“...io son Manfredi, ............... Se ‘l pastor di Cosenza, che alla caccia di me fu messo per Clemente allora, avesse in Dio ben letta questa faccia, l’ossa del corpo mio sarieno ancora in co del ponte presso a Benevento, sotto la guardia de la grave mora”. Dante Alighieri La Divina Commedia, Purg., III, 112, 124-129 Contents The Rector’s Welcome 11 Presentation 13 LLP/ERASMUS Programme 1. What is the LLP/ERASMUS Programme? 2. Conditions for the assignment of the LLP/ERASMUS financial support to students 3. How to participate in the LLP/ERASMUS Programme 15 15 15 15 EUROPEAN CREDIT TRANSFER SYSTEM (ECTS) What is ECTS? Main characteristics of ECTS Transparency 17 17 17 19 PART I. THE UNIVERSITY OF SANNIO Historical hints about the University of Sannio University Buildings 23 23 24 UNIVERSITY SERVICES AND OFFICES • Useful addresses The Rector The Administrative Director The Rector’s Delegate for International Relations Executive LLP/ERASMUS Office The LLP/ERASMUS Faculty Delegates Secretarial Offices Departments ADISU CLAUS Libraries Laboratories 25 27 27 27 27 27 27 31 35 39 39 41 45 • Practical information What to do before leaving Documents to bring along How to reach our University What to do upon arrival at the University 53 53 53 53 53 • Facilities Refectory Accommodation European residence paper 55 55 55 55 5 Europan credit transfer system (ECTS) Health care University Sports Centre Students’ Associations LLP/ERASMUS notice boards 55 57 59 61 PART II. SANNIO AND THE TOWN OF BENEVENTO A word of welcome by the President of the Province The Mayor’s welcome message 63 65 A second Pavia of the Lombard Duchy by Cosimo Damiano Fonseca 67 69 The Wonders of Benevento by Fabio Isman 75 How far Benevento is from ... 78 THE TOWN: Directions • Useful addresses Tourist Information Office Other Information bureaux Emergency phone numbers Hotels 79 81 81 81 81 81 • Public transports Railway Buses Taxi Car rental Travel agencies 81 81 83 83 83 83 • Facilities Post offices Banks Telephones Libraries Pharmacies Places of worship 85 85 85 85 85 85 87 • Free time Italian public holidays Climate Cost of life Newspapers Local TVs Local Radios 87 87 87 87 89 89 89 7 Laboratories Bookshops Shopping Gluttonous temptations Gastronomy Beneventan flavours Evenings out Benevento for all seasons! Theatres and Cinemas Museum Music An art tour Handicraft Excursions The kilns of Charles Scipionyx Samniticus The waters of Telese A jewel among the vineyards Morcone Pietrelcina 89 89 89 91 91 91 91 93 93 93 93 95 95 95 95 97 97 99 101 PART III. INFORMATION ABOUT STUDY FACILITIES 103 THE ITALIAN UNIVERSITY SYSTEM 105 SCHEME OF THE ITALIAN UNIVERSITY SYSTEM 108 FACULTY OF ECONOMICS ORGANIZATION OF THE COURSES 111 113 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING ORGANIZATION OF THE COURSES 123 123 FACULTY OF ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS SCIENCES ORGANIZATION OF THE COURSES 135 135 FACULTY OF SCIENCES ORGANIZATION OF THE COURSES 145 145 FORMS: 155 157 159 STUDENT APPLICATION FORM LEARNING AGREEMENT TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS 9 The Rector’s welcome Students’, artists’ and intellectuals’ mobility is an old European tradition which dates back to the Middle Ages, to the birth of the first universities and Study Centres, renewed between the 17th and 18th centuries through the Grand Tour, which considered our Country as one of the most important destinations. Through this tour, the young belonging to the European aristocracy and bourgeoisie learned other Countries’ languages and culture, and also how to become European citizens. This tradition revives through the LLP (Lifelong Learning Programme)-Erasmus programme. Also our young University, which, since its birth has considered internationalization as one of its most qualifying points, feeds, in a significant way, the exchanges of students and teachers with other European Universities. We firmly believe that the presence at other universities is an important occasion to meet different experiences capable of influencing positively and significantly the formation of men and citizens alike. Students who choose our University for their LLP/Erasmus programme, can deepen their studies in the fields of Law, Statistics, Environment, Geology, Biotechnologies, Civil, Computer, Energy and Telecommunications Engineering, Economics and Business Organization, aiming at very high qualifications. The numerous traditions and historical-artistic vestiges, its natural and extraordinarily beautiful environment are additional reasons for foreign students to choose our University as their destination. I’m sure the commitment and the availability of our Teachers and of our TechnicalAdministrative Staff will make the students’ stay culturally and socially stimulating. Therefore I’m very pleased to welcome to the University of Sannio all the students who will take part in the LLP/Erasmus programme, on my behalf and also on behalf of the whole academic community. The Rector Prof. Filippo Bencardino 11 Presentation The ECTS Guide aims at providing useful information about the town of Benevento and the Sannio as regards their history, culture and gastronomy. Moreover, students can find in it information about the organization of the courses and the curricula of the University of Sannio. More detailed information about the courses and their contents is available on the ECTS Guide of each Faculty and on the University of Sannio website, www.unisannio.it. 13 LLP/ERASMUS PROGRAMME 1. What is the LLP/ERASMUS Programme? It is an integrated programme of the European Union (EU) aimed at giving a support to Universities, to students and academic staff with the purpose of intensifying mobility and co-operation in the field of education in the whole EU. The LLP/ERASMUS Programme offers students enrolled at any EU university the possibility of spending a period of study (from three to twelve months) in another EU Member State and receiving the full recognition of such a period of study. An essential condition for the assignment of the LLP/ERASMUS financial support is that the study period and the examinations taken abroad are fully recognised in the student’s Country of origin. The advantages of studying abroad are numerous: a deep knowledge of the foreign languages, a direct contact with the culture of the host Country, greater self-esteem and many new friends; what’s more, the ERASMUS programme offers students, who spend a period of certified study abroad, numerous professional opportunities. Now the LLP/ERASMUS financial support is granted through contracts stipulated directly by the Universities. 2. Conditions for the assignment of the LLP/ERASMUS financial support to students. The admission to the LLP/ERASMUS financial support is subject to the following conditions: a) the period of study abroad must be between three and twelve months and must be carried out at a University of another EU Member State; b) students must receive a written formal recognition, generally by the University of origin, for the period of studies abroad. Students are exempted from paying fees at the host University (whether or not fees are paid at the University of origin). While abroad, students continue to benefit from financial support or grant at national level or from other sources. 3. How to participate in the LLP/ERASMUS Programme. Students who wish to participate in the LLP/ERASMUS Programme must submit a request (generally within the month of February) attaching a certificate of the examinations passed with marks, issued by the administrative Office of their University. Students must indicate the area of study they are interested in, the University where they wish to go, as well as the courses they want to attend. Students must pass a language test and an interview. In order to obtain the LLP/ERASMUS financial support, selected students must contact the LLP/ERASMUS Programme Office at their University. 15 EUROPEAN CREDIT TRANSFER SYSTEM (ECTS) WHAT IS ECTS? The European Union promotes interuniversity cooperation as a means of improving the quality of education for the benefit of students and higher education institutions; students’ mobility is a predominant element of such an interuniversity cooperation. The LLP/Erasmus programme clearly demonstrates that studying abroad can be a particularly valuable experience as it is not only the best way to learn about other countries, ideas, languages and cultures, but, increasingly, it is also an important element in academic and professional career development. The recognition of studies and diplomas is a prerequisite for the creation of an open European area of education and training where students and teachers can freely move. That is why the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) was established within the Erasmus programme as a means of improving academic recognition of study periods abroad. ECTS is mainly an instrument to create transparency, to build bridges between institutions and to widen the choices available to students. The system makes it easier for institutions to recognise the learning achievements of students through the use of commonly understood measurements - credits and grades - and it also provides a means to interpret the national systems of higher education. MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF ECTS The ECTS system is based on three core elements: information on study programmes and student achievements, mutual agreement (between the partner institutions and the student) and the use of ECTS credits (to indicate the student’s workload). These three core elements are made operational through the use of three key documents: the information package, the application form/learning agreement and the transcript of records. Most of all, ECTS is made operational by students, teachers and institutions who wish to make study abroad an integral part of the educational experience. In itself, ECTS in no way regulates the content, structure or equivalence of study programmes. These are issues of quality which have to be determined by the higher education institutions themselves when establishing a satisfactory basis for cooperation through bilateral or multilateral agreements. The code of good practice called ECTS provides people involved with tools to create transparency and to facilitate academic recognition. 17 Europan credit transfer system (ECTS) Full academic recognition is a conditio sine qua non for students’ mobility in the framework of the LLP/Erasmus programme. Full academic recognition means that the study period abroad (including examinations or other forms of assessment) replaces a comparable period of study at the home university (including examinations or other forms of assessment), though the content of the agreed study programme may differ. The use of ECTS is voluntary and is based on mutual trust and confidence in the academic performance of partner institutions. Each institution selects its own partners. TRANSPARENCY ECTS provides transparency through the following means: • ECTS credits, which are numerical values allocated to course units to describe the student workload required to complete them. They reflect the quantity of work each course unit requires in relation to the total quantity of work necessary to complete a full year of academic study at the institution, that is, lectures, practical work, seminars, tutorials, fieldwork, individual study - in the library or at home - and examinations or other assessment practice. ECTS is thus based on a full student workload and not limited to attendance hours only. Within ECTS, 60 credits represent the workload of an academic year of study and normally 30 credits correspond to a semester and 20 credits to a term. • The ECTS information package which supplies useful information to students and staff about institutions, faculties/departments, the organisation and structure of studies and course units. • The ECTS learning agreement covering the programme of study to be taken and the ECTS credits to be awarded upon its satisfactory completion. The agreement commits the student to undertaking study abroad as an integral part of his or her higher education, the home institution to guaranteeing full academic recognition of the credits gained abroad and the host institution to providing the agreed course units, subject to the calendar. • The ECTS transcript of records which shows students’ learning achievements in a way which is comprehensive, commonly understood and easily transferable from one institution to another. Good communication and flexibility are also needed to facilitate the academic recognition of studies completed or taken abroad. In this respect the ECTS coordinators have an important role to play as their main tasks are to deal with the academic and administrative aspects of ECTS. The full range of course units of the faculty/department using ECTS should in principle be made available to the host student, including doctorate course units. Students should be enabled to attend regular course units - and not courses specifically 19 Europan credit transfer system (ECTS) designed for them - and should be given the possibility of fulfilling the host institution’s requirements to get a degree or diploma. ECTS credits ensure that programmes will be reasonably organized in terms of workload for the period of study abroad. For example, a student whose choice of course units totals 120 ECTS credits for an academic year would have to work twice as much as an average local student at the receiving institution, while a student whose programme totals 30 ECTS credits for a whole academic year would be undertaking much less work than the average local student and would in effect be studying part-time. ECTS also enables further studies abroad. With ECTS, a student will not necessarily go back to the home institution after the study period abroad; he/she may prefer to stay at the host institution - possibly to gain a degree - or even move to a third institution. The institutions themselves decide whether or not this is acceptable and what conditions the student must fulfil to obtain a diploma or transfer his/her registration. The transcript of records is particularly useful in this context as it provides a history of the students’ academic achievements, which will help institutions to make these decisions. 21 PART I: THE UNIVERSITY OF SANNIO HISTORICAL HINTS ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY OF SANNIO The University of Sannio began as a part of the University of Salerno. Initially, it was included in the four-year plan 1986-90. Through Rectorial decrees, on September 10th 1990, the following departments were set up: the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences (now Faculty of Economics) with the degree courses in Banking Economics, Financial Economics, Insurance Economics, and Statistics; the Faculty of Engineering with a degree course in Computer Engineering. With the three-year plan 1991-93, the Faculty of Science was set up with additional degree courses in Biology and Geology. The Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences was managed by a Technical Committee until October 31st, 1994. The Faculty of Engineering was managed by the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Salerno. Since November 1st, 1994 both Faculties have had an autonomous Faculty Board. The Consortium for the Promotion of Culture and University Studies has contributed to the implementation of the University in Benevento and it is still playing a major part in its promotion. This organization was established in 1987 by the Chamber of Commerce, the Province of Benevento and the Town of Benevento. Afterwards, other public Institutions joined the Consortium. By the Ministerial Decree n.1524, on December 29th, 1997, the University of Sannio was officially recognized and became autonomous on January 1st, 1998. In the academic year 2001/2002 the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences was set up. Its degree courses, belonging to the field of economics, were previously set up in the Faculty of Economics. The Faculty of Economics includes degree courses in Scienze Giuridiche, Operatore giuridico d’impresa, Scienze statistiche ed attuariali, the specialization courses in Giurisprudenza e Scienze statistiche ed attuariali, and the single-cycle degree in Giurisprudenza. The Faculty of Engineering includes degree courses in Ingegneria civile, Ingegneria energetica, Ingegneria informatica, Ingegneria delle telecomunicazioni. The specialization courses in Ingegneria dell’Automazione, Ingegneria Informatica, Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni. The Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences includes degree courses in Economia e commercio, Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici and Organizzazione e gestione della sicurezza. The specialization course in Economia e Management. The Faculty of Sciences includes degree courses in Biotecnologia, Scienze ambientali, Scienze biologiche, Scienze geologiche and the specialization courses in Biologia, Scienze geologiche per le risorse, l’ambiente ed il territorio. 23 Come accedere ai servizi dell’Università University Services and Offices 25 USEFUL ADDRESSES Rector Prof. Filippo Bencardino Administration Building Palazzo S. Domenico, Piazza Guerrazzi, 82100 Benevento tel. 0824305001, fax 082443021 E-mail: [email protected] Administrative Director Dott.ssa Maria Vincenza Rivellini Palazzo S. Domenico, Piazza Guerrazzi, 82100 Benevento tel. 0824305010, fax 082423648 E-mail: [email protected] Rector’s Delegate for International Relations Prof. Pasquale Daponte Palazzo Dell’Aquila-Bosco Lucarelli Corso Garibaldi, 107, 82100 Benevento tel. 0824305817, fax 0824305840 E-mail: [email protected] Head of the LLP/ERASMUS Office Dott.ssa Sara Furno Complesso S. Agostino, via De Nicastro - 82100 Benevento tel. 0824305454, fax 082423648 E-mail: [email protected] The LLP/ERASMUS Faculty Delegates Faculty of Economics Prof. Giulia Papoff Faculty of Economics Via Calandra - 82100 Benevento tel. 0824305310/11 fax 0824305315 Faculty of Engineering Prof. Armando Lucio Simonelli Palazzo ex INPS - Piazza Roma, 21 82100 Benevento tel. 0824305564, fax 0824325245 E-mail: [email protected] 27 Useful addresses Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences Prof. Pietro Amenta Via delle Puglie, 82 - 82100 Benevento tel. 0824305702, fax 0824305703 E-mail: [email protected] Faculty of Sciences Biological area Prof. Lorella Canzoniero Via Port’Arsa, 11, 82100 Benevento tel. 0824305104 fax 0824423013 E-mail: [email protected] Geological area Prof. Alessio Langella Via Dei Mulini 59/A, 82100 Benevento tel. 0824323639 E-mail: [email protected] Facoltà di Ingegneria: laboratori, biblioteche, aule - Convitto “Giannone” Faculty of Engineering: laboratories, libraries, lecture-rooms - Convitto “Giannone” 29 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES • Students’ Administrative Office Complesso S. Agostino, via De Nicastro, 82100 Benevento tel. 0824305400 fax 0824305404 E-mail: [email protected] Opening Time: 09.00 - 12.00 15.00 - 16.00 Monday to Friday Monday and Thursday The Students’ Office manages all the administrative affairs such as: preregistrations, registrations, transfers from other Universities or from other Degree Courses, withdrawal of documentation, presentation of study plans, etc. Students can also obtain all kinds of study information at the reception offices of each Faculty with regard to: schedule of lectures, dates of examinations, teaching programmes, schedules of tutorings, competitions, provisions of the Faculty, etc. Such information is generally available either on the University Website (www.unisannio.it) or in special notice boards. • Secretarial office of the Faculty of Economics Via Calandra, tel. 0824305310 E-mail: [email protected] Opening Time: 10.00 - 12.00 15.00 - 16.00 fax 0824305315 Monday to Friday Monday and Tuesday Sede della Facoltà di Scienze MM.FF.NN. - Palazzo Battistine Faculty of MM.FF.NN. Sciences Building - Palazzo Battistine 31 Europan credit transfer system (ECTS) • Students’ Administrative Office of the Faculty of Economics Via Calandra tel. 0824305320 fax 0824305315 Opening Time: Monday to Friday 09.00 - 12.00 • Administrative Office of the Faculty of Engineering Palazzo Dell’Aquila-Bosco Lucarelli - Corso Garibaldi, 107 tel. 0824305872/71 fax 0824305840 E-mail: [email protected] Opening Time: 09.00 - 13.00 15.00 - 17.00 Monday to Friday Monday to Thursday • Students’ Administrative Office of the Faculty of Engineering Via delle Puglie, 82 tel. 0824305773 Opening Time: 09.00 - 13.00 15.00 - 17.00 Monday to Friday Monday to Thursday Piazza Roma - Convitto Giannone tel. 0824305506 Opening Time: 09.00 - 13.00 15.00 - 17.00 Monday to Friday Monday to Thursday • Administrative Office of the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences Via delle Puglie, 82 tel. 0824305702 fax 0824305703 E-mail: [email protected] Opening Time: 10.00 - 12.00 Monday to Friday • Students’ Administrative Office of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences Via delle Puglie, 82 tel. 0824305702 fax 0824305703 E-mail: [email protected] Opening Time: 13.00 - 14.00 • Administrative Office of the Faculty of Sciences Via Port’Arsa, 11 tel. 0824305101 Monday to Friday fax 082423013 E-mail: [email protected] Opening Time: 08.30 - 12.00 Monday to Friday • Students’ Administrative Office of the Faculty of Sciences Via Port’Arsa, 11 tel. 0824305143 Opening Time: 09.00 - 12.00 15.00 - 17.00 33 fax 082423013 Monday to Friday DEPARTMENTS • DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL SYSTEMS ANALYSIS Director: Prof. Riccardo Realfonzo Via delle Puglie, 82 tel. 0824305752 fax 0824305753 E-mail:[email protected] http://www.dases.unisannio.it Research area: the D.A.S.E.S. groups professors from different scientific areas: Business, Economics, Mathematics, Law, Sociology. • DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Director: Prof. Umberto Villano Piazza Roma, 21 tel. 0824305573 fax 0824325246 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.ding.unisannio.it Research area: the Department of Engineering aims at promoting, organizing and managing the scientific and technological research within the study programmes of the Faculty of Engineering. • DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Director: Prof. Francesco Paolo Mancini Via Port’Arsa, 11 tel. 0824305142/44 fax 0824305142 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] http://www.dsba.unisannio.it Research area: Biological Sciences, Biotechnology and Environmental Science. • DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Director: Prof. Francesco Maria Guadagno Palazzo INARCASSA - Via dei Mulini, 59/A tel. 0824323624 fax 08244305142 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.dsga.unisannio.it Research areas: Earth Science, Environmental Science • DEPARTMENT OF JURIDICAL, POLITICAL AND SOCIAL STUDIES ABOUT PERSON, MARKETS AND INSTITUTIONS Director: Prof.ssa Antonella Tartaglia Polcini Piazza Arechi II, Palazzo De Simone tel 0824305210/11 fax 0824305229 E-mail: [email protected] http://pemeis.unisannio.it Research area: juridical, statistic, philosophical, political, ecological, economic, linguistic and historical areas. 35 Segreteria Studenti - Complesso S. Agostino - Via De Nicastro Students’ Administrative Offices - Complesso S. Agostino - Via De Nicastro 37 Departments ADISU - University of Sannio Board for the right to university studies Via Tenente Pellegrini tel. 082421273 Opening Time: 09.00 - 12.00 15.00 - 16.00 E-mail: [email protected] Monday to Friday Monday and Tuesday The Boards for the Right to University Studies (ADISU) are the Bodies through which the Campania Region pursues the aims to guarantee the right to the Univerity study and to remove, according to the art. 34 of the Constitution, the economic and social obstacles that, in fact, hinder the attainment of higher levels of education. The ADISU of Benevento is called to regularly develop such institutional assignments for the students enrolled at the University of Sannio. The benefits are regularly attributed by means of competitions to the students enrolled at the University of Sannio and in possession of the legal requisites related to the income and credits foreseen by the law. For information students can contact the ADISU staff. The services granted by the ADISU are: Scholarships - Lodging - Cafeteria - Shuttle service - Contributions for degree thesis work of particular logistic commitment - Contributions for cultural activities - Contributions for single or collective trips - LLP/Erasmus Contributions - Contributions for differentlyabled students - Orientation service - Facilitations to students through conventions (cinema, typographies, theater, gyms, sports facilities). CLAUS, Language Centre of the University of Sannio The CLAUS is a service centre of the University of Sannio for the teaching and academic research in the field of foreign languages. The University Language Centre is committed to developing independence in learning and therefore supports you in achieving your own personal goals and making the most of your University language studies. The centre offers students, teachers and administrative staff a wide range of language teaching and learning opportunities as well as self-access facilities. The CLAUS also organizes seminars and research projects within the foreign languages field. It is also a site for training courses and can offer in-service training to language teachers. Director: Prof. Giulia Papoff Opening Time: 9.00 – 13.00 14.00 – 17.00 Monday to Friday Tuesday and Thursday 39 Claus LIBRARIES • Library of the Department of Economic and Social Systems Analysis - D.A.S.E.S. Via delle Puglie 82 (2nd floor) tel. 0824305770 Person in charge: Prof. Rosario Santucci • Library of the Department of Juridical, Political and social Studies about “Person, Markets and Institutions” - Pe.Me.IS. Piazza Arechi II tel. 0824305215/9 fax 0824305228 Person in charge: Mr. Angelo Forni Opening time: 08.45 - 17.15 08.45 - 13.30 Monday to Thursday Friday The library has about 28,000 books and subscriptions to 350 magazines. The students of the University of Sannio, as well as those who apply for it, are entitled to use the library. Benevento - Hortus Conclusus, Cavallo di Palladino Benevento - Hortus Conclusus, Palladino’s Horse 41 Libraries European Documentation Centre The Faculty of Economics includes the European Documentation Centre located in Piazza Arechi II. Its main aim is the diffusion of the European Culture. Students can consult all the official documents of the European Union, including European journals, Statistic studies and the documentation about the European Programmes for financial support to industries. Person in charge: Prof. Loredana Tullio E-mail: [email protected] • Library of the Faculty of Engineering “Convitto Giannone” Piazza Roma tel. 0824305501/2 fax 0824325244 E-mail: [email protected] Person in charge: Mr. Giovanni De Pasquale Opening time: 09.00 - 13.00 15.00 - 17.00 Monday to Friday Monday to Thursday The library has about 3,000 books, 240 volumes of the LNCS series, subscriptions to 260 journals, and the CD-ROM IEEE/IEE Electronic Library including journals, Conference Proceedings and Standards from 1988 onwards. The students of the Faculty of Engineering, as well as those who apply for it, are entitled to use the library. Sede ADISU - Benevento The ADISU premises - Benevento 43 Libraries • Library of the Faculty of Sciences Via Port’Arsa, 11 tel. 0824305146 Opening Time: 08.30 - 13.30 14.30 - 17.30 fax 082423013 Monday to Friday Monday to Thursday The library includes books and journals in the field of Natural Sciences. The students of the Faculty, as well as those who apply for it, are entitled to use the library. LABORATORIES • Faculty of Economics LANGUAGE LABORATORY - Equipped for interactive lessons and monitoring, it offers the possibility to watch movies in the original language. Person in charge: Prof. Giulia Papoff Via Calandra (piano V) tel. 0824305305 Opening Time: 09.00 - 13.30 15.00 - 17.00 fax 0824305315 E-mail: [email protected] Monday to Friday Monday and Wednesday Laboratorio di Fisica della Facoltà di Scienze MM.FF.NN. Laboratory of Physics of the Faculty of Sciences MM.FF.NN. 45 Laboratories COMPUTER LABORATORY - It has several PCs with printers and the most modern software. Students can use it during lectures and workshops. Person in charge: Prof. Stefano Pagnotta Via Calandra (piano V) Opening Time: tel. 0824315305 E-mail: [email protected] 09.00 - 13.30 15.00 - 17.00 15.00 - 17.00 Monday to Friday Monday and Wednesday Tuesday and Thursday • Faculty of Engineering EDUCATIONAL LABORATORIES pbx: 0824305503/04/05 fax 082429494/0824325244 E-mail: [email protected] web: http://www.ing.unisannio.it/laboratori Person in charge: Biagio Clemente E-mail: [email protected] COMPUTER LABS 1) “Giannone” - Palazzo Giannone - Piazza Roma, 27 30 workstations 2) “Bosco room A” - Palazzo Bosco Lucarelli - Corso Garibaldi, 107 30 workstations 3) “Bosco room B” - Palazzo Bosco Lucarelli - Corso Garibaldi, 107 25 workstations Computer Labs are provided with Windows 2000 and Linux Operating Systems. The Ethernet 100 Mbit/s, (structured cabling) provides optimal bandwidth. The labs are connected to the Internet by the Campus Network infrastructure. Besides the operating systems and the suite Microsoft Office 2000/XP, students can work with the compilers of the main programming languages (C, C++, Pascal, Fortran, C++ builder, Java) and with specific tools as MatLab, Mathematica, Xpress, PSpice, AutoCad 2002, DreamWeaver and LabVIEW. Students can attend lectures and do practical activities on different subjects in the lab. The Laboratory also hosts the students’ web server “Snoopy” (http:// snoopy.labing.unisannio.it). Students need an account to get access to the Laboratory. It can be required at the Laboratory Office. The issuing of the account is subject to the acceptance of the Laboratory regulation and to the rules of the GARR (Italian Research Network). Opening Time: : 09.00 - 13.00 14.00 - 17.30 09.00 - 13.30 47 Monday to Thursday Friday Laboratories MULTIPURPOSE LABORATORY Palazzo Giannone - Piazza Roma, 27 The Multipurpose Laboratory is the place where students can carry out experimental activities and practical ones related to the field of Measurements, Electronics, Electrotechnics and Automated Controls. The Laboratory is provided with 9 electrified workstations. Each workstation is provided with: oscilloscopes, function generators, digital multimetres, Programme Logic Component (PLC), user interface for aquisition and measurement data processing, Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and workstations with access to the Laboratory Network. Note - Several departmental laboratories of civil, industrial and information research areas, are also utilised for particular teaching activities. • Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences LANGUAGE LABORATORY - Equipped for interactive lessons, it offers the possibility to watch movies in the original language. Person in charge: Dott. Vincenzo Delli Veneri Via delle Puglie, 82 tel. 0824305757 E-mail: [email protected] COMPUTER LABORATORY - It has several PCs with printers, which the students can use during lectures, and workshops. The laboratory is provided with the most modern software. Person in charge: Dott. Vincenzo Delli Veneri Via delle Puglie, 82 tel. 0824305757 E-mail: [email protected] • Faculty of Sciences EDUCATIONAL LABORATORIES - The Faculty is provided with laboratories for study and research activities. For the degree course in Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, the labs include the following: BIOCHEMISTRY - People in charge: Profs. F. Mancini, A. Lupo (mancini@unisannio. it; [email protected]) ANIMAL BIOLOGY - People in charge: Profs. M. Paolucci, Dott. R. Sciarrillo (paolucci@ unisannio.it, [email protected]) CHEMISTRY - Person in charge: Prof. G. Graziano ([email protected]) PHARMACOLOGY - Person in charge: Prof. L. Canzoniero ([email protected]) PHYSICS - People in charge: Dott. P. Romano, Dott. G. Filatrella ([email protected], [email protected]) PHYSIOLOGY - People in charge: Profs. F. Goglia, M. Moreno ([email protected], [email protected]) PLANT PHYSIOLOGY - Person in charge: Prof. M. Marra ([email protected]) GENETICS - Person in charge: Prof. P. Vito ([email protected]) 49 Laboratories MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - People in charge: Prof. V. Colantuoni, ([email protected]) PLANT BIOLOGY - Person in charge: Prof. C. Guarino ([email protected]) CONSDABI - Consortium for the Experimentation, Divulgation and Application of Innovative Biotechnology - Person in charge: Prof. D. Matassino ([email protected]) For the Degree Course in Science of the Earth and Environmental Sciences the laboratories are as follows: SEDIMENTOLOGY AND SAMPLES PREPARATION - Person in charge: Prof. A. Valente ([email protected]) STRUCTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY - Person in charge: Prof. M. Torrente ([email protected]) ENGINEERING GEOLOGY - Person in charge: Prof. F.M. Guadagno ([email protected]) HYDROGEOLOGY - Person in charge: Prof. L. Esposito ([email protected]) MINERALOGY AND PETROGRAPHY - Person in charge: Prof. A. Langella ([email protected]) PALAEONTOLOGY - Person in charge: Prof. F.O. Amore ([email protected]) DIGITAL CARTOGRAPHY - Person in charge: Prof. T.S. Pescatore ([email protected]) INTERPRETATION OF SEISMIC PHENOMENA - Person in charge: Prof. M.R. Senatore ([email protected]) PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY AND GEOMORPHOLOGY - Person in charge: Prof. F. Russo ([email protected]) GEOPHYSICS - Person in charge: Prof. R. Maresca ([email protected]) ENVIRONMENTAL ANALISYS - Person in charge: Prof. A. Zuppetta ([email protected]) For all Degree Courses: COMPUTER LABORATORY: It is equipped with workstations and the most modern softwares that students can use for lectures and practice. Person in charge: Mr. Massimo Mastroianni (labinfo.scienze@unisannio .it) The laboratories are located in Via Port’Arsa, 11 (Biology) and in Via dei Mulini 59/A (Geology) Laboratorio di Ecologia Ecology Laboratory 51 PRACTICAL INFORMATION What to do before leaving Fill the “Student Application Form” of the University of Sannio within the month of June before leaving and mail or fax it to our LLP/ERASMUS Office. These forms are available at the LLP/ERASMUS office of your own University. You can ask for them at the LLP/ERASMUS Office of our University as well. Through them you can apply for accommodation in a University residence too. Documents to bring along: – your ID card or passport; – national health card; – student registration certificate of your home University; – certificate showing your status as an LLP/ERASMUS student; – 4 passport photos. How to reach our University Arriving by plane The nearest airport is Capodichino (Naples): phone 0817896259 (http://www.gesac it). From the airport you can reach the Central railway station of Naples (piazza Garibaldi) in about 25 minutes by bus n° 3S. There is also a bus shuttle service for downtown at the cost of € 1,50. You can get to Benevento either by train or by bus from the central railway station of Naples. Benevento is 70 km far from Naples. The trip from Naples takes about one hour and half by bus. Arriving by train Outside Benevento central railway station you will find the bus terminal to the University. What to do upon arrival at the University First of all you should go to the LLP/ERASMUS Office. There you can have assistance on your arrival and during your stay in Benevento. The office issues an LLP/ ERASMUS student card that proves your ERASMUS status, and entitles you to the same rights and duties as Italian students. This card also records the courses taken and your examination results. You will also have assistance for accommodation and admittance to the refectory (ADISU). ERASMUS students are exempted from paying fees while attending courses at University. 53 FACILITIES Refectory In order to enjoy the refectory service students must go to the ADISU Office in piazza Guerrazzi, 4, tel. 082421273, and obtain a special permit. The refectory is at via Calandra. Timetable of the refectory: (Monday to Friday) 12.00 - 15.00 19.00 - 20.30 19.30 - 21.00 winter summer Lunch Dinner Dinner Accommodation Through a procedure of assignment, it is possible to enjoy lodgings for students near the University residence at Via dei Mulini 59/c. For further information apply to the Consorzio per la Promozione della Cultura e la Valorizzazione degli Studi Universitari, located in Benevento, Palazzo S. Domenico, Piazza Guerrazzi, 1. Rooms are modern and spacious, with hot water, central heating, daily cleaning service and toilets in every room. European residence paper Go to the Police Headquarters in viale R. De Caro (tel. 0824373111) within 8 days of your arrival, and ask for the residence paper. You need the following documents: • identity card; • a document clearly showing your status of LLP/ERASMUS student, the duration and the amount of your grant; • the natioanl health card; • 3 photos. The residence paper covers the period of validity of your grant. Health care The ASL (Azienda Sanitaria Locale) provides health services for foreigners. To register, go to the ASL offices at Via Perasso, 14 (tel. 0824355018) with your national health card and your identity card. Here you can receive health care for the time of your stay. The offices are open from Monday to Friday (08.20 - 12.20), Monday and Thursday (15.00 17.00). You need only an identity card and the national health card to receive first aid treatment. A useful tip: if you forget to bring photos along, don’t panic! You can get them at many photographers’ or at the automatic machines you find in town: – in the hall of the Central Railway Station – in Piazza Risorgimento. 55 Facilities University Sports Centre Palazzo Dell’Aquila-Bosco Lucarelli, Corso Garibaldi, 107 tel. 0824305815 The University Sports Centre manages the implementation of sports activities. You can practice the following sports: • Aerobics, Martial Arts, Athletics, Football, Body Building, Ballet, Swimming, Basketball, Skating, Rugby, Ski, Tennis. The University of Sannio has agreements with some local private Associations for the use of sports facilities. • Swimming: At the swimming centre D.G. Garden - contrada San Chirico, 82100 Benevento. Subscription for minimum 5 days: € 12; full day access. Reduced subscription 30% off the normal price for swimming classes. • Rugby: you can use the facilities of the Benevento Rugby Sports Club - Pacevecchia, via Dorso. Admittance allowed also during the training of the official team, with the assistance of the doctors and trainers of the Club (http://www.beneventorugby.it). Attività del gruppo sportivo dell’Università University sports activities 57 Facilities Students’ Associations 59 Europan credit transfer system (ECTS) • ARTICOLO 3: [email protected] • A.SCI.S.SA.: via N. Calandra • AUGE (Associazione Universitaria Giovani Europei) [email protected] • C.U.S.A.S.: via N. Calandra [email protected] • F.U.C.I.: via N. Calandra, Parrocchia S. Gennaro, 4 • SCATAFASCIO: via N. Calandra [email protected] • OFFICINA DEL PENSIERO • SINISTRA UNIVERSITARIA • UNISEA: via delle Puglie, 82 LLP/ERASMUS notice boards They are placed in the halls and corridors of our University. Here you can find information about the LLP/ERASMUS programme. They are useful for general information too. 61 PART II: SANNIO AND THE TOWN OF BENEVENTO CRONICHON SANCTAE SOPHIAE 63 A word of welcome by the President of the Province It’s beyond doubt that the LLP/Erasmus Programme is one of the most suitable ways to promote exchanges with people of different languages and cultures. It’s a very good programme carried out with the collaboration of different countries and it should spread all over the world and involve all universities. Hoping that this could become true (as a great man of Ancient Rome wrote: “culture can even shake the stones”) I’m very glad to welcome the LLP/Erasmus students who have chosen Sannio to enrich their culture. Here they can appreciate the quality and excellence of the scientific and educational activities of the University of Sannio. Now I would like to say something about our land. Benevento province has lots of cultural and natural resources. Its central position in the South Apennine mountains between the Tyrrhenian and the Adriatic seas, has stimulated thirty centuries of human history, culture and art. The historical events which took place here and deeply affected Italian history are still remembered: the humiliation of the Roman Legions caused by Samnite soldiers at Forche Caudine in 321 B.C.; the Romans’ victory on Pirro in 275 B.C. and their subsequent political growth; the battle reported by Dante Alighieri between Carlo D’Angiò and Manfredi di Svevia in 1266 which marked the end of a new imperial attempt of Restoration. The monumental, pictorial and artistic treasures, the Magna Grecia, the Samnite and Roman archaeological finds, the Iside Temple archaeological finds which are the only finds of a neo-Egyptian cult outside Egypt, the gold coins of Benevento Mint, Benevento Writing and Music of the Longobard period, everything is a precious proof of a cultural tradition born here which now, thanks to the LLP/Erasmus programme of the University of Sannio, finds its deeper links with European and international cultures. In this framework, as the President of the province of Benevento and in the name of the hospitable people of Sannio I greet, with warmth and enthusiasm, the LLP/Erasmus students who are ambassadors of the communion among people in peace and progress. Mr. Carmine Nardone, M.P. 65 The Mayor’s welcome message A welcome to all of you, students of the University of Sannio, to those who are resident in our wonderful town and to those who come from other places. As Major of Benevento, I am extremely glad to welcome you during your studies and I am absolutely sure that you will remain fascinated by the hospitality and friendship of Benevento and its people. The University of Sannio is as young as you, however in a few years it has reached important goals. It’s famous and known everywhere because of its teachers’ expertise and the quality of its courses. These elements, together with your capabilities, will allow you to enrich your knowledge and to make your background become a winning one. I really hope you will be able to discover Benevento thoroughly. It is a place full of history. Its origins go back to mythology, while during the past centuries it has been able to export its own name all over the world thanks to the laboriousness and capabilities of its people. Nowadays, also thanks to you, young citizens of the European Union, Benevento revives its ancient importance. During your free time, I am sure you will appreciate the testimonies of the past scattered everywhere. Be careful! It will be difficult to spot out the numerous beauties in town; you will need particular attention and time to find and enjoy them. In each corner there is something to discover: historical monuments and big artists’ masterpieces; gorgeous churches and landscapes. Still, you will be able to know, if you wish, the most mysterious sides of Benevento and you will understand why this place is famous as the “witches’ town”: a mix of holy and profane. I wish you “good luck” for your studies and everything else. Eng. Fausto Pepe 67 A second Pavia of the Lombard Duchy by Cosimo Damiano Fonseca The name Benevento brings to mind ancient tales and pleasant memories, witches and Strega, the liqueur. According to legend, the witches would fly to the ancient walnut tree that stands at the bottom of the Sabato valley. The name of the liqueur - strega means witch - playing on the word evokes the idea of magic philters of witchcraft. But Benevento is remembered mostly as the stronghold of Samnites, who forced the Romans to surrender at the Caudine Forks pass, and as the city that became the capital of southern Lombardy. It was Plinio, author of the famous Historia Naturalis, who first passed on an account of the origin of the Samnite town which grew up in that marvelous bowl at the confluence of the Sabato and the Calore: “In the second region of the Irpini”, he wrote, “there is a colonia, Benevento, on which this name was bestowed for a good omen, in place of its former name of Malevento”. Scholars, philologists and literary figures have devoted pages to the quite uncertain etymology of the name, constructing fabulous ancestries and comparing Samnite Maleventum to its Apuleio-Garganic namesake. The latter, according to the chonicler of the GrecoGothic war, Procopius, was characterized by the furious winds which swept in from the Adriatic and battered the coast. What is certain is that the first settlement was made by the Osco-Samnites, and that on this, according to some, the first to be imposed was that of the Greeks from the Apuleian colony of Maleventum. Then in 268 B.C., and this time well-attested, came that of the Romans. They had won a notable victory over Pyrrhus in the neighborhood of Benevento in 275 B.C., and they were to defeat the Carthaginians there twice, in 214 and 210 B.C. Anyone visiting the Samnite Museum today can reconstruct the hystory of the territory with reasonable accuracy. The series of finds from the Samnite and GrecoRoman periods trace the various distinct phases of a complex path from primitive to advanced civilization, the forms of the local society, its organizational structures and the way in which its customs, religious beliefs and so on were expressed. The visitor can then go on to give free range to the memory, as one wanders through the urban web of the Osco-Samnite nucleus of the town, and then the Roman municipium. Setting out from near the theatre, where the great hemisphere of the cavea has survived, or near the imposing bulk of the Arch of Trajan, one can go on from there through the streets heading in various directions, that show the progressive inclusion of the urban periphery as the central hub expanded outwards. In the year 114 A.D., the people of Benevento very rightly built a splendid monument, the arch richly decorated with reliefs, to the imperishable memory of the “most excellent” Emperor Trajan. Rightly so, indeed, because his far-sighted policy had reinforced the road system which made the Samnite city the obligatory port of call for those travelling to the most southern part of the peninsula. The Via Appia in fact was the key axis of the road system of southern Italy throughout antiquity. It was Appius Claudius who built the first stretch, between Rome and Capua, in 312 69 A second Pavia of the Lombard Duchy B.C., after the latter entered an alliance with Rome. The link with Benevento, just over 22 miles long, was created later, and finally came the extension to Brindisi. But in any case, both the Appia and the Traiana were bound to come through Benevento. But the real hallmark of Benevento’s identity should be sought more in the long period from the 6th to the 11th centuries than in the period lived in symbiosis with Rome, flourishing though that was. In the former period, the city was capital first of a Duchy and then of a Principate, to which the fleeing Lombards came after the surrender of Pavia to the Frankish army. It is no coincidence that the monk Erchemperto, who painstakingly recounted the decay of the Lombard epic, was to speak of “reliquae Langobardorum”, and to hail Benevento as a second Pavia - “Ticinum geminum”. In reality, southern Lombardy, of which Benevento was for at least four centuries the seat of political and administrative power, never felt marginal to the larger entity of Greater Lombardy. Common roots and a shared destiny, similarity of language, law and religion, welded together two territories and polities which in geography were far distant from each other and kept their separate identities. But way beyond the legend, and the devices used by Paul the Deacon to bring the Lombards of the South into an identical ethnical and cultural reality - that of the Kingdom-, what is certain is that the foundation of the Duchy of Benevento took place at the hands of a group of warriors following a chief (whether this was Zosimus or others whose names are forgotten). It took concrete form without any link with the Duchy of Benevento to acquire a proper state structure, in some ways parallel to that of the Kingdom, but always independent of it. This began with rendering the capital strategically impregnable, and adapting it to the new needs of the political and administrative center of the Duchy. The first intervention concerned the reconstruction of the city walls of the Beneventan civitas, which in 545 had been razed to the ground by Totila. Roman material was used, and the carved part of it, taken from the funerary monuments which flanked the Via Appia, was gathered together to embellish the section of the walls around the gate called Porta Somma. Another stretch of walls was built in the 8th century by Arechi to enclose the civitas nova created on the plain to the southwest of the Roman city. In the 6th century, the first Cathedral was built. Another intervention involved the building of the sacrum palatium, i.e. the Ducal Palace, which Arechi II constructed on the hill encircled by the earliest walls. The memory of this is today preserved in the place-name Piano di Corte, which in fact is the name of a square in the heart of this area. In the area of the Ducal Palace, the national church of the Lombard Dukes, dedicated to Saint Sophia, was built. This was the sacred edifice which Arechi II had constructed to house the relics of the patron saints of the Lombard people; it was also the church of the sovereign. Beside the church, Arechi founded the monastery of Santa Sofia, of which the twelfth-century cloister is still preserved, with its rhythmic pattern of four-light arabesque arches on thin elegant columns and dosserets with rich carvings. 71 A second Pavia of the Lombard Duchy With the conversion of the Longobards to the Roman Catholic faith, religious buildings increased rapidly: we need only mention the church of Sant’Ilario at Porta Aurea, and (outside the walls), the basilica of San Pietro, with the attached monastery built at the wish of Theoderata, the daughter of Lupo dei Friuli, who became the wife of Romualdo I. With the end of the principate, it was the Popes who claimed the rights over the city, partly because the Beneventani, with the eclipse of the Principate, had immediately placed themselves under the protection of Leo IX. This destiny as a “papal city”, cornerstone of the Papacy in southern Italy, was to accompany Benevento’s history for centuries: not even the siege by Robert II Guiscard was enough to break the umbilical cord with Rome and the Papacy. La facciata della chiesa di Santa Sofia, considerata a livello europeo una delle più interessanti costruzioni dell’ambito dell’architettura del primo medioevo, presenta un notevole portale della seconda metà del secolo XII. La chiesa venne fatta edificare da Arechi II nel 762 Santa Sofia’s church façade, considered one of the most interesting early medieval buildings in Europe, has a remarkable portal dating from the second half of the twelfth century. Arechi II had the church built in 762 A.D. 73 The wonders of Benevento The Wonders of Benevento by Fabio Isman To celebrate the extension of the Appia, the Regina Viarum the “road to the East”,on which subsequently Jesus met St. Peter (as the Domine, quo vadis? story recounts), and on which St. Paul traveled as a prisoner on his way to Rome, the Emperor Trajan had an arc built in 144 A.D. It was finely decorated with reliefs, and was similar to the one which Titus built in Rome. About forty years later, Commodus, the son of Marcus Aurelius, built the theatre which was to be expanded in the following decades. Together which what remains of the temples and baths, with the portico of the Forum and the Obelisk of Isis (as well as the Ponte Leproso by which the Appia crosses the River Sabato before entering the city), this Arch, or Porta Aurea and the theatre, one of the best preserved in the South, of which the lower order still remains, are the finest witnesses which Benevento possesses of its Roman origins. The years passed, and the Middle Ages arrived, the second period of splendor for the town. In 571 the city became a Lombard capital, of an independent Duchy, like Spoleto. It survived the end of the kingdom founded in the North and endured for more than two centuries. Towers and gateways remain from this time together with the Fort of the Rector, on the summit of the hill, commonly known as the Castle of Manfred. The name, however, is rejected by scholars since it is completely arbitrary. The Church of Santa Sofia also dates back to that period (it was founded in 762 by the Lombard Arechi who had recently became Duke). The Church is a Byzantine building with three apses (and the remains of the early frescoes can still be seen, featuring the stories of St. John the Baptist and the Virgin); it was completed in the twelfth century by a splendid cloister with forty-seven double capitals. Since 1929 it has housed the Museum which was first begun a century earlier, full of eloquent reminders of the past of the area, from prehistory to our own times. There are beakers and vases dating back to the 7th century B.C., but also sculptures from the Temple of Isis, the obelisk from the Temple of Domitian and the vases from the tomb of Telesias are shown along with paintings by Solimena and Andrea Vaccaro, as well as contemporary works by Purificato, Guttuso, Messina, Greco and others. The growth of the Cathedral dates from a slightly later period than that of the Museum; an Early Christian Church of the seventh century, which was enlarged with a nave and four aisles in the second half of the eighteenth century and then was largely destroyed by bombs during World War II. Its basic form, however, dates from the period after 1077, when the city handed itself over to the Church, and it was then too that it acquired the rare bronze doors, to which we shall return later. The third stage of the artistic development of this city, one of the three capitals of the Samnite area, together with Isernia and Boiano (and in 275 B.C. after the victory of Malius Curtius Dentatus over Pyrrhus, King of Epirus, the name was changed from Maleventum to its present title), comes after the earthquake which almost entirely destroyed it in 1688. 75 The wonders of Benevento It is to the reconstruction initiated by Archbishop Vincenzo Mario Orsini, later Pope Benedict XIII, that the important surviving eighteenth-century parts of the city are owed. These include the Church of San Bartolomeo, the Palazzo Terragnoli, and the San Gennaro chapel in the Church of the Annunziata. Benevento’s other important treasures include the two Gothic cloisters of the convent of San Francesco, the Church of San Domenico (and Vincenzo) with its fine sixteenth-century altarpiece by Donato Piperno, and the Madonna delle Grazie, a neoclassical thank-offering for the end of the cholera outbreak of 1837. However, the Arch of Trajan and the bronze doors of the Cathedral are undoubtedly the two greatest masterworks. The panels of the Arch form a sort of hymn of praise to the greatness of the emperor who commissioned it, with scenes of the Pax Romana on the side facing towards the city, military ventures and scenes of provincial life on the side facing the countryside, and Victory crowning Trajan on the coffering of the vault. The monument owes at least some of its well-deserved fame to its exceptional state of conservation. A French traveler of the 18th century described it as “perhaps the most complete which still survives in Italy, since only a few fragments of the cornice are missing.” In the age of the Grand Tour it attracted the interest of many intellectuals, for instance the Abbé de Saint Non, whose Picturesque Voyage and Description of the Kingdom of Naples and the Sicilies in four volumes is one of the most remarkable works of the eighteenth century. Both Fragonard and Dominique Vivant Denon, to whom we owe the modern shape of the Louvre, contributed to it. Apart from the Trajan’s Arch, it also describes the ruins of the theatre (“the remains and the other things that we have found lead to the conclusion that both the building and its decoration were similar to the amphitheatre of Capua”), and the Fountain of Santa Sofia, while other passages are devoted to San Lorenzo, the monastery of Camaldolensias and the “Locanda dei Viaggiatori”, or Hostel. The doors of the Cathedral are also quite exceptional. Less than twenty-five of these doors, cast in bronze between the 5th and the 12th centuries, have survived in the whole of Italy, and among the most important is this one in Benevento, with his seventy-two panels narrating the entire life of Christ. It has recently been the subject of detailed research and a minute and delicate restoration. 77 Come vivere la città The town: directions Benevento: La Rocca dei Rettori Benevento: La Rocca dei Rettori (called “the Castle” by the Beneventans) 79 USEFUL ADDRESSES Benevento Town Hall: Palazzo Mosti, Via Annunziata, http://www.comune.benevento.it Tourism Information Office Ente Provinciale del Turismo, Piazza Roma, 11, http://www.eptbenevento.it. tel. 0824772111 tel. 0824319938 Other Information bureaux Centro Informagiovani, Piazza Roma, 1, tel. 082443862 Emergency phone numbers – Carabinieri – Police – Fire brigade – Medical help – Ambulance – Hospital “G. Rummo” – Hospital “Fatebenefratelli” 112 113 115 082443211 0824315000 082457111 0824771111 Hotels **** Grand Hotel Italiano, V.le Principe di Napoli, 137 **** Hotel President, Via Perasso, 1 **** Hotel Villa Traiano, Viale dei Rettori *** Hotel De La Ville, Contrada Piano Cappelle ** Della Corte, Piazza Piano di Corte, 11 * Genova, Viale Principe di Napoli, 103 Prices in Euros **** single room: € 55-95, double room: € 65-115 *** single room: € 29-44, double room: € 42-63 ** single room: € 25-28, double room: € 40-43 * single room: € 12-17, double room: € 25-27 tel. 082424111 - 082424923 tel. 0824316716 tel. 0824326196 - 0824326241 tel. 0824313796 - 0824313383 tel. 082454819 tel. 082442926 PUBLIC TRANSPORT Benevento is located on the main routes connecting the North with the South of Italy. Therefore it is well linked to all major resorts, by both railways and motorways. Railway The railway station is in piazza Colonna. The Information office is open from 7.00 to 21.00, tel. 082443644. You can also dial the number 147888088 (toll free, no code needed from all over Italy). Tickets can be purchased at either the station or at the authorised travel agencies. If you are 26 or younger, you can also apply for the “carta verde”. It is a card granting you a 20% discount on the price of the ticket (except for Intercity and 81 Europan credit transfer system (ECTS) couchettes). Tickets have a validity of two months from the date of issue. They must be stamped in the special yellow machines placed in the station before boarding the train. Buses AMTU buses: to travel inside the town. AMTU tickets must be purchased before taking the bus. You will find them at most tobacconists, bars, newspaper stands and other authorised dealers, as well as at the bus terminals. Season tickets are available. The ticket price is € 0.65. Last runs: 22.00-22.30. VALLE CAUDINA buses: to travel to various towns and villages in Campania (e.g. Naples, Caserta). F.LLI CERELLA buses: to Naples, Campobasso. MAROZZI buses: to Rome. E.T.A.C. buses: to Lancusi and Salerno. Taxi Taxis are quite expensive. They will be useful only in case of emergency or at night. Consider that it takes less than an hour to cross the city on foot. Main taxi ranks – Piazza Colonna (railway station) tel. 082450341 – Piazza Roma tel. 082420000 – Corso Garibaldi tel. 082454393 Car rental – AVIS, Fratelli Cardillo, via dei Mulini, 93 – Laura Spina, Viale Martiri d’Ungheria – Maggiore S.p.a, Contrada Pontecorvo – Mazzone, via Napoli, 167 – Sara S.c.r.l, Z.I. Pezzapiana tel. 082452249 tel. 0824311164 tel. 0824363350 tel. 0824363111 tel. 082421000 Travel agencies – Andata e Ritorno Viaggi, piazza Orsini, 10 – But For Me, via Napoli, 159 – But For Me, viale Mellusi, 145 – Cimarosa Viaggi, via Perasso, 9 – C.I.T. Compagnia Italiana Turismo, corso Garibaldi, 34 – Fiordaliso Viaggi/Cristal Tour, vico Noce, 8 – G.S.T. Gruppo Sannita Turismo, v.le Principe di Napoli, 45 – Mario Lombardi Travel Office, piazza Mazzini, 14 – Mazzone Turismo, via F. Raguzzini, 4 – Petrone Viaggi e Turismo, viale Mellusi, 43 – Savia, via Traiano, 2 – Speedy Travel S.a.s., via Napoli, 45 tel. 082421246 tel. 0824 363288 tel. 0824355212 tel. 0824316731 tel. 0824482009 tel. 082421829 tel. 082424341 tel. 082442058 tel. 0824359070 tel. 0824314189 tel. 082421169 tel. 082443187 83 FACILITIES Post offices They are located all over the town. They are open from 8.15 to 13.30. The Main Post Office (via Porta Rufina, tel. 082421111), is open from 8.15 to 18.00, for money matters it is open from 8.15 to 19.30. Banks Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 13.20. In the afternoon they are open from 15.00 to 16.00, although the afternoon schedule may vary slightly from bank to bank. Main banks: – Banca d’Italia, piazza Risorgimento tel. 0824313037 – Banca di Roma, piazza Torre tel. 0824320111 – Banca Intesa BCI, via E. Goduti, 54 tel. 082443077 – Banca Intesa, via del Pomerio tel. 082424344 – Banco di Napoli, corso Garibaldi, 112 tel.082475111 - 0824312717 – Banca Popolare di Ancona, via Delcogliano tel. 0824312336 – Banca Popolare dell’Irpinia, via E. Goduti tel. 082443255 – Banca Popolare di Novara, corso Garibaldi tel. 0824320911 Telephones For your phone calls you can use coins, phone cards and phone credit cards. Phone cards are on sale in bars, tobacconists’ and post offices. Phone charges vary during the day. Libraries There are a few public libraries in town. The most relevant ones are: – Biblioteca Provinciale “A. Mellusi” (Palazzo Terragnoli, corso Garibaldi, 47, tel. 082421298). Open from Monday to Friday 9.00 - 13.00, and also Tuesday and Thursday 15.00 - 18.00; – Biblioteca Arcivescovile “Pacca”, (piazza Orsini, 27, tel. 082442825), open on appointment; – Biblioteca Capitolare (piazza Orsini, 27, tel. 08242825), open on appointment; – Biblioteca del Museo del Sannio (piazza Matteotti, tel. 082421818), open on Tuesday and Saturday from 9.00 to 13.00. Pharmacies Open from 8.30 to 13.00; from 17.00 to 20.00 (summer), from 16.30 to 20.00 (winter). The list of pharmacies on duty (night and holiday) is shown on the front door of every pharmacy. Here is a list of all pharmacies in town: – Affinito, piazza Vittoria Colonna, 2 – Ciamillo, viale Mellusi, 77 – D’Aversa, corso Garibaldi, 166 – Del Grosso, via Perasso, 18-24 85 Facilities – Fatebenefratelli, viale Principe di Napoli – Italiano, via Napoli, 204 – Manna, corso V. Emanuele – Manna, piazza Orsini, 12 – Melchiorre, via G. Rummo, 18 – Mercaldo, via Napoli, 129 – Pascucci, Porta Rufina – Saccavino, via Pacevecchia – Saviano, via Cocchia, 6 – S. Diodato, viale Mellusi, 108 – S. Sofia, corso Garibaldi Places of worship Churches are very numerous in town. They are usually open from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 15.00 to 19.00. The times of the Holy Masses are shown at the entrance of each church. The main church is the Duomo. Non-Catholic communities are present in Benevento as well: - Cristiana Evangelica A.D.I., via Ponticelli, 66, tel. 0824310428. FREE TIME Italian public holidays: – 1st January: – 6th January: – February/March: – 11th - 12th April: – 25th April: – 1st May: – 2nd June: – 15th August: – 1st November: – 8th December: – 25th December: – 26th December: – 24th August (only Benevento): New Year’s Day Twelfth Night Ash Wednesday Easter / Easter Monday Anniversary of “Liberazione” Workers’ Day Republic’s Day Assumption All Saints’ Day Immacolata Concezione Christmas St. Stefano St. Bartolomeo, Patron Saint of Benevento Climate The climate in Benevento is particularly mild. Winter is usually rainy. A coat or a heavy jacket will allow you to go through winter quite comfortably. Spring is warm and very enjoyable. The hottest month is August. Cost of life The Italian currency is the Euro. Notes are of € 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500. Coins are of € 1, 2 and of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents. An average monthly expenditure for an LLP/ERASMUS student is about € 415. Compared to other Italian towns, Benevento is not particularly expensive. 87 Free time A few examples of how much things cost: - a newspaper: € 0,90 - a stamp for letter: € 0,41 - a cappuccino: € 0,77 - a litre of milk: € 0,77 - a kilo of bread: € 1,30 - a Coke (1,5 litre): € 1,30 - pasta (1/2 kg): € 0,50 - a cinema ticket: € 5,20 - a hair cut: € 8 (men), € 13 (women). Newspapers Local newspapers: “Il Sannio Quotidiano”, “Il Mattino” (edit. Benevento), Messaggio d’oggi, Benevento, Gazzetta di Benevento, Realtà Sannita, Il Quaderno, Elle News, Sannio Story, Specchio del Sannio, Sanniopress. At the Railway station you can find foreign newspapers and magazines as well. Local TVs CDS TV, MEDIA TV, TV7, RETESEI, TELEBENEVENTO, ELLE TV, CAMPANIA 1. Local Radios Antenna Benevento International, Radio Company, Radio Città. Bookshops Opening time: 8.30-13.00 / 16.30-20.00 Some bookshops: - L’Ateneo, via Salvemini - Edis s.n.c, via Napoli, 216 - La Giudiziaria s.a.s., via Paga - Guida Benevento, via F. Flora - Masone s.r.l., vl. Rettori tel. 0824316009 tel. 082461066 tel. 082424120 tel. 0824315764 tel. 0824317109 Shopping Shops are open from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 16.30 to 20.00, approximately. They are closed on Sunday and on Monday mornings (on Saturday evenings in July and August). There are a few open markets in town (every working day in the morning), where you can buy food, clothes and other goods at very reasonable prices: - Piazza Risorgimento - Piazza Santa Maria - Via Santa Colomba (close to Santa Colomba football ground) There are several supermarkets in town. The biggest ones are: - GS, zona Cretarossa (food, household) - Oviesse, via Napoli (everything but food) - UPIM, zona Cretarossa (everything but food) - Pickup, viale Principe di Napoli - near the Railway Station - (food, household) Gluttonous temptations Sweet ecstasy and seductive flavours make the shopping purposeful and enjoyable. You can buy the excellent liqueur with its strong, intense flavour, produced by the enchanting, legendary, local witches. Just as interesting are the numerous cheeses and salami. Finally, there are the excellent sweets, in particular the “torrone” (a kind of nougat) that melts in your mouth, washed down by the local wines (Falanghina and Aglianico del Taburno). 89 Public Transport Gastronomy The typical meals of the Beneventan area include: vegetable soups and hams. However, most of the products that enrich gastronomy in this area can be related to an “artistic and qualitative craftsmanship”: from “torrone” to the vaste range of tinned food. Benevento flavours First course lovers should try the home-made pasta: orecchiette, cicatielli or fusilli with meat sauce or mixed with broccoli. Just as tempting are pasta, beans and rind or pasta and cauliflower. Second courses offer gluttonous, savory dishes like a variety of barbecued meat and “ammugliatelli”, together with vegetables and side dishes with pore mushrooms and artichokes. Evenings In the evening enjoy dinner in one of the town’s excellent restaurants. After dinner, you can go to the Theatres “Vittorio Emanuele”, “Palazzo De Simone”, “San Nicola”, the cinemas “Massimo”, “San Marco” or enjoy a concert at “Calandra”. Finally, at the end of the day, typical pubs offer a quiet atmosphere to enjoy while listening to music and sipping a long drink. Benevento for all seasons! There is an eventful calendar all year round, in the whole area. In winter there are two theatrical seasons: at Comunale “Vittorio Emanuele” Theatre and “San Nicola” Theatre. June is devoted to literature, with the organization of an important part of the Strega prize when the town meets the authors who are competing for the final prizes. July is devoted to classical theatre in the striking setting of the Roman Theatre. September continues the theatre season with performances, including “Benevento Città Spettacolo”, one of the most important Italian theatrical festivals, that are held all over the town: Roman Theatre, Rocca dei Rettori, in the squares and other theatres. Moving on to folklore, in mid-August, there is the enjoyable wheat festival in honor of St. Rocco, at Foglianise, featuring braided wheat carts that reproduce the façades of the most important monuments in the world; while at the beginning of October there is the international hot-air balloon meeting at Fragneto Monforte. In addition to the Feast of Madonna delle Grazie (from 1st to 3rd July), many Fairs take place in Benevento from March to September as well as surviving rites and myths of pagan inspiration, in particular those related to the Legend of Witches that, according to the tradition, are indissolubly linked with Benevento. Throughout Samnium there are many events and important folk meetings: the “Infiorate” (flower festivals) at Cusano Mutri and Santa Croce; the festivals “Due notti al Castello” (Old Apice Castle) and “Castrum Eventi” (Ceppaloni); the “Sagre” (food festivals) at Forchia, Sant’Agata de’ Goti, Campolattaro, Faicchio, Apice, Casalduni, Buonalbergo, Bonea, S. Lorenzello, S. Marco de’ Cavoti, Castelpoto, Sassinoro, Reino, S. Lorenzo, Montefalcone, Pietraroja, Pietrelcina: a long list including Patron Saints’ celebrations, markets, costume parades. More information is available at the Tourism 91 Public Transport Office of Benevento, via N. Sala 31 (tel. 0824319911). Special mention is to be made of: the Living Cribs taking place in many villages at Christmas time, the most important are in Pietrelcina, Morcone and S. Leucio del Sannio; and the “Festa dell’Uva” in Solopaca (2nd Sunday of September). Sacred celebrations are held during the days of Our Lady at Guardia Sanframondi, every seven years, with special processions illustrating the Mysteries of Christ through itinerant scenes in costumes, and the end of the year is devoted to Christmas in the mystical setting of Pietrelcina, birthplace of Saint Pio. Theatres and Cinemas You can find all information inside local newspapers (Il Sannio quotidiano, Il Mattino, and others). Cinemas - Massimo, via Perasso - San Marco, via Traiano, 2 - Gaveli, c/da Piano Cappelle tel. 0824316559 tel. 082443101 www.gaveli.it Auditorium - Calandra, via N. Calandra tel. 0824312975 Theatres - Comunale Vittorio Emanuele II, corso Garibaldi tel.082421848 - De Simone, via Franco tel. 082450212 - San Nicola, via B. Camerario tel. 082447037 Museum - Museo del Sannio, piazza Matteotti tel. 082421818 Collection of archeological finds, weapons, art gallery with paintings from the 16th to the 18th centuries. Music If you are a musician, and want to study during the time of your stay, you can ask for a music teacher at the local State Academy of Music (via La Vipera, 1, tel. 082421102) An art tour Devote a morning to art, tracing back its origins and coming up to the present. Your impressive journey through the centuries begins as you pass under the Roman Trajan’s Arch, a monument to the great emperor and his famous deeds. Not far from the arch is one of the largest, ancient Roman Theatres still standing, built during the reign of Commodus (open from 9.00 until one hour before sunset, tickets cost € 2; tel. 082429979). Our journey through the Roman period ends with a visit to the Ponte Leproso, the old road that 93 Public Transport continued the Via Appia into Benevento. Going back in time and walking towards the town centre, it is worth pausing for thinking in the medieval St. Sofia’s Church, built in 762 by Arechi II and later enriched with a magnificent Romanesque cloister. Admirers of military architecture should visit the remains of the Lombard fortress of Torre delle Catene and the Rocca dei Rettori built by John XXII, modeled on the Avignon forts. By the end of the morning you will have returned to the present: stroll around the Hortus Conclusus, the garden dotted with sculptures and works of art by the renowned Beneventan artist Mimmo Paladino (9.00 - 13.00 /16.00 - 18.00). Handicraft Pottery and lace are the highest expressions of Samnite handicraft, which can be discovered following an itinerary across the production of precious objects made with traditional techniques, of wicker, wood, marble, clay and wrought iron objects, at Cerreto Sannita, Molinara, Montesarchio, Pontelandolfo, S. Giorgio del Sannio, S. Giorgio la Molara, S. Lorenzello, Telese Terme. Excursions Enjoy an afternoon out of town immersed in nature, art and history. The environs abound in vast stretches of woods, rivers and streams, pastures with wild horses and steep, rocky mountains creating a breathtaking landscape that has always had a particular allure. Apart from destinations centring on art or nature, just out of town there are two important itineraries, authentic panaceas for the spirit and the body. Attracting pilgrims of all nationalities, Pietrelcina, the birthplace of Padre Pio, is one of the most important religious centres in Italy. Further on, at Telese Terme, the invigorating sulfur springs, equipped for all types of therapy, are beneficial in treating diseases of the skin, the respiratory and digestive systems. The kilns of Charles of Bourbon Cerreto’s pottery has its roots in the school of popular art that evolved from the fusion between Arab, Gothic and, later, Renaissance culture. Pottery production made a qualitative leap in the eighteenth century and it was by the River Titerno, between Cerreto Sannita and San Lorenzello, that pottery enjoyed a fascinating, artistic season. The old wood kilns found next to the river testify to a strong past tradition, as do the pieces belonging to private collections that European museums contend for. It is here that the Giustiniano brothers, both ceramists, were born, summoned to Naples by Charles of Bourbon to work in the Royal Factory of Capodimonte. Today the history of ceramics has come back to life in the new production: plates, jugs, holy water stoups and pharmacy jars evoke a chapter of southern art that takes us back to the eighteenthcentury Naples. Scipionyx Samniticus The fish-shaped limestones at Pietraroja in Benevento province represent the most important Italian paleontological layer. This natural monument fits within an environment 95 Free time of highly scientific relevance for its distinctive geological, morphological and biological aspects. The fossils of Pietraroja were quoted by Scipione Breislak for the first time in “Topografia fisica della Campania” in 1798. The first excavations were started by the naturalist Oronzio Gabriele Costa who published the results in 20 years, starting in 1846. Later studies about the fossil fauna were carried out by Bassani and D’Erasmo (1915). In the most recent years the studies have been continued by the Department of Paleontology of the University of Naples “Federico II” and by the University of Sannio. Thanks to the excellent state of conservation, in the layer of Pietraroja, there are more than 20 species of fish, among them the Coelodus genus. The layer has also given tetrapods; many of them have not been described yet; besides at least one fossil of amphibians has been identified and described and, recently, two crocodiles and a dinosaur have been added to the list. In particular, the young dinosaur, called Scipionyx Samniticus, is extremely interesting from various points of view. It is a specimen of a young carnivorous dinosaur, and the perfect conservation of many of its soft tissues and its internal organs has allowed to discover interesting details about the paleobiology of the tetropods. Its palaeographic collocation could be an important proof to reconstruct the geographical conditions of Southern Italy during the Cretaceous period. Besides, the presence of an amphibious confirms the proximity of lands out of water and a palaeographic picture of the Italian peninsula, very different from the one known up to now. The waters of Telese The Romans went to the thermae not only for personal hygiene, but also following the advice of the disciples of Aesculapius. Thermal therapy proved to be effective against all kinds of illnesses; from rheumatism to diseases of the skin, from colitis to gastritis, from bronchitis to diseases of the ear, nose and throat. In addition, thermal therapy helped improve the quality of life. Just like today! For the last two thousand years, the thermal spas at Telese have been a natural, therapeutic, and inexpensive resource. The water pours out from various springs at the foot of the Samnite Arce, covered with scrubs and woods. Its therapeutic, and healthy qualities have placed Telese, its Thermal Park and its sulfurous waters once more on the Italian and European thermal spa circuit. A jewel among the vineyards A stop in Sant’Agata dei Goti during our travels is a duty, not only for men of culture but for all those who love our patrimony of art and history. The ancient Roman name of this wonderful town that is set “...on the border between Campania and the Sannio district, on the top of a steep rock and surrounded by two streams” was Saticola. Sant’Agata is a treasure chest rich in ancient memories, monuments dating back to the Middle Ages, sculptures and paintings, eminent relics. 97 Free time Famous lovers of the past fell in love with the town, from the Duke of Noja (author of the famous map of Naples) to Sir William Hamilton, from Momsen to Benedetto Croce. Cesare De Seta, in a monograph published by Laterza some years ago, wrote that the formative and critical years in the history of Sant’Agata were the XIII, XIV, and XVII centuries. The others were stagnant centuries. One of the town bishops was St. Alfonso Maria de’ Liguori who, in the peace and calm of Sant’Agata, composed two famous Christmas novenas: “When the infant was born” and “You descend from the stars”. A visit to Sant’Agata is an opportunity to be at peace with oneself and the world. Morcone It is one of the most popular little towns in the Samnium, 30 km far from Benevento, at 600 m above the sea level, along the river which connects Benevento to the counties of Lazio and Molise. It is located at the foot of the Matese massif. It is a renown farming centre with handicraft and medium-sized industrial sectors and also a tourist resort for its location on the Tammaro river. A visit is recommended to the old centre, the Bow-shaped Fountain at the end of Italia Scipionyx Samniticus - Cucciolo di dinosauro, chiamato «Ciro» e ritrovato a Pietraroja di Benevento Scipionyx Samniticus - A baby dinosaur, called «Ciro», discovered at Pietraroja near Benevento 99 Free time Street, St. Mark’s Gate (a Roman arch), the Shrine of Madonna of Peace, with a beautiful square, bell tower and numerous works of art inside it, the Palaces of the Afflittis, Colesantis, Carafas, Princes of Columbrano, and Uccis, and the ruins of the old Murgantia. It is worth visiting also the Sannìa House, seat of the Museum and the Sannia Library, the churches of St. Salvatore, St. James, the Holy Annunziata, St. Nicholas, St. Bernardino and the Convent of Cappuccini (which hosted Saint Pio), whose church is dedicated to Saints Philip and James. Morcone is the starting place for a very interesting naturalist excursion to Bocca della Selva (1400 m above s.l.) and for a tourist-cultural itinerary along the valley of the Tammaro river. Pietrelcina Pietrelcina is located at 345 m above the sea level, along the main road, on the bight of a stream, which flows into the Tammaro river. Pietrelcina is 12 kilometers east of Benevento. A farming little town, with medium-sized industrial activities for the production of food and drinks and for the working of marbles. Pietrelcina is famous all over the world for Francesco Forgione, born there in 1887; last year he was made a Saint under the name of Saint Pio. Pietrelcina appears for the first time in a document of 1101. Particularly remarkable are the old centre, the Monastery Church of the Holy Family, the Parish Church of Madonna degli Angeli and, above all, the birthplace of Saint Pio, the room (at Torretta) where he lived as a student-friar (due to his bad health conditions, doctors had him back to Pietrelcina to let him enjoy his native pure air), the St. Anne’s Church and the Forgione’s Farm at Piana Romana, with the elm by which the young Saint Pio received the stigmata. Pietrelcina - Panorama notturno Pietrelcina - Night view 101 PART III: INFORMATION ABOUT STUDY FACILITES Benevento - Il Teatro Comunale Benevento - The “Comunale” theatre 103 THE ITALIAN UNIVERSITY SYSTEM In accordance with the 1999 reform, Italian university studies are organised into 3 cycles. I. FIRST CYCLE Undergraduate studies consist in Corsi di Laurea-CL (1st degree courses) aimed at guaranteeing undergraduate students an adequate command of general scientific methods and contents as well as specific professional skills. General access requirement is the Italian school leaving certificate awarded after 13 years of global schooling; also foreign comparable qualifications may be accepted. Admission to individual degree courses may be subject to specific course requirements. First degree courses last 3 years. The Laurea-L (1st degree) is awarded to undergraduates who have earned 180 credits. II. SECOND CYCLE Graduate studies include 1) Corsi di Laurea Specialistica-CLS; 2) Corsi di Specializzazione di 1° livello-CS1; 3) Corsi di Master Universitario di 1° livello-CMU1. CLS are aimed at providing graduates with an advanced level of education for the exercise of a highly qualified activity in specific areas. Admission to CLS is subject to a previous Italian 1st degree (L) or a foreign comparable degree; the degree course lasts 2 years. The final degree, Laurea Specialistica-LS (2nd degree), is awarded to graduates who have earned a global amount of 300 credits, including those of the 1st degree that have been recognised for access to the CLS (maximum 180); besides, the drawing up of an original dissertation is also compulsory. A limited number of CLS regulated by specific EU directives (CLS in dentistry, human medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, architecture) share the following different features: access is subject to an Italian school leaving certificate or a foreign comparable qualification; admission is always subject to entrance exams; the degree course lasts 5 years (human medicine takes 6 years). CS1 are devised to provide the knowledge and abilities needed for the practice of highly qualifying professions; they may be established exclusively in application of specific Italian laws or EU directives. Admission is subject to a previous Laurea (1st degree) or a foreign comparable degree and to the passing of a competitive examination; the course length changes between 2 and 3 years. The final degree, called Diploma di Specializzazione di primo livello - DS1 (1st level specialization degree) is conferred to graduates who have earned 300-360 credits globally, including those of the 1st degree, that have been recognised for accessing to the CS1. The CMU1s consist in advanced scientific courses or higher continuing education studies, open to 1st degree-course graduate students (Laurea-L) or students with a foreign comparable degree; admission may be subject to additional conditions. The course lasts minimum 1 year. The degree as Master Universitario di 1° livello-MU1 (1st level University Master) is awarded to graduates who have earned at least 60 credits. 105 III THIRD CYCLE Postgraduate studies are as follows: 1) Corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca-CDR (research doctorate programmes); 2) Corsi di Specializzazione di 2° livello-CS2 (2nd level specialization courses); 3) Corsi di Master Universitario di 2° livello-CMU2 (2nd level University Master’s Degree courses). CDRs aim at training postgraduates for very advanced scientific research or for high professional skills; they envisage the use of suitable teaching methodologies such as updated technologies, study periods abroad, stages in specialistic research centres. Access is subject to a previous Italian 2nd degree (LS) or a foreign comparable degree; admission is subject to the passing of very competitive exams; official length is not less than 3 years; the drawing up of an original dissertation is necessary for awarding the 3rd degree called Dottorato di Ricerca - Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy). CS2s aim at providing postgraduates with knowledge and abilities as required in the practice of highly qualifying professions; they may be established exclusively in application of specific Italian laws or EU directives. Access is subject to a previous LS (2nd degree) or to an equivalent degree; admission is subject to the passing of an examination; the course length is generally 1 year, except for all CS2s of the medicine sector which may take up to a maximum of 5 years. CMU2s consist in advanced scientific courses or higher continuing education studies, open to the holders of an LS or a foreign comparable degree; admission may be subject to additional conditions. Studies take not less than 1 year. The degree (Master Universitario di 2° livello-MU2) is awarded to postgraduates who have earned not less than 60 credits. Classes of Degree Courses: educational contents of individual degree courses are autonomously determined by universities. Individual institutions, however, when establishing a CL or a CLS, have to adopt a few general requirements fixed at national level in relation to groups (classi*) of similar degree courses; such national requirements may not bind more than the 2/3 of each curriculum. * Degree courses, sharing the same educational objectives and the same fundamental types of teaching-learning activities, are organised into groups called “classi di appartenenza” (classes of degree courses). University Educational Credits: degree courses are structured in credits (crediti formativi universitari). A university credit corresponds to 25 hours of work per student, time for personal study included. The average annual workload of a full time student is conventionally fixed at 60 credits. 107 Facoltà di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali - Aula per la didattica Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences - A lecture hall 109 FACULTY OF ECONOMICS Dean of the Faculty: Prof. Pietro Perlingieri Professors Eugenia Aloj Totaro, Concetta Brescia Morra, Rosa Capobianco, Franco Alberto Cappelletti, Francesca Carimini, Felice Casucci, Nicola Cipriani, Nicolino Ettore D’Ortona, Ernesto Fabiani, Anna La Rana, Gaspare Lisella, Antonella Malinconico, Paola Mancini, Gabriele Marinaro, Anna Clara Monti, Gaetano Natullo, Stefano M. Pagnotta, Rosanna Pane, Giulia Papoff, Gaetano Pecora, Pietro Perlingieri, Riccardo Resciniti, Domenico Scalera, Maria Sole Staffa, Antonella Tartaglia Polcini, Stefano Torraca, Giuseppe Vacchiano, Giampiero Porcaro. Assistant Professors Menita Carozza, Francesco Saverio Damiani, Nicola Di Modugno, Felice Laudadio, Roberta Mongillo, Annamaria Nifo, Serena Serravalle, Luca Greco, Camilla Crea, Arianna Alpini, Katis Fiorenza, Cristina Ciancio, Aglia Mcclintock e Mario Griffo. The Faculty of Economics in Benevento offers 3 first level Degree courses which last 3 years. The first level degree courses are: a) Scienze Giuridiche b) Operatore giuridico d’impresa c) Scienze statistiche ed attuariali The specialization courses are: a) Giurisprudenza b) Scienze statistiche ed attuariali The courses following the previous didactic regulations are: a) corso di laurea in Scienze statistiche ed attuariali b) corso di laurea in Scienze ed informatica per l’azienda c) corso di laurea in Scienze politiche d) corso di laurea in Giurisprudenza e) consulente del lavoro The “magistralis” course is: a) Giurisprudenza 111 ORGANIZATION OF THE COURSES Courses are divided into cycles that go from September to December, from January to March and from April to June. The official date for the beginning of the courses of the Faculty of Economics has been fixed for the academic year 2007/2008 on September 24th, 2007. All the courses are organized in modules. Generally, each module includes 32 teaching hours (5 ECTS). There are courses with one module and courses with more modules. In every cycle and for all the courses there is an examination about the content of each module. In July and in September there are two more examination sessions. The examination for Module A has to be taken before the examination of Module B. The foreign languages courses are divided into two modules (intermediate level; advanced level), with an examination at the end of each module, and an entrance test. Further information about the courses of the Faculty of Economics are available on the web site: http://www.unisannio.it/llp/didattica.html. 113 115 Totale Diritto tributario di impresa Diritto amministrativo II 10 5 5 CFU Totale (o corso avanzato della prima lingua) Tutela dei diritti e processo civile Diritto bancario Seconda Lingua straniera I SECONDO TRIMESTRE 15 5 5 5 CFU Abilità informatiche Prova finale Totale (o corso avanzato della prima lingua) Economia intermediari finanziari Diritto del lavoro II Diritto processuale civile Informatica giuridica Seconda Lingua straniera I TERZO TRIMESTRE 2 2 29 5 5 5 5 5 CFU N.B. Si precisa che per il secondo e terzo anno è previsto, rispettivamente, nel piano di studi, un unico insegnamento a scelta da 5 CFU, da seguirsi nel corrispondente trimestre di attivazione. nuovo ordinamento TERZO ANNO PRIMO TRIMESTRE FACOLTÀ DI ECONOMIA MANIFESTO DEL CORSO DI LAUREA IN OPERATORE GIURIDICO DI IMPRESA 117 ESAMI A SCELTA nuovo ordinamento TERZO ANNO nuovo ordinamento Totale 17 5 2 Totale Ecologia I Lingua francese I Analisi delle serie storiche 5 Tecniche attuariali delle assicurazioni vita 5 Teoria dei campioni I 5 Elaborazione informatica dei dati I 2 20 Teoria dell’inferenza statistica I Diritto privato delle assicurazioni 5 5 5 5 2 22 CFU 5 5 5 5 Algebra lineare Analisi matematica I Nozioni giuridiche fondamentali Statistica I Lingua inglese I Totale SECONDO Processi stocastici Matematica finanziaria II ANNO nuovo ordinamento PRIMO ANNO PRIMO TRIMESTRE Ecologia II Lingua francese II Statistica economia Complementi di analis matematica Analisi dei dati I Tecnica attuariale delle assicurazioni contro i danni Elaborazione informatica dei dati II Laboratorio di calcolo finanziario ed attuariale Totale Totale Economia e gestione delle imprese Matematica attuariale I Teoria dell’inferenza statistica II Demografia Analisi matematica II Metodologia della ricerca sociale Statistica II Lingua inglese II Abilità informatiche Totale SECONDO TRIMESTRE 5 3 5 5 3 16 5 3 5 20 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 2 20 CFU 20 Metodi statistici per le decisioni aziendali Totale 5 15 Analisi dei dati II 5 Analisi e modelli demografici 5 Tecnica attuariale delle assicurazioni sociali 5 Totale 5 5 5 5 18 Totale Economia e finanza delle imprese di assic. Macroeconomia Matematica attuariale II Modelli statistici I 5 5 3 5 CFU Microeconomia Statistica III Lingua inglese III Matematica finanziaria I TERZO TRIMESTRE FACOLTÀ DI ECONOMIA MANIFESTO DEL CORSO DI LAUREA IN SCIENZE STATISTICHE ED ATTUARIALI INDIRIZZO DEMOGRAFICO 119 ESAMI A SCELTA nuovo ordinamento SECONDO ANNO nuovo ordinamento PRIMO ANNO Economia applicata Ricerche di mercato Totale 5 5 17 5 5 5 2 20 5 5 5 5 CFU Analisi delle serie storiche e finanziarie Laboratorio di statistica Modelli attuariali per le assicurazioni sulla salute Teoria statistica delle decisioni Totale Econometria Modelli lineari generalizzati Politica economica Teoria del rischio per le assicurazioni contro i danni PRIMO TRIMESTRE Totale 20 5 Statistica per ambiente 5 5 5 5 20 Totale Economia degli intermedari finanziari Modelli attuariali e finanziari per la previdenza Modelli a equazioni strutturali e dipendenze multivariate Teoria dei campioni II 5 5 5 5 CFU Analisi statistica multivariata Informatica Statistica computazionale Teoria del rischio per le assicurazioni di persone SECONDO TRIMESTRE CFU 20 5 15 20 Economia e tecnica del mercato mobiliare 5 Metodi statistici per il controllo della qualità5 Totale Modelli attuariali per la costruzione delle tariffe Tesi di laurea Totale Legislazione finanziaria ed assicurativa 5 Marketing 5 Metodi statistici per le decisioni aziendali II 5 Teoria matematica dei derivati finanziari 5 TERZO TRIMESTRE FACOLTÀ DI ECONOMIA MANIFESTO DEL CORSO DI LAUREA SPECIALISTICA IN SCIENZE STATISTICHE ED ATTUARIALI Facoltà di Ingegneria - Laboratorio Polifunzionale Faculty of Engineering - Polyfunctional Laboratory 121 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Dean of the Faculty: Prof. Filippo de Rossi Professors Giulio Antoniol, Pasquale Arpaia, Pasquale Avella, Gerardo Canfora, Giuseppe Cardone, Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein, Aniello Cimitile, Gaetano Continillo, Antonello Cutolo, Pasquale Daponte, Filippo de’ Rossi, Maurizio di Bisceglie, Giuseppe Di Lucca, Michele Di Santo, Antonio Feoli, Carmela Galdi, Vincenzo Galdi, Mariano Gallo, Luigi Glielmo, Maria Rosaria Pecce, Francesco Pepe, Giovanni Vito Persiano, Stefania Petracca, Vincenzo Pierro, Innocenzo Pinto, Antonella Santone, Maurizio Sasso, Armando Lucio Simonelli, Francesco Vasca, Domenico Villacci, Umberto Villano, Ciro Visone. Assistant Professors Stefano Acierno, Lerina Aversano, Emilio Bellini, Francesco Borrelli, Maurizio Boccia, Giuseppe Castaldi, Francesca Ceroni, Andrea Cusano, Daniele Davino, Luca De Vito, Massimiliano Di Penta, Luigi Di Sarno, Giovanni Fiengo, Romano Fistola, Nicola Fontana, Franco Frattolillo, Luigi Iannelli, Erasmo Mancusi, Sergio Rapuano, Matteo Savino, Roberto Serpieri, Stefania Sica, Maria Tortorella, Silvia Ullo, Alfredo Vaccaro, Giuseppe Peter Vanoli, Eugenio Zimeo. The professors’ studies and the research laboratories are located in Palazzo Dell’AquilaBosco Lucarelli, Corso Garibaldi, 107, and at Department of Engineering, Piazza Roma, 21. The Faculty of Engineering includes four first level degree courses which last three years and three courses of specialization degree. The first level degree courses are: a) Ingegneria Civile b) Ingegneria Energetica c) Ingegneria Informatica d) Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni The specialization degree courses are: a) Ingegneria dell’Automazione b) Ingegneria Informatica c) Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni d) Ingegneria Civile e) Ingegneria Energetica ORGANIZATION OF THE COURSES Each academic year is organized in cycles, each one is 14 weeks long. For each cycle 30 credits are assigned. Each credit corresponds to 25 hours of educational activity, and the educational activity with the teacher’s assistance is of 20 hours per week. The last six weeks for each cycle are devoted to examinations. The 1st cycle is from October 3rd, 2007 to January 18th, 2008; the 2nd cycle is from March 3rd 2007 to June 13th, 2008. The Faculty of Engineering provides also the Master’s degrees in Tecnologie e Gestione del Software (MUTeGS), and in Tecnologie del Software (MUTS), in Energetica dell’Idrogeno, and a second-level Master in Information Technologies for the Gestione della Conoscenza Organizzativa (MUJAZ). The courses last one year (60 CFU). The admission is subject to a previous Italian 1st level degree (Laurea-L) for the MUTeGS degree while for the MUTS degree admission is subject to a previous Italian 2nd level degree (Laurea specialistica - LS). Admission for both Master’s degrees is subject to an entrance test. 123 125 30 30 Totale Totale 3 6 6 6 6 3 Fenomeni di trasporto (*) Fisica tecnica Meccanica applicata alle macchine Sistemi Elettrotecnica Modelli di reattori chimici (*) 6 6 6 6 6 30 Totale Impianti chimici per l’energia Elettronica Energetica Sistemi elettrici industriali Insegnamenti a scelta libera (**) 6 6 6 6 6 Chimica Elementi di informatica Fisica generale I Geometria e algebra Matematica I CFU 32 3 3 3 3 6 9 5 Automazione dei sistemi elettrici per l’energia Impianti industriali I Tecnologie delle fonti rinnovabili Elementi di ingegneria strutturale Insegnamenti a scelta libera (**) Percorso di tirocinio A o B (***) Prova finale Totale 30 3 6 6 3 6 6 28 6 6 6 3 3 4 CFU Totale Controlli Sistemi elettrici per l’energia Processi di combustione Conversione elettromeccanica Macchine a fluido I Termofluidodinamica - Trasmissione del calore Totale Fisica generale II Fondamenti della misurazione Matematica II Ricerca operativa Termodinamica applicata Inglese SECONDO TRIMESTRE (*) I due moduli costituiscono un unico insegnamento integrato di “Fenomeni di Trasporto/Modelli di reattori chimici”. (**) Questi moduli sono a scelta completamente libera da parte dello studente (anche al di fuori degli insegnamenti indicati in tabella), senza alcun vincolo da parte della Facoltà. La Facoltà offre comunque ulteriori possibili alternative: Laboratorio di automazione (CFU 6); Impianti industriali II (CFU 3); (consigliati per lo studente che intende accedere alla laurea specialistica in Ingegneria dell’Automazione); Tecnica del controllo ambientale (CFU 6); Macchine a fluido II (CFU 3); Disinquinamento di effluenti da processi energetici (CFU 6); Analisi e simulazione dei processi di combustione (CFU 3); Sistemi elettrici per i trasporti (CFU 6); Elementi di conversione elettromeccanica II (CFU 3). (***) Moduli relativi a due percorsi alternativi a scelta dello studente: percorso A; Tirocinio presso aziende (CFU 9); percorso B; Laboratorio di Ingegneria Chimica (CFU 3); Laboratorio di Ingegneria Elettrica (CFU 3); Laboratorio di Ingegneria Termomeccanica (CFU 3). TERZO ANNO SECONDO ANNO PRIMO ANNO PRIMO TRIMESTRE FACOLTÀ DI INGEGNERIA MANIFESTO DEL CORSO DI LAUREA IN INGEGNERIA ENERGETICA 127 24 29 Totale Totale 6 6 6 5 6 Campi elettromagnetici I Metodi matematici Sistemi Teoria dei circuiti Teoria dei fenomeni aleatori 5 3 4 6 6 27 Totale Elaborazione numerica dei segnali Metodi numerici in elettromagnetismo Microonde Optoelettronica Trasmissione numerica 5 6 6 4 6 Economia e organizzazione aziendale Elementi di informatica Fisica I Inglese Matematica I CFU 4 3 6 4 5 22 Totale 32 6 8 6 6 6 28 3 6 4 6 9 CFU Antenne Progettazione automatica in elettromagnetismo Reti di telecomunicazioni Sistemi radiomobili Prova finale Totale Campi elettromagnetici II Elettronica Misure elettroniche Teoria dei segnali Programmazione di sistema Totale Nozioni giuridiche fondamentali Fisica II Matematica discreta Matematica II Programmazione SECONDO TRIMESTRE Per completare il piano degli studi vanno aquisiti ulteriori 18 crediti, di cui 9 relativi agli insegnamenti a scelta libera e 9 relativi a ulteriori - Tirocinio. I 9 crediti a scelta libera sono a scelta completamente libera da parte dello studente (anche al di fuori degli insegnamenti indicati), senza alcun vincolo da parte della Facoltà. La Facoltà offre comunque alcuni insegnamenti specifici per completare il curriculum: Elettronica per le Telecomunicazioni (5 CFU); Misure su sistemi di Telecomunicazioni (4 CFU); Interazione Bioelettromagnetica (4 CFU). TERZO ANNO SECONDO ANNO PRIMO ANNO PRIMO TRIMESTRE FACOLTÀ DI INGEGNERIA MANIFESTO DEL CORSO DI LAUREA IN INGEGNERIA DELLE TELECOMUNICAZIONI 129 30 Totale 30 Totale 9 30 6 6 6 6 6 6 15 Totale Probabilità e statistica Pericolisità sismica e dinamica dei terreni Impianti di condizionamento ed edilizia bioclimatica Materiali innovativi e durabilità dei materiali da costruzione Costruzioni in muratura in zona sismica CFU Progettazione di opere idrauliche Costruzioni in acciaio e composte acciaio-calcestruzzo in zona sismica Prova finale 30 6 6 6 6 6 SECONDO TRIMESTRE Opere geotecniche 6 Calcolo avanzato per la progettazione e il recupero di edifici in c.a. in zona sismica 6 Insegnamenti a scelta dall’elenco (*) 12 Insegnamenti a scelta libera (**) 6 Totale Matematica III Metodi matematici per l’ingegneria Tecnica delle costruzioni III Comportamento dinamico delle strutture Pianificazione e governo del territorio CFU (*) Per completare il piano di studi vanno aquisiti ulteriori 12 crediti, conseguibili scegliendo uno tra i seguenti insegnamenti da 6 CFU ciascuno: Tecnologie innovative nelle costruzioni in zona sismica; Aspetti normativi, tecnici ed economici per la realizzazione delle opere civili; Pianificazione dei trasporti; Geotecnica per la difesa del territorio. (**) I 6 crediti “a scelta libera” sono a scelta completamente libera da parte dello studente, senza alcun possibile vincolo da parte della Facoltà. SECONDO ANNO PRIMO ANNO PRIMO TRIMESTRE FACOLTÀ DI INGEGNERIA CORSO DI LAUREA SPECIALISTICA IN INGEGNERIA CIVILE 131 Ricerca operativa Fondamenti d’informatica Architetture avanzate di reti di calcolatori Ingegneria del software Architettura dei sistemi integrati digitali (*) Totale Sistemi distribuiti Laboratorio d’ingegneria del software Elaborazione numerica dei segnali (*) Totale Totale Misure su reti di calcolatori (*) Prova finale Altre (Art. 10, comma 1, lettera f ) Totale Programmazione concorrente Linguaggi di programmazione Basi di dati e sistemi sul web Gestione dell’innovazione e dei progetti (*) SECONDO TRIMESTRE Software testing Storia dell’informatica Totale Ingegneria della conoscenza e sistemi esperti Totale Ulteriori 6 crediti sono a scelta completamente libera da parte dello studente. (*) Lo studente deve scegliere 3 insegnamenti su 4, quindi 18 crediti su 24. PRIMO ANNO SECONDO ANNO PRIMO TRIMESTRE Totale 6 4 10 6 6 CFU Gestione dei progetti software Metodi formali per l’ingegneria del software Metodi empirici per l’ingegneria del software Sistemi informativi aziendali Totale SECONDO TRIMESTRE Metodi e sistemi per il trattamento dei dati multimediali Sistemi operativi avanzati Sistemi embedded Totale 4 4 8 SECONDO Sicurezza in rete Storia dell’informatica ANNO SECONDO TRIMESTRE Sistemi d’elaborazione ad elevate prestazioni Totale CFU PRIMO ANNO PRIMO TRIMESTRE 6 6 7 7 6 26+6 7 7 6 14+6 CFU CORSI DI ORIENTAMENTO (Architetture) (*) I due moduli costituiscono un unico insegnamento integrato. SECONDO ANNO PRIMO ANNO PRIMO TRIMESTRE FACOLTÀ DI INGEGNERIA CORSO DI LAUREA SPECIALISTICA IN INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA 6 4 4 4 18 CFU 6 6 4 16 6 6 CFU 20+6 6 15 5 26 7 6 7 6 CFU Benevento - Arco di Traiano Benevento - Trajan’s Arch 133 FACULTY OF ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS SCIENCES Dean of the Faculty: Prof. Ennio De Simone Professors Pietro Amenta, Filippo Bencardino, Arturo Capasso, Ennio De Simone, Vittoria Ferrandino, Giuseppe Fontana, Pierpaolo Forte, Carlo Giannone, Manlio Lubrano Di Scorpaniello, Giuseppe Marotta, Mirella Migliaccio, Maria Rosaria Napolitano, Maria Paradiso, Paolo Puri, Riccardo Realfonzo, Paolo Ricci, Rosario Santucci, Massimo Squillante, Francesco Vespasiano. Assistant Professors Emiliano Brancaccio, Angela Cresta, Rossella Del Prete, Alessandro De Nisco, Vincenzo Esposito, Roberto Jannelli, Olimpia Meglio, Antonella Napolitano, Paola Saracini, Maria Rosaria Simeone, Biagio Simonetti, Guido Tortorella, Viviana Ventre, Vincenzo Verdicchio. The Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences includes three first level degree courses which last three years and a specialization degree course which lasts two years. The first level degree courses are: a) Economia e commercio: curriculum in economia aziendale, curriculum in economia bancaria, curriculum in organizzazione e gestione delle risorse umane. b) Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici: curriculum ufficiale, curriculum in economia e gestione delle risorse enogastronomiche. c) Organizzazione e gestione della sicurezza: attivato solo il primo e secondo anno. The specialization degree course is: a) Economia e Management ORGANIZATION OF THE COURSES Each academic year is organized into 3 cycles, each one is 11/12 weeks long. For each cycle 20 credits are generally assigned. Each credit is the result of 25 hours of educational activity, usually 5 hours of teaching per week. The last 3 weeks, for each cycle, are devoted to examinations. Supplementary examination sessions are in January/ February, April/May and two additional sessions are in July and September. Further information is available at: www.sea.unisannio.it 135 137 TERZO ANNO SECONDO ANNO PRIMO ANNO 20 21 Totale Totale 5 5 5 5 1 Teorie e metodi dell’economia politica Contabilità e bilancio II Economia e gestione dell’impresa Statistica II Lingua straniera (corso elementare) 5 5 5 5 20 Totale Diritto tributario Marketing Teoria della finanza aziendale Tecnica bancaria 5 5 5 5 Storia dei processi economici Economia aziendale Metodi matematici per l’economia e la finanza I Istituzioni di diritto pubblico 20 5 5 5 5 20 Totale Totale 5 5 5 5 28 3 6 4 6 9 CFU Diritto commerciale Diritto del mercato finanziario Economia degli intermediari finanziari Economia monetaria Econ. e gestione delle imprese (II corso) / strategie d’impresa Diritto commerciale Economia degli intermediari finanziari Economia agroalimentare Totale Nozioni giuridiche fondamentali Fisica II Matematica discreta Matematica II Programmazione 7 GENNAIO - 7 MARZO 2008 CFU SECONDO TRIMESTRE 24 SETTEMBRE - 23 NOVEMBRE 2007 PRIMO TRIMESTRE Totale Diritto delle società Politica economica Sociologia Totale Storia della moneta e della banca Statistica aziendale Matematica finanziaria II lingua straniera (corso avanzato) Totale Macroeconomia Contabilità e bilancioI Diritto privato II I lingua straniera (corso avanzato) 14 APRILE - 13 GIUGNO 2008 TERZO TRIMESTRE FACOLTÀ DI SCIENZE ECONOMICHE E AZIENDALI MANIFESTO DEL CORSO DI LAUREA IN ECONOMIA E COMMERCIO CURRICULUM IN ECONOMIA BANCARIA 15 5 5 5 18 5 5 5 3 18 5 5 5 3 CFU 139 TERZO ANNO SECONDO ANNO PRIMO ANNO Totale 15 5 5 5 21 Totale Marketing Legislazione del turismo Sociologia del turismo 5 5 5 1 5 20 Totale Teorie e metodi dell’economia politica Economia del turismo Economia e gestione dell’imprese II Lingua straniera (corso elementare) Statistica 5 5 5 5 Storia dei processi economici Economia aziendale Metodi matematici I Istituzioni di diritto pubblico 18 5 5 5 15 Diritto commerciale Marketing turistico Economia e gestione delle imprese turistiche Totale 5 3 5 5 20 5 5 5 3 2 CFU Totale Scienza delle finanze Diritto del lavoro Statistica II lingua straniera (corso intermedio) Storia economica del turismo Totale Microeconomia Diritto privato I Metodi matematici II Lingua straniera (corso intermedio) Elementi di informatica 7 GENNAIO - 7 MARZO 2008 CFU SECONDO TRIMESTRE 24 SETTEMBRE - 23 NOVEMBRE 2007 PRIMO TRIMESTRE Totale Economia dell’agriturismo e del turismo rurale Politica economica Diritto delle società Organizzazione delle aziende turistiche Totale Contabilità e bilancio delle imprese turistiche Matematica finanziaria II lingua straniera (corso avanzato) Geografia economica Totale Macroeconomia Contabilità e bilancio I Diritto privato II I lingua straniera (corso avanzato) 14 APRILE - 13 GIUGNO 2008 TERZO TRIMESTRE FACOLTÀ DI SCIENZE ECONOMICHE E AZIENDALI MANIFESTO DEL CORSO DI LAUREA IN ECONOMIA E GESTIONE DEI SERVIZI TURISTICI CURRICULUM UFFICIALE 20 5 5 5 5 18 5 5 3 5 18 5 5 5 3 CFU 141 5 5 5 5 20 Storia dei processi economici Economia aziendale Metodi matematici I Istituzioni di diritto pubblico Totale TERZO ANNO Totale 5 5 16 5 5 1 5 15 Sociologia della comunicazione istituzionale Comportamento organizzativo e gestione dei gruppi nei sistemi di sicurezza Politiche agricole e frodi comunitarie II lingua straniera elementare Totale amministrazioni pubbliche Elementi di diritto e procedura penale SECONDO Tecnica di gestione dei progetti complessi 5 Economia delle aziende e delle ANNO PRIMO ANNO 20 Totale 18 Diritto commerciale 5 Sociologia della devianza 5 Diritto dell’ambiente e legislazione europea e regionale comparata 5 II lingua straniera (intermedia) 3 Totale 5 5 5 5 20 Totale Economia del crimine Progettazione organizzativa per la sicurezza urbana Diritto del lavoro Economia e gestione delle imprese (II corso) 5 5 5 3 2 CFU Microeconomia Metodi matematici II Diritto privato I Lingua straniera (intermedio) Elementi di informatica 7 GENNAIO - 9 MARZO 2008 CFU SECONDO TRIMESTRE 24 SETTEMBRE - 23 NOVEMBRE 2007 PRIMO TRIMESTRE 5 5 5 5 25 5 18 5 5 5 3 CFU Totale 15 Marketing 5 Sociologia della devianza 5 Diritto dell’ambiente legislazione europea e regionale comparata 5 Economia e gestione delle imprese (II corso) Progettazione organizzativa per la sicurezza urbana Sociologia Sistemi informatici territoriali Metodi statistici per le scienze sociali Totale Totale Macroeconomia Contabilità e bilancio I Economia e gestione dell’imprese (I corso) I lingua straniera (corso avanzato) 14 APRILE - 13 GIUGNO 2008 TERZO TRIMESTRE FACOLTÀ DI SCIENZE ECONOMICHE E AZIENDALI MANIFESTO DEL CORSO DI LAUREA IN ORGANIZZAZIONE E GESTIONE DELLA SICUREZZA (Attivati solo gli insegnamenti del I Anno) 143 23 Totale 23 Totale Totale 10 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 18 Totale Economia del cambiamento tecnologico 5 Economia e gestione della innovazione aziendale 5 Economia intermediari finanziari 5 Totale 15 5 5 3 CFU Economia agroalimentare Diritto dell’unione europea Lingua inglese I Storia economica del turismo 7 GENNAIO - 7 MARZO 2008 CFU SECONDO TRIMESTRE Informatica per la finanza e le imprese Analisi multivariata dei dati Microecon. delle imprese e dei mercati Teoria della finanza aziendale Tecnica professionale SECONDO Diritto tributario Econometria ANNO PRIMO ANNO 18 Totale Economia del cambiamento tecnologico 5 Economia e gestione della innocazione aziendale 5 Totale 10 5 5 3 5 Scienza delle finanze Economia agroalimentare Lingua inglese I Economia e politiche del territorio CFU Totale CFU Totale Economia internazionale Lingua inglese II 8 5 3 Diritto del lavoro (II corso) 5 Storia economica del turismo 5 Statistica aziendale 5 Matematica per le applicazioni economiche e finanziarie o matematica finaziaria 5 Geografia del turismo 5 Totale 25 14 APRILE - 13 GIUGNO 2008 TERZO TRIMESTRE 8 5 3 20 Totale Organizzazione aziendale (II corso) Lingua inglese II 5 5 5 5 CFU Politica economica Organizzazione e pianificazione del territorio Matem. per le appl. economiche e finanziarie Economia del lavoro (II corso) 14 APRILE - 13 GIUGNO 2008 TERZO TRIMESTRE Percorso per i laureati in Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici 24 SETTEMBRE - 23 NOVEMBRE 2007 PRIMO TRIMESTRE Econometria Totale 5 5 5 15 5 5 3 5 5 Diritto tributario Tecnica professionale Informatica per le finanze e le imprese Analisi mutivariata dei dati Microecon. delle imprese e dei mercati SECONDO Economia dei mercati agroalimentari Diritto fallimentare ANNO PRIMO ANNO 7 GENNAIO - 7 MARZO 2008 CFU SECONDO TRIMESTRE 24 SETTEMBRE - 23 NOVEMBRE 2007 PRIMO TRIMESTRE FACOLTÀ DI SCIENZE ECONOMICHE E AZIENDALI MANIFESTO DEL CORSO DI LAUREA SPECIALISTICA IN ECONOMIA E MANAGEMENT Percorso per i laureati in Economia e Commercio - Curriculum in Organizzazione e gestione delle risorse umane FACULTY OF SCIENCES Dean of the Faculty: Prof. Agostino Zuppetta Professors Filomena Ornella Amore, Lorella Maria Teresa Canzoniero, Michele Ceccarelli, Vittorio Colantuoni, Raffaella De Matteis, Libera Esposito, Fernando Goglia, Giuseppe Graziano, Francesco Maria Guadagno, Alessio Langella, Angelo Lupo, Francesco Paolo Mancini, Donato Matassino, Maria Moreno, Marina Paolucci, Daniela Pappalardo, Tullio Secondo Pescatore, Salvatore Rampone, Filippo Russo, Maria Rosaria Senatore, Maurizio Torrente, Pasquale Vito, Agostino Zuppetta. Assistant Professors Domenico Cicchella, Carlo Di Cristo, Giovanni Filatrella, Francesco Fiorillo, Giuliano Gargiulo, Celestino Grifa, Carmine Guarino, Paolo Magliulo, Rosalba Maresca, Bruno Massa, Mariapina Rocco, Paola Romano, Lina Sabatino, Rosaria Sciarrillo, Elena Silvestri, Roberta Spadaccini, Alessio Valente, Ettore Varricchio. The professors’ offices are located in via Port’Arsa, 11 (biological area) tel. 0824305101, fax 0824 23013, and in via dei Mulini59/A (geological area) tel. 0824323624, fax 082423013. The Faculty of Sciences includes four first level degree courses which last three years and two courses of specialization degree. The first level degree courses are: a) Biotecnologie b) Scienze Ambientali c) Scienze Biologiche d) Scienze Geologiche The courses for the specialization degree are: a) Biologia b) Scienze geologiche per le risorse, l’ambiente ed il territorio. ORGANIZATION OF THE COURSES Courses are organized in two cycles: from September 24th, 2007 to December 14th, 2007; and from March 3th, 2008 to June 6th, 2008. Examination sessions are from January 14th, 2008 to February 22nd, 2008, from June th 16 , 2008 to July 25th 2008 and from September 8th to September 22nd, 2008. The official date for the beginning of the courses at the Faculty of Sciences, for the academic year 2007/2008, is fixed on September 24th, 2007. Further information about the courses of the Faculty of Sciences is available on the website: http://www.unisannio.it/llp/didattica.html. 145 147 TERZO ANNO SECONDO ANNO PRIMO ANNO 8 5 6 3 4 4 30 Biochimica Fisiologia vegetale Botanica Chinica fisica Laboratorio di fisica Insegnamento a scelta Totale 4 6 3 3 6 4 4 30 30 Totale Farmacologia Biologia molecolare II Tecniche di ingegneria genetica Biotecnologie generali Bioinformatica Istituzioni di diritto interno e comunitario Insegnamento a scelta Totale 6 6 6 6 6 CFU Biologia cellulare Microbiologia Chimica generale ed inorganica Istituzioni di matematiche Inglese PRIMO TRIMESTRE 6 6 10 8 30 Totale 30 5 6 8 8 3 30 6 6 6 7 5 CFU Patologia generale Biochimica clinica Tirocinio Prova finale Totale Istologia e citologia Fisiologia generale Genetica generale Biologia molecolare I Elaborazione dei dati sperimantali Totale Chimica organica Fisica Informatica Laboratorio integrato di biotecnologie di base Elementi di economia SECONDO TRIMESTRE FACOLTÀ DI SCIENZE, MATEMATICHE, FISICHE E NATURALI MANIFESTO DEL CORSO DI LAUREA IN BIOTECNOLOGIE Indirizzo Molecolare - Diagnostico 149 30 6 5 6 3 3 6 29 Totale Sistemi animale e vegetali Microbiologia generale Biochimica Insegnamento a scelta Insegnamento a scelta Fisiologia vegetale Totale Fisiologia cellulare Igiene Farmacologia Insegnamento a scelta Endocrinologia generale Anatomia umana Insegnamento a scelta Fisiologia degli apparati Totale SECONDO ANNO TERZO ANNO 4 4 3 3 10 8 32 Totale 7 6 6 6 2 4 31 30 6 6 6 6 6 CFU Biochimica clinica Patologia generale Microbiologia applicata Tecniche di ingegneria genetica Altre attività Prova finale Biologia molecolare Biologia applicata Fisiologia generale Genetica Lingua inglese Biochimica sistematica Totale Totale Zoologia Istologia ed embriologia Chimica organica Fisica Botanica SECONDO TRIMESTRE Insegnamenti a scelta: Metodologie Biochimiche; Tecniche di Biologia Cellulare; Elaborazione Statistica dei Dati Sperimentali; Parassitologia; Biochimica della Nutrizione; Lab. di Tecniche Istologiche ed Istochimiche; Tossicologia; Fisiologia della nutrizione; Metabolismo e Trasformazioni Energetiche. 3 4 4 3 5 3 3 3 28 6 4 6 6 8 CFU Istituzioni di matematiche Lingua inglese Informatica Chimica generale ed inorganica Biologia cellulare, animale e vegetale PRIMO ANNO PRIMO TRIMESTRE FACOLTÀ DI SCIENZE, MATEMATICHE, FISICHE E NATURALI MANIFESTO DEL CORSO DI LAUREA IN SCIENZE BIOLOGICHE 151 SECONDO ANNO PRIMO ANNO 6 6 6 6 6 30 3 3 6 6 6 6 30 Totale Meccanica delle faglie e dei terremoti Valutazione della pericolosità sismica Esperienza di sito Risposta sismica locale Sismotettonica Altre attività Totale CFU Biostratigrafia e stratigrafia sequenziale e degli eventi Introduzione alla geologia dei terremoti Rilevamento geomorfologico e fotointerpretazione Geologia applicata alle costruzioni ed ai rischi geologici Tecniche mineralogiche applicate all’ambiente e ai beni culturali PRIMO TRIMESTRE Totale Prova finale Totale Geologia strutturale Tettonica attiva Sismologia Profili sismici e sezioni bilanciate Macrosismica e paleosismologia Insegnamento a scelta SECONDO TRIMESTRE 30 30 30 6 6 6 3 3 6 CFU FACOLTÀ DI SCIENZE, MATEMATICHE, FISICHE E NATURALI CORSO DI LAUREA SPECIALISTICA IN SCIENZE GEOLOGICHE PER LE RISORSE, L’AMBIENTE E IL TERRITORIO Indirizzo: Geologia dei terremoti e valutazione della pericolosità sismica 153 SECONDO ANNO PRIMO ANNO 6 6 6 6 6 30 6 3 3 3 3 6 6 30 Totale Geologia applicata all’archeologia Tecniche di analisi geomorfologica del rilievo Cartografia informatica Tecniche di monitoraggio del territorio e dell’ambiente Esperienze di sito Insegnamento a scelta Altre attività Totale CFU Biostratigrafia e stratigrafia sequenziale e degli eventi Introduzione alla geologia dei terremoti Rilevamento geomorfologico e fotointerpretazione Geologia applicata alle costruzioni ed ai rischi geologici Tecniche mineralogiche applicate all’ambiente e ai beni culturali PRIMO TRIMESTRE CFU 30 30 Totale 30 Prova finale Totale Rilevamento geologico delle aree urbane e delle infrastrutture 6 Geologia e paleontologia del quaternario 6 Stratigrafia sismica 6 Metodi conputazionali per l’analisi dei dati 6 Micropaleontologia ambientale 6 SECONDO TRIMESTRE FACOLTÀ DI SCIENZE, MATEMATICHE, FISICHE E NATURALI CORSO DI LAUREA SPECIALISTICA IN SCIENZE GEOLOGICHE PER LE RISORSE, L’AMBIENTE E IL TERRITORIO Indirizzo: Georisorse e Cartografia geologica tematica 155 Speriamo che questa guida possa esservi utile. In ogni caso, saremo felici di ricevere i vostri commenti. La vostra esperienza sarà per noi molto preziosa per rendere la permanenza degli studenti LLP/ERASMUS a Benevento sempre più piacevole. Vi preghiamo di farci sapere cosa ritenete irrilevante, cosa è inesatto, e cosa bisognerebbe aggiungere. Potrete scrivere le vostre note nel questionario che vi verrà consegnato al vostro arrivo dall’Ufficio LLP/ERASMUS. Grazie We hope this guide will help you. In any case, we shall be glad to receive your comments. Your own experience will be invaluable to us in order to make the LLP/ERASMUS students’ stay in Benevento ever more comfortable and enjoyable. Please let us know what is irrelevant, incorrect and lacking in it. Please write down your remarks in the questionnaire that you will be given upon your arrival by the LLP/ERASMUS Office. Thank you Finito di stampare nel mese di maggio 2007 presso la Società LEBOL s.n.c Via Cupa Ponticelli, 2 82100 Benevento Tel 0824.314661 e-mail: [email protected]