PRESS RELEASE RESEARCH AND COMPETITIVENESS: THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF NAPLES ‘FEDERICO II’, COMPAGNIA DI SAN PAOLO AND ISTITUTO BANCO DI NAPOLI-FONDAZIONE IS CONFIRMED Over € 20 million granted since 2006 in support of the University Turin, 16th June 2015 – The fourth three-year agreement has been signed, confirming the commitment of Compagnia di San Paolo and Istituto Banco di Napoli-Fondazione in favour of the country’s third largest university in the country, (University of Naples ‘Federico II’). The institutions are thus committed to developing a multi-year programme of interventions aimed at strengthening research, improvement of infrastructure and internationalisation of the university. The first three-year agreement was signed in 2006: Compagnia di San Paolo and Istituto Banco di Napoli-Fondazione granted a total of over €15 million, plus €5.5 million from the 2015/2017 agreement. Indeed, the Compagnia and Istituto recognize the essential importance of training human capital for the socio-economic development of the south of Italy, to be pursued through stronger didactic and scientific tools for research and university education. “Federico II is the biggest university in the south of Italy, and is strongly committed to spurring competitiveness in Campania based on promoting merit and talent scouting. Supporting didactics and top level research is a significant strong point of Federico II, which widens our possibility to offer quality opportunities to young people from the south of Italy” “Regarding the Compagnia di San Paolo”-said Chair Luca Remmert-“the support for development of a university system as a didactics and research centre and factor of local development is a solid commitment. Education is both an essential step for an individual’s full development in the social sphere and an important element of economic competitiveness. “Higher education, social infrastructure and concrete support to research are the tools to keep the flame of hope alive for a rebirth of Italy’s south, which is mandatory for a consolidated country system, confirmed Daniele Marrama, chair of Istituto Banco di Napoli-Fondazione. Fondazione Banco Napoli is dedicated and firm in its presence.” The 2015/2017 agreement covers the support for developing certain specific areas: Research, Infrastructure and Across the Board Interventions, Internationalisation. The Research area plans for a series of actions in support of university research through competitive procedures to assign available resources. The main goal is to promote the search for excellence and enhance the activities and needs of young researchers. The actions included in the Infrastructure and Across the Board Interventions are aimed at strengthening the Digital Library at the Federico II University, which will have to become a Regional Digital Library with the collaboration and involvement of other universities in Campania and the integration with library systems at the universities of Salerno, Napoli Parthenope, Napoli L’Orientale and Sannio and Basilicata. Attracting foreign students, especially from the south bank of the Mediterranean, East Europe, from the Middle and Far East and from Latin America is essential in supporting Internationalisation. Other actions included in this area involve supporting courses leading to joint degrees with foreign universities, lessons partially or totally held in a foreign language and more generally supporting international mobility. Maria Esposito Ufficio Stampa Rettorato Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Tel: 081/2537 007; cell.: 3356838714 Fax: 081/2537 590 e-mail: [email protected] Compagnia di San Paolo Comunicazione e Media Tel 0115596968 email: [email protected]