THE COMPANY The Mediterranean Aerospace Society SAM is composed by fifteen SMEs operating in the aeronautic and space sector. SAM, a simultaneous engineering system, is one of the first Italian example of SMEs aggregation in the aerospace sector. SAM has been founded to both meet market needs and take advantage of all the development opportunities coming from national and international economic recovery. M.T. Srl Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea s.c.r.l. THE COMPANY Headquarter Via G. Pascoli. 7 80026 Casoria(NA) ITALY 2004-2006 Data (aggregated data) Employed: 1065 Turnover: 115 M€ R&D Investments:10 M€ UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 Certification n. 0514312 Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea s.c.r.l. ACTIVITIES advanced technology services on earth observation implemented through satellite, avionic platforms and ground segment for monitoring and surveillance of territorial environment parameters I N D U S S E T R R V Y design, manufacturing and aircraft maintenance activities, development and manufacturing of mechanical and electronic apparatus for aeronautic-space industry I C E S Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea s.c.r.l. INDUSTRY AERONAUTIC SECTOR General Aviation aircraft design and manufacture General and commercial aircraft maintenance Avioelectronic board programmes’ upgrading Prototyping and reverse engineering No-destructive controls and surface treatments Interiors design and manufacture Precision machining Design and manufacturing of space infrastructures and payloads for scientific and commercial missions, environmental monitoring, telematic and applications Design, development and manufacturing of on board and ground electronic equipment Composite materials design and develop S PAC E S E C T O R Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea s.c.r.l. SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING Integrated earth observation system through satellite and avionic platform using multisensor technologies and possessing operating characteristics enabling data acquisition via diverse sensors in a single mission. Ground segment which guarantees data in the field of Geographic Information 24/7 for environmental monitoring and surveillance services, mapping and value added information for GIS and DDS systems. APPLICATIONS Mapping of burnt areas Monitoring of hydro-geological instability Monitoring of urban environments Monitoring of rubbish dumps Mapping of vegetation and agricultural areas Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea s.c.r.l. COMPANIES Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea s.c.r.l. TECNAM Products Certified Founded in 1986 by F.lli Pascale, Tecnam interests are divided into two main activities: the first pertains to the construction and assembly of structural components for commercial aviation (tailplanes, fuselage panels, etc.) for which it have official qualifications, the other sector of activity pertains, in fact, to the design and manufacture of prototypes and production units for light or ultralight aviation. The distribution network of Tecnam aircraft can rely today on dealers in all majorcountries. The Company's strategy is particularly dedicated on investing resources in research and development with the aim of continued refinement and upgrading of its products. CONTACTS TECNAM S.r.l. I Trav. Via G.Pascoli 80026 Casoria (Na)-Italy Tel. +39 081 7853210 Fax. +39 081 7584528 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea s.c.r.l. P2002 JR – P2002 JF P92 JS Ultralight P92JA BIRU P92-2000 RG PP96 Golf P2002 Sierra P92 ECHO – P92 ECHO Super P2004 BRAVO P92 SEASKY MAGNAGHI AERONAUTICA Costumers AERMACCHI AMX; MB326; MB339; S41 Founded in 1936, thanking the costant attention on preserving and increasing all in-house professional skills, and researching new technologies as well, it leaded Magnaghi to take part in many international programmes (EFA, TORNADO, M346, AIRBUS, BOING) and designing, manufacturing and certifying complete Landing Gear Systems autonomously (C27 J, A 109 Power) it has become one of the leading companies in the Landing Gear field. In addition Magnaghi designs and manufactures a large range of hydraulic device (up-lock and door lock, hydraulic control system), alluminium, steel and titanium sheet work to produce fuel tanks, engine exhaust pipe, oil reservoir etc. CONTACTS AUGUSTA A109; A129; C47; Sikorsky NH90; AB 205/206 ALENIA AERONAUTICA C 27 J; G 22 APPH C 27 J EMBRAER AMX LIEBHERR M 346 MESSIER DOWTY ATR 42-300; ATR 42-500; ATR 72 AIRBUS MINISTERO DELLA DIFESA ITALIANA MAGNAGHI AERONAUTICAS.p.a. Via Galileo Ferraris, 76 80142 Napoli- Italy Tel. +39 081 5977300 Fax. +39 081 5977301 Web: Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea s.c.r.l. GEVEN Costumers Geven has over 30 years of experience in the design, testing, production and maintenance of aircraft interiors as well as passenger and crew seating. Its main competence is the in-house design and production of all components thus retaining complete control over the finished product. Geven’s flexible and lean organization combined with custom-made products and continuous attention to costs and material provisioning constitute the basis for its long term competitive advantage. Thanks to its philosophy and flexibility Geven can promptly respond to the individual requirements of customers. Continuously strive to develop innovative and attractive solution, Geven is approved to carry out Static and Dynamic tests in accordance to international regulation. CONTACTS Products GEVEN S.r.l. Via Boscofangone Economy class: Aquarius, Horizon, Infinity, Luna, Diva Zona Industriale Nola Marigliano Business class: Genesis 80035 Nola (Na) - Italy Tel. +39 081 3121311 VIP Swivel: Plus Fax. +39 081 3121321 Lavatory: L859, L1179, E-mail: [email protected] Web: Galley and Wardrobe Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea s.c.r.l. Aeronautica Militare Augusta Airbus & ATR trhough Alenia ASTC ANTONOV Atitech – Alitalia Group Boeing Brit Air EADS Casa EADS Sogerma Services Embraer Germania Fluggesellschaft Lauda Air Lufthansa Officine Aeronavali Piaggio Aero South African Express Stork Fokker Thales SALVER Salver was born in 1970, develops and manufactures, in the aeronautic field, products in composite materials, as well as spare parts or bonded assies, realized either in composites and in composite-metal, togheter with bonded or riveted metal parts. Nowadays Salver is developing, indrustialaizing and manufacturing spare parts and/or assies for new commercial aircraft like: A380 for AIRBUS and in prospect also BOING B787 e A350. Salver has invested much on men plants and equipment, in order to defend, consolidate and improve its own capacities to compete in the current global market. ALENIA AERONAUTICA B767/777, ATR 42/72, C27 J, F2000 AUGUSTA WESTLAND AB 139, A 109 AIRBUS Industries A380 AERMACCHI EFA 2000, CF34 EUROCOPTER A318, A319, A320, A321, NH90, TIGER EADS Drohne CL 289 GALILEO AVIONICA MIII, Mirach 100/5 (simulator system) WASS- Whitehead Alenia Subwater System MU90 UW Torpedo PIAGGIIO AEROINDUSTRIES P180, P166 MP, F2000 OAN-Officine Aeronavali DC8 Cargo, DC10 Cargo, Atlantique CONTACTS SALVER S.p.a. Via D.Macaluso, 2/4 P.O. Box 232 72100 Brindisi - Italy Tel. +39 0831 575911 Fax. +39 0831 573878 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea s.c.r.l. METAL SUD Metal Sud has an experience of more than ten years in the execution of metal pretreatment and painting, as well as conductive painting of plastic materials. It is registered in the Suppliers List of the Italian Defence Administration. Metal Sud pursues: Non destructive controls: magnetic inspection and with penetrants, Heat treatments: stress relief and hydrogen embrittlement relief, Steel, titanium, aluminium and its alloys: degreasing, anodic oxidation, conversion with alodine 1200/1500, passivation, cadmium plating, preparation for bonding of aluminium alloys etc. Metal Sud is also able to furnish, with a closed loop, piping ready to be installed and supplies with standards, taking all necessary steps for thermal treatment and the welding for parts or their vernishing. CONTACTS METAL SUD S.p.a. Via Nazionale Appia Loc.Crisci 81021 Arienzo(CE) - Italy Tel. +39 0823 805397 Fax. +39 0823 805089 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea s.c.r.l. MAROTTA A.T. Marotta A.T. was born as the evolution of Marotta s.r.l specializzed in production of precision mechanical components. The techniques of traditional of traditional production have been replaced by automatic systems that integrate CAD/CAM, CNC and 3D mearurements, so that the process of production is rapid and safe. The production area is divided in 3 specialistic sector.Design:design of scientific tools for the research in optics, aerospace, physic of the particle. Production: CNC machines up to 4 axsis. Maintenance: area equipped for aeronautical maintenance (according to the normative EASA) for floor panels, ovens and boilers. Costumers • ALENIA WHITEHEAD •ASI (ITALIAN SPACE AGENCY) • ALITALIA-ATITECH • ASTRONIMICAL OBSERVATORY OF CAPODIMONTE • ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY OF ROME • AVIO GROUP • CARLO GAVAZZI SPACE S.P.A. • CIRA (ITALIAN AEROSPACE RESEARCH CENTER) • CORISTA CONTACTS MAROTTA A.T. S.r.l.. Via G. Marconi, 18/a 80040 Cercola (Na) - Italy Tel. +39 081 7331454 Fax. +39 081 7332611 E-mail: [email protected] Web: • MBDA ITALY • UNIVERSITY OF NAPLES “FEDERICO II” Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea s.c.r.l. TECNOSPAZIO ENGINEERING Tecnospazio s.n.c. is a company operating in mechanics sector of high linear and volumetric precision, it is specializising in up to 5 axis products with up to diameter of 1.850 mm and tridimensional impellers in particular.Technical office, equipped with CAD/CAM software of the Unigraphics (version 16-18NX), provides to realization of mathematical models and planning of multi-componential items. Detailed information on all internal processes, including manufacturing, is gathered and processed in interactive way. The realization of intranet-extranet allows to view these data in remote way as well (e.g.observig of single item manufacturing in real-time mode in the workshop through web cam). We operate in State-Of-The-Art technological structure for satisfy demand in highquality product. CONTACTS TECNOSPAZIO S.n.c. Zona Industriale San Nicola 85025 Melfi (Pz) - Italy Tel. +39 0972 762046 Fax. +39 0972 762371 E-mail: [email protected] Web: •the realisation of a Unigraphics mathematic model •the study of the right cutting methods •the design of the required equipment •the study of commercial and special tooling •the simulation of high-tech manufacturing PRODUCTION The organisation is ideally suited to the study and design of complex-geometry prototypes (manufactured from a solid block) and to the production of: •high-precision aeronautical components manufactured in an aseptic laboratory at controlled temperatures (20° 0.5°) ; •rotative components such as rings, diaphragms, threedimensional impellers, pallet discs, spacers, etc. METROLOGY Perform metrological inspection in an airconditioned laboratory, where all measuring instruments and calibrated plug gauges are kept. Form errors are measured on a three-dimensional continuous scanning machine with a maximum permissible error of 0.0013mm along a linear distance of 600mm. Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea s.c.r.l. M.T. Mechanical Technologies M.T. Srl ACTIVITIES M.T. Mechanical Technologies srl, manufactures equipments, structural and oleodynamic components by machining differnt materials like alloys, titanium and high resistant steels. M.T. Mechanical Technologies supplies surface treatments both stells and alluminium. With its galvanic plant can provide different application on different materials. CONTACTS M.T. Mechanical Technologies Via Carceri Vecchie, 46 80046 S.Giorgio a Cremano (Na) - Italy Tel. +39 081 19363816 Fax. +39 081 2143644 E-mail: [email protected] Web: •CAD-CAM design; •Precision mechanical machinig; •Surface treatments; •Heat treatments; •Plastic deformation and sheet machining; •CNC dimensional controls; •Maintenance; •Static and dynamics tests; •Painting; Costumers •MECAER •ALENIA AERONAUTICA •ALENIA SPAZIO •MAGNAGHI AERONAUTICA •VULCAN AIR •SEI Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea s.c.r.l. FOXBIT ACTIVITIES Fox Bit has been working on the innovation technologies market since 1985. The high degree of specialization achieved has allowed Fox Bit to be recognized as Laboratory of Technological Innovation by the Italian Ministry of University and of Scientific and Technological Research. Research and development represent the continuous aim of the whole structure and the technological level of the main customers guarantees stimulus and checks for the continuous growing of the internal know how. Our staff is composed mainly of graduates and undergraduates with an high degree of specialization and it is organized in teams related to the activity branch. Work Packages aeronautics sector; design for Design and production electromechanics space structures; the of development and manufacturing of advanced equipment for ground and flight segments. Design, prototyping and test for avionics components; Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Tooling ; Dedicated hardware development processes; and software Reverse Engineering using 3D laser scanning and 3D CAD Modelling. CONTACTS FOXBIT S.r.l. Via E.Gianturco, 31 80146 Napoli - Italy Tel. +39 081 7340777 Fax. +39 081 7340808 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea s.c.r.l. CARLO GAVAZZI SPACE CGS is acknowledged as one of the leading medium size companies in Europe for space systems integration. It is part of a cluster of European enterprises operating in the aerospace and telematic business. Founded in 1981, with headquarters in Milan and excellence centres in Italy, the company employs more than 180 qualified engineers & physicists. CGS has consolidated expertise, resources and facilities to carry out manufacturing, integration, qualification and flight certification. Its success is due to a combination of technical expertise, innovative technologies and low cost solutions which allow to give customers easy access to space. CONTACTS CARLO GAVAZZI SPACE S.p.a. Via Gallarate, 150 20151 Milano - Italy Tel. +39 02 380481 Fax. +39 02 3086458 E-mail: [email protected] Web: ACTIVITIES • Prime contractor at system and/or subsystem level • Satellites: turn-key systems with standard platforms • USV unmanned space reusable vehicles • Payloads and scientific instruments for experiments in microgravity • International Space Station: facilities and payloads • Ground Segment and Ground Support Equipments • Scientific instruments for remote sensing and environmental monitoring • Systems and Services for Earth Observation • Commercial applications of space technologies for security, telemedicine, fleet management, surveillance • Software Projects • SAR image processing • E.O. image compression • Digital and Power electronics • Structural /Thermal research projects • AIT activities (Assembly,Integration,Test) • Product Assurance & Safety Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea s.c.r.l. TECHNO SYSTEM DEV. AEROSPACE ELECTRONIC TECHNO SYSTEM is specialized in design, development and manufacturing of electronic equipment. Electronic Systems, Subsystems and Units are developed on a custom based approach in order to satisfy in the best way the technical specifications and the user’s requirements for the specific application. The company has internal skills for Hardware and Software developments which enable the implementation of customized and innovative solutions.TECHNO SYSTEM is implementing its own Quality System, described in the Company’s Quality Manual and related Procedures, according to the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard. ELECTRONICS FOR SCIENTIFIC PAYLOADS GROUND SEGMENT PRODUCTS CONTACTS TECHNO SYSTEM DEVELOPMENTS Zona Industriale San Martino, 35 80078 Pozzuoli (Na) - Italy Tel. +39 081 5268313 Fax. +39 081 5262701 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea s.c.r.l. NUOVA AVIORIPRESE ACTIVITES Nuova Avioriprese was born in 1980. The company works in the aerophotogrammerty field whit a its fleet and machinaries. The company garantees its services with great professionalism and efficiency, optimising results with instrumentation thenologically advanced. Nouva Avioriprese is a research center, trained to the consultation and orders of research to support the innovation and the scientific and technological developement in the field of consulting services for aerophotogrammetry, aerial takes, ortomap and cartography. The research center allows checks and territorial plannings to wide range. Aerial takes b/w and colour for cartigraphic production; Thematic and synthesis map; Digital terrestrial photogrammetry; Goegraphical informative systems (GIS); Thermographyc and infrared colour takes; Numerical cartography; Digital ortho-photo map; DTM – generation with Lidar technology; Sightings set-fires Formation and professional education; Georadar system for non destructive investigations of the subsoil for the location of sub services, archaeological areas etc. CONTACTS NUOVA AVIORIPRESE S.r.l. Aeroporto di Capodichino Napoli - Italy Tel. +39 081 5841725 Fax. +39 081 2509728 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea s.c.r.l. TECNO IN TECNO IN works in different sector of civil engineering, it provides its competences in the general field of engineering services. TecnoIn supply test equipments, control systems and instruments to use for different applicatio like civil and industril wroks, monumental and enviromental applications. ACTIVITIES • Structures monitoring and civil work • Geoarchealogy •Cavity and hydraulic manufacture rilief •Structural diagnostic •Laser Scanner 3D – Topografy •Geophysic •Geology •Research and development CONTACTS TECNO IN S.p.a. II Traversa Strettola S.Anna alle Paludi, 11 80142 Napoli - Italy Tel. +39 081 5634520 Fax. +39 081 5633970 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea s.c.r.l. CONTACTS SOCIETA’ AEROSPAZIALE MEDITERRANEA S.C.R.L Via G.Pascoli,7 80026 Casoria (NA) ITALY Tel. +39 081 250 71 30 Fax. +39 081 250 71 30 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea s.c.r.l.