IT303: Week 3 Quando Dio ballava il tango Borderlands Structure of lecture: • • • • • • Images of home and space Memory Intergenerational relationships Marginality The sea Borderlands • ‘Soltanto due mesi fa Corazón e la sua bambina erano ancora nelle praterie slargate all’altro capo del mondo; adesso invece il loro orizzonte è qui, in questa angusta cucina di cardenzóni tartati, vigilata da scure fotografie di gente che fu’ (pp. 13-14). • Come deve essersi sentito prigioniero in questa cascina buia, al suo ritorno dall’America, dopo aver assaggiato l’ampiezza luminosa degli spazi argentini’ (p. 14) • ‘l’atmosfera di chiuso’ (p. 14) • Space: ‘ un deserto verde, l’orizzonte irraggiungibile’ (p. 76) ‘il paesaggio la opprimeva’ (p. 98) Regalada Majna’s the life in the village, ‘una vita immobile e senza vie d’uscita; una gabbia, (p. 58-60). Martinita Colombo leaves home to escape a violent father. ‘una terribile trappola da cui fuggire’ (p. 276). Raquel Potok, who flees from her home in Poland during the 1930s to escape racial persecution (p. 116). Pietro Colombo ‘voleva la libertà’Ambrogio also leaves home ‘in casa Colombo si soffocava’ (p. 111). Pietro Colombo wants to build a house in Argentina so his children can be born in their own home. Mafalda Cerutti, ‘il suo paese ce l’aveva nel cuore’, p. 169 Catterina Ceruti: ‘La nostra colpa e’ stata quella di aver tradito la casa dove eravamo nati’(p 77). Pages for analysis • • • • 89 142 169 174 • 291 Anzaldúa: mestiza consciousness • What are the main ideas of her essay and what does she mean by mestiza consciousness? • What is her view of identity? • Why does she link homosexuals to the idea of mestiza consciousness? • Can you make any connections between her theories and Pariani’s novel? • How does she use language and different styles in her writing? What effects does this create? Borderlands • A place where cultures overlap and collide ‘The coming together of two self-consistent but habitually incompatible frames of reference causes un choque, a cultural collision’. ‘Cradled in one culture, sandwiched between two cultures, straddling all three cultures and their value systems, la mestiza undergoes a struggle of flesh, an inner war’ Identities Are multiple, hybrid, plural, flexible, dynamic, always shifting. ‘in a state of perpetual transition’ ‘Rigidity means death’. Mestiza consciousness • Avoids concepts of purity • Embraces ambiguity and sustains contradiction • Transcends dualities (on which Western thought is founded) • Breaks down rigid categories • Intertwines cultures; ‘juggles cultures’ ‘It is not enough to stand on the opposite river bank’. ‘We will have to leave the opposite bank, the split between the two mortal combatants somehow healed so that we are on both shores at one’. Homi Bhabha: Third Space and hybridity • • • • • • • Focuses on thresholds, borders Celebrates in-between spaces, margins Where cultures meet and clash (Colonial) authority challenged Challenges binary divisions and oppositions Unsettles stable identities new hybrid identities created – not just a merging of two cultures • a site of tension