Question nr. 17 English: What do you like buying when you have money? Italiano: Cosa ti piace comprare quando hai soldi? Answers Clothes / Dresses Books Technological devices Videos Food Drinks Games Other Total number Total M+W 494 83 59 89 44 5 93 113 980 % 50 9 6 9,5 4 0,5 9 12 100 Men 210 31 26 52 28 2 74 70 494 % 43 6 5 11 5,6 0,4 15 14 100 Women 284 52 33 37 16 3 19 43 486 % 58,4 11 6,5 7,5 3 0,6 4 9 100 English: What do you like buying when you have money? Italian: Cosa ti piace comprare quando hai soldi? Total 12% Clothes / Dresses 9% Books Technological devices 1% Videos 4% 50% Food Drinks 9% Games 6% Other 9% English: What do you like buying when you have money? Italian: Cosa ti piace comprare quando hai soldi? Total 60% 50% Clothes / Dresses 40% Books 30% Technological devices Videos 20% Food 10% Drinks 0% Games Other English: What do you like buying when you have money? Italian: Cosa ti piace comprare quando hai soldi? Men 14% Clothes / Dresses Books 43% 15% Technological devices Videos Food Drinks 0% Games 6% Other 11% 5% 6% English: What do ypu like buying when you have money? Italian: Cosa ti piace comprare quando hai soldi? Men 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Clothes / Dresses Books Technological devices Videos Food Drinks Games Other English:What do you like buying when you have money? Italian: Cosa ti piace comprare quando hai soldi? Women 9% 4% 1% Clothes / Dresses 3% Books Technological devices Videos 8% Food 58% 6% Drinks Games Other 11% English: What do you like buying when you have money? Italian: Cosa ti piace comprare quando hai soldi? Women 70% 60% 50% Clothes / Dresses 40% Books 30% Technological devices 20% Videos Food 10% Drinks 0% Games Other