COMPANY PROFILE MISSIONE IMPRENDITORIALE IN RUSSIA Mosca ed Ekaterinburg 17-22 novembre 2013 (spedire via E-MAIL entro il 13 settembre 2013 a: [email protected]) COMPANY NAME ADDRESS POSTCODE CITY PROVINCE TELEPHONE FAX HOME PAGE E-MAIL CONTACT PERSON JOB TITLE 1. ACTIVITY SECTOR INDUSTRY TEXTILE/FASHION PLASTIC/RUBBER METALLURGY MECHANICAL ENGINEERING WOOD/FURNITURE FOOD/AGROINDUSTRY PRODUCT AND SERVICES FOR THE BUILDING SECTOR WELLNESS AND BEAUTY CHEMISTRY SERVICES OTHER (specify) ___________________ 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PRODUCTS/SERVICES DESCRIPTION DUTY CODE Who is the final consumer of your products/services? What is the main application of your products/services? 3. COMPANY INFORMATION START OF ACTIVITY : WORKFORCE : TURNOVER (Mln. €) : EXPORT TURNOVER (%) : 2011 ________________ % 2011 ________________ 2012 ________________ % 2012 ________________ Where do you sell your product? GEOGRAFIC AREA Italy Europe Asia Usa and Canada Latin America Mediterranean Middle East 0-15% 15-40% 40-60% 60-100% 4. COMMERCIAL PROFILE Main factor of competitiveness of your company: Design Quality Technology Other (specify) ___________________ Ratio price/quality Brand name/Presentation Range of products Presence in foreign markets (please indicate the countries): Your presence in foreign markets: Direct Representative License Joint venture Franchising Main Distribution Importer/Distribution Other (specify) ____________________ Main Competitors: ENTERPRISES COUNTRY 5. MARKET INFORMATION Previous Experience in the local market (if any): Is your company in contact with local companies? Yes No Would you like to contact any specific company? Yes No If yes, specify the name and the address NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE Is there any specific company you want NOT to contact? CONTACT PERSON Yes No If yes, specify the name and the address NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE CONTACT PERSON 6. PARTNER RESEARCH Type of partner you are looking for: Direct Representative License Joint venture Franchising Main Distribution Importer/Distribution Other (specify) ____________________ Describe briefly the profile of the partner you would like to meet: 7. PERSON IN CHARGE OF THE MISSION – FOREIGN LANGUAGES SPOKEN NAME AND SURNAME WORKING POSITION TEL. MOB. E MAIL LANGUAGE SPOKEN Informativa ai sensi della Legge 196/03 “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” I dati acquisiti saranno registrati e conservati nella nostra Banca Dati, e saranno oggetto di trattamento manuale ed elettronico. I dati in questione saranno utilizzati per aggiornare la nostra Banca Dati, , i cui estremi sono consultabili tramite il sito e, potranno inoltre essere comunicati a: enti, istituzioni e associazioni di categoria, ad aziende coinvolte nella stessa iniziativa, e infine potranno essere oggetto di diffusione in Italia e all’estero, solo per le attività promozionali connesse. Sono riconosciuti i diritti cui all’articolo 7 del D.Lgs. 196/03. Modena,___________________________ Timbro dell’azienda e firma del legale rappresentante ____________________________________________