Chevalier, 1806-1879, writer, statesman and economist, advocate of Saint-Simon, was the editor of the newspaper of the saint-Simonian movement and wrote several economic works. 240: RIVARD. Abregé de la Sphère EUR 300 - 400 RIVARD François-Dominique. Abregé de la Sphère, et du Calendrier, à l’usage de ceux qui ne sçavent pas de Géométrie. Paris, Lottin, Desaint et Vaillant, 1743. 8° small mm. 170 x 100, pp. XII, 130, 82, with 2 copper plates and 1 table folded out text. Contemporary full calf binding, spine with golden titles and ornaments. First edition of this elementary treatise, reprinted several times until the entry into force of the Republican Calendar, praised and later updated by Lalande. F.-D. Rivard [1697-1778], a professor of philosophy and mathematics, was extensively written for educational character in the field of mathematical sciences. 241: [Alchemy] RULAND. Progymnasmata alchemiæ EUR 3,500 - 3,800 [Alchemy] RULAND, Martin. Progymnasmata alchemiæ, siue Problemata chymica, nonaginta & vna quaestionibus dilucidata cum Lapidis philosophici vera conficiendi ratione.Francofurti, E Collegio Musarum Paltheniano, 1607 - 1606Large 8vo; Later Binding in full stiff vellum, dark cuts; 2 parts, pp. [16], 254, [2], 136; 165, incl. according Front. [6]; Marginalia and long note in the last 6 pages of seventeenth-century hand. Very rare first edition. Important work on alchemy, divided into two parts: the second is dated 1606, bears the title Lapidis philosophici real conficiedi ratio, that is, "the true method for achieving the Philosopher's Stone.” Vergara, who has just this second part, note: "This treaty is worth reading carefully." Very interesting typographic mark that brings together the main symbols of the Hermetic philosophy, the caduceus, the cornucopia, Athena and her owl . The specimen is annotated by a refined connoisseur of matter, which affixes a long note in the white pages finals, probably composed at the time of Binding in parchment. Among other things, indicates the author of the Tractatus that begins on page 86 of the second part: it is the alchemist Polish Michał Sędziwój, 1566-1636, known as Michael Sendivogius or with an anagram of the Latin name, Divi Leschi Genus Amo. It is interesting to note that the work of Ruland was also studied and densely annotated by Isaac Newton. Martin Ruland, 1569 - 1611, also known as Martinus or Martin Rulandus Rulandt, renowned German alchemist, a disciple of Paracelsus, was a physician of Rudolph II. The sample studied and annotated by Newton is part of The Frederick E. Brasch Collection of Newton and Newtonian time in the library of Stanford University. Ferguson II, 304; Duveen, p. 530; Verginelli 289. Science Books and Manuscripts 242: SACRO BOSCO. Sphaera emendata EUR 2,000 - 2,500 SACRO BOSCO, Johannes de. Sphaera emendata.Paris, Cavellat, 15623 works in one vol. 8vo, mm. 160x110; contemporary full vellum binding; Printer’s mark with hen of Cavellat in Title-page; 2 folded plates, many woodcuts within the text, one out the text with moving parts. SACRO BOSCO, Johannes de. Sphaera emendata.Paris, Cavellat, 1562Leale 102; many woodcuts within the text, 1 plate out text at the end with mobil parts, all woodcuts.An excellent example with a preface by Philipp Melanchthon. The volume contains the table with movable parts, almost always missing; also the important preface by Philipp Melanchthon, censored, was removed, so that there are very few copies of the book that still retain. The text is commented by Elie Vinet. This work formed the basis for three centuries for the study of astronomy in schools and universities across Europe. Houzeau-Lancaster, n. 768.Bound with:BEYER, Hartmann. Quaestiones novae in Libellum de Sphaera Ioannis de Sacro Bosco.Paris, Cavellat, 1562leaves 70, 2 blank; 2 folded tables out text at the end.This work by Beyer presents a view of the sky as a series of spheres enveloping. The tables illustrate an almanac that describes the positions and movements of the constellations on the timetable, and thus became a reference tool for astrologers. In this theory, the Earth is a sphere at the center of the universe, around which the spheres of heaven. Houzeau-Lancaster, n. 2527.Bound with:SACRO BOSCO, Johannes de. Libellus de Anni Ratione seu ut vocatur vulgo, Computus Ecclesiasticus. Cum Praefatione Philippi Melanchtoni. Paris, Cavellat, 1562leaves 50.Important edition with an introduction and commentary by Melanchthon, whose name has been abraded by the title. In this work the Sacro Bosco deals systematically with calendars and the measurement of time: defines the day, its division into hours, introduces the sexagesimal fractions, minutes and seconds; defines the solar year and the lunar year. Also criticizes the Julian Calendar: argues that this timetable was ahead by 10 days and that it needed some correction; his plan to fix it was to skip a day every 288 years. Houzeau-Lancaster, n. 13631. 243: [Metals] SAGE. Expériences EUR 300 - 400 SAGE Balthazar. Expériences propres à faire connoitre que l’Alkali Volatil-Fluor est le Remède le plus efficace dans les Asphyxies; avec des Remarques sur le effets avantageux qu’il produit dans la Morsure de la Vipère, dans la Rage, la Brûlure, l’Apoplexie, &c. Paris, Imprimérie Royale, 1777. 8° mm. 200 x 130, pp. 62. Ancient paperback. The author argues the effectiveness of what he calls Volatile Alkali Fluor-resuscitation of asphyxiated and treatment of bites, burns, etc. In practice, the substance of which he speaks, as part of the old chemical nomenclature, is due to ammonium salts On the figure of Sage [1740-1824], known for its vast erudition as a naturalist and mineralogist but also for his conservative views, see Ferguson, II / pp 312-3Duveen, p. 523. 244: SAINT-ANDRÉ. Entretiens sur l’Acide EUR 500 - 800 SAINT-ANDRÉ, François de. Entretiens sur l’Acide et sur l’Alkali. Examen de quelques Reflections de Mr. Boyle sur ces principes. Réponse à une Lettre de Mr. Saunier Docteur en Medecine, touchant la nature de ces deux sels. Seconde édition, reveue, corrigée, & augmentée. Paris, Lambert Roulland, 1680. In-8vo, mm 140 x 90 ; Leg. piena pelle epoca; pp. 12,189. Interessante operetta, in forma di dialogo, nella quale sono esposte le modalità con cui opererebbero le sostanze acide e le sostanze alcaline nella dissoluzione e nella coagulazione dei vari elementi, nelle mani de l’Artiste. Nel titolo l’autore si definisce Docteur en Medecine de la Faculté de Caen e dovrebbe trattarsi di François de Saint-André, professore a Caën, ricordato da Hirsch, I/p. 134 cfr. Wellcome, V/p. 7 [dà l’autore attivo tra il 1677 ed il 1725]. Partington, III/p. 33. 245: [Whatch Making] SAINTE MARIE EUR 500 - 800 SAINTE MARIE MAGDELEINE, Pierre Dom de. Traité d’Horlogiographie, contenant plusieurs manières de construire sur toutes surfaces toutes sortes de lignes horaires. Lyon, Plaignard, 1691.8° small mm. 150 x 90, pp. [14], 324. Nice Frontispiece and 72 copper plates [plate 71 e 72 in one leaf]. Contemporary full calf binding, spine at 5 ribs with golden titles and ornaments. Treated very rare of gnomonic, appeared for the first time in Paris in 1641 and then reprinted with additions up to this fourth edition. The author, of Abbeville, father of the Congregation of Feuillans, describes the method to build all kinds of sundials, universal equinoctial clocks, night watches, moon dials, watches to know the tide times and all related calculations. In the first editions the incisions are signed by Tavernier. Houzeau &Lancaster, n. 11455 [sbaglia nel numero delle tavv.]; Olschki, Choix, n. 7732 [indica solo 68 tavv.]; Caillet, III/9827: "Ouvrage curieux". Turner, Ritmi del cielo e misura del tempo, nn. 88 e 99. 246: SALVA. Découverte des véritables élémens EUR 500 - 600 SALVA le Jeune. Découverte des véritables élémens de la Trigonométrie et du véritable Plan d’Astronomie Universelle, débatus et verifiés par les gens de l’art, par l’Institut, et approuvés par S. Exc. le Ministre de l’Intérieur... Seconde édition... avec plans et figures. Rouen, Guilbert, 1808. 6° small mm. 190 x 130, pp. VIII, 74 with 1 copper plates including 13 illustrations. Publisher paperback. The author, autodidact genius, here describes his tool called Descripteur, perfecting the Graphomètre, which should facilitate trigonometric calculations applied to astronomy; and attach a copy of correspondence from him entertained for recognition of his methods. Quérard, Fr. Litt.. VIII/p. 422. Houzeau-Lancaster, I/n. 9988. Science Books and Manuscripts 247: SANTINI. La Photographie EUR 200 - 300 SANTINI, Emmanuel-Napoléon. La Photographie à travers les corps opaques par les Rayons Electriques, Cathodiques et de Röntgen. Avec une étude sur les images photofulgurales.Paris, Mendel [1896]8vo, mm. 200x125; Editorial paperback; pp. 8, 102, 2; portrait of Röntgen and 16 illustrations within the text.Original edition. Important essay on the radiograph and its esoteric applications, appeared the year after the publication of two papers on X-radiation, which won him the Nobel Prize in Röntgen. The new findings, which were immediately glimpsed the possibilities for medical and surgical applications, is disclosed here by Santini: after having explained the physical fundamentals, it deals with the esoteric aspects, dedicating the second part of the "Images photo-Fulgurales" and the "Psychophotographie".Caillet, III, pp. 481-2. 248: [Optics] SANTINI. Teorica degli Strumenti Ottici EUR 400 - 600 SANTINI, Giovanni. Teorica degli Strumenti Ottici destinati ad estendere i confini della visione naturale. Padova, Tip. Seminario, 18282 tomi in-8vo, mm. 230x165; Leg. coeva in cartonato muto; pp. 4, 249, 3, 4 Tavv. f.t. ripieg.; pp. 225, 7, 2 tavv. f.t. rip. In totale 6 Tavole f.t. inc. in rame. Timbro di biblioteca estinta ai frontespizi. Prima edizione. In quest’opera sugli strumenti ottici, l’illustre astronomo e ottico toscano si propone di riassumere in un trattato speciale quanto pubblicato fino ad allora. Il primo volume tratta le proprietà generali degli strumenti diottrici e catottrici, e la teoria degli obiettivi acromatici; il secondo descrive le diverse specie di cannocchiali, le disposizioni degli oculari, i microscopi, ed infine gli apparati ottici “dilettevoli”, ovvero camera oscura, lanterna magica, diorama, caleidoscopio. Poggendorff, II, 749; Zeitlinger, B.C.M., 2d Suppl., n. 6120. 249: SAUSSURE. Essais sur l’Hygrométrie EUR 1,600 - 2,000 SAUSSURE, Horace-Bénédict de. Essais sur l’Hygrométrie. 1er Essai. Description d’un nouvelle Hygromètre comparable. II. Essai. Théorie de l’hygrométrie. III. Essai. Théorie de l’évaporation. IV. Essai. Applications de théories précédentes à quelques phénomenes de la météorologie. Neuchatel, Fauche, 1783. 8° mm. 220 x 140, pp. XII, 524 with 2 copper plate and 9 tables. Contemporary sewing binding. Original edition of this important collection of essays by the famous Genevan naturalist, containing inter alia, the description on the hair hygrometer invented by the author [also illustrated in one of the two illus. f.t.]. The present work is the true father of Saussure hygrometry, and contains fundamental research on the expansion of the air and on changes of its specific weight in relation hill variations in atmospheric humidity. It is known the tireless research of Saussure, the first climber of the summit of Mont Blanc, and author of countless excursions and ascents for scientific purposes on the Swiss Alps and Piedmont.Zeitlinger, n. 4219; Poggendorff, II/757. 250: [Mineralogy] SCHLÜTER. De la Fonte des Mines EUR 1,600 - 2,000 [metallurgy] SCHLÜTER Christoph Andreas. De la Fonte des Mines, des Fonderies, &c. Traduit de l’Allemand de Christoph-André Schlütter. Qui traite des Essais des Mines et Métaux, de l’Affinage et Raffinage de l’Argent, du Départ de l’Or, etc. Le tout augmenté de plusieurs Procédés & Opérations, & publié par M. Hellot. [Tome Premier]. ID. ID. - De la Fonte des Mines, des Fonderies, des Grillages, des Fourneux de Fonte, d’Affinage, de Raffinage, des Fabriques de Vitriol, de Potasse, &c... Avec 55 Planches représentant les différens Forneaux... Publié par M. Hellot [Tome Second]. Paris, Herissant et Pissot, 1750 e 1753. 2 vols. 4° mm. 250 x 190, di pp. XX, [2], 424, with 3 copper plates folded out text; pp. XVI, 661, [3], nice headpiece by B. Audran at the beginning, and 56 copper plates out text folded at the end engraved by Audran. Contemporary full calf binding. French version, with substantial additions of the curator, the French chemist Jean Hellot [1685-1766], this famous treatise appeared in Germany in 1738 in folio format with the title Gründlicher Unterricht von Hütte-Werken, the \"summation\" of chemical knowledge and metallurgical material in the Germanic countries in sec XVIII; This first edition was dedicated to George II of England, because Schlüter was at his service at the court of Braunschweig Hoover Collection, nn 726-7: \"The Hoovers rated this great folio [ed. German, ed] With its many descriptions and folding plates of metal separation processes as one of the most important in the Agricola, Ercker, Lôhneyss tradition The accounts of separating silver from copper and gold were from Considered especially admirable. \"Duveen, p. 535 [l’ediz. tedesca] Science Books and Manuscripts 251: De Conservanda bona valetudine EUR 1,400 - 1,600 REGIMEN SANITATIS SALERNITANUM. De Conservanda bona valetudine Opusculum Scholae Salernitanae.Paris, Apud Guilielmum Cavellat, 155512mo, mm. 119x75; Contemporary full vellum binding, title written on the spine; leaves 14 nn., 1 bl., 195, 5 nn.; woodcut Initials, Italic type. Ex libris manuscripted from a collector of Ravenna dated 1691. Rare Paris edition. Important work with the texts of nutrition and medicine of the School of Salerno, which refer to the teaching of Hippocrates and Galen. The work contains the treaties of Arnaldo de Vilanova, Johann Curio, Jacob Crell, Otho Cremonensis, Philipp Melanchthon; the last work on diet, erroneously attributed to Polybius, is translated by the eminent German physician Johann Winther. Kremers and Urdang: ''Of the knowledge emanating from [the Medical School at] Salerno, however, the work most influental on health practices of Europeans was of quite different character. A health manual, the so-called Regimen sanitatis, consisted of dietetic and pharmaceutical rules in verse form. The original collection of 364 verses presumably was edited and annotated about the year 1300, by one of the most progressive and chemically oriented physicians of the late Middle Ages, Arnald of Villanova. Although perhaps not intended originally for laymen, the treatise soon became popular, and after the invention of printing it appeared in all European languages in upward of 300 editions, accumulating additional verses and commentaries through the decades. The relatively simple and inexpensive pharmaceutical measures advocated in its pages probably was not the least appealing feature of this popular health guide for a continent.” Kremers and Urdang, History of Pharmacy, p. 32.Unito con:/ Bound with:Pictorius, Georg. Tuendae sanitatis ratio for sex Rerum (et medical vocant) not naturalium.[Colophon in order:] Parisiis, excudebat Martinus Iuuenis, 1555Leaves 8 Nos., 62, 1 bl. • Sig .: [ast] 8 to g8-h7, missing the blank leaf h8. Initials woodcut, Italic type. Nice specimen.Very rare edition. Work of medicine and dietetics divided into seven dialogues: the first general regards the true wealth, which is in the mind and not in possessions, and invites to practice frugality; others illustrate the six non-natural things, as indicated in the title, beginning with the definition of health: clean air, care of food and drink, exercise and rest, the balance between sleep and wakefulness, regularity in digestion and bowel function; Finally, avoid the excess of passion.Durling, n. 3635. Cfr. Elaut, Les règles d’une gastronomie hygiènique, exposé par le médecin-humaniste Georgius Pictorius, in: “Clio Medica”, 1968, nr. 3, pp. 349-359 ; Thorndike, A history of magic and exper. science, VI, pp. 399-400. 252: Le Régime de Santé de l’Escole de Salerne EUR 800 - 1,000 SCHOLA SALERNITANA. Le Régime de Santé de l’Escole de Salerne. Traduit et commenté par Maistre Michel Le Long... avec l’Epistre de Diocle Carystien, touchant les presages des maladies, à Antigon Roy d’Asie: Et le Serment d’Hippocrate, mis de prose en vers François par le mesme. Troisième édition.Paris, De La Coste, 1643In 8vo piccolo, mm. 170 x 105 ; Legatura coeva in pelle; pp. 16nn, 705, 1 b, 42pp;Bella edizione, con il testo latino seguito dalla traduzione francese in versi, del celebre Regimen Sanitatis della Scuola medica Salernitana. Di parrticolare interesse l’ampio commentario di Michel Le Long che accompagna ogni precetto sviluppando in particolare gli aspetti dietetici e gastronomici. Al termine dell’opera sono riportati l’epistola di Diocle ad Antigono, contenente altri precetti di igiene e il giuramento di Ippocrate. Vicaire, 512. 253: SCHULZE. Historia Medicinae EUR 800 - 1,200 SCHULZE Johann Heinrich. Historia Medicinae a rerum initio ad annum Urbis Romae DXXXV deducta. Accedunt Tabulae Aeneae, Chronologica, et Indices copiosi. Leipzig, Peter Conrad Monath, 1728. 4° mm. 200 x 160, pp. [24], 417, [35], with a portrait of Federico Augusto Re di Polonia engraved on copper above the dedication letter and many engravings within the text, largely with artifacts of ancient greek-Roman [cameos, carvings] interesting history of medicine.Contemporary Half vellum Binding, title written on the back.Erudite work on the history of ancient medicine, from the origins "antediluvian" of the Hellenistic period, the result of long historical and archaeological research, divided into 4 sections. The interesting in the section dedicated to the medicine of the Egyptians, with a chapter on the topic De pollinctura et Alchemy Aegyptiorum, ut et medicine exoteric; Section III is entirely devoted to Hippocrates and his era JH Schulze [1687-1744], a distinguished German medical student of Hoffmann, scholar of classical antiquity, he held various teaching positions, including the chair of anatomy in Altdorf, and then the eloquence and ancient Halle: besides various dissertations anatomy, physiology, chemistry and pharmacology, he devoted himself passionately to the history of ancient medicine publishing several studies.Dezeimeris, IV/p. 127; Choulant, p. 6: "Opus apprime doctum in historia medicinae graecorum antiquissimae". Hirsch, V/p. 166. 254: SENEBIER. Recherches analytiques EUR 600 - 800 SENEBIER Jean. Recherches analytiques sur la nature de l’air inflammable. Genève, Chirol, 1784. 8, mm 220x140; cardboard binding; pp. XXVIII, 387. Original edition Important work on the nature of the air flammable of the chemist from Geneva, friend and translator of Spallanzani The author believed that the air contained ifiammabile water, nitric acid and phlogiston, material substance which according to Stahl, the founder of inflammatory, was contained in the bodies fuel, and that is separated from them in the combustion The whole chapter 9 is dedicated to the experiments of Lavoisier to which he had then the demolition of the myth of phlogiston, the decomposition of water; Other chapters are devoted to the discussion of the experiences of Scheele, Cavendish, Kirwan, Bergman and Priestley, as he advocates inflammatory Senebier, evangelical pastor and librarian in Geneva, wrote several important works on photosynthesis and wrote the section on Plant Physiology for Encyclopaedia méthodique. Partington, III, p. 280; Duveen, p. 546; Bolton, 828; Zeitlinger, III Suppl., n° 2932; Poggendorff, II/904. Science Books and Manuscripts 255: SICHARDT. Disciplinarum Liberalium Orbis EUR 1,500 - 1,800 SICHARDT Johann. Disciplinarum Liberalium Orbis, ex P. Consentio et Magno Aurelio Cassiodoro. Cui adiecimus, adducti argumenti affinitate, libellos: L. Apuleii Madaurensis de Syllogismo categorico. Censorini de Die natali. Recens à nobis publicis studiis asserti. Excudebat Basileae Ioan. Bebelius, mense Augusto Anno XXVIII. Basel, Joh. Bebel, 1528. 4° small mm. 210 x 140, ff. 79, [1] printer’s device on the verso[A large palm tree with ribbons and flourishes]. Roman characters. The leaf 3 beautiful wood frame with a battle scene, different initial decorated with good workmanship. Contemporary binding in full brown leather imprinted dry, quite restored. First edition of this composite collection containing some texts of scientific interest, published by the humanist German Johann Sichardt [1499-1552], Latin scholar and friend of Erasmus, a law professor at Tubingen, publisher among other things of the first books of the Codex Theodosianus . Are contained herein: l] Institutio Grammar of the Latin poet P. Consentius [V-VI sec.], Originally from Narbonne [ff. 3-24]; 2] certain educational compendia from the Institutiones of Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus [ca. 480-570], secretary of Theodoric and then inspiring the Order of Benedictine monastic life, and that is the Rhetoricae Compendium, and Dialecticae Compendium; 3] The text of Apuleius Madaura De categorical syllogismo, built in the Dialectic compendium; 4] even Cassiodorus texts Arithmeticae Compendium Compendium Musicae, Geometriae Compendium, Astronomiae Compendium; and finally [ff. 51-79]; 5] the text of Censorinus [third century.] De Die Natali, known compendium of astronomy and history. On this collection see. Smith, Rara Arithmetica, p. 211: "This brief treatise on the nature of arithmetics, music, geometry, and astronomy, the four mathematical disciplines, was held in high esteem in the Middle Ages". Houzeau & Lancaster, n. 757; Adams, n. 2528; S.T.C. [German Books], p. 813. 256: [Laboratory of experimental physics] SIGAUD EUR 1,400 - 1,600 SIGAUD DE LA FOND Jean-René. Description et usage d’un Cabinet de Physique Expérimentale. Tome Premier [-et Deuxième]. Paris, Gueffier, 1775. 2 vols. 8° small mm. 200 x 130, pp. XXIV, 342, with 23 copper plates by Borgnet; pp.[4], 456, with XXVIII copper plates.Contemporary half calf binding, titles and rules in gold on the spine. Stamp of extinct library on the Title page. Work at the time considered "unique dans son genre", which came up again to describe [and represent in illus. copper] the latest equipment for physical experiences, incorporating the innovations of Priestey, Franklin, Lavoisier and others, to dell'allestimento purposes of an experimental physics laboratory, in connection with courses in physics that the author kept in his Machines de cabinet to the rue St. Jacques, "maison de l'Université". Jean-Rene Sigaud de la Fond [1740-1810], at first devoted himself to operative surgery, and then became "demonstrateur de physique" and professor of mathematics at the University of Paris. He was a member of many scientific academies and published several books about teaching. This text, for its clarity and practicality, was insostibuile for several years, and especially useful in experiments on electricity.Wheeler Gift, n. 455 [e 543 bis]; Quérard, Fr. Litt., IX/p. 135. 257: SGOBBIS. Universale Theatro Farmaceutico EUR 2,500 - 2,800 SGOBBIS, Antonio De. Universale Theatro Farmaceutico.Venezia, P. Baglioni, 1682folio, mm. 320x220; Contemporary full vellum binding, spine adorned; pp. 12, 820. Nice engraved Frontispiec with the"Officina Farmaceutica" portrait of Melichius, Stecchinus e Sgobbis in a table; 2 copper plates depicting all sorts of stills; a copper table with the "chemical characters"; and a summary table in the press out text, red edges. Second edition of this rare Pharmacopoeia, in which is condensed the author's long pharmaceutical experience, succeeded to Melichio and the Stecchini in the pharmacy "in the name of the Ostrich" in Venice, the Venetian pharmacy was in the seventeenth century among the most famous and rich in recipes. The first part of the work contains the description of the main chemical and related equipment operations, with two interesting plates depicting all sorts of crooked, cookers, stills; the second part deals with major pharmaceutical preparations, minerals, salts, stones with chapters on Coralli, Gems, wine, vinegar, etc Vinciana, n. 2053; Cicogna, n. 5413; Ferguson, II, 380. Science Books and Manuscripts 258: [Metric System].Recueil des instructions, tables.. EUR 3,500 - 3,800 [Metric System].Recueil des instructions, tables et tableaux relatifs aux nouveaux Poids et Mesures, et au Calcul Décimal, publiés par ordre du Gouvernement et imprimés à l’Imprimerie de la République. Paris, Chez Rondonneau, au Dépôt des Lois, place du Carrousel, Germinal an VI [Marzo-Aprile 1798]1 vol. 8vo, mm. 210x130; Half calf binding, golden title and ornaments at the spine; pp. 4 nn. with Frontispiece and index, 11 documents independent numbered, 3 copper plates out text, 6 Tables out text. Front. Allegorical illustration of the Republic woodcut on the Titlepage. Nice copy. Rare collection of official acts of the Republic relating to the metric system. The book is composed of twelve booklets independent numbered documenting the introduction of the metric system with all implementing regulations; is preceded by a title page and a general index, and comes with 3 tables engraved on copper and 6 Tables espicative, folded. Very difficult to find a collection so complete of all the texts relating to the introduction of the metric system in France under the Convention, including the texts of the two laws of 18 Germinal An III and 1 Vendemiaire an 4, and the two fundamental operations of Claude-Antoine Prieur: the first, which opens the collection, is the Rapport, followed by the draft Decree-Law, read in the Convention Nationale on 25 Fructidor an 3, 11 September 1795, the second, which closes the volume, the Instruction is where It is clearly explained the new measurement system. The works are, in order:1. Rapport sur les moyens préparés pour établir l’uniformité des Poids et Mesures dans la République, et pour substituer prochainement le mètre à l’aune... suivi d’un projet de Decret... par C.A. Prieur au nom du Comité d’Instruction Publique, pp. 24; 2. Loi Relative aux poids et mesures, 18 germinal an 3, pp. 8;3. Loi Relative aux poids et mesures, 1 vendémiaire an 4, pp. 6, 2 b.;4. Notions èlèmentaires sur le nouveau système des mesures, par l’Agence temporaire des poids et mesures, pp. 54, 2 b.;5. Tables de comparaison entre les mesures anciennes et celles qui les remplacent dans le nouveau système métrique, pp. 42, 2 b.;6. Table Pour convertir les Sous et Denier en Dècimes et Centimes, pp. 7, 1 b.;7. Vocabulaire des mesures républicaines, contenant l’indication de leurs valeurs et de leurs principaux usages, En conformité de la Loi du 18 Germina, an 3, pp. 7, 1 b.;8. Instruction sur les nouveaux poids, et sur l’usage des échelles qui présentent, leurs rapports avec les poids de marc, pp. 7, 1 b., 1 tavola inc. in rame f.t. ripieg.;9. Explication et usage des échelles de comparaison entre les mesures agraires et itineéraires, pp. 6, 2 b., 1 tavola inc. in rame f.t. ripieg.;10. Explication et usage des échelles Pour la comparaison des Toises, Pieds …, pp. 8, 1 tavola inc. in rame f.t. ripieg.;11. Instruction sur le Calcul Décimal, appliquée principalement au nouveau Système des Poids et Mesures... par C.A. Prieur, pp. 22, 2 b.;12. 6 Tableaux ripiegati con schemi per convertire, ridurre o conoscere i valori comparativi delle misure, 3 datate Germinal e 3 datate Floréal an VI.The specimens of this collection consist of works which appeared separately, so their composition is different according to the different editions: This specimen has the unnumbered index that does not signal the last Table, printed on blue paper and dated Floréal an VIPresso la Bibliothèque Nationale c’è un esemplare simile al nostro, ma dell’anno successivo, An VII. Cfr. Thomas-Scheler, La marche des Sciences pendant la Révolution, nn. 68-78. 259: [Wine] SODERINI. Trattato della coltiuazione delle viti EUR 3,000 - 3,500 [Wine] SODERINI, Giovanni Vittorio. Trattato della coltiuazione delle viti, e del frutto che se ne può cauare. Firenze, Filippo Giunti, 16003 parts in vol. 8vo; Binding in vellum; pp. [12, compreso Front.], 128, [8], 45, [3]; [8] 19, [1 b.]; Printer’s device on title page and at the end, woodcut Initials and Finals. Rare first edition. The first work concerns the viticulture, which refers Giovanvettorio multiple practices, providing a mosaic of wine geography embellished with several insightful observations. The second "Tuscan Coltiuazione screws and some arbori" the Davanzati, begins from Aa1 paper; The third work "Letter Apologetics written à Messer Filippo values ... In defense, et praise melon" is written by Leonardo Giachini.Gamba, 924; Lastri, 119. 260: [Magnetism]SOUSSELLIER. L’Ami de la Nature EUR 3,000 - 3,500 [Magnetism]SOUSSELLIER DE LA TOUR, comte. L’Ami de la Nature, ou manière de traiter les Maladies par le pretendu Magnétisme animal.Dijon, Capel, 1784.legato con:/Bound with DELANDINE Antoine François. De la Philosophie Corpuscolaire, ou des connoissances et des procédés magnétiques chez les divers peuples. Par M. Del ++++++.Paris, Cuchet, 1785 2 works in 1 vol. 8° mm. 20 x 12,5 ; di pp. 1,175,1 e pp.6,200. Contemporary full calf binding, spine with label. Interesting works on animal magnetism. The first is a complete treatise of electromagnetic medicine; the author in the preface informs us that he had written to Mesmer to seek approval for publication; and Mesmer said to be no relationship between the author and his method. The proposed treatment ranging from electricity to animal magnetism, which the author considers a variant of the first, arguing that the electric matter is the agent of nature. Cfr. Caillet, n. 10286. The second work examines the different methods of magnetic treatment from antiquity to the experiences of Mesmer; curious among others a chapter on the healing effects of music.Caillet, n. 2897: "Intéressant ouvrage pour l’époque. Il donne un résumé des écrits des anciens sur les pratiques qui peuvent se rapporter au magnetisme". Murhard, nn. 455 e 525 261: STUART. Descriptive History of the Steam Engine EUR 300 - 400 STUART Robert. Descriptive History of the Steam Engine. London, Whittaker, Treacher and Arnot, 1829. 8° [mm. 210 x 130, pp. VI, [2], 249, with 54 plates and many illustrations within the text, copper Vignette on Title page, Contemporary half calf binding, Golden titles on the spine. Fourth Edition, the most complete, of this extensive and detailed text on the use of steam engines, profusely illustrated, from their origin to the period of great development associated with the first industrial revolution. The first edition appeared in 1824, and it contains - significant sign of vitality - the list of patents issued in England in this field from 1698 to 1828.Zeitlinger, n. 4662: "The most complete collection of account of various inventions.... a book now very rare". Science Books and Manuscripts 262: [Nervous system] SWAN. Névrologie EUR 1,800 - 2,200 SWAN Joseph. Névrologie ou description anatomique du Corps Humain. Traduit de l’anglais avec des additions par E. Chassaignac. Accompagné de 25 Planches gravées à Londres. Paris, Baillière, 1838. 4to mm 290 x 230 ; Contemporary editorial paperback, spine in cloth; pp. XXIV, 210, 2, with 25 plates drawed by West and engraved by Finden with text on the facing page. Stamp of extinct library.Interesting French translation of this rare and important work of the anatomist English Joseph Swan, which appeared in London in 1830. Work valuable for detailed anatomical study of the nervous system, the result of countless dissections, and the clarity of the plates drawn and engraved by West by Finden.Cfr. O.D.N.B., ad vocem: "Swan was a born anatomist, practical rather than theoretical, and with a native genious for dissection. Of retired and modest disposition, he remained personally almost unknown, and the value of his work is only now beginning to be appreciated". 263: SWEDENBORG. Methodus nova inveniendi Longitudines EUR 6,000 - 7,000 [SWEDENBORG Emanuel]. Methodus nova inveniendi Longitudines locorum Terra Marique ope Lunae. Amstelodami, 1727. [legato con:] /Bound with: Nova observata et inventa circa Ferrum et Ignem et precipue circa naturam Ignis Elementarem, una cum Nova Camini inventione. [legato con:] Prodromus Principiorum Rerum Naturalium sive Novorum Tentaminum Chymiam et Physicam Experimentalem Geometrice explicandi. Hildburghausen, Hanisch, 1754. 3 parts in one vol. 8° small 160 x 100, pp. 55 with 2 copper plates out text; pp. 56 with 3 copper plates out text; pp. 199 with 15 copper plates. Contemporary half calf binding, spine adorned. Rare mix of scientific pamphlets of the famous Swedish scientist and mystic, published for the first time in Amsterdam in 1721, then in 1727, and finally to Hildburghausen in 1754 [actually the issue is always the same, and changes only the frontispiece]. They were written between 1719 and 1721, when Swendenborg, Councillor to the Board of Mines in Sweden, and not yet pervaded by successive mystical and theosophical involution, he devoted himself to research in chemistry and physics [took care especially crystallography and chemical affinity problems]. These studies, remained almost ignored and obscured by the work as the next, were prized for their value only in recent times. "In 1721 S. anonimously published in 'geometrical explanation of chemistry and physics', to work on the nature of fire and inventions on iron and fire and a new furnace, and a new method of finding logitudine ... [The Prodromus] Consists of attempts to explain the properties of substances in terms of the supposed forms of Their particles, Which are Showed in the figures in great detail ... The Observations on Iron and Fire Contain descriptions of smelting furnaces [with plates] and a description of the smelting of iron ore with charcoal ... " [Partington, III/pp. 165-67]. Il Prodromus ed altri opuscoli furono poi ristampati nei Principia Rerum Naturalium, sempre nel quadro di un interessante tentativo di spiegare le affinità chimiche sulla base di una teoria delle forme e della forza degli atomi, che precorre le teorie atomiche di Dalton e Berzelius. 264: TERZAGO. Museum Septalianum EUR 600 - 800 TERZAGO, Paolo Maria. Museum Septalianum Manfredi Septalae Patritii Mediolanensis industrioso labore constructum.Tortona, Viola, 1664In-4to piccolo, mm. 210x140; Leg. coeva p. pergamena, tit. mss. sul dorso; pp. 8, 324, 4, ult. 2 b. Test. e Fin. xil., Arma nobiliare di Manfredi Settala xil. a p. 240. Manca l’antiporta incisa e una tavola ripiegata. Firma di appartenza al Front. “Antonius Bosio Eques.” Edizione originale. Interessante e curiosa opera, che descrive il “museo fisico” costituito da Manfredo Settala, in cui vennero raccolti oggetti e reperti interessanti la storia delle scienze naturali, e numerosi strumenti scientifici. Oltre alle gemme, pietre preziose, minerali rari, essenze e balsami orientali, fossili, sono descritti specchi ustori, lenti, strumenti ottici, globi, telescopi. Un capitolo è dedicato alla Bibliotheca Septaliana, che raccoglieva 7.290 volumi e manoscritti rari; un altro descrive la Officina Medicamentaria, contenente 450 vasi vitrei con essenze rare Il capitolo finale dell'opera, De Magnete, tratta ampiamente del magnetismo e dell'attrazione magnetica, con riferimenti a G. B. Porta, Scaligero, Cusano, Gilbert, Kircher, Cabaeus, Faber, e altri. Manfredo Settala, pittore studioso di meccanica, direttore dell'Accademia di Pittura istituita dal cardinale Borromeo e fu membro della Royal Society di Londra. Riccardi, II, 444; Mottelay, p. 159; Poggendorff, II, 1082. 265: TORRICELLI. Lezioni Accademiche. EUR 3,500 - 4,000 TORRICELLI, Evangelista. Lezioni Accademiche.Firenze, Jacopo Guiducci e Santi Franchi, 17154to, mm. 240x180; contemporary full vellum binding; pp. XLIX, incl. Half title and Title-page., 1 nn., 96, 2 nn. with Imprimatur; vignetta in rame con impresa della Crusca al Front., una tavola f.t. col ritratto di Torricelli inciso su rame da P. Anichinius, 3 woodcuts within the text. Stamp of extinct library in the title. First edition. Are gathered the 12 lectures delivered by Torricelli at the Academy of Bran, published posthumously care of Tommaso Bonaventura. In these lectures the scientist is the percussion, where developed some theories of Galilei, atmospheric pressure, light, wind, mathematics and military architecture. DSB: "From the point of view of physics, the lectures on the force and impact on wind and are of Particular interest. In the former he said That he was reporting ideas Expressed by Galileo in Their informal conversations, and there is no lack of original observations ... In the lecture on wind Torricelli ... advanced the modern theory That winds are produced by differences of air temperature, and hence of density, between two regions of the earth. "Roberts and Trent:" Chapter 7 on the movement of winds is a pioneer contribution in the field of meteorology explaining in detail Their origin in atmospheric changes and refuting the contemporary theory That they issued from the earth. "Of great interest is the long introduction by the editor, about the life and works of Torricelli: here we publish two letters sent to Michelangelo Ricci in June 1644, in which he describes his invention of the fundamental barometer mercury and speaks of atmospheric pressure, in this first part of the three also appear in woodcut illustrations of scientific instruments. Gillispie, D.S.B., XIII, p.438-39; Dibner, Heralds, n. 149; Honeyman, n. 2993; Cinti, Bibl. Galilean, n. 169; Zeitlinger, n. 4914; Roberts and Trent p. 322; Norman, n. 2088. Science Books and Manuscripts 266: TORRIGIANO. Plusquam commentum EUR 2,500 - 2,800 TORRIGIANO DE TORRIGIANI Pietro. Plusquam commentum cum tabula, Turisani monachi Cartusiensis ab innumeris pene erroribus nuper emendati noua impressio cum duabus Galeni interpretationibus vna Laurentij Venetijs expensis nobilis viri Luce Antonij Junta florentini, 1526. Folio, mm 310 x 210; Contemporary vellum binding; leaves 8 nn., 175, 1 bl; Gothic type; woodcut Initials, Printer’s mark on the verso of the last leaf; free end papers in manuscripted vellum with pages of ancient juridical text. First Giunti edition of this famous commentary on Galen's Ars Parva. Work of the monk Peter de Torrigiano Torrigiani from Holy Sepulchre. Compared to the first edition of Bologna of 1489, in this edition are added annotations and comments from other authors.De Renzi, II/278-9: "Ad ogni linea delle sue opere appare la sua immensa erudizione... egli... spesso mostrossi avverso alle opinioni di Galeno, di Aristotile e di Avicenna, la qual cosa in quel tempo dava prova di un ardire quasi incredibili... Il celebre Morgagni cita il Torrigiani come uno dei primi nel risorgimento delle scienze che conobbe e descrisse l'apoplessia sanguigna, non ammessa dai suoi predecessori". Manca a Wellcome, Osler, Walleriana, Harvey-Cushing. Durling, n. 4396, cita l'ediz. giuntina del 1542. S.T.C., p. 286, cita l'ediz. del 1519. Camerini, Annali Giunti Venezia, I/n. 308. Hirsch, V/p.612. 267: TORTI. Therapeutice Specialis EUR 200 - 300 TORTI Francesco. Therapeutice Specialis ad Febres Periodicas Perniciosas. Editio Tertia auctior, cui subnectuntur ejusdem Auctoris Responsiones Iatro-Apologeticae ad Clarissimum Ramazzinum. Venezia, Lorenzo Basilio, 1732. 4° mm. 230 x 150, pp. [16], 546, [2], Nice pictorial Frontispiece and portrait engraved in the begining, wide copper plate out text. ["Lignum Febrium"] depicting the family tree of pernicious fevers. Contemporary full calf binding, spine with 5 ribs and golden ornaments. Third edition; considerably increased, which guaranteed the fame of this work to its author; the doctor Francesco Torti [1658-1741] who gave a decisive contribution to the classification of pernicious fevers according to a new method; and promoted the systematic use of china-china in antipyretic therapy; [De Renzi, St. Medicina in Italia, IV/pp. 406-7]. Hirsch, V/p. 704; Dezeimeris, Dict. Hist. Méd., IV/273. 268: [Dynamite] TRAUZL. La Dynamite EUR 200 - 300 [Dynamite] TRAUZL Isidor. La Dynamite substance explosive inventée par M.A. Nobel, Ingénieur Suédois. Extrait d’une brochure allemande de M. Isidor Trauzl, par Paul Barbe. Avec notes du Traducteur. Paris, Vieville, 1870. 8° mm. 250 x 165, pp. 123 with 2 litograpy plates. Editorial paperback. French version, with various additions and extracts from other works, the study of Isidor Trauzl, official of the Austrian genius, that starting from 1867 "had already attempted to prepare a pasty mixture of nitroglycerin and gun cotton that does not alter the water and not which exploded with the triggers provided with capsules of mercury fulminate ... But the explosive Trauzl was unsuccessful " [Molinari & Quartieri, Notizie sugli esplodenti, Milano 1913, pp. 120-21]. 269: TSCHIRNHAUS. Medicina Mentis EUR 800 - 1,200 TSCHIRNHAUS, Ehrenfried Walther von. Medicina Mentis, sive Artis Inveniendi Praecepta Generalia. Editio Nova, auctior et correctior, cum Praefatione Autoris. [segue:/bound with:] Medicina Corporis, seu Cogitationes admodum Probabiles de Conservanda sanitate. Leipzig, J. Thomas Fritsch, 16952 parts in 1 vol. 4to small, mm. 200x160; Binding in half vellum and marbled paper imitating the ancient one; pp. [28], 296; pp. [4], 64. Various geometric figures and vignette woodcuts in the text of the first part. Second edition, which combines two works came out separately. The German scientist, who signed with the initials at the end of the dedicatory Loius XIV, dealt with mathematics, physics and philosophy, and was related to the greatest scientists and philosophers of the time as Ch. Huygens, I. Newton, B. Spinoza and GW Leibniz. In this work develops the themes more suited to his education: in Medicine mindset takes up the theme of Spinoza's ethical function of philosophy, understood as 'medicine' of the mind, and the emphasis, in logic, the time of definition than purely and formal grammar, a subject that will find wide resonance in the debate logical-methodological in Germany of the eighteenth century from Wolff. The second work, which begins with self-title page, contains precepts especially power and calming way of life that show the author's interest in the field of medicine.Krivatsy, 12002; Poggendorff, II, col. 1143. 270: VALLEMONT. La Physique Occulte EUR 800 - 1,200 VALLEMONT, Pierre le Lorrain abbé de. La Physique Occulte, ou Traité de la Baguette Divinatoire … Augmentée dans cette édition d’un Traité de la Connoissance des Causes Magnétiques des Cures Sympatiques, des Transplantations & comment agissent les Philtres.Paris, Jean Boudot, 1696In-8vo piccolo, mm. 140x80; . Leg. coeva piena pelle, dorso ornato con fregi e titoli in oro, tagli a spruzzo; pp. [14], 422, 34, [8]; Front. in rosso e nero, 26 tavv. in rame f.t. Marginalia di mano antica. Rara seconda edizione accresciuta. Questo curioso trattato non riguarda solo la rabdomanzia ma più in generale i fenomeni magnetici, in particolare le ‘cure magnetiche’: vi si parla anche della bussola, della camera oscura e della lanterna magica, degli specchi ustori, del barometro e dell’igrometro, del fumo del tabacco. Le tavole mostrano come si deve tenere la bacchetta divinatoria bastone e presentano i quadri astronomici che indicano i 7 periodo in cui si devono preparare le sette bacchette corrispondenti ai sette metalli. Di notevole interesse l’antiporta allegorica e la tavola con una donna persiana che fuma il narghilè. Wheeler Gift: “This edition has an appendix which gives an account of the sympathetic telegraph”. Dorbon: “Cette édition est une des meilleures de cet ouvrage curieux”.Wheeler Gift, n. 206a;. Dorbon, n. 5042. No in Caillet. Science Books and Manuscripts 271: VARIGNON. Eclaircissemens sur l’Analyse EUR 2,000 - 2,500 VARIGNON Pierre. Eclaircissemens sur l’Analyse des Infinement Petits. Paris, Rollin, 1725. In 4to, mm 250 x 190, pp. 8, 118, 2, con 6 tavv. in rame ripiegate f.t. al termine. Leg. in cartonato coevo. Timbro di biblioteca estinta al frontespizio. Prima edizione di questo importante testo dell’illustre matematico francese Pierre Varignon sul calcolo infinitesimale. L’autore fu tra i primi in Francia a comprendere l’importanza dell’analisi infinitesimale. Varignon lasciò molti scritti sull’Analyse des infinement petits di De l’Hopital, con l’intenzione di agevolare l’introduzione e la promozione di questo testo tra i giovani matematici del tempo. Questi scritti furono raccolti dai suoi studenti in quest’opera pubblicata per la prima volta dopo la morte dell’autore. Bibl. Mechanica, p. 336: "Varignon also accepted and promoted l’Hopital’s work on infinetesimal, and integral calcul". Loria, St. delle Matematiche, pp. 673-4; Honeyman, n. 3032; Zeitlinger, I/5040. 272: VALLISNIERI. Opere fisico-mediche EUR 3,500 - 3,800 VALLISNIERI, Antonio. Opere fisico-mediche stampate e manoscritte raccolte da Antonio suo figliuolo.Venezia, Sebastiano Coleti, 1733 3 folio, mm. 380x260; Contemporary half calf binding, golden titles on labels; pp. 2, LXXXII, 469, 1; pp. IV, 551; pp. 676; pp. 91; 84 copper plates out text, many folded, and 1 illustration within the text; allegorical vignette engraved on title pages by A. Dalla Via; portrait of Vallisneri at the beginning of the first volume. Stamp of extinct library to the Titlepage. First and only edition of the complete works of Vallisneri. Edited by his son, also it includes some written in the first edition that includes the most important contributions of the author to scientific research, including research in the field of embryology, parasitology, insects generation, comparative anatomy and geology; also appear on the writings African chameleon and its mechanism of protective mimicry, and memory on Aloe American botany, illustrated by a plate. Antonio Vallisnieri, professor at the university of Padua, was among the first to make systematic use of the microscope in his research. Also important are his studies in the field of paleontology and geology.Nissen, B.B.I, n. 4226; Osler, 4154; Hirsch, VI, 62; Lanckoronska, n. 256. Per una dettagliatissima collazione dei 3 volumi cfr. Sabia, Le opere di A. V., n. 233. 273: VELCURIUS. Commentarii in universam Physicen EUR 1,500 - 1,800 VELCURIUS Johannes. Commentarii in universam Physicen Aristotelis dictincti libri IIII. Adiectus est ad calcem Operis, Iacobi Schegkii Dialogus, de animae principatu. Lyon, Sebastien Gryphe, 15548vo small, mm. 160 x 110; Contemporary full calf binding with blind tooling on the covers; leaves 248, 15 not numbered, 1bl. Ancient signature of possession at the Titlepage. Rare first edition of Lyon, published by Sebastien Gryphe, of these commentaries on Aristotelian physics of Velcurius. To the commentaries following the dissertation of Jacobus De animae principatu Schegkius of interest mainly medical. The text of Velcurius follows the style of commentaries school physics Aristotelian developing, however broadly the topics dedicated to botany and medicine.Baudrier, Bibl. Lyonnaise, VIII/pp. 187-8. 274: VERDIER. Mémoire sur un appareil EUR 300 - 400 VERDIER Pierre-Louis. Mémoire sur un appareil compressif de l’artère iliaque externe, dans le cas d’anéurisme inguinal, lu à l’Académie Royale de Médecine, sect. de chirurgie, le 7 février 1822. Paris, chez l’Auteur, 1823. In-8° mm. 190 x 130, pp. VIII, 27, con 1 tavola in rame ripiegata al fine. Broch. edit. Descrizione della cura di un caso di aneurisma inguinale mediante un apparato compressore, applicato dal chirurgo Verdier nel 1817 sotto l’assistenza di Dupuytren e Keraudren. Dupuytren, secondo il Garrison-Morton [n. 2976], fu il primo a trattare l’aneurisma mediante compressione; in realtà la priorità pare spettare al Verdier, sulla base del presente opuscolo, che inventò l’apparato qui descritto. Cfr. Hirsch, V/729. 275: [Topography] VERKAVEN EUR 300 - 400 VERKAVEN J.-J. L’art de lever les Plans, appliquée à tout ce qui a rapport à la Guerre, à la Navigation et à l’Architecture civile et rurale; ouvrage dans lequel on trovera la Description et les usages des nouveaux Instrumens et des anciens perfectionnés; des moyens aussi expéditifs que faciles pour parvenir à lever toutes sortes de plans, des vues nouvelles pour la construction des cartes militaires, etc. Seconde édition... augmentée. Paris, Barrois l’ainé, 1811. 8vo, mm 200 x 120; Leg. piena pelle coeva, cornice dorata ai piatti;Fogli di guardia azzurrini; pp. 16, 323, con 1 tabella sinottica a stampa e IX tavole in rame ripiegate f.t.Opera tra le più esaustive in materia di arte topografica, divenuta anche grazie alle campagne napoleoniche del tempo, sempre più necessaria soprattutto in ambito militare. Opera tra le più complete sull’argomento per l’epoca in cui apparve, illustrante anche nelle belle tavole la nuova strumentazione, perfezionata da Cassini, Delambre, Borda ed altri sul finire del XVIII secolo, per i vari utilizzi indicati. Questa nuova strumentazione aveva portato ad un netto miglioramento nel rilievo e nella rappresentazione cartografica durante le campagne di guerra del periodo napoleonico, che fecero fare un salto di qualità alle applicazioni sul campo. Alla fine dell’opera catalogo della miglior produzione cartografica disponibile per uso militare relativa ad ogni nazione. J.-J. Verkaven fu professore di matematica degli allievi del corpo del Genio e più tardi professore di analisi alla scuola di cavalleria di Saint-Germain. Quérard, France Litt., X/p. 114. Science Books and Manuscripts 276: [Antiquity dealing] VIEUSSEUX. Manuscripted Letter. EUR 300 - 400 VIEUSSEUX, Gian Pietro. 1779 – 1863“Col vento che soffia non sarà facile che a primavera si metta sotto carico a Livorno un bastimento per Pietroburgo; ed anche una spedizione per terra a traverso la Germania potrebbe andar soggetta a ritardi”.Two pages 8vo mm. 245 x 192, on bifolio. Rapid cursive, black ink. Letter on letterhead G.P. Vieusseux, autograph address and postal stamps to the fourth. Interesting autograph letter signed, dated Florence, 1 March 1834. The illustrious writer and editor writes the renowned engraver Paolo Toschi Parma, 1788-1854, with regard to a material being shipped for Cavalier De Gilles, Geneva scholar Librarian at the time of Emperor Russia. 277: [Mental deseases] Des causes morales et physiques EUR 300 - 400 VOISIN Felix. Des causes morales et physiques des Maladies Mentales et de quelques autres affections nerveuses, telles que l’Hystérie, la Nymphomanie et le Satyriasis. Paris, Baillière, 1826. In-8° [22 x 14], pp. XVi, 418, [29]. Broch. edit. stampata. Un timbro di biblioteca estinta al frontespizio e fioriture sparse, ma buon es. intonso. Prima edizione di quest’opera interessante sulle malattie mentali, esaminate soprattutto nelle loro cause: influenza dell’educazione, delle istituzioni politiche e sociali, dei pregiudizi delle istituzioni religiose [fanatismo, ignoranza, superstizione], dei costumi, dell’età, delle condizioni professionali, dei sessi, senza trascurare le loro cause più propriamente fisiche [l’autore, seguace della frenologia, colloca l’origine di numerose patologie nell’encefalo]. Félix Voisin [1794-1872] è conosciuto nella storia della psichiatria per aver tra i primi riconosciuto l’importanza della fase puberale nell’insergere delle malattie mentali; condivise molte idee e ricerche con Esquirol; e nel 1822 fondò una "casa di salute" a Ventes. Nella cura delle malattie psichiche fu fautore dell’isolamento dei pazienti, ma nemico di terapie farmacologiche distruttive. Coltivò idee filantropiche e combatté contro la pena di morte. Hirsch, V/p. 794. 278: [Mineralogy] VOLTA. Elementi di Mineralogia analitica EUR 600 - 800 [Mineralogy] VOLTA Serafino. Elementi di Mineralogia analitica, e sistematica. Edizione corretta, ed accresciuta dall'Autore. Cremona, Lorenzo Manini, 1787. 8°mm. 210 x 140; Publisher editor binding; pp. XVI, 296, [2]. Stamp of extinct library on the Titlepage. The author develops; through a methodological discourse; a distinction of different classes of minerals and their mines. In his treatise the author demonstrates a good knowledge of the discoveries of modern chemistry; citing Fourcroy; Macquer; Bergman; and Romé De L'Isle.Guareschi, La chimica in Italia, p. 369, cita altre sue opere ma non la presente. 279: VOSS. De Quatuor Artibus Popularibus EUR 800 - 1,200 VOSS, Gerhard Johann. De Quatuor Artibus Popularibus, de Philologia, et Scientiis Mathematicis, cui Operi subjungitur, Chronologia Mathematicorum, Libri Tres.Amsterdam, Johannes Blaeu, 16503 parts in 1 vol. 4to, mm. 200x150; Contemporary full brown calf binding, golden frame on covers, spine with golden ornaments, filetti e titoli in oro, pp. 16 nn., 94, 14 nn.; pp. 8 nn., 85, 13 nn.; pp. 16 nn., 467, 37 nn.[last leaf bl.]. General Title page and one for each work, printer's device. Ex-libris of XIX century inside cover.Rare first edition. Here are together under a general title three distinct works, designed by the author as a general introduction to the liberal arts and exact sciences: the first is De Quatuor Artibus popularibus, Grammatice, Gymnastice, Musice, & Graphice; the second contains the De Philologia Liber; and the third [the most substantial] contains the De Universae Matheseos Nature & Constitutione Liber, which subjungitur Chronologia Mathematicorum. This last part, devoted to the mathematical sciences, constitutes a vast reasoned historical bibliography of the exact sciences, optics, astronomy, astrology, geometry, perhaps one of the first of its kind. The first part, devoted to the liberal arts, has interesting sections dedicated to music, gymnastics and painting. The edition was edited by Francois du Jon the young man, who signs the dedicatory letters.Nicéron, XIII, nn. 11-l2-13; Bierens de Haan 5142-5144; Poggendorf II, 1235; Sotheran, 1st supplement, 702. 280: WALMESLEY. Analyse des Mesures des Rapport EUR 500 - 600 WALMESLEY, D. Charles. Analyse des Mesures des Rapport et des Angles: ou reduction des Integrales aux Logarithmes, et aux Arcs de Cercle.Paris, G. F. Quillau, 17494to, mm. 250x200; Contemporary full calf binding, spine with 5 ribs with golden titles and ornaments, red edges, marbled end papers; pp. 4 nn., [3], 4-445, 5 nn.; 4 copper plates folde at the end. First edition. British mathematician, who was hired by French astronomers a dispute around the 'three-body problem' and the orbit apse of the moon, aims to make available to the public the theories presented in the book of Cotes, Harmonia Memsurarum. This work, which Walmesley defines "rare et peu lu", was published posthumously in 1722 and developed the application of calculus to conic sections based on the tables of Newtonian De Quadrature Curvarum. The volume also co ntains the important Théorie du Mouvement des Cometes', presented to the Académie des Sciences in 1747, and here updated to include an analysis of the orbit as of 1748.Sotheran: “Rare. An extension and explanation of Cotes’s Harmonia Mensurarum.” Poggendorff, II, 1256; Quérard, X, p. 477; Sotheran I, 5179. Science Books and Manuscripts 281: WARD. Astronomia geometrica EUR 2,500 - 2,800 WARD, Seth. Astronomia geometrica: ubi methodus proponitur qua Primariorum Planetarium Astronomia.Londini, Typis Jacobi Flesher, 16563 parts in 1 Vol. in 8vo, mm. 180x110; Coontemporary full calf binding, title in gold on the spine; pp. 32, 74, 67, 1, 57, 1 bl. Two Titlepage inside the leaf F6r and K8r within the numbering and are titled: Astronomiae geometricae liber secundus De astronomia coelesti, seu reliquorum planetarum primariorum; Astronomiae geometricae liber tertius, astronomia circularis geometrice proposita; bear the signature: Londini, typis Iacobi Flesher, Prostant apud Cornelium Bee. Primo Front. in rosso e nero, moltissime xil. n.t., una tavola f.t. xil.. Stamp of extinct library at the Titlepage. Very rare original edition illustrated. In this important work on the motion of the planets, the eminent British mathematician accepts the Copernican system and the theory of elliptical orbits Kepler's elliptical simple but proposes a hypothesis, it is supposed uniform angular motion of the planets around the empty focus of the ellipse , one that is not occupied by the Sun. the work is dedicated to the greatest astronomers of the time: Paul Neile, Hevelius, Gassendi, Boulliau and curls.Gillispie: “Ward is remembered in the history of astronomy for his formulation of an alternative to Kepler's law of areas... It presented a very attractive alternative to the intractable Kepler equation.” Houzeau & Lancaster, n. 11840; Honeyman, n. 3090; Gillispie. D.S.B., XIV, p. 177. 282: [Alchemy] WECKER. Antidotarium speciale ex opt EUR 2,500 - 2,800 WECKER, Johann Jacob. Antidotarium speciale ex opt. Authorum tam veterum quam recentiorum scriptis fideliter congestum, methodice digestum, et amplius triente auctum. Cum duobus elenchis. Basileae, per Eusebum Episcopium & Nicolai frat. haeredes, 1588Unito con:/Bound with:FUCHS Leonhard. Operum Tomus Primus: Dispensatorium perfectum: De ratione et modo miscendi componendique omnis generis Pharmaca, mixtorumque uso et efficacia Libri Quatuor... Praefixa est oratio de vita et morte Authoris, omnium ipsius lucubrationum catalogum herbariique absolutissimi continens. Operum Tomus Secundus: De curandi totius humani corporis morbis, iuxta pulcherrimama naturalis anatomiae seriem, à summo capite ad imos usque pedes deductis, in libros octo digestus... Operum Tomus Tertius: Paradoxa... multa non solum arabum, sed huius quoque seculi medicorum periculosa errata... demonstrat continens... quibus accessit Sebastiani Montui ineptarum annonatiuncularum solida refutatio. Item, Retractatio propriae sententiae de Mumia. Francoforte sul Meno, Per Martunum Lechlerum, 1567 (I: Mense Augusto, III: Mense Martio).2 opere in 1 volume in 4to; Legatura coeva in pergamena; I opera: pp. 12nn, 475, 25nn; II opera: composta di tre tomi: 32, 418, 26; 8, 366, 16; 16, 187, 8. Buone condizioniImportant collection of fundamental texts of medicine and pharmacology. The first work is a valuable dell'Antidotarium edition Special Joahann Jacob Wecker, interesting treatise on remedies where the best of the writings of ancient and modern authors is here collected and arranged methodically. One part contains the instructions to perform the chemical operations and illustrates various types of alchemical apparatuses.The second work is the collective posthumous edition, but edited by the author before his death, three different treaties Leonard Fuchs out previously individually. The first book is devoted to medicinal preparations, the second concerns the curative medicine, the third one is a polemic on the errors of contemporary medicine. Walleriana, n. 2464 [il solo tomo 1°]; S.T.C. of German Books, p. 326; Hirsch, II/638; Durling, Nat. Lib. Med., XVIth Cent., n. 1670. 283: WECKER. Les Secrets et Merveilles de Nature EUR 1,000 - 1,300 WECKER Johann Jakob. Les Secrets et Merveilles de Nature recueillis de divers Autheurs et divisez en XVII. Livres. Livre non seulement necessaire aux Curieux, ainsi à tous ceux qui font profession des Arts Liberaux, et subtiles inventions: tant pour l’exercice de l’Art Militaire, qu’autre de quelques vacations qu’ils soient... Rouen, Le Tourneur, 1630. 8° small mm. 180 x 110, pp. [16], 1012, [42], many woodcuts within the text. Binding of the first year of ‘800 in half calf. French version of this popular collection of secrets, appeared for the first time in 1582 and often reprinted and translated. Contains, taken from various authors, or devised by Wecker, remedies, recipes and interesting secrets chemistry, medicine, pharmacy, astrology, mineralogy, precious stones, physics, natural magic, math, geometry , the music; in the final part contains "secrets" interesting blacksmiths, millers, cooks, dyers, bakers, magicians, etc. "[Ouvrage] contenant une infinité de rares secrets occultes, et de enrichi figures magiques et mystérieuses. On y trouve bon nombre de remèdes secrets pour la guérison des maladies, tirés du Grand et du Petit Albert, of Alexis Piemontois, Mizauld, Arnauld de Villeneuve, etc. " [Caillet, n. 11368]. Johann Jakob Wecker [1528-1586], he was a professor in Basel, his hometown; who specialized in medicine, he was appointed physicist of the city of Colmar. He wrote several works on medicine and pharmacy; He translated by the way in Latin Secrets of the Piemontese Alessio. Ferguson, Bibl. Chemica, II/534; Ferguson, Books of Secrets, 3d Suppl., pp. 33-6: "Wecker’s collection has been taken from all the Secret writers, and is an excellent handbook to them" [cita l’ediz. di Rouen del 1627]; Partington, II/29; Wellcome, I/n. 6716 [l’ed. di Rouen, 1614]. Science Books and Manuscripts 284: Rapporto fatto alla Classe delle Scienze Matematiche EUR 400 - 500 [VOLTA Alessandro] BIOT Jean Baptiste. Rapporto fatto alla Classe delle Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche dell’Istituto Nazionale di Francia sopra le esperienze del sig. Volta letto il dì 11 Frimaire an. 10. [2. Dicembre 1801]. Firenze, Tofani, 1802. 8° piccolo mm. 190 x 120, pp. 22, [2]. Copertina muta ep. Versione italiana di questo storico rapporto, stilato da J.B. Biot a nome della commissione scientifica composta da Laplace, Coulomb, Hallé, Monge, Fourcroy, Vauquelin, Pelletan, Charles, Brisson, Sabathier, Guiton e dallo stesso Biot; rapporto che costituì il trionfo a livello europeo dell’opera scientifica di Volta, dopo la visita effettuata nell’ottobre del 1801 dal Volta e dal Brugnatelli presso l’istituto di Francia. Come è noto, in seguito a tale rapporto, a Volta fu attribuito il premio di L. 6.000, le medaglia d’oro, ed altri onori, su intervento di Napoleone Primo Console. Il rapporto riassume le teorie di Volta in merito alla generazione dell’elettricità per mezzo del contatto di metalli dissimili e alla scoperta della pila, di cui viene descritto il funzionamento tecnico e la preparazione. "Realizing that Volta’s contributions represented only the beginning of discovery in the field of science, and of electricity in particular, a special commission was created to engage in these studies. This commission included the most brilliant men of science living in France... Their report was issued at the end of the year... These reports did much to reduce the heat of controversy and re-focus attention on the important possibilities that the voltaic pile presented" [Dibner, A. Volta and the Electric Battery, pp. 82-3. Scolari, p. 161; Rossetti e Cantoni, p. 105 [ambedue citano solo l’ediz. francese, e non conoscono il presente opuscolo]. 285: [Ophthalmology] WENZEL. Manuel de l’Oculiste EUR 600 - 800 [Ophthalmology] WENZEL Jakob. Manuel de l’Oculiste, ou Dictionnaire Oftalmologique. Paris, Bureau di Lavater, 1808. 2 vols. 8° mm. 210 x 130 di pp. XII, 2, 522, 2; pp. [4], 287, and 14 copper plates folded at the end. Contemporary half calf binding, spine decored, labels. Original edition of this very rare book of Jakob von Wenzel, son of Baron Michael [who died in 1790], famous ophthalmologist and surgeon, among the largest of the eighteenth century, well known for his method of cataract extraction and for his studies on the pupil . The son learned from his father the methods of surgery and surgical instrumentation from these processed; he moved to Paris and wanted to synthesize his knowledge in this Manuel as a dictionary reasoned, that would not be lost to the teachings of his father. Important tables representing in detail the surgical instrumentation developed by Baron von Wenzel and completed by his son; these, following his father's footsteps, he became in 1808 ophthalmologist staff of Napoleon and his family.Hirsch, V/p. 900; Dezeimeris, IV/p. 394. Albert, Norton & Hurtes, Source Books of Ophtalmology, n. 2503: "This is the first handbook of ophtalmology to be presented as a dictionary... The most complete and detailed discussions concern cataract and the reformation of the pupil". 286: WHARTON. Adenographia EUR 800 - 1,200 WHARTON Thomas. Adenographia: sive Glandularum totius Corporis Descriptio. Amsterdam, Joan. Ravenstein, 1659.12° mm. 130 x 80, pp. [24], 261, with 4 small copper plates out text. [in altri esemplari si trovano riunite su unico foglio]; Printer’s device at the Titlepage. Late full calf binding imitating the ancient one, golden titles and ornaments on the spine. Second Edition [the first is in London in 1656] of this text that gives very accurate anatomical investigations on human glandular system, drawn up by the illustrious English anatomist Thomas Wharton [1614-73].Dezeimeris, IV/p. 401: "[Son] nom se trouve attaché aux conduits salivaires des glandes sous-maxillaires, qu’il découvrit". Garrison & Morton, n. 1116: "[He] discovered the duct of the submaxillary salivary gland [‘Wharton’s duct’] and described the tyroid more accurately than his predecessors, naming it". Wellcome, V/p. 421. 287: [Electricity]WINKLER and others EUR 400 - 600 WINKLER Johann Heinrich - WATSON William - FREKE John. RECUEIL de Traités sur l’Electricité - WINKLER Johann Heinrich. Essai sur la nature, les effets et les causes de l’Electricité, avec une description de deux nouvelles machines à Electricité. Trad. de l’Allemand. WATSON William. Expériences et observation pour servir à l’explication de la Nature et des Propriétés de l’Electricité proposées en trois lettres à la Soc. Royale de Londres. Trad. de l’Anglois d’après la seconde édition. FREKE John. Essai sur la cause de l’Electricité, où l’on examine, pourquoi certaines choses ne peuvent pas être électrisées. Et quelle est l’influence de l’Electricité dans le Rhumatisme du Corps humain, dans la Nielle des Arabes, dans les Vapeurs des Mines, dans la Plante Sensitive & c. Adressé en forme de lettre a M. Guill. Watson... Seconde édition, avec un Supplément. Trad. del’Anglois. Paris, S. Jorry, 1748. 3 vols. 8° small mm. 180 x 100 di pp. [2], VII, [3], 156 with 2 copper plates at the end; pp. XII, 141 with 4 copper plates folded at the end; pp. VIII, 112 with 1 copper plates folded at the end. Ancient half calf binding, rules on the spine.Valuable collection, comprising three of the most notable works on electricity appeared in the fifth decade of the eighteenth century. The work of the German physicist J. H. Winkler [1703-70] contains among other things a description of two new types of electric machines frictional and research on the speed of electrical transmission; that of Sir William Watson contains many original experiments related to the action of electricity on various chemicals [very interesting 4 illus. at the end, illustrating various electrical experiments]; the work of John Freke, finally, supports the identity of light and electricity.Cfr. Wheeler Gift, nn. 313c; 333; 325 [il primo trattato è l’unico di cui cita la versione francese]. Science Books and Manuscripts 288: WRONSKI-HOENÉ. Introduction à la Philosophie EUR 600 - 800 WRONSKI-HOENÉ, Joseph-Marie. Introduction à la Philosophie des Mathématiques et Technique de l\'Algorithmie. Paris, Courcier, 1811 4to, mm. 260x200; Contemporary half vellum binding, spine repaired; pp. 8, VI, 269, 1, one table folded at the end. Stamp of extinct library on the Titlepage. Original edition. In this work, the author aims at a systematic classification and methodology of all areas of science. Loria: \"Wronsky here provides a detailed classification of mathematics, whose elements are found in the Dictionnaire Montferrier; we see only the distinction between mathematics and theoretical calculation procedures, one called the Wronski \"théorie algorithmique\". Wronski subsequently passed to fame mainly as an opponent of Lagrange, which challenged the weaknesses and dark in the Refutation of the Théorie des Fonctions Analytiques. He also opposed to Laplace. In both cases, it detects Loria, not without foundation, and with insights anticipatory then not included; solving systems of linear equations infinite he took his place among the forerunners of the theory of integral equations.Poggendorff, I, 1120; Loria, St. delle matematiche, p. 763. Cfr. Caillet, vol. III. 289: WRONSKI-HOENÉ. Trois lettres EUR 700 - 800 WRONSKI-HOENÉ, Joseph-Marie. Trois lettres a Sir Humphry Davy, Président de la Société Générale de Londres, sur l'imposture publique des savants à privilège des Sociétés Savantes. Londres, J. Barfield, Mars 18228vo, mm. 250x150; Editorial paperback, in cover a round with the Sphinx and algebraic symbols ; pp. 4, II, 72. Rare First edition. Rare publication of this singular character, mathematical genius and polemical spirit, which was Wronski. In this publication he claims the originality of his theory, which are originally derived from the "Tables de Refraction", recognized by the Bureau des Longitudes and enter dall'Almanach Nautique, as if they were instead the work of the secretary of the Bureau, which had hand snatched its true author. They are attached various documents and documentary evidence in support of its claims. He became known to the scientific world for his Theorie de l'Algorithmie, and subsequently entered into controversy with Lagrange on the Théorie des Fonctions Analytiques, which criticized not without foundation.Negli ultimi anni della sua vita Wronski sviluppò anche teorie messianiche in campo politico-sociale. Quérard, X, p. 535. Cfr. Caillet, vol. III. 290: [Mineralogy]ZANNICHELLI. De Ferro EUR 2,500 - 2,800 [Mineralogy]ZANNICHELLI Giovanni Gerolamo. De Ferro ejusque Nivis Praeparatione Dissertatio Physico-Chymica, in qua varia de ipso Metallo explicantur. A. J. H. Z. Venezia, Andrea Poleti, 1713. 8° mm. 170 x 120, pp. [14], 79, with pictorial Frontispiece [Ercole fight againt hydra], signed by Antonio Luciani, and 3 copper plates depicting dendritic crystal of the metal itself. Contemporary full calf binding. Stamp of extinct library on Titlepage and label on the spine. First edition of this extremely rare and little known of; dedicated to the virtues of Iron; or rather of its "essence"; designated as the "Snow of Mars"; to the procedures for its synthesis.The work also plays a quite important role in the history of mineralogy and crystallography.Hoover Collection, n. 904 [cita la seconda edizione]: "Though this work is mostly on the medicinal uses of crystallized salt of iron, it is notable for containing the earliest known illustration of a dendritic crystal of the metal itself". Duveen, p. 631: "Joecher [IV, 2150] relates in full how Zannichelli..., an authority on fossils, distilled what he calls 'Neige de Fer' [snow of iron] as a miraculous remedy....The author was a distinguished scientist, keenly interested in chemistry, mineralogy and petrology, who formed a important natural history cabinet in Venice... The book is not mentioned by Ferguson, Kopp or Hoefer". De Renzi, p. 355: "Giovan Gerolamo Zannichelli ... avea studiato la chimica e la farmacia. 291: [Survey/fortifications] MALOMBRA. Pratica universale EUR 1,200 - 1,600 MALOMBRA Giuseppe. Pratica universale facilissima, et breve di misurare con la vista. Firenze, Ciotti, 1630. 4° mm. 230 x 170, p. [24], 212, [6] and one copper plate. Nice engraved Title page, repeated at p. 165; and LXI illustrations within the text. Later binding in half calf. Work very rare of the mathematician and surveyor from Cremona; very interesting for the copper figures in the text that illustrate various measuring operations, animated by human figures on landscape backgrounds. The work is divided into two parts, the first dedicated to measuring operations on the ground, the second dedicated to the construction of topographic plants. Riccardi, I / 76: "Rare ... In Part I deals with the measures of distances and heights, and there are the first attempts on the use of distance meters; in II deals with the extent of surface, and the reliefs and drawings of fortifications. Omitted from Marini and D'Ayala". Zeitlinger, B.C.M., n. 2790. 292: [Fireworks]RUGGIERI. Élémens de pyrotechnie EUR 1,000 - 1,200 [Fireworks]RUGGIERI, Claude F. Élémens de pyrotechnie, divisés en cinq parties. Paris, Barba et Magimel, An 10 − 1802. 8vo, mm. 200x120; Contemporary leather binding, spine adorned, golden frame on covers, marbled endpapers, yellow edges; pp. XXIII, including half Tittle and Title page, 390, i.e. 393, 3.Pictorial Frontispiece and 24 plates out text.folded at the end. A total of 25 plates engraved on copper. Rare original edition.Rare original edition. The work is divided into five parts: The Treaty of materials; the fires of earth, air and water; the balloons fires; the fires for the theater; the fires of war. The part devoted to the theater contains several specific applications. At the end there is a vocabulary with technical terms used in the book. The Ruggieri, originating in Bologna, were a family of pyrotechnic famous: long-settled in France, setting up shows for Louis XV, Louis XVI and Napoleon.Philip R060.1 Science Books and Manuscripts Image unavailable 293: [Fireworks] MOREL. Traité pratique EUR 500 - 600 [Fireworks] MOREL, A. M. Th. Traité pratique des feux d\'artifice, pour le spectacle et pour la guerre, avec les petits feux de table, et l\'Artifice à l\'usage des Théatres. Paris, Firmin Didot, An IX − 18008vo, mm. 194x120; Contemporary full sheepskin binding; pp.[4], 163, 1 bl.; 1 folded table, 11 copper plates. Original edition 294: [Fire works] Traité des feux d’artifice. 1747 EUR 1,000 - 1,500 [Fire works][FREZIER, Amédée François]. Traité des feux d’artifice pour le spectacle. Nouvelle édition, toute changée, & considérablement augmentée.Paris, Charles−Antoine Jombert, 17478vo, mm. 195x120; Contemporary full marbled sheepskin binding, spine with 5 ribs adorned in gold, marbled endpapers, red edges; pp. LIV, [2], 496. Frontispiece, 3 Headpieces, 13 plates, all engraved on copper. Label of antiquarian shop of Marseille glued to the first contropiatto. Rare second edition.Important figurative work on pyrotechnics and rockets, in this improved and enlarged edition by the author. Frézier traces the history of production and use of fireworks. At the end of the book a list of technical terms. The treaty, originally released in 1706 with eight plates, a huge success: the author decided to prepare this new expanded and corrected version following the publication of an edition pirated in 1741.Chris Philip F 110.5; Quérard III, p. 216; Poggendorff I, 802, per le due edizioni autorizzate. 295: LEONE. Radiotelegrafia EUR 200 - 300 LEONE Vittorio. Radiotelegrafia. I lavori di Hertz e i moderni sistemi di segnalazione attraverso lo spazio. Con 91 figure. Napoli, Barnaba Cons, [1903]. 8° mm. 230 x 160, pp. [4], 221,Title page engraved and 91 plates. Contemporary half calf binding, golden titles and rules on the spine.Detailed account of the development of wireless telegraphy to the modern communication systems, from Maxwell\'s theory and work of Hertz, to the Marconi system which is dedicated to the second part of the work. 296: [Farming] LIEBIG. Traité de Chimie Organique EUR 300 - 400 [Farming] LIEBIG, Justus von. Traité de Chimie Organique. Paris, Fortin, Masson et, 1840-44. 3 vols. 8° mm. 210 x 130, pp. Viii-IX-CXCV, 611, 1; pp. 4, 664, XVI, [2]; pp. IX, 1, 528, 32 the announcement of the publisher. Contemporary binding in half leather with titles, fillets and ornaments in gold to the spine. Foxing scattered, but good specimen.First French version, which began appearing in October 1840 and was completed in 1844, the vast treaty of organic chemistry of the great German chemist. Important in the first vol. the version [which is already in itself a completed treaty] of the work Die organische Chemie in ihrer Anwendung auf AgriCultur und Physiologie, base of the agrarian revolution of the nineteenth century, for research on the enrichment of organic-based compounds with humus inorganic. "Liebig's book unespectedly excited an intense interest among practical agriculturalists"[Gillispie, D.S.B., VIII/p. 346]. Paoloni, n. 299: "Erste französische Ausgabe". Duveen, p. 359; P.M.M., p. 188; Giua, St. della Chimica, p. 175; Bolton, I/631. 297: [Farming/industry] LIEBIG. Lettere Chimiche. EUR 300 - 400 LIEBIG, Justus von. Lettere Chimiche. Versione dal tedesco fatta sull'ultima edizione dell'autore da V. Kohler. [legato con:/Bound with:] Nuove lettere sulla chimica considerata nelle sue applicazioni all'industria, alla fisiologia e all'agricoltura. Prima versione dal francese di Angelo Ranieri. Napoli, Stamperia dell'Iride, 1845. 2 opere in 1 vol. in-12° mm. 170 x 110. pp. XII, 334, [2], con ritratto di Liebig in apertura in litografia [le Lettere]. Napoli, A.R. e P. di M., 1852. pp. [2], 262, [2] [le Nuove lettere]. Leg. mezza pelle epoca, bel dorso ornato con ricchi fregi in oro. Rispettivamente si tratta della terza e quarta edizione italiana [ma prime napoletane ambedue] di queste celebri Chemischen Briefe, contenenti in tutto 37 lettere [26 il primo volume, e da 26 a 37 il secondo]. Paoloni, nn. 422 e 560. 298: Pharmacopoea Loediensis EUR 600 - 800 [LIÈGE]. Pharmacopoea Loediensis, in qua describuntur Medicamenta tam simplicia quam composita, ordine sequenti in tres partes distriubuta. In Prima Simplicia Omnia. In Altera Composita Galenica. In Tertia Chimica Remedia. Cum adjuncta Taxa & Indice. Omnia ad usum Medicorum Patria Leodiensis. Leodii [Liège], Everard Kints, 1741.4° mm. 190 x 150, pp. [18], 243, [11], with a large coat of arms of Liege engraved on copper in the opening,and 2 copper plates folded at the end. Contemporary ful calf binding, spine with golden titles and ornaments . The first and rare pharmacopoeia of the city of Liege, published by the College of Physicians of the Belgian city then ruled by Prince-Bishop Georges-Louis duc de Bouillon. After the dedicatory side, the list of physicians, surgeons and pharmacists members of the College; at p. 225 starts Taxa seu Praetium Medicamentorum. After 2 illus. of geometric figures.Wellcome, IV/p. 362. Missing in Ferguson and others. Science Books and Manuscripts 299: [Mushrooms] PICCO. Melethemata Inauguralia EUR 800 - 1,000 [Mushrooms] PICCO Vittorio. Melethemata Inauguralia: De Fungorum generatione - De Fungis - Deglutitionis organa - De deglutitione - De symptomatibus quae fungorum venenatorum esum consequi solent - De ratione medendi iis qui a fungis veneficiis male habent. [unito con:/Bound with:] DARDANA Giuseppe Antonio. In Agaricum campestrem veneno in patria infemem Acta. Torino, Briolo, 1788. 8° mm. 200 x 130, pp. [6], 283, 32, with 2 copper plates watercoloured by Stagnon. Contemporary full calf binding. Interesting collection of dissertations on mushrooms [fungi generation, their nature, poisoning symptoms, treatment to be provided to intoxicated, etc.], published by the author aggregation to the College of Physicians of Turin. The author tends to ascribe the mushrooms to the animal kingdom, on the basis of their chemical composition and reproduction systems via spores. It follows a dissertation of the doctor from Vercelli G. Dardana of a rare species of agaric country which produced fatal poisonings in Vercelli in 1787.Bonino, Biogr. Med. Piem, , II/478: "[tali dissertazioni] formano un bellissimo trattato sopra i funghi". Pritzel, n. 7136. 300: [insects]GABUCCINI EUR 2,300 - 2,500 [insects]GABUCCINI Girolamo. De Lumbricis Alvum occupantibus, ac de ratione curandi eos, qui ab illis infestantur Commentarius. Venezia, Hyeronimum Scotum, 1547. 8 leaves nn., leaves 57 numb, [last n.n.] and 16 leaves nn. of index. Initials adorned. legato con: / Bound with: ALTOMARI Donato Antonio. De Alteratione, Concoctione, Digestione, preparatione, ac purgatione, ex Hippocratis & Galeni sententia Methodus. Venezia, Ioan Gryphium, 1547. 75 leaves 1 leaf.nn [registro]. 2 works in 1 vol. 8 vo di mm. 160 x 110. Printer’s mark at the Titlepages of Scoto and Grifo. Binding in full manuscripted vellum of the XV century. Slight sign of wormhole at the first 30 leaves and slight sign of humidity di umidità on the external margins of the first work; many contemporary manuscripted notes on the second work, fine specimen. First editions of two rare medical treatises of the XVI century. XVI. The first work, of Jerome Gabuccini from Fano, is one of the first treatises of parasitology, as well as dedicated to intestinal worms to other pests encountered by the author in humans and animals [particularly in sheep]. "[The author] report their various observations, made not only on humans, but also animals" [De Renzi, III / 517]. The indexes include the Latin interpretatio dictionum & sententiarum Graecarum and Index Rerum memorabilium. Hirsch, II / 467; Cat. Art Ancien [1937], Bibl. Medical, n. 302; Wellcome, n. 2483, cites the second edition. Durling, Nat. Lib. Med., XVIth Cent., N. 1741.The second work, of the famous Neapolitan doctor Donato Antonio Altomari, is interesting to deal, on a proper interpretation philological theories of Galen and Hippocrates, the phenomena of digestion, with chapters covering nutrition and dietetics. De Renzi, III / 452; Wellcome, n. 242; Hirsch, I / 105; Durling, Nat. Lib. Med., XVIth Cent., N. 189. 301: VOLTA. Collezione dell'Opere EUR 1,500 - 1,800 VOLTA Alessandro. Collezione dell'Opere. Tomo Primo [-Quinto]. Firenze, Piatti, 1816. Altro esemplare, come il precedente, recante però una brossura in carta azzurra editoriale con la dicitura: Firenze, Angelo Romei, 1858. Timbri di biblioteca estinta ai frontespizi. Trattasi sempre di esemplare della prima edizione delle opere complete, il cui fondo rimasto invenduto venne poi commercializzato oltre quarant'anni dopo applicandovi una nuova copertina ad opera del libraio fiorentino Angelo Romei; particolarità ignota ai bibliografi come Scolari. 302: LOCATELLI. Theatro d'Arcani EUR 500 - 700 LOCATELLI Lodovico, da Bergamo. Theatro d'Arcani; nel quale si tratta dell'Arte Chimica, & suoi Arcani, con gli Afforismi d'Ippocrate Commentati da Paracelso, etc. L'espositione d'alcune Cifre, e Caratteri oscuri de Filosofi. Milano, Ramellati, 1644. 8° piccolo mm. 170 x 120, pp. [56], 456. Contemporary full vellum binding. First edition, very rare, of this treaty of chemistryby the doctor of Bergamo, dedicated to Count Mattia Galasso, and addressed to doctores and "spetiali", which describes the main chemical and pharmaceutical preparations of the time, including some of balms Locatelli invention of the same. There are also talks of the philosopher's stone, quicksilver, curriculum dell'aurum and other curious topics. At the end of a summary of the Aphorisms of Hippocrates and Paracelsus a comment to them, and on pp. 409-13 the representation of "chemical characteristics", derived from Crollius.Duveen, p. 364; Ferguson, Books of Secrets, I/p. 12; Sudhoff, Bibl. Paracelsica, pp. 566-7; Krivatsy, 7074; Calvi, Scrittori Bergamaschi, pp. 353-4; Vinciana, Autt. Ital. del '600, n. 2203. 303: [Como] VOLTA . Il Tempio Voltiano in Como EUR 400 - 500 [VOLTA Alessandro]. Il Tempio Voltiano in Como. Como, Cavalleri, 1939. In-8° mm. 230 x 160, pp. 63 con 1 ritratto e 25 tavv. f.t. Leg. mezza pergamena epoca, copertine originali conservate. Alla descrizione del Tempio Voltiano segue: F. Massardi, Gli strumenti e l'opera scientifica di Alessandro Volta. Interessanti le tavv. f.t., raffiguranti gli strumenti di A. Volta, schizzi e disegni tratti dai manoscritti del Volta etc. Science Books and Manuscripts 304: HOBBES. Examinatio et Emendatio Mathematicae EUR 800 - 1,000 [HOBBES Thomas]. Examinatio et Emendatio Mathematicae Hodiernae, Qualis explicatur in libris Johannis Wallisii Geometriae Professoris Saviliani in Academia Oxoniensi. Distributa in sex Dialogos. [unito con:/Bound with:] Dialogus Physicus de Natura Aeris conjunctura... ab Experimentis nuper Londini habitis in Collegio Greshamensi. Item De Duplicatione Cubi. [unito con:] Problemata Physica. [unito con:/Bound with:] De Principiis et Ratiocinatione Geometrarum, ubi ostenditur incertitudinem falsitatemque non minorem inesse scriptis eorum, quam scriptis Phisicorum & Ethicorum, contra fastum Professorum Geometriae. S.n.t., ma Amsterdam, Blaeu, 1668. 4 parts in 1 vol. 4° mm. 200 x 150, pp. 146 with 1 plate; pp. 42, with 1 plate; pp. 43, with 2 plates; pp. 64, with 5 copper plates. In the text of the various treaties various geometric figures engraved on copper in the text. Binding in half leather early nineteenth century, titles and decorations in gold on the back. Extract published in its own right from the Opera Philosophica published in Amsterdam by Blaeu in 1668, appeared in 2 vols. divided into 8 parts, which were also sold separately. Here I am including all of the great physical and mathematical writings philosopher, less well known as a mathematician, constituting the first volume, composed late in life after his return to England [some when Hobbes was even eighty-four]. The edition was published in Holland out having been barred from appearing in England; and they are found mostly specimens [like this] grouping, academic writings or philosophical ones, in separate sections. Zeitlinger, n. 1945 [il solo primo vol.]. 305: Electricorum Libri VI EUR 350 - 450 [MAZZOLARI Giuseppe Maria] PARTHENIUS Marianus Josephus.Josephi Mariani Parthenii Opera. [contiene:] Electricorum Libri VI - Commentarii - Actiones - Orationes. Roma, Generoso Salomoni, 1767-73. 4 opere in 3 vols. in-8° mm. 190 x 140, di pp. 288 [mal numerate 188] con 2 tavv. in rame; pp. 152; pp. 480; pp. 440. Leg. piena pergamena coeva, titoli in oro ai dorsi. [8138]In questi tre volumi è raccolta buona parte delle opere neolatine del dotto gesuita pesarese [ma di origine cremonese] Giuseppe Maria Mazzolari [1712-86], ribattezzatosi Josephus Marianus Parthenius in segno di devozione alla Santa Vergine. Fu professore di retorica a Firenze e a Roma, e continuò l'insegnamento anche dopo la soppressione della Compagnia di Gesù, ed anche elegante latinista. L'iniziativa di raccogliere le sue opere in tre volumi pare sia stata del padre Lagomarsini, ma i tre volumi stanno ognuno a sè. Qui si aggiunge poi annessa al III vol. una delle sue opere più singolari [apparsa nel 1767, e non inclusa nel piano dell'opera], ovvero Electricorum Libri VI, poemetto didascalico dedicato alle esperienze sull'elettricità; in esso è annoverata l'anticipazione del telegrafo elettrico: "Cet ouvrage contient déjà l'indication du télégraphe électrique...: filum autem ita sub terra demergatur, ut aliqua sui parte, in qua sit modica interruptio, emergat in domo amici. Hoc peracto, si exornaretur tabula, vapor... per longiorem fili feretur, et apparebit scintilla in domo amici inter duas partes fili metallici... Jam nullo negotio poterit quoddam velut alphabetum cum scintillis componi, et aliqua loquendi ratio condici. Le père Mazzolari ajoute que le P. Joseph Bozoli, S.J., profésseur de physique à Rome, en fit l'expérience, qui fut couronnés de succès" [De Backer-Sommervogel, V/col. 846, n. 15; le altre opere sono elencate ai nn. 19-21]. Delle 2 tavv. in rame f.t. [con 4 figure], la seconda raffigura il Cymbalum Electricum. Rossetti e Cantoni, p. 60; Mottelay, p. 226. Tra gli altri scritti va ricordato [nelle Orationes] il testo De Encyclopedia contrahenda, ove si sostiene l'utilità dei grandi repertori enciclopedici che radunino le conoscemze scientifiche, umanistiche e teologiche. 306: [Fluids]MAZZUCHELLI. Due Memorie Idrostatiche EUR 350 - 450 MAZZUCHELLI Gerolamo. Due Memorie Idrostatiche sulla Pressione de' Fluidi. Roma, Casaletti, 1779. 8° 220 x 150, pp. 60, [4] con una tav. in rame al fine. Leg. mezza pergamena antica. Le due memorie trattano, la prima Sulla pressione de' Fluidi contro i lati de' vasi uniformi; e la seconda Sulla pressione verticale de' Fluidi contro i lati dei vasi convergenti, e divergenti. Le dissertazioni, relative alla pressione dei fluidi contro la superificie interna dei vasi, discutono un teorema messo in dubbio da Paolo Frisi. Su Girolamo Mazzuchelli, padre somasco, e professore al Collegio Clementino di Roma, non si hanno precise notizie biografiche. Riccardi, II/145. Science Books and Manuscripts 307: LULLUS. Opera ea quae ad inventam EUR 2,800 - 3,500 LULL Ramòn. Raymundi Lulli Opera ea quae ad inventam ab ipso Artem Universalem, Scientiarum Artiumque omnium brevi compendio, Argentinae [Strassburg], Lazarus Zetzner, MDXCIIX [1598]. 8° small mm. 180 x 110, pp: [24], 992, [32], with 3 folded tables out text on the front of pages 1, 44, 236; numerous woodcut figures in the text of astronomical and geometrical subject; small printer device in the title [Minerva]. Binding in full contemporary vellum, spine, nerve with handwritten title. First edition, quite rare, this collection of the most accredited works of the famous philosopher and alchemist Majorcan Ramon Lull [1235-1315 c.], to which are attributed over 230 treaties [many of which spurious or falsely attributed]. The corpus of the most important works of Lull appears here with the addition of certain treatises of Bruno, a great admirer of Lull, and a treatise of Agrippa von Nettesheim. According to the Palau [n. 143673], a first edition printed by Zetzner had appeared in 1551-52, not credible given as the printer and humanist Zetzner lived from 1551 to 1616 cica, and Giordano Bruno was born in 1548; It is thus a quote baseless. We list here the treaties contained in this edition: I. Ars Brevis; II. Hearsay Kabbalistic seu Kabbala; III. Duodecim Principia Philosophiae Lullianae; IV. Dialectica seu Logic; V. rethorica; YOU. Ars Magna [the latter divided into 13 sections]; follow the texts of the Interpretes Lullian philosophy, ie the 4 treated by Giordano Bruno, VII. De Lulliano specierum Poll; VIII. De lamp combinatorial Lulliana; IX. De progressu logicae venationis; X De lamps hunting logicorum. Follow after the H. texts C. Agrippa von Nettesheim, XI. Commentaria on Ars Brevis Lulliana, and even Lull, XII. Articuli fidei. 4 The texts of Giordano Bruno were included for the first time in this edition, and then republished in the next, 1609, 1617 and 1651, without ever being mentioned in the title pages of the securities, perhaps to avoid the censure of the Catholic countries. As is known the works of Lull gathered here come to constitute a sort of encyclopedia of science, alchemy astronomy to the study of Kabala, exhibited in symbolic form with diagrams and innovative teaching methods, synthesized nell'Arbor Scientiae. Per questa prima edizione cfr. Silvestrini-Firpo, Bibl. di Giordano Bruno, n. 1; Duveen, p. 371 ["first edition"]; Honeymann, n. 2068 ["first edition"]; Bolton, I/1001; Dorbon, n. 2793: "Edition original de ce recueil". Menendez y Pelayo, Historia de los eterodoxos españoles, I/p. 517, n. 1. Adams, n. 1694; British Library, S.T.C. German Books, p. 583. Per contro Ferguson, II/p. 49, cita l'edizione del 1609 ma non la presente 308: [Industry] DUCHESNE. Dictionnaire de l'industrie EUR 600 - 800 [Industry][DUCHESNE H. G.]. Dictionnaire de l'industrie, Paris, Lacombe, 1776. 3 vols. 8° mm. 200 x 125 pp. XXIV, [4], 700; pp. [4], 739, [1]; pp. [4], 754. 3 folded tables, Contemporary full marbled calf binding, sine with 5 ribs, golden titles and ornaments.The work, according to the Quérard, is made out by H.G. Duchesne in collaboration with Maquer and B. de Préfort. Besides interesting secrets agriculture, home economics, practice medicine, etc., very interesting are the "secrets" concerning chemical preparations, dyeing, weaving, thermometer and barometer, electricity, etc. , which are dedicated large amplitude entries. Other items affect children's games, factories, scientific instruments, food and other topics. Quérard, Fr. Litt., II/625. 309: WILLIS. Pharmaceuticae Rationalis EUR 500 - 800 WILLIS Thomas. Pharmaceuticae Rationalis sive Diatriba de Medicamentorum Operationibus in humano Corpore. Editio postrema, prioribus emendata. [legato con:/Bound with:] ETTMULLER Michael - Medicina Hippocratis Chymica Disputationis loco publice proposita Lipsiae Anno 1670. Mensi Octobre. Hagae Comitis, Arnold Leers, 1675; e Leyden, Arnold Doude, 1671. Hagae Comitis, Arnold Leers, 1675; e Leyden, Arnold Doude, 1671.2 works in one vol. 12° mm. 130 x 70, pp. [40], 426, [14], pictorial frontispiece 3 copper plates [of 6] folded out text; pp. 112 for the second work. Contemporary full vellum binding with squares, blue edges. The first treaty testifies to the extensive knowledge in the chemical-pharmaceutical field of Thomas Willis [1622-75] eminent pathologist, a professor at Oxford and then moved to London in the last years of its existence; That last part is devoted primarily to cardio-circulatory problems and the effectiveness of opioids in drug research. This is the second edition, after that of Oxford in 1673. Cfr. Dezeimeris, IV/p. 411; Wellcome, V/p. 444. Il secondo testo contiene una lezione pubblica di Michael Ettmüller [1644-1683], illustre medico e chimico di Leipzig, mancato in età giovanile dopo una breve e intensa carriera accademica [secondo alcuni morì a causa di un esperimento chimico sbagliato]. La prima edizione era apparsa nel 1670. Cfr. Dezeimeris, II/p. 228. 310: [Nautical art] ALBERTI. Introduzione all’arte nautica EUR 3,500 - 4,000 [Nautical art] ALBERTI, Girolamo. Introduzione all’arte nautica.Venezia, appresso Giambatista Albrizzi , 17374to; Contemporary full vellum binding, in boards case; pp. 16, incl. Half title and Title page, 295, i.e 291, 1 bl.; 2 pictorial Frontispiece, Vignette on Title page, 3 plates at full page in the text at pp. 290-292, 2 copper plates out text, after pp. 242 e 288, 24 copper plates at the end of the vol. A Total of 31 copper plates. Note of possession on Half Title. Rare illustrated works of the Venetian '700. Two splendid Frontespieces with symbolic figures are designed by Luca Carlevarijs and engraved by Francesco Baronio; Four plates illustrate flags and coats of arms, five show mobile volvelle; very interesting the big table several times folded depicting a Venetian galleon, accompanied by three legends that indicate precisely all its parts. The Alberti deals with all aspects of navigation and boating, from astrology to the scientific tools to track routes, winds, reading maps and charts; the work is a practical treatise addressed to the commanders and Venetian sailors. Opera rare, only two specimens surveyed in Italy, with less engraved plates.Melzi, II, p. 40; Riccardi I, 14; Houzeau-Lancaster 10728; Morazzoni 211; Olschki 1597bis; Cicogna 1459. Science Books and Manuscripts 311: MARCHELLI. Trattato della sfera celeste. EUR 400 - 600 MARCHELLI, Giovanni. Trattato della sfera celeste. Milano, Giuseppe Galleazzi, 17618vo; Contemporary binding in boards; pp. 16, including Title page, 144, 3 folded plates; Nice ornaments within the titlepage. Rara edizione. L’opera dell’eminente gesuita genovese, 1728-1764, composta “ad istruzione De’ Convittori Del Collegio de’ Nobili di Milano” tratta compiutamente di tutti gli aspetti dell’astronomia sferica e della geodesia. Fra questi, le diversità delle stagioni e dei climi, la latitudine e la longitudine, le fasi lunari, la grandezza e la figura della terra, l'individuazione della linea dei meridiani. Riccardi, I, 105; Sommervogel, IV, p. 387. 312: [Economy]SISMONDI. Nouveaux principes d'économie EUR 2,000 - 2,500 SISMONDI, J. C. L. Simonde de. Nouveaux principes d'économie politique.Paris, Delaunay, Treuttel & Wurtz, 18192 Vols. in 8vo; half sheepskin and mable boards binding, golden rules and titles on the spine, corners, sprayed edges, Ex-libris with device of Daniel Cresswell inside cover; pp. 4, VIII, 437, 1; 4, 442. Rara prima edizione. Fondamentale opera dell’economista svizzero, che dialoga con Ricardo, Malthus, Say, e si propone come continuatore e promulgatore delle idee di Adam Smith; a differenza però dello studioso inglese egli insiste principalmente sul fatto che le scienze economiche si preoccupano di far crescere il benessere, ma troppo poco di come il benessere faccia crescere la felicità. È qui delineata la teoria dei cicli economici, probabilmente il suo maggior contributo nel campo delle scienze economiche. Sviluppa inoltre la prima teoria sull’equilibrio del reddito e il primo modello di crescita algebrica: entrambi questi concetti entreranno molto tempo dopo a far parte della teoria economica. Il libro settimo “De la Population” può essere considerato come un manifesto di economia sociale e solidale che prefigura una parte dei lavori di Marx. Einaudi 5306; Goldsmiths’ 22333; Kress C. 427; Mattioli 3388; de Salis II, 62; The New Palgrave IV, p. 350. Cfr. Blaug, Great Economists before Keynes, p. 228; Schumpeter, pp. 493–6.