Koordinationsorgan für Geoinformation des Bundes GKG Organe de coordination de la géoinformation au niveau fédéral GCS Organo federale di coordinamento della geoinformazione GCG Organ federal da coordinaziun per la geoinfurmaziun GCS Use Case www.geo.admin.ch "60 to 80 per cent of all decisions affecting citizens are linked to geographical information." 1 Use case 1) Retreating glaciers Use case 2) Urban development Zurich Use case 3) „Ideal“ holiday destination for ibex 1 - Coopers and Lybrand 1996, Economic aspects of the collection, dissemination and integration of government’s geospatial information, Published by Ordnance Survey, Southampton, UK. 1) Retreating glaciers: http://tinyurl.com/34jjxzr Ca. 1850: Extent glaciers Today: Ret reating glacier, evolvement of an high alpine wetland 2/4 2) Urban development Zurich: http://tinyurl.com/35kz372 Ca. 1900: Today: Buildings (red) 100 years later 3/4 3) „Ideal“ holiday destination for ibex: http://tinyurl.com/28qv6nq From an ibex perspective (blue: ibex colonies) western part of Switzerland is a more interesting than the eastern part: Areas prohibited for hunting (orange) are more frequent. 4/4