2014 COLLECTION 8 10 14 18 STAY IN TOUCH STAY SOCIAL 20 https://www.facebook.com/Kemobikes https://twitter.com/KEMOBikes Discover more at WWW.KEMOBIKES.COM 22 TECHNICAL CHARTS 24 BUSINESS R-EVOLUTION FROM “K” TO “K” E-COMMERCE VENDITA ONLINE E-COMMERCE ONLINE SALE Kemo si affaccia al mercato proponendo ai suoi clienti un rapporto diretto di vicinanza, ascolto e condivisione. Un dialogo nato molto tempo fa, che oggi prosegue seguendo le nuove tendenze e utilizzando la nuova tecnologia. Pochi semplici click ti consentiranno di costruire e acquistare la bicicletta dei tuoi sogni direttamente sul sito www.kemobikes.com Kemo a company that overlooks the market and offers its clients a close and direct relationship focusing on listening and sharing. An outright contact between producer and final user, developed through new trends, using the latest multimedia technology. With just a few clicks you have the ability to build and buy the bike of your dreams. Go directly to the site www.kemobikes.com FROM “K” TO “K” 12 ANNI DI INNOVAZIONE, STILE E DESIGN. FROM “K” TO “K” 12 years of innovation, style and design. COMODITà Un negozio aperto tutti i giorni, 24 ore su 24, che semplifica l’esperienza di acquisto. La tua nuova bicicletta ti verrà spedita direttamente a casa o presso il dealer più vicino a te. Kemo ha organizzato una struttura distributiva, competente ed affidabile, che prevede due livelli di punti di consegna affiliati: I TECH Dealer, che si occupano di ispezionare e verificare la tua bici e gestiscono la successiva consegna. I PREMIUM Dealer che hanno una profonda conoscenza della gamma KEMO, esposta nei loro showroom e che possono aiutarti a scegliere tutti i dettagli della tua bici. I PREMIUM Dealer si occupano anche di verificare la tua bici e gestiscono la successiva consegna. COMFORT Our shop open 24 hours a day 7 days a week simplifies your shopping experience. Your new bike will be mailed directly to your home or to the dealer closest to you. Kemo has organized a two level distribution structure both of which are competent and reliable: The TECH dealer, which deals with the inspection and testing of your bike and takes care of the delivery. The PREMIUM Dealer who have a deep knowledge of the range KEMO, displayed in his showroom and will help you choose all of the details for your bike. The PREMIUM Dealer will also take care of the inspection, testing and delivery of your bike. Nel 2001 i telai in fibra di carbonio contraddistinti dalla lettera “K” fecero la loro prima apparizione al salone di Milano nello stand di Sintema Sport. Fu un vero caso imprenditoriale, una scelta coraggiosa per quell’epoca e a tratti sorprendente per un’azienda metalmeccanica che costruiva telai con lo slogan “Handmade Qualitaly Frames”. In 2001 carbon fiber frames marked with the letter K made their first appearance at the Milan tradefair at the Sintema Sport stand. It was a real business case, a courageous choice for the time and somewhat surprising for an engineering company which built frames with the slogan “Handmade Qualitaly Frames”. Oggi, a dodici anni di distanza, i fratelli Comalli replicano l’esperienza. La tradizione continua e la vera “K” rivive nel nuovo marchio KEMO che unisce una nuova stimolante sfida e un modello commerciale vincente. Today, twelve years later, the Comalli brothers continue to replicate such courageous experience. The tradition continues and the real K comes alive in the brand new Kemo, which combines an exciting new challenge and a winning business model. CONVENIENZA KEMO arriva direttamente a casa tua e ti consente di gestire al meglio il tempo che vorrai dedicare alla scelta e all’acquisto, garantendoti qualità e prezzo contenuto, grazie alla contrazione dei costi di commercializzazione. CONVENIENCE Kemo allows your shopping experience to come straight to your house, allowing you unlimited time to select and purchase your bike. Kemo guarantees high quality at low prices, thanks to the simplification in marketing process. INFORMAZIONE KEMO ti garantisce assoluta trasparenza. Potrai facilmente confrontare caratteristiche e prezzi dei prodotti offerti, reperire informazioni e sviluppare un canale di contatto privilegiato con KEMO, che ti fornirà tutto il supporto necessario. INFORMATION Kemo guarantees you absolute transparency. You can easily compare features and prices of products offered, locate new information and develop a customer service based contact with Kemo, who will always provide you with all the necessary support. Kemo’s technology 4KS, four key steps 5KS, five key steps Fibra super leggera Textreme Textreme superlight thinner fiber TECNOLOGIA & INNOVAZIONE I fratelli Comalli si sono distinti negli ultimi vent’anni per le loro spiccate doti di innovazione, stile e design. Gli esperti del Carbonio tornano in campo sotto il segno della “K”, proponendo una serie di biciclette di alta gamma. I telai Kemo sono ingegnerizzati in Svizzera e le biciclette assemblate in Italia utilizzando le più avanzate tecnologie produttive. TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION The Comalli brothers have continued to excel over the last twenty years and are known for their outstanding qualities of innovation, style and design. The carbon experts are back, under the sign of “K”, proposing a series of high-end bicycles. Kemo products are engineered in Switzerland and the bikes are assembles in Italy using the most advanced production technologies. 5T fiber, eccellenti proprietà tecniche di resistenza all’ impatto e allo sforzo. 5T carbon fiber, lightweight, strong impact and stress release technical properties. Laminazione continua delle fibre, costruzione in un unico pezzo. Monocoque construction 100% carbon fiber. Tecnologia EPS: perfetto controllo degli spessori e assenza di grinze durante il processo di stampaggio. Il risultato è un telaio più rigido, leggero ed esente da difetti di laminazione. EPS technology: perfect control of the thickness and absence of wrinkles during the molding process. The result is a stiff frame, lightweight and defects free. DIGITAL CUTTING TECHNOLOGY: taglio digitale CNC delle fibre. DIGITAL CUTTING TECHNOLOGY: digital cutting cnc fibers. Discover more at kemobikes.com KE-R8 5KS KE-R8 5KS KE-R8 5KS entra a far parte della ristretta famiglia dei telai più leggeri al mondo. Un concentrato di tecnologia che unisce performance e prestazioni meccaniche eccezionali ai massimi livelli. Grazie all’ impiego di fibre di rinforzo Textreme superlight batte ogni record in termini di rapporto rigidità/peso e rende possibile la costruzione di biciclette di peso inferiore ai 6 Kg utilizzando componenti di normale produzione. KE-R8 becomes part of the small family of the lightest frames in the world. A stunning technology that combines stiffness and mechanical performance at the highest levels. Thanks to the use of reinforced Textreme superlight fibers beats all records in terms of stiffness / weight ratio and makes possible the construction of bicycles weighing less than 6 kg using components of normal production. B L Stack D K E C A2 A F G I 8 KE-R8 5KS XXS XS S M L XL 435 465 485 515 535 565 A2 seat tube total length seat tube joint 395 430 450 480 500 530 B top tube length 485 505 525 540 560 575 C seat tube angle 75° 74,5° 73,5° 73,5° 73° 72,5° D head tube 120 120 125 145 160 180 E head tube angle 69° 72° 72° 72,5° 72,5° 73° F BB drop 72 70 68 68 68 66 G BB to front wheel 575 561 572 588 598 603 H chain stay 402 402 402 402 404 404 I wheel base 966 953 964 975,5 992,5 998 J fork rake 48 48 48 48 48 48 K standover height 725 746,2 752 778 792,8 816 L standover height offset REACH 112,6 124,3 137,7 146,3 156,4 169,9 348,7 361 370,4 379,2 389,7 393,4 STACK 509 519 522 543 557 576 A J H NOTES: Dimension Reach CARBON WHITE KE-R8 5KS 9 KE-R8 4KS KE-R8 4KS KE-R8 è costruito con l’ esclusivo processo tecnologico KEMO 4KS e ha raggiunto livelli di peso e performance sino ad oggi impensabili, garantendo la possibilità di realizzare una bicicletta superleggera stabile ed affidabile utilizzando componenti di normale produzione. KE-R8 is manufactured with the exclusive technological process KEMO 4KS and has reached unthinkable levels of weight and performance. B L Reach K E C A2 A Stack D A F J H G I NOTES: 10 KE-R8 4KS A2 B C D E F G H I J K L Dimension XXS XS S M L XL seat tube total length seat tube joint 435 465 485 515 535 565 395 430 450 480 500 530 top tube length 485 505 525 540 560 575 seat tube angle 75° 74,5° 73,5° 73,5° 73° 72,5° head tube 120 120 125 145 160 180 head tube angle 69° 72° 72° 72,5° 72,5° 73° BB drop 72 70 68 68 68 66 BB to front wheel 575 561 572 588 598 603 chain stay 402 402 402 402 404 404 wheel base 966 953 964 975,5 992,5 998 fork rake 48 48 48 48 48 48 standover height 725 746,2 752 778 792,8 816 standover height offset REACH 112,6 124,3 137,7 146,3 156,4 169,9 348,7 361 370,4 379,2 389,7 393,4 STACK 509 519 522 543 557 576 CARBON YELLOW FLUO KE-R8 4KS 11 KE-R8 4KS 12 KE-R8 4KS CARBON ORANGE FLUO KE-R8 4KS CARBON WHITE KE-R8 4KS 13 KE-R5 KE-R5 KE-R5 beneficia del processo tecnologico che caratterizza i telai di alta gamma. Costruito con fibre ad alto modulo UD 40T con specifiche caratteristiche di resistenza allo sforzo e alla tensione garantisce un ottimale rapporto peso-performance. KE-R5 benefits from the technological process that characterizes hi-end frames. Manufactured with high-modulus fibers UD 40T with specific resistance to stress and tension ensures optimal performance-to-weight ratio B L Reach Stack D A J F K C E A2 A H NOTES: 14 KE-R5 I G A2 B C D E F G H I J K L Dimension seat tube total length seat tube joint top tube length seat tube angle head tube head tube angle BB drop BB to front wheel chain stay wheel base fork rake standover height standover height offset REACH STACK XS 443 S 463 M 505 L 525 XL 555 XXL 559 400 505 74.5° 120 72° 70 560 421,7 525 73.5° 125 72° 68 571,3 454,3 540 73.5° 145 72.5° 68 582,5 475,3 560 73° 160 72.5° 68 597,7 481 575 72.5° 180 73° 66 603,5 515 590 72.5° 200 73° 66 618,1 406 956 48 729 121,6 406 967,5 48 738,9 131,6 406 978,8 48 765,5 143,4 406 994,1 48 782,8 153,5 406 1000,5 48 799,8 166,9 406 1015,5 48 825,8 168,1 393,8 576 402,6 595,1 359,2 369,2 519,3 522,1 378,5 389,3 542,8 557,1 CARBON BLACK KE-R5 15 KE-R5 CARBON GREEN FLUO 16 KE-R5 CARBON WHITE CARBON ORANGE FLUO CARBON YELLOW FLUO KE-R5 17 KE-R1 KE-R1 CARBON RED KE-R1 unisce la qualità di costruzione monoscocca all’ impiego di fibre di carbonio ad alta resistenza. KE-R1 combines the quality of monocoque construction to the use of high-strength carbon fibers. B Stack D 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 61 A seat tube total length 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 610 B top tube length seat tube angle 512 512 520 530 540 555 575 600 74° 74° 74,5° 73,5° 73° 73° 73° 72,5° D head tube 125 125 130 135 145 160 170 180 E head tube angle BB drop 71,5° 71,5° 72° 72° 72° 72° 72° 72° 72 71 70 70 70 70 565,5 565,5 574 574,2 579,4 594,6 614,6 634 H BB to front wheel chain stay 403 403 403 403 403 I wheel base 957,4 957,4 966 966,5 972 987 1008 1027 J fork rake 45 45 45 45 K standover height 771,7 771,7 778,1 782,9 792,4 806,7 816,2 825,7 STACK 504,2 504,2 510,6 514,3 523 A Dimension E C F K C J G H I F G NOTES: 18 KE-R1 72 403 45 72 403 45 45 537 546 403 45 556 WHITE RED KE-R1 19 KE-T5 KE-T5 KE-T5 beneficia del processo tecnologico che caratterizza i telai di alta gamma. Costruito con fibre ad alto modulo e fibra di rivestimento 3KT con specifiche caratteristiche di resistenza allo sforzo e alla tensione garantisce un ottimale rapporto pesoperformance. KE-T5 benefits from the technological process that characterizes hi-end frames. Manufactured with high-modulus fibers with 3KT weave with specific resistance to stress and tension ensures optimal performance-to-weight ratio B Reach L Stack D F K C E 2 A A I NOTES: 20 KE-T5 S M L XL 515 545 565 585 A2 seat tube total length seat tube joint 473,9 504 522,5 538,7 B top tube length 507 538,2 553,2 568,2 C seat tube angle 76,2° 76,2° 76,2° 76,2° D head tube 105 115 130 150 E head tube angle 72° 72° 73° 73° F BB drop 70 70 70 70 G BB to front wheel 576 603,6 611 627,1 H chain stay 395 395 395 395 I wheel base 960,6 988,3 995,8 1012 J fork rake 43 43 43 43 K standover height 754,5 774,9 792,4 811,6 L standover height offset REACH 122,7 130 134,8 139,5 393,8 418 420 430,3 STACK 507,5 517 534,7 553,8 A J G H Dimension CARBON YELLOW FLUO KE-T5 21 KE-M5 KE-M5 KE-M5 è il nuovo progetto XC,un telaio hardtail veloce per riders ambiziosi Costruito in carbonio monoscocca con fibre ad alto modulo UD 40T. Carro rigido leggero e performante e ruote da 27,5”. KE-M5 is the new XC project, a fast hardtail frame for ambitious riders Made of monocoque carbon fiber with high modulus UD 40T. Lightweight, high-performance rear stay and 27,5” wheels. SIZE A B REACH D H E C A F G STACK I NOTES: 22 KE-M5 440 480 520 440 480 520 B 430 430 430 C 660.1 675.4 690.7 D 1085.3 1100.6 1116.0 E 595 610 625 Dimension S M L 440 480 520 B seat tube total length top tube length 595 610 625 seat tube angle 73° 73° 73° A F 110 120 130 G 422.6 434.7 446.8 H 599.1 608.6 618.0 C I 71° 71° 71° D head tube 110 120 130 J 73° 73° 73° K 50 50 50 E head tube angle 71° 71° 71° F BB drop 50 50 50 G BB to front wheel 660,1 675,4 690,7 H chain stay 430 430 430 I wheel base 1085,3 1100,6 1116 REACH 422,6 434,7 446,8 STACK 599,1 608,6 618 CARBON ORANGE KE-M5 23 SHIMANO ULTEGRA 11V SRAM FORCE 11V SHIMANO ULTEGRA Di2 11V SHIMANO DURA ACE 11V KE-R8 5KS € 4.699,00* € 4.999,00* €5.199,00* Frame/Fork/Seatpost Crankset Cassette Wheels Tires Stem Handlebar Saddle KE-R8 5KS TEXTREME KE-R8 5KS TEXTREME KE-R8 5KS TEXTREME Ultegra 50*34 Force 50*34 Ultegra Di2 50*34 Ultegra 11*28 Force 11*28 Ultegra 11*28 Ksyrium R-SYS SLR Ksyrium R-SYS SLR Ksyrium R-SYS SLR MAVIC Yksion Pro 23 MAVIC Yksion Pro 23 MAVIC Yksion Pro 23 FSA Team Issue ST FSA Team Issue ST FSA Team Issue ST Team Issue HB Compact Team Issue HB Compact Team Issue HB Compact KE-R8 5KS TEXTREME Dura Ace 50*34 Dura Ace 11*28 Ksyrium R-SYS SLR MAVIC Yksion Pro 23 FSA OS 99 CSI UDF FSA K-Force Compact PROLOGO Scratch CPC Tirox PROLOGO Scratch CPC Carbon FRAMESET: € 2.599,00 PROLOGO Scratch CPC Tirox SHIMANO ULTEGRA 11V KE-R8 4KS FRAMESET: € 2.199,00 Frame/Fork/Seatpost Crankset Cassette Wheels Tires Stem Handlebar Saddle SRAM FORCE 11V PROLOGO Scratch CPC Tirox SHIMANO ULTEGRA Di2 11V SRAM RED 11V SHIMANO CAMPAGNOLO CAMPAGNOLO DURA ACE Di2 11V ATHENA EPS 11V Super RECORD 11V € 5.999,00* € 6.299,00* € 6.599,00* € 6.699,00* € 7.599,00* SHIMANO DURA ACE 11V KE-R8 5KS TEXTREME KE-R8 5KS TEXTREME Red 50*34 Dura Ace 50*34 Red 11*28 Dura Ace 11*28 Ksyrium R-SYS SLR Ksyrium R-SYS SLR MAVIC Yksion Pro SSC23 MAVIC Yksion Pro SSC23 FSA OS 99 CSI UDF FSA OS 99 CSI UDF FSA K-Force Compact FSA K-Force Compact PROLOGO Scratch CPC Carbon SRAM RED 11V PROLOGO Scratch CPC Carbon KE-R8 5KS TEXTREME Athena 50*34 Chorus 11*28 Ksyrium R-SYS SLR MAVIC Yksion Pro 23 FSA OS 99 CSI UDF FSA K-Force Compact KE-R8 5KS TEXTREME Super Record 50*34 Super Record 12*29 Ksyrium R-SYS SLR MAVIC Yksion Pro SSC23 FSA OS 99 CSI UDF FSA K-Force Compact PROLOGO Scratch CPC Carbon PROLOGO Scratch CPC Carbon KE-R8 Carbon Dura Ace 50*34 Dura Ace 11*28 Ksyrium SLR MAVIC Yksion Pro 23 FSA OS 99 CSI UDF FSA K-Force Compact PROLOGO Scratch CPC Tirox PROLOGO Scratch CPC Tirox PROLOGO Scratch CPC Tirox SHIMANO 105 10V SHIMANO ULTEGRA 10V MIX PROLOGO Scratch CPC Tirox SHIMANO ULTEGRA 11V SRAM FORCE 11V MIX KE-R8 Carbon KE-R8 Carbon Red 50*34 Dura Ace 50*34 Red 11*28 Dura Ace 11*28 Ksyrium SLR Ksyrium SLR MAVIC Yksion Pro SSC23 MAVIC Yksion Pro SSC23 FSA OS 99 CSI UDF FSA OS 99 CSI UDF FSA K-Force Compact FSA K-Force Compact PROLOGO Scratch CPC Tirox CAMPAGNOLO ATHENA 11V PROLOGO Scratch CPC Tirox SHIMANO ULTEGRA Di2 KE-R8 Carbon Athena 50*34 Chorus 11*28 Ksyrium SLR MAVIC Yksion Pro 23 FSA OS 99 CSI UDF FSA K-Force Compact KE-R8 Carbon Super Record 50*34 Super Record 12*29 Ksyrium SLR MAVIC Yksion Pro SSC23 FSA OS 99 CSI UDF FSA K-Force Compact PROLOGO Scratch CPC Tirox PROLOGO Scratch CPC Tirox SHIMANO DURA ACE 11V SRAM RED 11V KE-R5 € 2.299,00* € 2.399,00* € 2.699,00* € 2.999,00* € 3.099,00* € 3.199,00* € 3.999,00* € 4.299,00* Frame/Fork/Seatpost Crankset Cassette Wheels Tires Stem Handlebar Saddle KE-R5 Carbon 105 50*34 105 11*28 Ksyrium Elite MAVIC Yksion 23 FSA Gossamer ST OS FSA Compact Wing KE-R5 Carbon SHIMANO FCR 565 50*34 SHIMANO Tiagra 11*28 Cosmic Elite MAVIC Yksion 23 OS-190 ST FSA Vero Compact KE-R5 Carbon Ultegra 50*34 Ultegra 11*28 Ksyrium Elite MAVIC Yksion 23 FSA Gossamer ST OS FSA Compact Wing KE-R5 Carbon SRAM Force 50*34 SRAM Force 11*28 Ksyrium Elite MAVIC Yksion 23 FSA Gossamer ST OS FSA Compact Wing KE-R5 Carbon Athena Carbon 50*34 Chorus 12*29 Ksyrium Elite MAVIC Yksion 23 FSA Gossamer ST OS FSA Compact Wing KE-R5 Carbon Ultegra 50*34 Ultegra 11*28 Ksyrium Elite MAVIC Yksion 23 FSA Gossamer ST OS FSA Compact Wing KE-R5 Carbon Dura Ace 50*34 Dura Ace 11*28 COLE AC 38 KENDA Kriterium FSA Gossamer ST OS FSA Compact Wing KE-R5 Carbon Red 50*34 Red 11*28 COLE AC 38 KENDA Kriterium FSA Gossamer ST OS FSA Compact Wing PROLOGO Zero II T2.0 PROLOGO Zero II T2.0 PROLOGO Zero II T2.0 PROLOGO Zero II T2.0 PROLOGO Zero II T2.0 PROLOGO Naga Evo Tirox 141 PROLOGO Naga Evo Tirox 141 PROLOGO Naga Evo Tirox 141 Hard Black Hard Black Hard Black Hard Black Hard Black Hard Black Hard Black Hard Black FRAMESET: € 1.599,00 24 ROAD FRAMESET = FRAME + FORK +SEAT POST + AHEADSET + n° 01 SPARE REAR HANGER CAMPAGNOLO VELOCE 10V MIX SHIMANO 105 10V SHIMANO ULTEGRA 10V MIX SHIMANO ULTEGRA 11V CAMPAGNOLO ATHENA 11V KE-R1 € 1.399,00* € 1.499,00* € 1.699,00* € 1.799,00* € 1.999,00* € 2.299,00* Frame Fork Seatpost Crankset Cassette Wheels Tires Stem Handlebar Saddle KE-R1 Carbon Carbon w/alloy steer FSA Gossamer SP SB20 PROWHEEL Ounce 50*34 SHIMANO Tiagra 11*28 SHIMANO R500 KENDA Kriterium FSA OS 190 ST LX FSA Vero Compact KE-R1 Carbon Carbon w/alloy steer FSA Gossamer SP SB20 PROWHEEL Ounce 50*34 CAMPAGNOLO Khamsin KENDA Kriterium FSA OS 190 ST LX FSA Vero Compact KE-R1 Carbon Carbon w/alloy steer FSA Gossamer SP SB20 105 50*34 105 11*28 MAVIC COsmic Elite MAVIC Yksion 23 FSA Gossamer ST OS KE-R1 Carbon Carbon w/alloy steer FSA Gossamer SP SB20 Ultegra 50*34 Ultegra 11*28 MAVIC COsmic Elite MAVIC Yksion 23 FSA Gossamer ST OS KE-R1 Carbon Carbon w/alloy steer FSA Gossamer SP SB20 Athena Carbon 50*34 Chorus 11*28 MAVIC Cosmic Elite MAVIC Yksion 23 FSA Gossamer ST OS FSA Gossamer Compact Wing KE-R1 Carbon Carbon w/alloy steer FSA Gossamer SP SB20 SHIMANO Fc R565 Silver SHIMANO Tiagra 11*28 SHIMANO R500 KENDA Kriterium FSA OS 190 ST LX FSA Vero Compact FSA Gossamer Compact Wing FSA Gossamer Compact Wing PROLOGO Kappa Evo STN PROLOGO Kappa Evo STN PROLOGO Zero II Hard Black PROLOGO Kappa Evo STN PROLOGO Zero II Hard Black PROLOGO Zero II Hard Black FRAMESET: € 999,00 SHIMANO CAMPAGNOLO CAMPAGNOLO DURA ACE Di2 11V ATHENA EPS 11V Super RECORD 11V € 3.199,00* € 3.499,00* € 3.999,00* € 4.999,00* € 5.299,00* € 5.599,00* € 5.999,00* € 6.899,00* KE-R8 Carbon KE-R8 Carbon KE-R8 Carbon Ultegra 50*34 Force 50*34 Ultegra Di2 50*34 Ultegra 11*28 Force 11*28 Ultegra 11*28 Ksyrium Elite Ksyrium Elite Ksyrium SLS MAVIC Yksion Pro 23 MAVIC Yksion Pro 23 MAVIC Yksion Pro 23 FSA Team Issue ST FSA Team Issue ST FSA Team Issue ST Team Issue HB Compact Team Issue HB Compact Team Issue HB Compact SHIMANO 105 10V MIX MTB FRAMESET = FRAME + SEATPOST + AHEADSET + n° 01 SPARE REAR HANGER CAMPAGNOLO Veloce 11*28 SHIMANO 105 EL 10V SHIMANO ULTEGRA 11V SRAM FORCE EL 11V SHIMANO 105 HE 10V SHIMANO ULTEGRA HE 11V SRAM FORCE HE 11V SRAM RED 11V KE-T5 € 2.399,00* € 2.599,00* € 2.899,00* € 3.499,00* € 3.699,00* € 3.999,00* € 4.599,00* Frame/Fork/Seatpost Crankset Cassette Aero Shifters Brake lever Wheels Tires Stem Handlebar Extensions Saddle KE-T5 Carbon VISION Trimax 52*38 SHIMANO Tiagra 11*28 Vision VISION 670/3782 MAVIC Cosmic Elite MAVIC Yksion 23 OS-190 ST LX Vision TriMax OS Race KE-T5 Carbon Ultegra 53*39 Ultegra 11*28 Ultegra VISION 670/3782 MAVIC Cosmic Elite MAVIC Yksion 23 OS-190 ST LX Vision TriMax OS Race KE-T5 Carbon VISION Trimax 52*38 Force 11*28 SRAM Time Trial VISION 670/3782 MAVIC Cosmic Elite MAVIC Yksion 23 OS-190 ST LX Vision TriMax OS Race KE-T5 Carbon VISION Trimax 52*38 SHIMANO 105 11*28 Vision VISION 670/3782 COLE AC 38 KENDA Kriterium OS-190 ST LX KE-T5 Carbon Ultegra 53*39 Ultegra 11*28 Ultegra VISION 670/3782 COLE AC 38 KENDA Kriterium OS-190 ST LX KE-T5 Carbon VISION Trimax 52*38 Force 11*28 SRAM Time Trial VISION 670/3782 COLE AC 38 KENDA Kriterium OS-190 ST LX KE-T5 Carbon Red 53*39 Red 11*28 SRAM Time Trial VISION 670/3782 COLE AC 38 KENDA Kriterium OS-190 ST LX TriMax Carb.HB-KO s1006/RB/CSI TriMax Carb.HB-KO s1006/RB/CSI TriMax Carb.HB-KO s1006/RB/CSI TriMax Carb.HB-KO s1006/RB/CSI VISION HB RO A400/RB 31,8 VISION HB RO A400/RB 31,8 VISION HB RO A400/RB 31,8 VISION HB RO A400/RB 31,8 VISION HB RO A400/RB 31,8 VISION HB RO A400/RB 31,8 VISION HB RO A400/RB 31,8 PROLOGO Naga Evo PROLOGO Naga Evo Tri40 t2.0 PROLOGO Naga Evo Tri40 t2.0 PROLOGO Naga Evo Tri40 PROLOGO Naga Evo Tri40 Tirox PROLOGO Naga Evo Tri40 PROLOGO Naga Evo Tri40 FRAMESET: € 1.599,00 KE-M5 FRAMESET: € 1.199,00 Frame/Seatpost Fork Shifters Derailleur Cassette/Chain Crankset/Adapter Disks Wheels/ Tires Stem Handlebar Saddle X5 X9 X01 € 1.799,00* € 2.199,00* € 2.999,00* KE-M5 Carbon / F Xc-255 Alloy 31,6 ROCK SHOX Xc 30 27,5 100Mm Black Disc Poploc SRAM Trigger Black X,5 Front 2V Rear 10V SRAM Front X5 10V Grey / Rear X5 2*10 Dual Pull Spec 3 C38 SRAM Pg 1030 10V 11*36 / SRAM Pc 1031 Mtb SRAM S1000 Gxp 10S - 38 * 24 / Gxp Per Scat. 32 Pf AVID Elixir 3 Grey 160 Mm Front & Rear MAVIC Crossone 650B Intl/ Kenda Slart Six FSA Omega St Os-168 Lx Or Os-190 St Lx FSA Comet Mtb Hb Low Rise 31,8X18x740 Xc-301L PROLOGO Naga Evo X10 Ke-M5 Carbon / FSA Afterburner 31,6 ROCK SHOX Recon Gold 27,5 100Mm White Pp15 Tap SRAM Trigger Black X,5 Front 2V Rear 10V SRAM Front X7 10V Grey / Rear X9 2*10 Dual Pull Spec 3 C38 SRAM Pg 1050 10V 11*36 / Sram Pc 1051 Mtb SRAM S1000 Gxp 10S - 38 * 24 / Gxp Per Scat. 32 Pf AVID Elixir White Front 180 Mm Rear 160Mm MAVIC Crossride 650 B Intl / Kenda Slart Six FSA Afterburner St Lx Os 6° L=80 Alloy Front FSA Afterburner Hb Low Rise Black 31,8X15x740 V13 PROLOGO Naga Evo X10 Ke-M5 Carbon / FSA Slk Carbon Sp Sb0 31,6 ROCK SHOX Reba Rl 27,5 Dblack 100Mm Pp15 Tapered Front SRAM X01 Grip Shift 11 V / Rear SRAM X01 11V / SRAM Front X1 Gxp 32 / Rear Xg-1195 11V 10*42 SRAM Pc Xx1 / Sram Xo Black/Red L.950Mm SRAM Xo Black / Red L.1800Mm. AVID Cleansweep Hs1 160Mm Front & Rear MAVIC Crossroc 650B Intl / Crossroc Roam - 2,2 FSA Slk Mtb Black St31,8 80L 6° V14 FSA Slk Mtb Hb Carbon Pro Riser 31,8*18*700 V13 PROLOGO Naga Evo X8 *PREZZO AL PUBBLICO IVA ITALIANA 22% INCLUSA *CONSUMER PRICE ITALIAN VAT 22% INCLUDED 25 26 NOTES KEMO AG Untermüli 9 CH 6300 ZUG CH- Distribuito da Sintema Sport Via delle Valli 7 20847 Albiate (MB) ITALY [email protected]