MAPPING OF RESEARCH & INNOVATION AND OTHER INITIATIVES (FROM 2007 TO DATE WITH A BUDGET HIGHER THAN €50,000) IN THE MARINE AND MARITIME SECTORS AT THE REGIONAL AND NATIONAL LEVEL RELEVANT TO THE OBJECTIVES OF THIS BLUE GROWTH INITIATIVE CROATIA PROJECT/INITIATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE Biodiversity Various national projects, PERSEUS (FP7), ARAMACC (FP7) Various national projects, BALMAS (IPA) Biological Invasions COORDINATOR(S) & LEADING INSTITUTION/COMPANY Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Institute Ruđer Bošković, Universities of Dubrovnik, Split and Zagreb STARTING TIME & DURATION 2007-2016 ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS BUDGET (IN K€) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS ca. 800 K€, Ministry of Science, Croatian Science Foundation, EU FP7 Institute of Oceanography 2007-2016 and Fisheries, Institute Ruđer Bošković, University of Dubrovnik ca. 300 K€, IPA CBC Adriatic, Ministry of Science ca. 150 K€, Croatian Science Foundation ca. 500 K€,, Ministry of Science, Croatian Science Foundation, EU FP7 Blue Biotechnology MicroBioBlue Institute Ruđer Bošković Climate Change & Impacts Various national projects, ARAMACC (FP7) DEMMON (national) Institute of Oceanography 2007-2016 and Fisheries, Meteorological and Hydrological Service Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries 2007-2014 ca. 100 K€, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries DCF (EC), DEMMON (national), PelMon (national) HAZADR (IPA), NEURAL (UKF), Various national projects Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries 2007-2014, ca. 1500 K€, EC, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Ministry of Science Deep sea Ecosystems 2011-2014 Deep sea mining Oil and Gas sustainable exploitation Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquaculture, etc) Marine Hazards Institute of Oceanography 2013-2015 and Fisheries, Institute Ruđer Bošković, ca. 600 K€, IPA CBC Adriatic, UKF Fund CORE PARTICIPANTS CROATIA PROJECT/INITIATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE Marine Pollution PERSEUS (FP7), DeFishGear (IPA), MFSD monitoring, Project Adriatic, Various national projects COORDINATOR(S) & LEADING INSTITUTION/COMPANY Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Institute Ruđer Bošković, University of Dubrovnik STARTING TIME & DURATION 2007-2016 ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS BUDGET (IN K€) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS, ca. 1200 K€, FP7, IPA CBC Adriatic, Croatian Waters, Ministry of Science ca. 200 K€, GEF, UNDP Maritime Transport MSP- ICZM Socioeconomic & Policy Research Training & Technology Transfer ClimVar PAP/RAC-Split CORE PARTICIPANTS CYPRUS PROJECT/INITIATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE COORDINATOR(S) & LEADING INSTITUTION/COMPANY STARTING TIME & DURATION ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS BUDGET (IN K€) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS Biodiversity Using mathematical modeling to examine the impacts of Frederick Research Centre social and biological factors on the biodiversity of the Pafos Forest 2009-2011 123899 funded by RPF Biodiversity Biodiversity patterns (flora and invertebrate fauna) regarding localo climate change in Cyprus. Frederick Research Centre 2010-2012 104458 funded by RPF Climate Change & Impacts DATA REPOSITORIES AND COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND CLIMATE STUDIES IN THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN THE CYPRUS RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION 2011-2013 555 681 funded by EC FP7 Climate Change & Impacts Consistent computation of the chemistry-cloud continuum and climate change in Cyprus THE CYPRUS RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION 2009-2014 2 196 000 funded by EC FP7 Climate Change & Impacts Smart management for sustainable human environment Cyprus University of Technology 2009-2013 3 642 631 funded by EC FP7 Climate Change & Impacts Assessment of economic impacts of climate change in Cyprus University of Cyprus 2008-2011 45000 funded by EC FP7 Climate Change & Impacts Biodiversity patterns (flora and invertebrate fauna) regarding localo climate change in Cyprus. Frederick Research Centre 2010 -2012 104458 funded by RPF Biological Invasions Blue Biotechnology CORE PARTICIPANTS CYPRUS PROJECT/INITIATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE COORDINATOR(S) & LEADING INSTITUTION/COMPANY STARTING TIME & DURATION Climate Change & Impacts Economic impacts from the implementation of the European Union's energy and climate change legislation package in Cyprus Cyprus University of Technology 2010 -2012 119196 funded by RPF Climate Change & Impacts Climate change and public health: Assessment of the effects of extreme weather and development of innovative prevention and mitigation strategies University of Nicosia Research Center 2010 -2012 179120 funded by RPF Deep sea Ecosystems Development of novel methods for the toxicity assessment of multi-component chemical mixtures to humans and the ecosystem (TOMIXX). University of Cyprus 2010-2012 69936 funded by RPF Deep sea Ecosystems BIO-ECOLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR STUDY OF RED PALM WEEVIL RHYNCHOPHORUS FERRUGINEUS AND PALM BORER PAYSANDISIA ARCHON AND THEIR INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT Agricultural Research Institute 2012-2014 104119 funded by RPF Deep sea Ecosystems INTEGRATED USE OF SPACE,GEOPHYSICAL AND HYPERSPECTRAL TECHNOLOGIES INTENDED FOR MONITORING WATER LEAKAGES IN WATER SUPPLY NETWORKS IN CYPRUS Cyprus University of Technology 2012-2014 159315 funded by RPF A Structured Approach Development For Cyprus' Offshore Aquaculture Mooring Requirements Investigation And Mooring Scenario Development Frederick Research Centre 2009-2011 146689 funded by RPF Genetic characterisation and the influence of aquaculture on native European seabass populations in Cyprus Cyprus University of Technology 2010-2012 129926 funded by RPF Deep sea mining Oil and Gas sustainable exploitation Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquaculture, etc) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquaculture, etc) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS BUDGET (IN K€) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS CORE PARTICIPANTS CYPRUS PROJECT/INITIATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE COORDINATOR(S) & LEADING INSTITUTION/COMPANY STARTING TIME & DURATION ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS BUDGET (IN K€) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquaculture, etc) Á holistic approach for the evaluation of ecological status of coastal areas: the case of Vasiliko Bay Marine and Environmental Research (MER) Lab Ltd 2010-2012 150000 funded by RPF Marine Hazards People Localization for save ship evacuation during emergency RTD TALOS LIMITED 2012-2015 3 315 449 funded by EC FP7 Marine Pollution ADAQUA: Advanced aquatic tools for sustainable pollution risk management in river basins of Cyprus Cyprus General State Laboratory 2010-2012 159607 funded by RPF Marine Pollution Photocatalytic Removal of Organic Micro-Pollutants from University of Cyprus the Aqueous Phase Using TiO2 Coupled with Graphene as a Photocatalyst (PhotoGraph) 2012-2014 159964 funded by RPF Maritime Transport Active & Passive Sensor NETwork O.M. OFFSHORE MONITORING LIMITED 2012-2014 1 499 000 funded by EC FP7 Ocean Renewable Energy A Smart Feed Management Data Tool for Cyprus' Offshore Aquaculture Industry With The Aid of a Stand Alone Renewable Energy System Frederick Research Centre 2010-2012 178838 funded by RPF Ocean Renewable Energy Cogeneration of clean water and renewable energy from waste water using seaweed Cyprus University of Technology 2012-2014 87500 funded by RPF Ocean Renewable Energy Integrated High Resolution System for Monitoring and Cyprus Oceanography Center Quantifying the Wave Energy Potential in the EEZ of Cyprus 2010-2012 166740 funded by RPF Ocean Renewable Energy The Production Of Water From Air Using Solar Energy And Cooling From Sea Water 2009-2011 153388 funded by RPF MSP- ICZM Oceans and Human Health AKMON Center of Industrial Research & Development CORE PARTICIPANTS CYPRUS PROJECT/INITIATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE COORDINATOR(S) & LEADING INSTITUTION/COMPANY Operational Oceanography/ Observing Systems Ocean Surface Layer Observations O.M. OFFSHORE MONITORING LIMITED Operational Oceanography/ Observing Systems Operational Oceanography/ Observing Systems Monitoring and observation of coastal water quality in Cyprus using satellite remote sensing. Cyprus University of Technology 2010-2012 104680 funded by RPF An autonomous underwater robotic visual inspection system for Cyprus' offshore aquaculture industry Cyprus University of Technology 2012-2014 151807 funded by RPF Socioeconomic & Policy Research Training & Technology Transfer STARTING TIME & DURATION ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS BUDGET (IN K€) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS 2 152 783 funded by EC FP7 CORE PARTICIPANTS FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y Biodiversi Deep GELAME Etude du Université ty sea D Plancton Montpelli Ecosys Gélatineux sur la er 2 / tems façade UMR Méditerranéenn ECOSYM e / Dynamic of gelatinous plankton and impacts on planktonic biodiversity in the Western Mediterranean coastal areas START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E 20092013 http://w 207 keuros ww.ecos (LITEAU) ym.univmontp2. fr/index. php?opt ion=com _conten t&task= view&id =289&It emid=2 10 Certaines espèces d'organismes gélatineux prolifèrent de plus en plus en milieux lagunaire et côtier. Ces proliférations perturbent la diversité et le fonctionnement des écosystèmes pélagiques et posent de nombreux problèmes pour les activités anthropiques. Le projet GELAMED (2010-2012) propose un suivi spatio-temporel sur 2 ans à 7 stations d'observation dans 3 lagunes (Bages-Sigan, Thau et Berre) et 4 stations côtières de Méditerranée Occidentale. Les prélèvements bi-mensuels à chaque site utiliseront le même matériel d’échantillonnage et les mêmes protocoles. Une identification qualitative et quantitative des organismes planctoniques (du phytoplancton au plancton gélatineux) et des paramètres environnementaux (salinité, température, Chla, etc.) permettront de déterminer quelles sont les espèces pullulant aux différents sites et pourquoi. Une comparaison inter-site sera réalisée en tenant compte du degré d’anthropisation de chacun des sites. Une base de données compilant toutes les données du projet sera constituée et mise en libre accès en 2014. Des enquêtes de perception permettront d'évaluer les conséquences socio-économiques et les perceptions de ces proliférations dans les zones concernées auprès de trois types de populations: les décideurs (population à caractère institutionnel regroupant les élus locaux communaux, départementaux, régionaux, agence de l'eau, etc.), les socioprofessionnels (population travaillant dans les zones affectées, touchés directement dans leur activité : gestionnaires des lagunes, pêcheurs, opérateurs touristiques) et les pratiquants (résidants permanents ou ponctuels des zones côtières et lagunaires affectées). L’analyse des données recueillies devrait permettre un certain nombre de préconisations d’actions et/ou de communications relativement au problème étudié. BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS LPS EA 849, Université de Nïmes / Institut Méditerrané en d’Océanologi e/ Laboratoire d’Océanogra phie de Villefranche / Observatoire Océanologiq ue de Banyuls / LER-LR, Ifremer / Tour du Valat FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y IRD Biodiversi Living AMPED ty Marin e Resour ces (fisher y, aquac ulture, etc.) Aires marines protégées pour espèces qui se déplacent beaucoup Protected Marine Areas for species that move a lot Biodiversi Opera SIMEO ty tional Ocean ograp hy/Ob servin g Syste ms Station Marine BIOTOPE des Vertébrés Marins et de leur milieu Marine station for the observation of marine vertebrates and their environment START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E jan 2009 3 years http://w 0,9 M€ ww.amp ANR /?lang=e n The goal of the AMPED project is to study the potential uses of Marine Protected Areas (Aires Marine Protegées in French) for the management of mobile demersal and pelagic species. It is funded by ANR-Systerra for the time period 2009-2014. 2011 - The SIMEO project aims to design and implement the first 3years prototype of a range of marine stations associated with new services based on the analysis of unpublished data sets about marine vertebrates and their environment. This project involves the combination of advanced measuring instruments on a single buoy; radar, sonar, video, sound and weather measurements, tidal current measurements, as well as probes to analyse the water (temperature, salinity, etc...). SIMEO will collect basic information on various species. The station will include an anchoring system adapted to the diversity of the site, character of the seabed (sand, rocks ...), currents, waves, and will consist of three parts: Aerial, Central and Underwater. SIMEO be self-sufficient in energy and ensure the transmission of the data collected back to the land without the scientists having to move offshore to the station. At the same time, business applications with powerful added value will be developed to obtain relevant data which is http://e n.polem ermedit erranee. com/Re ssources energeti ques-etminieres marines /Energie smarines renouve BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS 2,7 M€ FUI (FRENCH INTERMINIS TERIAL SINGLE FUND) AND REGIONAL AUTHORITI ES France (Univ Nantes, IFREMER, IRD, CRH, Centre de droit maritime et océanique) South-Africa (univ Cape Town, Departement of environment al affairs and tourism) Ifremer IRD FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION immediately useful as decision support tools for impact studies, surveillance and monitoring of Marine Protected Areas. Biodiversi Socioe GAÏUS ty conom ic & Policy Resear ch Biodiversi ty REGULB ASS Gouvernance des Aires Marines Protégées pour la gestion durable de la biodiversité et des usages côtiers Governance of the Protected Marine Areas for the management of biodiversity and coastal uses Polymorphismes de régulation et déterminisme d'expression génétique différentielle chez Dicentrarchus Labrax, téléostéen marin d'intérêt aquicole Polymorphism in the regulation and determination of gene expression Univ 2007 Perpignan 3 years Univ Montpelli er 2009-3 As global demand for fish will probably double over the next 20years 40 years, fish farming will have to develop without an unacceptable impact on the environment. Under these conditions, it must be based on progress towards genetic improvement and yield for energy conversion. In fact, food represents 40% to 60% of the cost of production of farmed fish. Therefore, emphasis should be placed on programmes that optimize both feed efficiency and growth. The bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is an excellent model to conduct this study on. In fact, this is one of the emblematic fish of marine fish farming in the Mediterranean. In addition, a wide range of genomic resources are available, including information which allows a more accurate explanation of regions of interest for feed efficiency. The REGULBASS project will combine measurements of gene expression in order to help improve the process of domestication of fish farm varieties. WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS lables/SI MEO 0,4M€ ANR Ifremer Université de Bretagne Occidentale IRD http://e 0,4M€ n.polem ANR ermedit erranee. com/Re ssources biologiq uesmarines /Aquacu lturedurable/ REGULB ASS France (Ifremer, IRD) FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE Biodiversi ty FISHBOX Automated device for selective quantification of micro-organisms CHEMEC Monotoring O colonisation processes in chemosynthetic ecosystems Biodiversi ty COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y CHRISAR START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION Univ Pierre & Marie Curie 2007 3 years WEBSIT E 2011 3 years The main objective of this Collaborative Research Project is to realise a multidisciplinary study of colonization processes at several sites distributed in the European waters, from the Mediterranean sea to the Atlantic ocean and Nordic sea. Our specific interest, first, relies on the establishment of pioneer microbial communities, the recruitment of metazoan larvae, the development of symbioses and their importance in the biodiversity and tropic structure of newly-established communities. A second aspect of this project is to assess the impact of metazoan colonisation on chemical exchanges and biogeochemical processes. We propose to address these aims through a unique combination of site surveys, replicate colonization experiments, comparison of natural and experimental organisms assemblages, in situ chemical monitoring with microsensors, and reactive transport modeling. Similar colonisation devices hosting the same type of mineral and organic substrates will be used in order to achieve replicate long-term experiments at different sites. In associated to these deployments, both the local geological settings and ecological, chemical and biogeochemical patterns will be characterized. Four countries are involved through IPs, France, Belgium, Portugal and the Netherlands. Germany is represented as AP. CHEMECO is focused on a series of deep-sea chemosynthetic ecosystems, for which the different PIs and AP of the CRP have acquired an expertise in the past years.The team has access to the facilities required for deep-sea research and an extended experience of these facilities.In addition, the facilities used in the CRP will help to reinforce a European community of deepsea facilities users and will provide the opportunity of http://w ww.esf. org/coo rdinatin gresearch /euroco res/com pletedprogram mes/eur odeep/p rojects/ chemec o.html BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS 2,5 M€ FUI Veolia, Mermec, IRD FEDER + Fond national d'aménage ment du territoire France (Ifremer, IRD), Portugal (Univ Aveiro), Germany (Max Planck Institut for Marine Microbiology ), Belgium (Univ Gent) FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS http://bi odivmex / http://w ww.emi / 80 k€ / y MISTRALS internal funding 1,1 M€ FRB + Région Languedoc Roussillon + FEDER Ifremer, INRA, IRD, Universities, … France (IRD, Ifremer, AMURE, Univ Aix-Marseille II, MOI) UK (PML) South-Africa (Univ Cape Town, MaRe) 347 keuros (LITEAU, AAMP) CSIC, ICM Barcelone, Université de Bologne monitoring deep sea ecosystems. The proposed experiments can, additionally, be seen as a preliminary step toward the implementation of in situ experimentation platforms in the context of long-term deep-sea observatory sites (e.g.: MoMAR or other ESONET NoE sites). Biodiversi ty Biodiversi ty Biodiversi ty BIODIV MEX / MISTRA LS EMIBIOS ROC_CO NNECT Biodivsersity in Mediterranean Experiment CNRS 2010 > 10 years End-to-End Modelling and Indicators for Biodiversity Scenarios IFREMER/ 2012-3 (2012-2015) EMIBIOS is a international project funded by the Univ years French « Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité ». It Montpelli proposes to develop an end-to-end modelling approach to er-Sète project future trajectories of marine biodiversity and associated ecosystem services under a combination of IPCC SRES and fisheries management scenarios in diverse marine ecosystems. The end-to-end model will ensure integration of the main components of the marine ecosystem from the physics, biogeochemistry, exploited fish species up to the fisheries and associated management and socio-economic contexts, while taking into account feedbacks within the environment-human system. Using this integrated modelling approach, the relevance of a set of biodiversity indicators for supporting decision-making will be evaluated under different scenarios of global change and fisheries management options. Laboratoir 2012 - L’objectif de ce projet est de quantifier la connectivité LITEAU e 3 potentielle des populations des différentes espèces présentes website d’Ecogéoc years dans l’habitat rocheux fragmenté du Golfe du Lion (de Marseille himie des au Cap de Creus) et son rôle dans la persistance régionale de ces Environne espèces. Ce projet vise à apporter des bases scientifiques aux ments actions publiques concernant la mise en place d’une trame Benthique bleue marine entre les AMP existantes du Golfe du Lion (Parc s, Marin de la Côte Bleue, site natura 2000 « posidonies du cap Observato d'Agde », Parc Marin du Golfe du Lion, Réserve Naturelle ire Marine de Cerbère-Banyuls, Réserve Naturelle du Cap de Creus) FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS Biological Invasions PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE INVALEX Dynamique de l'invasion du complexe Alexandrium tamarense en Méditerranée Blue Ocean SALINAL Biotechno renew GUE logy able Energy Cultures de Micro-Algues pour la production de bioénergies Micro-algae cultures for the production of bioenergy COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y Océanolo gique de Banyuls START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION Ifremer 2011 2 years LA COMPAG NIE DU VENT 2011 3 years WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS et repose sur une collaboration étroite entre les scientifiques du projet et les gestionnaires de ces AMP. L’originalité de ce projet réside dans son articulation entre l’utilisation de simulations numériques de la dispersion larvaire des espèces constituant la diversité régionale des substrats rocheux pour quantifier la connectivité entre les sites et l’expérimentation ciblant trois espèces de l’ordre des gorgonaires (Corallium rubrum, Paramuricea clavata et Eunicella singularis) afin d’estimer les capacités de mobilité des larves. La qualité des estimations de la connectivité de ces espèces sera évaluée après projection dans un modèle de dynamique de métapopulation face à des observations de terrain de la structure démographique et génétique des populations du Golfe du Lion. FRB In an effort to continue the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, remediation of industrial C02 and preservation of the environment, the need to find new resources for the production of bioenergy and bio-products is inescapable. In addition, the coastal wetlands of southern France have an ecosystem and an environment which are particularly favourable to the development of algae farming: large areas available which are now available for conversion and a history of salt production (Salins du Midi), and the largest industrial CO2 production area nearby (Fos sur Mer) and the natural presence of a microalgae (Dunaliella salina) with high potential value. http://e n.polem ermedit erranee. com/Re ssources biologiq uesmarines /Biotech nologies - 6,8 M€ FUI (SINGLE INTERMINIS TERIAL FUND) AND REGIONAL AUTHORITI ES IFREMER, INSA TOULOUSE, GREEN UNIVERSITY, CEA MARCOULE, SUPAGRO, INRIA, TOUR DU VALAT IDEE AQUACULTU RE, AIR FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS Blue Biotechno logy PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE GREENS TARS Vers une nouvelle génération de biocarburants et de produits à partir des microalgues : un COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y INRA START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION 2012 8 years WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS Based on these two observations, the Salinalgue project aims to bleues/S cultivate and create a bio-refinery for native microalgae ALINALG (Dunaliella salina) on a large-scale in an open environment on UE unused salt marshes in order commercialize various bioproducts including a next generation biofuel with high performance in terms of production yield per hectare and reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Molecules with a high added-value (Beta-carotene, Omega 3) will also be developed from microalgae, as well as protein for fish feed as a substitute for fishmeal. Dunaliella salina (DS) is a native species of micro-algae that grows spontaneously and particularly favours very salty lagoon environments. The project includes a thorough study of these microalgae in order to understand cultivation and harvest in an open environment. In addition, the project focuses on DS biorefining; the objective is to explore and experiment with the extraction of compounds contained in these microalgae to fully exploit the potential of the biomass produced. Following a Go/NoGo, a scale experimental demonstration phase will be conducted to validate the technical and economic feasibility of any preindustrial production chain: cultivation (demonstration across 10ha), harvest, extraction, and development of value. At the end of the project a progressive industrialization over 6000ha is planned from 2015. LIQUIDE, NASKEO Greenstars primary goal by 2020 is to develop compounds of interest such as efficient biofuels and high added value substances with micro-algae feeding on industrial emissions of carbon dioxide and nutrients contained in waste. France (more than 45 partners) http://w 160M€ ww.inra. ANR fr/en/Pa rtnersandGreenStars, laureate of the French call for projects known as the Agribusi “French Stimulus Initiative” (Investissements d’Avenir*) ness/Par FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION institut d'excellence sur les énergies décarbonnées retenu au titre des investissements d'avenir Blue Biotechno logy Climate change and impacts SHAMAS Lipid biofuel H production by microalgae Biodiv ersity Institute of Excellence on Carbon-Free Energies, federates a network of collaborative platforms bringing together all the players in the development of micro-algae in France. Greenstars primary goal by 2020 is to develop compounds of interest such as efficient biofuels and high added value substances with micro-algae feeding on industrial emissions of carbon dioxide and nutrients contained in waste. Led by INRA in collaboration with 45 partners (public research, SMEs, multinationals, local authorities, competitiveness clusters), GreenStars aims at becoming, within five to ten years, one of the top Institutes of Excellence worldwide in the field of micro-algae bio-refinery. A budget of €160 million for 10 years has been estimated, of which 20% come from public grants. INRIA ClimCAR Assessing climate ICM CSIC ES change impacts on marine biodiversity conservation : the case study of mass mortality events in the NW Mediterranean basin 2006 3 years WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS tnership arrange ments2/ All-thenews/Gr eenstars _En 2,8 M€ ANR 2011 - ClimCARES project is dedicated to assess the potential impacts 2years of climate change on coastal benthic ecosystems at regional scale - the Northern Western Mediterranean basin. It is primarily focused on the development of an original strategy combining numerical simulations and thermotolerance of key species. Thermotolerance responses will be obtained through compilation of field observations conducted at regional scale and experimental work in aquarium. The main aims are: the development of realistic warming scenarios of the coastal areas at regional scale, assesing the biological responses to warming the development of maps of potential impacts for the conservation of target species/populations/communities. INRIA,ALPHA BIOTECH, PSA, EADS http://cl 0,2M€ Spain, France imcares. MedRecove medrec r / FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE Climate change and impacts Marin e Hazar ds MISEEV A Marine inundation social, economic and environmental vulnerability assessment in a changing climate Climate change and impacts Socioe CAMAD conom APT ic & Policy Resear ch Adaptation aux changements globaux dans la Réserve de Biosphère « Camargue Grand delta » CAMADAPT COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y BRGM START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION Equipe DESMID, UMR 6012 ESPACE 20102014 WEBSIT E 2008-4 years ANR BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS 1600 k€ ANR Ce projet se concentre sur les capacités d'adaptation de la LITEAU société et de son système de décision face aux changements qui website affectent le littoral et le territoire camarguais. La Camargue forme un système où les dimensions biogéographiques et sociales sont en étroite interaction. Les forçages sur le littoral par l’élévation du niveau de la mer, l'érosion du littoral et les aménagements humains (développement industriel à l’Est et urbain à l’Ouest, protections « lourdes » du littoral) obligent à questionner l'évolution actuelle et future des modalités régulatrices de l'interaction homme-nature dans ce système face à des changements qui affectent aussi bien le système de production que les identités territoriales, la structure foncière et l'ensemble des connaissances et représentations à partir desquelles on habite, travaille et produit en Camargue. L’adaptation à la vulnérabilité croissante du littoral face au recul du trait de côte sera examinée en croisant les approches géomorphologique et juridique et l’étude des connaissances et représentations vernaculaires afin de questionner les options de gestion. D’autre part, la vulnérabilité du système camarguais et de son interface terre-mer sera abordée à partir de l’étude par les sciences sociales (histoire, anthropologie et sociologie) des connaissances, représentations et pratiques impliquées dans la production d’adaptations. On intégrera l’étude des arènes 295 keuros (LITEAU) BRGM, LAMETA, UBO/IUEM, UMV, ULCO, SOGRAH FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS http://w ww.circl /index.p hp?page name= memotr ade&ite mid=11 2 259 k€ MEDDE, FCT (Pt), MKF (Gr) (ERA net CIRCLE2 project) publiques extérieures à la gouvernance ainsi qu'une formalisation des ressources conceptuelles mobilisables dans la recherche d'adaptations à une modélisation participative des submersions fluviomarines et de leurs effets. Celle-ci, par un modèle SMA, impliquera des approches écologique, hydrologique et géographique autour d’une gestion intégrée de la zone côtière et de la ressource en eau. Le déroulement participatif de la modélisation fera lui-même l’objet d’une analyse sociologique. L'objectif du projet est d'augmenter la réflexivité des modélisations et de les accompagner au mieux d'une connaissance des logiques sociales et politiques à l'œuvre dans l'évaluation d'options de gestion. Climate change and impacts Socioe MEMOT Social memory of Univ. 2014conom RADE water-related Lisbonne 2017 ic & trades and (Portugal) Policy practices: local Resear knowledge and ch climate change adaptation The Natura 2000 network of protected sites aims to halt the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystem services in the EU, and features prominently in the environmental policy of the European Union. However, in the Natura sites the pursuit of these goals relies heavily on scientific and legal-institutional knowledge, and little room is left for the building up of adaptive capacity based also on local knowledge. This means that communities there residing become “interested parties” where they could be also “agents of change”. This project intends to contribute to fill in this gap in a two-fold way: (1) by turning local knowledge into a long-term asset for climate change adaptation, by preparing a “memory bank” of water-related practices and trades that can be critically analyzed, combined, and integrated with other types of knowledge; (2) by helping to integrate adaptation into current routines through the sharing, in both vertical and horizontal workshops, of local knowledge and social memories with scientific and legal knowledge, as a way to increase mutual awareness and hybridization among different types of Univ.Lisbonn e, CCMAR, Univ. Nîmes, Univ Thessaloniqu e FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION knowledge. The project purports to address these aspects, responding to the need for developing more detailed regional information on the impacts of climate change, through a bottom-up descriptive approach. It will do so by selecting in each of the 3 countries (Portugal, France and Greece) 1 important coastal protected site for studying local knowledge of biodiversity relevant topics, social memory of water-related local trades and practices, and social memory of forms of tying social relations to the use of local resources. The traditional trades focused include fishing, shell-fish and seaweed collection, but also uses of the land in the shoreline, and uses of seeds and plants in everyday and medicinal practices. The project is organized in three main phases; a first one for gathering scientific and local information; a second phase for developing in-depth case-studies to access local knowledge and memories and constructing the memory bank, as well as to respond to specific research questions; and a third phase of archiving, dissemination and discussion of the results with the local communities and key stakeholders. Throughout the project, several activities will ensure the management and broad scientific dissemination of the results. The methods to be used for the case-studies include open interviews, press analysis and a survey. The interviews will use the innovative methods of recorded walking interviews and recorded walking memories. The interview and survey studies will also be an occasion for addressing two main groups of socio-psychological questions. The first regards some of the persistent controversies about the nature of local knowledge and the results of its encounters with both scientific and legal knowledge, and will examine the conflicts as well as the adaptive resources and forms of knowledge hybridization that WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS emerge from these encounters. The second regards the articulation of social representations, practices and place attachment. The results include also the creation of a “memory bank” of local knowledge and narratives, to be archived both in the community and nationally, and actively shared during the project; fostering encounters between different types of knowledge, oriented for increasing mutual awareness and developing new social and trade responses for dealing with uncertainty associated to climate change in protected coastal sites; and policy recommendations for action at the EU level. Climate change and impacts CHACCR Climate and A Human Induced alterations of Carbon Cycle at the river-sea interface CNRS 2007 ? Climate change and impacts CLIMBIO Climate change MEDNE influence on T biodiversity, goods and services of Université 2008Montpelli 2011 er 2 laboratoir e ECOLAG The CLIMBIOMEDNET research project has investigated, using theory, observations and predictions, the relationships between biodiversity, ecosystem properties and temperature and salinity changes, which are going to be the immediate effects of climate change on Mediterranean lagoons. To this aim, (i) we developed http://w ww.circl /index.p 0,5 M€ ANR Suez,IDEE AQUACULTU RE, AIR LIQUIDE, NASKEO,IFRE MER, INSA TOULOUSE, GREEN UNIVERSITY, CEA MARCOULE, SUPAGRO, INRIA, TOUR DU VALAT 200 k€ MEDDE, CII Galicia region (ERA-Net Univ. Montpellier (Ecolag), Univ. Salento, FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION Mediterranean lagoons Climate change and impacts Deep sea Ecosyste ms MEDCO DYN Biodiv ersity Climate change Univ. impacts in Sienne transitional (Italie) water systems in the Mediterranean REPROD Understanding UCE Recuitment Processes Using Coupled biophysical models of the Instituto Espagnol de Oceanogr afia 20082010 2009 3 years WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS a theoretical background highlighting paradoxes (low biodiversity but high productivity) and common trends (dominance of generalist species) for these particular ecological systems, (ii) we built the largest database on Mediterranean and Black Sea lagoons available on the web (Climbiomednet Web Portal: gathering information on 635 lagoons with biological (species lists) and physicochemical (salinity, temperature) parameters, and (iii) we collected projections of climate change for each lagoon and its watershed regarding land use, temperature, precipitation and salinity. hp?page CIRCLE name=cl project) imbiom ednet&i temid=1 06 Univ. Vigo, Univ.Tirana, INA (Tunisie) The MEDCODYN project was focused on the development of integrated approaches to the monitoring and management of coastal lakes, wetlands, and lagoons in the Mediterranean. Project scientists from Italy, France and Morocco worked closely together during the two year project to develop: an information database of biogeochemical and climate parameters, ecological models to assess the vulnerability of coastal ecosystems to climate change, adaptive measures for three coastal ecosystems to take advantage of expected changes in climate and ecosystem resource use. http://w ww.circl /index.p hp?page name= MEDCO DYN&ite mid=10 9 190 k€ MEDDE, IMELS (Italie) (ERA-Net CIRCLE project) Univ. Sienne, Tour du Valat, Univ.Casabla nca, CRA-LCI (Italie) MariFish France, Spain, Greece, Portugal FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS pelagic Ecosystem Deep sea Ecosyste ms Living FOCEA Marin e Resour ces (fisher y, aquac ulture, etc.) Excellence pour une synergie d'observation modèle et l'évaluation de l'état écologique de la méditerranée nord occidentale Excellence for a observation/mod el synergy andecological status assessment in the northern western Mediterranean Deep sea Ecosyste ms Living IPEP Marin e Resour ces (fisher y, Impact des pêches sur les espèces protégées Impacts of fisheries on COM 2009LOPB 3years (CNRS & Université Méditerra née) Its purpose is to study the marine ecosystems through an integrated approach of observation and modelling in order to create the world’s best teams in marine environment observation and monitoring.The project focuses on five goals: Creation of the FOCEA team – establishment of a world class team based on the Mediterranean coast and benefiting from the technological resources of marine research and to train the next generation of scientists. Establishment of clusters of sensors, a network of integrated data, development of a databank and of a service and analysis centre. Mathematical theories for the development of models integrating plankton levels (pico, micro, meso et macro) and higher levels (fish) Network of integrated data and the assimilation of this data into forecasting models – integration of sensor data and forecasting system merging assimilation and modelling Development of projects relating to the management issues of natural regional resources and carbon capture and storage. http://e 2,75M€ n.polem ANR ermedit erranee. com/En vironne mentetamenag ementdulittoral/ Services -a-lenviron nementenlittoralet-enmer/FO CEA France (Observatoir e de Banyuls, Ifremer, IRD, Observatoire Villefranche, Pôle Mer PACA) FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS aquac ulture, etc.) Deep sea Ecosyste ms Deep sea Ecosyste ms PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS protected species Opera COSELM Compréhension Ifremer tional AR des SocioUniv Ocean Ecosystèmes Nantes ograp Littoraux et hy/Ob Marins pour servin l'Amélioration de g la Valorisation Syste des Ressources ms Marines, la Prévention et la Gestion des Risques Understanding of littoral and marine socioecosystems for the improvement of marine ressources valorisation and risk prevention and mangement EcoPelG Ecosystème ol Pélagique du Golfe du Lion Pelagic 2012 4 years 2 M€ Pays de la Loire Local Authorities France Canada Portugal Germany FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION CEREGE 2012 - WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS ecosystem of the Gulf of Lions Deep sea Ecosyste ms SGD Submarine Groundwater Discharge and their impact on ecosystems Deep sea mining, Oil and Gas Sustainabl e Exploitati on GOLD Gulf of Lion's Drilling Deep sea mining, Oil and Gas Sustainabl e Exploitati on ESPEXS Enjeux du secteur potentiellement exploitable en sables au large du Golfe du Lion Stakes of the potential snadexpoitable sector 0,05M€ CNRS INSU http://w m/_uplo ad/resso urces/te xtes_co nferenc es/12_0 1_2012_ autour_ du_sel/r abineau. pdf Agence 2012 des Aires 2 Marines years Protégées http://li nguedoc roussillo FEDER + Fond national d'aménage ment du territoire CEREGE FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS Ifremer 2009-4 In the context of mass mortalities affecting farmed oysters, years Crassostrea gigas, the REVAResp project objective is to understand the molecular mechanisms that allow Vibrio splendidus LGP32, an oyster pathogen associated with summer mortality, to resist and/or avoid the host's antimicrobial defences. Thus, by the placing the interaction between oyster and Vibrio at the heart of the study, REVAResp will review: the pathogen; in order to identify the Vibrio resistance mechanisms to the immune effector cells which are the oyster’s antimicrobial peptides the host; through the identification of the Vibrio’s moderating effect (stimulating or immuno-suppressive) on the antimicrobial response of the oyster (expression of antimicrobial peptides). Secondly, REVAResp will evaluate the role of resistance to antimicrobial peptides in Vibrio in adult and juvenile oysters. http://e 0,1M€ n.polem ANR ermedit erranee. com/Re ssources biologiq uesmarines /Aquacu lturedurable/ REVARE SP in the Gulf of Lions Living Biodiv Marine ersity Resources (fishery, aquacultu re, etc.) REVARE SP Evasion et résistance à la réponse antimicrobienne de l'hôte dans l'interaction huître-vibrio splendidus Avoidance and resistance to the host's antimicrobial response interaction between oyster and the vibio splendidus bacteria Living Biodiv Marine ersity Resources (fishery, aquacultu re, etc.) GIGATO X Identification chez Crassostrea gigas de gènes marqueurs de contamination par les toxines produites par le dinoflagellé Alexandrium catanella 20112 years France (INRA, Univ Montpellier 2) CNRS- INSU Ifremer FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS Identification in Crassostrea gigas of marker genes of contamination through toxins from the dinoflagellate Alexandrium catanella Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultu re, etc.) Climat GIGASS e AT chang e and impact s Adaptation of oyster farming ecosystems to global change IFREMER Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultu re, etc.) Deep AMPHO sea RE Ecosys tems Aires marines IRD protégées et Gestion halieutique par optimisation des ressources et des écosystèmes Protected marine areas and halieutic management through resource and ecosystem optimisation 2007-4 years http://w 0,7M€ ww.giga ANR / France (Ifremer, Univ Nantes, Univ Caen, CNRS, INRA) http://w 4,34M€ ww.ird.f ANR r/lamediath eque/ France (IRD, Ifremer, Irstea, AgroCampus Ouest, Univ Versailles St Quentin…) , Sénégal, Guinea Republic, Mauritius FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultu re, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultu re, etc.) PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE Opera HACOUS Harmonisation tional MED de l'Acoustique Ocean des pêches en ograp Méditerranée hy/Ob Harmonized servin fishing accoustics g in the Syste Mediterranean ms VEGEAQ Adaptation des UA poissons d'acquaculture Adaptation of farmed fish COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y HCMR START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E 2010 2 years ECLOSERI 2009 ES 3 MARINES years DE GRAVELIN ES Faced with stagnation in the quantities of fish from fishing, fish farming must increase production to meet the growing demand for these products. However, its current reliance on fishmeal and fish oil strongly restricts growth. Substitution of plant products for those of marine origin is urgently needed for a sustainable development of fish farming. To allow effective substitution, the VEGEAQUA project aims to answer the following questions: Will the selected fish currently on diets rich in marine products (oils, fishmeal) be as successful on a diet based on plant products? Can we improve the selection process to produce high performing animals (growth, feed efficiency, and yield, organoleptic quality and nutritional qualities) on diets which are very low in marine products? Which strategies that combine genetic selection and define appropriate food configurations can be best optimized to improve farmed fish to provide a healthy and high quality product in a cost efficient way whilst reducing the use of marine products as much as possible? To answer these questions, the main breeders of the four major species of French fish (trout, bass, bream, and meagre) rely on http://e n.polem ermedit erranee. com/Re ssources biologiq uesmarines /Aquacu lturedurable/ VEGEAQ UA BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS 0,35 M€ DG MARE Greece, Spain, Italy, France 2,4 M€ FUI (SINGLE INTERMINIS TERIAL FUND) , FEDER, REGIONAL AUTHORITI ES FROM BRETAGNE, LANGUEDO C ROUSSILLO N & NORDPAS-DECALAIS IFREMER, INRA, SYSAAF LES AQUACULTE URS BRETONS, FMD, LES POISSONS DU SOLEIL FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS the expertise of INRA and Ifremer teams in a project combining methods tested in industrial experiments and also more precise investigations in experimental fish farming and in laboratories. Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultu re, etc.) INDAM Indicators for Sustainable Aquaculture and Guidelines for their use in th Mediterranean CAQ GFCM Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultu re, etc.) ADECO M Adaptation et Ifremer diversification des Ecosystèmes Conchylicoles Méditerranéens Adaptation and diversification of Mediterranean Oysters-farming ecosystems Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultu re, etc.) PRONA MED Evaluation du potentiel d'approvisionne ment naturel en naissains d'huitre creuses en Méditerranée 2008 7 years 2009 2 years Ifremer et 2010 Comité 1 year régional de conchylic ulture The aims of InDAM, among other and through a participatory and multidisciplinary approach, are to provide policy makers and relevant stakeholders, with a comprehensive decision support tool regarding sustainable aquaculture development in the Mediterranean. This tool is based on the production of sets of indicators and relative reference points and standards to guide evaluate and provide incentives towards the sustainable development of Mediterranean aquaculture in its four dimensions (social, economic, environmental and governance) and within an ecosystem based framework. http://w DG MARE ww.faos ipam.or g/?pag= content /_Show Portal& Portal=I NDAM 0,7M€ Comité régional conchylicol e de Méditerran ée Greece, Spain, Italy, France, Tunisia, Turkey, Marocco France France FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS Assessment of the potential natural supply of oyster spat in the Mediterranean Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultu re, etc.) ICES Impact des Ifremer conditions d'élevage sur la survie de l'huître creuse sur la lagune de Thau 2010 2 years 0,04M€ FranceAgri Mer Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultu re, etc.) VELYGE R Observer, Ifremer analyser et gérer la variabilité du recrutement de l'huître creuse en France 2008 4 years 1,6M€ CNC / FEP Marine Hazards SECULM Système pour ULMER 2009 ER localiser un être Aéronauti 3 humain ou un que years objet en situation de danger en mer A system for locating a human or an object in a dangerous situation at sea The SECULMER system is composed of different subsets, whose association enables the user who is in danger to control the opening of a sealed box and release a self-inflating ball. Thanks to its colours and various visual devices, the ball, when held in the air is a valuable aid in the locating and spotting of the user. http://e n.polem ermedit erranee. com/Sec urite-etsuretemaritim e/Survei llanceetinterven tions- 2,4 M€ FUI (SINGLE INTERMINIS TERIAL FUND) AND REGIONAL AUTHORITI ES ONERA Ifremer AIR LIQUIDE, VOILE RUSSO, USHIP FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS maritim es/SECU LMER Marine Hazards RATCO M Marine Hazards JOHANN Analysis of A damages linked to marine inundation (processes and cost) Marine Pollution Ocean PEPSEA s and Huma n Health Système Thales hautement Alcatel Interactif d'alerte tsunami Comportement et devenir de médicaments et de perturbateurs endocriniens ainsi que leurs pricipaux métabolites dans les eaux côtières méditerranéenn es Behaviour and becoming of 2008 3 years 7,1 M€ FUI (SINGLE INTERMINIS TERIAL FUND) AND REGIONAL AUTHORITI ES Géoazur, ACRI, CNRS, ISEN, DCNS, IFREMER, BRGM, CEA, Thales, MeteoFrance ... BRGM 2010-3 ans 460K€ Fondation MAIF BRGM, UBO Hydroscei nce Montpelli er (CNRS/IR D/UM1/U M2) 01/12/ 2009 3 years The Mediterranean coast is increasingly urbanized and suffers from pollution generated by urban activities which discharge treated wastewater into the sea via streams, rivers and sea outfall pipelines.Effluent from treatment plants no longer just contain previously studied pollutants, such as hydrocarbons, but also new and emerging contaminants.These compounds defined by Daughton and Ternes (1999) correspond to a wide range of molecules such as drugs and care products.Drugs have become of particular interest over the past few years as they are frequently found in the marine environment. (Heberer, 2002).Moreover these molecules are usually designed to act on the biological system at a low dose.The care products correspond to a wide range of chemical products including http://e 1,5M€ n.polem ANR ermedit erranee. com/En vironme nt-andcoastalmanage ment/W ater-smanage ment-in- France : CNRS, Ifremer, IRD, ISM2, CHU Montpellier FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION drugs and endocrine disruptors and their principal metabolites in the mediterranean coastal waters Marine Pollution Ocean COSTAS s and Huma n Health Contaminants IFREMER dans le système trophique : phytoplancton, zooplancton, anchois, sardine Contaminants in the trophic system : phytoplancton, zooplancton, anchovy, sardine 20094 years WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS perfumes and UV filters.These molecules which come into the marine environment through recreational activities and wastewater have in some cases shown potential endocrine disruption. (Fent et al., 2008).Today little information is available about the way the human metabolism breaks down the potential eco-toxicological effects of drugs beyond the general hypothesis that the more hydrophilic the compounds the less dangerous they are for aquatic organisms.Metabolites have physicochemical properties and probably behave differently within the environment.This study focuses on pharmaceutical products and some of their specific metabolites as well as UV filters concentrating on the transformation process in the marine environment. coastalarea/PE PSEA Le projet ANR COSTAS vise à déterminer les processus de transfert et le devenir des contaminants chimiques (composés organiques persistants et métaux traces) depuis les premiers maillons de la chaîne trophique (eau, particules, phytoplancton et zooplancton) jusqu’aux petits poissons pélagiques (anchois et sardines) du golfe du Lion (Méditerranée occidentale). En complétant les études réalisées à partir d’acquisition de données sur le terrain et d’analyses en laboratoire, le modèle MARS est appliqué pour permettre une interprétation spatialisée et dynamique des observations et pour étudier les processus physiques, biogéochimiques et biologiques qui induisent la dispersion et le transfert des contaminants de l’eau vers les premiers maillons de la chaîne trophique. Il est couplé au module Eco3M (développé par le LOPB à Marseille, Baklouti et al, 2006) qui simule la dynamique biogéochimique de plusieurs populations phytoplanctoniques et zooplanctoniques http://w 3,4M€ wz.ifrem ANR rs3d/Re alisation s/Them atiques/ Contami nation/C ontamin ationchimiqu e-dansle-Golfedu-LionCOSTAS France (Ifremer) FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE Marine Pollution MASSILI A COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS Modélisation de la baie de Marseille : Influence des apports Anthropiques de la métropole sur l'écosystème marin. MSP ICZM Climat CECILE e chang e and impact s Coastal Environmental Changes: Impact of sea LEvel rise LEGOS/CN 2009 RS, BRGM 4 years MSP ICZM Living PAMPA Marin e Resour ces (fisher y, aquac ulture, etc.) Indicateurs de la Performance d'Aires Marines Protégées pour la gestion des écosystèmes côtiers, des ressources et de leurs usages/ INDICATORS OF THE PERFORMANCE OF MARINE PROTECTED Ifremer 2007 Nouvelle 2011 Calédonie This project aimed at building and testing indicators of MPA performance for management objectives linked to ecosystems, uses and governance. A first crucial step was to come up with a common formulation of management goals and objectives, in order to ground the project tasks in managers’ assessments needs. Indicator construction and validation was subsequently based on existing data for biodiversity and resources, and on new data collection for uses. Additional information collected from MPA managers enabled to document indicators on MPA governance. For each MPA, indicators were organized into dashboards per management objective. Each MPA applied the same approach, and produced a document reporting on all the actions conducted during the project, along with indicator dashboards. http://w wz.ifrem mpa 2000 k€ ANR LEGOS, BRGM, CREOCEAN, CNRM, LIENSs, SHOM, Cerfacs. 1914 keuros (LITEAU, Ifrecor, AAMP) CEDEM / CERTAP / COM / UNSA / CNRS / EPHE / GIS Posidonie / Ifremer / IRD FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS MSP ICZM PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE Socioe GRAMP conom ic & Policy Resear ch COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION AREAS FOR MANAGING COASTAL ECOSYSTEMS, RESOURCES AND USES A number of tools were developed and used to calculate, analyse and plot the indicators. The tools were tested by project partners. They comprise : a) a data base with data formats, and reference tables about species, fishing gears, and the spatial reference table of each MPA; and b) two R packages, one for biodiversity and one for uses. Any data set following the PAMPA format may be imported and handled through these packages, in order to compute a large number of metrics, to plot them, and to model them for testing MPA performance. User and developer documents are available along with the packages. GRAMP : CERTAP - 2009recherche sur les Univ. 2013 projets de Perpignan gouvernance de deux GRandes Aires Marine Protégées (Méditerranée et Polynésie française) Le projet GRAMP se propose de faire le point sur les connaissances scientifiques qui au niveau international sont susceptibles d’accompagner la gouvernance des AMP de grands périmètres impliquant en particulier des zones économiques exclusives ou de haute mer. L'objectif principal du projet GRAMP est de mener une étude particulière des processus de mise en place de deux grandes aires marines protégées françaises (Méditerranée, Pacifique). L’analyse de leur gouvernance et des principes arrêtés pour celle-ci permettra d’en améliorer la connaissance et d’en faciliter l'implantation. Les réserves de biosphère de l'UNESCO, bien connues au niveau international, ainsi que désormais les parcs naturels marins institués par la loi de 2006, ambitionnent de mettre en place des aires de gestion sur de vastes espaces, offrant des régimes juridiques très différents et des biotopes également très diversifiés. Et surtout, ces AMP s'étendent en mer au-delà des eaux territoriales et du littoral. Le discours politique qui les accompagne est déterminé par des engagements internationaux et par de nouveaux paradigmes qui ne sont plus la simple conservation de biotopes emblématiques. L’Etat souverain doit pouvoir déployer ses politiques sur des WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS LITEAU website 175 keuros (LITEAU) EPHE FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS http://e n.polem ermedit erranee. com/En vironne mentetamenag ementdu- 3,1 M€ FRENCH INTERMINIS TERIAL SINGLE FUND AND PACA AND BRETAGNE LOCAL opérations de grande ampleur à la mesure de véritables enjeux maritimes qui ne sont plus uniquement environnementalistes (Cf. le Grenelle de la Mer). La mise en place d'aires de très grande taille modifie la nature et l'approche des données scientifiques nécessaires, ainsi que la fonction même de ces grandes AMP, leur mode d'évaluation, de gestion et d'appui. Cette évolution dans la conception des aires marines protégées nécessite une réflexion nouvelle dans deux domaines : 1) Les informations à recueillir et les modalités de leur interprétation, en particulier sous forme de données et de protocoles de suivi scientifique; 2) Les modes institutionnels de gestion ou, selon l'expression devenue courante, celui de leur gouvernance. L’organisation de six séminaires thématiques internationaux permettra de réunir des spécialistes de notoriété mondiale autour des grands questionnements scientifiques intéressant directement la gouvernance des grandes AMP : connectivité, biodiversité, écosystèmes coralliens, droit international de l’environnement et de la mer, gestion internationale des pêches maritimes, coopération régionale, gestion intégrée de la zone côtière, communautés littorales. MSP ICZM PREVIC OT Prévisions côtières sur mesure, en temps réel, pour les différents usagers de la mer Real-time tailored coastal ACTIMAR 2008 2 years The project has enabled the development of new operational products and services: Products dedicated to navigation: operational of weather and sea state forecasts with applications for shipping companies and offshore operators. Products dedicated to macro-waste: Development and deployment of an operation system for the tracking of macro waste Implementation of statistical tools for the optimisation of zoning services and depollution of mooring points a portal for on-demand forecasting of the trajectory of floating Ifremer MeteoFrance SHOM FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION forecasts for sea users MSP ICZM SQUID Dispositif Intervention Sous-marine sûr et rapide ACSA 2010 Underwat er GPS WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS macro waste along the coastline of the PACA region. Products dedicated to offshore work: Operational analysis service and long term monitoring of marine sediment disposal sites Application for monitoring hydro-sedimentary processes Products dedicated to the quality of coastal waters: real-time management of health risks in coastal waters Implementation of pilot schemes in France, on the AtlanticChannel coasts and across PACA for various types of clients for the validation of products. littoral/ AUTHORITI Services ES -a-lenviron nementenlittoralet-enmer/PR EVICOT Intervention in accidents, shipwrecks, loss of valuable material at sea, is dangerous ... and is currently carried out through different on-going deployments: Sonar, ROV and / or manned vehicles. They are launched from specialized vessels. They require a very large, sometimes very heavy amount of machinery. The problem is the same when it comes to scientific missions with joint deployment of AUVs and ROVs. In the field of environmental monitoring, site mapping and supervision of underwater monitoring stations also require the on-going use of ROVs and AUVs. The SQUID project objective is to develop pooled technologies that allow the use of a reconfigurable device for different types of operations in deep sea. These developments will uniquely equip partners to allow them to maintain their major market advantage. The technology developed will be integrated into two "Payload" sections which will be tested on an existing Ifremer AUV in two phases, simply by changing section: Independent pre- positioning and mapping of the working area: this phase includes locating of an acoustic marker and highresolution optical mapping of the area http://e n.polem ermedit erranee. com/En vironne mentetamenag ementdulittoral/ Services -a-lenviron nementenlittoralet-en- 2,7 M€ Ifremer FUI CNRS (FRENCH Lhertier INTERMINIS TERIAL SINGLE FUND) AND PACA REGIONAL AUTHORITI ES FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS Remote operated intervention in the area: This phase will allow mer/SQ a surface based operator to direct the machine "transformed UID into an ROV" by the addition of a very small fibre optic umbilical cord and side-thrusters, for interventions such as sampling or recovery of materials MSP ICZM GIRAC Intergrated Management of coastal wastewater discharges VEOLIA 2007 4 years MSP ICZM METRO C Apports par les grandes métropoles Ifremer 20046 years MSP ICZM PROTOG Enjeux et IZC perspectives de mise en oeuvre du protocole GIZC en Méditerranée IDDRI 20092013 5,3M€ FUI Adopté en janvier 2008 par les Parties contractantes à la Convention de Barcelone, et entré en vigueur le 24 mars 2011, le protocole relatif à la gestion intégrée des zones côtières (GIZC) de la mer Méditerranée constitue le premier instrument juridique supra-étatique visant spécifiquement la gestion des zones côtières. Auparavant, le littoral restait en effet réglementé de manière fragmentaire par le droit international tandis que les rares les instruments visant à dépasser les politiques sectorielles et à orienter les systèmes nationaux vers une gestion intégrée des littoraux étaient cantonnés dans le champ de la soft law. Les zones côtières méditerranéennes étant placées depuis plusieurs décennies sur la voie d'un développement non durable, l’application de ce nouvel outil Pôle Mer PACA, Veolia, Ifremer, ACRI, NKE http://w ww.ifre medicis/ projets/ metroc. html Agence de France l'eau Rhône Médeterran ée Corse LITEAU website 332 keuros (LITEAU, CAR-PAP) CAR-PAP FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS LITEAU website 367 keuros (LITEAU, CPER Languedoc Roussillon) juridique revêt une importance cruciale pour le futur du bassin méditerranéen. Le projet Protogizc était donc précisément consacré aux questions, à la fois théoriques et opérationnelles, soulevées par la récente entrée en vigueur du texte. Après avoir opéré une analyse fine des dispositions du protocole – leur contenu, leur portée normative… – la recherche a conduit à étudier les perspectives de mise en œuvre du texte dans quatre États – la Croatie, la France, l'Italie et le Liban – dans des domaines divers allant du cadre juridique au renforcement des capacités (personnels administratifs, judiciaires…) et à l'utilisation des documents de planification du territoire (cadastre, plans d'occupation des sols…) en passant par l'intégration du changement climatique dans les décisions d'aménagement et de protection des écosystèmes. MSP ICZM SOLTER Quelles solidarités territoriales et quelles stratégies pour la résilience du littoral à la submersion marine LAMETA Univ Montpelli er 1 2012 3 years L’objectif du projet est d’explorer les modalités de mise en oeuvre de politiques sans regret permettant d’anticiper le recul stratégique en tenant compte des perceptions des populations de façon à renforcer l’acceptabilité de ces mesures et à identifier les possibilités de financement privé dans un contexte de raréfaction des budgets publics. Il s’agit en particulier, d’identifier des outils financiers et/ou règlementaires innovants permettant de financer des actions d’aménagement, des mesures de compensations financières en veillant à l’équité des contributions au sein de la population en fonction des niveaux de concernement et des solidarités territoriales existantes. Ces solidarités seront étudiées à travers deux séries d’enquêtes couplées à des expériences d’économie expérimentale dans des communes spatialement distribuées perpendiculairement à la côte selon un gradient d’éloignement progressif mer/terre. Ces perceptions et comportements BRGM, EID, INEA, UMR ART-DEV, DREAL langudeocroussillon FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS http://e n.polem ermedit erranee. com/Re ssources - 1,4 M€ FUI (SINGLE INTERMINIS TERIAL FUND) & PACA & BRETAGNE individuels seront rapprochés d’un diagnostic des solidarités terre-mer mené sur quelques sites exemplaires en termes écologique, économique, social et institutionnel. Il s’agit d’étudier les solidarités écologiques au niveau des infrastructures écologiques de protection (plages-dunes-zones humides), la structure des flux économiques et des solidarités sociales et comment ces flux s’articulent avec l’échelle des cellules sédimentaires et avec celle des dispositifs institutionnels de gouvernance. A partir de ces nouvelles connaissances il s’agit ensuite d’identifier dans le cadre d’une démarche de prospective participative comment les acteurs locaux s’approprient ces outils (deux ateliers thématiques), comment ceux-ci font évoluer leur perception de l’aménagement de leur territoire et quelles mesures sans regret ils imaginent pour initier de bonnes pratiques facilitant la mise en place de politiques de recul à plus long terme. Le caractère innovant du projet réside dans sa thématique, le recul stratégique et ses modalités de financement étant peu étudiés, dans son échelle d’étude des perceptions et des comportements organisée selon un gradient spatial mer/terre et, du point de vue méthodologique, dans son recours à l’économie expérimentale, jamais encore appliquée au domaine des risques littoraux et à une démarche de prospective participative. Ocean renewabl e Energy BILBOQ UET Production d'électricité par force houlomotrice Production of D2M 2011 2 years The "Bilboquet" system consists of a guided float which moves with the force of the waves along a floating anchored column. The float is equipped with racks which actuate the gear generators located in a capsule at the top of the column. The lower part of the column is equipped with a weighted part with vertical hydrodynamic damping to provide three anchor points which contribute to higher vertical stability. CMD, CERVVAL, ADENEO, OCEANIDE, BV, BREIZADIC FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION electricity by wave power Ocean renewabl e Energy HELIOBI OTECH Shared platform "new energies _ h2" Oceans and Human Health MEDIOS Le 2 développement des dinoflagellés toxiques du genre Ostreopsis sur le littoral de la Méditerranée nord occidentale The "Bilboquet" is robust and efficient and can be anchored in various depths. A suitable anchoring system allows the construction of power generation farms. The size of the "Bilboquet" can be adapted to environmental conditions (waves and water depth) and the optimization of energy efficiency which ranges from 1,500 to 3,500 kW, with a demonstrator to 120 kW. The project concerns the development of a reduced power "Bilboquet" whose production and sea trials will validate the R&D to date. In addition, the partners will develop a performance simulation method for a "Bilboquet" farm that could be adapted to other sets of renewable energy devices (e.g. offshore wind turbines). CEA 2009 5 years Observato 2007ire 2011 Océanolo gique de Villefranc he-surmer WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS energeti REGIONAL ques-et- AUTHORITI minieres ES marines /Energie smarines renouve lables/BI LBOQUE T 0,4 M€ PACA, Etat The main goal of the multidisciplinary project MediOs 2 (Mediteranean Ostreopsis) was to acquire and analyze pertinent scientific knowledge in areas as diverse as ecology, biology, chemistry, epidemiology or socio-economic concerning the occurrence of species of the genus Ostreopsis (toxic benthic microalgae) in the Mediterranean. This knowledge was integrated and distributed to provide a decision-making support for administrative action. Results obtained thus allowed science- http://w 468 keuros ww.obs- (LITEAU) edios2 IFREMER, ENIB CEA,UNIVERS ITE D'AIX MARSEILLE, FÉDÉRATION DE RECHERCHE ECCOREV, BIP (CNRS, MARSEILLE) CNRS / Univ. Nice / Ifremer / CHU Nice / CCI Nice FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION : mise en évidence des zones à risque et première évaluation des impacts écologiques, sanitaires, et socioéconomiques Development of toxic dinoflagellates genus Ostreopsis in coastal NW Mediterranean Sea: revealing of sensitive's areas and first evaluation of ecological, health and economical impacts. Oceans and Human Health C3A Impact of contaminants from megacities on marine ecosystems : example of WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS based recommendations concerning the management of risk, with suggestions to optimize environmental surveys, to initiate a food risk survey and to structure actions at the national level. MediOs 2 also perfectly played its role of "pilot" project, building awareness of the Ostreopsis problem and creating dynamics in the proposition of new projects, at national and international levels. Univ Toulon, Ifremer 2010 ? 0,25M€ CNRS INSU Univ Toulon, Ifremer, MIO FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS Toulon and Marseille Oceans and Human Health MICROG ModélIsation des AM Contaminations bactéRiennes d’Origine fécale du Golfe d’Aigues-Mortes en vue d’une gestion de risques en temps réel Université 2007Montpelli 2012 er 2 / UMR ECOSYM Le Golfe d’Aigues-Mortes (GAM) qui prend naissance sur la LITEAU marge occidentale du delta du Rhône est une zone de transition website terre-mer sur plus d’une vingtaine de kilomètres face à une importante plateforme continentale peu profonde qui le relie au Golfe du Lion (GL). Le programme de recherche MICROGAM a pour objectif général de répondre aux préoccupations de gestion de la qualité sanitaire des eaux côtiè-res du Golfe d’Aigues Mortes (GAM) formulées d’une part par les associations d’usagers et d’autres part par les collectivités territoriales. Le projet a été conçu et de façon à établir une concertation étroite entre les scientifiques, les gestionnaires et les autres parties prenantes (stakeholders) de la gestion intégrée et du développement local/régional durable du GAM. Cette posture de recherche en collaboration s’inscrit parfaitement dans la logique de la GIZC qui recommande des politiques à la fois intégrées et concertées au niveau de l’analyse des enjeux et de la définition des orientations de gestion, en conformité avec les conditions locales d’appropriation des principes du développement durable qui insistent sur le caractère adaptatif des diagnostics et des mesures de mise en œuvre. Le projet vise à comprendre les sources de contamination microbienne du Golfe d’AiguesMortes, d’en modéliser leur diffusion sous différentes contraintes météorologiques et de contribuer in fine à un outil d’aide à la gestion du risque sanitaire en relation avec les contraintes socio-économiques. L’hypothèse est que dans des conditions climatiques événementielles de type méditerranéennes (gros orages, inon-dations), le GAM peut être soumis à des apports microbiens importants qui peuvent 490 keuros (Liteau, …) GéoSciences Montpellier, HydroScience s Montpellier, LAMETA (Univ Montpellier 1) FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS générer une situa-tion momentanée de dégradation de la qualité des eaux côtières. Le développement d’un outil prédictif (modélisation) d’une telle situation doit contribuer à une aide à la gestion de la zone côtière du GAM, répondant ainsi à la nouvelle directive européenne concernant la gestion de la qualité des eaux de bai-gnade. Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs erving Systems Deep CASCAD Dense Shelf CEFREM sea E water cascading : Ecosys Export of tems particulate and dissolved material from the coast to the open ocean through canyons 2010 2 years Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs erving Systems Deep OSIFIOS sea T mining , Oil and Gas Sustai nable Exploit ation 2008-4 years Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs Deep SEA Système sea Explorer d'exploration mining sous marine , Oil and Outil de Ifremer simulation pour la formation des images optiques Simulation tool for the formation of optical images ACSA 2007 Underwat 5 er GPS years 0,2 M€ CNRS INSU The SEA-EXPLORER project aims to develop "gliders", small unmanned devices powered by gravity and cyclical ballasting. These devices are dedicated to the exploration of the underwater environment, providing on site measurement of CEFREM, OOBanyuls, MIO, IFREMER http://w 1,1M€ wz.ifrem ANR fiost_en g/ France (Institut Fresnel, LOV, Prolexia) http://e n.polem ermedit erranee. com/En IFREMER, LEPI - USTV, LOV OBSERVATOI RE 4M€ FRENCH INTERMINIS TERIAL SINGLE FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS erving Systems Gas Sustai nable Exploit ation Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs erving Systems Marin e Hazar ds PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y HEXECO Hydrodynamique Ecole Extrême du large Centrale à la côte Marseille Extreme Hydrodynamics from open sea to the coast START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION 2008 4 years WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS physical (current, temperature) and biogeochemical (salinity, concentrations of certain constituents, etc.) parameters. One of the projected uses of these "gliders" will be to monitor the impact of urban (Urban Community of Marseille) wastewater discharges on micro-organisms in a marine environment. These devices can also be used for maritime surveillance missions. There are multiple benefits from this project, the product is now marketed by ACSA and other projects are developing as a result of it. vironne mentetamenag ementdulittoral/ Services -a-lenviron nementenlittoralet-enmer/SE AEXPLOR ER FUND AND PACA REGIONAL AUTHORITI ES Le projet HEXECO, comme Hydrodynamique EXtrême du largE à la COte, a pour ambition le développement de modèles de prévisions prenant en compte les paramètres spécifiques du large, de la zone côtière et du littoral. Cette recherche qui rassemble les organismes directement concernés au niveau français par une meilleure connaissance des événements hydrodynamiques extrêmes à la côte, comportera un important travail de modélisation et de simulation couplé avec l’observation, la mesure, et la validation expérimenta http://w 3M€ ww.pole ANR -merbretagn eatlantiq hexeco. php OCÉANOLOGI QUE DE VILLEFRANCH E, CENTRE D'OCEANOLO GIE DE MARSEILLE ACRI IN, ACRI ST France (Ecole Normale Supérieure Cachan, Ecole Centrale Nantes, Ifremer, CNRM/Mete o-France, SHOM) FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs erving Systems PIPEWA TCH Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs erving Systems Marin e Hazar ds Système de surveillance de mouvements de pipe et de structure sous marines Pipe and underwater structure movement monitoring system SIMODE Signature MicroOnde du déferlement et de l'écume Mico-wave signature of the flood and foam COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y SUBSEA TECH START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS 2007 ? http://e n.polem ermedit erranee. com/Re ssources energeti ques-etminieres marines /Offshor eprofond /PIPEW ATCH 0,7 M€ OSEO & PROVENCE ALPES CÔTE D'AZUR REGIONAL COUNCIL AS PART OF THE APRF LSEETUSTV 2009-5 The main objective of this project is to gain better years understanding and interpretation of the influence of phenomena associated with tidal surge through the use of remote sensing of active and passive microwave emissions on the ocean. These phenomena include several aspects of the ocean surface: non-Gaussian waves, surface roughness and breaking waves, and sea foam. Incorporating these effects into remote sensing models is essential for the inversion procedures of ocean geophysical parameters (temperature and ocean surface salinity, wind and sea state). There is currently no global hydrodynamic and electromagnetic model defining the interaction of microwaves with the sea surface in the presence of breaking waves. It is the aim of this project to further this goal by following two approaches: This project aimed to develop a device for recording the movements of pipes and underwater structures in relation to cycles of temperature and pressure on deep sea oil installations to assess the fatigue of these structures, and anticipate damage. Testing of a prototype was carried out in 2010 and led to a shift in the functional specification. This study, in particular allowed the members of the consortium to develop a new approach to identifying acoustic targets. http://e 1,7M€ n.polem ANR ermedit erranee. com/En vironne mentetamenag ementdulittoral/ Services -a-l- CHRISAR SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGI ES, COMEX IFREMER France (Ifremer, CNRS) FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION Theoretical approach: develop a unified theoretical framework taking into account all relevant aspects of breaking waves for remote sensing of microwave emissions during moderate to strong winds. This description will include statistics of nonGaussian waves, the occurrence of breaking waves and the resulting foam, whilst remaining sufficiently flexible from an analytical and digital approach. It will be coupled with recent effective electromagnetic diffusion models. Typical configurations of remote sensing will be retained: active or passive survey with a moderate frequency (relevant for satellite missions and airborne) and active survey with occasional frequency (for coastal radars and boats) Experimental approach: experimental validation of theoretical developments in bringing together a maximum of simultaneous measurements in different configurations: on site measurements, satellite data, optical images, radar and radiometric survey in different bands. This study is based on several sets of experimental data already in existence. Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs erving Systems CONNEC Control of T Networked Cooperative Systems CNRS 2007-3 years WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS environ nementenlittoralet-enmer/SI MODE http://w 2M€ ww.gips ANR alab.gren ojet/con nect/pu blis/post er%20co nnect1101201 France (Ifremer, CNRS, SMEs) FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS 1.pdf http://w ww.age ncenational erecherc ojetanr/?tx_ lwmsuiv ibilan_pi 2%5BCO DE%5D= ANR-06ROBO0013 Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs erving Systems PABO Plateformes Autonomes et Biogéochimie Océanique CNRS 2006 4 years With the overall objective to understand oceanic biogeochemistry at specific spatio-temporal scales that have, up to present, rarely if at all been studied, PABO aimed at: (1) developing new robotic platforms and (2) testing these platforms to assess their potential to conduct exploratory research in various oceanic environments. Eight profiling floats have been developped and acquired unique data sets of biogeochemical measurements in remote oceanic areas. These data allowed to clearly characterize the key role of seasonal forcing on the dynamics (and its understanding) of algal biomass. Moreover, first glider transects between Nice and Corsica have pointed to the close link between the intensity of the Ligurian current and the biogeochemical response to this forcing. This allows, in particular, to understand how the current 0,7 M€ ANR France (CNRS, Ifremer) FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS can be considered as an algal biomass oasis in an area that is a priori characterized as oligotrophic. The positive feedbacks of these experiences within PABO have initiated several projects in its succession (e.g. remOcean) Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs erving Systems ATOS Antenne Acoustique en technologie tout Optique Acoustic antenna using only optical technology Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs erving Systems PARAMI Communication LLS sous marine par croix de mills paramétriques Underwater communication using mills cross parameters Thales 2009 Underwat 4 er years Systems This development is a technological breakthrough for passive underwater acoustic monitoring systems. This breakthrough is founded on the use of optical sensors based on fibre laser optical cavities which are multiplexable and easily interrogated from great distances via a single fibre optic cable without the need for on-board electrical power. This self-supporting system can also be used in conjunction with more complete maritime protection systems such as those developed within the framework of Pôle Mer Méditerranée. http://e n.polem ermedit erranee. com/Sec urite-etsuretemaritim e/Survei llanceetinterven tionsmaritim es/ATOS 4,3 M€ FUI (FRENCH SINGLE INTERMINIS TERIAL FOUND) AND REGIONAL AUTHORITI ES PERFOS, IFREMER, ENSSAT, UNIVERSITÉ DE RENNES 1 (FOTON, EVC) CGG VERITAS, QUANTEL, RAKON FRANCE, THALES RESEARCH & TECHNOLOG Y IXWAVES The project focuses in particular: On the creation of a "pointable" and stabilized antenna On the creation of a modem incorporating spatial dimension into its operation (management of beams, acoustics, Mills Cross theory) On the testing of this modem in a realistic configuration On the establishment of its performance (target: doubling the throughput of COTS modem models) http://e n.polem ermedit erranee. com/Sec urite-etsuretemaritim e/Survei llanceet- 2,9 M€ FUI (SINGLE INTERMINIS TERIAL FUND) AND PACA REGIONAL AUTHORITI ES IFREMER, UNIVERSITÉ PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE ECA, SEMANTICTS, IXSEA, ICAM 2010 2 years FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS interven tionsmaritim es/PARA MILLS Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs erving Systems BLIDAR Bouée LIDAR LA COMPAG NIE DU VENT Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs erving Systems MCGS Marine ACRI Collaborative Ground Segment 2011 3 years The BLIDAR project aims to complete offshore measurement missions to predict the offshore wind farm's annual energy yield and assess the profitability of the wind farm. It also aims to provide an alternative means of calculating offshore mast measurements. By reducing the environmental and visual impact, it will show up to an altitude of 200m and can be installed regardless of the water depth at a competitive price. 2011 - Provide tailored marine information based on Copernicus 3years Sentinel satellites for operational monitoring http://e n.polem ermedit erranee. com/Re ssources energeti ques-etminieres marines /Energie smarines renouve lables/B LIDAR 1,8 M€ FUI (SINGLE INTERMINIS TERIAL FUND) & REGIONAL AUTHORITI ES NKE, LEOSPHERE IFREMER, IRSEEM http://w ww.pole mermed iterrane nvironm 5 M€ FRENCH INTERMINIS TERIAL SINGLE FUND AND IFREMER, CNES/CNRS/ UPMC/ACRI (GIS COOC), SHOM, GIS TELECOM FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs erving Systems PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION VASQUE Véhicule ACSA 2009-4 The VASQUE project aims to develop a hybrid underwater Autonome de Underwat years vehicle (glider equipped with low-thrust propulsion) dedicated surveillance de la er GPS to coastal activities in shallow waters. qualité des eaux This machine will be equipped with special sensors for Autonomous measuring water quality and can communicate with the land vehicle for the through a relay buoy confirming its position. The project will monitoring of complement the VASQUE range of SEA EXPLORER type gliders. water quality It will have multiple applications: Continuous instrumentation for a coastal area: The vehicle will travel continuously up and down a predetermined area, and a relay buoy will transmit an indicator of environmental quality. The vehicle will be recovered every 15 days or a month (depending on the type of sensor used) for battery recharging, and to download the entire raw data recorded during the operation. With this configuration, the buoys are anchored to a fixed point, and are equipped with GSM communication relays. Continuous instrumentation or environmental inspection from WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS ent-andcoastalmanage ment/Se rvicesfor-themarineframew orkstrategy directive /MCGS PACA AND BRETAGNE LOCAL AUTHORITI ES BRETAGNE, CNES/CNRS/I RD/UNIVERSI TÉ PAUL SABATIER (LEGOS CLS, AS+ http://e n.polem ermedit erranee. com/En vironne mentetamenag ementdulittoral/ Services -a-lenviron nementenlittoral- 3,3 M€ DGCIS - ECO INDUSTRIES CALL FOR PROJECTS IFREMER, IFREMER, UPMC/CNRS (OOV/LOV), UNIMED/CN RS (COM), CEDRE ACRI IN, ACRI ST FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS offshore platforms et-enThe device is positioned relative to an acoustic transmitter mer/VA placed on the structure (platform or FPSO), which replaces the SQUE buoys mentioned above Similarly, the device will transmit acoustically an indicator of the quality of the environment, and / or send an alert in case of detection of a specific substance Detection of pollution after shipwreck: In case of the sinking of a ship carrying hazardous materials, the machine can be easily transported on site (it is small in size and weight), and used both to locate the wreckage equipped with a "black box" type transponder and to navigate around the wreck in order to give the alarm in case of detection of a French Interministerial Single Fund listed hazardous material. Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs erving Systems MED SPIRATI ON Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs erving Systems EMODN ET ESA (European Space Agency European Marine Observation and Data Network The Medspiration Project is a European initiative to combine data measured independently by several different satellite systems into a set of data products that represent the best measure of SST, presented in a form that can be assimilated into ocean forecasting models. http://c ESA ersat.ifr themati cportals/ projects /medspi ration DG MARE FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs erving Systems EMODN ET Physiqu e DG MARE France - Italie - Pays Bas Royaume Uni - Suède Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs erving Systems EMODN ET Chimie DG MARE France - Italie - Pays Bas Royaume Uni - Allemagne Norvège Danelark Belgique Suède Grèce Russie Ukriane Bulgarie Roumanie Géorgie Espagne Irlande Chypre Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs erving Systems EMODN ET Biologie DG MARE Belgique France - Pays Bas - Ukraine - Royaume Uni - USA Allemagne FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs erving Systems EMODN ET Hydrogr aphie Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs erving Systems EMODn et GEOLOG Y European Marine BGS (Alan 2013 Observation and Stevenson 3 Data Network ) years GEOLOGY Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs erving Systems LIVINGS TONE Shelf slope LOCEAN/C 2006 exchanges study NRS 3 by an automated years network of underwater gliders: Application to the Gulf of Lions 500 K€ ANR ENSTAParistech LSCE/CEA Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs NAOS A Novel Argo Observing System. 8000 K€ EquipEx LOV/CNRS NKE Other public and private DG MARE Ifremer 2012 6 years http://w 4200 k€ ww.bgs. DGMARE aff/profi les/1778 .html http://w ww.emo dnetgeology. eu/ France - Pays Bas - Irlande Grèce Espagne Royaume Uni - Norvège Italie 36 partners FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS erving Systems French Institutions Operation al Oceanogr aphy/Obs erving Systems AGNOO Automated Gliders Network for Ocean Observation ENSTAParisTech 2008 3 years L’objectif de cette recherche exploratoire est de démontrer, à l’aide d’outils de simulation et d’expériences en mer, les capacités de monitorage de l’environnement océanique par une flottille de gliders parcourant un réseau d’observation. Cette plateforme réunit les éléments essentiels pour répondre au besoin d’une surveillance des masses d’eau et courants océaniques sur la vaste gamme d’échelles qui les caractérisent : peu coûteuse, fortement automatisée, contrôlable à distance, transmission en temps réel. Elle permet de relever le défi de l’observation à distance in-situ du milieu marin en profondeur en complémentarité des observations de surface faites par satellite. Le développement de cette capacité demande le contrôle robotisé de la flottille qui inclut l’optimisation de la couverture du réseau et la tolérance aux pannes. Other*/M ultiple areas (specify in column B) "Coast al zone scienc es" SHORE MED / MISTRA LS A transverse and CNRS interdisciplinary program in the MISTRALS initiative for the coastal region Progra mme under constr uction 2014 > 10 years Other*/M ultiple areas (specify in column B) Biogeo chemi stry, marin e ecosys MERME X/ MISTRA LS MERMEX: Marine Ecosystem Response in The 2010 - MERMEX is one of the 8 MISTRALS programmes. It is focused on > 10 the changes that will take place in the Mediterranean Sea due years to natural changes as well as the anthrogenic impacts, and how they will affect marine ecosystems, the biodiversity and their associated services. MERMEX is organised along 5 main work packages: CNRS 300 K€ REI/DGA LOCEA/CNRS, Ifremer, GOSTAI Ifremer, BRGM, IRD, Universities, … http:// mermex .pytheas 2000 K€ / y MISTRALS internal funding, other funding CNRS, AixMarseille Univsersity, Universite Pierre-etMarie Curie, FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE tems, marin e biodiv ersity, marin e manag ement COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION Mediterranean Experiment WEBSIT E Impact of hydrodynamic changes on Mediterranean biogeochemical budgets (WP1), Ecological processes; biogeochemistry and food web interactions (WP2), Land-ocean interactions including extreme events (WP3), Natural and anthropogenic air-sea interactions (WP4) and Ecosystem based management (WP5). BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS (ANR, Regions, …) Inversite de Perpignan, Ifremer, CEA, other public organisations Other*/M Paleoc PALEOM Paleoultiple limatol EX / Mediterranean areas ogy MISTRA Experiment (specify in LS column B) CNRS 2010 > 10 years PaleoMex is an international coordinated effort that aims at documenting the Mediterranean climate over the Holocene along the following foci: - Mediterranean hydrological cycle - Ocean circulation variability - Impact on paleoenvironments - Impact on human societies. https:// paleom ex.lsce.i 160 k€ / y MISTRALS internal funding Ifremer, INRA, BRGM, IRD, Universities, … Other*/M ultiple areas (specify in column B) CNRS 2010 > 10 years MISTRALS (Mediterranean Integrated STudies at Regional And Local Scales) is a decennial program for systematic observations and research dedicated to the understanding of the Mediterranean Basin environmental process under the planet global change. It aims to coordinate, across the Mediterranean Basin, interdisciplinary research on atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and paleo-climate, including environmental ecology and social sciences. The objective is to achieve a better understanding of the mechanisms shaping and influencing landscape, environment and human impact of this eco-region. Thus, its aim is to anticipate the behaviour of this system over a century, from an interdisciplinary analysis conducted over the 2010-2020 decade. The ultimate goal of this program is to http://w ww.mist ralshome.or g/spip/? lang=en 4500 K€ / year Ministry of high education and research (MESR) and participatin g agencies, including ANR Ifremer, INRA, BRGM, IRD, Universities, … Resear MISTRA ch LS progra mming , Coconstr uction of resear ch progra ms Mediterranean Integrated Studies At Regional and Local Scales FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS http:// mistrals. insu.cnr /docum ents/ge neralites /resume _termex .pdf 50 k€ / y MISTRALS internal funding predict the evolution of habitable conditions in this large ecosystem, to meet the public policies concerning resources and environment, to anticipate evolution of the societies and to propose policies and adaptative measures that would optimize them. MISTRALS is composed of 8 thematic programmes and 2 transverse actions. The most relevant programmes for BG-Med is MERMEX which is the marine componant of MISTRALS (see below). TERMEX (geophysics, seismology, ...), PALEOMEX (paleoclimatology), BIODIVMEX (biodiversity) and SHOREMED (transversal project for the coastal zone) are also relevant. Other*/M ultiple areas (specify in column B) Seism ology, Geoph ysics, Marin e hazard s TERMEX Terra / Mediterranean MISTRA Experiment LS CNRS Other*/M ultiple areas (specify in column B) Under water roboti cs LOHM Liaison Optique Haut débit mobile Shaktiwar e Other*/M Under ultiple water areas H ROV Hybride ROV Ifremer 2012 > 10 years Ifremer, BRGM, IRD, Universities, … FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS 2009 2 years http://w 0,6M€ ww.cepr DPMA almar.or g/filiere smaritim es/reori entation -versunepecheecorespons able-eteconom ml (specify in roboti column B) cs Socioecon omic & Policy Research Living R3PE Marin e Resour ces (fisher y, aquac ulture, etc.) Réorientation CEPRALM vers une pêche AR économique Re-orientation to an economical fishery Socioecon omic & Policy Research Living COPEME Coordination to Marin D II Support Fisheries e Management in Resour the Western and ces Central (fisher Mediterranean y, aquac Marine and Inland Fisheries Servoce (FIRF) 2008 4 years FAO C.D.P.M.E.M du Grau-duRoi Chalutier Joseph de l’armement Gros CIRAD EURL FREZAL IFREMER Méditerrané e SARL SUD AVERSA FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS ulture, etc.) Socioecon omic & Policy Research Mariti PISTE me Transp ort Développement industrialoportuaire, enjeux socioenvironnementa ux et gestion durable des territoires dans les ports de commerce. Réalités françaises, comparaisons internationales UMR 20095182 ART- 2013 Dev (CNRS/Un iversité de Montpelli er 3/CIRAD) Le programme PISTE a pour but de répondre à des LITEAU préoccupations formulées par les autorités portuaires, les website collectivités territoriales, les associations d’écologistes et d’habitants sur la prise en compte de la société et de l’environnement dans le développement portuaire. De fait, les ports de commerce sont aujourd’hui sous la double contrainte d’un accroissement des échanges mondiaux (société de consommation) et de nouvelles exigences relatives à l’environnement et à la qualité de vie (société de bien-être). Dans ces conditions, comment assurer un développement portuaire durable qui d’un côté, doit allier un volume suffisant d’activités à haute valeur ajoutée, générateur de richesses, pour faire face aux besoins d’une population en fort accroissement sur les zones côtières, et de l’autre, la préservation de la biodiversité, la limitation des risques sanitaires et l’amélioration de la qualité de vie dans les régions portuaires ? Les résultats de cette recherche déclinent les relations entre ports de commerce, industrie, société, territoire et environnement. 450 keuros (LITEAU, Grand Port maritime de Marseille) UMR 5182 ART-Dev (CNRS/Univer sité de Montpellier 3/CIRAD) IFSTTAR (URE SPLOTT) UMR 7170 IRISSO (CNRS – Université Paris Dauphine) UMR 5182 ART-Dev (CNRS/Univer sité de Montpellier 3/CIRAD) IFSTTAR (URE SPLOTT) UMR 7170 IRISSO (CNRS – Université Paris Dauphine) UMR 6049 ThEMA (CNRS, FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS universités de FrancheComté et de Bourgogne) Socioecon MSP omic & ICZM Policy Research OMEGA- Outil de THAU management environnemental et de gestion de l'avertissement sur le bassin de Thau Syndicat Mixte du Bassin de Thau (SMBT) 2007 3 years The OMEGA Thau project (Environmental Management Tool and Alert Management), managed by SMBT (Syndicate of Thau Basin), includes scientists, local institutions and authorities, fishermen and shellfish farmers. The aim of this project is to develop an Environmental Management Tool, which can guide local authorities in infrastructure improvements and urban and resource planning in order to achieve optimal water quality that is consistent with European standards for recreational waters and shellfish harvesting areas. The measurement campaigns, achieved simultaneously on the watershed and the lagoon during 18 months, enabled i) data acquisition for the calibration of the model of faecal pollution transfer, from the source to the shellfish harvest areas, ii) and the identification of major sources of pollution of shellfish in dry and wet weather. The implementation of both watershed and lagoon models will enable the priorization of pollution sources and the definition of priority work programs. http://a rchimer. ifremer. fr/doc/0 0042/15 343/126 96.pdf 1 M€ Région LanguedocRoussillon, Départeme nt de l'Hérault, Union européenne (fonds FEDER) yndicat Mixte du Bassin de Thau (SMBT), Communauté d'Aglomérati on du Bassin de Thau (CABT), Communauté de Communes Nord du Bassin de Thau (CCNBT), Agence de l'eau Rhône Méditerrané e & Corse (AERMC), Ifremer, EGIS-eau, BRLi, Laboratoire Département al Vétérinaire de l'Hérault FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS (LDV 34), Predict ; Socioecon MSP omic & ICZM Policy Research FHUVEL Caracterisation de la fréquentation littorale et détermination d'indicateurs de vulnérabilité écologique pour définir des modes de gestion durable Cas de la bande littorale du projet de parc national des callanques Parc 2009 National ? des Calanques Socioecon MSP omic & ICZM Policy Research INTERSA InterSAGE : Vers Bureau GE une gestion d'étude intégrée des LISODE masses d’eau côtières de l’Ouest Hérault : Outils de gestion et nouveaux modes de gouvernance 20092012 Liteau III La gestion de l'eau continentale en zone littorale LITEAU méditerranéenne associe les enjeux classiques de gestion des website ressources communes (négociation entre usages, durabilité de l’exploitation en termes quantitatif et qualitatif) à des enjeux côtiers particuliers caractérisés par des écosystèmes sensibles, entre terre et mer, soumis à une forte pression anthropique. Elle s’opère actuellement par la juxtaposition des dispositifs de gestion de l’eau et des territoires (SAGEs, SCOTs) mais doit aussi s’articuler avec d’autres dispositifs spécifiques aux zones littorales (SMVMs) ou aux milieux à fort enjeux écologiques (Zones Natura 2000). La coordination entre ces dispositifs administrativement indépendants est cruciale pour gérer d’une 313 keuors Irstéa (LITEAU, AE RMC, CG34, CRLR) FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS LITEAU website 172 keuros (LITEAU) manière cohérente les enjeux liés à la gestion des ressources en eau. Cette coordination nécessite la mise en place de nouveaux modes de gouvernance qui restent en grande partie à développer. Notre projet propose de travailler sur cette problématique sur un terrain qui illustre parfaitement la complexité du système d'eau continentale en zone littorale méditerranéenne : celui de la nappe de l’Astien dans l’Ouest Hérault. S’inscrivant dans une démarche de recherche intervention, ce projet vise une contribution simultanée aux connaissances fondamentales sur la coordination interinstitutionnelle et outils de gestion associés, et à l’action en société en impliquant les partenaires dans un processus de changement au sein et entres leurs institutions. Socioecon omic & Policy Research ProCoDy Propriété, f conflits et dynamiques foncières sur le littoral : les grands domaines et le campingcaravaning sur parcelles privées Associatio 2009n des 2012 études foncières Sur le littoral l’intensité de la compétition pour l’accès au foncier est telle que la puissance publique peine à trouver des moyens d’action efficaces et respectueux de l’équité sociale. De plus, alors que les questions foncières sont régulièrement évoquées comme un élément central concernant l’avenir des territoires littoraux et les conflits qui y prennent place, celles-ci sont rarement étudiées en tant que telles. Ce projet de recherche propose d’analyser les formes « sociétales » de la propriété foncière, à travers les pratiques et représentations qu’elle véhicule, afin d’apporter un éclairage original sur les processus en cours sur le littoral et permettre un retour sur les politiques publiques et d’aménagement mises en œuvre. Deux thèmes sont privilégiés : le camping-caravaning et les « grands domaines ». Ils seront successivement développés au sein de quatre axes de travail. Il s’agira tout d’abord de replacer le camping-caravaning et les grands domaines dans les dynamiques socio-spatiales des Laboratoire d'Econométri e de l'Ecole Polytechniqu e- FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS LITEAU website 184 keuros (LITEAU, conservatoi re du littoral) littoraux. Ensuite, le deuxième axe se focalisera sur les représentations et les pratiques associées à la propriété foncière sur le littoral. L’évolution du droit et des conflits qui existent entre administrations et propriétaires privés sera également développé dans le cadre d’un troisième axe. Enfin, le projet abordera, pour terminer, la dimension politique des questions foncières et les relations entre élus et propriétaires. Socioecon omic & Policy Research FHUVEL Caractérisation de la fréquentation littorale et détermination d’indicateurs de vulnérabilité écologique pour définir des modes de gestion durable – Cas de la bande littorale du projet de parc national des calanques Training & Opera PAC SM Essais de piles à Technolog tional 1 et PAC combustibles y Transfer Ocean SM 2 pour engins ograp inhabités sous hy/Ob marins servin g Institut 2009Méditerra 2014 néen d’Ecologie et de Paléoécol ogie (IMEP) now IMBE HELION 2005 5 years The PAC SM project's main objective is to design, develop and test PEMFC hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell systems for unmanned underwater vehicles. The campaign, conducted on board the Castor (Ifremer) in 2009 off the coast of Toulon, has demonstrated AUV navigation with an anaerobic fuel cell developed by the Helion company. http://e 4,3M€ n.polem ANR ermedit erranee. com/Re ssources - Parc national des Calanques, UMR DESMID, UMR LPED, GIS posidonie, institut méditerranée d'océanologi e Ifremer, Armines, ECA, Cybernetix, SNPE FRANCE MAIN R&I OTHE AREAS R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS PROJET TITLE / INITIATI VE COORDIN ATORS 1 LEADING INSTITUTI ON / COMPAN Y START ABSTRACT ING TIME & DURA TION Syste ms Training & Technolog y Transfer The dives confirmed the energy capacity provided by the fuel cell, and the feasibility of management and handling of the battery in terms of safety. CETSM Centre Européen Ifremer de Technologies Sous-Marines 2007 5 years WEBSIT E BUDGET (IN PARTICIPANT K€) AND S FUNDING INSTITUTIO NS energeti ques-etminieres marines /Offshor eprofond /PACSM-1et-PACSM2 5 M€ Groupemen t d'Interet Scientifique OceanoMe d MAIN R&I AREAS Biodiversit y Biodiversit y Biodiversit y OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) Conservation of the Northern Cyclades Marine Ecosystem through the designation of a new NATURA-2000 marine site. Brown algal TOTAL biodiversity and ecology in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea Other Dr P. Panayotidis 2009 / 24 months BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS 315.671/LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity 2008 Other Dr P. Panayotidis 2010/ 48 months 100.000/ TOTAL FOUNDATION Monitoring of benthic communities in the Antikyra Bay, with emphasis on thermophilc species Other Dr M.A. 2010/ 12 Pancuccimonths Papadopoulou 80.262,42/ ALOUMINION AE. CORE PARTICIPANTS University of Athens, Greece (C.K.), National Agricultural Research Foundation (NAGREF), Fisheries Research Institute (FRI), University of Thessaly, Scottish Association for Marine Science, University of Konstanz, University of Kobe, Scottish Association for Marine Science, Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Croatia, Celal Bayar University (CBU), Turkey, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML), U.S.A. , Marine Science Institue (MSI), U.S.A, Tel Aviv University (TAU), Israel, Marine Environment Division, Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR), Cyprus, Celal Bayar University (CBU), Turkey HCMR HCMR/ Municipality of Korthi, MOm/The Hellenic Society for the Study and Protection of the Monk Seal, Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS) MAIN R&I AREAS OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS 125.000/ GSRT Biodiversit y Hellenic Biodiversity HelBioNet Research Network National Dr A. Magoulas 2010/ 6 months Biodiversit y Planning a network of marine protected areas for the Mediterranean Sea Planning a network of marine protected areas for the Mediterranean Sea Hellenic Network for Biodiversity Research: Construction and Operation phase for the national LifeWatch Centre Biotechnology for the exploitation of microalgae NETMED National Dr S. Katsanevakis 2011/ 36 months 150.000/ GSRT NETMED National Dr A. Zenetos 2012/ 36 months 150.000/ GSRT LIFEWATCHHELBIONET National Dr Ch. Arvanitidis 2012/ 37 months 3.400.000/ National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2007 -2013 BIOEXPLORE National Dr P. Katharios 2010/ 54 months 288.000/ GSRT Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture Palaeo- and current climatic changes in the Eastern Mediterranean KRIPIS IMBBAQ National Dr P. Divanach 2013/ 31 months 1.498.965 / GSRT National Dr V. Lykousis 76.200/GSRT (90%) & National Museum of History GOULANDRI (10%) Biodiversit y Biodiversit y Blue Biotechnol ogy Blue Biotechnol ogy Climate Change & 2005/ 36 months CORE PARTICIPANTS HCMR/ 49 research bodies (university departments, research institutes, etc, from all over Greece HCMR Prof. Hugh Possingham (University of Queensland), Dr. Salit Kark (Hebrew University), Dr. Simonetta Fraschetti (University of Salento). HCMR Agricultural University of Athens, Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens , Depart. Biology, University of Athens, Medbio SA., Kefalonia Aquaculture SA, Dias Aquaculture ΑΕΒΕΕ & Intermed SA HCMR Prof. E. Stefanou, Prof. M. Karidis, Ass. Prof. M. Triantafylou, Lecturer M. Kormas MAIN R&I AREAS Impacts Climate Change & Impacts Climate Change & Impacts Deep sea Ecosystem s Deep sea Ecosystem s Deep sea Ecosystem s OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) using biogeochemical proxies and stable isotopes. Can we forecast future changes? Copepod Response to Ocean Acidification CROA GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS CORE PARTICIPANTS National Dr. S. Zervoudaki 2012/ 36 months 150.000/ GSRT Dr. Εnric Saiz from Institut de Ciències del Mar, Barcelona, Spain, Biologist-Zooplankton, Percentage of time 3 %. National Dr S. Psarra 2012/ 41 months 580.167/ THALIS Operational Program Education and Lifelong Learning ESPA University of Athens, University of Aegean, University of Piraeus, University of Thessaloniki, Technological Education Institute of Athens Other A. Theoharis 2006/ 11 months 74.375/ LOYALWARD LTD. HCMR, University of Thessaloniki MedEcos National Dr A. Gogou 2009/ 36 months 148.050/ GSRT HCMR MEDEX National Dr I. SiokouFrangou 2004/ 24 months 219.360/ GSRT HCMR/ UNIVERSITY OF CRETE Technological and oceanographic cooperation Network for the Study of mechanisms fertilizing the NorthEast Aegean Sea AegeanMarTech KAVO SIDERO Decadal scale Variability of the Mediterranean Ecosystem Inter-basin exchange in the changing Mediterranean sea: impact on the SCALE MAIN R&I AREAS Deep sea Ecosystem s Deep sea Ecosystem s Deep sea Ecosystem s Deep sea Ecosystem s Deep sea mining, Oil OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) ecosystem in the vicinity of the straits connecting the Mediterranean sea with the adjacent basins Nutrient tunnelling” NUTRITUNN and other EL alternative pathways for mineral nutrients through the microbial food web to copepods Red Sea 2011 KAUST Atmospheric Deposition and Mediterranean sea Water Productivity ADAMANT Spatially resolved Ecosystem models and their Application to Marine MANagement DOMINE SEAMAN SCALE Other GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) Dr P. Pitta 2009/ 36 months Internation Dr E. 2011/ 111 al Papathanassio days u National Dr G. Petihakis 2012/ 48 months National Dr G. 2013/ 36 Triantafyllou months (IMBRIW: Dr S. Somarakis) Other Dr Th. Kanellopoulos 2012/ 21 months ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS CORE PARTICIPANTS 52.850/ Norwegian Research Council HCMR/ University of Bergen, Department of Biology, Norway 949.900/ SETE Co HCMR 575.223/THALIS Operational Program Education and Lifelong Learning ESPA 231.914/ GSRT University of Crete, University of Aegean 180.687/DESFA SA University of Bergen (UiB), Norway Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Norway - Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC), Norway – French Research Institute for the expoitation of the Sea (IFREMER), Frasnce – University of Iceland (UI), Iceland HCMR MAIN R&I AREAS and Gas Sustainabl e Exploitatio n Deep sea mining, Oil and Gas Sustainabl e Exploitatio n Deep sea mining, Oil and Gas Sustainabl e Exploitatio n Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS CORE PARTICIPANTS King Fahd University KFUPMInternation Dr D. for Petroleum and ENVIRONME al Georgopoulos Minerals NT 2012-2014 360.000/ SETE ENERGY HCMR Hydrothermal activity and placer deposits in the Aegean Sea AEGEAN EXPLORATIO NS Other Dr A. Karageorgis 2013/ 36 months 1.390.000/ INSTITUTE OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESEARCH AND STUDIES HCMR Guidance of fishing fleet using SST imagery and fishstock management National Dr D. Georgopoulos 2002-2007 293.500/S. Aegean Region, PEP South Aegean (1) National Observatory of Athens, (2) Union of coastal fishermen Fish farming effects on benthic biogeochemical processes National Dr E. Tsapakis 54.057,65 /GSRT (1) Ass. Professor I. Karakassis, Biology Dept., University of Crete, (2) Marianne Holmer, Insitute of Biology, University of Southern Denmark, (3) KASTELLORIZO Fish Farm. MAIN R&I AREAS Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) Technical ana mechanical analysis of the operation of the Gri-Gri fishing bear in Greece GRI-GRI SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS 129.712/ Ministry of Agriculture Development and Food CORE PARTICIPANTS 116.725,50/ Ministry of Agriculture Development and Food (1) Fisheries Association of Porto Lagos and Vistonis “AGIOS NIKOLAOS”. (2) ETANAL SA. National Dr A. Conides 2007/ 15 months National Technical University of Athens Improvement of the fisheries management of the Vistonis Lagoon using environmental telemetry systems and the design of structural interventions National Fisheries Data Collection Program (2003– 2006) National Dr A. Conides 2007/ 24 months National Dr C. 2003/ 60 Papaconstanti months nou Study of the fishing viability of Argolikos Gulf. National Dr K. Kapiris 2007/ 15 months 793.000/ Greek i) Subcontractors (Prefecture’s Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries Inspectors): P. Karathanassis, I. Delatolas, E. Volikakis, K. Sakarellou, A. Andrioti, E. Konstantinidis, E. Spinos, Z. Georgiou, A. Kentrou, D. Rizos, ii) FIRI 169.198,67/ Ministry HCMR of Agriculture Study of Paleochora area (Chania) for sustainable National Dr A. Machias 2007/ 18 months 65.580/Ministry of Agriculture TEI of Chania MAIN R&I AREAS aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) exploitation of fishery resources Exploitation scenarios of demersal stocks by trawlers in areas with narrow continental shelf: The case of S. Aegean FAST GROWERS Development of innovative methodology of culture of sea bass based on sex differentiation and manipulation of rearing conditions Nutritional determinants of SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS CORE PARTICIPANTS National Dr G. Tserpes 2007/ 10 months 176.756 / Ministry of Agriculture HCMR National Dr N. Papandroulaki s 2006/ 30 months 150.000/ Ministry of Agriculture HCMR GROWBASS National Dr Chatzifotis 186.214/ GSRT FORKYS SA EURIKAVLAXOS National Dr N. Papandroulaki s 2006/ 18 months 104.250/ GSRT, Subcontracting to NHREYS LTD (100%) HCMR Dr S. Chatzifotis 2006/ 20 months 79.250/ GSRT (50%) & University of Crete: K. Ampatzis, Aik. Interfish SA (50%) Dermon NUTRANERV Other E S. 2006/ 29 months MAIN R&I AREAS Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) behaviour in fish (sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax) Use of legumes and of carob seed germ meal as constituents of feeds for sea bass and sea bream SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS CORE PARTICIPANTS National Dr M.N. Alexis 2004/ 36 months 140.016/ GSRT BioMar Hellenic, SELONDA, UTH, NAGREF/FCPI, LAMANS Effects of processing LEGUMES on the nutritional value of legumes for Mediterranean cultured fish Other Dr I. Nengas 2005/ 36 months 53.000/ BIOMAR Hellenic HCMR Alternative protein sources from plants in sea bass (Sparus aurata) feeds. Effects on the growth performance and quality of the fishes Improvement and SPARUS automation of the AURATA production of sea bream larvae (Sparus aurata) under intensive rearing Other Dr Y. Kotzamanis 2005/ 28 months 53.300/ GSRT- PABENE HCMR National Dr Y. Kotzamanis 2006/ 24 months 55.826/ GSRT PLAGTON SA MAIN R&I AREAS Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) Contract between the Laboratory of fish nutrition and pathology (HCMR) and ASTREA SA. ASTREA SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS 67.235/ ASTREA SA CORE PARTICIPANTS (1) Fretzos Auanasios (Kefalonian Aquaculture S.A.), (2) Papasolomontos Sotiris (KEGO S.A.), (3) Papaioannou Nikos (KEGO S.A.) Other Dr I. Nengas 2006/ 36 months HCMR Use of novel diets for taste – flavour improvement of sea bass Other Dr K. Grigorakis 2006/ 24 months 80.300/ GSRT, FISH FARMING OF KEFALLONIA SA Development of commercial diet for the (Thunnus thynnus thynnus, Linnaeus) aquaculture Innovating technology of live feed substitution by artificial feed at the early stages of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae Innovative in vitro development of bacteriophages aiming at their invivo use for the bioconfrontation of Other Dr I. Nengas 2006/ 24 months 115.430/GSRT, Bluefin Apostolos Tzoumas (Bluefin Tuna Tuna Hellas, Feedus Hellas), George Toliadis (Feedus) National Dr Y. Kotzamanis 2006/ 22 months 260.000/Hellenic Ministry of Rural Development and Food Rhodes Fish Farming SA, AMBIO SA National Dr N. Papandroulaki s 2007/ 24 months 120.000/ Ministry of Rural Development and Foods (1) Intermas Consultants Ltd. (2) G. Eliava Institute of Bacteriophage, Microbiology and Virology, Tbilisi, Georgia. MAIN R&I AREAS Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) critical diseases in Aquaculture Application of innovative measures for the support of commercial sponge fisheries in the Aegean Evaluation of the BOAT SEINR impact boat seine fishery in the fish stocks SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS CORE PARTICIPANTS National Dr C. Dounas 2007/ 18 months 53.658/ Ministry of Agriculture HCMR National G. Petrakis 2008/ 10 months 82.000/ Ministry of Agriculture HCMR National Fisheries Data Collection Project for the 2008 period. National Dr C. 2008/ 12 Papaconstanti months nou 1.448.119/Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food HCMR Collaboration for the rearing of juveniles with “GREEK FISHES SA”. Other Dr N. Papandroulaki s 2008/ 12 months 149.340/ GREEK FISHES SA HCMR Evaluation of the reserves of Anquilla anquilla in Greece and suggested ways for a sustainable maintenance of the National Dr Y. Kotzamanis 2008/ 4 months 59.500/ Greek (1) Prof Koutsikopoulos K. University Ministry of Agriculture of Patras. (2) Dr Kladas Yannis, ΤΕΙ and Food Ipirou. (3) Dr Katselis G., ΤΕΙ Mesologgiou. (4) Dr Enric Gisbert and M. Angel Lopez IRTA, Tarragona, Spain. MAIN R&I AREAS Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) stocks and protections of this species Bycatch and Discards: Management indicators, trends and location Κατανόηση των διαδικασιών στρατολόγησης με χρήση συνδεδεμένων βιοφυσικών μοντέλων του πελαγικού οικοσυστήματος Harmonisation of the acoustic data in the Mediterranean 2002-2006 AQUAVAC VIBRIO ORAL TRIALS SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS CORE PARTICIPANTS BADMINTON Other Dr V. 2009/ 35 Vassilopoulou/ months Major Coordinator: IFREMER 362.233,9/MariFish Common Pot / GSRTGreek Ministry of Education IFREMER (FR), IMARES (NL), IEO (SP), CEFAS(UK), IFM (DK), MATIS (IS), DTU-Aqua (DK) REPROdUCE National Dr S. Somarakis 314.986/GSRT: 290.000 € (92%) – HCMR (Own funding): 24.986 € (8%) IEO, AZTI, IFREMER, IPIMAR ACOUSMED National Dr Μ. 2010/ 24 Giannoulaki months 75.000/ GSRT HCMR Other Dr G. Rigos 94.248/ Intervet/Schering Plough Animal Health HCMR 2009/36 months 2010/ 18 months MAIN R&I AREAS Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) CORE PARTICIPANTS (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS 110.700/ Pan-Hellenic HCMR Union of middle range ship-owners Management plan TRAWLPLAN for the demersal trawl fisheries in the Greek seas Other Dr. G. Tserpes 2011/ 16 months Development of KRANIOS methods for reproduction and rearing of meagre (Argyrosomus regius) as a means for the enhancement of the competitiveness of aquaculture, with the introduction of new species Reproduction of blufin tuna (Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus) in culture conditions and production of juveniles for growout Alternative preventive and therapeutic methods in Greek aquaculture National Dr C. Mylonas 2011/ 36 months 286.200/ GSRT FORKYS S.A. (Aquaculture production), University of Crete, IRIDA S.A. (Fish feed production) National Dr C. Mylonas 2011/ 36 months 190.000/ GSRT STAMATIOU S.A. (Aquaculture support), IRIDA S.A. (Fish feed production) National Dr G. Rigos 2011/ 36 months 316.410/ GSRT-EYDEETAK Hellenic Pasteur Institute, SELODA AQUACULTURE SA, BIOMAR HELLENIC SA MAIN R&I AREAS Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS 105.600/ GSRT CORE PARTICIPANTS Research for the production of fish of high biological and dietary value for human consumption National Dr Y. Kotzamanis 2011/ 36 months HCMR Improvement of the production of European eel (Anguilla Anguilla) under intensive rearing Fish Fry Protecting ECO-NET Devices National Dr Y. Kotzamanis 2011/ 36 months 60.000/ GSRT HCMR National A. Kapantagakis 2012/ 32 months 502.465/GSRT through the “Cooperation” program HCMR – IMBRIW (Coordinator), University of Crete – Department of Biology, DIOPAS S.A., LAMANS S.A Comparative transcriptomics in four sparid species using nextgeneration sequencing and comparative mapping based on available genetic information from model fish species ANalysis of multifunctiOnal genes and Their SPARCOMP National Dr. C.S. Tsigenopoulos 2012/ 36 months 400.000/ GSRT HCMR ANnOTATE National Dr. Ε. 2012/ 36 Sarropoulou months 180.000/ GSRT HCMR MAIN R&I AREAS (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Living Marine Resources OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) pAralogs in TEleosts: Identification, Evolution and Annotation through Transcriptome scans and Functional studies Biological control of FISHPHAGE bacteria in fish hatcheries using phages Fish oil replacement in aquafeeds for seabream and seabass with alternative lipid sources Use Of Antimicrobials For The Prevention And Treatment Of Common Diseases Of Cultured Fish In Greece And Evaluation Of Their Efficiency And Safety PROAQUA-Phage Reducing antibiotic use in marine FORIA SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS CORE PARTICIPANTS National Dr P. Katharios 2012/ 36 months 280.000/ GSRT HCMR National Dr Y. Kotzamanis/ Associate Professor Helen Miliou 2013/ 36 months 72.579/ GSRT Department of Pharmacology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, ΒΙΟΜΑR, ABOTIS Dr Ι. Kotzamanis 2013/ 26 months 235.000/ GSRT 1) Unviversity of Thessaly, ProVet, S.A., Mante fish farming, 2) Dr M. Giagnisi FISH National ANTIMICROB IALS Other Dr Katharios/ Major P. 2013/ 51 months 2.646.513,43/Strategi c Research in Health, Food and Welfare, MAIN R&I AREAS OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS Danish Research Council (DRC) CORE PARTICIPANTS 120.000/ Ministry of Rural Development and Food HCMR (1) University of Rhode Island, USA (URI): Haraldur Sigurdsson, Carey Steve, Julie Fero, Katy Croff, David Kratzmann. (2) IGME: K. Perissoratis, G. Bougioukalakis, Ch. Ioakim (3) Univ. of Aegean, A. Gogou HCMR/WHOI (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) larviculture by a novel combinatory probiotic strategy Living Marine Resources (fishery, aquacultur e, etc.) Marine Hazards Modernization of the Fish Nutrition and Quality lab of HCMR National Exploration of the submarine deposits and morphology of Santorini volcano, Greece Internation S. Alexandri al 2006/ 24 months 90.000/University of Rhode Island (URI), USA Investigation of PHAEDRAsubmarine 2006 hydrothermal/volca nic activity along the Hellenic Volcanic Arc with the use of cutting edge technological equipment attached on underwater vehicles Gulf of Corinth and PECHINEY associated environmental parameters Internation Prof. G.Th. al Chronis 2006/ 12 months 59.500/ HCMR (Inst. of Oceanography) (70%) & WHOI (30%) National 2007/ 12 months 127.330/ALLOUMINIO HCMR N OF GREECE Marine Hazards Marine Pollution & Technology Transfer Coordinator:Te chnical University of Denmark Dr Y. 2012/ 36 Kotzamanis months ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) Dr D. Sakellariou MAIN R&I AREAS Marine Pollution Marine Pollution OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) Study Marine Pollution Study Marine Pollution Study Marine Pollution Study Marine Pollution Study SCALE SEA DIAMOND MAPPING Mapping of PECHINEY Environmental Conditions and Parameters in the Antikyra Bay Development of HABs electrochemical immunosensors for the detection of toxins present during harmful algae blooms Other Study of short- and SEA mid-term effects of DIAMOND the pollution cased from the accident of the ship Oceanographic Study in Alivery Bay related to AGET HERACLES Cement Industry Study of the LARCO environmental impact of dumping GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS 491.470 /ELONA MARITIME CO 222.530 / ALOUMINION OF GREECE CORE PARTICIPANTS HCMR Prof. G.Th. Chronis Dr D. Sakellariou 2007/ 15 days 2006/ 14 months National Dr K. Pagou 2006/24 months Other Dr I. Hatzianestis 2007/ 77 months 70.200/ GSRT (Operational Programme “Competitiveness”, for which the Public Expenditure is cofunded by 75% from European Social Fund (ESF) and by 25% by National/Public Funds). 540.000/ Ministry of Mercantile Marine Other Dr Alexandra Pavlidou 2008/ 12 months 71.400/ AGET HERACLES HCMR Other Dr N. Simboura 2004/ 84 months 52.000/ LARCO SA HCMR National HCMR HCMR HCMR MAIN R&I AREAS OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) Marine Pollution Study Marine Pollution Marine Pollution Marine Pollution Study Study Study MSP ICZM MSP ICZM & Technology Transfer metalliferous waste in N. Evvoikos gulf. Study of the foaming in the seawater close to the Power Industry in Lavrio SARonikos dumpinG SARGE sitE SARonikos dumpinG SARGE B sitE – B΄ Stage Study of environmental parameters in Aliveri Bay in relation to the operation of the desalination Plant MARine and MARCOAST COASTal environmental services Integrated marine STOUPA and land survey for the investigation of the quantity, quality SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS CORE PARTICIPANTS Other Dr A. Pavlidou 2010/ 18 months 74.742,67 / DEI HCMR Other Dr V. Kapsimalis Dr V. Kapsimalis Dr A. Pavlidou 2010/ 12 months 2011/ 18 months 2010/ 27 months 120.491,8/EYDE/AEL MP 116.604/ TERNA ENERGIAKI S.A 83.534,22/ AGET HERACLES HCMR Internation L. Perivoliotis al 2006/ 36 months 126.200/ESA (European Space Agency National 2008/ 24 months 230.000/Messinia County, Lefktro Municipality AAS (FR), CLS (FR), CEDRE (FR), BOOST (FR), MERCATOR OCEAN (FR), METEO FRANCE (FR), IFREMER (FR), TELESPAZIO (IT), PLANETEK (IT), JRC (IT), INGV (IT), MUMM (BE), DNV (Norway), GTD (Spain), STARLAB (Spain), SOS (UK), UK MET OFFICE (UK), NERSC (Norway), DLR (Germany), BfG (Germany), FIRM (Finland), BSH (Germany). HCMR / Agricultural University of Athens, National Technical University of Athens, District of Peloponesse. Other Other Dr A. Karageorgis HCMR HCMR MAIN R&I AREAS MSP ICZM MSP ICZM Ocean renewable Energy Operationa l Oceanogra phy/Obser ving Systems OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) and water collection of the submarine water discharges of Stoupa, Municipality of Lefktro, Messinia County Study of the ecological status of the marine environment at the sites Tsigrado and Voudia, Milos Isl Marine aggregates: prospecting and exploitation methods, environmental impact and usage possibilities National Program for the exploitation of the offshore wind power potential in the Aegean Sea. Phase 1: Preliminary Operational use, maintenance and co-operation of the POSEIDON system SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS CORE PARTICIPANTS MILOS SAND National B Dr Ch. Zeri 2008/ 12 months 85.680 /S & B HCMR Industrial Minerals S.A MARE National Dr V. Kapsimalis/ Prof. M. Stamatakis (University of Athens 2012/ 36 months 60.190/ GSRT HCMR AVRA National Dr. Τ. Soukissian 2012/ 36 months 210.000/GSRT CRES, NTUA, 6 companies involved in the production of renewable energy sources POSEIDON National Dr D. Georgopoulos & Prof. G.Th. Chronis 2002-2012 1.526.045/ GSRT Greek National Meteorological Office MAIN R&I AREAS Operationa l Oceanogra phy/Obser ving Systems Operationa l Oceanogra phy/Obser ving Systems Operationa l Oceanogra phy/Obser ving Systems Operationa l Oceanogra phy/Obser ving Systems Operationa l Oceanogra phy/Obser ving Systems OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) A Second Generation Monitoring and Forecasting system for the Eastern Mediterranean Sea A monitoring and forecasting system for the Eastern Mediterranean Sea with emphasis on climate change and protection of the marine ecosystem Greek Argo Ocean Observing Infrastructure POSEIDON-II IONian Integrated marine Observatory Greek research infrastructure for ocean monitoring using ARGO floats SCALE Other GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS 9.907.000/European Investment Bank, Ministry of National Economy CORE PARTICIPANTS Prof. G.Th. Chronis/Dr E. Papathanassio u 2004/ 42 months Univ. Athens, Univ. Aegean, Univ. Connecticut POSEIDON-III Other Dr K.Nittis 2009/ 30 months 1.059.600/EEA/EFTA (50%) – Ministry of Economy & Finance (50%) HCMR Greek Argo National Dr G. Korres 2010/ 3 months 50.000/ GSRT HCMR IONIO Other L. Perivoliotis 2012/ 24 months 499.455/INTERREG-III, CMCC(IT), ENEA(IT) Greece-Italy (Ministry of Economy) Other Dr. G. Korres 2012/ 39 months 780.000/ Attica 20072013 (NSRF) HCMR MAIN R&I AREAS OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) Operationa l Oceanogra phy/Obser ving Systems Operationa l Oceanogra phy/Obser ving Systems Other/Mul Monitoring tiple areas (specify in column B) Other/Mul Cultural tiple areas Heritage (specify in column B) Other/Mul Monitoring tiple areas (specify in column B) Other/Mul Monitoring tiple areas European Multidisciplinary Seafloor Observatories GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS 3.700.000/HELLENIC STATE Structural funds CORE PARTICIPANTS National Dr. V. Lykousis 2012/ 45 months Integrated observatories of the Greek Seas National Dr V. Lykousis 2013/ 24months 1.498.100/ GSRT HCMR Study of inner Saronikos ecosystem, under the influence of Psittalia sewage treatment unit Searching for Minoan shipwrecks south of Eastern Crete Other Dr E.D. Christou 2007/ 18 months 397.339,81/Company of water supply and sewerage (EYDAP) HCMR Internation Dr D. al Sakellariou 2007/ 12 months 263.526/TEXAS A&M University, USA National Dr E.D. Christou 2005-2007 224.661,38/Company of water supply and sewerage (EYDAP) TEXAS A&M University, USA, Hellenic Institute of Ancient and Mediaeval Alexandrian Studies, Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities (Observer) Company of water supply and sewerage. National Dr A. Pavlidou /Dr I. Chatzianestis 2006/ 60 months 200.000/ Prefectorial Administration of Messinia County Study of inner Saronikos ecosystem, under the influence of Psittalia sewage treatment unit Monitoring Program for the evaluation of the quality of EMSO SCALE DANAOS HCMR HCMR MAIN R&I AREAS OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS (37,5%); Local Union of boroughs and of Messinia County (37,5%) and Kalamata Borough (25%) 160.721 / EYDE Thes/nikis (Ministry of Environment, Planning and Public Works, General Secretariat of Public Works, Special Service of Public Works, Watering and Greater Thessaloniki Area Sewerage and Sewage Treatment). 268.202/C. Liapakis-V. Balis Consultant Engineers CORE PARTICIPANTS 2008/ 12 months 309.852,94/TEXAS A&M University, USA Dr E. Christou 2008/ 18 – Dr Evangelia months Krasakopoulou 394.832,48/Company of water supply and sewerage (EYDAP) HCMR/ (1) TEXAS A&M University, USA (2) Hellenic Institute of Ancient and Mediaeval Alexandrian Studies (3) Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities (Observer) HCMR (specify in column B) Messiniakos Gulf and the western coast of Messinia during 2006-2010 Other/Mul Monitoring tiple areas (specify in column B) Monitoring the quality of the Marine Environment of the Gulf of Thessaloniki during 2006 National Dr K. Pagou 2006/ 60 (assistant comonths ordinator: Dr E. Krasakopoulou ) Other/Mul tiple areas (specify in column B) Other/Mul tiple areas (specify in column B) CABLES OTE 2008 National Dr G. Roussakis Sea Bottom morphology for placing cables Cultural Heritage Other/Mul Ecosystem tiple areas functioning (specify in column B) Searching for Minoan shipwrecks south of eastern Crete DANAOS 2008 Internation Dr D. al Sakellariou Study of inner Saronikos ecosystem, under the influence of Psittalia sewage treatment plant PHASE C National 2008/ 10 months ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) Division of Hydraulics & Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering Department, Aristotle Univ. of Thes/niki: Dr Y.N. Krestenitis (Professor of Coastal Engineering & Oceanography), other scientist. HCMR MAIN R&I AREAS OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) Other/Mul Ecosystem tiple areas functioning (specify in column B) Other/Mul Study tiple areas (specify in column B) Other/Mul Monitoring tiple areas (specify in column B) Other/Mul tiple areas (specify in column B) Other/Mul Bottom tiple areas Morphology (specify in column B) SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS 53.550/ Golfing Developments SA CORE PARTICIPANTS 255.850/Aegean Energy SA. HCMR HCMR/ EYDAP Study of environmental conditions in the region between the Bays Sourpi and Nies - Pagasitikos Gulf Underwater PRINOS Geological and Environmental Studies in the region of western basin of Prinos, Kavala Study of inner PHASE D Saronikos ecosystem, under the influence of Psittalia sewage treatment plant Regional Drivers of ReDEco Ecosystem Change and its Influence on Deep-Sea Populations in the Mediterranean Other Dr M.A. 2008/ 10 Pancuccimonths Papadopoulou Other Dr E. Papathanassio u/ Dr G. Roussakis National Dr E. 2009/ 18 Krasakopoulou months – Dr S. Zervoudaki 361.080/Company of water supply and sewerage (EYDAP) National Dr N. Lampadariou 2009/ 36 months 378.000/ GSRT Offshore and nearshore geologicalgeomorphological Other Dr G. Rousakis 2010/ 12 months 2009/4 months HCMR HCMR/ (1) Miquel Canals (Iniversitat de Barcelona/Facultat de Geologia) (2) Sergio Stefanni (IMAR – Instituto do Mar) (3) Marina R. Cunha (Universidade de Aveiro, Centro de estudos do Ambiente e do Mar) (4) Anastatios Tselepides (University of Piraeus, Department of Maritime Studies) (5) Serge Heussner (CNRS CEFREM) 214.200/C. Liapakis-V. HCMR Balis Consultant Engineers MAIN R&I AREAS OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) Other/Mul tiple areas (specify in column B) Other/Mul Bottom tiple areas Morphology (specify in column B) Other/Mul Cultural tiple areas Heritage (specify in column B) study for the installation of the submarine F/O cable routes along branches at WestCentral Cyclades islands Cost of salvage efforts for the crashed F-16 aircrafts into the sea south of the Crete Island Offshore and nearshore geologicalgeomorphological cable route survey for the installation of the submarine F/O cable of OTE SA along the branches at Nisyros -TilosSimi and Limnos Samothraki islands, 2011 Marine KNOSSOS Geoarchaeological 2011 survey of the Iraklion - Dia area, Northern Cretan shelf area SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS CORE PARTICIPANTS Other Dr G. Rousakis 2010/ 4 months 167.747,4/ HELLENIC AIR FORCE HCMR Other Dr G. Rousakis 2011/ 14 months 221.400/ C. LiapakisV. Balis Consultant Engineers SA HCMR 2011/ 12 months 67.000/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Crete Dept. of the Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities, Dr Th. Theodoulou, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Dr B. Foley Internation Dr D. al Sakellariou MAIN R&I AREAS OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) Other/Mul Monitoring tiple areas (specify in column B) Other/Mul Bottom tiple areas Morphology (specify in column B) Other/Mul tiple areas (specify in column B) Other/Mul tiple areas (specify in column B) Search & Rescue Cultural Heritage Other/Mul Monitoring tiple areas (specify in column B) Study of inner Saronikos ecosystem, under the influence of Psittalia sewage treatment plant Offshore and nearshore geologicalgeomorphological cable route survey for the installation of the submarine F/O cable along the branche at RhodesSimi Identification and finding of an instrument of the Greek Navy Investigation of possible archaeological targets along the route of the greeceitaly pipeline POSEIDON Monitoring the quality of the coastal marine waters in aquacultures areas PHASE E SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) CORE PARTICIPANTS (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS 123.136,53/ Company HCMR of water supply and sewerage (EYDAP) Other Dr E. 2011/ 18 Krasakopoulou months , Dr S. Zervoudaki Other Dr G. Rousakis 2010/ 8 months 88.535/ C. Liapakis- V. HCMR Balis Consultant Engineers National P. Georgiou 2011/ 3 months 108.238,77/ Hellenic Navy HCMR Other Dr D. Sakellariou 2012/ 12 months 147.000/IGI POSEIDON Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities Other Dr K. Pagou 2012/ 16 months 73.800/ District of Sterea Ellada (KAP 2012) HCMR MAIN R&I AREAS OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) Other/Mul Monitoring tiple areas of (specify in Thessaloniki column B) of the prefecture of Sterea Hellas Control and monitoring of the marine environment of the Bay of Thessaloniki and particularly the phenomenon of eutrophication Dynamic DISPERSE Landscapes, Coastal Environments and Human Dispersals SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS CORE PARTICIPANTS Other Dr K. Pagou 2012/ 18 months 79.999,20/ Municipality of Thessaloniki Department of Environment of Municipality of Thessaloniki Other Dr. D. Sakellariou 2012/ 40 months 360.000/York University, UK (1) Geoffrey Bailey, York University UK, (2) Geoffrey King, IPGP FR, (3) Abdullah Alsharekh, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (4) Rashad Bantan, College of Marine Sciences, King AbdulAziz University. Saudi Arabia (5) Eelco Rohling, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK Prof. K. Synolakis, M. Papadakis, Em. Stefanakis, Dr Ch. Anagnostou Other/Mul tiple areas (specify in column B) Geology, Cultura Heritage in the Red Sea Other/Mul tiple areas (specify in column B) Other/Mul tiple areas (specify in column B) Study Study of corrosion protection and Gulf coasts Chania Other Prof. K. Synolakis Study/ Marine Pollution impacts Study of inner Saronikos and Elefsis bay ecosystems, under the influence of Psittalia and Thriasio sewage treatment plants Water Framework WFD Directive Monitoring Other Dr. E. 2013/ 18 Krasakopoulou months and Dr S. Zervoudaki National Dr P. Panayotidis Other/Mul WFD tiple areas Monitoring ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) 2012 2008/ 15 months 380.000/ Technical Program of Crete Region and Regional Sections 129.298/Company of water supply and sewerage (EYDAP 848.232/Hellenic Ministry for the Company of water supply and sewerage (EYDAP) HCRM/ Chatzinikolaou. Other Participants: (1) ΕΚΒΥ(2) Univ. MAIN R&I AREAS OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) for Marine and Coastal Waters Other/Mul Study tiple areas (specify in column B) Other/Mul Energy tiple areas production (specify in column B) Other/Mul Study tiple areas (specify in column B) Other/Mul Study tiple areas (specify in column B) Other/Mul Technical tiple areas assistance (specify in column B) SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) (specify in column B) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS Environmeant, Physical Planning and Publics Works. 160.000/Ministry of Agriculture CORE PARTICIPANTS 73.780/ GSRT HCMR of Thessaloniki(3) Univ. of Athens(4) Univ. of Patra: (5) ΙΝΑLE: Orfanidis S., Koutrakis E. HCMR Study on sustainable exploitation of fishery resources in Messara Method for ALGODIESEL production of biodiesel by use of microalgae Stydy of Elouda Bay National Dr A. Machias National Dr P. Divanach 2006/ 18 months Regional & Dr K. Dounas SubRegional 2006/ 14 months 54.202,12 /Prefecture HCMR of Lasithi Underwater Recreational Park of Lasithi Regional & Dr K. Dounas SubRegional 2006/ 17 months 62.200/ Prefecture of Lasithi HCMR Technical assistance for the elaboration of a national fishing effort adaptation plan through a national system of fishing vessels decommissioning aimed at vessels that operate in closed gulfs and sensitive ecosystems of National 2008/ 4 months 82.110/ Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food HCMR Dr A. Conides 2007/ 18 months ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) MAIN R&I AREAS OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) Other/Mul Study tiple areas (specify in column B) Other/Mul Study tiple areas (specify in column B) Other/Mul Consultancy tiple areas (specify in column B) Greece: a) Kerkyraikos gulf, Kerkyra straits, Igoumenitsa gulf, Amvrakikos gulf and b) Saronikos gulf, Patraikos gulf, Korinthiakos gulf, Argolikos gulf and South Evoikos gulf. Study for the construction of an artificial reef in the coastal area of Litochoro (Pieria Prefecture Environmental impact assessment due to discharge of cooling water and processed industrial wastes in the marine area along the coasts of the Power Plant Station in Atherinolakkos, SE Crete Research and consultancy project for the Saudi Arabia fisheries sector SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) 2008/ 8 months ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS CORE PARTICIPANTS 52.500/ NIK. ANAGNOPOULOS Pieria Prefecture Other Dr D. Klaoudatos Other Dr C. Dounas 2011/ 6 (IMBG), Dr G. months Petyhakis (IO) 65.000/ Public Polytechnic of Crete, University of Electricity Company of Cyprus Greece Other Dr A. Conides 1.129.748/ KFUPM 2013/ 36 months HCMR MAIN R&I AREAS OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) Socioecon omic & Policy Research SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS 196.000/ GSRT CORE PARTICIPANTS Marine (MERMAID Environmental targets linked to Regional Management schemes based on Indicators Developed for the Mediterranean Developing fisheries DEFINELT management MARIFISH indicators and targets National Dr E. Kaberi 2013/ 32 months National 2009/ 35 months 158.997/GSRT Major Coordinator:Technical University of Denmark, National Institute of Aquatic Resources Socioecon omic & Policy Research Spatially resolved Ecosystem models and their Application to Marine MANagement National Dr C. Maravelias (In collaboration with IMBR of Crete & IMBG) Dr S. Somarakis (I.O.: Dr G. Triantafyllou) 2013/ 36 months 167.925/ GSRT Socioecon omic & Policy Research Coralligenous based CIGESMED indicators to evaluate and monitor the «good ecological status» of the Mediterranean coastal waters OCEANUS National Dr Ch. Arvanitidis 2013/ 36 months 185.000/ GSRT University of Bergen (UiB), Norway Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Norway - Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC), Norway – French Research Institute for the expoitation of the Sea (IFREMER), Frasnce – University of Iceland (UI), Iceland HCMR National Dr Evangelos Papathanassio u 2005/ 36 months 1.548.114/ GSRT HCMR Socioecon omic & Policy Research Training & Technolog y Transfer Technoly applications SEAMAN HCMR MAIN R&I AREAS Training & Technolog y Transfer Training & Technolog y Transfer Training & Technolog y Transfer Training & Technolog y Transfer Training & Technolog y Transfer OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) Underwater telecommunication – automatic navigation and acoustic visualization technologies for undersea vehicle systems (ROVs – AUVs) Monemvasia Artificial Reef. Final study for the implementation plan regarding artificial reefs in Lakonia Prefecture ELMIN-Training in bauxite analysis with X-Ray Fluorescence methods Supercomputer with grid logic for ecological, biological and medical data and algorithms Research and development of an in-situ underwater gamma-ray spectrometer for low-level SCALE GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS 49.000/ GSRT CORE PARTICIPANTS National S. Alexandri 2007/ 10 months (1) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (ΜΙΤ), (2) National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), (3) ΜΑΡΑΚ ELECTRONIC LTD. Monemvasia National Artificial Reef Dr A. Karageorgis 2009/ 31 months 166.000/ Lakonia Prefecture HCMR/ ANEL SA Other Dr A. Karageorgis 2008/ 24 months 78.091/ ELMIN SA. HCMR EVAGORAS Other Dr G. Petihakis 2011/ 24 (IO) Dr G. months Kotoulas (IMBG) Greece – China National Dr Ch. Tsabaris 2013/ 30 months 102.500/Cross-Border Polytechnic of Crete, University of Cooperation Cyprus Programme Greece Cyprus 2007-2013 (INTERREG) 174.500/ GSRT HCMR MAIN R&I AREAS OTHER/MUL PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE TIPLE R&I & WEB SITE AREAS (SPECIFY) Training & Technolog y Transfer MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Biodiver MSP sity ICZM radioactivity measurements Deep Co Housing DEEP-COHOUS GREECE COORDINATO STARTING R(S) & TIME & LEADING DURATION INSTITUTION/ (ON-GOING COMPANY IN 2007) SCALE National PROJECT/INITI ATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE SCALE MATTM 4AMP - ECOSISTEMI MARINI Analisi e valutazione National dello stato degli ecosistemi marini delle zone A e B in 4 Aree Marine Protette anche al fine di valutare l'efficacia delle misure di gestione delle stesse e acquisizione di alcuni Dr G. Petihakis 2013/ 28 months COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY CoNISMa ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTER S) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) (IF AVAILABLE, PLEASE QUOTE THE OVERALL BUDGET OF THE PROJECT AND THE BUDGET ASSIGNED TO THE UNITS) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS CORE PARTICIPANTS 62.000/ GSRT NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS- SCHOOL OF NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND MARINE ENGINEERING - DIVISION OF MARINE STRUCTURES, ALS MARINE Ltd, B&T COMPOSITES, NATIONAL OBSERVATORY OF ATHENS, INSTITUTE OF ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS NESTOR, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENGINEERING S.A. ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 09/06/20 The project took into account 4 MPAs, distributed along the 06 (34,20 coasts of Italy (Porto Cesareo, Capo Rizzuto, Isole Egadi, Isola M) Asinara). It was developed in several, serially linked, tasks: acquisition, analysis and cartographic restitution of morphobathymetric data; benthic habitats distribution and analysis; habitat quality and biodiversity evaluation, through annotated check-lists of species per habitat; distribution of marine territory use (e.g. professional and recreational fishery, diving, pleasure navigation); set-up of a common geo-database for the 4 MPAs network; implementation of multi criteria analysis, BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € 830.000, 00 MATTM Minister o dell'Ambi ente e della Tutela CORE PARTICIPANT S CoNISMa MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Biodiver MSP sity ICZM TITLE SCALE aspetti dei processi fisici, chimici e biologici in atto nelle potenziali AAMMPP nelle zone profonde del Mediterraneo. MATTM ASPIM Analysis, evaluation National and knowledge of the species and the habitats present in the Mediterranean also with the insertion purpose in the ASPIM list (Protocol concerning particularly protected zones and biological diversities in the Mediterranean) of the Protected Marine Areas founded by the Ministry of Environment and Defence of the Territory COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) linking marine environmental data with uses of the sea, aimed at evaluating and optimizing protection and management measures. CoNISMa 28/12/20 The aim of this project was to provide useful information, 05 (18,20 critically gathered and validated by scientific authorities, in M) order to start the procedures to recognize the status of SPAMI (Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance) of certain Protected Marine Areas (PMA). It is known that, in order to assess the importance of a site with a view to inserting it in the SPAMI list, the Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA) has set an instrument, the Standard Data Entry Form (SDF), which allows to gather the information in a homogeneous and synthetic way and subsequently proceed with its evaluation. The SDF is divided into eight parts, each of which requires the availability of data and specific information. To that end, the project developed the updating of technical, scientific, juridical and socio-economic data available for each single PMA in order to have the knowledge to fill in the aforesaid documentation, which is necessary to apply for the SPAMI certification. The activities concerned the following Protected Marine Areas established by the MATTM (Italian Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea): Cinque Terre, Secche di Tor Paterno, Islands of Ventotene and Santo Stefano, Punta Campanella, Isola Capo Rizzuto, Porto Cesareo, Torre Guaceto, Tremiti Islands, Miramare, Isola dell’Asinara, Capo Caccia-Isola Piana, Penisola del Sinis - Isola Mal di Ventre, Capo Carbonara, Tavolara – Punta Coda Cavallo, Isola di Ustica, Capo Gallo-Isola delle Femmine, Egadi Islands, Pelagie Islands, Cyclop Islands, Plemmirio and, considering their BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS del Territori o e del Mare € CoNISMa 495.000, 00 MATTM Minister o dell'Ambi ente e della Tutela del Territori o e del Mare MAIN R&I AREAS Biodiver sity OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Tenders MARE/2009/05 - LOT 1 – Mediterranean http://mareapr - TITLE SCALE ARCHIMEDES Specific EU Project n. 3 - Scientific advice and other services for the implementation of the CFP in the Mediterranean Biodiver Climat ALARM Assessing large - scale EU sity e http://www.ala enviromental risk with cheng tested methods. es & alarm/ impact s, Marin e Hazar ds COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) relevance and size, also the National Parks with sea perimetration (Tuscan Archipelago, Maddalena Archipelago). An important result of this process was the inclusion of four new protected marine areas (Miramare, Plemmirio, Tavolara – Punta Coda Cavallo and Torre Guaceto) in the SPAMI list. 2011 2012 CONISM A (il CNR partecipa ufficialm ente come IAMC Mazara del Vallo) Centre 01/02/20 Research will focus on assessment and forecast of changes in for 04 (60,87 biodiversity and in structure, function, and dynamics of Environm M) ecosystems. This relates to ecosystem services and includes the ental relationship between society, economy and biodiversity. In Research particular, risks arising from climate change, environmental Leipzigchemicals, biological invasions and pollinator loss in the context Halle UFZ of current and future European land use patterns will be (GERMA assessed. NIA). There is an increasing number of case studies on the environmental risks subsequent to each of these impacts. This yields an improved understanding on how these act individually and affect living systems. Whereas the knowledge on how they act in concert is poor and ALARM will be the first research initiative with the critical mass needed to deal with such aspects of combined impacts and their consequences. Risk assessments in ALARM will be hierarchical and examine a range of organisational (genes, species, ecosystems), temporal (seasonal, annual, decadal) and spatial scales (habitat, region, continent) determined by the appropriate resolution of current case studies and databases. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS - € CoNISMa et al 16.706.7 20,00 - Unione Europea / VI PROGRA MMA QUADRO CONTR. N° GOCECT-2003506675ALARM MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE Assessment of the environmental status of a protected area through biological indicators. Regional & SubRegional Assignment of the realization service of the project "Marine Bioconstructions in Puglia." P.O. FESR 2007/2013 -Asse IV line 4.4. Ecological network Interventions. FP7 CoCoNet Towards EUROPEAN Coast to Coast COMMISSION - NETworks of marine Regional & SubRegional Biodiver sity REGIONE SICILIA DIOGENE Biodiver sity BIOCOSTRUZIO NI www.biomappi Biodiver sity EU ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) Socio-economics as a cross-cutting theme will contribute to the integration of driver-specific risk assessment tools and methods and will develop instruments to communicate risks to biodiversity to end users, and indicate policy options to mitigate such risks. CoNISMa 18/04/20 The aim of the research – funded by the Sicilian Region – was to 06 (24,37 investigate the structure and spatial distribution of the M) macrobenthic community inside the Stagnone of Marsala. Specific goals concerned the study of connections existing between certain environmental variables and the macrobenthos, in order to be able to identify environmental markers which can provide information on the condition of areas of great naturalistic value such as transition zones, and on possible changes in the benthic communities following the fluctuations of some chemical-physical variables o stress events. The macrobenthic density appeared to be correlated to the sedimentary parameter. Indeed, the greatest values are found in the southern portion seeing that the higher degree of confinement of the northern stations, the scarce hydrodynamism, the shallow depths, the greater accumulation of organic substance mostly of a refractory nature, bring about less favourable conditions for the life of benthic organisms. CoNISMa 05/10/20 11 (24,37 M) COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Consiglio 2012 Nazional 2016 e delle BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € 121.359, 00 Regione Sicilia CoNISMa € CoNISMa, CNR 822.000, ISMAR 00 REGIONE PUGLIA The main object of Towards Coast to Coast NETworks of marine 9000000 protected areas (from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential is the analysis 1296000 39 MAIN R&I AREAS Biodiver sity OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) - Biodiver Socioe TOTAL sity conom ic & Policy Resear ch TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Ricerche (CNRISMAR) Italy ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) and integration of current information to design Marine Protected Areas networks by using a holistic approach, coupling environmental protection and clean energy production in the Mediterranean and Black Seas, and providing opportunities to explore ecological cost-benefit methods. protected areas (from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with seabased wind energy potential CORPI IDRICI Piano di Internatio 2012 monitoraggio dei nal corpi idrici della Laguna di Venezia finalizzato alla definizione dello stato ecologico, ai sensi della direttiva europea 2000/60/CE Macroinvertebrati bentonici Designing networks of EU CoNISMa 01/01/20 marine protected 10 (27,33 areas in the M) Mediterranean context. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS -113000 The general aim of the project is the study of spatial connectivity of marine species to assess not only the effects of MPAs within and outside the borders, but also to provide information to create effective networks of MPAs in the Mediterranean, in terms of conservation of key species and coastal ecosystem health. The activities are mostly developed at the MPA of Torre Guaceto (localted close to Brindisi, along the SW Adriatic coast), but multiple sampling sites are located between Bari and Otranto. The activities of this project, funded by the Total Foundation, include the study of: spatial distribution of juveniles and adults of tw-banded sea bream (Diplodus vulgaris); reproductive pattern; spatial connectivity invastigating otolith microstructure and microchemistry; population genetics. The project is developed thanks to the collaboration between the operative unit coordinated by the scientific responsible, Paolo Guidetti (c/o University of Salento) and the scientific partner, Serge Planes (c/o CNRS, Ecole € CoNISMa 120.000, 00 TOTAL Fundatio n, France MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Biodiver sity REEFRES Developing ubiquitous Internatio National http://www.ncl restoration practices nal Institute for indo-pacific reefs. of /tmr/aje_reefr Oceanog es.html raphy / Israel Oceanog raphic & Limnolog ical Res. Israel Biodiver sity LIFE + - DG ENVIRONMENT www.enveurop Biodiver sity ENVEUROPE EU Environmental quality and pressure assessment across Europe: the LTER network as an integrated and shared system for ecosystem monitoring LIFE + - DG GHOST 1. National EU ENVIONMENT - Research Council – www.lifeInstitute of Marine Sciences (CNR/ISMAR) – Italy 2. University IUAV of Venice - Italy Consiglio Nazional e delle Ricerche CNR/ISM AR Italia Italy CNR ISMAR ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) Pratique des Hautes Etudes, University of Perpignan & CNRSEPHE-CRIOBE, French Polynesia). 01/01/20 05 (48,67 The REEFRES consortium partners have teamed up to restore M) Indo-Pacific coral reefs based on the central strategy concept of “gardening of denuded reef areas’’. The goals of the proposed study are:develop ubiquitous protocols for using nubbin and spat in reef restoration, develop novel protocols for reef restoration. Activities During the project the team have conducted several kind of experiments: i) self-attachment times in transplanted fragments of eleven coral species; ii) self-attachment in three fast attaching species; iii) Survival of transplanted coral fragments fourteen months post-transplantation and relative resistance and recovery of transplants from eleven species following a bleaching event in June 2007; iv) maintenance and stabilization of water condition in the ex-situ nursery. 2010 Environmental quality and pressure assessment across Europe: 2013 the LTER network as an integrated and shared system for ecosystem monitoring. The main aim is the analysis of the ecosystem status and the definition of environmental quality indicators with a long-term, broad scale, cross-domain (terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems) approach. It proposes the design of environmental quality monitoring and the establishing of common parameter sets to be collected across the largest network of European LTER sites. 2013 Techniques to reduce the impact of ghost fishing gears and to 2016 improve biodiversity in North Adriatic coastal areas. The increasing frequency of abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gears at sea is having an increasing impact on several coastal habitats. Measures are needed to protect biodiversity, especially in habitats affected by fishing activities impacting the sea floor. The rocky habitats of the northern Adriatic are rich in BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € CoNISMa et al. 1.888.90 0,00 Unione Europea / VI PROGRA MMA QUADRO GRANT AGREEM ENT INCO-CT2005510657 6067876 1003307 16 1127020 - 331000 3 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Biodiver Biodiv sity ersity Biodiver sity Biodiver sity Biodiver MSP sity ICZM TITLE 3. Laguna Project s.n.c. - Italy Ministry for Infrastruttura Education and multidisciplinare per Research lo studio e la (MIUR) - 2007- valorizzazione della 2013 N.O.P. for Biodiversità marina e Research and terrestre nella Competitivenes prospettiva della s (Cod. “Innovation Union” PONa3_00025) (BIO4IU) ; (http://www.p otenziamentostrutturale/pon a3_00025/) LIFE WATCH LIFE WATCH MACROZOOBENTHOS Contratto CNR/Corila Indicatori ed indici di qualità ambientale per la Laguna i Venezia Attività di Macrozoobenthos MATTM ASPIM Maintenance and II implementation of the Protected Marine Areas inside the ASPIM SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY National CNR, Departm ent of Life Sciences National Regional & SubRegional National ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) biodiversity and an appropriate area to test restoration measures. 2012 - 3 The Bio4IU Infrastructure is aimed at the study of living years organisms and the mechanisms underlying the maintenance of biodiversity. The project involves the definition and the implementation of infrastructural upgrading referred to five "nodes", and in particular: i) strengthening the logistics of local nodes infrastructure through the improvement, expansion and renovation of space for setting up laboratories and advanced facilities, ii) the structural strengthening, through the acquisition of large research facilities of the various components for multidisciplinary activities and services. 2010 2012 2004 2007 CoNISMa 17/07/20 Aims 07 (14,27 to produce a series of operational protocols to improve the M) scientific research inside the Italian SPAMI and to favour the conservation of the international status. Objectives In order to consolidate the conservation of the habitats, species and significant sites inside the Italian SPAMI (Specially BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 13.400.0 00 (1.328.06 3) IAMC-CNR, Institute of Protein Biochemistry (IBP-CNR), Anton Dohrn Zooligical Station, University of Bari, University of Salento. -300000 -70500 € CoNISMa 275.000, 00 MATTM Minister o dell'Ambi MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE Biodiver Marin sity e biocon structi ons Biocostruzioni costiere: struttura, funzione, e gestione. PRIN 2010-2011 Mapping and trophic sructure of Astroides calycularis National Biodiver Settin sity g up a territo rial biodiv EC Structural Funds European Regional Development Osservatorio Regionale della Biodiversità Siciliana marina a terrestre (ORBS) Regional & SubRegional ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance) and to promote a good management, CoNISMa means to compare the scientific activities effectued in the last periods inside the SPAMI, to evaluate the best practices. The project wants to produce a set of protocols to help the different Italian SPAMI to maintain their international status. Activities Protocols related to: 1. Monitoring of the main chemi-physical variables inside the water column 2.Census of biodiversity and benthic communities distribution 3. Evaluation of the “reserve effect”, “spill-over effect” and Indices of environmental quality 4. Alien and invasive species 5. Analysis of the structure and dynamics of the main socioeconomical variables and ascertainment of obtained results 6.Cartography & WebGIS Results Conisma produced a set of scientific and managerial protocols useful to help the Italian SPAMIs to improve their research. This protocols could be of interest for the Ministery of the Environment too. Ferdinan This study aims at defining the spatial distribution and the do health status of A. calycularis along the Italian coasts with an Boero, emphasis on the identification of those Universit aspects that are most relevant to its conservation. The trophic à degli position of A. calycularis in the food web will be verified. Studi del Salento IAMC2013The project aims at setting up a reposistory an an observation CNR 2015 system for the Sicilian biodiversity, through the support of the Sicilian Regional Authority and furrther Sicily based public research Institutes. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS ente e della Tutela del Territori o e del Mare Università degli Studi del SALENTO et al. 5.570.00 0,00 (4.070.00 0,00) IAMC-CNR, ISPRA, ARPA, University of Palermo MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) ersity reposi tory and observ ing syste m PROJECT/INITI ATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Fund - 20072013 Sicilian R.O.P. Biodiver sity POSEIDONE (LIFE+) http://www.lif / POSEIDONE - Urgent Regional Measures to protect & SubPosidonia meadows in Regional Northern Lazio (LIFE09NAT/IT/000176 ) Lazio Region (IT) Biodiver Opera sity tional Ocean ograp hy/Ob servin g syste ms Biodiver sity Italy-Russia bilateral scientifical cooperation Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (www.iamc.cnr .it) TARTANET Progetto di cooperazione scientifica sullo sviluppo di STRumentazione Oceanografica e di Acustica Marina (STROAM) Internatio IAMCnal CNR Project for the conservation of turtles. National Septemb er 2010Decembe r 2014 2005 - 2 years POSEIDONE project mainly aims to recover and enhance the priority marine habitats and Sites of Community interest along Lazio littoral (Posidonia 1120* Meadows) which have been partially endangered or degraded due to direct or indirect human activities - in this specific case, by illegal bottom trawling. The actions of recovery, enhancement and scientific monitoring mainly focus on the Posidonia meadows in order to support the flora and fauna species living in the two areas, thus having a positive impact on fishing. More than 500 elements discouraging illegal bottom trawling, with an original shape, were positioned on the sea bottom around the SCIs. International cooperation (Italy-Russia) in the the field of acoustics applied to marine environment. CoNISMa 01/10/20 The project contributed to the conservation status of the logger 06 (27,40 head sea turtle on a national level by establishing a national net M) work (in collaboration with the Italian ministry of the environment) t o record all events related to the target species (findings, accide ntal 1.339.50 0 € 40% EC Regione Lazio (IT), TUSCIA University (IT), Muncipal Administratio n of Montalto di Castro (IT) 448.152, VNIRO, RAS 00 (290.000 ) € CoNISMa 92.916,6 7 - Ente Gestore dell'Area Marina MAIN R&I AREAS Biodiver sity OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) LIFE + - DG ENVIRONMENT - Biodiver Living Italian AMPs sity marin e resour ches, ICZM TITLE SCALE RARITY Eradicate invasive Louisiana red swamp and preserve natIve white clawed crayfish in Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional & SubRegional Research and monitoring in the italian AMPs National ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) capture by fishermen, nesting sites, treatment in the recovery c entres, etc.). Five new recovery centres were established in five regions, and information campaigns were launched to inform th e fishermen and the public at large about the conservation prob lems of the target species. New turtlecompatible fishing implements were promoted among fisherme n, and one of them the circle-hook (an alternative to the "J" hook) was readily accepted because it does not reduce commercial catches and is reasonably priced. T he TEDs to be used in trawling, on the other hand, were less accep ted by the fisherman though the last tests provided positive res ults ETP – 2011 Eradicate invasive Louisiana red swamp and preserve native Ente 2014 white clawed crayfish in Friuli Venezia Giulia. The main Tutela objective of the project is to preserve and enhance the stock of Pesca del the native crayfish populations of Austropotamobius pallipes in Friuli the region Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy). The recent appearance Venezia and spread of the invasive species Procambarus clarkii Giulia represents a threat to the regional population of A. pallipes, which may risk decline or even disappearance. CoNISMa 01/01/20 Ecological studies of organisms and habitat, spill over effect in 07 the AMPs: Bergeggi, Sinis-Mal Di Ventre, Isole Tremiti, (420,00 Portofino, Baia e Gaiola, Porto Cesareo, Punta Campanella, M) (mesi Tavolara, Tor Paterno, Torre Guaceto cumulati vi di diversi progetti sovrappo sti nel tempo) COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Protetta AMP Punta Campane lla 2674744 - 388838 € 896.554, 70 Italian AMP 5 CoNISMa MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Biodiver Biodiv sity ersity Biodiver MSP sity ICZM PROJECT/INITI ATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE SCALE CE, FP6-2006GLOBAL-4 Sub-Priority 3: "Global Change And Ecosystems" Research Area III: "Biodiversity and Ecosystems" Topic III-2: "Assess and Forecast Changes In the Mediterranean and Black Seas Ecosystems and their Ability to Provide Services" Integrated Project (IP) MATTM 3AMP Southern european Seas: Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem changes (SESAME) EU Study of National environments submerged sea caves (code 8330) in Marine Protected Areas of Capo Caccia, Plemmirio and Pelagie Islands. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Hellenic Center for Marine Sciences (HCMR) ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) Duration: The project's objectives are to assess changes in the South 48 European Seas ecosystems over the last 50 years, and to assess months, the current status of the SES ecosystems through analysis of starting existing and newly collected data at basin scale and through from model simulations. SESAME aims to predict changes in the SES 01/11/20 ecosystems, using existing and new observations at a regional 06 and basin scale, in order to construct scenarios of the ecosystem responses to likely changes in climate and anthropogenic forcings during the next five decades. SESAME also aims to assess and predict changes in the ability of the SES ecosystems to provide goods and services. SESAME will identify the ecosystem functions (observed and predictable from model simulations) pertinent to these goods and services as well as their changes during the last decades. CoNISMa 01/07/20 This project addressed the study of submerged marine caves. A 08 (24,30 priority habitat present within three MPAs sited on Italian M) shores. The last aim of the project is providing useful tools, potentially exportable to other MPAs, that should be used to support decision processes to define strategies for future management of this habitat. The project received the collaboration of seven different Local Research Units (ULR): University of Salento, Sassari, Genova, Catania, Ancona, Napoli and Palermo. Each ULR on the basis of specific competences provided contributions to the development of four main BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 14.730.4 97,00 (70.000) CORE PARTICIPANT S 47 partners from 23 countries € CoNISMa 500.000, 00 MATTM Minister o dell'Ambi ente e della Tutela MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE Biodiver sity LIFE + - DG TARTALIFE ENVIRONMENT www.tartalife. eu/ EU Biodiver sity LIFE NATURE - TARTANET Tartanet, http://www.tar a network for the conservation of sea turtles in Italy EU Biodiver sity - Regional & SubRegional Biodiver sity TEGNUE Caratterizzazione stratigrafica dei sedimenti e genesi degli affioramenti rocciosi (tegnue) Chioggia CORAL ZOO The Development of an SME Friendly European Breeding e/ EU ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) research topics: i) Biodiversity inventory; ii) Impact assessment of touristic frequentation; iii) Vulnerability quantification; iv) Social and economical aspects. The four topics were identified in order to provide guidelines for setting activities of experimental monitoring and mitigation in the caves of the three MPAs (potentially also for the MPAs not included in the project). A secondary aspect dealt with the inclusion of the Capo Caccia and Punta Campanella MPAs in the list of Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance (SPAMI). CNR2013 Reduction in mortality of sea turtles in professional fishing. In ISMAR 2018 line with the UNEP RAC/SPA’s MAP (2001) and the National (Ancona) Action Plan on Marine Turtles which the Italian Ministry of Italy Environment is currently drafting, TARTALIFE aims at reducing the mortality of C. caretta and contributing to the conservation of the species in the Mediterranean Sea. The main objectives are to reduce both bycatch and post-capture mortality. 2004 Tartanet is large-scale initiative for the conservation of the 2008 common sea turtle Caretta caretta in the Mediterranean sea. Its main objective is to create a network of researchers and people involved in the study and conservation of this protected species, and to implement an effective long-term conservation strategy through the creation of a network of support centres to help reducing threats. 2013 Caratterizzazione stratigrafica dei sedimenti e genesi degli 2014 affioramenti rocciosi (tegnue) nella zona di tutela biologica (ZTB) delle acque marine situate al largo del Porto di Chioggia. Resp. Donnici COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Wagenin 01/06/20 Aim gen 05 (48,63 The main aim of the project was to develop methodology for Universit M) breeding and husbandry of hard (stony) corals (Scleractinia), y, The which can be applied in particular by zoos and public aquaria, BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS del Territori o e del Mare 4228000 - 567000 9 3032175 - 18 -55000 € 3.224.18 2,40 Unione CoNISMa, Wageningen Universiteit, MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE Program for Hard Corals Biodiver MSP sity ICZM MATTM COUNT DOWN POSIDONIA The meadows of oceanic Posidonia (habitat code 1120)of the archipelago of La Maddalena as a potential sink of atmospheric CO2. National COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Netherla nds ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) but also by traders in ornamental marine life and private aquarium holders. Activities A consortium of several institutions and a coral culture company executed research & innovation activities on the following topics: i) Sexual and asexual breeding of corals, including techniques for propagation, feeding and induction of natural coral colony morphogenesis; ii) Coral husbandry: development of bioassays to evaluate biotic and abiotic husbandry parameters and to monitor coral health, elaboration of methods for identification and treatment of coral diseases and optimisation of transport. Results CORALZOO successfully achieved its major aims: i) A toolkit and information package was delivered that provides a blueprint for a breeding program for stony corals in EAZAassociated zoos and aquaria. ii) The developed tools and background information have been described in an SMEfriendly format in The CORALZOO Book of Protocols. CoNISMa 01/07/20 The meadows of oceanic Posidonia (habitat code 1120)of the 08 (24,30 archipelago of La Maddalena as a potential sink of atmospheric M) CO2. BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Europea / VI PROGRA MMA QUADRO GRANT AGREEM ENT SME-2012547 CORE PARTICIPANT S Burgers Zoo, et al. € CoNISMa 142.016, 00 MATTM Minister o dell'Ambi ente e della Tutela del Territori o e del Mare MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI TITLE R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Biodiver TREzze e TRECORALA sity CORalligeno dell’ALto Adriatico: valorizzazione e gestione. http://www.ita /projects_2007 _2013/201303 2614533840 SCALE Biodiver sity Regional & SubRegional Biologic al Invasion s MIPAF ROV CORALLI Climat ISRAELE CMCC e Chang e& Impact s Using the ROV in the applicative definition of the management plans for the red coral. Regional & SubRegional ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 2012The aim of the project TRECORALA is to expand the biological 2014 knowledge on the “Trezze” (rocky outcrops present in the northern Adriatic coast) and coralligenous formations in the Gulf of Trieste and to identify guidelines for the management, protection and enhancement of the natural heritage by strengthening the attractiveness and competitiveness of the area and contributing to the protection of biodiversity. Moreover, management proposals will be made through information on the exploitation fisheries, about some of the resources of commercial interest. The results will be widespread organizing informative seminars, aimed at the various people involved in fisheries management and in the administration of the tourist sites of interest. As final objective, the project aims to provide the necessary tools for the management of joint cross-border marine areas also developing the tourism sector. CoNISMa 16/02/20 Using the ROV in the applicative definition of the management 12 (18,20 plans for the red coral. M) COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY OGS, IT Agreement Program Internatio CMCC for International nal Research attivity within Italy-Israel cooperation on environment research and development The impact of BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS CBC Program me ItalySlovenia 20072013 1,43 million Euro € 190.000, 00 MIPAAFMinister o delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali 01/06/20 Aim € 09 (24,83 1.650.00 M) Study of impacts of biological invasions and climatic changes on 0,00 Mediterranean biodiversity, analysis of genetic diversity in CMCC native and alien species, inventory of hydroid community along CENTRO Israli mediterranean coasts. EUROMEDITER Activities RANEO CORE PARTICIPANT S 10 partners CoNISMa, ISPRA CoNISMa, CMCC, Università della Tuscia, ICRAM, Università di Genova. MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) biological invasions and climate change on the biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea. Collection, processing biological samples (fish and invertebrates) for morphometric, reproductive, trophic parameters, genetic characterization of key species. DNA extraction, analysis of sequences of mtDNA control regions of fish species. Chronogeonemy and biodiversity of benthic hydrozoa. Quali-quantitative analysis of benthic communities, identification new lessepsian migrants. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS PER I CAMBIA MENTI CLIMATI CI Results Biologic al Invasion s no website, stakeholder conference Algal blooms in areas Regional of economical interest & Subin Sardinia: advance of Regional knowledge and new approach of the research aimed to the management and mitigation of the phenomena. Biologic al Invasion s Contratto con Azienda Chimica Genovese srl nell'ambito del progetto "ECOCELL-BWT ECOCELL-BWT Optimization, differentiation and performance certification of ecofriendly Ballast Water Treatment Systems Regional & SubRegional Universit à di Sassari Dipartim ento Scienze Botanich e, Ecologich ee Geologic he Consiglio Nazional e delle Ricerche (CNRISMAR) Italy 2013 (36 months) 2011 2013 Databases definitions, chronogeonomic mapping of key species, analysis of genetic connectivity levels and geographical distribution of key species, creation of reference collections, scientific publications. The general aim is to increase our capacity to forecast algal 266.000, blooms along beaches used for recreational purposes. 00 (75.000,0 0) The International Maritime Organization (IMO) Convention on 247000 ship Ballast Water Treatment (BWT), which will come into force shortly, requires that each ship treats its ballast water before discharge, in order to prevent any risk linked to the organisms present in the ballast water. ISMAR Genoa is supporting the Italian SME ACG in the validation and certification procedure of its BWT system, in order to demonstrate that this system is able Università di Sassari Dipartimento Scienze Botaniche, Ecologiche e Geologiche Facoltà di Agraria dell'Università di Sassari 1 MAIN R&I AREAS Blue Biotech nology OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Programma Operativo Regionale P.O.R.-FESR Liguria (2007/2013) Asse 1 Innovazione e competitività Azione 1.2.2 Ricerca Industriale e Sviluppo Sperimentale. BIOWALK owalk4biofuels .eu/ ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) to eliminate the organisms present in the BW, avoiding at the same time any risk for the environment. TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Biowaste and algae knowledge for the production of 2nd generation biofuels. EU DICMA- 01/04/20 The BioWALK4Biofuels Project aims to develop an alternative Sapienza 10 and innovative system for the treatment of biowaste and use of Universit (54,77) GHG emissions to produce biofuels, using macroalgae as a y of catalyser, in a multidisciplinary approach. The objectives of the Rome project are: (Italy) - production of a cost-efficient biogas without using cereal crops - optimise the production of biogas per amount of biowaste and CO2 used - increase and facilitate the types of biowastes that can be utilised for biogas production To achieve the underlined objectives, research activities are to be carried out on the selection of adequate macroalgae species that can reach high output biomass yields and high carbohydrate content. Pre-cultivation of protoplasts, accelerating cell-growth rate, is to be carried out to increase productivity. In addition, the relationship between growth and energy potential of selected species with the amounts/characteristics of GHG emissions and biowaste introduced in the cultivation medium is to be studied. This way, BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € 3.972.66 6,00 Unione Europea / VII PROGRA MMA QUADRO GRANT AGREEM ENT 241383 CoNISMa, DICMASapienza University of Rome (Italy), et al. MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Blue Biotech nology FP6-2003NEST-A Blue Biotech nology Grant Agreement Number FP7 KBBE FP7312139 COLLABORATIV E PROJECT VII Programma Quadro20092012 TITLE SCALE EA-BIOFILMS EU Electrochemical control of biofilmforming microorganisms: screening, identification and design of new knowledge-based technologies. Integrated EU Biotechnological Solutions for Combating Marine Oil Spills (“KILL SPILL”) COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY CNRS CENTRE NATIONA L DE LA RECHERC HE SCIENTIFI QUE France "Prof. Nicolas Kalogera kis" <nicolas. kalogera kis@env eng.tuc.g r> ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) higher biomass yields of macroalgae are achieved. After fermenting the algal biomass, the cycle is closed by producing biogas to be used for electricity and heat generation and as a transport fuel. 2004 2007 Electrochemically active biofilms, which achieve electrochemical connections when forming onto conductive materials, can be the basis of new power sources and promise applications in bio-energy, bio-remediation, bio-corrosion mitigation and biosensors. In this project, a multidisciplinary team of researchers aims to test a range of microbes and to identify those electrochemically active, in order to increase the understanding of these microbes and their potential usefulness for the society. 48 MESI: Kill●Spill delivers innovative (bio)technologies, which can be dal integrated to the real sequences of state-of-the-art actions 01/01/20 used currently to cleanup oil spills. The catalogue of Kill●Spill 13 al products & technologies is based on a review of technology & 31/12/20 knowledge gaps in approaches of oil spill disasters and brings 16 appropriate tools for 1st response, follow-up, and longer-term actions, specifically tailored to the versatility of oil spills. Kill●Spill develops chemicals & biochemicals to be used for 1st response actions to disperse/emulsify oil and materials enabling the containment and sorption of oil, preparing the field for the follow-up actions. Kill●Spill develops (Bio)technologies aiming at intensified biodegradation processes by bioaugmentation/biostimulation as follow-up and longer term actions in aerobic/slight anoxic compartments. Kill●Spill develops (bio)technologies adapted for the remediation of anoxic/anaerobic fresh & chronically polluted sediments. Kill●Spill compiles knowledge on dispersion/sorption and biodegradation processes to produce BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 3056000 - 191000 7 - TECHNICAL 1027926. UNIVERSITY OF 68 CRETE(9998243 00) – COORDINATOR et al. MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Blue Biotech nology PRIN 20102011 Blue Biotech nology Grant Agreement Number FP7 KBBE FP7289311 CSA VII Programma TITLE SCALE La System Biology National nello studio degli effetti xenobiotici in organismi marini per la valutazione dello stato di salute dell’ambiente : applicazioni biotecnologiche per potenziali strategie di ripristino” MARINE BIOTECH CSA EU COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY FsuloUNIME Messina ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) multifunctional products, which are suited for follow-up and longer term actions. The multifunctional products address the necessity for integrated bioremediation (bioavailability, metabolic requirements, etc.) and are efficient along the whole redox gradient from surface water to sediments. The products/technologies are field-tested in open sea oil spills and large mesocosms to unravel the champions products & technologies. The (bio)tools are benchmarked with existing solutions using cutting-edge analytics, biosensors, and omics and checked for eco-efficiency to merit green label. Kill●Spill consortium is multidisciplinary and gathers 33 partners from 12 EU and EU-associated countries and USA; 18 research & academic institutions, 14 SMEs, and 1 association of oil spill companies work together with the support of a high level advisory board to cover the whole chain of oil spill (bio)remediation. 24 mesi The main purpose of this multidisciplinaryresearch project is to dal provide a detailed picture of the state of naturality of marine 01/02/20 ecosystems subjected to high anthropogenic impact. To achieve 13 AL this aim ,it is proposed to studyingthe effect of toxic 31/01/20 contaminans,such as heavy metals and hydrocarbons, on 15 sentinel organisms representing different stages of the evolutionaty scale,with particular reference to mussels. A deep knowledge of risk factors affecting the environments and their impact on animals,will allow to produce an applicative transfer for the realization of concrete actions aimed at protection and conservationof ther marine ecosystems. 18 MESI: Marine biotechnology has the potential to provide a major dal contribution towards addressing some of the most pressing 01/10/20 societal challenges including environmental degradation, 11 al human health and delivering sustainable supplies of food and 31/03/20 energy. The main goal of the CSA will be to prepare the 13 foundation for a potential ERA-NET in the area of Marine Biotechnology which will require: a) Gaining better BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 91000 NORGES FORSKNINGSR AD(99946045 3) – COORDINATO R et al. MAIN R&I AREAS Blue Biotech nology OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Quadro20092012 VII Programma Quadro20092012 TITLE SCALE Marine Biotechnology EU ERA-NET COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) understanding of the Marine Biotechnology landscape in Europe and beyond. To this end the consortium envisages carrying out an analysis of the current landscape (research effort, infrastructures, stakeholders, strategies and programmes, gaps and barriers to cooperation). b) Mobilisation of key stakeholders: extending the partnership of funding agencies and European Stakeholders. To this end the consortium envisages pro-active engagement with relevant and potentially interested funding agencies and stakeholders through development of appropriate fora, the organisation of information sessions, workshops and other project activities. c) Sketching the contours of future cooperation between funding agencies in the area of Marine Biotechnology. To this end the consortium envisages workshops involving the extended network of funding agencies and representative governmental organisations to set the stage for the set-up of appropriate cooperation tools to develop joint programmes and pool resources for collaborative research on a European scale. d) Managing information relevant to marine biotechnology research, technology development and innovation, and making this available via a dedicated web-site (including Wiki pages), newsletters, reports and briefing documents. 48 MESI: The ERA-NET MarineBiotech (ERA-MBT) recognises that dal Europe’s marine ecosystems and organisms are largely 01/12/20 unexplored, understudied and underutilized, in spite of 13 al Europe’s access to an extensive and diverse set of marine 30/11/20 ecosystems, supporting an enormous marine biodiversity. This 17 resource, through the coordinated application of marine biotechnology, has the potential to provide a major contribution towards addressing some of the most pressing societal challenges including environmental degradation, human health and delivering sustainable supplies of food and energy, amongst others regarded as the Grand Challenges for our future. The ERA-MBT is therefore designed to deliver better BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 2000000 /38126 NORGES FORSKNINGSR AD(99946045 3) – COORDINATO R et al. MAIN R&I AREAS Blue Biotech nology OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) PROGETTO VII° P.Q. Contratto di ricerca U.E, Grant Agreement Number FP7 KBBE FP7287589 TITLE SCALE Marine microbial diversity – new insights into marine ecosystems functioning and its biotechnological potential” (“MICROB 3”) EU COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) coordination of relevant national and regional Research, Technology Development and Innovation (RTDI) programmes in Europe, reducing fragmentation and duplication, and paving the way for common programmes and cooperation in the provision and use of research infrastructures. A necessity to make sustainable use of this unique resource. ERA-MBT's 21 partners will work with stakeholders from industry and organisations to identify needs and gaps in the value chain from research and development, through optimaising research results for proof of consept and industrial uptake and valorisation. At least three transnational calls will address these challenges, and cooperations with complementing activities will be explored to add value and power to enable the development of a horisontally applicable technology like marine biotechnology. For updated info: dal Micro B3 will develop innovative bioinformatic approaches and 01/01/20 a legal framework to make large-scale data on marine viral, 12 al bacteria; archaeal and protists genomes and metagenomes 31/12/20 accessible for marine ecosystems biology and to define new 15 targets for biotechnological applications. Micro B3 will build upon a highly interdisciplinary consortium of 32 academic and industrial partners comprising world-leading experts in bioinformatics, computer science, biology, ecology, oceanography, bioprospecting and biotechnology, as well as legal aspects. Micro B3 is based on a strong user- and data basis from ongoing European sampling campaigns to long-term ecological research sites. For the first time a strong link between oceanographic and molecular microbial research will be established to integrate global marine data with research on microbial biodiversity and functions. The Micro B3 Information System will provide innovative open source software for dataprocessing, -integration, -visualisation, and -accessibility. Interoperability will be the key for seamless data transfer of sequence and contextual data to public repositories. Micro B3 BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 8.985.78 6,00 (180.000, 00) JACOBS UNIVERSITY BREMEN GGMBH(9998 97147) – COORDINATO R et al. MAIN R&I AREAS Blue Biotech nology Blue Biotech nology OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Grant Agreement Number FP7 KBBE 245226 COLLABORATIV E PROJECT VII Programma Quadro20092012 http://www.m PO CRO Fondo Sociale Europeo Regione Liguria 2007-2013 Asse IV “Capitale Umano” ob. specifico l/6 TITLE SCALE Molecular Approaches EU and MetaGenomic Investigations for optimizing Clean-up of PAH contaminated sites” (MAGICPAH)"" PO CRO Study of Regional biofilm bio& Subelectrochemical Regional properties as scientific basis for the technological differentiation of biosensors to be employed in ship ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) will allow taking full advantage of current sequencing technologies to efficiently exploit large-scale sequence data in an environmental context. Micro B3 will create integrated knowledge to inform marine ecosystems biology and modelling. Moreover, it will facilitate detecting candidate genes to be explored by targeted laboratory experiments for biotechnology and for assigning potential functions to unknown genes. Micro B3 will develop clear IP agreements for the protection and sustainable use of pre-competitive microbial genetic resources and their exploitation in high potential commercial applications. To underline the translational character of Micro B3, outreach and training activities for diverse stakeholders are planned as well as an Ocean Sampling Day to transparently make project results accessible and gain valuable user feedback. Simone 01/04/20 Molecular Approaches and Metagenomic Investigations for Wehner 10Clean-up of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbon) è una ricerca altamente <Simone. 31/03/20 specializzata si propone di approfondire le conoscenze su Wehner 14 contaminanti recalcitranti o non disponibili alla @helmh biodegradazione. Essa fornisce un significativo contributo alla oltzcomprensione delle attività catalitiche delle comunità> microbiche associate a suoli, sedimenti ed acque di scarico contaminate da idrocarburi policiclici aromatici. Indagini basate sulla metagenomica, metaproteomica, metabolomica saranno applicate per identificare prodotti, come processi biochimici e relativi enzimi non ancora esplorati, di interesse industriale. Consiglio 2012 Nazional 2014 e delle Ricerche (CNRISMAR) Italy COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 404712 52000 52000 1 MAIN R&I AREAS Blue Biotech nology Blue Biotech nology OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) inerenti le aree di attività in cui operano i Poli di ricerca e innovazione e i Distretti tecnologici liguri” Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research MIUR P.O.N. "Research and Competitivenes s" 2007-2013 for the regions of convergence - Contract no. 713/Ric. 29/10/2010 Title II "Development / Strengthening of DAT and LPP" TITOL O PROGETTO 7° P.Q. EU – Programma Collaborative TITLE ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY National CNR 2012 ISMAR 2015 Universit à degli Studi di Foggia – Dip. Medicina Clinica e Sperimen tale – Farmalab or srl BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS pipelines and environmental monitoring PON02_00186_29374 75 Clinical protocols and innovative technology for the production of functional foods identifier Titolo BRAAVO – EU Biosensors, Reporters and Algal Autonomous Vessels for Ocean Operation " 36 MESI: DAL 01/12/20 13 AL 9428245 - 125700 BRAAVOO aims to develop innovative solutions for real-time insitu measurements of high impact and difficult to measure marine pollutants. The concept of BRAAVOO is based on a unique combination of three types of biosensors, which will enable both the detection of a number of specific marine 3 -499955 UNIVERSITE DE LAUSANNE (999841469) – COORDINATO MAIN R&I AREAS Climate Change & Impacts OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Project N° 614010 Science for mitigation and adaptation policies to ecological and TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ACID.IT National OGS, IT ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 30/11/20 priority pollutants as well as of general biological effects that 16 can be used for early warning. First, innovative bimodal evanescent waveguide nanoimmuno-sensors will enable labelfree antibody-based detection of organohalogens, antibiotics, or algal toxins. Secondly, bacterial bioreporters producing autofluorescent proteins in response to chemical exposure will enable direct detection of alkanes or PAHs from oil, heavy metals, or antibiotics, and can further assess the general toxicity of the water sample. Finally, the photosystem activity of marine algae is exploited to monitor changes induced by toxic compounds. BRAAVOO will construct and rigorously test the three biosensor systems for their analytical performance to the targeted pollutants. To enable low-cost real-time measurements, the three biosensors will be miniaturized, multiplexed and integrated into innovative modules, which allow simultaneous multianalyte detection. The modules will include all optical elements for biosensor signal generation and readout, the microelectronics for data storage, and specific microfluidics to embed the biosensors or cells, and expose them to aqueous samples from dedicated autosamplers. The modules can be used either as stand-alone instruments for specific marine applications or can operate autonomously and in real-time in an integrated form. Hereto, they will be embedded in a marine buoy and an unmanned surveying vessel. Vessels and stand-alone biosensor modules will be tested extensively and in comparative fashion on real marine samples and in mesocosms. If successful, the flexible and innovative BRAAVOO solutions will democratize and revolutionize marine environmental monitoring. 2014The project aims to produce knowledge to both develop and 2016 reduce the uncertainty of decision support systems for: a) the assessment of impacts of marine acidifications in the future climate and b) for planning of effective policies for the mitigation of acidification impacts on the vulnerable ecological- BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS R et al. Italian Ministry of Universit y and MAIN R&I AREAS Climate Change & Impacts Climate Change & Impacts OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) socio economical impacts of Acidification o Italian seas. TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY http://www.cir CIRCE EU INGV - Regional & SubRegional CLIMATOLOGIA COSTA LAZIO Climatologia delle coste del Lazio per la determinazione delle correlazioni tra clima marino epresenza della poseidonia oceanica mediante simulazioni da modello, ricerca dei ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) socio-economic systems. The program aims to contribute to fill knowledge gaps with reference to the Italian seas, and to reduce the uncertainty of the decision support system by integrating such knowledge into mathematical models . The experimental activities will consider the Adriatic, Ionian and Tyrrhenian Seas. Specific results include: New and updated dataset, retrospective analysis; Analysis of the status and variability of carbonate system along the Italian coasts and seas; Analysis of the effects of the river on carbonate system; Analysis of the cumulated effects of acidification and warming on growth, grazing, and trophic regime of plankton species; Analysis of the cumulated effects of acidification and warming on larvae of commercially important bivalve, on corals populations and posidonia system; Improvement of oceanographic (carbonate systems), biogeochemical (plankton system) and ecological (bivalves, posidonia, corals) models for the Italian seas; First characterization of the vulnerability and risks for the Italian seas related to acidification. 2007 To develop an integrated approach to understand combined 2011 effects of climate change; 2008 2010 BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Research 0,956 million Euro 10000 KE CNR-ISAC, (ISAC INGV, MAX contribut PLANK Mainz. ion) EC -218000 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Climate Change & Impacts Climate Change & Impacts Biodiv ersity TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY budget sedimentari e stime a grande scala delle dinamiche del trasporto solido urbano DECALOGO Internatio DECALOGO - Cascate nal di acqua densa: da osservazioni locali ad una parametrizzazione dell'ocano globale resp. Carniel DEVOTES DEVelopment Of EU 1) innovative Tools for UNDACI votesunderstanding marine ON AZTI, biodiversity and (Spain) assessing good Environmental Status. Grant agreement no: 308392. ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 2011 2014 Cascate di acqua densa: da osservazioni locali ad una parametrizzazione dell'ocano globale 01/11/20 DEVOTES main objectives are to: i) improve our understanding 12 (48,67 of the impact of human activities and climate change on marine M) biodiversity; ii) identify the barriers and bottlenecks that prevent Good Environmental Status from being achieved; iii) test indicators and develop new, innovative ones to assess biodiversity in a harmonized way throughout the 4 regional seas; iv) develop, test and validate innovative integrative modelling and monitoring tools to improve our understanding of ecosystem and biodiversity changes, for integration into a unique and holistic assessment; v) propose and disseminate strategies and measures for ecosystems’ adaptive management, including the active role of industry and relevant stakeholders. DEVOTES will address three main challenges in determining environmental status: (i) assessment of anthropogenic pressures, including climate change, to which biodiversity responds; (ii) selection of appropriate indicators to assess the status; and (iii) integration of those indicators across a number of ecological scales, into a unique biodiversity assessment. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS -334897 € CoNISMa et al. 12.050.9 70,10 Unione Europea / VII PROGRA MMA QUADRO GRANT AGREEM ENT No: 308392. MAIN R&I AREAS Climate Change & Impacts Climate Change & Impacts Climate Change & Impacts OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) - TITLE SCALE E SURGE VENICE ESURGE-VENICE Regional & SubRegional http://www.dp Management and EU Monitoring of processes in marine distributed environments MARINE MAP GOCE MAP: Marine Aerosol EU 018332 Production: Primary & Secondary Marine Aerosol Production from Natural Sources COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Delta Progetti (PORFESR per DLTM) ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) DEVOTES objectives will be achieved through the activities carried out within seven operational workpackages, besides the management one: Human Pressures and Climate Change (WP1), Social-economic implications for achieving GES /WP2), Indicator testing and development (WP3) Innovative modelling tools (WP4); Innovative monitoring techniques (WP5); Integrative assessment of biodiversity (WP6); Outreach, stakeholder engagement and product dissemination (WP7). 2011 2014 March 12, 2012 Development of an information system to access data from buoys, ships and satellites National 15/9/200 The Project contributed to sea spray processes understandind Universit 5 - 48 and developmment od sea spray integrated function for y of months modelling. Marine aerosol contributes significantly to the Ireland , global radiative budget and consequently, changes in marine Galway aerosol abundance and/or chemical composition will impact on climate change. Various climate feedback mechanisms have been proposed involving the sulphur, sea-salt, iodine and organic sea-spray cycles; however, all cycles and their impacts on aerosol haze and cloud layers remains poorly quantified. MAP will consolidate the current state-of-the-art in the fields of aerosol nucleation and growth and primary marine aerosol (PMA) production to quantify the key processes associated with primary and secondary marine aerosol (SMA) production from natural sources. MAP will focus on the newly identified aerosol formation mechanisms involving iodine oxides, for secondary aerosol production, and the primary production of marine BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS -52866 about 250K € Delta Progetti, SYO, ETT 2300 KE (ISAC CONTRIB UTION 180 KE) EC NUIG, ISACCNR, Politechnical Univ. Of Ancona. MAIN R&I AREAS Climate Change & Impacts OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE Mediterranean MEDGES Good Environmental Status. Integrated study of the influence of the physical processes and anthropogenic SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Regional & SubRegional OGS, IT ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) organic matter aerosols produced by plankton and transferred to the atmosphere via the bubble bursting process at the ocean surface. Key processes will be identified, parameterized and implemented in a Global/Regional scale chemical transport model and in a regional climate model. Combining the knowledge gathered on key processes with satellite-derived information on oceanic and meteorological parameters, an algorithm will be developed to produce a Sea-Spray Source Function (S3F) which will subsequently be used in large scale models to quantify the impacts of marine aerosols. The algorithm and its application will be proposed as a service contributing to GMES/GEOSS. Similarly, an organo-iodine source function will also be developed. The impact of marine aerosol on atmospheric chemistry, radiative forcing and climate will be evaluated using the large-scale models. MAP Objectives: * To elucidate the dominant condensable vapours driving secondary marine aerosol (SMA)formation; * To quantify the number and size flux of primary inorganic and organic marine sea-spray aerosol (PMA); * To produce a PMA and iodo-carbon source function using integrated Global Earth Observing satellite data and in-situ data; * To quantify the impact of SMA and PMA on radiative forcing and atmospheric chemistry. 2012The project aims to study in an integrated manner the impact 2014 of climatic and human pressures on the interactions between the processes of the shelf and the deep-sea ones of the central Mediterranean (southern Adriatic and Ionian Seas), and on important biogeochemical and ecological processes of these seas, in order to assess the potential impact on the Ecological Status, defined by the descriptors and indicators from the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) 2008/56/EU. In particular, MedGES aims to identify the natural inherent and induced variability in the indicators of the Ecological Status (GES BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Italian Ministry of Universit y and Research MAIN R&I AREAS Climate Change & Impacts OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) factors on the state of coastal and deep ecosystems in the central Mediterranean . MEDSEA ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) - Good Environmental Status), to assess the response to the adoption of best practice environmental management and climate forcings. TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Mediterranean sea acidification in a changing climate. EU Universit 01/02/20 Increases of atmospheric CO2 and associated decreases in at 11 (42, seawater pH and carbonate ion concentration this century and Autonom 53 M) beyond are likely to have wide impacts on marine ecosystems a de including those of the Mediterranean Sea. Consequences of this Barcelon process, ocean acidification, threaten the health of the a (UAB) Mediterranean, adding to other anthropogenic pressures, including those from climate change. Yet in comparison to other areas of the world ocean, there has been no concerted effort to study Mediterranean acidification, which is fundamental to the social and economic conditions of more than 400 million people living along its coastlines and another 175 million who visit the region each year. The MedSeA project addresses ecologic and economic impacts from the combined influences of anthropogenic acidification and warming, while accounting for the unique characteristics of this key region. MedSeA will forecast chemical, climatic, ecological-biological, and socio-economical changes of the Mediterranean driven by increases in CO2 and other greenhouse gases, while focusing on the combined impacts of acidification and warming on marine shell and skeletal building, productivity, and food webs. We will use an interdisciplinary approach involving biologists, earth scientists, and economists, through observations, experiments, and modelling. These experts will provide science-based projections of Mediterranean acidification under the influence of climate change as well as associated economic impacts. Projections will BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € CoNISMa et al. 4.825.05 0,06 Mediterr anean sea acidificat ion in a changing climate. MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Climate Change & Impacts Acidifi cation studie s Climate Change & Impacts TITLE Mediterranean MEDSEA Sea Acidification in a changing climate EPICA-MIS New paleoreconstructions from antartic ice and marine records. ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) be based on new observations of chemical conditions as well as new observational and experimental data on the responses of key organisms and ecosystems to acidification, which will be fed into existing ocean models that have been improved to account for the Mediterranean's fine-scale features. These scientific advances will allow us to provide the best advice to policymakers who must develop regional strategies for adaptation and mitigation. Regional Universit 2011The MedSeA project addresses ecologic and economic impacts & Subat 2014 from the combined influences of anthropogenic acidification Regional Autònom and warming, while accounting for the unique characteristics of a de this key region. MedSeA will forecast chemical, climatic, Barcelon ecological-biological, and socio-economical changes of the a (UAB), Mediterranean driven by increases in CO2 and other SP greenhouse gases, while focusing on the combined impacts of acidification and warmingon marine shell and skeletal building, productivity, and food webs. We will use an interdisciplinary approach involving biologists, earth scientists, and economists, through observations, experiments, and modelling. These experts will provide science-based projections of Mediterranean acidification under the influence of climate change as well as associated economic impacts. Projections will be based on new observations of chemical conditions as well as new observational and experimental data on the responses of key organisms and ecosystems to acidification, which will be fed into existing ocean models that have been improved to account for the Mediterranean ‘s fine-scale features. These scientific advances will allow us to provide the best advice to policymakers who must develop regional strategies for adaptation and mitigation. Internatio Centre 01/12/20 Enhanced palaeoreconstruction and integrated climate analysis nal National 04 (42,57 through marine and ice core studies. De La M) Recherch SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS FP7 16 partners Europea n Commiss ion 3.5 million Euro € 5.470.25 7,00 Unione CoNISMa et al MAIN R&I AREAS Climate Change & Impacts OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) PON&REC (PON02) TITLE SCALE SEAPORT Regional Development of & Subinnovative Regional technologies for energy saving and environmental sustainability of shipyards and harbour areas COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY e Scientifiq ue ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Europea / VI PROGRA MMA QUADRO GRANT AGREEM ENT COGE 003868 Technolo 01/02/12 SEAPORT Project is organized in several work packages (WPs), Total: k€ gical - 36 different each others but having a common denominator: 8.934 Cluster months energy and environmental requalification of harbour yards and Research “Sicilia areas. By well defined actions, WP1 and WP2 aim to individuate : k€ Navtec” all energy critical aspects within a shipyard and a harbour area, 7.107, located in the "Cantiere Navale di Augusta" (WP1) and in the Develop harbour area of Catania (WP2), respectively. An initial energy ment: k€ audit will allow to evaluate the real energy need of both sites 1.287, (peak power and constant load). In particular, the consumption Educatio trend will allow to identify the more suitable technology as a n: k€ 540 function of the specific utilization. Investigation of the energy - Funding production by renewable energy sources (solar and wind) will institutio be carried out in order to evaluate the utilization both of solar n: MIUR technologies and micro/mini turbines. Moreover, thermocatalityc processes to the energy recovery coming from hydrocarbon wastes of naval processes will be studied. A final evaluation step will consist in the feasible design and realization of the considered actions. Further environmental and energy evaluations will consist in an experimental study concerning both the wave energy (WP3) and innovative technology for the dock drainage (WP6). These activities will be carried out by a multistage sampling and will allow to define regional guide lines both for the realization of wave energy plant (WP3) and for innovative plants based on the “micro-bubbles” generation for CORE PARTICIPANT S Sicilia Navtec, University of Catania, University of Palermo, Cantieri Navali di Augusta, Intermarine, Caronte & Tourist, CTMI, RPS Consulting, CNR (ITAE, IAMC, ISMN) MAIN R&I AREAS Climate Change OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) PON&REC (PON02) TITLE SCALE TESEO High Efficiency Technologies for Onboard Environmental Regional & SubRegional ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) dock drainage (WP6). The WP2 aims to analyse and simulate the interaction between terminal harbour components and the surrounding areas, in order to reduce the environmental impact and favour the sustainable development of the harbour areas. An evaluation of the transportation (goods and passengers) by sea, in alternative to the transportation by road, will be occur. The critical aspects, linked to the existing infrastructures, will be individuated in order to achieve a solution in terms of infrastructure development. In the framework of the seaharbour-land intermodality is also placed the ship-harbour interconnection. This is direct towards the supply of bi-fuel ship during the stay in the harbours. The activity is composed by: 1) an interface criteria analisys with refuelling systems at land by using the gas distribution grids (LNG); 2) an identification phase regarding the essential requirements necessary for the ships. Remaining in the large vessels field, the WP5 will be involved in the installation of a pollutant emissions monitoring system on board of the Caronte&Tourist ships for means and passengers transport in the Straits of Messina. Since the ship is bound for two harbours, located in the centre of two towns, Villa S. Giovanni and Messina (distance of 3.5 km), the Straits is considered a metropolitan area in which is necessary to reduce the pollutant emissions. Moreover, it is important to consider that engine ships remain on also during loading/unloading phases. This means further pollutant emissions production, such as CO, CO2, NOx, SOx, ecc. By the sensors installation and their monitoring will be possible to individuate the emissions amount and the more suitable solutions to apply. Finally, the WP4 (Intermarine) aims to investigate both the energy recovery systems coming from the propeller rotation when the ship is off, and the dissipation of the rolling motions. Technolo 01/07/20 The project activities and tasks are addressed to the integration gical 12 - 36 on-board of boats of new energy technologies characterized by Cluster months high efficiency and low environmental impact. In this regard, COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Total: k€ Sicilia Navtec, 15.089 - University of Research Palermo, MAIN R&I AREAS & Impacts OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE and Sustainable Energy Use SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY “Sicilia Navtec” ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) different types of boats are individuated to demonstrate the application feasibility of such technologies. These include megayacht, yacht, sailing and fishing boats. In parallel, new technologies with strong innovation character, specifically dedicated to the naval field, will be developed for the medium and long term application. Task OR1 deals with boats characterized by small and intermediate size, such as yachts and sailing boats. An on-board polymer electrolyte fuel cell stack with power output up to 50 kW will be demonstrated. Moreover, both hybrid and pure electrical engines will be investigated. For the energy storage systems, ZEBRA batteries, characterized by high energy density, as well as a hydrogen storage device will be demonstrated. The hydrogen will be generated through electrolyzers fed with any on-board generated electrical energy surplus. The impact of such new energy technologies on the boat will be also estimated in terms of space, weight and inhabitation requirements through structural, engineering and energetic studies. Specific attention will be addressed to renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic and wind energy micro-generators to assure sustainability and energy efficiency. Moreover new methodologies for on board integration of renewable power sources will be studied and optimized for the supply of electrical energy to small-size auxiliaries. For the electrical propulsion of large boats, task OR2 deals with development and demonstration of an electrical generator with an output DC power up to 210 kW. The system will comprise a polymer electrolyte fuel cell stack, an electrical storage device (batteries) and properly designed hydrogen tanks compatible with present safety regulations. Demonstration will concern with both the full generator and relative sub-systems. Particular attention will be addressed to the system modularity in order to allow a technology transfer to boats of different size or characterized by other energetic requirements. A study of ties BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS : k€ 10.543, Develop ment: k€ 3.610, Educatio n: k€ 936 - Funding institutio n: MIUR CORE PARTICIPANT S University of Messina, University of Catania, Fincantieri, Cantieri Tringali, CTMI, RPS Consulting, CNR (ITAE, IAMC, ISMN, IPCF, ISSIA, IM) MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE Climate Change & Impacts Biodiv VECTORS ersity, www.marineBiologi cal VECTORS - Vectors of EU Change in Oceans and Seas Marine Life, ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) related to the present safety regulations will be carried out with the aim to establish the guidelines of a new regulation addressing proper safety rules concerning with the use of new energy technologies on-board and the certification. For the development of a prototype of a fishing boat characterized by high efficiency and low environmental impact (OR4), new fluido-dynamic solutions will be searched with regard to both hull and structure of the boat. The aim is to improve efficiency and reduce fuel consumption. In parallel, an optimization of the propulsion system will be carried out by using alternative configurations consisting in a different degree of hybridization between the thermal and electrical engines. Recently developed technologies for reduction of polluting emissions, such as “particulate filters” characterized by a high degree of innovation, will be demonstrated with reference to their adequacy to work in combination with diesel engines of heavy impact such as those presently used on fishing boats. New promising energy technologies which have not yet reached the level of either commercialization or prototyping will be specifically developed in task OR5 for naval application. These technologies concern with new generation hydrogen-fed polymer electrolyte fuel cells for the marine propulsion, dieselfed solid oxide fuel cells including a dedicated external reformer with specific application for the supply of electrical energy to on-board auxiliaries, renewable energy conversion systems such as third generation solar cells and new energy storage devices based on unitized regenerative fuel cells. For the recovery of on-board available refuse heat, an innovative adsorption heat pump system will be developed for air conditioning of inhabited areas on board of ships. Plymout 01/02/20 Marine life makes a substantial contribution to the economy h Marine 11 (48, and society of Europe. VECTORS will elucidate the drivers, Laborato 70 M) pressures and vectors that cause change in marine life, the ry mechanisms by which they do so, the impacts that they have on COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € 16.329.8 18,94 Unione CoNISMa, Plymouth Marine MAIN R&I AREAS Deep sea Ecosyste ms OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) invasi ons, Socioe conom ic and Policy Resear ch TITLE Living Marin e Resou rces Assessment of the interaction between corals, fish and fisheries, in order to develop monitoring CORAL FISH SCALE Impact on Economic Sectors. EU ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) ecosystem structures and functioning, and on the economics of associated marine sectors and society. VECTORS will particularly focus on causes and consequences of invasive alien species, outbreak forming species, and changes in fish distribution and productivity. New and existing knowledge and insight will be synthesised and integrated to project changes in marine life, ecosystems and economies under future scenarios for adaptation and mitigation in the light of new technologies, fishing strategies and policy needs. VECTORS will evaluate current forms and mechanisms of marine governance in relation to the vectors of change. Based on its findings, VECTORS will provide solutions and tools for relevant stakeholders and policymakers, to be available for use during the lifetime of the project. The project will address a complex array of interests comprising areas of concern for marine life, biodiversity, sectoral interests, regional seas, and academic disciplines as well as the interests of stakeholders. VECTORS will ensure that the links and interactions between all these areas of interest are explored, explained, modeled and communicated effectively to the relevant stakeholders. The VECTORS consortium is extremely experienced and genuinely multidisciplinary. It includes a mixture of natural scientists with knowledge of socio-economic aspects, and social scientists (environmental economists, policy and governance analysts and environmental law specialists) with interests in natural system functioning. VECTORS is therefore fully equipped to deliver the integrated interdisciplinary research required to achieve its objectives with maximal impact in the arenas of science, policy, management and society. ( NIGI14/03/20 CoralFISH will assess the interaction between corals, fish and National 08 (60,40 fisheries, in order to develop monitoring and predictive Universit M) modelling tools for ecosystem based management in the deep y of waters of Europe and beyond. Irland. Background COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY (United Kingdom) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Europea / VII PROGRA MMA QUADRO GRANT AGREEM ENT 266445 CORE PARTICIPANT S € 10.885.6 92,49 Unione Europea CoNISMa, et al. Laboratory et al. MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) (fisher y, aquac ulture, etc.) Deep sea Ecosyste ms ESF - EUCORES www.eurodeep .net/biofun/ Deep sea Ecosyste ms PRIN 2008 - TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY and predictive modelling tools for ecosystem based management in the deep waters of Europe and beyond CORALFISH. Biofun Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning in Contrasting Southern European Deep-Sea Environments: from viruses to megafauna Carbonate chimneys EU National MIURCNR ISMAR BOLOGN A ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) In 2006, the UN General Assembly Resolution (61/105) called upon fisheries management organisations worldwide to: i) assess the impact of bottom fishing on vulnerable marine ecosystems; ii) identify/map vulnerable ecosystems through improved scientific research/data collection; iii) close such areas to bottom fishing unless conservation and management measures were established to prevent their degradation. In European deep waters there is also a need to establish monitoring tools to evaluate the effectiveness of closed areas for the conservation of biodiversity and fish and their impact on fisheries. Two FP6 projects (PROTECT & HERMES) have already identified the need for information concerning the interaction between fish and cold water coral habitats. CoralFISH brings together a unique consortium of deep-sea fisheries biologists, ecosystem researchers/modellers, economists and a fishing industry SME, who will collaborate to collect data from key European marine eco-regions. The consortium numbers 16 partners from 10 countries. 2007 The aim of BIOFUN is to characterize deep-sea habitats under 2010 an ecosystem-based approach, and to understand links between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in relation to environmental conditions. The team will investigate several areas across the entire Mediterranean Sea and will perform several multidisciplinary cruises onboard spanish, italian, belgian and dutch research vessels. 2011 Geobiological characterization of carbonate chimneys 2013 concluded by MIUR and CNR, with bio-sedimentological, petrographic and geochemical analyses. Carbonate chimneys related to the expulsion of fluids rich in hydrocarbons. - BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS / VII PROGRA MMA QUADRO GRANT AGREEM ENT 213144 1090000 - 9 75980 53186 2 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI TITLE R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Deep Co2 Monitor, Co2 Monitor sea Progetto Ecosyste Premiale/http:/ ms / ml SCALE Deep Biodiv sea ersity Ecosyste ms EU Programma Eurocores EuroEEFG DEEP_C DEEP_ sea primary production (meta) genomic view on eco system functioning.) (DEEP_C)” National COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Istituto Nazional e di Oceanog rafia e di Geofisica sperimen tale OGS ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 24/10/20 There is evidence that the concentration of CO2 is one of the 12 & 24 main causes of global warming and concurred to increase the mhonts atmosphere temperature by 0.3-0.6 oC during the last 150 years. To solve this problem, geological storage is an immediate option. The possibilities are injection into hydrocarbon reservoirs, methane-bearing coal beds and saline aquifers. It is essential to monitor the injected plumes as they diffuse into the reservoir and any other leakage. The loss of integrity of the cap rock above the reservoir and the potential for leakage along bedding planes, faults, fractures to shallow aquifers and the atmosphere should be detected. This project proposes geophysical methods to monitor the location and migration of the gas in the underground and in the atmosphere. Moreover, the project will assess the potential impact of leakages on marine ecosystems. 20/06/20 The European Science Foundation (ESF) Project “DEEP-sea 10primary produCtion: (meta)genomic view on ecosystem 20/06/20 functioning” (DEEP_C) 09-EuroEEFGFP-044 was coordinated by 13 IAMC-ME. The main objective of the project was to identify the direct link between deep-sea CO2 fixation and the identity of the pivotal organisms or assemblages involved in this process. Studio e possibile ruolo dominante esercitato dai procarioti degli ambienti marini profondi Lo studio dei DHALs comporterà l’esplorazione della biodiversità dei microorganismi nonché l’analisi filogenetica e funzionale dei geni per lo sfruttamento delle ricchezze nascoste all’interno della genomica DHALs. Le attività di ricerca permetteranno di 1)valutare il contributo della produzione chemiolitoautotrofa batipelagica al ciclo globale del carbonio; 2)evidenziare la presenza di microorganismi estremofili particolarmente adattati a vivere in condizioni di elevata pressione e salinità; 3)conoscere la base genomica delle specificità di nicchia che permettono ai batteri di adattarsi negli ambienti marini estremi; 4)applicare tecnologia avanzate per la costruzione delle biblioteche meta BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 1.696 K€ & Governo Italiano, MIUR 520.000, 00 (140.000, 00) CORE PARTICIPANT S Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale, Consorzio per l'AREA di Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica di Trieste. MAIN R&I AREAS Deep sea Ecosyste ms Deep sea Ecosyste ms Deep sea Ecosyste ms OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Progetto ESF European Science Foundation Microbial diversity in the deepest Hypersaline Anoxic Lakes programma FP7 EUROPEAN COMMISSION EURODEEP MIDDLE EU HERMIONE Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Man's Impact on European Seas Internatio Natural nal Environm ent Research Council – NERC MIDAS Managing Impacts of EU Deep-seA reSource exploitation (FP7-ENV2013/two stage/Grant Agreement n. 603418). Seascape Consulta nts ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) genomiche. Inoltre è ipotizzabile utilizzare i Deep MedSea Hypersaline Anoxic Basins come un modello di studio per gli ambienti estremi cosi come potenziare le biotecnologie marine per fornire all’industria nuovi prodotti e processi basati sull’utilizzo di enzimi e microorganismi presenti in ambienti estremi. Years: The European Science Foundation (ESF) Project “MIcrobial 2007Diversity in the Deepest hypersaLine anoxic LakEs” (MIDDLE) 2010 06-EuroDEEP-FP-004 was coordinated by IAMC-ME. This project aimed in exploring the biodiversity of specific deep-sea habitats such as deep-sea hypersaline anoxic lakes located in Central Mediterranean Sea. The principal goal of the project was to understand the biogeochemical pathways that sustain extremophilic microbial systems and assessing the biodiversity of deep-sea microbes, their control, their possible interactions with metazoans and their input into the global element cycling. 2009 Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Man's Impact on European 2012 Seas is the successor to the successful HERMES project. It is designed to make advances in the knowledge on the functioning of deep-sea ecosystems and their contribution to the production of goods and services, through an interdisciplinary approach merging biology, biogeochemistry, sedimentology, oceanography and socio-economy. It aims to create a platform for discussion between stakeholders, and contribute to EU policies on deep sea. 01/11/20 13 (36,50 The MIDAS project - Managing Impacts of Deep-seA reSource M) exploitation - is a new, multidisciplinary research programme that will investigate the environmental impacts of extracting mineral and energy resources from the deep-sea environment. This includes the exploitation of materials such as polymetallic sulphides, manganese nodules, cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts, methane hydrates and the potential mining of rare earth elements. MIDAS is funded under the European Commission's BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 520.000, 00 (108.900, 00) 7998955 - 304600 38 € CoNISMa et al. 8.997.11 2,00 Unione Europea/ FP7-ENV2013/tw o stage/GR MAIN R&I AREAS Deep sea Ecosyste ms Deep sea Ecosyste ms Deep sea Ecosyste ms OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Grant Agreement Number FP7 KBBE 226977 COLLABORATIV E PROJECT VII Programma Quadro20092012 http://csbg.cnb /index.html ESF http://www.esf .org/coordinati ngresearch/euroc ores/complete dprogrammes/e uromargins/pr ojects/ ml PNRA TITLE SCALE Marine Metagenomics EU for New Biotechnological Applications” (MAMBA)"Number FP7 KBBE 226977 COLLABORATIVE PROJECT VII Programma Quadro2009-2012 COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY p.golyshi n@bang ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) Framework 7 programme and started on 1 November 2013 for a period of 3 years. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS ANT AGREEM ENT n. 603418) 48 The EU project "Marine Metagenomics for New 1.870.00 MONTHS Biotechnological Applications" (MAMBA) KBBE-2008-226977 0 : ( was co-coordinated by IAMC-ME. (715.098, dal MAMBA's mission was to mine metagenomic resources from 00) 01/07/20 extreme marine environments for new enzymes relevant to 09 al pharmaceutical industry and industrial biocatalysis. It 30/06/20 specifically aimed at the detailed biochemical and structural 13 characterisation of new extremozymes and in the reconstruction of whole biochemical pathways in extreme environments. MOUNDFORCE Forcing of carbonate mounds and deep water coral reefs along the NW European continental margin Internatio nal 2003 2007 This projects is directed toward the definition of the geological, 220000 geochemical and oceanographical conditions and processes forcing the development of carbonate mounds and cold-water coral reef formation in contrasting areas of the NE Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. The projects also aims at establishing the factors governing lithification and stabilisation of carbonate mounds, and to use these as modern analogues of fossil carbonate buildups. PNRA National Years: 2013 2015 PNRA Project "Sea Ice Associated Methylated Osmolytes: biogenesis and Contribution to Oceanic Methane Production?” (SIAMO) 2013/AZ1.07. The specific aims of the SIAMO project are: the evaluation of environmental significance of anaerobic catabolism of S- and N-containing methylated osmolytes, analyzing the composition and abundance of MO in different 48.000,0 0 (38.000,0 0) 8 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY CONISM A Deep sea Ecosyste ms Progetto Bandiera La Ricerca Italiana per il Mare RITMARE - SP4 Planning of the Deep Marine Environment and the Open Sea National Deep sea Ecosyste ms FINANZIAMENT I DA P-Q. RICERCA U.E. V° Programma Quadro FIRB BANDO 2008 The EU project “Biotechnology from the Deep” (BIODEEP) EVK3-2000-22057. EU Un approccio meta genomico per esplorare la diversità microbica e il flusso genico negli ecosistemi marini profondi”. National POR FESR 2007-2013 BIOMAP Regional Biocostruction marine & Subin Puglia Regional Deep sea Ecosyste ms Deep sea mining, Oil and ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) compartments of antarctic sea ice; the analysis of the structure of microbial community in the sea ice environment. 2011 The project contributes to increase knowledge and 2016 quantification of deep-sea bed processes, through a better understanding of deep-sea environment processes, habitats and biodiversity, and natural dangers arising from it. Moreover deep-ocean and open-sea circulation models, and measuring methods used for their validation, has been fine-tuned. Years: 20012004 The EU project “Biotechnology from the Deep” (BIODEEP) EVK32000-22057. The aim of the project was to isolate extremophiles and identify how their extreme adaptations, which result in novel compounds and activities, can translate into new biotechnological applications. 01/12/20 Italian project FIRB 2008 “Un approccio metagenomico per 10 al esplorare la diversità microbica e il flusso genico negli 01/12/20 ecosistemi marini profondi” (EXPLODIVE) RBFR08AWP6_002. 13 The most innovative aspects of the project EXPLODIVE were: to investigate the viral and prokaryotic diversity, as well as the presence of putative functional genes within the extracellular DNA pool and the interactions among the microbial genomes as well as their potential interactions with the genes present in the extracellular DNA using the most advanced molecular techniques; to identificate the main metabolic pathways associated with the different genomic pools and the relationship between microbial biodiversity and the functional processes (i.e., heterotrophic and autotrophic C production, viral production, enzymatic activities) as well as the interactions between metabolic pathways of the different microbial REGIONE 2011 Marine bioconstruction in Puglia. PUGLIA- 2013 With the term "bioconstructions" are defined environments CONISM characterized by the overlap of biological structures that grow A – CNR on each other leading to the formation of positive structures on BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 8000000 - MIUR CNR (IAMC, IBF, IGAG, IGG, INGV, ISAC, ISMAR), CINFAI, CONISMA, ENEA, OGS, SZN 1.900.00 0,00 (355.000, 00) 473.000, 00 (162.400, 00) 994620 159132,2 3 MAIN R&I AREAS Gas Sustaina ble Exploita tion Deep sea mining, Oil and Gas Sustaina ble Exploita tion Deep sea mining, Oil and Gas Sustaina ble Exploita tion Deep sea mining, Oil and Gas Sustaina ble Exploita tion OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) - TITLE SCALE ENI Spa Development National of conceptual models for seismic interpretation EXXON MOBIL - EXXON MOBIL National UPSTREAM RESEARCH COMPANY GALSI - COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ISMAR BOLOGN A ENI-SPA – CNR ISMAR BO ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) the bottom. Among the main lines of action are Mapping, geophysical surveys (MB, SSS, Chirp), video and cartography, Biodiversity assessment, analysis of pressures and impacts of human activities. Quantification of the effects of human disturbance 2007 Development of conceptual models for seismic interpretation 2009 BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 360000 360000 EXXON – CNR ISMAR BOLOGN A 2013 2016 Study of the Po delta during the last glaciation in order to develop conceptual models functional to hydrocarbons prospecting. GALSI GALSI PIPELINE Internatio GALSI PROJECT ALGERIA TO nal SPA – ITALIA VIA SARDINIA CNR ISMAR BOLOGN A 2008 2014 Canalization for the transport of natural gas from Algeria to the 240000 Italian mainland via Sardinia. 240000 Review of offshore reports produced by Fugro Geoservices, detailing the preliminary interpretation of significant geohazard features within the DMS corridor.The reports by FUGRO Geoservices were provided to ISMAR (CNR) and supplemented by reconnaissance multibeam bathymetry DTM and identified on a regional bathymetry index map. The main task is to verify the interpretation and to expand the understanding of described features in the wider regional context and geohazard model. 2 663000 663000 2 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) The work conducted at ISMAR (CNR) was aimed at: 1) Checking the strength and internal coherence of the proposed interpretations and suggesting possible additional or alternate interpretations; 2) Suggesting possible actions toward additional data acquisition (if necessary). 2012 2015 BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Deep sea mining, Oil and Gas Sustaina ble Exploita tion Living MPA Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) ENI-AGIP - PIATTAFORME ANCONA National ISMAR U.O.S. Ancona, Italy - http://www.a AMPAMED EU Réserve 2006 (36 Naturelle months) des Bouches de Bonifacio (FR)) The Project relies in the role of MPA for the sustainable development of local economic activities like artisanal fishing and tourism. The main goal is using three Mediterranean MPAs, placed in three different regions (Córcega, Cerdeña and Murcia) and shows the differences and the similarities in management resources and sustainable development. In particular: 1)Comparison of the data and criteria of fishing and tourism management between the three MPA. 2)Evaluation of the load capacity of the system in relation with fishing and tourism. 3) Research in innovative management methods for fishing and tourism. Living Marine Resourc es ASAP - MIPAF (Ministry of Agriculture, food and ASAP (2014-2016) Assessment of Survival of rejected shArks in National Consiglio 2014 Nazional 2015 e delle Ricerche Unintentional catches in fishing activities and the elimination of 57000 so-called "by-catch" (other marine species that is caught 46000 unintentionally while catching certain target species) are priority objectives of the European Common Fisheries Policy 897.000, 00 (130.000, 00) Universidad de Murcia (ES); Réserve Naturelle des Bouches de Bonifacio (FR); Area Marina Protetta "Penisola del Sinis - Isola di Mal di ventre (IT) and International Marine Centre (IT) 1 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) (fishery, forestry aquacult policies) ure, National etc.) program for fisheries and aquaculture 2013 – 2015 Living FP7 Marine EUROPEAN Resourc COMMISSION es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) TITLE Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Fisheri es, fisheri es ecolog y Socioe conom ic & Policy Resear ch TENDER MARE VI - MEDPEL http://mareapr SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY (CNRISMAR) Italy BENTHIS EU CAMPBIOLDEM-2007 EU DLO (IMARES / LEI), Stichting Dienst Landbou wkundig Onderzo ek, Netherla nds Fabio Fiorentin o (IAMCCNR) Catch rate determination of Albacore, Swordfish and Bluefin tuna and the characterization and quantification of associated bycatch and discards in EU mediterranean smallscale fishing Practices ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) (CFP). The present study aims to assess the state of vitality of the by-catch (Post-Capture Survival) of demersal cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes), a group of fish of great importance in marine ecosystems. The experiment will be performed in the MPA "Tavolara - Capo Coda Cavallo" (North-East Sardinia) where several of this species (sharks, rays and chimaeras) are routinely captured 2012 Benthic ecosystem fisheries Impact Study is about the 2017 integration of marine benthic ecosystems in fisheries management. There is concern about the adverse impact of fisheries on benthic ecosystem, and the need to develop tools to assess these impacts and to collaborate with the fishing industry to develop innovative technologies. BENTHIS will provide the knowledge to further develop the ecosystem approach to fisheries management as required in the Common Fisheries Policy and the MSFD. 2007 The programme is part of the EU fisheries Data Collection Framework (DCF). The objectives is to collect data for the main fisheries and commercial stocks of the Strait of Sicily (GSA 16). CoNISMa 27/11/20 12 (12,17 M) Drifting (pelagic) long-lines of different types are widely used in the Mediterranean, mainly for fishing large pelagic species such as swordfish (SWO), bluefin tuna (BFT) and albacore (ALB). Depending on the target species, there are differences in gear configuration (hook size, size of main and branch lines, etc) and fishing strategy (e.g. depth setting of the gear). Additionally, BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 437000 436058 16 254823.4 CNR-IAMC € 194.106, 68 Unione Europea / DG MARITIM E CoNISMa, HCMRCOISPAIEO(Spagna)AQUASTUDIO MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE Mediterranean pelagic long-lines fisheries. SPECIFIC CONTRACT No. 6 (SI2.635542) SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) there are certain seasonal and temporal differences among the fisheries targeting the different species. Fleets from various countries are involved in those fisheries operating in most Mediterranean areas. In terms of nominal fishing effort, the most important fisheries are those targeting swordfish, as they operate all over the basin throughout the year with the exception of specific seasonal closures established either by ICCAT or at the national level. Mediterranean EU-countries, such as Italy, Greece and Spain account for about 80% of the swordfish longline catches in the area. Long-line fisheries targeting bluefin tuna are spatially and temporally restricted nowadays, and their contribution to the total Mediterranean bluefin tuna catch is less than 15%. Albacore long-line fisheries are often opportunistic, operating mostly seasonally on a regional basis, depending on fish availability. It should be noted that due to those characteristics of the albacore fishery, the available data are fragmented and insufficient for the assessment of the stock by ICCAT. Greece and Italy are among the most important albacore producers in the Mediterranean. Independently of the target species, captures of the rest (nontarget) species occur in all fisheries together with unwanted captures of small individuals. Based on the above, the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) has stressed the need for research to improve the selectivity pattern of the surface long-lines. In addition, they have been reported by-catches of different marine species. Generally, the amount of by-catches varies, depending BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS AFFAIRES AND FISHERIE S TENDER MARE/2 009/05. SPECIFIC CONTRA CT No. 6 (SI2.6355 42) MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) on the fishing area, season and fishing strategy. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS The specific objectives of the present study are to: • Identify, in as much fine scale as possible, the spatiotemporal catch-rate variations of swordfish, bluefin tuna and albacore in Mediterranean pelagic long-line fisheries. • Estimate catch-rate variations of other commercial by-catch species in Mediterranean pelagic longline fisheries. • Identify catch rates of non-commercial by-catches (discards) with emphasis on spatiotemporal fluctuations in the catch-rates of sharks and sea-turtles in the Mediterranean pelagic longline fisheries. Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Catcheffort relate d studie s in the Chann el of Sicily EC Structural Funds Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance (FIFG) (www.iamc.cnr .it) Cattura e sforzo di piccoli pelagici (prevalentemente sardine e alici) nel Canale di Sicilia per la gestione delle risorse pescabili (CASFO) Regional & SubRegional MUNICIP 2005 - 2 ALITY OF years MAZARA DEL VALLO The study will utilize data collected in different frames: past European and national research projects and of the Data Collection Regulation (DCR and DCF). The project aimed at fish catch and effort data assessment from purse seine hauls, along the Sicilian southern coast (GSA 16 of FAO-GFCM), carried out through samples from landings Data analysis, collection and management was carried out with the aim to draft a planning model for an effective fisheries resources management, especially small pelagics. 199.460, IAMC-CNR, 9 Euroformazio (167.160 ne PSC Srl. ) MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Living Marin Marine e Resourc fisheri es es, (fishery, marin aquacult e ure, ecosys etc.) tem PROJECT/INITI ATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE SCALE MAREFRAME, http://www.m Co-creating Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management Solutions (CREAM) EU Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) FP7 COEXIST EUROPEAN COMMISSION www.coexistpr FP7 European Commission (FP7-ERANET2012-RTD) - EU COFASP EU Strenghtening cooperation in European research on sustainable exploitation of marine resources in the seafood chains ERANET ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 01/01/20 MareFrame seeks to remove barriers that currently prevent a 14, 48 more widespread use of an Ecosystem-based Approach to months Fisheries Management (EAFM) by developing: • Novel data based on new tools and technologies • Ecosystem models and assessment methods based on indicators of Good Environmental Status (GES) • A Decision Support Framework (DSF) adapted to the needs of decision makers, managers, operators, and other stakeholders that will support the implementation of the new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and Habitats Directive (HD) - MareFrame contains tangible benefits for groups of stakeholders who have primary interest in clear policy objectives. The benefits include: • Efficient and effective decision-making and implementation • Sustainable industry performance in terms of ecological, social and economic aspects Institute 2010 Interaction in coastal waters: a roadmap to sustainable of 2013 integration of aquaculture and fisheries is a multidisciplinary Marine project to provide a roadmap to integrate, under a synergistic Research and sustainable way, different activities in the coastal zone. The , Bergen project supports the new European Maritime Policy and spatial IMR planning of coastal areas. Case studies are used to provide data Norway for further analysis through the integrated work packages. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Anna Kristìn Danìelsd óttir, MATIS ICELAND / Francesc o Colloca IAMCCNR Styrelsen 2013 for 2017 forskning og innovatio n, Denmark BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 6.000.00 0,00 (365.506, 00) CORE PARTICIPANT S • MATIS OHF et al. 3780000 - 195642 11 2000 26 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Living Socioe Marine conom Resourc ic & es Policy (fishery, Resear aquacult ch ure, etc.) PROJECT/INITI ATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE SCALE TENDER MARE II - MEDISEH http://mareapr Compilation and EU mappins of environmental and fiskeries related information in the Mediterranean Sea by means of Geosraphicat Information Systems (GIS). SPECIFIC CONTRACT No. 2 (SI2.600741). COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY CoNISMa ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 01/09/20 11 (19,73 M) The general objectives of the MEDISEH(Mediterranean Sensitive Habitats) project are to be achieved through multiple tasks mainly oriented to collate dispersed information useful to integrate the environmental dimension into fisheries management and to allow the rendering of such information through GIS. Task 1. Compile historical and current data, to be rendered through GIS tools, on the 3 main protected habitats under Council Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006: seagrass beds, coralligenous habitat and mäerl beds. Wherever possible, information on the extension, status and evolution of the habitats coverage is needed. Possibilities of modelling hydrological, sediment and other environment information for predictive identification of areas where the seabed is likely to be characterised by the presence of one of these habitats or where such habitat has existed and may be in need of restoration action Task 2. Compile information supporting the identification and location of nursery areas (juveniles in their first and, if appropriate, second year of life) and spawning aggregations. This information, which is to be collated and archived in formats adequate for GIS rendering, shall refer to all the demersal and small pelagic species in the Mediterranean included in Appendix VU of Council Regulation (EC) No 199/2008 as well as for the species subject to minimum size (Council Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006-Annex III). In addition, ecological characterisation of these areas, both in terms of biological community (assemblage) and habitats therein, must BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € 568.996, 00 Unione Europea / DG MARITIM E AFFAIRES AND FISHERIE S TENDER MARE/2 009/05 SI2.6007 41 CORE PARTICIPANT S CoNISMa, CIBM, CNR, IEO(Sapagna), MCFS (Malta). MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) be provided. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Task 3. Compile and archive in format for GIS rendering of geographic information on the location and delimitation of all types of existing marine protected areas (e.g. parks, reserves, fishing protected areas, etc established at national, regional, local levels), including scientific, technical, and fisheries management reasons underpinning their constitution. Sources of information Sources of information may be diverse and go from scientific/technical papers and reports, to original raw data collected in national and European surveys, up to legal and scientific information used for the establishment of different types of marine protected areas including, inter alia, the SCIs and SACs, under the Habitats Directive, and the SPA and SPAMI under the Barcelona Convention. Duration of the tasks Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc Coasta l zone manag ement Contratto per attività Regional di ricerca “Piani di & Subgestione locali – Regional Cogepa di Castellamare del Golfo e Palermo Ovest” Coasta l zone Contratto per attività Regional di ricerca Cogepa & SubMazara del Vallo-CNR- Regional The duration of the tasks shall not exceed 18 months from the date of signature of the specific contract. Fabio 10/09/20 The aim of the project is to support the application of the local Fiorentin 12, 3 management plan, through the analyses of fisheries data and o (IAMC- years the provision of scientific advices. CNR) Fabio 10/09/20 The aim of the project is to support the application of the local Fiorentin 12, 3 management plan, through the analyses of fisheries data and years the provision of scientific advices. 78000 CNR-IAMC 55000 CNR-IAMC MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) es manag (fishery, ement aquacult ure, etc.) Living Coasta Marine l zone Resourc manag es ement (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Living Fisheri Marine es Resourc monit es oring, (fishery, contro aquacult l and ure, surveil etc.) lance Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Living fisheri Marine es Resourc manag es ement (fishery, TITLE ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY o (IAMCCNR) Contratto per attività di ricerca Cogepa Trapani-CNR-IAMC Mazara del Vallo “Piano di gestione locale – Cogepa Trapani” Regional & SubRegional Fabio 10/09/20 The aim of the project is to support the application of the local Fiorentin 12, 3 management plan, through the analyses of fisheries data and o (IAMC- years the provision of scientific advices. CNR) Contratto servizio pilota inerente l’analisi dei rischi dell’azione di controllo nell’ambito della politica comune della pesca National Fabio Fiorentin o (IAMCCNR) IAMC Mazara del Vallo “Piano di gestione locale – Cogepa di Mazara del Vallo” 60000 CNR-IAMC 2009 216000 CNR-IAMC 18/12/20 13, 10 months 60000 CNR-IAMC CONVENZIONE National MIPAAF PRODUZIONE DATI STATISTICI PESCA -CNR IAMC UOS DI MAZARA DEL VALLO MIPAF Convenzione per l’affidamento di un incarico relativo alla redazione dei piani di gestione da adottare Fabio 2007, 10 Fiorentin months o (IAMCCNR) Regional & SubRegional BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS The project was aimed at developing two fisheries management plans (GSA 9 and 11) following the EU reg. 1967/2006. 140000 CNR-IAMC MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) aquacult ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc TITLE SCALE nel quadro delle azioni previste dal Reg. (CE) 1967/2006, Reg. (CE) 2371/2002 e Reg. (CE) 1198/2006 Convenzione per National l’affidamento di un incarico relativo alla redazione dei piani di gestione da adottare nel quadro delle azioni previste dal Regolamento (CE) 1967/2006, nella GSA 9 e 11 Convenzione tra National MIPAAF e l’IREPA Onlus per il Programma Nazionale di raccolta dati 2009/2010 Fisheri es manag ement FP 6 http://www.riv / Degree DEvelopment of fishing Gears with Reduced Effects on the Environment EU MIPAF DIMAM Detritivores as Indicators of MaisBt in Agriculture Mixed: National COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) Fabio 2008, 6 Fiorentin months o (IAMCCNR) Fabio Fiorentin o (IAMCCNR) The project was aimed at developing two fisheries management plans (GSA 9 and 11) following the EU reg. 1967/2006. 2009 The programme is part of the EU fisheries Data Collection Framework (DCF). The objectives is to collect data for the main fisheries and commercial stocks of the Strait of Sicily (GSA 16). 2006 2009 BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 156000 CNR-IAMC 535473.8 CNR-IAMC 2 The DEGREE project aims at developing new fishing gears to reduce the adverse effects on the seabed and benthic communities, to quantify the reduced impact on bottom habitats and benthic communities, and to assess the socioeconomic consequences of introducing these gear in established fishery-dependent communities. 3522956 - CoNISMa 05/12/20 To determine the isotopic signatures of the communities of 06 (23,20 organisms which colonize the farming residues of transgenic M) plants and of benthic organisms that come into contact with € 110.880, 00 - 10 CoNISMa MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) TITLE SCALE isotopic ratios (δ13C and δ15N) in the tissues of invertebrates nontarget permanently present in agroecosystems to mais. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) farming residues washed away into neighbouring bodies of water. The purpose is to define possible biochemical indicators of the presence of transgenic organisms in the environment. Activities carried out In Spanish territory, three varieties of transgenic corn and their corresponding wild strains were cultivated near the banks of the Ebro River. An estimate was made of the quantity of farming residues left in the ground and the quantity of such residues swept away in the river water. Samplings of land animals and of benthic colonizers of farming residues were carried out seasonally for two years. The isotopic signals of residues and animals were recorded for 10000 specimens. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS MIPAAFMinister o delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali Results Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Socioe conom ic & Policy Resear ch TENDER MARE IV - BEMTOOL http://mareapr Development of an integrated bioeconomic modelling tool to develop and support multiobjective approaches for fisheries management. EU The characteristics and disappearance process of farming residues from Bt and isogenic corns after harvest, within the aquatic and land environments, reveal a significant speed difference due to the lesser component of lignin in the tissues of transgenic corn. The colonizing invertebrates feed on farming residues as demonstrated by the isotopic signals, which are always greater on transgenic residues. This major result emphasizes the importance of isotopic analysis to trace out transgenic organisms both on dry land and in the water. CoNISMa 16/01/20 € CoNISMa, 12 (13,20 258.840, HCMR-CIBM M) The main objective of the BEMTOOL project is to develop an 00 integrated bio-economic modelling tool aimed to develop and Unione support multi-objective approaches for fisheries management Europea in the Mediterranean Sea. The modelling tool should be able to / DG evaluate the biological and economic effects of different MARITIM harvesting strategies directed at extracting the long-term E MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE Identification of the main species and fleet segments/metier covering an adequate proportion of total catches/landings and total revenues of the main metier involved in multispecies multiple gears demersal fisheries in different Mediterranean subregions. SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) maximum sustainable production while avoiding the risk of recruitment overfishing and modification in the ecological structure and functions of the exploited fish community. The model should allow identifying the optimal level of fishing effort and/or catches per each main segment/metier of the fishing fleet in line with previously defined conservation goals while allowing the possibility to extract the maximum long-term economic value. To have suitable data for bio-economic modelling, an additional objective of the project is to provide approaches to aggregate economic data, as collected through the data collection regulations, in a way compatible with the spatial stratification of the GFCM-GSAs including, if necessary, merging or splitting of GSAs depending on the fisheries/metier under examinations. Moreover, to allow meaningful integrated bio-economic evaluations for fisheries management, the project will also identify the main species and fleet segments for the multispecies multiple gears demersal fisheries carried out in different Mediterranean sub-regions which are adequate in each GSA to cover an acceptable proportion of total catches/landings and total revenues for each of the main metiers involved in the demersal fishery. The project is organized in the following tasks: BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS AFFAIRES AND FISHERIE S TENDER MARE/2 009/05 SI2.6137 70 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) - Task 0 (Project management) is aimed to coordinate the activities of the project supervising the progress of all project tasks. - Task 1 (Multi-objective approach) is aimed at defining indicators and related reference points for each of the main objectives pursued in fisheries management. - Task 2 (Model development) is aimed at developing the predictive and integrated multi-objective bio-economic model using information on the existing modelling tools for Mediterranean fisheries as a theoretical support for the development of the model conceptual scheme. - Task 3 (Software development) is aimed at producing the model software and the relative documentation. - Task 4 (Fisheries identification) is aimed at identifying Mediterranean fisheries and compiling data to be used for simulations. - Task 5 (Case studies simulation) is aimed at testing the new bio-economic model and verify its functioning as regards the BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) appropriateness of the model, the simplicity of use and the consistency with the project objectives. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS - Task 6 (Reporting) is finalised to the preparation of the project Interim Report and Final Report. Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) DG MARE/2012/24 -Lot 2 SI2.672370 not available DISCATCH Pilot EU project on catch and discard composition including solutions for limitation and possible elimination of unwanted by-catches in trawl net fisheries in the Mediterranean Tenders DRIFTMED Specific EU MARE/2009/05 Project n. 8 - LOT 1 – Mediterranean http://mareapr - Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc es Opera tional Ocean ograp The Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Echosurvey in the Sicilian Channel “MEDIAS GSA 16” (MEDIAS GSA 16) Regional & SubRegional 2014 2015 CONISM A (il CNR partecipa ufficialm ente come IAMC Mazara del Vallo) IAMCCNR The duration of the project shall not exceed 10 months from the date of signature of the specific contract. DISCATCH aims at identifying solutions to address factors determining the catches of unwanted species and specimens in trawl fisheries, with the view to reduce unwanted catches and eliminating discards. The main objectives are to provide an assessment of the fishing fleet discarding behavior, identify the main reasons for discarding in Mediterranean continental shelf demersal and small pelagic trawl fisheries, and identify measures to mitigate or eliminate by catches of unwanted species. 2013 2013 20092010 624843 - - Oceanographic surveys in the Strait of Sicily and in the Tyrrhenian Sea. 792.197, NONE 75 (792197, 75) 6 MAIN R&I AREAS TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS FP7 EUROPEAN COMMISSION www.ecofishm EcoFishMan Ecosystem-based Responsive Fisheries Management in Europe EU MATIS, Islanda 2011 2014 3000000 - 213161 13 http://www.u / EMPAFISH EU Ecosystem-based Responsive Fisheries Management in Europe aims to contribute to the implementation of a new integrated fisheries management system in Europe based on increased stakeholder involvement. It is a multidisciplinary project, involving scientists and stakeholders in activities relating to biology, stock assessment, technology, socio-economy and legal aspects of fisheries management, to develop an ecosystembased sustainable management system under a precautionary framework. Universid 2005, (36 Empafish main goals were: investigate the potential of different ad de months) regimes of MPAs in Europe as measures to protect sensitive Murcia and endangered species, habitats and ecosystems from the (ES) effects of fishing; develop quantitative methods to assess the effects of marine protected areas; provide EU with a set of integrated measures and policy proposals for the implementation of MPAs as fisheries and ecosystem management tools 2.400.00 0,00 (70.000,0 0) CoNISMa 27/10/20 11 (9,13 M) The objective of the project is the estimation of multiplying factors which will allow a quite precise and accurate estimation € 167.687, 00 Unione CNRS (FR); CSIC (ES); PML (UK); Univeridad de Alicante (ES); Universidad de la Laguna (ES); Università degli studi di Palermo (IT); Università degli studi di Pisa (IT) CoNISMa, CIBM-HCMRLAMANS- OTHE R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) (fishery, hy: aquacult data ure, from etc.) ocean ograp hic cruises Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) PROJECT/INITI ATIVE & WEB SITE Living MPA Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc es Policies (MIPAAF) (www.iamc.cnr .it) Socioe TENDER MARE conom III ic & ARCHIMEDES Policy Estimation of the EU maximum net leneth of trammel nets, stilnets and combined MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) (fishery, Resear aquacult ch ure, etc.) PROJECT/INITI ATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE http://mareapr bottom set nets by usins the volume of the mass of the net SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) the overall length (range) of different types of bottom-set nets (trammel, gillnets, combined bottom-set nets) and small size driftnets (<2.5km), on the basis of both the weight and/or the volume of a net amassed or stowed on a fishing vessel's deck, on the dock of a port or placed in basket(s). The EC Reg. 1967/2006 reports that the length of bottom-set and drifting nets may be also defined considering the weight or volume of its mass. However, no practical suggestions for fisheries Inspectors are available at this time. The Archimedes project thus aims to support the European Commission with updated information on the passive net characteristics, with a view to obtain a relation between length, volume and mass of the passive nets. Current knowledge on the relations between length, volume and mass of the nets is widely spread among several sources of information but, without any rigorous rationale. These relations seem to vary with fishing areas, target species, local practices, net types (gillnet, trammel net, combined nets, drift nets), and technical properties (net rigging, net drop, hanging ratio, float dimensions, headrope and footrope thickness). The project will address the following items: a. reviewing present knowledge of technical parameter of passive nets which can influence the relation between length, volume and mass of the nets using literature and field data; BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Europea / DG MARITIM E AFFAIRES AND FISHERIE S TENDER MARE/2 009/05. SI2.6038 10 CORE PARTICIPANT S COISPALAPD(Albania) MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS b. defining factors which can allow the precise and accurate estimation of the overall length (range) of different types of bottom-set nets (trammel, gillnets, combined bottom-set nets) and small-sized driftnets (<2.5 km) on the basis of both the weight and/or the volume of the mass of a net amassed or stowed on a fishing vessel's deck, on the dock of a port or placed in basket(s); c. developing some simple devices for the assessment of passive net length, volume and weight which can be used during fishery inspections; d. on the basis of the results obtained, providing an indication of the level of accuracy which can be attained with the different methods for the net length estimations, suitable for control and scientific assessment purposes; Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) MIPAF BYCATCH Evaluation of the accidental captures in the pelagic trailing – BYCATCH I stage National e. giving suitable advices for enforcement and control purposes and useful information for the stock assessment process. CoNISMa 01/07/20 Implementation in Italy of monitoring programme of cetacean 07 (86,33 bycatch during pelagic and mid-water pair trawlers fishing M) operations. An estimate was made of the accidental capture of (mesi cetaceans, of turtles and of a certain number of species of cumulati elasmobranchs, such as the spiny dogfish, the smooth dogfish, vi di the common thresher shark, the blue shark, the bull ray, the diversi eagle ray and the pelagic stingray, two of which are progetti commercial, vulnerable species, thus reaching rather high sovrappo numbers and representing a considerable biomass taken away sti nel from the marine ecosystem. The project also highlighted the tempo) problem of the presence of cetaceans in fishing fields and how this poses a problem for the Adriatic fishing community. The presence of cetaceans disturbs fish; moreover, the fishing € 2.092.38 5,20 MIPAAFMinister o delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali CoNISMa, ISPRA, A.R.C.H.E'. MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) TONNO ROSSO Evalutation of the National III environmental impact of the red tuna farming in floating cages Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Ministero della FOOD AND Salute-Ricerca ENVIROMENTAL finalizzata SAFETY: THE PROBLEM OF THE ENDOCRINE DISTRUPTORS" Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Natura www.arpat.tos l and cultur gionha al resour ces National GIONHA - Governance EU and Integrated Observation on marine Natural Habitat ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) capacity is drastically reduced and, in many cases, there is damage to fishing nets. CoNISMa 28/06/20 Study of the environmental impact of a tuna farm using 04 (36,47 different descriptors regarding the water column, sediments, M) sedimented organic matter and wild fish, and the identification of synthetic descriptors useful for carrying out low cost and reliable monitoring of marine coastal ecosystems. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € CoNISMa 98.175,0 0MIPAAFMinister o delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali 75000 Istituo dal The aims of the project are: 1)- to individuate biomarker of Zooprofil 01/12/20 pollution in seafood; 2)- to determine the concentrations of attico 11 AL some Endocrine Disruptors in seafood of major consumption by Napoli 30/11/20 Italian people; 3)- to suggest new forms of bioremediation of 14 wa- ters polluted by endocrine disruptors. Each of these goals represents the target of the proposed research project, that will be developed by the Interuniversity Consortium Istituto Nazionale Biostrutture e Biosistemi (INBB, in collabora- tion with the Istituto Sperimentale Zooprofilattico del Mezzogiorno, located in Portici (NA) and with CNR in Messina. ARPAT - April 14, The overall objective to be achieved is to promote the 2465k € Agenzia 2009; protection and enhancement of natural habitats marine / regionale duration coastal protected area supporting the "Pelagos Sanctuary", rich per la 36 and diverse marine ecosystem characterized by the presence of protezio months cetaceans and develop a joint dissemination of environmental ne sensitivity through a participatory management. ambienta le della Toscana .. Please see website MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Living Socioe Marine conom Resourc ic & es Policy (fishery, Resear aquacult ch ure, etc.) PROJECT/INITI ATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE SCALE TENDER MARE VIII DRIFTMED http://mareapr Identification and EU characterization of the small scale driftnets fisheries in Mediterranean Specific Contract No. 8 (SI2.646130). COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY CoNISMa ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 04/03/20 13 (,17 M) The DRIFTMED project has been developed with the of supporting the European Commission with updated information on the SSD fisheries in the Mediterranean, with a view to obtain a global picture of their environmental sustainability and relevance from the economic and social point of view. More in detail objectives of the Specific Contract are: 1) Identify and describe past and currently active EU Mediterranean fisheries using driftnets of length equal or smaller than 2.5 km (small scale driftnets) to exploit species other than large pelagic migratory species and not included in Annex VIII of Council Regulation (EC) n° 894/97 as amended by Regulation (EC) n° 1239/98 (desk study and field study). 2) Provide technical information on the driftnets gear (mesh size; twine thickness, rigging ratio, etc.) that are adequate to exploit species other than those listed in the Annex VIII of Regulation (EC) n° 1239/98 (desk study and field study). 3) Identify and describe small scale driftnets fisheries currently used by countries other than EU Member States in the western and central Mediterranean Sea as well as in the Aegean Sea (desk study). 4) Identify and describe alternative fishing methods to catch the same species or group of species exploited by the small scale driftnets. Compare and comment as adequate their fishing power, their likely environmental impact and their adequacy to the type of fishing vessels using small scale driftnets (desk study). 5) Provide information on the economic parameters pertaining to each EU Mediterranean small scale driftnet fishery including the estimation of the proportion on the annual income and economic profit of an average fishing vessel and/or fleet segments involved (desk study). BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € 221.271, 08 Unione Europea / DG MARITIM E AFFAIRES AND FISHERIE S TENDER MARE/2 009/05. SPECIFIC CONTRA CT No. 8 (SI2.6461 30) CORE PARTICIPANT S CoNISMa, HCMRCOISPA-CIBMIREPA MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 6) Provide an overview of the international/EU/national provisions regulating the use of driftnets fisheries including, among others, catch reporting obligations and whether a compulsory fishing authorization regime is in place. Identify gaps which hamper full implementation of and compliance with UNGA resolutions and EU legislation (desk study). The results of this project might also contribute to mitigate some gaps of knowledge in the DCF, in particular as regards the monitoring of small scale fisheries. Given the diversity of objectives, the expected difficulties in collecting sparse information both on the bases of a desk and partly of a field study, the project will require a duration of 8 months. The project will include three main activities: - the review of the existing available information from scientific papers, grey literature, reports, etc. and other sources of information (e.g. fishermen, fishermen associations, control bodies, FAO Regional Projects, DCF data, EU and national legislation records, etc.); - the collection of new data regarding the technical specifications of the gears (mesh size, twine thickness, rigging ratio, etc.) as well as CPUE and catch composition; - the joint analysis of all the gathered data to provide an overview on the presence of the SSD fisheries in Mediterranean, to characterize the main fisheries/métiers in terms of fishing capacity/activity and composition of the catches, to review all the existing provision regulating these fisheries, to assess the economic and their social relevance and, finally, to produce an evaluation of the feasibility of the use of alternative gears to exploit the same resources. The structure of the project has been organised according to four intercorrelated and sequential workpackages. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS MAIN R&I AREAS Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Socioe conom ic & Policy Resear ch TENDER MARE VII STOCKMED http://mareapr TITLE Identification of distinct biological units (stock units) for different fish and shellfish species and among different GFCM-GSA. SPECIFIC CONTRACT No. 7 (SI2.642234). SCALE EU COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) WP0 = project management and coordination. WP1 = collection and critical review of the existing information on SSD fisheries in Mediterranean WP2 = collection of new data on SSD fisheries. WP3 = data analysis, socio-economic assessment and synthesis. CoNISMa 18/12/20 12 (18,20 The STOCKMED project - “Stock units: Identification of distinct M) biological units (stock units) for different fish and shellfish species and among different GFCM-GSA” has the overall purpose of contributing to the definition of the different biological units as an essential knowledge for proper data acquisition and subsequent assessment of the state of resources and, consequently, for the formulation and implementation of knowledge based management measures. In the Mediterranean current stock assessment and fisheries management are highly oriented by the division in Geographical Sub-Areas (GSA) of the GFCM Area. The definition of GFCM-GSA was done on the basis of various criteria and analysis carried out in the first half of last decade (oceanographic, biological, fishery, continuity of FAO-GFCM capture statistics, etc.). However, no specific studies were aimed to define the stock boundaries and structure for most of Mediterranean areas, including those encompassing the territorial sea of the European countries, for stock assessment and management purposes. Despite this uncertainty about stock units, GFCM has preliminary identified some critical areas were stock of main commercial species are considered as shared amongst EU or/and not EU countries (FAO, 2006). According to STECF opinion, it is advisable to have a more refined and updated view on the different stock units and to verify whether the current GSAs classification matches with advisable assessment and management units of the main resources and fisheries. The knowledge of distribution of BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € 535.525, 08 Unione Europea / DG MARITIM E AFFAIRES AND FISHERIE S TENDER MARE/2 009/05. SPECIFIC CONTRA CT No. 7 (SI2.6422 34) CoNISMa, HCMRCOISPA-CIBMCNRIEO(Spagna)MCFS (Malta) MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Stock assess ment in the Chann el of Sicily IDEntificazione degli STock di Acciughe e saRdine nello Stretto di Sicilia per una gestione sostenibile delle Risorse (IDESTAR) Regional & SubRegional EC Structural Funds Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance (FIFG) ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) resources, of their biological and genetic characteristics and the distribution of the fishing fleets by gear, also in relation to the oceanographic and sea bottom characteristics, was also considered by STECF as potentially useful for the definition of more natural divisions based on this operational concept of stock. Considering that a same fishery may harvest a quite high variety of resources and that fishing fleets may carry out different fisheries over the year, tradeoffs may however be unavoidable between the best classification of biologic stock units, the mobility and characteristics of the various fishing fleets, the consistency with sampling strata for data gathering and reporting of catch statistics (national, EU, FAQ, GFCM etc). The main objectives of the study are: to undertake a multidisciplinary identification of distinct fishery/biological units (stock units) for the most relevant demersal and small pelagic species in the Mediterranean in order to contribute to the improvement of the quality and the reliability of their assessment; to investigate the relationship between the stock unit, the characteristics of the main fisheries involved and the GFCM-GSAs system and solutions proposed for different species and fisheries taking into account the need to ensure consistency with the main current stratifications for data gathering and statistics reporting; to provide an inventory of gaps and suggestions for further investigations. Società 2005 - 3 Small pelagics populations analysis in the area of the Sicilian cooperati years channel, considered as unique and independent stocks, in order va "Fra i to provide a basis for fishery policies management. pescatori " di Sciacca COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 200.000 IAMC-CNR (120.000 ) MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) (www.iamc.cnr .it) Living Socioe TENDER MARE Marine conom XI - LANDMED Resourc ic & es Policy (fishery, Resear aquacult ch ure, etc.) Living Socioe TENDER MARE Marine conom X - ADRIATIC Resourc ic & (SEDAF) es Policy (fishery, Resear aquacult ch ure, etc.) TITLE SCALE Implications of the EU implementation of the landing obligations provisions in small pelagic fisheries in Mediterranean. SPECIFIC CONTRACT No. 11 (SI2. 678902) . Improved knowledge EU of the main socioeconomic aspects related to the most important fisheries in the Adriatic Sea. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) CoNISMa 18/03/20 Implications of the implementation of the landing obligations 14 (8,13 provisions in small pelagic fisheries in Mediterranean. M) CoNISMa 02/01/20 The establishment of appropriate management measures for 14 (14,10 sustainable fisheries requires an understanding of the status of M) the different fish stocks involved and of the technical characteristics of the fisheries, but also a clear knowledge of the socio-economics aspects pertaining to these fisheries. The SEDAF project aims at contributing to the improvement of such knowledge in the Adriatic region, exploiting and combining all the different sources of socio-economic information and evaluating the knowledge gaps. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € 273.540, 70 Unione Europea € 344.111, 38 Unione Europea / DG MARITIM E AFFAIRES AND FISHERIE S This will be done in combination with a process of identification TENDER of the main fisheries and the analyses of the status of related MARE/2 shared and non-shared resources, all of which being the basis 009/05. for the application of bio-economic models for (SI2. simulations/forecast. 666117). The project will cover the different fisheries undertaken along the Adriatic coasts by Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro and Albania on the basis of their evolution over the last years. The indicators collected will be in line with the methodology and interpretation developed in the DCF and STECF reports for socio-economic data and in the STECF reports on balance between fishing capacity and fishing opportunities. CoNISMa, CIBM, CoispaCNR IAMC, HCMR, IEO CoNISMa, Coispa; CNR IAMC; IMB (Montenegro); IOR (Croazia); ZZRS (Slovenia); LAPD (Albania). MAIN R&I AREAS Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Blue fish promo tion in the area TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) The indicators will be reported as annual averages by fleet segment (following DCF segments) for the economic assessment and profit/loss analysis, whilst selected variables will be taken and estimated at fishery and/or GSA level for bioeconomic modelling. GAVIS Indagine conoscitiva sullo shock vergine e sull'habitat del Gambero Viola (Haristeus antennatus) nel Mar Ionio Settentrionale. Regional & SubRegional To these end the project has been organised according to 5 work packages. WP0 = project management and coordination. WP1 Fisheries identification WP2 Collation and review on the main socio-economic information on the main fisheries WP3 Review of the current stock status and recommendations of the scientific advice WP4 Assessment of the likely biological and socioeconomic consequences of the different management scenarios The project, with duration of 14 months, will benefit of the support of the AdriaMed FAO Regional Project, in terms of expertise and knowledge of the information available in the Adriatic region. CoNISMa 26/07/20 Indagine conoscitiva sullo shock vergine e sull'habitat del 05 (24,30 Gambero Viola (Haristeus antennatus) nel Mar Ionio M) Settentrionale. EC Structural Funds Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance Iniziativa di promozione della produzione di pesce azzurro nel comune di Palermo ottenuto con metodi rispettosi Regional & SubRegional Municipa 2007 - 1 lity of year Palermo Planning and setting up specific activities aimed at valorizing local fisheries production, in accordance with local food traditions and with the aim to scout new markets for these products BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € 253.000, 00 Regione Puglia CoNISMa 350.000, IAMC-CNR, 00 Aira Srl. (185.338 ) MAIN R&I AREAS ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) OTHE R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) of Paler mo PROJECT/INITI ATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE (FIFG) (www.iamc.cnr .it) PON REC 20072013 dell’ecosistema marino (IPPA) INNOVAQUA (INNOVAzione tecnologica a supporto dell’incremento della produttività e della competitività dell’AcQUAcoltura siciliana) Living Studie Agreement L’industrializzazione Marine s on betwen the della produzione di Resourc tuna CNR and Grandi Pelagici in es and Department for Sicilia attraverso (fishery, big Fisheries tecniche di aquacult pelagi Sicilian acquacoltura (GRANDI ure, cs for Regional PELAGICI) etc.) comm Authority ercial exploit ation Living Tenders LANDMED Specific Marine MARE/2009/05 Project n. 11 Resourc - LOT 1 – es Mediterranean (fishery, http://mareapr aquacult ure, etc.) SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) National Andrea Santulli, Universit y Palermo Start: Oct 2012. Duration: 35 months Regional & SubRegional IAMCCNR 2010 - 2 years EU CONISM 2014 A (il CNR 2014 partecipa ufficialm ente come IAMC Mazara del Vallo) The project aims to create a network between companies and scientific public and private research institutes, to solve some of main identified problems in aquaculture industry, that represent an obstacle to the development of the sector's competitiveness. The activities are designed to improve the productivity of seabass and seabream, representing almost the entire Mediterranean and European production, and to introduce new aquaculture systems and technology as Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture (IMTA). Studies and research for ecologically responsible production of large pelagic fish (mainly tuna) in the waters of the archipelago of Pelagie. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 5379000 CNR-IAMC 400.000 "Tor Vergata" (170.000 University, ) Rome; University of Palermo, Dept. of Biology - MAIN R&I AREAS Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Caripuglia Foundation - MED Programme http://www.m TITLE SCALE MADLENA The Lesina lagoon macroalgae: potential sources of natural products for pharmaceutical and food industries Regional & SubRegional MAREMED Maritime Regions Cooperation for Mediterranean EU COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY CNR ISMAR ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 2011 The project pursues the aim to implement experimental 2012 activities aimed at enhancing algal biomass of Gracilaria verrucosa (former) produced in the lagoon of Lesina by 2012 2013 BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 70000 1 70000 In September 2007, the European Parliament carried out a 7000 workshop on RBM in fisheries, aimed at outlining further developments of the CFP legal framework. Systems based on Individual Transferable Quota (ITQ) tools were especially debated. When designing an ITQ system however, it should be considered that many EU fisheries are mixed fisheries, and this is particularly true in the Mediterranean. Fisheries management systems based on transferable concessions/quotas and similar rights-based systems have been developed during the last decades in a number of European countries (especially in Northern Europe). However, at present there is not a clear view on the effects caused by the application of this management systems, and controversial results have been achieved in many cases. According to the results of this pilot action, the Transferable Fishing Concession (TFC) concept may fit well with fisheries regimes characterised by industrial, monospecific and single-gear fishing, but the transferability potential of a TFCbased system to the Mediterranean context appears to be extremely low due to the characteristics of the Mediterranean fisheries, which is mainly characterised by artisanal small-scale fishing vessels, where each vessel usually catches a wide variety of species using several different fishing gears and systems, with high spatial and seasonal variability. Therefore, the results of this pilot action have shown that a fisheries management model based on a TFC system is in general not appropriate and recommended for the Mediterranean context. 6 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Living Tenders Marine MARE/2009/05 Resourc - LOT 1 – es Mediterranean (fishery, http://mareapr aquacult ure, etc.) TITLE Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Mediterranean Small Craft Fishery and Development (MeSFiDe) EU MEDITS survey programme (International bottom trawl survey in the Mediterranean) 2007 EU Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) TO%20MEDITS /principaleprog ramme.htm SCALE MEDISEH Specific EU Project n. 2 Scientific advice and other services for the implementation of the CFP in the Mediterranean COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY CONISM A (il CNR partecipa ufficialm ente come IAMC Mazara del Vallo) Istituto Zooprofil attico Sperimen tale della Sicilia “A. Mirri” Giulio Relini (Univ Genova) ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 2011 2013 Start: 01/06/20 06. Duration: 18 months 2007 + 2008, 10 months The MeSFiDe (Mediterranean Small craft Fishery and Development) project was approved in June 2006 within the European Union Interreg IIIB Archimed programme. It aimed at setting up an innovative and experimented model for the regeneration of artisanal fishery as an economically viable employment option, by making use of surplus and underused products. The model identified under used species, setting-up procedures for accountability, quality certification and seals showing that the product is environmentally friendly, providing a guarantee for the consumer, protecting the environment, and favouring the insertion of youth in the labour market. The programme intends to produce basic information on benthic and demersal species in term of population distribution as well as demographic structure, on the continental shelves and along the upper slopes at a global scale in the Mediterranean Sea, through systematic bottom trawl surveys. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS - 136485.4 CNR-IAMC 6 310963.9 CNR-IAMC 4+ 296823.6 3 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Living Fep Puglia Marine 2007-2013 Resourc “Progetti es pilota” (art. 41 (fishery, reg. CE aquacult 1198/2006) ure, etc.) TITLE SCALE MOLEVAR Pilot project for the production of moleche from Carcinus aestuarii. Regional & SubRegional Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) MONITORAGGIO BIOLOGICO Monitoraggio biologico (fitoplancton, macroinvertebrati bentonici, etc) delle acque di transizione ARPAV Nuove rotte: la BLUE ECONOMY Regional & SubRegional Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) - Blue biotec h and econo mic activiti ties relate d to EC Structural Funds European Regional Development Fund - 20072013 Sicilian R.O.P. Regional & SubRegional COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Società Agricola “Gargam elle srl” CNRISMAR Lesina ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 2012 The MOLEVAR project was born from the need to create a new 2013 fishing activities in Varano lagoon by diversifying the current production : the molechicoltura . This study analyses some aspects of Carcinus aestuarii biology within the project MOLEVAR funded by FEP ( European Funds for Fishing) in order to evaluate the crabs, Carcinus aestuarii, as a new economic resource for Varano Lagoon (S Italy). The population structure and reproductive biology of this species will be studed in three different sites of the lagoon. Length (CL) and width (CW) of the carapace and total weight (TW), were determined sex and development stage. At the same time, water temperature, salinity, oxygen concentration and pH were measured with a multiparametric probe. The reproductive biology of C. aestuarii will be performed through the histological study of the reproductive cycle of the female and will be calculated the sex ratio. 2008 Attività di supporto tecnico scientifico alla progettazione e 2009 realizzazione di attività di campionamento, analitiche e per la formazione del personale ARPAV per la realizzazione di quanto previsto dalla direttiva europea 2000/60 - resp. Socal Fisheries 2013 - 2 District years of Mazara del ValloCOSVAP The project involves the construction of a "Center of Certification and Testing" at the IAMC-CNR of both fresh and processed fish products coming from fish farms of Western Sicily. The project is part of a larger detailed plan of action among SMEs, research centers, public bodies, and different actors participating in the Consortium for the Development of the Sicilian Fish (CO.S.VA.P.) – Fisheries District of Mazara del Vallo, with a view to the overall development of the sector, BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 304774 2 43000 -400000 9.900.00 0 (1.300.00 0) University of Palermo (UNIPA), Scientific Park of Sicily (PSTS), Istituto Zooprofilattic o Sperimentale MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) marin e resour ces exploit ation Living Resou Marine rces Resourc assess es ment, (fishery, fisheri aquacult es ure, econo etc.) my, and enviro nment PROJECT/INITI ATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE SCALE Agreement between the IAMC-CNR and the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF) Ottimizzazione National scientifica della ricerca per la gestione delle risorse della pesca nell’ambito delle politiche ambientali ed economiche (ITAFISH) COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY CoNISMa ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) implemented through the support of scientific research and technological innovation. ITAFISH is a joint ICRAM/FAO-FIR research project to develop a prototype system of fishery and aquaculture data banks for Italian institutions and centres and for use as a model for other Mediterranean countries and, as such, met the requirements of both parties. The broad strategy of the ITAFISH project is to design, develop and test a computerised system for organising, storing and eventually undertaking a first analysis of the mass of data available on fisheries and aquaculture in a Mediterranean context. This strategy aims at achieving two objectives.The first, in the short term, is the design and development of an integrated data base (management) system for Italy, based on the "open architecture" technology, where various fishery and aquaculture sectors converge. The architecture should enable ITAFISH to work on two operating levels: the decision-making level, where the support of structured information is needed, and the data collection and processing level where an instrument is needed to manage the information. At the same time, the data management system must allow for both centralised and peripheral management of the information. The second, a long-term objective, is to contribute to rationalising the means, methodologies and results of most of the data collection and dissemination activities in the Mediterranean. Ideally, ITAFISH will constitute the national component of the wider regional project, MEDFISH, at present still in the initial phase. The two objectives will have to be undertaken sequentially, over time. In fact, it is widely felt that no progress can be made in implementing a regional information network unless national information BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS della Sicilia (IZS Sicilia), K2 Srl. 1.100.00 0,00 (44.817,5 5) CNR-ISMAR, CoNISMa; COISPA; IREPA; ISPRA; UNIMAR MAIN R&I AREAS Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Fep Puglia 2007-2013 “Progetti pilota” (art. 41 reg. CE 1198/2006) - TITLE Pilot project for the experimental recolonization with the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus of coastal areas if Apulian region subjected to overexploitation; experimental management for the safeguard of the resource and of the environment”. Data Collection PNRDA Programma Regulation Nazionale Raccolta (DCR) Dati Alieutici 2011 2013 SCALE Regional & SubRegional EU Progetto integrato per Regional la gestione delle & Subrisorse acquatiche e la Regional formazione degli operatori della fascia costiera occidentale della provincia di Palermo - Cod. 1999.IT.16.1.PO.011/4 .17b/8.3.7/0121 - POR ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) systems have previously been designed, implemented and adequately tested. Azienda 2013 The aim of the project is to contribute to the restoring of the Agricola 2015 biomass and size of the population of the sea urchin P. lividus “Ittica along areas of Apulian coasts, where population are strongly Caldoli” impacted by overexploitation. The Research activity is CNRstructured as follows: 1) acclimation, growing and sexual ISMAR maturation of P. lividus specimens in confined conditions; 2) Lesina development of protocols for the larval development and metamorphosis of embryos from gametes obtained after induction of sexual maturation in broodstock reared in confined conditions; 3) identification of coastal areas suitable for the release of sea urchin adult specimens after growing to adult size in confined conditions, and of juveniles obtained by controlled reproduction. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 297041 64000 CNR 2011 Dip. 2013 Terra e Ambient e (IREPA prima del 2013) -3023604 Sicily 2007, 12 region, months Assessor ato Cooperaz ione Commer cio Artigiana to e 311.725, 00 (97.180,0 0) 2 CNR-IAMC Provincia Regionale di Palermo C.R.E.A. Società Cooperativa UNISERVICE Società Cooperativa MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Biodiv ersity: mesh sizerelate d studie s TITLE SICILIA 2000/2006 Mis. 4.17 Sottomisura b Pubblici PROGRAMMA NAZIONALE 20092010 inerente la raccolta, la gestione e l’uso di dati nel settore della pesca, predisposto ai sensi del Reg. (CE) n. 199/2008 del Consiglio del 25 febbraio 2008 PROGRAMMA NAZIONALE 20112013 inerente la raccolta, la gestione e l’uso di dati nel settore della pesca, predisposto ai sensi del Reg. (CE) n. 199/2008 del Consiglio del 25 febbraio 2008 Agreement Ricerca applicata alla betwen the valutazione CNR and dell’ecocompatibilità Department for dell’attività di pesca ai Fisheries cefalopodi con reti a Sicilian strascico di tipo Regional tradizionale (MAGLIE) Authority SCALE EU COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Pesca Dipartim ento Pesca Fabio Fiorentin o (IAMCCNR) ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 20092010 The programme is part of the EU fisheries Data Collection Framework (DCF). The objectives is to collect data for the main fisheries and commercial stocks of the Strait of Sicily (GSA 16). BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 12.000.0 CNR-IAMC 00,00 (1.463.70 4,27) EU Fabio 2011Fiorentin 2013 o (IAMCCNR) The programme is part of the fisheries Data Collection CNR-IAMC Framework (DCF) of the EU. The objective is to collect biological 22.367.9 data on the main commercial stocks in the north sector of the 35,00 Strait of Sicily (GSA 16). (2.65535 3,00) Regional & SubRegional Sicilian 2012 - 2 Regional years Authority , Departm ent of Fisheries Applied research project aimed at assessing the eco-friendliness 250000 and sustainability of the fishery for adult cephalopods (Sepiola (170.00) spp and Allotheeutis spp) and sandeel bottom trawl traditional, in the Sciacca and Lampedusa, and sandeel fishery (gymnammodites cicerelus) in the Trapani following the application of EC Regulation. 1967/2006. Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Living Progetto Marine Bandiera La Resourc Ricerca Italiana es per il Mare (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) TITLE SCALE RITMARE - SP2 Technologies for sustainable fishing National Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) FP 6 an/projects/sar done/wwwsard one/parts.htm Sardone Improving assessment and management of small pelagic species in the Mediterranean EU European Commission DG for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Contract – (SI2.600741) MARE/2009/05 /-Lot 2 Scientific advice and EU other services for the implementation of the CFP in the Mediterranean (ARCHIMEDES) European Commission DG for Maritime Affairs and Scientific advice and EU other services for the implementation of the CFP in the Fisheri es, Medit errane an Sea, CFP, servic e, stock assess ment Living Fisheri Marine es, Resourc Medit es errane (fishery, an COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY CNRIAMC ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 2011 The project contributes to ensure competitiveness and 2016 guarantee economic development of the fishing sector, respecting human safety at sea and marine environment protection, through: the application of an ecosystem approach to the evaluation and use of fishing resources; the development of innovative tools for fishery and aquaculture sustainable management; the implementation of a sustainable and safe fishing fleet. BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 1650000 0 - MIUR 2007 2010 SARDONE is a multidisciplinary project about the biological and 1100000 ecological characteristics of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus). The major aims are to find out their nursery areas, develop acoustic methodologies to map distribution of post-larvae and juveniles,increase knowledge on the ecology of the first stagesand improve the net selectivity. IAMC, CNR 16 months, Sept. 1, 2011 March 1, 2013 The general objectives of the MEDISEH(Mediterranean Sensitive Habitats) project are to be achieved through multiple tasks mainly oriented to collate dispersed information useful to integrate the environmental dimension into fisheries management and to allow the rendering of such information through GIS. 132979 IAMC, CNR 9 months, Oct. 27, 2011 - The objective of the project is the estimation of multiplying factors which will allow a quite precise and accurate estimation the overall length (range) of different types of bottom-set nets (trammel, gillnets, combined bottom-set nets) and small size driftnets (<2.5km), on the basis of both the weight and/or the 167.687, 00 (50.120,0 0) CORE PARTICIPANT S CNR (CERIS, IAMC, INSEAN, ISAC, ISMAR, IST. MOTORI, ITAE), CINFAI, CONISMA, ENEA, OGS, SZN 6 MAIN R&I AREAS aquacult ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc OTHE R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Sea, CFP, servic e, stock assess ment Fisheri es, Medit errane an Sea, CFP, servic e, stock assess ment Fisheri es, Medit errane an Sea, CFP, servic e, stock assess ment PROJECT/INITI ATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Fisheries, Mediterranean Contract 3 – (MEDISEH) (SI2.603810) MARE/2009/05 /-Lot 1 ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) July 27, volume of a net amassed or stowed on a fishing vessel's deck, 2012 on the dock of a port or placed in basket(s). 8 months, 2009 BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS European Commission DG for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. Contract (SI2. 646130MARE/ 2009/05/-Lot 1 Scientific advice and EU other services for the implementation of the CFP in the Mediterranean (DRIFTMED). IAMC, CNR European Commission DG for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. Contract – (SI2.642234) MARE/2009/05 /-Lot 1 Scientific advice and EU other services for the implementation of the CFP in the Mediterranean (STOCKMED). IAMC, CNR MIPAF ITAFISH Scientific optimization National of the research for the management of CoNISMa 14/06/20 Creazione di una rete intranet disponibile per l’amministrazione € 11 (24,37 e per i soggetti partecipanti alla rete. 1.045.00 M) Individuazione di una bibliografia scientifica selezionata che 0,00 - 18 months, Dec. 18, 2012 June 18, 2014 The DRIFTMED project has been developed with the of supporting the European Commission with updated information on the SSD fisheries in the Mediterranean, with a view to obtain a global picture of their environmental sustainability and relevance from the economic and social point of view. The STOCKMED project - “Stock units: Identification of distinct biological units (stock units) for different fish and shellfish species and among different GFCM-GSA” has the overall purpose of contributing to the definition of the different biological units as an essential knowledge for proper data acquisition and subsequent assessment of the state of resources and, consequently, for the formulation and implementation of knowledge based management measures. 134.772, 97 (31.845,0 0) 535.525, 00 (129.572, 00) CoNISMa, CNR IAMC, CNR ISMAR, MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) TITLE SCALE fisheries resources within the environmental and economic politics. MIPAF VONGOLE Scientific research National project aimed to the scientific activity concerning the national management plan for hydraulic dredgers and rakes vessel (ex ART.19 of Regulation EC No. 1967/2006): ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) comprenda le diverse discipline inerenti il progetto. Creazione di una banca dati contenente i titoli della precedente bibliografia articolata per settore disciplinare. Promozione di un adeguato ricambio generazionale dell’expertise in pesca mediante il coinvolgimento e la partecipazione attiva di giovani ricercatori. Predisposizione di pareri e studi di elevato livello scientifico in materia di scienze della pesca a supporto della gestione e delle decisioni attraverso la rete costruita tra i centri specialistici nazionali. Predisposizione di un sistema di trasferimento della domanda presso i nodi della rete strategicamente significativi (nodi di competenze), anche attraverso l’uso degli strumenti operativi a disposizione della Amministrazione (GIS, Raccolta dati, archivio ricerche, archivio licenze, flotta, dati regionali, dati Associazioni e Sindacati, ecc..). Sviluppo e consolidamento di una capacità di risposta alle richieste dell’Amministrazione caratterizzata da forte interdisciplinarietà tra dimensioni economica, ecologica, sociale e giuridica. Creazione di un gruppo di lavoro in grado di garantire all’Amministrazione il supporto di esperti certificati per affrontare tematiche specifiche, con costruzione del registro degli esperti. Riduzione dei costi tipici delle strutture permanenti senza, peraltro, ridurre la centralità e la continuità dell’azione pubblica, atteso che la rete trasferirà presso la amministrazione il punto focale. CoNISMa 26/03/20 Scientific research project aimed to the scientific activity 12 (21,33 concerning the national management plan for hydraulic M) dredgers and rakes vessel (ex ART.19 of Regulation EC No. 1967/2006): Development of the annual monitoring system of the state of the bivalve molluscs, object of exploitation by hydraulic dredge. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS MIPAAFMinister o delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali CORE PARTICIPANT S € 350.000, 00 MIPAAFMinister o delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali CoNISMa, UNIMAR-CNR IAMC-ISPRA COISPA, IREPA, ISPRA, UNIMAR, MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE Development of the annual monitoring system of the state of the bivalve molluscs, object of exploitation by hydraulic dredge. Living Socioe TENDER MARE Second Horizontal EU Marine conom IX - MAREA II Services Specific Resourc ic & http://mareapr Contract. es Policy "Implementing (fishery, Resear Framework service aquacult ch contract for scientific ure, advice and other etc.) services for the implementation of the common fisheries policy in the Mediterranean". SPECIFIC CONTRACT No. 9 (SI2.651082). Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Tenders SEDAF Specific MARE/2009/05 Project n. 10 - LOT 1 – Mediterranean http://mareapr - EU COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) CoNISMa 08/05/20 Implementing Framework service contract for scientific advice 13 (9,87 and other services for the implementation of the common M) fisheries policy in the Mediterranean CONISM 2014 A (il CNR 2015 partecipa ufficialm ente come IAMC BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € 284.468, 68 Unione Europea / DG MARITIM E AFFAIRES AND FISHERIE S TENDER MARE/2 009/05. SPECIFIC CONTRA CT No. 9 (SI2.6510 82). - CoNISMa, Coispa-CIBMCNR IAMCHCMR-IREPALAMANSIEO(Spagna)MCFS (Malta)LAPD (Albania) OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Socioe conom ic & Policy Resear ch TENDER MARE I - MAREA http://mareapr Specific Contract N. 1 EU implementing framework contract MARE/2009/2005-Lot 1. "Scientific advice and other services for the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy in the Mediterranean". Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Fish move ment and ecolog y Ricerca Spontanea a Tema Libero (RSTL, CNR Dipartimento Terra ed Ambiente) Spostamenti ed home-range del sarago maggiore (Diplodus sargus L., 1758) in un area con barriere artificiali, mediante telemetria ultrasonica National Giovanni D'Anna, CNRIAMC Start: Jan 1st 2008. Duration: 24 months Ministry of Economy Technological development SSD PESCA Sistema di Supporto alle decisioni per la gestione sostenibile National CNR IAMC – CNR 2011 2015 Living Marine Resourc es SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Mazara del Vallo) CoNISMa ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) MAIN R&I AREAS 15/12/20 The objective of the specific contract 1, the horizontal service 10 (26,40 contract, is to guarantee the communication and information M) channels between DG MARE, CoNISMa and its co-tenders, necessary to carry out the horizontal tasks related to the management and implementation of the MAREA project. Results from this project allowed, for the first time, to estimate the home range and the movement pattern of specimens of white seabream (Diplodus sargus) acoustically (ultrasonic telemetry) tracked in artificial and natural rocky bottom habitats. The efficiency of the telemetric system implemented in this study allowed to highlight an opposite diel pattern activity between white seabream living in an artificial reefs area (more active in the night) and in a natural rocky bottom area (more active in daylight). Anomalous movement of white seabream were detected in correspondence of the spawning period. (Decision support system for the sustainable management of fisheries in the South of Italy) aims at the development and implementation of technologies, tools and systems to promote responsible governance of fisheries and at the same time BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € CoNISMa, et 249.974, al. 00 Unione Europea / DG MARITIM E AFFAIRES AND FISHERIE S TENDER MARE/2 009/05 SI2.5804 80 77000 CNR-IAMC 6080000 6080000 3 MAIN R&I AREAS (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) and environmental sustainability of southern Italy R/SeiProgettiP erIlSud/p3.htm l Tenders MARE/2009/05 - LOT 1 – Mediterranean http://mareapr - TITLE SCALE della Pesca nelle regioni del Mezzogiorno d’Italia STOCKMED Specific EU Project n. 7 - "Stock units: Identification of distinct biological units (stock units) for different fish and shellfish species and among different GFCM-GSA" Living Socioe TENDER MARE Technical EU Marine conom V - MYGEARS specifications of Resourc ic & http://mareapr Mediterranean trawl es Policy gears. SPECIFIC (fishery, Resear CONTRACT No. 5 aquacult ch (SI2.629721) ure, etc.) COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ISMAR – CNR ISAC ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) constitutes a useful tool to a new stage of development of fisheries in the southern regions, which allows to reconcile profitability and eco-compatibility. Financing: art. 44, Law no. 191 of 23/12/2009 CONISM 2012 A (il CNR 2014 partecipa ufficialm ente come IAMC Mazara del Vallo) CoNISMa 17/09/20 12 (10,07 M) The goal of the contract is to have updated information on the characteristics of trawl nets used in different Mediterranean fisheries, with a view to possibly establish maximum dimensions and adequate rigging for trawl fishing gears. All these elements will contribute to improve the selectivity, to limit the fishing effort and to minimize the environmental impact of fishing gears. In addition, such information can be useful to evaluate the potential harvesting pattern of different gears in terms of explored area during fishing operations and thus contributing to underpin specific management measures of fishing capacity. Empirical relationships among different parts of the fishing trawl gears, including different type of likely attachments, as BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS - € 198.216, 00 Unione Europea / DG MARITIM E AFFAIRES AND FISHERIE S TENDER MARE/2 009/05. CoNISMa, COISPA-CIBMCNR-HCMRSUMASPESIMRAD MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE Living Packag Ministry for Tecnologie e processi Marine ing Education and per il miglioramento Resourc Research della shelf-life dei es (MIUR) - 2007- prodotti del comparto (fishery, 2013 N.O.P. for agroalimentare aquacult Research and attraverso l'uso di film ure, Competitivenes edibili innovativi a etc.) s (Cod. base di pectine (FILM PON01_02286) EDIBILI) Living Red EC Structural Valorizzazione del Marine tuna Funds tonno rosso delle Isole Resourc fisheri Financial Egadi (TONNOROSSO) es es and Instrument for (fishery, biolog Fisheries aquacult y Guidance ure, (FIFG) etc.) (www.iamc.cnr .it) Living Stock The Ministry of Valutazione degli Marine assess Agricultural, stock di alici e sardine Resourc ment Food and nei mari Italiani al fine es Forestry SCALE National ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) well as between some of these parts and the otterboard size and the engine power of the vessel shall be reported. The study must be carried out on the basis of the information collected and/or measured in relevant Mediterranean fishing fleets with the collaboration both of the fishing sectors and of the control/inspection bodies. Information must also be independently collected through the fishing-nets makers, door manufacturers and when possible fishermen. Literature information as well as results from research projects and studies, funded either with national or/and EU support, must be used in view of establishing synergies among different scientific domains while avoiding duplications. Agroindu 24 Strengthen and enhance the entire process of research and stry months, cooperation networks between the research system and Advance 2012industry, to contribute to the competitiveness and economic d 2014 growth, to support the widest possible dissemination and use Technolo of new technologies and advanced services; raise the level of gies S.p.A scientific and technical knowledge and skills in the production system and Institutions COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS SPECIFIC CONTRA CT No. 5 (SI2.6297 21) 426.500, 00 (426.500, 00) Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IAMC, IBBR, IBIM, ISAFOM); et al. IAMC-CNR Regional & SubRegional Società 2005 - 2 Cooperat years iva "La Mattanza " Traceability study and quality assessment of Thunnus thynnus in Egadi Archipelago Marine Reserve 151.600, 00 (90.600) National IAMCCNR Electroacoustic assessment of abundance and distribution of small pelagic fish in the Strait of Sicily in relation to environmental data 358.240, IAMC-CNR 00 (358.240, 00) 2004 - 3 years MAIN R&I AREAS (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Living Marine Resourc es (fishery, aquacult ure, etc.) Marine Hazards Marine Hazards OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Policies (MIPAAF) Three-year programme for fisheries and aquaculture (www.iamc.cnr .it) Biodiv The Ministry of ersity Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF) Three-year programme for fisheries and aquaculture (www.iamc.cnr .it) Biodiv Agreement ersity, between IAMCbiologi CNR and cal Wilson Watson invasi International on, Srl. alien specie s PRIN 2011 - COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) Valutazione Regional dell’impatto della & Subpesca del bianchetto Regional nei litorali siciliani con metodi innovativi diretti e indiretti (BIANCHETTO) IAMCCNR 2011 - 1 year The research project has as its overall objective the resources assessment of small pelagic species, and in particular the population of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) along the Sicilian coasts involved in the fishing of juveniles. The aim is the definition of management plans for whitebait fishing for in the framework of EU derogations in the Mediterranean Sea. 85.000,0 IAMC-CNR 0 (85.000,0 0) Acque di Zavorra Regional Ballast Water & SubManagement System” Regional (BWMS). IAMCCNR 1 year, 2012 The project aimed at identifying the major issues related to seawater mix due to major vessels' ballast waters systems, in terms of risk for marine biodiversity, HABs and alien species introduction. 130.000, IAMC-CNR 00 (130.000, 00) CALAQUAKE MIURCNR ISMAR BOLOGN A 2013 2016 Active faults, earthquakes and sedimentation in the Ionian Sea: tsunamigenic and seismic risk through a study of submarine paelosismology The main objective of the Research Unit (RU) ISMAR-Bo is to study the structure and tectonic processes of the Calabrian Arc 146734,5 1102714 TITLE SCALE BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS di una gestione razionale della pesca National MAIN R&I AREAS Marine Hazards OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) HF Radar Monitoring System and Response against marine Oil Spills in the Malta Channel. http://oceania. TITLE SCALE Calypso HF Radar Monitoring System and Response Against Marine Oil Spills in The Malta Channel (CALYPSO) Regional & SubRegional ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) (CA) subduction complex in the Ionian Sea and the relationships between tectonics and sedimentation in the sedimentary basins of the subduction system. We will gather informations for a reliable seismic and tsunamigenic hazard assessment in the Central Mediterranean region through an integrated approach of marine geology and geophysics, which includes the analysis of geophysical data at different resolutions and the stratigraphic-sedimentological study of the sedimentary sequence collected in the vicinity of active faults. The main goal is to produce a geodynamic model of crustal deformation and address the interplay between the shallow architecture of the subduction complex and deep tectonic processes. The activity of individual fault strands will be reconstructed through the seismo-stratigraphic analysis of mono-and multi-channel seismic data, combined with the study of turbidite beds within the sedimentary sequence of selected sedimentary basins The main objectives of the proposal involves a multidisciplinary and multiscale basin analysis based on the integration of different methodologies and techniques (geophysics, geology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, mineralogy) to be combined to reconstruct active processes and their mutual interactions. For this reason, collaborations with the other units of the project will be crucial. Universit 2011The main project deliverable is the setting up of a permanent y of 2013 and fully operational HF radar observing system, capable of Malta recording (in real-time with hourly updates) surface currents in Physical the Malta Channel. The system consists of HF radar installations Oceanog on the northern Malta and southern Sicilian shores at selected raphy sites and combines stations to elaborate and publish data to Unit users. IOI, MT Collected data, combined to numerical models, are intended to primarily support applications to optimise intervention in case of oil spill response as well as endow tools for search and rescue, security, safer navigation, improved metro-marine COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Italy7 partners Malta 20072013 Operatio nal Program me 1,5 million Euro MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) psoweb/index. php?lang=en Marine Hazards Heavy Agreement metals polluti on Marine Hazards Marine Hazards TITLE Convezione con il Provveditorato Interregionale Opere Pubbliche SiciliaCalabria Ufficio IV Opere Marittime per la caratterizzazione del porto di Mazara del Vallo (PORTO MAZARA DEL VALLO) Opera EC Structural Creazione di una tional Funds stazione di previsione Ocean Financial degli Eventi di ograp Instrument for Marrubbio da hy/Ob Fisheries installare nel porto servin Guidance peschereccio di g (FIFG) Mazara del Vallo syste (www.iamc.cnr (MARROBBIO) ms: .it) tidal waves predic tions GEOMORFOLOGIA DELTA DEL PO Indagini geomorfologiche ed altimetriche indispensabili allo studio di processi di dinamica ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) forecasts, monitoring of sea conditions in critical areas such as proximity to ports, and better management of the marine space between Malta and Sicily. 2013 The project carried out several surveys in the harbour of Mazara del Vallo, as a feasibility study for restoration and antipollution programmes SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Regional & SubRegional IAMCCNR Regional & SubRegional Municipa 2005 - 2 lity of years Sciacca Regional & SubRegional 2006 2007 Improving the safety of fishermen in the port of Mazara del Vallo and working conditions on board vessels of the local navy. Detection of variable weather and sea in the port of Mazara del Vallo, and treatment and processing of satellite data BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 329.685, None 00 (329.685, 00) 198.300, IAMC-CNR 00 (173.000 ) -120000 MAIN R&I AREAS Marine Hazards Marine Hazards Marine Hazards OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE geomorfologica del Delta del Po HAZADR Strengthening common reaction capacity to fight sea pollution of oil, toxic and hazardous substances in Adriatic Sea. www.hazadr.e u/ Italian MAGIC Department of Civil Protection otezionecivile.g ew_dossier.wp; jsessionid=888 6DF0C650BAC3 D5AB8F233386 E231B?content Id=DOS24992 MAGIC Marine Geohazards along the Italian Coasts (Fase 1). ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Regional & SubRegional Regione 2012Puglia, IT 2015 The main objective of the HAZADR project is the establishment of a cross-border network for the prevention of risks and for the early management of emergencies, in order to reduce the risk of pollution and contamination of the Adriatic sea and its coasts. Therefore, HAZADR aims at strengthening a common reaction capacity of the communities belonging to the Adriatic Region against environmental and technological hazards due to collisions, shipwrecking and spillage of oil and toxic material into the sea that could seriouslypollute the marine environment and damage the socio-economic activities of the Adriatic coastal communities. IPA 13 partners Adriatic Crossborder Cooperat ion Operatio nal Program me National DCP-CNR 2007 IGAG 2012 /CNR ISMAR BOLOGN A Marine Geohazards along the italian costs. . Production of a bathymetric database as a reference for the elaboration of maps (1:50,000) of geological hazards at seabed level The main goal of Magic is to provide the Department of National Civil Protection an accurate representation of the surface geology and geological hazards associated with the most sensitive and risk subjected areas. 667000 667000, DPC National CNRIGAG 20/12/20 MaGIC Progect is funded by the Italian Civil Protection 07 (59,73 Department for producing a bathymetric database as reference M) for compiling maps (scale 1:50.000) of geohazards at the seafloor. During its 5-year life span (2007-2012), MaGIC will allow the acquisition of high-resolution multibeam bathymetry along the Italian continental margins and will involve the entire scientific community currently active in the field of Marine € 2.598.00 0,00-CNR - IGAG (Istituto di Geologia 14 CoNISMa, CNR-IGAG, CNR-ISMAR, CNR-IAMC, OGS. MAIN R&I AREAS Marine Hazards ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) Geology within the main Italian Research Centres and Universities. More than 70.000 nautical miles of multibeam data will be analysed (of which ca. 60.000 will be acquired during the project), allowing comparison of geological features produced by sedimentary and tectonic processes (volcanic vents, active faulting, subamarine canyon activity, bedform migration, gas seepage, fluid escape, slope erosion and failure). The main objective of MaGIC is to furnish the National Civil Protection Department accurate depiction of surficial geology and related geohazards on the most sensitive and hazard-prone areas. This issue will be accomplished by the extensive acquisition of multibeam data and by producing interpretative maps of the continental margins between –50 and –600 m water depth. These maps will form the “Map of the elements of geohazards of the Itralian Seas”, consisting of 72 Map Sheets at scale 1:50.000. A long-term goal of MaGIC is to produce data that can be used for a wide range of research and management issues. FP7 MARSITE Internatio Boğaziçi 2012 Marmara Supersite: New Directions in Seismic Hazard EUROPEAN [email protected] nal Üniversit 2015 Assessment through Focused Earth Observation in the COMMISSION - esi – CNR Marmara Supersite” http://marsite. ISMAR The recent devastating earthquakes and associated tsunamis in eu/ BOLOGN Japan, Indonesia, and Haiti, which killed more than half a A million people, highlighted how mankind is still far away from a satisfactory level of seismic risk mitigation. Among the regions around the Mediterranean Sea for which earthquakes represent a major threat to their social and economic development, the area around the Marmara Sea, one of the most densely populated parts of Europe, is subjected to a high level of seismic hazard. For this region the MARSITE project is proposed with the aim of assessing the “state of the art” of seismic risk evaluation and management at European level. This will be the starting point to move a “step forward” towards new concepts of risk mitigation and management by long-term OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Ambient ale e Geoingeg neria del CNR) 5965286 - 216450 22 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Marine Hazards Marine Hazards MARI NE BIOTE CHNO LOGY TITLE SCALE FP6 EUROPEAN COMMISSION http://nearest. NEAREST Integrated EU Observations from Near Shore Sources of Tsunamis: Towards an Early Warning System EU‐FP7‐KBBE‐ 2012.3.5‐02., www.biocleanp New biotechnological appraches for biodegrading synthetic polymeric materials EU ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) monitoring activities carried out both on land and at sea. The MARSITE project aims to coordinate research groups with different scientific skills (from seismology to engineering to gas geochemistry) in a comprehensive monitoring activity developed both in the Marmara Sea and in the surrounding urban and country areas. The project plans to coordinate initiatives to collect multidisciplinary data, to be shared, interpreted and merged in consistent theoretical and practical models suitable for the implementation of good practices to move the necessary information to the end users. CNR 2006 NEAREST is addressed to the identification of potential tsunami ISMAR 2010 sources in the Gulf of Cadiz, the improvement of near real-time BOLOGN detection of signals, the development of an Early Warning A System Prototype, and the improvement of numerical models enabling accurate scenarios of tsunami impact in the area of the Algarve, Portugal. The proposed method can be extended to other near-shore potential tsunamigenic sources, such as the Central Mediterranean, Aegean and Marmara Sea. Universit Sept BIOCLEAN aims at developing innovative, eco-efficient piloty of 2012, 3.5 scale and/or field validated biotechnological solutions for Bologna years degrading (and valorizing) plastic wastes in terrestrial (landfills, composting facilities) and aquatic environments. Novel, robust naturally-occurring plastic-degrading mixed and pure cultures will be obtained and characterized and then exploited in hybrid physical/chemical-biotechnological processes for the biodegradation/detoxification or the valorization (i.e., transformation towards useful chemicals) of polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride and polystyrene plastics. They will also be useful in bio-augmentation/biostimulation strategies for enhancing biodegradation of plastic waste in composting and waste treating facilities as well as in marine environments. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 2850000 - 623680 11 Overall: 3 ML, Universit y of Bologna 450,000 University of Bologna; University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland et al. MAIN R&I AREAS Marine Hazards OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE Marine Hazards Marine Hazards PEGASO MSP ICZM CORI TITLE SCALE Optimisation of prediction methodologies for manoeuvrability characteristics of naval ships National Poteniamento di reti geofisiche ed ambientali sottomarine Prevention and Management of Sea Originated Risks to the Coastal Zone. Regional & SubRegional EU COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY CETENA ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 2007 - 2 Development of prediction methodologies for the years manoeuvrability of twin screw ships applying system identification techniques and CFD tools BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 60k € (UNIGE as subcontr actor) PNRM (Italian Ministry of Defense) P. Favali septPurchase of a deep sea ROV (3.500 m depth rated), realization 5.640,00 / INGV 2008 of a remote operated system for the deployment of scientific - POR duration station in deep sea water 20003 years 2006 UNIVERSI 13/09/20 Aim of the project € TY OF 06 (19,83 To provide tools to manage and mitigate sea-originated threats 692.000, THE M) to the coastal zone. 00 AEGEAN Those risks have been subdivided into: tsunamis, oil spills and Unione accidental marine pollution events. Europea Methodologies, a pilot project, actions for public education and / awareness for responsive actions have been developed. Regione Activities carried out Campani CoNISMa collaborated in the planning of a coastal radar set up a PIC on Limnos Island; extensively worked on the use of HF coastal Interreg radar data in oil and pollutant dispersion models; and finally III B tackled the issue of developing response strategies and ARCHIM procedures in case of a sea-originated pollution event, ED 2000reviewing recent examples and defining and proposing 2006 guidelines to be used in case such pollution episodes occur at sea, expecially in coastal areas. Achieved results Procedures to regularize coastal radar data sets for use in dispersion models, through optimal interpolation e normal mode analysis. Quantitative assessment of exchange processes CORE PARTICIPANT S CETENA, INSEAN, UNIGE (subcontracto r of CETENA) INFN - INGV CoNISMa, University of the Aegean, Hellenic Centre For Marine Research et al. MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Marine Hazards Marine Hazards - Polluti on from heavy metals EC Structural Funds European Regional Development Fund - 20072013 Sicilian R.O.P. TITLE SCALE PREVISIONE MAREA Previsione della marea a Venezia (ISPRA) Progetto e Sviluppo di un Biosensore per le rilevazione in realtime di Metalli Pesanti (BIOMEP) Regional & SubRegional COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY National Biodiage ne Srl 2012 - 2 years 2008 2010 Marine Hazards Convenzione Progetto S1 DPC 2007-2009 - National INGVCNR ISMAR BO Marine Hazards C3ISR Regional & SubRegional SELEX ES Marine Hazards PROSSIMA National INSEAN Smart command, control and communications for Unmanned Vessels (UXV) Study of an innovative approach for free running model tests ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) between Gulf of Naples and Tyrrhenian. Results published in 2 JCR/ISI journals and 2 conference proceedings. 2010 2012 The project aims at biochemical characterization of some species of blue fish and algae in the Mediterranean in order to identify new biocompatible nutritional strategies thus promoting the exploitation of marine resources. Submarine and coastal hazards and geological events. Characterization of the seismogenetic potential in Italy for the seismic hazard assessment. Identification and characterization of potential seismogenic sources in the central and southern Adriatic Sea and the Ionian Sea 01/09/20 Operational demonstrator in the C2C Concept to Capability 12perspective for a command and control system suitable to 30/08/20 manage manned and unmanned vehicles (C3ISR command, 15 control communications, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) 2009 - 2 Development of a new methodology for menaeuvrability free years running model test with particular attention to twin screw ships and development of a simulator for the coupled manoeuvrability / propulsion / control of twin screw ships BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS -163242 700.000 IAMC-CNR, (138.695 Institute of ) Plant Genetics (IGV-CNR), Institute of Bioimmunolog y (IBIM-CNR) and Medicine (IBIM-CNR) 55000 3 55000 800k€ SELEX ES UNIGE 300 k€ total (UNIGE 55 k€) PNRM (Italian Ministry CETENA, INSEAN, UNIGE MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) Marine Hazards European Science Foundation euromargins - SWIM Earthquake and tsunami hazards of active faults at the south Iberian margin: deep structure, high resolution imaging and paleo-seismic signature EU 2004 2007 Marine Hazards Swad Unmanned Surface Vehicle per Blue Water SWAD Regional & SubRegional Marine Pollutio n Project Anthropogenic contaminants in Queensland’s coastal dolphins; levels and toxicological effects Internatio Prof. M. 2010nal C Fossi - 2012 Universit y of Siena OTO MELARA BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS of Defense) 174000 6 99000 This is an integrated, multidisciplinary effort to study the geological processes that affected, and are affecting, the SW Iberian continental margin. One of the goals is the study of the active processes occurring at continental margins, which may determine high frequency of natural hazards linked to seismicity, tsunami generation and submarine mass wasting. The mitigation of these hazards requires an in‐depth knowledge of the dynamics along margins and surrounding basins, and requires high‐resolution marine geophysics. 01/09/20 Design and developmente of a prototype of Unmanned unit 700k€ 12with remote control for following missions: transit and patrol, 30/05/20 discovery and countermeasures against "pirate boats", 15 simulation of fast targets, fast rescue The project aims to characterize and quantify for the first time the impact that coastal pollution is having on two threatened dolphin species, Australian snubfin and humpback dolphins, through the uptake of various anthropogenic contaminants, using a set of non-invasive biomarkers in skin biopsies. 75 K€Australia n Governm ent, Departm ent of Sustaina bility, Environ ment, Water, Populati on and Commun ities OTO Melara, INGV, UNIGE, Microdata2, Sitep, INSIS, Nuova CONNAVI, ELSEL Usiena MAIN R&I AREAS Marine Pollutio n Marine Pollutio n OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) - ICZM e studie s on merec ury polluti on Marine Pollutio n Marine Pollutio n Foresh ore and seabe d charac terizat ion in the area outsid e the entran ce to Naples TITLE SCALE ARPAV toxic microalgae Regional & SubRegional Sicilian AUGUSTA Regional Autorithy Dept. of Health Regional & SubRegional Syndial SPA - Augusta Bay Regional & SubRegional Chemical and microbiological assessment of marine sediments collected through a vibrocoring system. Regional & SubRegional COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ARPAV – CNR ISMAR BOLOGN A IAMCCNR Syndial SPA – CNR ISMAR BOLOGN A Coordina tor: Vincenzo Saggiom o (Stazione Zoologica “A. Dohrn”). Other compani es: Istituto per l'Ambien ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 2010 Agreement for research on the sediments within the of 2011 potentially toxic microalgae monitoring project in marinecoastal areas of the Veneto with particular attention to Ostreopsis ovata PHASE II BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 110000 2 110000 2 years, 20112013 The project has performed a study on the impact of mercury on 300.000, IAMC-CNR people living in the Augusta-Melilli and the local fishing industry 00 (300.000, 00) 2008 2009 Sediments dating within Augusta bay with contaminants 200100 stratification assessment 200100 Running a campaign sediment sampling in the Augusta bay with the SW-104 corer; magnetic susceptibility measurements were also carried out. 05/01/20 0928/07/20 09 The main purposes of the agreement between Stazione Zoologica “A. Dohrn” and Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero have been to monitor, to study, to control and to develop recovery plans for the environment and marine ecosystem. 120.000, 00 (CNR) 2 Stazione Zoologica “A. Dohrn”, Istituto per l'Ambiente Marino Costiero IAMC-CNR. MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Harbo ur TITLE SCALE Regional & SubRegional Marine Pollutio n REGIONE VENETO - Contract Marine Pollutio n Apulia Region APQ RESEARCH Exploratory Projects - Ecotoxicological Regional assays using fresh and & Subcryopreserved semen Regional of Sparus aurata for the monitoring of marine ecosystems" Marine Pollutio n Project Marine Pollutio n Project Ecotoxicological Impact of POPs and Emerging Contaminants, Biology and Ecology, of Mediterranean populations of Swordfish and Tuna Ecotoxicological Study of two Target Species of Cetaceans (S. coeruleoalba and COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY te Marino Costiero IAMCCNR. REGIONE VENETO – CNR ISMAR BOLOGN A CNRISMAR Lesina Azienda Agricola “Ittica Caldoli” ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 2011 2013 102003 102003 2 The constant diminution of the biological marine resources, is becoming particularly alarming; among the responsibles of such situation of degrade, besides the excessive exploitation of the fish resources, there is the environmental chemical pollution. The aim of the research project is, through the application of protocols of management of fresh and cryopreserved semen, the set up of ecotoxicological tests under various experimental conditions on fresh and cryopreserved semen of Sparus aurata, evaluating the effects on the sperm of single and mixed xenobiotics, in sublethal or environmental concentrations. This project focused on the study of the ecotoxicological Impact of POPs and Emerging Contaminants, the Biology and Ecology of Mediterranean populations of Swordfish and Tuna. Biomarker responses and POPs and emerging contaminant levels were measured in the investigated species and estrogenic responses were detected in adult males of swordfish. 250000 250000 2 The purpose of the project was to develop and validate the use of non-destructive techniques based on the use of skin biopsy specimens of "free-ranging", for a complete assessment of the toxicological hazard of "target" Cetaceans for the 90 K€ Italian Ministry for the Environ 2005 2008 National Prof. M. 2008C Fossi - 2010 Universit y of Siena Regional & SubRegional Prof. M. 2006C Fossi - 2007 Universit y of Siena 80 K€ Usiena, ISPRA Italian Ministry for Agricultu re MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Regional & SubRegional Prof. A. 1013Di 2014 Guardo Universit y of Teramo The aim of the project was to investigate environmental contaminants (PCBs, DDTs, diossine, MeHg, etc.) and their effects on the central nervous system and the immune system of stranded cetaceans. EU Technical Jan 2013, Universit 4 years y of Chania Kill Spill delivers innovative (bio)technologies, which can be integrated into state-of-the-art actions currently used to cleanup oil spills. It also develops appropriate tools for first response, follow-up, and longer-term actions, specifically tailored to a broad range of different kinds of oil spills. The products and technologies are being field-tested in open sea oil spills and large mesocosms to identify performance champions. The (bio)tools are assessed using cutting-edge analytics, biosensors, and omics and checked for eco-efficiency to merit green label. They will also be benchmarked against current industry solutions. B.physalus) in Mediterranean Sea Marine Pollutio n Project Marine Pollutio n EU‐FP7‐KBBE‐ 2012.3.5‐01. Environmental Contaminants and their effects on the central nervous system and the immune system in stranded cetaceans, the Sentinels of the The aim of the project was to investigate environmental contaminants (PCBs, DDTs, diossine, MeHg, etc.) and their effects on the central nervous system and the immune system of stranded cetaceans. Integrated Biotechnological solution for combacting marine oil spills ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) Mediterranean Sea, such as the striped dolphin and the fin whale SCALE BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS ment and Protectio n of Land and sea 94 K€ Italian Ministry for the Environ ment and Protectio n of Land and Sea CORE PARTICIPANT S Overall: 9 ML, Universit y of Bologna 450,000 Technical University of Crete (TUC) et al. Usiena, University of Teramo MAIN R&I AREAS Marine Pollutio n Marine Pollutio n OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) FINANZIAMENT I DA P-Q. RICERCA U.E. VI° Programma Quadro TITLE Life history transformations among HAB species, and the enviromental and physiological factors that regulate them Proposal No 003875 (SEED) MAPRES Marine pollution http://ec.europ moniotoring and mitigation by remote _protection/civ sensing . il/marin/pdfdo cs/mapres.pdf SCALE EU EU COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 2005Studio di eventi HAB, distribuzione, ecologia e fisiologia di 2007 microalghe planctoniche e bentoniche tossiche, gestione di emergenze ambientali e di salute pubblica. CoNISMa 01/01/20 The aim of MAPRES concerns the cooperation in the field of 07 (12,13 accidental or deliberate marine pollution, in particular the main M) activity relates to “Marine Pollution Monitoring and detection by aerial surveillance and satellite images”. Large spills of oil and related petroleum products in the marine environment can have serious biological and economic impacts. Around 20% of oil transported by sea traverses the Mediterranean Sea, amounting to an annual flux of 350 million tons of crude oil and refined products. Most of this maritime traffic travels across the Malta Channel, the coastal zones near Sicily Island and Genoa City. North Sea is also a region threatened by this type of pollution. Public and media scrutiny is usually intense following a spill, with demands that the location and extent of the oil spill be identified. Remote sensing is playing an increasingly important role in oil spill response efforts. Through the use of modern remote sensing instrumentation, oil can be monitored on the open ocean around the world. With a knowledge of slick locations and movement, response personnel can more effectively plan countermeasures in an effort to lessen the effects of the pollution. An operating manual on methods, techniques, sensors and procedures for remote sensing and Oil Spill detection, on Hydrodynamic Numerical Simulations for spill propagation forecasting and mitigations procedures, will be the deliverable BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 81558.87 € 330.465, 00 Unione Europea / DG ENVIRON MENT GRANT AGREEM ENT 07.03090 0/2006/4 48578/S UB/A3 CoNISMa, Lattanzio e Associati, University of Malta, University of Edimburg MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE Marine Pollutio n Marin e Hazar ds MEDESS4MS: Mediterranean Decision Support System for Marine Safety Regional & SubRegional Pollutants biomonitoring in coastal marine and transitional waters of apulia region Regional & SubRegional POllution monitoring of Ship Emissions: an IntegrateD approach fOr harbours of the Adriatic basiN EU http://www.m Marine Pollutio n Marine Pollutio n Mariti Project me POSEIDON Transp ort; Air quality of the ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) of the project. An exercise on these procedures will be devoted to the crew members of Coast Guard and aerial surveillance aircrafts and personnel working in the field of Satellite Imageries valuation Departm gennaio Mediterranean Decision Support System for Marine Safety ent of 2012( (MEDESS-4MS) is dedicated to the strengthening of maritime Merchan 36M) safety by mitigating the risks and impacts associated to oil t spills. MEDESS-4MS capitalizes on existing pan-European Shippingframeworks and embraces recent advances and important Cypro developments in oceanography in the Mediterranean area. MEDESS-4MS aims to deliver an integrated operational multi model oil spill system in the Mediterranean by gathering and analyzing met-ocean data as well as data related to ship traffic, ship operations and sensitivity mapping. This data will be provided to well established oil spill monitoring and forecasting systems, thus, providing an invaluable tool regarding the early detection and efficient control of the oil spill at early stages. Arpa 2008The analyzed contaminants in the biota monitoring program Puglia 2009 were heavy metals, chlorinated pesticides, chlorinated solvents, organophosphate pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, alkylphenols, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organotin compounds. The results show that the “biota” is still a relevant target of exposure to contaminants and, for this reason, biomonitoring activities are very important tools for human health and ecosystem risk assessment. ISAC-CNR 1-06Harbours are an environmental burden being a source of 2014, 12 atmospheric pollution often localised near cities and industrial months complexes. The POSEIDON project will investigate the impact on air quality of four major harbours in the Adriactic Sea area using a common state-of-the-art methodology that will produce comparable information useful to plan future actions and controls of emissions in this area. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 6.000 K€ (fondi CNR 420 K€) CNR, INGV; ENEA; IFREMER (Fr), HCMR (GR); CSIC(SP); 210000 CNR, Arpa Puglia 359.46 K€ ECTP MED Program me 20072013 ISAC-CNR, Un iversity of Venice, University of Rijeka, University of Patras. MAIN R&I AREAS Marine Pollutio n OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Portcities Syndial SPA - TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY PORTO TORRES 1 Regional & SubRegional Syndial SPA – CNR ISMAR BOLOGN A eGEOS/CN R-ISAC Marine Pollutio n http://www.asi PRIMI-PRogetto pilota National .it/it/news/pri Inquinamento Marino mi_il_monitora da Idrocarburi ggio_dallo_spa zio_dellinquina mento_marino _da_idrocarbur i Marine Pollutio n - Marine Pollutio n Socioe INTERREG IIIconom QUALIFISH ic & Policy Resear ch QSVE Progetto QSVE Indagine per l'aggiornamento e l'integrazione dei dati sulla qualità dei sedimenti lagunari Quality and certification systems: an integrated Regional & SubRegional Regional & SubRegional ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 2009 2010 Study activities of marine life and the beginning of the food chain within the stilling basin and the industrial port of Porto Torres 124200 124200 maggio 2007 (44M) l PRogetto pilota Inquinamento Marino da Idrocarburi (PRIMI), una delle iniziative dell’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) per la gestione del rischio ambientale, ha sviluppato un sistema pre-operativo di monitoraggio dell’inquinamento da idrocarburi nei mari italiani. PRIMI ha sviluppato un sistema modulare per la sorveglianza continua dell’inquinamento marino da idrocarburi e per la previsione del rilascio di tali inquinanti, al fine di consentire l’organizzazione delle misure di contenimento del danno e le azioni di recupero. 4.430 K€ (BUDGET CNR: 740 K€) 2007 2009 CoNISMa 01/01/20 "QUALIFISH aimed to achieve the integrated approach, 06 (33,43 combining the scientific, biological, ecological, M) economic and social issues that are underlying the processes and actions of governance. The points that underpin this approach is essentially the knowledge of the phenomena, testing for testing hypotheses and the acquisition of results on the ground, making consequential operational proposals, all in form of integrating the different ways, in both geographical reality, Italy 2 e-GEOS; CNR; INGV; ENEA; ACS; Innova S.r.l.; FlyBy S.r.l.; -477600 € 875.000, 00 Regione Puglia CoNISMa, COISPA Tecnologia & Ricerca scarl; et al. MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Marine Pollutio n Project Marine Pollutio n Integr ated charac terizat ion campa ign of foresh ore sedim ents Marine Pollutio n Analys isng marin e polluti on from both comm ercial and militar TITLE SCALE Research activity on trends of amount , distribution and composition of microplastics in marine environment National Second integrated Regional characterization & Subcampaign of foreshore Regional at north of Bagnoli. Remediation site of national interest in the area of Naples Bagnoli-Coroglio. Agreement Sorgenti inquinanti betwen the sommerse nei mari CNR and siciliani (SIASIC) Department for the Environment Sicilian Regional Authority Regional & SubRegional ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) and Albania. " Prof. M. 2014 This research activity on trends of amount , distribution and C Fossi composition of microplastics in Tuscany coasts were Universit investigated. In all samples analyzed it was found the presence y of of microplastic (n = 2670) and appreciable levels of additives of Siena plastics (phthalates). The most abundant colors are white and transparent, the most abundant shape, fragment. Most of the microplastic lies in the range 1-2.5 mm. Coordina Gennaio Geophysical analysis of sediments, environmental geochemical tor: 2006studies, core interpretation and sedimentological analysis. Elena Marzo Mumelte 2010 r (ICRAM). Other coordina tor: Ennio Marsella (IAMCCNR). Sicilian 2011Evaluation of the impact of the release of pollutants from ten Regional 2011 sources of pollution submerged sunk wrecks, both military and Authority civilian, located in the Strait of Sicily and in other Sicilian , waters. Departm ent of Fisheries COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 50 K€ Tuscany Region Usiena ARPAT 105.000, 00 (CNR) ICRAM, Istituto per l'Ambiente Marino Costiero IAMC-CNR. 512.000, 00 (256.000 ) Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) MAIN R&I AREAS Marine Pollutio n Marine Pollutio n OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) y sunk vessel s in the Medit errane an Sea PON&REC (PON02) TITLE Appro ach for Integr ation of charac terizat ion plan: Darse na di Levant Studies and researches aiming at the integration of characterization plan: Darsena di Levante onshore (Naples Harbour) SCALE STI-TAM Development Regional of Innovative & Subtechnologies for the Regional treatment of fluid wastes from shipping activities and for marine environment protection Regional & SubRegional COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) Technolo 01/07/20 The main goal of this research project is to propose an gical 12 - 36 integrated treatment plant including physical, chemical and Cluster months biological phases for the removal of contaminants from marine “Sicilia waste (wastewaters, bilge waters, slops). This goal will be Navtec” purchased through bench scale and pilot scale plants whose implementation will be the main research and industrial result. In particular, the Industrial Research phase will be devoted to the study of different integrated treatment processes in order to identify the more effective ones in treating the investigated waters and to develop the prototypes in the subsequent Experimental Development phase. Two treatment plants prototypes will be realized: a fixed micro-pilot plant and a mobile mini-pilot plant. Moreover the planning of a treatment plant on board will be also realized. Coordina 06/11/20 Within the agreement between Autorità Portuale di Napoli and tors: 06Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero IAMC-CNR have been Paquale 06/02/20 executed n. 26 geognostic drillings and physical-chemical Cascone 07 analyses. (Autorità Portuale di Napoli) and Ennio Marsella (Istituto per BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Total: k€ 7.379 Research : k€ 5.070, Develop ment: k€ 1.780, Educatio n: k€ 530 - Funding institutio n: MIUR 290.460, 00 (CNR) Sicilia Navtec, University of Palermo, University of Messina, University of Catania, Cantiere Navale di Augusta, Fincantieri, Nico, CNR (ITAE, IAMC, ISMN) Autorità Portuale di Napoli, Istituto per l'Ambiente Marino Costiero IAMC-CNR. MAIN R&I AREAS Marine Pollutio n OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) eonsho re (Naple s Harbo ur) Project Marine Pollutio n Marine Pollutio n Marin e Hazar ds ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY l'Ambien te Marino Costiero IAMCCNR). Study on Morbillivirus in Mediterranean cetaceans: relationship between contaminants and immunodepression Regional & SubRegional Prof. M. 2008C Fossi - 2011 Universit y of Siena The purpose of the project was to investigate the complex interactions between xenobiotic compounds and immunosuppressive phenomena in Mediterranean cetaceans. This objective was pursued through the study of contaminants “old” (OCs) and new (PBDE) generation in Mediterranean cetaceans and the possible relationship with immunosuppressive phenomena and incidence of morbillivirus. Project The Emerging Issue of the Microplastics in the Mediterranean Sea: the Potential Impact on the Mediterranean Fin Whale Regional & SubRegional Prof. M. 2011C Fossi - 2014 Universit y of Siena The project's findings represent the first evidence of the potential impact of microplastic and derivatives toxic compounds (plastics additives-phthalates) in cetaceans and particularly in the fin whale. A methodological standard protocol for the analysis of microplastic and toxicologically active derivatives in samples of plankton and micro-surface layer and in the adipose tissue of the whale was developed, as well as a mapping of microplastic in the Pelagos Sanctuary. MED TERRITORIAL COOPERATION - TOSCA Tracking Oil Spills and Coastal Awareness Network. EU PACA Sea 2010 Innovatio 2013 n& Business Cluster - Tracking Oil Spills and Coastal Awareness Network. The core objective of TOSCA is to improve the quality, speed and effectiveness of decision-making processes in case of marine accidents (oil pollution, SAR Operations), by the development and implementation of technical and decision support tools, BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 101 K€ ISPRAItalian Ministry for the Environ ment and Protectio n of Land and and sea 135 K€ Italian Ministry for the Environ ment and Protectio n of Land and sea 2345000 - 195000 Usiena ICRAMUniversity of Teramo Usiena 12 MAIN R&I AREAS Marine Pollutio n Marine Pollutio n Marine Pollutio n OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) - TITLE TRASPORTO SOLIDO CONTRATTO CNR/CORILA - La misura del trasporto solido laguna-mare TRASPORTO SOLIDO Il trasporto solido laguna-marein differenti scenari di livelli marini e di uso dei mezzi di regolazione maree. Trasporto solido tra laguna e mare e trasporto litoraneo studio modellistico dei processi fisici che governano la risospensione ed il trasporto dei sedimenti ecc.. (Ferrarin) Biodiv www.ulixes.uni Unravelling and ersity; exploiting Deep Mediterranean Sea Sea microbial diversity Ecosys and ecology for SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Toulon Var Technolo gies (PMPTVT) – Francia, ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) through active participation of scientists, in conjunction with local authorities. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Regional & SubRegional 2005 2007 -352000 Regional & SubRegional 2009 2011 -151350 EU Daniele 01 Feb Daffonch 2011 - 31 io Jan 2014 (Universi ty of The project ULIXES aims to unravel, categorize, catalogue, exploit and manage the microbial diversity available in the Mediterranean Sea for addressing bioremediation of polluted marine sites. The idea behind ULIXES is that the multitude of diverse environmental niches of the Mediterranean Sea 3,909,33 1.00 TOTAL BUDGET (EU UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO, UNIVERSITé MAIN R&I AREAS Maritim e Transpo rt OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) tems; Blue Biotec hnolog y PIXIS TITLE SCALE Xenobiotics’ and pollutants’ clean up ALBERO INTEGRATO PER NAVI MILITARI Regional & SubRegional COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Milan, Italy) FC ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) contains a huge range of microorganisms and their components (e.g. catabolic enzymes) or products (e.g. biosurfactant) that can be exploited in pollutant- and site-tailored bioremediation approaches. ULIXES intends to provide the proof of concept that it is possible to establish and exploit for bioremediation site-specific collections of microbial strains, mixed microbial cultures, enzymes, biosurfactants and other microbial products. These biotechnological resources will be mined by using approaches based on isolation of culturable microorganisms as well as by extensively applying advanced novel ‘meta-omics’ technologies recently developed by the project partners and exclusively available for ULIXES. Three pollutant classes recognized worldwide as environmental priorities will be considered: petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated compounds and heavy metals. A large set of polluted environmental matrices from sites located all over the Mediterranean Sea will be explored, including seashore sands, lagoon sediments, deep sea sediments polluted by heavy oil hydrocarbons at oil tanker shipwreck sites, hypersaline waters and sediments from polluted salty coastal lakes and natural deep hypersaline anoxic submarine basins and mud volcanoes where hydrocarbon seepages occur. The mined collections of microbial biotechnological products will be exploited for development of novel improved bioremediation processes whose effectiveness will be proved by ex situ and in situ field bioremediation trials. A careful dissemination action will be pursued to assure capillary information of the ULIXES results and products to stakeholders and SMEs operating in the sector of marine bioremediation. 12/2012 Studio di un "albero integrato" (MAST) per il Sistema Navale to Militare che miri alla riduzione degli attuali conflitti tra le 11/2015 apparecchiature (antenne e sensori) e al miglioramento delle performances generali, tramite la soluzione di molti problemi tecnici. Il progetto permette il superamento delle soluzioni BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS REQUEST ED CONTRIB UTION: 2,993,81 2.00) CORE PARTICIPANT S DE TUNIS, et al. 9163405 FINCANTIERI, SELEX, SELEXELSAG , IDS, ELSEL, NUOVACONN MAIN R&I AREAS Maritim e Transpo rt Maritim e Transpo rt Maritim e Transpo rt OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) FP6-SUSTDEVNEW-H-SHIP FP7TRANSPORTBESST TITLE SCALE Assimilation of Fuel Cells in marinetime applications EU Boat Academy Regional & SubRegional Breakthrough in European Ship and Shipbuilding Technologies EU ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) attuali di compromesso tra le apparecchiature a fronte di un approccio progettuale più moderno e competitivo, non basato su compromessi, ma in linea con le strategie estere. Le principali problematiche affrontate saranno: - integrabilità dell’albero nella piattaforma (spazio, robustezza strutturale, assorbimenti elettrici, dissipazioni termiche, compatibilità fluidodinamica della struttura e dei gas) - interferenza elettromagnetica reciproca - rispetto di requisiti di segnatura elettromagnetica (RCS) - interferenza elettromeccanica tra il cablaggio dell’albero e tutti gli altri impianti della piattaforma. ICELANDI 2/2004 C NEW to ENERGY 4/2005 LTD Navigo period Project Boat Academy, in collaboration with nautical institute 2008claw , identification of skills related to the processes of the 2010 district nautical nautical Viareggio . COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Fincantie 09/2009 ri to Cantieri 02/2013 Navali Italiani Lo scopo del progetto è ottenere un avanzamento significativo nella costruzione delle navi passeggeri europee in termini di competitività, compatibilità ambientale e sicurezza. Nello specifico si punta a una significativa riduzione dell’impronta ambientale della nave nel suo complesso intervenendo su:riduzione delle emissioni: gas ad effetto serra (CO2, NOx, CO), VOC e fumi nella fase di produzione, rumore diffuso in aria e acqua nella fase di esercizio. - incremento dell’efficienza: riduzione dei consumi di carburante, anche attraverso la generazione a bordo di energia elettrica da fonti rinnovabili, riduzione dei consumi d’acqua, riduzione del volume complessivo delle attività di riparazione. - materiali utilizzati: incremento di materiali riciclabili, migliore utilizzo dei materiali dalla fase di progettazione considerando BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS AVI , SELMAR , MAST , UNIGE - DINAEL , UNIGE – DIBE, UNIGE – DIPTEM 545 Icelandic New, et al. 28836 STX Finland, STX France, Fincantieri, et al.and 31 industrial companies(17 of which SME) MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Maritim e Transpo rt European Defence Agency Ad Hoc Research & Technology Project COSMO Maritim e Transpo rt Maritim e Transpo rt Air quality of the Portcities TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY CCNS Corrosion EU Control for Navy Ships Institut de la Corrosio n (IC) France Cfd OpenSource for the topside Regional & SubRegional IEFLUIDS S.r.l. Characterization of the emission from boats in the port of Venice Regional & SubRegional IDPACNR ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) anche le successive attività di riparazione e refitting, riduzione del packaging e ottimizzazione della logistica 2013 The Navy activities combined with the new environmental 2016 regulations lead to a critical situation characterized BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 3260000 - 305000 May 1st, The projcet aims to develop a numerical open source CFD 495 k€ 2014 - 36 model for the analysis of flows on the topside of the civilian and months military ships, taking into account the fall down of fumes and Coparticulates. financed by Results: project in progress Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (PAR – FSC 20072013) 2007, 36 The direct influence of ship traffic on atmospheric levels of 440 K€; months coarse and fine particulate matter (PM2.5, PM10) and fifteen Research polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) has been estimated in contract the urban area of Venice. Data analysis has been performed on funded results collected at three sites over the summer, when ship by the traffic is at a maximum. The sampling sites were monitored Port with optical detectors (DustTrack® and Mie pDR-1200) Authority operating at high temporal resolution (20s and 1s respectively) of Venice for PM2.5 and PM10. PAH in the particulate and gas phases were recovered from quartz fiber filters and polyurethane foam plugs using pressurized solvent extraction, the extracts were then analyzed by gas chromatography- high resolution mass spectrometry. The results indicate that monitoring of the PM 12 1.DITENAVE Scarl 2.Università degli Studi di Trieste 3.CETENA IDPA-CNR, University Ca' Foscari Venice, ISACCNR MAIN R&I AREAS Maritim e Transpo rt Maritim e Transpo rt OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Air Project APICE quality of the Portcities TITLE SCALE Cluster " Transport Italy 2020." National Common EU Mediterranean strategy and local practical Actions for the mitigation of Port, Industries and Cities Emissions ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) daily concentrations is not sufficiently detailed. To extract information about the contribution of ship traffic to atmospheric aerosol, more detailed information and analysis is required such as a complete chemical characterisation of the aerosol phase, and a complete chemical profile of ship emissions that can be used in a receptor model. A new method has been developed based on the collection of hourly PM concentrations and the simultaneous analysis of the wind direction. This information was combined with the actual ship traffic from the database of the Harbour Authority of Venice. The difference between hourly concentrations when the sampling site is downwind of ship borne emissions, and the hourly concentrations in periods when there is no traffic have been calculated. The differences, when weighted with the frequency of ship passages, have allowed an evaluation of the contribution of ship emissions to the average aerosol concentration. CNR period Cluster " Transport Italy 2020." Participation in the design . Past 2012and waiting to start (lightness, new designs , propulsion ) 2015 involved companies such as Azimut , Perini and 2 SMEs . 50 % of the companies involved are in Tuscany. Regional 2010, 27 APICE intends to develop a knowledge-based approach for air Environm months pollution mitigation and sustainable development of port ental activities, managed by spatial planning policies at local level, Agency which includes the territory around the ports. The interof comparison of data acquired in five different Pilot Areas Veneto(Venice, Genoa, Barcelona, Marseille and Thessaloniki) will ARPAV allow the validation of a common model for building intervention scenario, whose effectiveness and practicability will be tested within the project. The project's measures will be delivered to policymakers to integrate existing urban master plans and port investments, and to trigger possible ecofinancing incentives, in order to: Merge environmental and socio-economic needs of port-cities policies; Support ecoCOORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 1711K€, MED 20072013 ARPA Veneto for Venice; Universities of Aristotle and Western Macedonia for Thessaloniki; University of Genoa; University of Provence for Marseille; MAIN R&I AREAS Maritim e Transpo rt Maritim e Transpo rt OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) FP7TRANSPORTCO-PATCH TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Communication and control infrastructure which integrates the optical transmission and PLC Regional & SubRegional SIPRO Sistemi Integrati per l'Innovazi one di Processo S.r.l. Composite Patch Repair for Marine and Civil Engineering Infrastructure Applications Maritim Air Project Contribution of e quality CESAPO, Emission Sources on Transpo of the (www.cesapo.u the Air quality of the rt POrt-cities in Greece cities and Italy EU EU National Technical Universit y of Athens Universit y of Patras ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) friendly changes in shipping practices and ownership of shared emission abatements options (e.g. Blue flag etc...) by the involved port. On the base of scenarios and economic-assessed options, APICE will push port authorities, ship owners and cargo's handlers towards voluntary agreements that can concretely contribute, in the medium term, at reducing emissions and improve the environmental balance of port citie March The project aims to build an infrastructure that integrates a 1st, 2014 communication and control infrastructure, which integrates the - 24 use of the optical signal transmission and the use of PLC, with months specific reference to the hospitality areas of cruise ships. Results: project in progress 01/2010 to 12/2012 1-022012, 27 months The general objective is to quantify the contribution of emission sources to the air pollution of the port cities, giving more emphasis on the maritime transport and the activities within the harbor and link the scientific outcomes with integrated proposed actions for sustainable urban development in the BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS CSIC for Barcelona 485 k€ 1.DITENAVE Scarl Co2.Università financed degli Studi di by Trieste Region 3.FINCANTIERI Friuli Cantieri Navali Venezia Italiani S.p.A. Giulia 4.Solight (PAR – S.p.A. FSC 5.K314 S.r.l. 20076.Polo 2013) Tecnologico di Pordenone 7.EIDON Laboratori di Ricerca Scarl 5272 UNIVERSITY OF SURREY-UK et al. 816.25 K€, ECTP GreeceItaly University of Patras, University of Salento, ISACCNR, ARPA MAIN R&I AREAS Maritim e Transpo rt Maritim e Transpo rt Maritim e Transpo rt OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE D -NET SCALE Regional & SubRegional COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Navigo ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) Mediterranean. The actions will favour and support the implementation of EU Directives and International laws. The project focuses on two important port-cities, namely Patra (Greece) and Brindisi (Italy). period Project D -NET development platform ICT Development 2010solutions for digitization in maritime adimistration 2012 FP6-SUSTDEVSAFEDOR Design, Operation and EU Regulation for Safety GERMAN 02/2005 ISCHER to LLOYD 01/2009 AG SSOD2 Detection device of semi-submerged objects. EIDON KAIRES S.r.l. Regional & SubRegional March 1st, 2014 - 24 months Il progetto ha lo scopo di fornire libertà di progettazione aggiuntiva per navi e sistemi e un processo di approvazione per l'introduzione della sicurezza come obiettivo, oltre ai requisiti di prestazione standard come la velocità, la capacità e la resistenza. Il progetto ha inoltre lavorato alla proposta di una cornice normativa modernizzata per facilitare l'analisi dei rischi come elemento aggiuntivo del processo di approvazione. Ciò pone le fondamenta per l'approvazione di nuove imbarcazioni aldilà degli impedimenti normativi attuali The project aims to develop an innovative system - integrated laser technologies and digital video - for the detection of semisubmerged objects to support navigation. The semi-floating objects are those whose emerged and submerged parties are too small to be detected, respectively, by radar and sonar. Results: project in progress Maritim e Transpo rt OpenviewSHIP Development of a computational ecosystem for the hydrodynamic design Regional & SubRegional eXact Lab March S.r.l. 1st. 2014 - 36 months The project aims to allow the immediate visualization of the pre-and post-processing of data produced by high-resolution CFD simulations, through an ecosystem based on high performance computing infrastructures combined with BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 20072013 CORE PARTICIPANT S Puglia, IDPACNR 20052 Carnival plc UK, et al. 490,2 k€ Cofinanced by Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (PAR – FSC 20072013) 500 k€ Cofinanced 1.DITENAVE Scarl 2.EIDON Lab. Scarl 3.Monte Carlo Yachts S.p.A. 1.DITENAVE Scarl 2.Università degli Studi di MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY of the system propeller-hull ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) innovative technologies of remote visualization. Results: project in progress BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS by Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (PAR – FSC 20072013) 394,8 k€ Maritim e Transpo rt ECAB Easy Control Automatic Boat Regional & SubRegional Astra Yacht S.r.l. April 1st, The project aims to search an innovative monitoring and 2014 - 32 control system of low-speed maneuvering of a pleasure craft, months through new technologies verification of the distances from the Coboat to fixed and moving bodies and of the prediction of financed movement trajectories. by Region Results: project in progress Friuli Venezia Giulia (PAR – FSC 20072013) Maritim e Transpo rt ECOMOS MIUR FIRB RBIP06CEM4 - ECOMOS Ecological compatibility of the ships to "motorways of the sea" National 2008 2012 Development of an integrated system of reducing the 83000 environmental impact of polluting emissions (SOx, NOx, PM) 83000 discharges into the atmosphere of the ships and validation using biological monitoring as a tool to investigate the ecocompatibility of abatement system of harmful emissions into air and water. Maritim e Transpo rt EMCY Electromagnetic Regional compatibility impact & Subin the field of yachting Regional Consiglio Nazional e delle Ricerche (CNRISSIA) Italy Sting S.r.l. March 1st, 2014 - 34 months The project aims to develop a protection system against interferences from electromagnetic fields to improve the efficiency, reliability and safety of the electronic systems on board. 485 k€ Cofinanced CORE PARTICIPANT S Trieste 3.SISSA 4.CETENA 5.Spring Firm S.r.l. 1.DITENAVE Scarl 2.Università degli Studi di Trieste 3.Monte Carlo Yachts S.p.A. 4.Polo Tecnologico di Pordenone 5.Ermetris S.r.l. 6.Blupassion S.r.l. 1 1.DITENAVE Scarl 2.Università degli Studi di MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) Results: project in progress Maritim e Transpo rt Maritim e Transpo rt EU FP6 HTA (Netw ork of Excelle nce) www. htaforum. eu Hydro-Testing Alliance – An alliance to enhance the maritime testing infrastructure in the EU EU EU 01/09/20 06 - 5 years FP6-SUSTDEVFLAGSHIP European Framework for Safe, Efficient and Environmentallyfriendly Ship EU Europea 01/2007 n to Commun 05/2011 ity Shipown ers' 668/6500 (funding) European Union FP6 and actual costs - HTA is the European Network of Excellence promoted with the aim of allowing the European towing tanks and other experimental test facilities in the field of naval hydrodynamics to maintain a prominent position on the world scene. HTA was funded by the European Union under the Sixth Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. The primary objective of this initiative is the development of a permanent organizational structure to coordinate the definition and introduction of new technologies for measurement, observation and analysis for conducting tests on models in naval hydrodynamics. BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS by Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (PAR – FSC 20072013) MARIN (NL), SSPA (SE), Sirehna (FR), HSVA (GE), Qinetiq (UK), CNRINSEAN (IT), VTT (FI), Marintek (NO), DST (DE), BEC (FR) 19435 CORE PARTICIPANT S Udine 3.Monte Carlo Yachts S.p.A. Teekay Shipping Corporation NO, et al. MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE GOAL based Damage Stability EU Maritim e Transpo rt FP7TRANSPORTGOALDS Maritim e Transpo rt GREEN BOAT Green boat design: ( low impact yachting encms/opencm s/area/it/attivit a/progetti_az/ Green-BoatDesign.html; http://greenbo ult.aspx) Regional & SubRegional Green Boat Design/POR FESR 2007 13/ www.greenboa Regional & SubRegional Maritim e Transpo rt Green Boat Design: nautica da diporto a basso impatto ambientale COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Associati ons National Technical Universit y of Athens Eng. Theo NONIS Seaway Technolo gies S.r.l. ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 09/2009 to 08/2012 Valutazione con modelli e codici di calcolo delle possibilità di incrementare le probabilità di sopravvivenza a seguito di falla su navi da crociera e traghetti, applicando metodologie di Formal Safety Assessment." October 1st, 2010 - 36 months The aim was to innovate the entire chain of the life cycle of a pleasure boat, defining design specifications and manufacturing processes in harmony with the concept of environmental sustainability. In this context, the project promoted the reduction of the environmental impact and energy consumption during each of the three phases of the life of a boat: construction, operation and decommissioning. Results: Integration of hybrid propulsion, photovoltaic cells, "LED Chip on Board" lighting with remote phosphor technology, optimized hull, use of natural fibers (linen and basalt) and a nanostructured matrix for an improved boat life cycle. Seaway 06/10/20 Green Boat is a 40-foot diesel-electric hybrid with built-in solar Technolo 10 & 36 panels, chip-on-board remote phosphor lighting, and integrated gies months energy management. The design of the shell has been optimised to minimise water resistance. Basalt and flax, the natural materials used for the hull and deckhouse, make up 44% of the vessel’s weight. These materials reduce not only the impact on the environment, but also the on-board vibrations, These innovations also have important benefits in terms of energy requirements and emissions. At a speed of 7 kn, fuel consumption is 40% lower, resulting in a 40% reduction in CO2. The electric propulsion also eliminates emissions at berth, while the system of batteries (also powered by the solar panels) have BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 4407 National Technical University of Athens (coordinator) NTUA Greece, 849,34 1.Alto k€ Adriatico Tecnologia e Cosviluppo S.r.l. financed 2.Centro by ricerche Region PLAST-OPTICA Friuli S.p.A. Venezia 3.AREA Giulia Science Park (POR – 4.Università FESR degli Studi di 2007Trieste 2013) 5.SISSA 1.066,22 Seaway 9 K€ & Technologies, Comissio Alto Adriatico ne Tecnologie e Europea, Sviluppo, Governo Centro italiano e Ricerche PlastRegiorne Optica, FVG Consorzio per l'AREA di Ricerca Scientifica e MAIN R&I AREAS Maritim e Transpo rt OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) FP7TRANSPORTGRIP ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) a guaranteed life of 10 hours and a range of 50 miles at a speed of 3 kn. The batteries work with lithium polymers instead of the traditional lead, increasing the recharge cycle capacity from 300, to 1400. TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Green Retrofitting through Improved Propulsion EU MARIN 10/2011 (Stichting to Maritiem 10/2014 Research Instituut Nederlan d) BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Tecnologica di Trieste, Università degli Studi di Trieste e Sissa 4162 MARIN – Stichting Maritiem Research Instituut Nederland, BUREAU VERITAS, FINCANTIERI, Center of Maritime Technologies e.V., Hamburgische SchiffbauVersuchsansta lt, ARTTIC Management Consulting Services, Wärtsilä Netherlands B.V. Part of the Wärtsilä Corporation, Acciona Trasmediterrá nea, ULJANIK Shipyard, MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE Maritim e Transpo rt Research Project HArBour traffIc opTimizAtion sysTem (HABITAT) National Maritim e Transpo rt OPENSHIP (www.openshi High-quality simulations of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for hydrodynamic performance predictions of the system hull-propeller in open source environment. Regional & SubRegional COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS VICUS DESARROLLOS TECNOLOGICO S, S.L.l, IMAWIS Vitrociset 01/11/20 The purpose of the project is the research, development, 16173 k€ Vitrociset S.p.A. 11 & prototyping, testing and validation of an integrated system for = S.p.A., et al. three the control and support of maritime navigation in the last mile 3789,55 years with main operability characteristics "all vessels, all weather, all & MIUR day". The system must be able to: 1. provide real-time and accurately for all types of ships and boats ("all vessel "), for all weather situations (" all weather "), 24/24 (" all day "), the traffic situation in the last nautical mile; 2. provide at all the ships and boats a support system to navigation in real time able to improve the precision, speed and safety of the maneuvers and the berth; 3. interoperate with systems of public administration such as the VTS / VTMS and the connected system PMIS (Coast Guard); 3. provide an advanced simulation system for the exercise and training of the pilots and all those involved in port traffic control. Ms October verificare nella tabella della leading company 800 k€ 1.Università Annalisa 1st, 2010 degli Studi di ALCINESI - 36 CoTrieste O months financed 2.SISSA by 3.Friuli CETENA Region Innovazione S.p.A. Friuli 4.Spring Firm Venezia S.r.l. Giulia (POR – FESR 20072013) MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Maritim PON&REC e (PON02) Transpo rt TITLE SCALE Maritim e Transpo rt Infrastruttura di comunicazione e controllo che integri Trasmissione Ottica e PowerLine Regional & SubRegional SIPRO S.R.L. Maritim e IT-FR Marittimo 2007-2013 INNAUTIC EU Liguria Region HYDRA New methods Regional for the environmental & Subimpact and energy Regional consumption reduction during production and use of pleasure craft COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Technolo gical Cluster “Sicilia Navtec” ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 01/07/12 The purpose of the project is to develop new types of pleasure - 36 craft hulls with low environmental impact. The innovative months systems proposed act: - During the production phase with the reduction of harmful waste and the creation of the hull surfaces with a low coefficient of friction; - During the use with the construction of plants to reduce the resistance by active and passive technologies. The research to optimize the production phase is based on the development of a robotic system which is capable of automating the finishing processing of the hulls of pleasure craft. The reduction system of active resistance is based on forced ventilation of the hull. The passive system of reduction resistance is based on the coverage of a portion of the hull with a set of cylindrical rollers. The research is organized in Tasks which consist in: - Analyzing issues and developing hulls with high efficiency through new technologies; - Studying and testing of air insufflations system; - Studying and testing of rollers system; - Studying and testing of automated processing system of surfaces of hulls; - Planning of necessary plants to realize the arguments of research; - Making of an experimental model in real size of hull obtained by automated processing techniques and equipped with an optimized air insufflations system. TBD Il progetto mira a realizzare un’infrastruttura di comunicazione e controllo che integra l’utilizzo della trasmissione ottica del segnale e l’utilizzo della trasmissione “PowerLine” per applicazioni in ambito navale con specifico riferimento alle aree ospitalità di navi da crociera. L'idea innovativa è l'integrazione di funzioni di comunicazione e controllo in una rete che usi la fibra ottica per i flussi primari e le linee elettriche per la comunicazione ed il controllo degli impianti: cabina, di illuminazione di spazi comuni e di telecomando valvole. Period The project ihad the objective to strengthen the cooperation 2009between research and the business world in order to create 2013 conditions for increasing production flexibility and commercial BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Total: k€ 5.948 Research : k€ 3.885, Develop ment: k€ 1.443, Educatio n: k€ 620 - Funding institutio n: MIUR CORE PARTICIPANT S Sicilia Navtec, University of Messina, Abacus Marine 485000 Fincantieri, SIPRO, Solight, K314, Polo Tecnologico PN, EIDON Lab., UniTS, Distretto FVG MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE Transpo rt Maritim e Transpo rt FP7:DEECON INNOVATIVE AFTERwww.deecon.e TREATMENT SYSTEM u FOR MARINE DIESEL ENGINE EMISSION CONTROL EU Maritim e Transpo rt FIREDOORS Innovative fire doors ( ) Regional & SubRegional Maritim e Transpo rt Trainin PON&REC g& (PON02) Techn ology Innovative low Regional consumption and high & Subcomfort wing Regional supported boat for ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) dynamism. Besides it aims at the creation of new businesses through the creation of a center / cluster of cross-border 'highMediterranean that takes into account innovative applications in the design and construction of vessels (reducing the "time to market" infusion technique, standardization of components, "yacht green" recyclable and energy efficient "). Brunnel 40817 The aim of this project is to create a new, modular, on-board, Univ. after-treatment unit that combines different sub-units, each of (UK) which is optimized to remove a specific primary pollutant (SOx, Brunnel NOx, PM and VOC ) and is designed to allow an easy and fast Univ. retrofit of existing ships but also can be fitted to new ships of (UK) the future. The main goal of this new integrated system is the reduction of the environmental footprint of ships through the achievement of a state-of-the-art removal of the target pollutants aimed to reduce their emission factor well below the limits imposed by the current and future regulation. Eng. October verificare nella tabella della leading company PierCipri 1st, 2010 ano Rollo - 33 months FINCANTI ERI S.p.A. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 3500 EU Brunel University – UK; et al. 105,76 k€ 1.Università degli Studi di Udine 2.Officine del Bello &C. S.n.c. 3.Naval suppliers S.r.l. 4.Nanoxer S.r.l. 5.Friuli Innovazione Cofinanced by Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (POR – FESR 20072013) Technolo 01/04/12 The present project is addressed to the study and the Total: k€ gical - 30 development of an innovative wing supported ship able to 7.326 Cluster months make more efficient the passengers transportation for the short Research distances as well as the medium ones. In comparison with other : k€ Sicilia Navtec, University of Messina, University of MAIN R&I AREAS Maritim e Transpo rt OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Transf er FP6-SUSTDEVINTERSHIP TITLE SCALE passenger transportation Integrated collaborative design and production of cruise vessels, passenger ships and RoPax EU COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY “Sicilia Navtec” AKER YARDS OY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) fast boats, such kind of new ships, nowadays owned by the proponent Company, allow: - a greater speed; - a more comfortable passenger transportation; - a lower fuel consumption per passenger and mile. Anyway the hydrofoil, that over the last decades has not been deeply modified, is an expensive mean of transportation with regards to investment costs as well as operating costs. This is essentially due to high development costs for the wings and the hull that are nowadays produced by almost hand labour technologies. Furthermore, the maintenance costs are also significantly higher than those supported for other fast means of transportation, even because of more complex propulsion and stabilization systems. Saving the development costs will be possible by a meaningful research about wings and hull materials and manufacturing technologies, whereas the fuel consumption could be reduced by an opportune hydro-dynamic study of wings profile and the propulsion systems monitoring. Furthermore, fast ships are required to be more and more passengers comfortable and environmental-friendly especially for those operating in precinct areas. The latter represent some of the meaningful goals that the project aims to gain. The result of such a study will lead to: develop a prototype on which the sea tests will be performed in order to verify the effectiveness of the introduced innovation; increase the Company return arising from a better service at lower costs; sail new routes with an increasing number of passengers (both residents and tourists) with consequent improvements in occupational terms. 11/2003 to 10/2007 BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 4.443, Develop ment: k€ 2.104, Educatio n: k€ 780 - Funding institutio n: MIUR CORE PARTICIPANT S Palermo, Ustica Lines, CNR ITAE 38495 Aker Yards S.A. FR, FINCANTIERI S.p.A., Meyer Werft DE, Navantia S.A. ES, MAIN R&I AREAS Maritim e Transpo rt OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) MVDC ( TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Integrated electrical system with medium voltage direct current distribution for large ships with electrical propulsion. Regional & SubRegional Eng. PierCipri ano Rollo; Eng. Marco Tabai ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) October verificare nella tabella della leading company 1st, 2010 - 40 months FINCANTI ERI S.p.A. Maritim e Transpo rt BARCOTICA Integrated system for smart boat Regional & SubRegional Mr Fabrizio IARRERA Monte Carlo Yachts S.p.A. October verificare nella tabella della leading company 1st, 2010 - 34 months BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Flensburger Schiffbau Gesellschaft mbH & Co. KG DE, Estaleiros Navais de Viana do Castelo, S.A. PT 1.000 k€ 1.RINAVE (today CoDitenave) financed 2.Blu Electra by S.r.l. Region 3.Università Friuli degli Studi di Venezia Trieste Giulia 4.AREA (POR – Science Park FESR 5.Politecnico 2007di Milano 2013) 999 k€ 1.Teorema Engineering CoS.r.l. financed 2.Eidon Kaires by S.r.l. Region 3.Università Friuli degli Studi di Venezia Udine Giulia 4.AREA (POR – Science Park FESR MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) Maritim e Transpo rt Research Project ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) National Politecni co di Milano 1/03/201 The project focuses on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), with 4 & three particular reference to applications in the field of freight years transport. Specifically, the project includes research and development aimed at the design and development of ICTbased solutions to support logistics and transport processes, with a particular focus on the multimodal transport of goods. Maritim e Transpo rt FP7TRANSPORTJOULES Joint Operation for Ultra Low Emission Shipping EU Flensbur 06/2013 ger to Schiffbau 05/2017 BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 20072013) 754,8 & MIUR CORE PARTICIPANT S ATS1 (IDS, Optisoft, Ride The Wave, Vitrociset), Telecom Italia , Politecnico di Milano, Almaviva, CNIT, ATS 2 (Ambrogio Trasporti, Exprivia, Hupac SpA, Iveco, MW Italia SpA), Politecnico di Torino, ATS3 (Aitek, Gruppo Sigla, IB srl, Idnova, Mobisys, Rotas, Softeco, Star, Tesi SpA) 14981 Flensburger SchiffbauGesellschaft mbH & Co. KG (Coordinator), et al. MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Maritim IT-FR e Marittimo Transpo 2007-2013 rt TITLE SCALE LOSE EU Maritim e Transpo rt Maritim e Transpo rt Smart Specialisation Strategy Maritime Smart Specialisation Regional & SubRegional Navigo FP7TRANSPORTMOSAIC Materials Onboard: Steel Advancements and Integrated Composites EU Maritim e Transpo rt FP7TRANSPORTMESA MESA - Maritime Europe Strategy Action - FOSTER Waterborne EU CETENA (Centro per gli Studi di Tecnica Navale) CESA SEA Europe Maritim e Transpo rt MESP Managing the Environmental sustainability of ports for a durable development EU COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Province of Lucca ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) Period The main objective of the project is LOSE declined in an 2012-15 articulated system of targeted actions aimed at solving specific problems in a specific area and on the following lines: 1.mobility and transport dangerous goods along the dangerous road and motorway networks; 2. transport dangerous goods in port areas of interconnection with the urban centers;3.transport dangerous goods in river areas. period Participation in the formulation of national and regional Smart 2012Strategy for boating . 2015 BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 09/2012 to 08/2015 3996 National Technical University of Athens, et al. 09/2013 to 08/2016 1996 Community of European Shipyards Associations asbl (Coordinator), EUROPEAN COMMUNITY Shipowners Associations et al., 1388k € University of Genova Universit June 1, y of 2012 Genova The intensification of maritime traffic, both in terms of goods and passengers, needs to be accompanied by an environmentally sustainable management of port areas so to reduce harmful consequences for local populations. MESP addresses the reduction of water, air and noise pollution deriving from port activities through the implementation of a MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY National FC Maritim e Transpo rt SISTEMI NAVALI DI NUOVA GENERAZIONE Mobilità sostenibile Maritim e Transpo rt FP6-SUSTDEVMC-WAP Molten-carbonate fuel EU Cells for Waterborne APplication Maritim e Transpo rt NG SHIP(www.ngs Natural gas for ship propulsion Regional & SubRegional CETENA (Centro per gli Studi di Tecnica Navale) Mr Yves BUI Wärtsilä Italia S.p.A. ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) multidisciplinary approach, which encompasses technological, regulatory and administrative solutions. 10/2009 Il Programma ha l’obiettivo di innovare la sistemistica e to l’impiantistica di bordo, tramite lo sviluppo di sistemi navali 09/2013 innovativi efficienti ed ecologici che contribuiscano a ridurre i consumi energetici e di conseguenza i costi di gestione e di operatività della nave, a ridurre l’impatto ambientale del sistema nave, a rendere maggiormente automatizzata ed affidabile la gestione di esso ed a migliorare il comfort e la sicurezza a bordo tanto dell’equipaggio quanto dei passeggeri. 09/2005 Il progetto ha lo scopo di applicare a bordo di navi di grandi to dimensioni una tecnologia per la generazione di potenza 08/2010 basata sulle Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells alimentate da un gas di sintesi ottenuto dal reforming del combustibile navale. October 1st, 2010 - 24 months The project aimed to carry out the first study of the feasibility and cost effectiveness for the realization of the first LNG plant on a medium-sized long-range cargo ship. Results: - analysis of the world's maritime traffic and, identification of the 5 types of ships suitable for the installation of LNG propulsion systems and of strategic areas for the installation of LNG supply terminals; - study of the energy flows of the system by applying innovative solutions: heat recovery systems, the use of fuel cells as electric generators on board; - definition of an innovative layout of power supply; - development of a computational model for the calculation of the thermodynamic properties and composition of natural gas (NG) in both liquid and gas phases; - use of the innovative solution of BOG (Boil Off Gas) for the production of electrical energy on board by fuel cells; - upgrade of the RINA "Rules for Classification of Ships" in the BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 2696700 AVIO, CETENA, 0 CMT Srl, CO.E.S. SpA, CTM, ECOSPRAY Tech., ESARC, Eusebi et al. 15948 FINCANTIERI S.p.A. IT, ANSALDO FUEL CELLS S.p.A IT, et al. 900 k€ Cofinanced by Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (POR – FESR 20072013) 1.Cenergy S.r.l. 2.Energy Automation S.r.l. 3.Navalproget ti S.r.l. 4.RINA Services S.p.A. 5.Università degli Studi di Trieste 6.Università degli Studi di Udine 7.AREA Science Park MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Maritim e Transpo rt SUPEPANAMAX Nave da crociera National FC Maritim e Transpo rt Maritim e Transpo rt Enterprise Networking NET-Y Regional & SubRegional Nextwor ks srl EU FP7 NextMUSE nextmuse.cscs. ch Next generation Multi-mechanics Simulation Environment EU Ecole Centrale de Nantes (FR) Maritim e Transpo rt Carico Pagante Nuovi criteri di progettazione navale integrata in ambito di ottimizzazione degli spazi. National FC ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) section dedicated to ships propelled by gas-powered engines in 2012. 07/2009 Il Programma si concentra sulla futura generazione di navi da to crociera denominata SuperPanamax, la cui innovazione si 06/2013 sostanzia, nelle seguenti caratteristiche generali di prodotto: • stazza lorda alle 100.000 Tsl • almeno 1200 cabine passeggeri, 2 ponti dedicati alle aree pubbliche chiuse (ristoranti, teatri, sale da ritrovo, ecc.) ed 1 ponte per quelle aperte (piscine, tennis, ecc.), per avvicinarsi al segmento overpanamax; • velocità contrattuale di di 21.0-22.5 nodi e massima fino a 24.5 nodi (fino al 15% superiore a quelle attuali), per assicurare l’operatività da porti periferici rispetto all’area di crociera period NET-Y: a competitive tool to face an highly innovative sector, 2012available through the synergy among highly specialized 2015 partners continuously engaged in research and development. 01/04/20 In the NextMuSE team, visualisation and HPC specialists are 09 - 3 working with engineers from diverse application areas who years require more advanced and interactive simulation tools. The goal of NextMuSE is to create a simulation technology that is robust and accurate enough to deal with the most challenging physical phenomena in industry (e.g. simultaneous fluid and solid mechanics in a ship under extreme wave loading). NextMuSE relies on a mesh-free method, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), which is fundamentally different from conventional finite element or volume techniques. 07/2010 Al fine di garantire una maggiore redditività e attrattiva delle to navi cruise, il progetto è orientato a massimizzare le 12/2013 volumetrie, quindi implicitamente ridurre i consumi, destinate al carico pagante a parità di stazza, ovvero minimizzando gli spazi tecnici e di servizio su navi da crociera di medie e grandi dimensioni. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 1541600 FC 0 249/182 0 (funding) Europea n Union FP6 ???/???? (actual costs) Ecole Centrale de Nantes, (France), CNRINSEAN (IT), et al. 1610230 FC 5 MAIN R&I AREAS Maritim e Transpo rt Maritim e Transpo rt Maritim e Transpo rt OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Efficie nt energy , naviga tion, fisheri es TITLE SCALE PIN Regional & SubRegional Ministry for Education and Research (MIUR) - 20072013 N.O.P. for Research and Competitivenes s (Cod.: PON02_00153_ 2939517) PON TESEO Tecnologie ad alta Efficienza per la Sostenibilità Energetica ed ambientale On-board National PORTE TAGLIA FUOCO INNOVATIVE PORTE TAGLIA FUOCO Regional INNOVATIVE & SubRegional COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Navigo ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) period Project PIN , Promotion Manager of the life cycle of the craft , 2008Improving environmental sustainability , development marinas , 2010 Digitizing district , Optimizing supply / demand training Cons. di ric. per l'innovazi one tecnolog. , Sicilia Trasporti Navali, Commer ciali e da Diporto scarl 36 months: 01/07/20 1230/06/20 15 The activities of the project include development objectives aimed, on the one hand, the integration of new energy technologies (which represent the state of the art in the field of information technology with high efficiency and low environmental impact) on board of vessels of different types such yachts / sailing boats, mega yachts and fishing boats, and secondly, the development of energy technologies with strong character dedicated specifically to the application of innovation in the shipbuilding industry in the medium and long term. Effective on-board application will be enabled through the results of this project. FC 10/2011 to 06/2014 La ricerca si propone di sviluppare nuove tipologie di porte tagliafuoco lavorando su tre aspetti principali: - l’interfaccia tra la porta e la struttura nave - la riduzione del peso e delle dimensioni degli elementi principali costituenti la porta - la modifica di elementi costituenti la porta per renderla collassabile in presenza di battenti predefiniti La parte riguardante l’interfaccia porta-telaio si propone di valutare le ricadute tecniche e economiche di soluzioni alternative al sistema diretto di saldatura della porta sulla parete, in maniera da svincolare quanto più possibile da un punto di vista strutturale la porta stessa dalla parete su cui va ad appoggiarsi. L Nei riguardi del secondo aspetto di studio, le porte tagliafuoco sono passibili di un’evoluzione che consenta di ottimizzare il peso e le dimensioni, nel rispetto dei vincoli derivanti dalla necessaria conformità ai requisiti di classe al fuoco e di BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 14.152.8 36,00 (247.620, 00) IAMC-CNR, as a consortium member (Cons. di ric. per l'innovazione tecnolog., Sicilia Trasporti Navali, Commerciali e da Diporto scarl) et al. 1057550 FINCANTIERI, NANOXER, OFFICINE DELBELLO, NAVALSUPLIE R, UNIVERSITA’ UDINE, FRIULI INNOVAZIONE MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE Maritim e Transpo rt Maritim e Transpo rt Enterprise Networking PRISMA National FLUMARTURB Progettazione fluidodinamica di turbomacchine per impianti marini di energia a basso impatto ambientale Regional & SubRegional Maritim e Transpo rt PRODIFCON Progettazione integrata, Difesa e Controllo nave militare Regional & SubRegional ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) prestazione strutturale. I miglioramenti prevedono l’utilizzo di materiali isolanti innovativi. Il terzo campo di studio riguarda la definizione di porte tagliafuoco che, pur mantenendo le caratteristiche di classe al fuoco attuali, siano collassabili in presenza di battenti d’acqua predefiniti, permettendo così di semplificare notevolmente la configurazione di alcune aree tecniche della nave, riducendo tempi e costi di allestimento. Navicelli Period The network was established with the aim of increasing the Spa 2012penetration of the participating companies on domestic and 2015 international markets linked to the area of mobility of land and ocean surface FC 01/2013 Progettazione fluidodinamica di turbomacchine per impianti to energetici marini, relazionata al crescente utilizzo e sviluppo in 12/2016 campo navale e adeguata alle richieste dal mercato: compattezza e minor peso a parità di potenza, maggiore rendimento e riduzione dell'impatto ambientale. L'attività di ricerca seguirà tre linee operative: - progettazione fluidodinamica di turbine a vapore compatte per impianti propulsivi navali a basso impatto ambientale - progettazione fluidodinamica di pompe centrifughe ad elevate prestazioni e basso impatto ambientale - sviluppo di un software per analisi CFD di vasche e canali di adduzione di acqua di mare alle stazioni di pompaggio e di uno strumento di ottimizzazione della geometria delle celle di aspirazione delle pompe ORIZZON 09/2012 Il progetto riunisce le realtà della piattaforma nave con quella TE S.N. to del carico pagante, perseguendo il concetto di Whole WarShip 08/2015 (WW), in tutte le fasi della vita dell'unità: - dalla progettazione - sviluppando una nuova metodologia che consenta di supportare la fase critica della definizione della configurazione nave - attraverso il supporto decisionale - sviluppando un prototipo di sistema finalizzato ad integrare le informazioni rese COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 6442000 FINCANTIERI, UNIVERSITA' DI GENOVA, TERMOMECC ANICA POMPE 5103500 ORIZZONTE S.N., FINCANTIERI, SELEX-ES, SEASTEMA, UNIGE, IBR SISTEMI, MAST MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE Maritim e Transpo rt Supporto logistico ambientale Progetto di National innovazione tecnologica per navi e sistemi per la sicurezza, il controllo del mare ed operazioni di supporto logistico/ambientale. Maritim e Transpo rt Navred@cruise Reduction of noise and vibration on board of the new generation cruise ships Regional & SubRegional Maritim e Navred@cruise RIDUZIONE DEL RUMORE E DELLE VIBRAZIONI A BORDO Regional & SubRegional ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) disponibili al comandante dal Sistema di Combattimento e dalla piattaforma - alla vita operativa – analizzando un moderno scenario operativo (“minaccia asimmetrica”) in cui operano le Unità Navali e l’intreccio tra piattaforma e Sistema di Combattimento è di estrema criticità FC 07/2010 Finalità del progetto è quello di ottemperare ad un to imprescindibile miglioramento tecnologico del prodotto navi 12/2013 adibite ad operazioni di controllo del mare, in termini di prestazioni, sicurezza ed impatto ambientale in un ambito di sostenibilità economica del mercato. Saranno sviluppate le tecnologie ritenute fondamentali per affrontare le esigenze progettuali del prodotto nave determinando la possibilità di progettare ed offrire a diversi armatori serie di navi maggiormente competitive e rispondenti alle esigenze di mercato. Marinoni June 1st, The project aims to look for innovative solutions to reduce the S.p.A. 2014 - 24 noise and vibration impact on humans and on the environment, months through the optimization of vibro-acoustic insulations, of passive silencers and of vessel dynamic response under operative extreme conditions. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY MARINO NI S.P.A. TBD BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 1335538 FC 7 500 k€ 1.DITENAVE Scarl Co2.Università financed degli Studi di by Trieste Region 3.Università Results: project in progress Friuli degli Studi di Venezia Udine Giulia 4.Cergol (PAR – Engineering FSC Consultancy 2007S.r.l. 2013) 5.DLM S.r.l. 6.FINCANTIERI S.p.A. Ricerca di nuove soluzioni per la riduzione dell’impatto acustico 500000 DLM, e vibratorio indotto sull’uomo e sull’ambiente interno ed MARINONI, esterno alla nave dagli impianti tecnici e dall’attività umana, CERGOL MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Transpo rt Maritim e Transpo rt SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY RITMARE - SP1 Maritime Technologies for the development and construction of a demonstration vessel National CNRINSEAN SAND project Regional & SubRegional Navigo DELLA NAVI DA CROCIERA DI NUOVA GENERAZIONE Progetto Bandiera La Ricerca Italiana per il Mare Maritim e Transpo rt Maritim e Transpo rt TITLE Research Project SeaBILLA—Sea Border EU Surveillance ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) attraverso l’ottimizzazione delle prestazioni delle isolazioni vibro-acustiche, dei silenziatori passivi e della risposta dinamica delle strutture nave con applicazioni a specifici casi di condizioni di lavoro estreme. 2011 The Project aims at testing various kinds of energy generation 2016 using different kinds of fuel and on-board energy recovery systems and, in general, to test new technologies with at sea experiments. The refitting of the Italian oceanographic fleet is also a major achievement. SAND project , in collaboration with the Municipality of Viareggio, Lucca Industry Association , a project of administrative simplification and dematerialisation of the process related to the transport of exceptional recreational craft and their components Professor 1/06/201 The SeaBILLA proposal aims to 1) define the architecture for Luca 0 & 45 cost-effective European Sea Border Surveillance systems, Facheris months integrating space, land, sea and air assets, including legacy systems; 2) apply advanced technological solutions to increase performances of surveillance functions; 3) develop and demonstrate significant improvements in detection, tracking, identification and automated behaviour analysis of all vessels, including hard to detect vessels, in open waters as well as close to coast. SeaBILLA is based on requirements for Sea Border Surveillance defined by experienced operational users. These requirements have been transformed into Scenarios representative of gaps and opportunities for fruitful cooperative information exchange between Members States a) for fighting drug trafficking in the English Channel; b) for addressing illegal immigration in the South Mediterranean; c) for struggling illicit activities in open-sea in the Atlantic waters from Canary Islands to the Azores; in BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS ENGINEERING , UniUD, UniTS, Distretto FVG 1550000 CINFAI, CNR 0 - MIUR (INSEAN, IAMC, IBF, ICB, ICTP, IENI, IREA, ISMAC, ISMAR, ISSIA, IST. MOTORI, ISTEC, ITAE) period 20082010 368,952 & EU SELEX SISTEMI INTEGRATI SPA - ALENIA AERONAUTICA SPA et al. MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE Maritim e Transpo rt Impro http://seatolan SEATOLAND EU vemen Connection of ports to t of their hinterland. sea accesi bility and transit capabi lities giving priorit y to multi modali ty and interm odality ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) coherence with the EU Integrated Maritime Policy, EUROSUR and Integrated Border Management, and in compliance with Member States sovereign prerogatives. The project will provide concrete added value and benefits for users, by providing a solution that can be implemented at national and EU level to increase effectiveness, pool resources and address Maritime Security and Safety challenges; for world competitiveness of EU industries, by increasing knowledge and reducing risks for future product investments; for European citizens, by providing effectively deployable solutions for law enforcement along the European sea borders. SeaBILLA will be carried out by a reliable team of major European system integrators, technology providers and leading research organizations, establishing strong links with several EU and national projects and assuring worldwide exploitation of project results. Municipa Septemb The project is framed within the regional cooperation program lity of er 27, MED, within its level 3 prioritization axis "mobility and Sevilla 2010; accessibility improvement to lands" and, in turn, within its aim end: 3.1 "Improvement of sea accesibility and transit capabilities April 3,0 giving priority to multimodality and intermodality". 2013 COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 1663 k € Seville City Council Leader of the project (Spain) et al. Port Authority of MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Maritim FP6-SUSTDEVe SHIPMATES Transpo rt TITLE SCALE SHIPrepair to MAintain Transport which is Environmentally Sustainable EU Maritim e Transpo rt EU FP7 SILENV http://www.sil Ships oriented Innovative solutions to reduce Noise and Vibrations EU Maritim e Transpo rt SIS-PRECODE SIS-PRECODE National Maritim e CORRENTE CONTINUA A Sist. Elettr. Integrato Regional con distribuz. In media & Subtensione a corrente Regional COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY SHIPBUIL DERS AND SHIPREP AIRERS ASSOCIA TION DCNS (FR) RINA FC ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 06/2004 to 05/2007 01/10/20 SILENV is a response to the requirement to solve/alleviate the 09 - 38 fundamental problems related to noise and vibrations within months the context of the maritime transport. Among the many issues of this project, it’s worth mentioning the sea acoustic pollution and its negative effects on marine wildlife, the comfort of passengers onboard, the disturbance for harbor area residents, the health safeguarding for crews and the many aspects concerning the international regulations on noise emission. Existing experimental data from main types of ships were analyzed and on-site measurements were carried out to identify the most critical sources of noise and vibrations. 01/2007 (36 Mesi) L’ analisi dei requisiti attesi di prodotti è stata sviluppata considerando due diversi aspetti: • Analisi dinamica di un Fast Motor Yacht di ultima generazione • Simulazione FEM e monitoraggio con estensimetri del varo di un Motor Yacht da 130m stuccato, La caratterizzazione degli stucchi epossidici è stata condotta con campagna di prove sperimentali su materiale bulk e su provini con supporto metallico primerizzato e stuccati. Le prove sono state poi simulate a calcolo FEM non lineare per poter estrapolare i valori di deformazione massima ammissibile. Tali valori sono stati assunti come limite ammissibile di deformazione nel calcolo FEM del Motor Yacht stuccato. 10/2010 Il progetto di ricerca industriale valuta, da un punto di vista to tecnico-scientifico, l’implementazione di un sistema elettrico 06/2014 integrato con distribuzione in media tensione a corrente BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 3447 CORE PARTICIPANT S A&P Tyne Ltd UK et al., BIURO 250/348 DCNS (FR), 7 CNR-INSEAN (funding) et al Europea n Union FP6 335/507 6 (actual costs) 5561488 ATLANTICAPERSEVERANZ A-RINA-APIFINCANTIERIBENETTI BOERO 1000000 FINCANTIERI, BLU ELECTRA, UNIVERSITA’ MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Transpo BASSA rt TENSIONE Maritim e Transpo rt TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY National Selex Elsag continua per grandi navi a proprulsione elettrica SlimPORT/Indu SlimPORT Sicurezza, stria2015 Logistica ed InterModalità Portuale ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) continua in grandi navi a propulsione elettrica. Il progetto analizza i 3 sottosistemi fondamentali legati all’introduzione della corrente continua: generazione, distribuzione e utilizzazione. Il progetto si prefigge di evidenziare nuove opportunità legate all’introduzione della corrente continua: - riduzione del volume del sistema di generazione; - miglioramento del comportamento dinamico della rete elettrica nelle situazioni in cui vi sia una richiesta improvvisa di potenza elettrica; - miglioramento della risposta e della riconfigurabilità in caso di guasto della rete elettrica in corrente continua; - miglioramento del controllo della potenza elettrica nelle varie condizioni operative della nave. 01/05/20 Il progetto SlimPORT, volto a sviluppare nuove tecnologie per 09 & 36 migliorare l’efficienza dei processi operativi in ambito portuale months e retro-portuale, è stato realizzato nell’ambito del Programma Industria 2015 - tema Mobilita’ Sostenibile - del Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico ed ha previsto lo sviluppo di 13 sistemi prototipali, realizzati da un ampio partenariato comprendente Aziende ed Enti di Ricerca coordinati dalla società Selex Elsag (Gruppo Finmeccanica). Le tecnologie realizzate integrano soluzioni modulari con lo scopo di velocizzare le operazioni portuali, per merci e passeggeri, minimizzando l’impatto ambientale; incrementare l’ intermodalità della catena logistica; migliorare la sicurezza nelle operazioni portuali. Le soluzioni coprono le principali attività che si svolgono nell'ultimo miglio mare - primo miglio terra, dalla navigazione in rada al controllo ambientale delle acque portuali, dalla gestione dell’attracco e del carico/scarico merci alla gestione dei piazzali con particolare attenzione alle merci pericolose, dalle operazioni doganali al trasferimento merci tra porto e retro porto per ferrovia o per strada. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS DI TRIESTE, POLITECNICO DI MILANO, AREA SCIENCE PARK, RINAVE 11.350 K€ & Governo Italiano, Minister o Sviluppo Economi co SelexElsag, et al. MAIN R&I AREAS COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY FC ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 39083 Il progetto si prefigge di sviluppare e validare un sistema per l’abbattimento delle emissioni, sperimentando tecnologie innovative nell’ambito del seawater scrubbing (lavaggio con acqua di mare, eventualmente additivati) e della riduzione catalitica delle emissioni inquinanti, e realizzando la completa integrazione tra le diverse tecnologie, così da permettere l’abbattimento di quegli inquinanti (SO2, NOx, particolato - PM) primario oggetto di controllo normativo. 07/2004 to 12/2007 OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Maritim ECOMOS e Transpo rt TITLE SCALE Soluzione avanzate di abbattimento dei gas di scarico delle navi per le motorways of the sea National Maritim e Transpo rt Res. Fund for Coal and Steel SOLVSTIR Solving Welding Problems by the use of Friction Stir EU GKSS FORSCH UNGSZE NTRUM GEESTHA CHT GMBH Maritim e Transpo rt Maritim e Transpo rt SOMAIN Regional & SubRegional Navigo period 20102012 EU FP7 Strategic research for STREAMLINE - innovative marine http://www.str propulsion systems EU Rolls Royce PLC (UK) 01/03/20 STREAMLINE project developed techniques and tools for 10 - 4 enhanced marine propulsion hydrodynamics efficiency. Studies years included new propulsion systems (large area propulsion, biomechanical foils and distributed thrust) and optimisation of state-of-the-art propulsion systems (screw propulsion, podded and contrarotating propellers, water-jets). Advanced new BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 6200000 CORE PARTICIPANT S FC, RAM 1055 CORUS UK Ltd. (GB), Danish Stir Welding Technology (DK), Fincantieri S.p.A. (IT), OCAS Onderzoeksce ntrum voor Aanwending van Staal N.V. (BE), Universität DuisburgEssen (DE) Project SOMAIN : new materials, new design patterns , new techniques of management of the life cycle craft 980/800 0 (funding) Europea n Union FP7 - Rolls Royce PLC (UK), CNRINSEAN (IT), MARIN (NL) MAIN R&I AREAS Maritim e Transpo rt Maritim e Transpo rt OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) S.A.S.C.A.R.(w TITLE SCALE Study and application Regional of active noise control & Subsystems on pleasure Regional boats and ships EU FP7 SONIC - Suppression of underwater noise induced by cavitation EU COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) computational methods for hydrodynamic design and optimisation have been developed and model tests have been done for validation and verification. Eng. October Gabriele 1st, 2010 CASTELLI - 28 months Esion S.r.l. MARIN (NL) The project aimed to study the development and application of a system for active noise control dedicated to the control of emissions with low frequency components propagated by some systems on board (eg. ventilation and air conditioning systems, generators) with the goal of making more comfortable and enjoyable the navigation experience for passengers and reduce the exposure to noise of the crew. Results: - a data base about the noise produced by the ships or yachts systems on board; - the hardware and software parts of an ANC (Active Noise Control) system, which is effective, economical and versatile against various problems that can be encountered on boats. 01/10/20 The aim of SONIC project is to develop tools to investigate and 12 - 3 mitigate the effects of underwater noise generated by shipping, years both in terms of the footprint of individual ships and of spatial distribution of sound from a large number of contributing ships. The project`s objectives are: (1) to enhance the understanding of noise generated by a cavitating ship propeller; (2) to validate predictions of noise levels for individual ships, and to classify ships based on simplified noise models; (3) to map the noise generated by shipping in general and to propose mitigation measures for quietening the oceans. BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 1298/10 900 (actual costs) 770 k€ Cofinanced by Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (POR – FESR 20072013) 301/300 0 (funding) Europea n Union FP7 400/420 0(actual costs) CORE PARTICIPANT S 1.Università degli Studi di Udine 2.Friuli Innovazione 3.RINAVE (today Ditenave) MARIN (NL), CNR-INSEAN (IT), HSVA (GE), Univ. of Newcastle (UK), Univ. of Southampton (UK), CETENA (IT), Wartsila (SE), Rolls Royce (UK), Navantia (ES), TNO (NL), Univ. Chalmers (SE), Germanisher TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Maritim e Transpo rt Sustai PON02_00153_ Sviluppo di Tecnologie Regional nabilit 2849085 Innovative per il & Suby, trattamento dei rifiuti Regional efficie liquidi della nt navigazione finalizzate energy alla Tutela dell’Ambiente Marino (STI-TAM) CNR ITAE 36 MESI: dal 01/07/20 12 al 30/06/20 15 Maritim e Transpo rt Sustai PON02_00153_ Sviluppo di Tecnologie Regional nabilit 2939551 Innovative per la & Suby, Sostenibilità Regional efficie Energetica e nt Ambientale di cantieri energy navali ed aree PORTuali (SEA-PORT) CNR ITAE 36 MESI: dal 01/02/20 12 AL 31/01/20 15 BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Lloyd (GE), ARTTIC (UK) The main objective of the STI-TAM project is to propose a 66837 Associati a integrated system for removal of pollutants from liquid waste NAVTEC: CNR from shipping activities, including bilge water and washing ITAE (Me), water, particularly tanks of oil tankers produced by the CNR ISMN (Pa) activities of navigation and maritime transport. This will be CNR IAMC achieved through bench and pilot plant scale with the following (Me), prototype development, the implementation of which will be UNIVERSITA' the main result of industrial research. DI CATANIA, UNIVERSITA' DI MESSINA, UNIVERSITA' DI PALERMO, FINCANTIERI SpA, NICO SpA, CANTIERE NAVALE DI AUGUSTA. The project "SEAPORT" is divided into several development 61.992,2 Associati a objectives, each of which focuses on different aspects which 4 NAVTEC: CNR have, however, one common denominator: the upgrading of ITAE (Me), energy and environmental yards and port areas. Further CNR ISMN (Pa) evaluation of the nature of energy and environmental systems CNR IAMC include the study of experimental able to take advantage of the (Me), wave energy and innovative technologies for the clean-up of UNIVERSITA' the docks. DI CATANIA, UNIVERSITA' DI MESSINA, UNIVERSITA' DI PALERMO, FINCANTIERI SpA, NICO MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Maritim e Transpo rt Production Engineering Maritim e Transpo rt FP6-SUSTDEVINMARE Maritim e Transpo rt TRIM Maritim e MIUR Cluster Tecnologici TITLE SCALE Sviluppo standard e National logiche di integrazione scafo-allestimento con applicazione software di simulazione ad eventi discreti Technologies and EU Methodologies for Safe, Environmentalfriendly and Efficient Shipping Operations of the future Technology and National industrial research for maritime mobility. Tecnologia e Ricerca Industriale per la Mobilità Marina National COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) FC 07/2010 to 06/2014 Consorzi o Armatori per la Ricerca S.r.l Mr Emilio F. CAMPAN A 04/2004 to 03/2006 January 1st, 2014 - 36 months Sviluppo di un progetto mediante strumenti di progettazione e pianificazione di tipo virtual factory per accrescere il profilo metodologico e promuovere nuove opportunità per la cantieristica e il business del mare, relativamente al processo di cost- saving nella costruzione navale e gestione del postvendita. TRIM is an ambitious work program that tackles some of the most relevant technological challenges posed by the national maritime sector, enabling Italy to enhance its European role as an interface between earth and sea in the Mediterranean. Consiglio The project is basically divided into seven sub‐projects, dealing Nazional with (i) weight reduction and vibration levels, (ii) ship’s e delle efficiency and more efficient propulsion systems (pump‐jet), Ricerche (iii) exhaust emission reduction, (iv) energy management, – CNR (v) dual‐fuel engines, (vi) new design tools and (vii) smart (INSEAN, monitoring for noise reduction. IM, IRC, Each sub‐project includes research and experimental activity in ISTEC) an holistic approach shared among research teams and industry partners. Results: project in progress CNR01/01/20 Sea transport has a key role in Italian economy, by contributing INSEAN 14 - 3 to significant extent the national GDP and using approximately years 480,000 employees. Research topics related to sustainable BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS SpA, CANTIERE NAVALE DI AUGUSTA. 1395761 FC 7 886 Norwegian Shipowners' Association NO et al. 9.805,5 k€ Cofinanced by National Funds Gruppo FINCANTIERI (Fincantieri – CETENA – SEASTEMA) et al. 1137/??? CNR ? (INSEAN,IM,IR (funding) C,ISTEC), MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Transpo Nazionali rt TRIM TITLE Maritim e Transpo rt TPE - Rete dei Porti Turistici per la sostenibilità ambientale IT-FR Marittimo 2007-2013 SCALE EU COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Regione Toscana ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) transport, energy efficiency, quality of products "Made in Italy", safety, environmental quality, are major technological challenges. Address them means increasing the competitiveness of Italian in the production of large cargo ships, cruise ships and yachts. This objective will be pursued by addressing several topics of research and innovation, including new materials, energy efficiency, security of transport ship, onboard comfort. The Innovation in these areas will allow Italy to increase its role as a European interface to the Mediterranean area. The project has the objective of environmental sustainability and the development of a social boating. The principal activities involve the establishment of environmental management systems of marinas and the connected areas productive, as well as a feasibility study for the construction, rationalization or improvement of dry ports. The project also involves research on the technologies needed to remediate soils and testing of installation of buoies for ecofriendly berths. Other activity foreseen by the project is the installation of systems of renewable sources of energy. The project has the objective of environmental sustainability and the development of a social boating. The principal activities involve the establishment of environmental management systems of marinas and the connected areas productive, as well as a feasibility study for the construction, rationalization or improvement of dry ports. The project also involves research on the technologies needed to remediate soils and testing of installation of buoies for ecofriendly berths. Other activity foreseen by the project is the installation of systems of renewable sources of energy. BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Italian Ministry of Educatio n and Researh 1421/10 910 (actual costs) 6.000.00 0 euro CORE PARTICIPANT S Gruppo FINCANTIERI et al. Regione Sardegna OEC – ADEC Provincia di Lucca Provincia di Olbia Tempio Provincia di Livorno Regione Liguria Dip. Ambiente – UPPC Camera di Commercio Genova Provincia di Grosseto MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Maritim PON&REC e (CTN01) Transpo rt TITLE SCALE Maritim e Transpo rt Maritim e Transpo rt Ecoinnovation 2012 TV4newood EU WDEMaspell UBE Underwater Blue Efficiency Regional & SubRegional Monte Carlo Yachts S.p.A. TRIM Technology and National Industrial Research for Marine COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Cluster "Trasport i 2020" ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 01/01/13 TRIM is an ambitious work program that tackles some of the - 36 most relevant technological challenges posed by the national months maritime sector. The project is basically divided into seven sub‐ projects, dealing with (i) weight reduction and vibration levels, (ii) ship’s efficiency and more efficient propulsion systems (pump‐jet), (iii) exhaust emission reduction, (iv) energy management, (v) dual‐fuel engines, (vi) new design tools and (vii) smart monitoring for noise reduction. Each sub‐project includes research and experimental activity in an holistic approach shared among research teams and industry partners. Expected new results are the (i) acquisition of new experience in reducing the ship’s weight (payload increase) by virtue of new composite materials and new modular designs and assembling techniques, avoiding at the same time any possible increase in the vibration levels, (ii) design and test (at laboratory scale) new technology for decreasing the ship’s drag via air‐lubrication (injection of an air layer into the ship’s boundary layer) or super‐hydrophobic materials; (iii) development of new techniques for the reduction of NOx emission via thermo‐fluid dynamics analysis of the exhausts; (iv) development of e‐tools for an easy, full‐time, capillary energy management on‐board; (v) the development of tools for the utilization of LNG and more in general of dual‐fuel; (vi) the development and test of new design tools including expert systems and (vii) new tools for the prediction and control of noise level and propagation. period Eco Innovation_ Project for the sustainability of timber on 2012maritime application which involves local SMEs 2015 BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Total: k€ 10.910 (Total Navtec: k€ 800) Research : € 9.579 (Researc h Navtec: € 800), Develop ment: € 226, Educatio n: € 1.105 Funding institutio n: MIUR May 1st, The project aims to search methods of numerical simulation of 499,7 k€ 2014 - 24 the state of the particles of the exhaust gas, from the engine to months the detachment from the hull. It also seeks to test different Cogeometries and hydro-aerodynamic virtual appendices, so as to financed CORE PARTICIPANT S Sicilia Navtec, AzimutBenetti, Perini Navi, Ustica Lines, Cetena, Seastema, Ditenave, Fincantieri, CNR, Nextworks, IB, Sultan, Opus Automazione 1.DITENAVE Scarl 2.SISSA 3.EIDON Lab. MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) define the optimal geometries for the exhaust gas manifold for hydrodynamic and environemental emissions purposes. Results: project in progress Maritim e Transpo rt Utilizzo del gas naturale sulle navi:soluzioni impiantistiche avanzate peer il trasportomaritt imo sostenibile - NG Ship/POR FESR 200713/www.ngshi Utilizzo del gas naturale sulle navi:soluzioni impiantistiche avanzate peer il trasportomarittimo sostenibile - NG Ship Regional & SubRegional Wärtsilä Italia 01/09/20 NG ShiP - Natural Gas for Ship Propulsion is an industrial 10 & 24 research project investigating the use of natural gas as a months propulsion fuel for cargo ships. The project also aims at developing advanced plant engineering solutions for sustainable maritime transport. Relevant reduction of emissions Zero emission of SOx and particulates, -25% of CO2 emission and -85% of NOx production. Unrestricted sailing in the ECAs. Maritime traffic and economic analysis. A statistical analysis of the world maritime traffic has identified the most suitable vessels for the installation of LNG propulsion plants. Thermo-fluid dynamic analysis of the LNG A very accurate computational software allows the prediction of the fuel methan number during the ship's voyage. Fuel cells and energy storage systems. The use of Boil Off Gas for the production of electric power through fuel cells is the main innovative solution of the project. NG ShiP has paid particular attention to all safety aspects of the LNG propulsion system. All the technological solutions proposed by the project have been previously analyzed and validated by RINA Services, one of the project partners. Following the rule indications emerged during the course of NG Ship project, RINA has updated, in January 2012, the gas fuelled ships section of the "Rules for the Classification of Ships". BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS by Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (PAR – FSC 20072013) 900 K€ & Commiss ione Europea, Govrrno italiano e Regione FVG CORE PARTICIPANT S Scarl 4.Università degli Studi di Udine 5.Cergol Engineering Consultancy S.r.l. 6.DLM S.r.l. Wärtsilä Italia, Cenergy, Energy automation, Navalprogetti, RINA Services, Università degli studi di Trieste, Università degli studi di Udine, Consorzio per l'AREA di Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica di Trieste. MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Maritim INNAUTIC e Transpo rt TITLE SCALE Verso la creazione di un sistema integrato pubblico-privato per la competitività, l’innovazione e il capitale umano nel settore nautico alto mediterraneo" EU COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Regione Liguria ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 28/06/20 "Ai fini di una maggiore coerenza con la Strategia di Lisbona e di 10 - 36 un aumento della competitività dell’area di mesi riferimento, appare fondamentale lo sviluppo di un sistema per l’innovazione e la competitività del settore nautico con un sempre più forte carattere di internazionalità. Riconoscendo come punti di forza le differenze esistenti tra i territori sia dal punto di vista della produzione cantieristica che dal punto di vista socioambientale, il progetto ha come obiettivo generale la delineazione di un percorso congiunto verso un distretto dell’alto Mediterraneo che coinvolga le quattro regioni partner. L’innovazione della nautica deve concentrarsi su vari aspetti, come la condivisione di buone pratiche, la realizzazione di servizi alle imprese già esistenti, la creazione di nuove realtà produttive, il miglioramento della formazione e l’incremento del marketing territoriale; tali tematiche, raccordate tra loro strategicamente, verranno sviluppate nei sottoprogetti, attraverso azioni di sistema ed azioni pilota con l’obiettivo di adottare le migliori strategie transfrontaliere. A livello di Programma e di coerenza della progettazione strategica, va sottolineato che tutte le attività dedicate al mondo delle imprese, che siano già esistenti o di nuova costituzione, sono state inserite nel progetto strategico “INNAUTIC”, mentre le attività dedicate ai utilizzatori dei prodotti/servizi offerti dal mondo dell’impresa, cioè i diportisti/turisti sono state inserite nel progetto “TPE”. Il collegamento è rappresentato dalla creazione di un portale unico comune ai due Progetti strategici sia dagli operatori del settore sia dai fruitori dei servizi, e nel quale saranno inseriti anche i dati relativi ai progetti semplici già operativi (Mistral, Serena, Odissea, etc). Il progetto parte da un potenziamento della collaborazione tra la BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 6000 k€ FESR+CN CORE PARTICIPANT S Liguria, Toscana, Sardegna, Corsica MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE Maritim e Transpo rt FP6-SUSTDEVVISIONS Maritim e Transpo rt WWW.YARENE YARE TWORKING.NE T SCALE Visionary concepts for EU vessels and floating structures EU COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) ricerca e il mondo dell’impresa con lo scopo di creare le condizioni per aumentare la flessibilità produttiva e il dinamismo commerciale. Il progetto mira anche alla creazione di nuove imprese, attraverso la realizzazione di un polo/cluster transfrontaliero altomediterraneo (insulare/continentale). Un aspetto ulteriore è rappresentato dalle attività di technology forecasting e di governance territoriale con lo scopo di valutare e prevedere i bisogni reali e valorizzare le opportunità esistenti per lo sviluppo del settore nautico. Il progetto strategico si propone inoltre di ottenere una rappresentazione precisa del mercato del lavoro nel settore della nautica e creare le condizioni per intervenire su tale mercato, lavorando sul miglioramento formativo e gestionale, sulla mobilità del lavoro e relazionandosi con le realtà economiche in cui nasce la domanda." 04/2005 to 03/2009 CESA ASBL COMITE DES ASSOCIA TIONS DES CONTRU CTEURS DE NAVIRES EUROPEE NS Navigo period 20122015 Organization of the event in divided into 3 times (events, business , 365 ) to provide the most comprehensive and useful overview of the world 's marine refit . BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 5000 IMAWIS Maritime Wirtschaftsund Schiffbauforsc hung GmbH DE et al. MAIN R&I AREAS MSP ICZM MSP ICZM OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) ADRIPLAN http://adriplan. eu/ ITALIAN MINISTRY FOR THE ENVIRONMENT , LAND AND SEA TITLE SCALE ADRiatic Ionian maritime spatial PLANning. SPECIFIC CONTRACT No. SI2. 666717- AGREEMENT NUMBER MARE/2012/25. Regional & SubRegional ADRICOSM STAR EU Integrated river basin and coastal zone managements system: Montenegro coastal area and Bojana river catchment COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY CNRSede di Venezia Istituto di Scienze del Mare ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 10/12/20 The ADRIPLAN project will improve the ongoing process to 13 (18,20 develop MSP in the region, to overcome barriers of full M) participation of all neighboring countries in the process and promote sound technically/scientifically based political decisions in order to promote a coherent transnational approach to the spatial planning of the marine seas. The study area is the Adriatic - Ionian Macroregion considered as a whole, zooming into two focus areas, one in the Northern Adriatic Sea and the other in Southern Adriatic Northern Ionian Sea. The project will be pivotal to improve the ongoing process to develop MSP in the Mediterranean and Black Sea: • by using the best knowledge available • by evaluating present and future potential conflicts and synergies among marine and maritime uses • by applying an ecosystem-based approach to the management of human activities MINISTE 2007 RO 2010 AMBIENT E-CMCCCNR ISMAR BO E AN • through the engagement of the Institutional partners and the Observers • through the effective interaction with the key stakeholders ADRIPLAN promotes the harmonized implementation of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR). The project is implemented by 17 Partners from 4 countries of the Adriatic –Ionian Macroregion: 8 Scientific Partners and 9 Institutional Partners (inner circle). 17 Observers (outer circle) are also contributing to the project. The project aims to develop and implement the integrated coastal area, river and urban waters management system. The area of investigation is the Bojana river Delta and the whole Montenegro Adriatic coast. The project aims at developing innovative components such as studies of climate change impacts on the water resources and sediment transport. This is a new element of the ADRICOSM Partnership that will be implemented for the first time, thus contributing to develop BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € 1.250.00 0,00 Unione Europea – DG Maritime Affairs 3180000 - 400000 CORE PARTICIPANT S CoNISMa, CORILA, CNR et al. 18 MAIN R&I AREAS MSP ICZM OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) m-star/ m-ext/ MSP ICZM DG MARE - DG MARE www.adriplan. eu MSP ICZM Ministry of Agriculture Ministerial ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) tools and concepts for the integrated management of the Adriatic coastal areas. ADRICOSM-EXTInternatio INGV (IT) settIntegrated coastal zone and river basin management systems ADRIATIC SEA nal 2005 are now being developed to answer urgent societal questions INTEGRATED RIVER (30M) such as the sustainable development of coastal areas, the BASIN AND COASTAL exploitation of coastal resources and the protection of the ZONE MANAGEMENT coastal environment. SYSTEM The sustainable development of the coastal areas depends on the quality of the marine environment, and it is timely to develop an assessment/forecasting system to enable policy decisions to be taken in a modern and efficient way. The major aims of this project are: - to demonstrate the feasibility of Near Real Time (NRT) coastal current forecasts; - to carry out the implementation of a river basin and wastewater management system in an Adriatic test site; - to develop the integration of the river system with the coastal current forecasting. The key step toward integrated coastal areas and river basin management system is to connect the catchment basin runoff and the wastewater management with marine environment monitoring and forecasting, since the coastal areas are strongly forced by the drainage basin inputs and disperse these inputs in a complex hydrodynamic environment. ADRIPLAN Adriatic EU Italy CNR 2013 The project Adriatic Ionian maritime spatial planning will deliver Ionian maritime ISMAR 2015 a commonly-agreed approach to cross-border MSP in the spatial planning Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion. The projects promotes an harmonized implementation under an ecosystem based approach of the EU legislative framework on marine and maritime issues, including the ICZM Protocol for the Mediterranean and the new Directive proposal on ICZM-MSP. BALLO Biofuels from National Universit 2010 The requirement of the project BALLO is that collected Algae in the Lagoon of à degli 2013 macroalgae might represent a potential resource, not Lesina and Orbetello Studi di adequately exploited yet, for the biofuels production. TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 1.000 K€ UNIBO; ENEA CNR; OGS; CLU; APAT; NIB.MBS (Slovenia); RBI.MBS (Croazia); FCEMostar(Bosnia ) 1250000 - 258048 17 247500 68904 2 MAIN R&I AREAS MSP ICZM MSP ICZM MSP ICZM OTHE PROJECT/INITI TITLE R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Decree 26271/7303 / odynamics.unis APAT-ISPRA CARG http://www.isp it/it/progetti/p rogetto-cargcartografiageologica-egeotematica REGIONE MARCHE - Enviro nment and Rural and Marin e produ ctions ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Siena – CNR ISMAR Lesina National APATISPRA – CNR ISMAR BOLOGN A 2002 2011 CARTOGRAFIA MARCHE Regional & SubRegional 2006 2011 Corem COOPERATION OF ECOLOGICAL NETWORKS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN EU GIUNTA REGIONE MARCHE - CNR ISMAR BOLOGN A REGIONE AUTONO MA DELLA SARDEG NA Assessor ato Difesa dell’Ambi ente, April 1st, 2010; duration 36 months BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Geological mapping of the Adriatic sea in scale 1: 250,000. 1136205 The CARG (Geological CARtography) project launched in 1988 involves the creation of 652 geological and geothematic sheets 1136205 on a scale of 1:50,000 covering the entire national area. The Project involves the creation of a database supplying more detailed geological and geothematic maps enabling cartographic data to be used for many different purposes. It will provide the cognitive tools – geological data – required for proper territorial planning and management and, in particular, for the prevention, reduction and mitigation of hydrogeological risk. Program agreement for the geological sea map execution of the 225964 following geological sheets at the scale 1: 50.000: n. 268 Pesaro, n. 269 Fano, 281 Senigallia, n. 282 Ancona, n. 293 Osimo, n. 304 Civitanova Marche Enhancement of the natural heritage of the ecological network through cross-border sharing of experiences, models, good practices and research methodologies, and through the implementation of cross-border networks and equipment and intangible assets 6000 k € 60 2 Collectivité Unità Tecnica Complessa RegionaleUnità Operativa Attività Specialistiche -Provincia di Oristano- et al. MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE MSP ICZM Socioe GOW conom ic & Policy Resear ch Creation of instruments for water resources governance and for the preservation of the coastal marine ecosystem – GOW (INTERREG IIIA GREECE ITALY 20002006) EU ECHOS PROGETTO ECHOS Electronic systems Applied for the Protection of Environment and Sustainable Development SEAPASS (INTERREG IIIA National MSP ICZM MSP ICZM Socioe SEAPASS conom ic & Policy Resear ch Regional & SubRegional COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Servizio Tutela della Natura Regione PugliaItaly Comune di Otranto ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 18/02/20 The project aims to create tools for the governance of surface 07 (19,67 water resources, groundwater and coastal marine in order to M) achieve integrated operations planning, management and monitoring; the main purpose is to foster actions for reuse of water for surface water monitoring, for mapping coastal marine waters potentially affected by discharges, for planning and ecosystem management, for training of staff provost. 2004 2009 01/04/20 07 (18,27 M) RILEVAMENTO SITI ARCHEOLOGICI TRAMITE ECOSONDA Aim of the project The project aims to the defence and improvement of the natural environment under risk in the coastal zones where EEC relevant habitat occur belonging to the Otranto and Patras territories, developing informative systems useful for the sustainable management of coastal environment. Activities carried out Wave-climate analysis, geomorphologycal mapping of coastal BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € 945.772, 00 Provincia di Brindisi CoNISMa, Province of Brindisi-Italy, CoNISMaItaly, City of Brindisi-Italy, Province of ZacintoGreece, A.R.P.A. Puglia-Italy, University of Lecce-Italy, University of PatrassoGreece, Marine Protected Area of Torre Guaceto -253200 € 946.800, 00 Regione Puglia CoNISMa, "Municipal enterprise for planning and development of Patras (GREECE)Comune di MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY GREECE ITALY 20002006) " MSP ICZM LIFE04ENVT/IT/ 000479 http://emma.b EMMA EU Environmental Management through Monitoring and Modelling of Anoxia CNR ISMAR BOLOGN A MSP ICZM REGIONE TOSCANA GARA SABBIE Environmental compatibility study of the exploitation of underwater sand deposits for nourishment along the Tuscany Continental Shelf. CIMB Regional & SubRegional ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) landscape, morphobathymetric and sedimentological survey of Baia dell'Orte (Otranto) and Punta Aynà (Patras Achieved results Thematic mps to support the planning of smart buoys field which are part of SEAPASS system. 2004 The EMMA project aims to develop a local integrated strategy 2007 for reducing the environmental and socio-economic impacts of hypoxia and/or anoxic events in coastal areas of the North Adriatic Sea. It is meant to transfer scientific and technical knowledge to the local authorities, to raise the awareness on the use of integrated environmental management systems, and to enable the diffusion of this model throughout Europe 01/03/20 Aim 09 (31, Physical, chemical, microbiological and ecotoxicological 43 M) characterisation of sediments and water column, and developpement of a mathematical model to be applied to the transport dynamics of suspended matter. Writing of a monitoring scheme for the study of the turbidity layer linked to the dredging. Activities Study of the environmental compatibility of the relict sands (Massa and Piombino caves, Tuscany) for beach-nourishment use. We will provide data collection and elaboration for the areas involved, characterisation and analysis of the sands and caves involved in the dredging, transport and nourishment; creation of a monitoring scheme for the sampling areas, transport gangway and nourishment sites. Results We characterised the sediments and water column from chemo-physical and ecotoxicological points of view, and collected dynamic and turbidity data in the areas involved in the dredging. Finally, we created a simulation model for the sediment dispersion during the dredging operations. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Otranto (ITALY) " 1858089 - 903709 € 777.000, 00 Regione Toscana 11 CoNISMa, CIRPS, GEOPOLARIS, THETIS. MAIN R&I AREAS MSP ICZM MSP ICZM OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) AUTORITA' BACINO PUGLIA TITLE SCALE Feasibility study for the integration of propaedeutic studies for the preparation of the extract plan of the dynamics of the coasts. Regional & SubRegional Recov ENI-SAIPEM ery of S.p.A. habita t damag ed by huma n impact Genetica di popolazione di Posidonia oceanica National COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY CoNISMa Fabio Badalam enti, CNRIAMC ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 18/06/20 The activities were aimed at defining the state of knowledge on 09 (8,50 the continental shelves of Puglia, useful for detecting the M) possible presence and consistences of marine sedimentary deposits of sand, suitable for artificial beach nourishment operations in erosion. These objectives have been achieved through a literature research, reasoned and detailed geophysical and sedimentological data, which enabled the collection and systematization of existing information and knowledge, unpublished, available to all institutions participating in the research. The study has involved all the research groups that: 1) had the most experience and expertise in the research of possible relict sands on a regional scale, 2) conducted in the past, marine geology research in Puglia region and were in possession of data and knowledge on which base the definition of the state of knowledge, 3) had knowledge of general geological setting on Puglia and access to studies carried out locally. The study coordinated by the UR " La Sapienza" University" (which contributed for point 1), involved the Local Units of Research of the University of Bari (point 3), and Sannio (point 2 - Ionian Sea) and the Institute CNR ISMAR (point 2 - Adriatic Sea). Start: Jun The project aimed to evaluate the feasibility to use seed and 29st seedlings coming from P. oceanica meadows located in the 2011. Sicily Strait for restoration and compensation initiatives in areas Duration: involved in the deployment of the "GALSI" pipeline. Trough a 18 molecular approach the project performed a genetic months characterization of the meadows interested by the deployment of the Galsi pipeline, i.e. those located along the coasts of Porto Botte and Olbia in Sardinia, Piombino in Tuscany and of the meadows identified as potential donor bed, located in the strait of Sicily with the aim to evaluate genetic compatibility of the biological material. Both adults and seeds coming from the Sicily strait were collected and analyzed. BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € 58.334,0 0Autorità di Bacino della Puglia CORE PARTICIPANT S CoNISMa 76500 CNR-IAMC MAIN R&I AREAS MSP ICZM MSP ICZM MSP ICZM MSP ICZM OTHE PROJECT/INITI TITLE R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) http://www.dp MAPS (Marine Planning and Service Platform) Piattaform a informatica per la pianificazione ed il controllo dell’ambiente marino e lo sviluppo di servizi a valore aggiunto. (MAPS) MAR NERO Riduzione dell'erosione costiera sulla costa del Mar Nero http://www.g MARCOAST-GMES mesMarine and Coastal Information Service Extension and transfer - MARINA Modellistica ad Alta Risoluzione Integrata del Nord Adriatica MARINA SCALE EU COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Delta Progetti (PORFESR per DLTM) EU ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) March 1, Development of a digital library to be linked to observational 2014 data 2011 - Internatio ACRI (Fr) nal National -130000 MarCoast supports long-term sustainable operations for GMES services in the oil pollution and water quality sectors; as part of a durable, open, and distributed GMES Service Provision Network. It aims to set up standards and working practices for GMES services in the area of oil pollution and water quality. The project consortium is formed by 32 experienced partners that guarantee the performance and quality of the information delivered, MarCoast activities go further than providing operational core services. They include the formation of an infrastructure and information system, strategy and assessment activities, validation bureaus, and federation of users according to their needs. 2011 2012 BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS about 400k € 1.000 K€ (fondi ISAC-CNR 60 K€) -240000 CORE PARTICIPANT S Delta Progetti, SYO, ETT, CNR MAIN R&I AREAS MSP ICZM OTHE PROJECT/INITI TITLE R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) http://www.str Marine Strategy MSP ICZM MINISTERO MEDPOL AMBIENTE http://www.un ex.php?module =content2&cati d=001017003 MSP ICZM FP7 EUROPEAN COMMISSION http://ec.europ ffairs/atlas/abo ut/related_link s/ m SCALE National EU MedSea ck-pt EU MARE/2012/11 - Lot 2 The Mediterranean Sea - Growth and innovation in ocean economy- Gaps and priorities in sea basin observation and data Contract number: SI2.658137 ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 2012Member States shall, in respect of each marine region or 2013 subregion concerned, develop and implement a marine strategy for its marine waters, make an initial assessment, determine a set of characteristics for good environmental status and establish a comprehensive set of environmental targets and associated indicators for their marine waters to guide towards achieving good environmental status in the marine environment. MINISTE 2008 Support to the Monitoring Plan of the marine sediments in the RO 2009 Montenegro area, supervising and training local research staff AMBIENT on the activities of sediments study. E – CNR The MED POL Programme (the marine pollution assessment ISMAR and control component of MAP) is responsible for the follow up BOLOGN work related to the implementation of the LBS Protocol, the A Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-Based Sources and Activities (1980, as amended in 1996), and of the dumping and Hazardous Wastes Protocols. MED POL assists Mediterranean countries in the formulation and implementation of pollution monitoring programmes, including pollution control measures and the drafting of action plans aiming to eliminate pollution from landbased sources. 2013 L’obiettivo generale del progetto, coordinato da INGV, è la 2016 costruzione di un portale denominato “EMODnet-MedSeacheckpoint” in cui sono sintetizzate le informazioni derivanti da altri portal Europei e sistemi nazionali per le valutazioni relative alla MSFD, attività industriali offshore, gestione della pesca e protezione delle risorse naturali. Il progetto darà l’avvio ad un meccanismo di valutazione della qualità dei sistemi di monitoraggio esistenti, in termini di accessibilità, disponibilità, uso-multiplo, efficenza, affidabilità, consistenza temporale e spaziale, etc. e la programmazione di sviluppi tecnologici, nuove forme di accessibilità, nuovi protocolli di aggregazione, e la COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY MATTM/I spra BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 2000000 CORE PARTICIPANT S CNR, Conisma 240000 240000 2 1095000 - 170000 10 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Luc van Hoof, IMARES, Ijmuiden (The Netherla nds) MSP ICZM www.mesma.o MESMA - Monitoring rg and Evaluation of Spatially Managed Areas EU MSP ICZM - Regional & SubRegional MSP ICZM MSP ICZM MODELLI MARANO GRADO Approfondimento della modellizzazione dell'idrodinamica e del trasporto dei sedimenti delle Lagune di Marano e Grado MONITORAGGIO BOCCHE DI PORTO Piano di monitoraggio degli effetti prodotti dalla costruzione delle opere alle bocche di porto lagunari Model http://www.sig PON 2007-2013 s to SIGIEC - Integrated develo management system p an for Coastal erosion effecti ve Regional & SubRegional National Coordina tor: Rosanna De Rosa (Universi tà della ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) definizione delle priorità nelle osservazioni richieste nel futuro per soddisfare le sfide e le esigenze. Start: MESMA has focused on marine spatial planning and aimed to Nov. 1st produce management tools for Monitoring, Evaluation and 2009. implementation of Spatially Managed marine Areas. Duration: MESMA has supplied innovative methods and strategies for 48 governments, local authorities, stakeholders, and other months managerial bodies for planning and decision making at different scales, for the sustainable development of European seas. At the heart of project was the MESMA framework, which explores how the management initiatives in a certain area were established, so that they can be evaluated and monitored 2010 2011 BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 8.517.74 IMARES - et al. 9,00 (243.906, 00) -63175 2005 2012 Piano di monitoraggio degli effetti prodotti dalla costruzione delle opere alle bocche di porto lagunari - resp. Zaggia -1070256 21/05/20 1231/05/20 15 A cooperation among Università della Calabria - UNICAL (Dipartimento di Biologia, Ecologia e Scienze della Terra), CNRISAC, CNR-IAMC, Massa Spin-off s.r.l., Crati s.c.r.l., SISTER Sistemi Territoriali s.r.l. The project deals with coastal erosion phenomenon. It is necessary both developing an effective “forecast method for beach erosion evolution”, that depends 6.808.44 9,33 (CNR 1.789.46 6,51) Università della Calabria - UNICAL (Dipartimento di Biologia, Ecologia e MAIN R&I AREAS MSP ICZM OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) "forec ast metho d for beach erosio n evoluti on", that depen ds on enviro nment al, natura l or huma n stressi ng, as preve ntion action. REGIONE LIGURIA INDAGINI GEOFISICHE TITLE SCALE Realization of geophysical prospecting and sampling of the seabed in front of the Ligurian coast to the geological map scale 1:25.000 of sheets 270 Ventimiglia and Regional & SubRegional COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Calabria UNICAL Dipartim ento di Biologia, Ecologia e Scienze della Terra). Other compani es: CNRISAC, CNRIAMC, Massa Spin-off s.r.l., Crati s.c.r.l., SISTER Sistemi Territoria li s.r.l. CoNISMa ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) on environmental, natural or human stressing, as prevention action . The main target within this project will be develop a Decision Support System. Modern and advanced information technologies, regarding territory analysis and business intelligence will be adopted in order to support decision makers on two main strategic decisional levels: prevention and support level. 25/11/20 The aim of the project was aimed to collect seismic profiles and 09 (7,07 sediment samples within two area located offshore the Ligurian M) coastline, for the realization of the geological chart at scale 1:25.000 of the sheets 270 Ventimiglia and 259 Imperia (Risknat project). Activities The main project activities were related to the planning and the realization of the oceanographic cruise RISKNAT, that was aimed to acquire geophysical data and sediment samples within BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Scienze della Terra), CNRISAC, CNRIAMC, Massa Spin-off s.r.l., Crati s.c.r.l., SISTER Sistemi Territoriali s.r.l. € 76.747,1 0Regione Liguria CoNISMa MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY 259, Imperia (Risknat Project). MSP ICZM REGIONE EMILIA ROMAGNA - REGIONE EMILIA ROMAGNA REGIONE EMILIA ROMAGNA: beach nourishment Regional & SubRegional MSP ICZM Progetto Bandiera La Ricerca Italiana per il Mare RITMARE - SP3 Maritime Spacial Planning in Coastal Waters National MSP ICZM Sea shoreli ne restor ation Agreement SABBIE between IAMCCNR and the Extraordinary Commissioner Delegate for the implementatio Regional & SubRegional ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) two areas located offshore the Ligurian coastline, for the realization of the geological chart at scale 1:25.000 of the sheets 270 Ventimiglia and 259 Imperia. REGIONE EMILIA ROMAG NA – CNR ISMAR BOLOGN A CNRISMAR 2009 2011 2011 2016 IAMCCNR 1 year, 2012 Results The seafloor mapping activities carried out during the project oceanographic cruise, within the two explored areas (Imperia e Ventimiglia) between 20 and 1600 meters of water depth, allowed to acquire 46 seismic profiles, acquired trough a minigun, and 44 sediment samples by grab. Contribution to the implementation of a software aimed at managing the deposits of submarine sand and to the implementation of the related database for the activity planning of beach nourishment in Emilia Romagna BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 120000 120000 2 The project provides a set of tools to support the decisionmaking process for integrated coastal management, the development of protocols, the protection and mitigation to climate change impacts. In particular, the project develops and promote, among the authorities responsible for coastal management, the use of decision support systems that can integrate information from scientific, technical and economic point of view. 1800000 0 - MIUR The research project is aimed at identifying relict sand on the deck overlooking the Gulf of Gela in Sicily, in order to restore the sea shoreline on endangered sites in Sicily 123.000, 00 (123.000, 00) CNR (CERIS, IAMC, IBAF, INSEAN, IREA, IRPI, IRSA, ISAC, ISMAR, ISSIA), CINFAI, CONISMA, ENEA, INGV, OGS, SZN IAMC-CNR MAIN R&I AREAS MSP ICZM OTHE PROJECT/INITI TITLE R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) n of the measures for the mitigation of hydrogeologica l risk in Sicily ENI SPA SEALINE 3 SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Regional & SubRegional ENI Spa – CNR ISMAR BOLOGN A ENITECN OLOGIE ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 2010 2013 252000 252000 2 192000 192000 2 MSP ICZM ENI SPA - SEALINE2 Regional & SubRegional MSP ICZM - Regional & SubRegional 2011 - MSP ICZM - Regional & SubRegional 2010 - MSP ICZM REGIONE TOSCANA SEDIMENTI CANALE INDUSTRIALE Analisi campioni - Canale industriale Nord Analisi e classificazione sedimenti darsena della Rana SEDIMENTI FASCIA COSTIERA Indagine preliminare sulle caratteristiche dei sedimenti superficiali della fascia costiera veneta - resp. Cassin Seismic surveys and seabed drilling, near the coast of Tuscany Regional & SubRegional 2005 2007 Contract N. 4900199835 Collaboration service concerning the characterization of sediments in front of Ravenna Sedimentological and geochemical characterization of the coastal area in front of Punta Marina and evaluation and monitoring of Punta Marina buried pipelines. Monitoring coastal line and sediments of Ravenna + extension VIASR Sedimentological and geochemical characterization of the coastal area in front of Punta Marina and evaluation and monitoring of Punta Marina buried pipelines. -76723 Indagine preliminare sulle caratteristiche dei sedimenti superficiali della fascia costiera veneta CoNISMa 01/07/20 The aim of the project was to identify, map and quantify the 04 (54,80 possible deposits of inert materials to be used for beach M) -95040 € 1.666.50 0,00 - CoNISMa, GAS Srl Geological MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) MSP ICZM SHAPE (IPA Adriatic) MSP ICZM SHELL - MSP ICZM MSP ICZM TITLE to find marine sand and gravel for beach replenishment Shaping an Holistic Approach to Protect the Adriatic Environment, between coast and sea SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) nourishment, present on the continental shelf in front of the Tuscany. Internatio Emilianal Romagna Region (IT) march 2011 March 2014 SHELL Internatio SHELL – nal CNR ISMAR BOLOGN A 2011 2013 - SISOE Progetto SISOE 2011 - - SOLLEVAMENTO VENEZIA Analisi dell'architettura dei Regional & SubRegional Regional & SubRegional 2010 - BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Regione Toscana SHAPE project aims at the development of a multilevel and 4139170 cross-sector governance system, based on an holistic approach and on an integrated management of the natural resources, risk’s prevention and conflicts resolution among uses and users of the Adriatic coast and sea. SHAPE has developed a series of tools useful for ICZM and MSP that could be used after the project by the partners and all the Adriatic actors as a precious “toolbox” for decision makers, i.e. the "GIS Adriatic Atlas for MSP", the "Art.8 Protocol provision implementation test", the report of the pilot action "Maritime perspectives on sea space, coastal areas and their use. Shaping technical tools to resolve conflicts according to MSP approach" Diluted, Shell-slope sapropel beds: a new look at organic rich 242000 fine grained sediments. 242000 The overarching objective of the Shell-Ismar project "Diluted, shelf-slope sapropel beds: a new look at organic-rich fine-grained sediments" is to test the feasibility of using recent Mediterranean Sapropel beds (in particular sapropel S1), as a quasi-modern analogue for organicrich sediments in the ancient rock record (either studied in outcrop or in well data). Progetto SISOE -280000 Analisi dell'architettura dei depositi pliopleistocenici sublagunari quale conoscenza di base nell'ambito delle opere -195000 CORE PARTICIPANT S Assistano and Services Lead Beneficiary EmiliaRomagna Region et al. MAIN R&I AREAS MSP ICZM OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) FP 7 Marie Curie - n/a MSP ICZM Recov ENI-SAIPEM ery of S.p.A. habita t damag ed by huma n impact MSP ICZM Recov ENI-SAIPEM ery of S.p.A. habita TITLE SCALE depositi pliopleistocenici sublagunari quale conoscenza di base nell'ambito delle opere per la salvaguardia fisica di Venezia e della fattibilità di un progetto di sollevamento della città - Carbognin SOMFLOOD National Compositional changes of sedimentary organic matter from a 100year flood deposit: insights into eventdriven processes in the coastal ocean SPERIMENTAZIONE DI National METODOLOGIE DI FACILITAZIONE DEL RECLUTAMENTO NATURALE DI GERMOGLI POSIDONIA OCEANICA FINALIZZATE AL RIPRISTINO DELLE PRATERIE SPERIMENTAZIONE DI National METODOLOGIE DI TRAPIANTO DI RIZOMI COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) per la salvaguardia fisica di Venezia e della fattibilità di un progetto di sollevamento della città - Carbognin BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Oregon 2008 State 2011 Universit y – USACNR ISMAR BOLOGN A In spite of their importance as sites of long-term burial of 230668 organic matter, key questions remain regarding the factors 230668 controlling carbon sequestration in river subaqueous deltas. The project aims to analyze the composition of organic matter in sediments from the Po River prodelta (Italy) and to conduct a series of analyses designed to test specific aspects of a conceptual model of non-steady state biogeochemical organic matter cycling in coastal margins. Fabio Badalam enti, CNRIAMC Start: Jun 29st 2011. Duration: 18 months Fabio Badalam enti, Start: Feb 29st 2012. The project aimed to develop innovative restoration and natural recovery facilitation methodologies of Posidonia oceanica meadows based on the use of seeds and seedlings. The natural recovery of P. oceanica meadows can take place only where all habitat requirements of this species are met. In this scenario substratum type and complexity proved to be key factors driving the natural process of recovery. The experimentation performed evaluated suitability of different substrata for Posidonia oceanica seedlings settlement and anchorage to be used in restoration initiatives. Basing on previous observations on the natural recovery of Posidonia oceanica meadow at Capo Feto (Western Sicily), the project aims to test new methodologies of Posidonia oceanica 69600 CNR-IAMC 278300 CNR-IAMC 2 MAIN R&I AREAS MSP ICZM OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) t damag ed by huma n impact REGIONE SARDEGNA TITLE SCALE DI POSIDONIA OCEANICA FINALIZZATE AL RIPRISTINO DELLE PRATERIE Studio geomarino e geomorfologico dell’area marina costiera ed analisi delle dinamiche sedimentologiche e morfodinamiche relative al compendio regionale di S.Margherita di Pula. Regional & SubRegional ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) Duration: restoration through transplantation of vegetative fragments on ongoing cages filled with calcareous cobbles and provided with different devices to fix in place fragments. Cages filled with cobbles proved to have adequate stability and complexity to allow vegetative fragment retention and growth. Moreover spaces between cobbles inside the cages allowed settlement of vegetative fragments detached by the meadow and drifted away by waves and current to the study area. CoNISMa 29/12/20 Aim of the project 06 To provide a complete analysis of the lay-outs of the emerged /16,27 and submerged beach of Santa Margherita di Pula during the M) various seasons; to describe the variation of the beach profile; to assess the movement of the main sedimentary macrostructures; to prepare a sedimentological cartography; to reconstruct the course of hydrodynamic circulation in the surfzone during the main marine meteorological events. Activity carried out The activity was carried out by gathering and elaborating new data based on the protocols suggested by the European Project Interreg IIIA GERER. 4 campaigns of seasonal surveys were carried out and a total of 119 sediment samples from emerged and submerged beaches and 21,9 NM digital ultrasound profiles (ultrasound-DGPS interface), in addition to the survey of the submerged beach (DGPS profiles), were gathered and subsequently analysed. Results achieved Sedimentary dynamics were studied, superficial sediments were mapped (scale 1:10.000-1:5.000); the wave motion, currents and hydrodynamic processes were reconstructed. The dynamics in the area of bars and troughs (surf-zone), triggered by the various events of wave motion, enabled the reconstruction of the current lay-out, as well as the evolutive trend of the beach, identifying COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY CNRIAMC BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € CoNISMa 100.000, 00 Regione Sardegna MAIN R&I AREAS MSP ICZM MSP ICZM Ocean renewa ble Energy OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca; Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze; Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio; Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali con Fondo Integrativo Speciale per la Ricerca (FISR) – Bando 2001 - Ricerca di Sistema Elettrico TITLE SCALE STUDY OF LIFE CYCLE, DIFFUSION AND IMPACT OF DI ALIEN SPECIES OF MACROALGAE AND MICROALGAE IN THE MAR PICCOLO AND MAR GRANDE OF TARANTO National VALLI DI COMACCHIO Regional & SubRegional Accordo di Programma ENEAMSE – Energia dal mare National COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Dr.ssa Ester Cecere CONSOR ZIO FERRARA RICERCH E Coordina tor: Minister o dello Sviluppo Economi co; ENEA, Universit y of ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) The study area is a hot spot for the introduction and the settlement of alien species; this phenomenon is increasing; the main causative activities are the rearing and the introduction of edible molluscs; warm-temperate species have a higher probability of success; the same research was carried out also at Naples and Flegrei lakes, where 5 alien species have been identified. Some of them are likely first reports for the Mediterranean Sea (investigations are on) BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 400000 2010 2011 Geophysical survey of the Valli di Comacchio to taste the enrivonmental status of the antropological stressed area. 50000 50000 20082014 The project is devoted to the development of ocean energy ENEA converter suitable for the particular tidal and wave conditions budget: characteristics of the Mediterranean basin, and to the 1.400 k€. assessment of tidal and wave energy available in the Basin. Two wave converter prototypes have been developped in collaboration respectively with the University of Reggio Calabria, and the Politecnico of Turin. Concerning the assessment of the energy resource, ENEA has performed an high resolution climatological atlas of the wave energy presents CORE PARTICIPANT S Dr.ssa Ester Cecere, Dr.ssa Antonella Petrocelli; Dr Fernando Rubino, Dr.ssa Manuela Belmonte 2 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE Ocean renewa ble Energy Socioe BLUENE conom ic & Policy Resear ch BLUe ENErgy for Mediterranean EU Ocean renewa ble Energy Ocean renewa ble Energy FP 7 www.equimar. org Ocean renew able energy COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Reggio Calabria, Politecni co of Turin, Universit y of Naples CoNISMa Equimar Equitable EU Testing and Evaluation of Marine Energy Utilizzo di FBR cluster di FotoBioReattor i ad illuminazione Regional & SubRegional Easy ICT Srl. ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) in the Mediterranean Sea by means of a third generation ocean wave model. Starting from the model results a detailed analysis of wave energy availability has been carried out; with particular attention to the western Sardinia coast and the Sicily Channel that are the most productive areas in the whole basin. 01/06/20 Blue energy' does not only relate to offshore wind power 14 (12,13 generation which M) has started to expand rapidly in Europe, but also to other offshore renewable energy technologies such as tidal barrages, wave power devices, thermal energy conversion. Even if they are still at an early stage of development, they are about to grow rapidly. In this framework the BLUENE project aims to reach some fundamental objectives: -mapping key actors able to start a MED plan of intervention -mapping existing initiative -defining guidelines for next programme period 2008 EquiMar aims to deliver a suite of protocols for the evaluation 2011 of marine energy converters, based on either tidal or wave energy. These protocols will harmonize testing and evaluation procedures across the wide variety of devices presently available, to accelerate adoption through technology matching and improved understanding of the environmental and economic impacts. 2012 - 2 The two main expected results are: i) new scientific knowledge years and enabling technologies for the industrialization of innovative photobioreactors ii) design an innovative model of urban development, high repeatability, which benefits from the BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € 497.200, 00 Unione Europea / MED Program me al 75% Fondo di Rotazion e al 25%. CoNISMa, Urban Ecology Agency of BarcelonaZadar County Development Agency (ZADRA)HCMR. 5485235 - 23 1.000.00 0 (554.398, 83) IAMC-CNR, Sirci Gresintex, Rigel Impianti MAIN R&I AREAS SCALE TITLE Ocean renewa ble Energy Marine Renewables EU Infrastructure Network for emerging Energy Technologies Universit 01/04/20 MARINET is an infrastructure initiative comprising a network of y College 11 - 4 research centres and organisations working together to Cork (IE) years accelerate the development and commercial deployment of ocean renewable energy technologies. The initiative aims to facilitate testing technologies by offering periods of free-ofcharge access to world-class test facilities and by developing joint approaches to testing standards, research and industry networking & training. 311/900 0 (funding) Europea n Union FP7 364/111 00 (actual costs) Ocean renewa ble Energy Living Marin e Resou PROGETTO SISTEMA DI SUPPORTO ALLE DECISIONI PER LA GESTIONE DELLA Fabio 01/07/20 Objective of the project is the development of new Fiorentin 11, 3 technologies for the sustainable development of Italian o (IAMC- years fisheries. CNR) 6.080.00 0,00 (267.314, 00) National COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) production of renewable biofuels from marine algae. OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) interna per lo sviluppo della produzione, su larga scala, di energia rinnovabile dalla coltivazione diffusa di microalghe EU FP7 MARINET http://www.fp BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS The partners come from 11 different European countries – Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway Portugal, Spain & the UK – and an International Cooperation Partner Country, Brazil. CNR-IAMC MAIN R&I AREAS Ocean renewa ble Energy OTHE R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) rces (fisher y, aquac ulture, etc.) Tidal wave energy PROJECT/INITI ATIVE & WEB SITE EC Structural Funds European Regional Development Fund - 20072013 Sicilian R.O.P. TITLE SCALE PESCA NELLE REGIONI DEL MEZZOGIORNO D’ITALIA – LINEA AMBIENTE MARE – SSD PESCA TREMONTI Recupero energetico Regional dal moto ondoso & Sub(REMOTO) Regional COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) Wave for Energy S.r.l. Oceans and Human Health AQUO project 7FP Achieve QUieter Oceans by shipping noise footprint reduction EU DCNS (FR) 1-102012 to 30/9/201 5 Oceans and Human Health Ballast water management system for Adriatic Sea protection. www.balmas.e u BALMAS Regional & SubRegional Institute 2013for 2016 Water of the Republic of Slovenia. SLO BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS The proposed research project concerns the design, prototyping and installation at sea of a tidal wave energy supply system in real scale size of approximately 10 kW at the island of Pantelleria, Italy. 4.376.20 0,00 (828.000 ) Maritime traffic and man activity at sea increases steadily, causing underwater noise which can have major impact on marine fauna. As a consequence, solutions must be found to mitigate underwater noise related to maritime transport, in order to achieve a good environmental status consistent with the objectives of the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. The general BALMAS objective is to establish a common crossborder system, which will link all researchers, experts and responsible national authorities from Adriatic countries in order to avoid unwanted risks to the environment from the transfer of HAOP. This will be achieved through control and management of ships’ ballast waters and sediments. Further, long-term effective ballast water management (BWM) in the Adriatic will be set at the cross-border level utilizing this project’s related knowledge and technology. By developing a joint Adriatic Ballast Water Management Decision Support system Plan and Strategy, BALMAS will ensure uniform total budget 3900 K€, 3000 funded by EU CNR – IAMC UOS DI CAPO GRANITOLA; ASA IMPIANTI S.R.L., M.I. WELDING TECHNOLOGY, POWER EVOLUTION S.R.L. 1 DCNS SA France et al. IPA 17 partners Adriatic Crossborder Cooperat ion Program me 7.65 million Euro MAIN R&I AREAS Oceans and Human Health Oceans and Human Health Oceans and Human Health OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE - BIOPRO Progetto National BIOPRO in Friuli (ARPA FVG) - BIOTECH - CAT BIOTECH - CAT IT-FR Marittimo 2007-2013 COREM:Cooperazione EU delle Reti Ecologiche nel Mediterraneo COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Regional & SubRegional ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) requirements to ease shipping and at the same time to maximize environmental and economic protection of all sea users. 2008 2009 2008 2009 Regione autonom a della Sardegna BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS -80800 -100000 Overall goal of the project is the enhancement of the natural heritage and in particular biodiversity of the Mediterranean region, through the reduction of human pressure and threats on habitats and rare and unique sites that have a greater variety of habitats. The main activities are the realization of a network of marine sites, the improvement of the net of protected areas, the creation of a marine observatory, and the elaboration of a development plan for ecotourism maritime. Moreover, the project foresees a development of guidelines about the management of the protected areas. 6.000.00 0 euro Regione Toscana, Regione Liguria, Office de l’Environment de Corse, Provincia di Oristano, Provincia di MassaCarrara, Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente Ligure (ARPAL), Département de la Corse du Sud MAIN R&I AREAS Oceans and Human Health Oceans and Human Health OTHE R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Living Marin e Resou rces (fisher y, aquac ulture, etc.) PROJECT/INITI ATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE SCALE BIOTOX Cost-effective tools for risk management and trceability systems for lipophilic marine biotoxims in sea food. EU Estrazione di principi attivi da biomasse marine e loro potenziale utilizzazione in farmaceutica e dietetica (ACTI.BIO.MAR.). Regional & SubRegional ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 01/01/20 European regulations set out in terms of prevention the 05 (39,50 management of risks posed by biotoxins that contaminate M) fishing and aquaculture produce; implementing said rules has been problematic. The BIOTOX project was conceived to overcome these difficulties and in support of EC regulations. Activities carried out This multidisciplinary project integrated several lines of action, including the development of selective analytical methods to quantify the different groups of biotoxins (dinofisistoxins, yessotoxins, azaspiracids, pectenotoxins), together with a second block of activities to develop tools for the management of biotoxin risk. The OU of CoNISMa had the specific role of optimizing a functional analytical procedure for the dosage of yessotoxins. Results obtained The OU of CoNISMa reached the goals set by developing a functional method to quantify YTX in naturally contaminated samples by means of the immunoassay of a response biomarker with “slot blot” analysis (Toxicon; 49, 2007, 36-45). Universit 2007The present project falls within studies focused on the à del 2010 development of new technologies aimed toward the Salento; exploitation of marine biomasses. The research purpose was to IAMC, investigate the potential employment of some marine CNR organisms (polychaetes, cnidarians and macroalgae) as sources of either biologically active secondary metabolites, matter of interest to pharmaceutics or foodstuffs at high nutritional content useful to the fodder industry as enrichment and/or alternative innovating fodder for nourishment of marine fishes reared in intensive aquaculture farms. The proposed marine organisms show physiological and morphological features such as high tolerance to environmental variability, high growth rates and easiness of rearing, which fit well with the proposed research. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY The Netherla nds Institute for Fisheries Research BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € 5.317.49 6,00 Unione Europea / VI PROGRA MMA QUADRO GRANT AGREEM ENT FOODCT-2004514074 CORE PARTICIPANT S CoNISMa, Stichting Dienst Landbouwkun dig Onderzoek, et al. 1238407. 18 units of 45 permanet staff; 10 postdoc; 7 scholarships MAIN R&I AREAS Oceans and Human Health OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Flumar Turb Oceans and Human Health TITLE Oceans and Human Health TITLE Oceans and Human Health TITLE SCALE Fluidoynamic investigation for the design of turbo machinery for marine systems with low environmental impact Hullform and propulsion system optimisation study for high speed naval ships Regional & SubRegional National COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY FINCANTI ERI CETENA Hydrodinamic design Internatio OFFICE and assessment by nal OF CFD methods of NAVAL hybrid RESEARC SWATH/Hydrofoil H Hulls for a super High GLOBAL Speed USV Biodiv MEDJellyrisk Integrated monitoring EU CoNISMa ersity, www.jellyrisk.e of jellyfish outbreaks Climat u. under anthropogenic e and climatic impacts chang in the Mediterranean e and sea (coastal zones): impact trophic and socios economic risks. Rif.: IA/1.3/098. ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 01/12/20 Design of turbo-machinery units for energy systems onboard 13ships and marine vehicles with special attention to an efficient 30/11/20 power/weight ration and environmental impact 17 2009 - 2 years The study was devoted to the development of design tools for the automatic optimisation of hullforms by means of the coupling of parametric design tools for the hull, multiobjective optimisation techniques and numerical codes for the evaluation of wave resistance and seakeeping 17/07/20 CFD investigations about unconventional multihull high speed 10vehicle 13/10/20 11 18/12/20 MED-JELLYRISK 2013 is a newly funded Strategic Project 12 (36,50 supported by the ENPI-CBCMED Programme M) ( Priority 1 - Topic 3 - Integrated Coastal Zone Management. MED-JELLYRISK addresses an integrated coastal management approach into 10 Marine Coastal Zones (MCZs) in the Western and Central Mediterranean sea basin to face with increased jellyfish proliferations. In these areas, jellyfish outbreaks represent a growing threat for humans and coastal activities (including leisure and aquaculture). MED-JELLYRISK is the first CBC project aiming to the assessment of socio-economic impacts of jellyfish blooms and the implementation of mitigation countermeasures. The MED-JELLYRISK Consortium includes 5 partner institutes from Italy, Malta, Spain, Tunisia and it will BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 150K€ CORE PARTICIPANT S FINCANTIERI UNIGE TERMOMECC ANICA abt 225 UNIGE, k€ CETENA PNRM (Italian Ministry of Defense) 176 k$ UNIGE € 2.593.19 4,23 Unione Europea / ENPI CBCMED Program me CoNISMa, Institut Ciències del Mar-Consejo Superior Investigacione s Cientificas (ICM-CSIC) – Spagna;Univer sity of Malta (UoM);Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte (FSB);Tunisian MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) appoint a CBC network of experts to develop and apply shared protocols to quantify the environmental and health risks of jellyfish proliferations, informing the development of management guidelines and forthcoming adaptive strategies, policies and regulations, for cooperative ICZM in the Med Sea. Involvement of 31 Associate Partners (Governmental Bodies, Regional Water Agencies, SMEs, Marine Protected Areas, Health Organizations and Hospitals) – with responsibilities for MCZs management - from Eastern Mediterranean and North Adriatic Sea ensures a geographical multiplier effect, extending the value of project outcomes beyond the partnership consortium as well as the CBCMED territorial limits. The strategic objective is the promotion of joint planning methodologies. In particular, the project will promote the implementation of risk assessment, prevention and mitigation of negative impacts resulting from jellyfish proliferations in the 10 MCZs. Planned results are: - General public and stakeholders in the MCZs understand the risk of jellyfish impacts and actively contribute to data collection (through citizen science campaigns) (Communication, Dissemination) - Concerned stakeholders in the MCZ are trained and capable to apply integrated monitoring protocols including the creation of Local Emergency Task Forces (Capitalization, Knowledge transfer) - Cross-border cooperative socio-economic and epidemiological assessments of jellyfish emergencies and hazards are developed across different MCZs from Spain to Italy, Malta and Tunisia (Assessment) - Risk mapping and shared databases for Jellyfish proliferations BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS National Institute of Agronomy (INAT). MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Oceans and Human Health Living IT-FR Marin Marittimo e 2007-2013 Resou rces (fisher y, aquac ulture, etc.) Oceans and Human Health Oceans and Human Health TITLE MOMAR - Sistema Integrato per il Monitoraggio e il controllo dell'ambiente marino SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY EU Regione Toscana Mariti me Transp ort MARSTRUCT Network of Excellence EU N.o E. FP6 in Marine Structures http://www.m rstruct/ Istituto Superior Tecnico Lisbon (PT) Marin e Hazar ds NOMIRACLE ovel-methodsfor-integratedriskassessment-ofcumulativestressors-ineuropenomiracle/ NOvel Methods for Integrated Risk Assessment of Cumulative stressors in Europe. EU ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) are set up, updated and applied by stakeholders to rank water quality and safety areas in MCZs (Prevention) - Mitigation countermeasures are set-up and assayed against jellyfish impacts (including protective anti-medusa nets). May 4, The project involves the design and testing of a system of 2009; environmental monitoring, and has the aim to develop duration predictive models of human and technology impacts on the 36 environment. months The main activity is to develop strategies for consultation, communication and outreach to and between the project partners and stakeholders through studies and research about the creation of an information system for monitoring environmental theme, and the development of a strategy for the characterization of the impact of the local communities on environmental resources. 01-02The overall objective of the Network is to improve the safety, 2004 to effectiveness, reliability, environmental behaviour and comfort 31-01of ship structures through the application of advanced 2010 structural and reliability assessment within design, fabrication and operation, leading to increased public and commercial confidence in the competitiveness and use of waterborne transportation. 01/11/20 NoMiracle (Novel Methods for Integrated Risk Assessment of 04 (60,83 CumuLative stressors in Europe) supports the development and M) improvement of methodologies which describe and understand combined stressor effects to human health and the environment. In particular, the project studies the transfer of pollutants between different environmental compartments, including how these processes are influenced by natural stressors such as climate, and the impact of cumulative stressors, including chemical mixtures. ECT produced experimental data including biodegradation rates that are needed to develop mechanistic methods for predicting BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 2.450.00 0 euro total budget 6000 K€, 6000 funded by EU Institut Ifremer, Centro Studi Plural, Università di Cagliari, Regione Sardegna, CBM, Fondazione LEM 33 (from 18 EU Countries and Associates) € CoNISMa et al. 14.526.8 85,00 Unione Europea / VI PROGRA MMA QUADRO GRANT AGREEM MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Oceans and Human Health PROSSIMA 2 TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Numerical and experimental simulation of propulsion plant and manoeuvrability in order to optimize control strategies considering also performance deterioration in time Progetto “Modello di gestione ambientale fascia costiera del Comune di Bagheria – ASPRACOAST” National UNIGE Regional & SubRegional Comune di Bagheria National Fabio Trincardi (ISMARCNR) Oceans and Human Health Coasta l zone manag ement Oceans and Human Health Marin RICERCA ITALIANA e / PER IL MARE ecolog RITMARE y, fisheri es, ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) biodegradation of more complex organic compounds (biocides, pesticides, pharmaceuticals). Therefore, experimental biodegradation studies in sediment and water were performed for a set of compounds. 2012 - 2 Further development of a methodology for manoeuvrability years free running model test with particular attention to twin screw ships and development of a simulator for the coupled manoeuvrability / propulsion / control of twin screw ships, including deterioration of the systems 01/011/2 The main objective of the project is to carried out a systematic 007, 18 study of the coastal zone of Bagheria (PA), with particular focus months on the area of the Aspra village. The activities were mostly aimed at identify strenghts and weakness of the coastal system through the implementation of a geodatabase (GIS) and build up a management plan. This latter was aimed at supporting the decision making process in identifiyn the measures necessary to achieve a sustainable use of the coastal resources. 01/01/20 • RITMARE Flagship Project is one of the National Research 12, 5 Programmes funded by the Italian Ministry of University and years Research • RITMARE is the leading national marine research project for the period 2012-2016; the overall project budget amount to 250 million euros, co-funded by public and private resources • RITMARE is coordinated by the National Research Council and involves an integrated effort of most of the scientific community working on marine and maritime issues, as well as some major industrial groups The main subjects are: 1. Maritime Technologies for the development and BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS ENT COGE 003956-2 ca 140k€ UNIGE INSEAN 299.520, CNR-IAMC 00 P.R.I.S.M.A. (104.520, CEFORMED 00) 17.339.0 CNR-IAMC 00,00 (3.440.00 0,00) MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Oceans and Human Health M3-HABs http://www.en tes/default/file s/m3-habs.pdf TITLE SCALE Risk Monitoring, Modelling and Mitigation of Benthic Harmful Algal Blooms along Mediterranean coasts. EU ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) construction of a Demonstration Vessel 2. Technologies for Sustainable Fishing 3. Planning of the Maritime Space in Coastal Waters 4. Planning of the Deep Marine Environment and the Open Sea 5. Observation System for the Marine Mediterranean Environment 6. Research, Training and Dissemination Structures 7. Interoperable Infrastructure for the Observation Network and Marine Data CoNISMa 01/01/20 The M3-HABs project aims to provide a common pan14 (24,30 Mediterranean strategy for monitoring benthic toxic M) microalgae, with particular reference to Ostreopsis spp., through the development of common procedures and protocols, making the process mostly cost and time effective, allowing for most efficient monitoring designs, increasing the knowledge on environmental drivers affecting harmful algal blooms and translate this into a forecasting tool, improving the general awareness of the risks related to Ostreopsis. Target groups envisaged by M3-HABs are environmental local agencies, municipalities, research institutions, while all the final beneficiaries are represented by people using the coastal environment for both recreational and economic purposes: beaches and rocky shore visiting, swimming, sailing, fishery, aquaculture, beach concession holders, hotel keepers, municipalities, local touristic agencies and tourist information offices. Given the specific objective of the project, the following results are expected: 1) a larger awareness of the risks associated to the Ostreopsis blooms; 2) an appropriate diffusion of caution measures set up; 3) the production of common monitoring protocols; 4) the development of new technologies for species-specific identification and counting; COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € 1.998.06 0,15 Unione Europea /ENPI CBC – Agenzia attività esterne UE CoNISMa et al. MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Oceans and Human Health - Oceans and Human Health TITLE Oceans and Human Health RIMA Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems EC Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries - TITLE SCALE SIOSED Progetto SIOSED - Effetti sospensione sedimenti su organismi bentonici Structural analysis and preliminary assessment for a modular cabin to be installed onboard passenger ships and trains Technology and software development for a Mediterranean integrated network applied in the marine and coastal environmental management Acousmed Harmonisation of the acoustic data in the Mediterranean 20022006 Regional & SubRegional COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 5) the build-up of prediction models in order to prevent and reduce risk factors for the environment, human health and economic activities. 2006 2007 BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS -204000 Regional & SubRegional UNIGE 01/03/20 Numerical and experimental analysis in terms of shock and 12vibrations for a modular cabin for passenger ships 31/12/20 12 70k€ Regional & SubRegional SELEX ES 01/10/20 1201/04/20 15 The aim is to develop an integrated system to observe and perform forecast in the sea environment. the necessary software and technology will be developed for the acquisition and the management of data to be used for real time information and for the safety of environment and marine structures. ca 395k€ SELEX ES UNIGE 2010 2012 The project aims at harmonising acoustic data in the 323000 Mediterranean Sea. Acoustic surveys have been conducted by EU member states in several areas. However, these surveys, which had anchovy and sardine asmain target species, have not been internationally coordinated and data have been not analysed or presented in the same way. This project assures the optimization of the design of the acoustic surveys, promote the compatibility of estimations and the compatibility of old and new acoustic data. EU UNIGE SANITRADE 5 MAIN R&I AREAS Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) - TITLE SCALE ASTE FLUVIALI National Caratterizzazione della morfologia e della qualità dei sedimenti delle aste fluviali. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 2011 2012 - CAMPO Regional SPERIMENTALE & SubCampo sperimentale - Regional intervento 72 2006 2007 - CIRCE CONTRATTO CNR/Telespazio 2009 2010 National Euro-Argo E-AIMS Improvements for the GMES Marine Service EU IFREMER, 2013F 2015 FP 6 Ecoop Research Area III: “Biodiversity and EU Danmark 2007 s 2010 Campo sperimentale - intervento 72 - Linee 3 e 4 Maricoltura e Ecotossicologia BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS -78886 -115000 -151966 The overall objective of the project is to improve the European contribution to the international Argo observing system and to prepare the next scientific and operational challenges for in-situ monitoring of the world ocean. The main objective is to prepare the evolutions of Argo floats for the next decade: improved reliability and life time, telecommunication capabilities, biogeochemical observations, deeper measurements, under ice operations in the polar seas, sampling of marginal seas. All these evolutions are essential to improve our knowledge on the role of ocean on climate and for operational oceanography (GMES Marine Service) and its applications. The goal of the ECOOP project is to consolidate, integrate and develop existing European coastal and regional seas operational FP7 13 partners Europea n Commiss ion 6990251 - 166146 61 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems EMSO-MIUR Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi PEGASO EMSO-MedIT http://www.e TITLE SCALE Ecosystems” - Topic III-2: “Assess and Forecast Changes In the Mediterranean and Black Seas Ecosystems and their Ability to Provide Services” - Integrated Project (IP) European COastal-shelf sea OPerational observing and forecasting system EMSO-MIUR National Enhancement of multidisciplinary marine research infrastructures in Sicily, Campania and Puglia as a contribution to ESFRI EMSO Enhancement of Underwater Geophysical and Environmental networks COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Meteorol ogiske Institut DMI DENMAR K ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) observing and forecasting systems into an integrated panEuropean system. This system will allow to detect environmental and climate changes, predict their evolution, produce timely forecasts, provide marine information services and facilitate decision support needs. INGV 2010, ongoing Italian funding for ESFRI EMSO EU INGV 01/09/20 The project concerns the enhancement of research 13, 18 infrastructures for marine environment located in the months Convergence Regions Sicily, Campania and Puglia. It is the Italian contribution to the consolidation in the above mentioned regions of the European research infrastructure EMSO. Regional & SubRegional INGV 12/01/20 Realisation of an innovative marine monitoring system capable 05, 45 of acquiring a long series of temporal parameters having a months geophysical, geochemical, environmental and oceanographic nature BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 7350 until 2013, MIUR (allocate d only to INGV) 200000 CNR, INFN, (9496), SZN, ISPRA FESR 5640 (3000), Sicily Region INFN MAIN R&I AREAS ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY FP6 ESONET GOCE EUROPEAN COMMISSION http://wwz.ifre EU IFREMER 2007 – CNR 2011 ISMAR BOLOGN A Euro ARGO RI Internatio France nal S3MAG Experimental system for the magnetic signature of naval vessels EU SIEM Fusani, GAMP, CELIN FP7 Fix03 Fixed point EUROPEAN Open Ocean COMMISSION - Observatory network http://www.fix EU NERC 2013 Natural 2017 Environm ent Research Council, United Kingdom "European Seas observatory NETwork". Gulf of Cadice Experiment ESONET gathers 50 industrial and research partners across Europe to initiate the networking and the installation of deepsea cabled observatories on the European Coasts. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 7000000 - 120000 44 12/05/20 Started january 2008 as a project, Euro-Argo aims at developing EU 14 7 a European "infrastructure" for Argo to the level where the years European partners have the capacity to procure and deploy about 250 floats per year, to monitor these foats and ensure all the data can be processed and delivered to users (both in realtime and delayed-mode). With a mean float lifetime of 4/5 years, such a European contribution would support approximately 1/4 of the global array and provide an additional 50 floats per year for enhanced coverage ine the European and marginal seas. 01/06/20 Development of underwater vehicle (200),FES 12, 24 R months 25 Institutions among which: INO-OGS, IFREMER, The Fixed point Open Ocean Observatory network seeks to 7000000 integrate European open ocean fixed point observatories and - 18300, to improve access to these key installations for the broader EC community. These will provide multidisciplinary observations in all parts of the oceans from the air-sea interface to the deep seafloor. Coordinated by the National Oceanography Centre, UK, FixO3 INGV 29 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi Opera tional Ocean ograp hy: data from ocean ograp hic cruises TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Gliders for research, Ocean observation & Management GROOM EU UPMC, F European Commission, DirectorateGeneral for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Harmonisation of the Acoustic Data in the Mediterranean 20022006 (ACOUSMED) EU Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR) - INLET Progetto INLET Regional _ Applicazione & Subdell'inferometria Regional differenziale SAR per il controllo dei ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) will build on the significant advances achieved through previous programmes such as EuroSITES, ESONET andCARBOOCEAN. 2011The objective of the GROOM project is to design a new 2014 European Research Infrastructure that uses underwater gliders for collecting oceanographic data. This new infrastructure shall be beneficial for a large number of marine activities and societal applications, which can be related to climate change, marine ecosystems, resources, or security and which rely on academic oceanographic research and/or operational oceanography systems. GROOM will define the scientific, technological, and legal framework of this European glider capacity. GROOM is a key project for building the required observatory network that would allow the Marine Strategy Framework Directive to be implemented. GROOM will develop in line with other European and international initiatives supporting marine in-situ observations, like in particular Euro-Argo, JERICO, and GOOS. 2009 Processing and standardization of acoustic data collected during oceanographic cruises in the Mediterranean Sea. 2006 2007 BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS FP7 19 partners Europea n Commiss ion 62.000,0 0 (62.000,0 0) -216000 Spanish Institute of Oceanography et al. MAIN R&I AREAS ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) - TITLE movimentoi verticali del litorale veneziano INTE Interferometria SAR per misure di subsidenza e realizzazione di un DEM dell'area tra la Laguna sud ed i colli Euganei - progetto INTE Integrated system for the monitoring of submarine bradisism and subsidence SCALE Regional & SubRegional Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems SIMON Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems KM3NET ITALIA Laboratorio National Multidisciplinare sottomarino per la rivelazione di neutrino astrofisici FP7 EUROPEAN COMMISSION JERICO Towards a Joint European Research Infrastructure network for Coastal Observatories COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 2009 2010 BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS -69000 EU Infoporto 01/07/20 Development of integrated system for submarine bradisism , GAMP, 12, 24 Datasel months EU Institut Français de Recherch e pour l'Exploita tion de la Mer Ifremer France G. Cuttone / INFN-LNS (1700), FESR 2011 2015 Towards a Joint European Research Infrastructure network for 6500000 Coastal Observatories project is an Integrated Infrastructure - 401345 Initiative (I3) aiming at creating a solid, transparent organization towards an operational service to delivery high quality environmental data and information products on the marine environment in European coastal seas. It promotes joint research initiatives and standardization, and is intended to contribute to global effort on climate change research (GEOSS). jan-2012 Duration 3 years Realization of the seafloor network and the first building block of detection unit of the deep sea undertwater telescope to be installed in Capo Passero site, 3.500 m depth – 100 km far from South East Sicilian Coast. The underwater laboratory is connected by using a main electro optical cable to a shore station, located inside the Portopalo harbor area. 20.800,0 0 - PON 20072013 INGV 27 INFN MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Operati Opera onal tional Oceano Ocean graphy/ ograp Observi hy/Ob ng servin Systems g syste ms, marin e polluti on, mariti me transp ort Operati Opera onal tional Oceano Ocean graphy/ ograp Observi hy/Ob ng servin Systems g syste ms, marin e polluti on, mariti me transp ort PROJECT/INITI ATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE Ministry for Monitoraggio Education and ambientale giorno e Research notte (MAGINOT) (MIUR) - 20072013 N.O.P. for Research and Competitivenes s (Cod.: PON01_02309) EC Structural Funds European Regional Development Fund - 20072013 Sicilian R.O.P. SCALE National Monitoraggio Regional sottomarino per scopi & Subambientali ed Regional energetici (MONSOON) COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Ecocontr olsud Srl. Eurobuil ding Spa ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 36 The objective of this project is to provide an integrated system months for monitoring the environment continuously and in real time (15/04/2 air and water. This monitoring, implemented with different 012 – technologies and approaches depending on the environmental 15/04/20 matrix in question, will be fully co-ordinated by a single system 15) of supervision and control, which ensures organic, timeliness and wide range of answers to all the environmental issues that may affect areas adjacent urban large industrial plants. 15 months (20142015) The characterization of processes in the marine environment superficial and deep (such as submarine hydrothermal) provides elements for the use of new renewable energy sources (geothermal), of which the Sicilian Region is extremely rich. This characterization is also essential for the assessment and monitoring of natural hazards related to the marine environment. In this context, the development of sensors, hightemporal and spatial resolution, able to detect not only the presence of hydrothermal fluids, but also contaminants in the waters of the sea and provide useful data to the control bodies is a priority for a proper understanding of both the potential energy of both the processes of environmental contamination anthropogenic or natural. BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 8.555.55 3,76 (1.862.96 6,99) CORE PARTICIPANT S 2.737.02 0,00 (458.720, 00) IAMC-CNR; INGV; DAIMAR srl.; HITEC srl., Innova srl. IAMC-CNR, University of Messina, IFA Srl. MAIN R&I AREAS Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) http://www.m Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi TITLE SCALE MYOCEAN2-Prototype EU Operational Continuity for the GMES Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting Service MYOCEANEU Development and preoperational validation of upgraded GMES Marine Core Services and capabilities - NASCUM Progetto Interreg IIIA NASCUM EU FP7-OCEAN2013 NEXOS Next EU generation, Costeffective, Compact, Multifunctional Web / Enabled Ocean Sensor COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY MERCAT OR (FR) MERCAT OR (FR) ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) aprile The main objective of the MyOcean2 project will be to operate 2012 a rigorous, robust and sustainable Ocean (36M) Monitoring and Forecasting component of the GMES Marine Service (OMF/GMS) delivering ocean physical state and ecosystem information to intermediate and downstream users in the areas of marine safety, marine resources, marine and coastal environment and climate, seasonal and weather forecasting. This is highly consistent with the objective of the FP7 Space Work Programme to support a European Space Policy focusing on applications such as GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security), with benefits for citizens, but also other space foundation areas for the competitiveness of the European space industry. gennaio The MyOcean consortium – composed of 60 partners over 28 2009 countries – proposes to deliver a pan-European (39M) MCS product and service portfolio through a robust and optimised ocean monitoring and forecasting core infrastructure. The validation process planned through a 3 year experiment will enable to organise an MCS user-driven service during a pre-operational phase with propositions addressing the MCS long-term roadmap. 2007 2008 1. 2013 CONSOR 2017 CIO PARA EL DISENO, BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 33.6000 K€ (BUDGET CNR 920 K€) CORE PARTICIPANT S 33.800 K€ (BUDGET CNR 921 K€) CNR (IT); UK Met Office; INGV (IT); NERSC (NL); DMI CLS (FR); CNRS (FR)JRS; ACRI; OGS; FMI ; IOLR; CNR (IT); UK Met Office; INGV (IT); NERSC (NL); DMI CLS (FR); CNRS (FR)JRS; ACRI; OGS; FMI ; IOLR; 363000147900 The project aims to improve the temporal and spatial coverage, 8079521 resolution and quality of marine observations by developing - 246538 innovative and interoperable in-situ sensors, and Web Services for key domains and applications. These sensors will measure key parameters useful to a number of objectives, and will 20 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems TITLE SCALE Systems Empowering Marine, Maritime and Fisheries / Management MOssAG Observation model for Regional Geothermal areas & SubRegional Operational Ecology. Marine Ecosystem Forecasting. OPEC EU COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY CONSTR UCCION, EQUIPA MIENTO Y EXPLOTA CION DE LA PLATAFO RMA OCEANIC A DE CANARIA S, Spain Eurobuil ding ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) respond to multiplatform integration, sensor and data interoperability, quality assurance and reliability requirements. 07/04/20 Development of underwater sensors (OBM, OBG) 14, 18 months Plymout 2012h Marine 2014 Laborato ry, Plymout h, UK The OPEC project (Operational Ecology) will help develop and evaluate ecosystem forecast tools to help assess and manage the risks posed by human activities on the marine environment, thus improving the ability to predict the “health” of European marine ecosystems. Coastal seas provide many beneficial goods and services to humankind, such as fisheries, recreation, climate regulation and coastal defences, however, these marine environments are being disrupted by climate change and human activities. It is important that the marine environment is observed and monitored to provide high quality environmental information / data, understand its role in our Earth system, track changes and predict the potential response of the ocean to stressors. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS (140), Liguria Region INGV, Edgelab FP7 9 partners Europea n Commiss ion 2 million Euro MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Operati Opera onal tional Oceano Ocean graphy/ ograp Observi hy/Ob ng servin Systems g syste ms: Develo pment of techn ologie s for the “Situat ional Sea Aware ness” PROJECT/INITI ATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE SCALE /tessa PON 2007-2013 TESSA National - Development of technologies for the “Situational Sea Awareness” COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Coordina tor: Palmalisa Marra (Links Manage ment and Technolo gy S.p.A.) Other compani es: Nadia Pinardi (CMCC Centro EuroMediterr aneo sui Cambiam enti Climatici) ; Roberto Sorgente (Istituto per l'Ambien te Marino Costiero IAMCCNR). ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 01/01/20 A cooperation among Links Management and Technology 12S.p.A., CMCC - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti 31/05/20 Climatici and Istituto per l'Ambiente Marino Costiero IAMC15 CNR. PON01_02823 TESSA is an industrial research project aiming to strengthen the operational oceanography service in Southern Italy and to integrate it with platforms for delivering information on situational sea awareness. This project is innovative in how it will set up advanced oceanographic modelling tools for marine areas and ports of southern Italy, and develop hardware, middleware and software for real-time data dissemination as well as intelligent decision support systems for project end users BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 14.193.3 48,00 (IAMCCNR: 2.071.26 3,00) CORE PARTICIPANT S Links Management and Technology S.p.A., CMCC Centro EuroMediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici, Istituto per l'Ambiente Marino Costiero IAMC-CNR. MAIN R&I AREAS Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) P.O.R. FESR 2007-2013 - COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Metadat a S.a.s., Italy ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 2013 Currentmeter data collection and processing in the analysis 2014 phase of the seabed. TITLE SCALE PRIAMO Planning, research and innovation in the marine environmentoriented Regional & SubRegional PRIMI http://www.asi .it/en/activity/ earth_observat ion/primi PRIMI - A modular system for the operational monitoring of marine pollution National - PTF CCR-JCR Regional & SubRegional 2007 2014 - PTF COMUNE VENEZIA Regional & SubRegional 2007 2014 Coordina ted by ASI; CNRISAC, ENEA, eGEOS, among others May 2007 – October 2010 The objective of PRIMI was to develop a modular system for the operational monitoring of marine pollution caused by hydrocarbon spills. The system assesses the location and characteristics of oil slicks through the analysis of observations by satellites, and then forecasts the changes in position and features of the spills. In 2009, the system was validated during a dedicated oceanographic cruise in the Sicily Channel, demonstrating its capability of detecting oils spills and predicting their evolution. ENEA developed a high-resolution operational model of the Tyrrhenian Sea circulation (TYREM), providing the current velocity data needed for the simulation of the oil spill evolution. TYREM is operational since 2009 (see La convenzione prevede la fornitura di dati meteo marini raccolti presso la nostra piattaforma “Acqua Alta” con realizzazione di siti web e ftp dove sono resi disponibili i dati in real time La convenzione prevede la fornitura di dati meteo marini raccolti presso la nostra piattaforma “Acqua Alta” con realizzazione di siti web e ftp dove sono resi disponibili i dati in real time BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 490411,2 5 9 - 27600 Overall budget: 4,200 k€; ENEA budget: 225 k€. Funded by ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) -238049 -120000 MAIN R&I AREAS Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) - SCALE PTF CVN Regional & SubRegional - PTF MAGISTRATO ACQUE Regional & SubRegional 2014 - La convenzione prevede la fornitura di dati meteo marini raccolti presso la nostra piattaforma “Acqua Alta” con realizzazione di siti web e ftp dove sono resi disponibili i dati in real time -61000 - PTF THETIS Regional & SubRegional 2012 2013 La convenzione prevede la fornitura di dati meteo marini raccolti presso la nostra piattaforma “Acqua Alta” con realizzazione di siti web e ftp dove sono resi disponibili i dati in real time -48400 Progetto Bandiera La Ricerca Italiana per il Mare RITMARE - SP5 Observation Systems for the Marine Mediterranean Environment National OGS 2011 2016 SARTEC: Modellistica delle acque e dei processi trofici nell’ambito del Regional & SubRegional IAMC2007 (12 CNR UOS months) Oristano The project aims to strengthen the Italian observing system integrating various national scientific, industrial and institutional components, creating infrastructure edge products, offering to the domestic industry the opportunity to create new products and expand into new markets. It defines requirements, methodologies and technologies that ensure data quality and significance, defined as the ability to represent and interpret ecosystem characteristics and changes, and to analyze its trends. Modellistica numerica costiera idrodinamica accoppiata con modello di trasporto dei sedimenti e al modello di qualità delle acque per la simulazione della dispersione degli inquinanti da oil spill no website, stakeholder conference COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 2007 La convenzione prevede la fornitura di dati meteo marini 2012 raccolti presso la nostra piattaforma “Acqua Alta” con realizzazione di siti web e ftp dove sono resi disponibili i dati in real time TITLE BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS -275959 1250000 0 - MIUR CNR (IAMC, IBF, INSEAN, IREA, ISAC, ISMAR, ISSIA), CINFAI, CONISMA, ENEA, INGV, OGS, SZN 50.000,0 none 0 (50.000,0 0) MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano SAGA-4-EPR SWAD TITLE SCALE progetto “Sistema di controllo ambientale e gestione del territorio del Golfo degli Angeli noto come Golfo di Cagliari” SAtellite/seafloor/Gro National und data Analyses for Earthquake Pattern Recognition Sea WAtch Dog, Unmanned Surface Vehicle Strengthening SIDERI International Dimension of Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure DERI2 SCANCOAST Study and monitoring of coastal landslides with laser scanning COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) depuratori e di qualità delle acque del Golfo degli Angeli (Golfo di Cagliari) BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS INGV 01/01/20 Understanding Earthquake process as a complex and Recognise 10, 36 potential Earthquake Patterns months National DLTM 01/06/20 Development and testing of unmanned surface vehicle that can (220), 12, 36 also host gravimetric equipment. MIUR months EU IFREMER, 2011F 2013 Regional & SubRegional BK srl, GAMP, SITEP The objective is to strengthen the links and integration of the Euro-Argo European research infrastructure into the Argo international strategy of global ocean observations, and to seek participation by, and to develop cooperation with, potential participants in the European neighbouring areas which have a maritime interest. 01/06/20 Monitoring of coastal erosion 14, 18 months (60), MISE, other funds from China University of Chieti INGV FP7 13 partners Europea n Commiss ion (200), Liguria Region INGV MAIN R&I AREAS graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS techniques from marine vector USV- PERMARE Surface autonomous National vehicle for monitoring marine environment DLTM 01/06/20 Development of a system of autonomous surface units for the 12, 36 management of vehicles that collect environmental data months (180), MIUR INGV National Distretto Ligure Tecnolog ie Marine Oct 1st, 2013; duration 3 years Development of an observing and forecasting system for coastal areas. Downstrean services linked to the European Copernicus - Marine Core Services 9903K € Regional & SubRegional Centro Regional e Informati on Commun ication Technolo gy Waiting for the activatio n of specific projects from MIUR Realization of technological infrastructure to produce sensor array based on nano and photonic technologies. 20000, MIUR SELEX ES, UniGe, CNR, ENEA, INGV, ARPAL, DHI Italia, GraalTech, Delta Progetti, FlowIng INGV, UNISANNIO, UNINAPOLI, UNI FEDERICOII, CNR, SZN, ENEA 2006 2007 Ruolo della turbolenza nei modelle oceanici tridimensionali ONR Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems TOP-IN Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi - Sviluppo di tecnologie e software per una Rete Integrata previsionale Mediterranea per la gestione dell’Ambiente marino e costiero – RIMA Tecnologie OPtoelettroniche per l’INdustria TURBOLENZA Internatio MODELLI OCEANICI nal Ruolo della turbolenza nei modelle oceanici tridimensionali - ONR - CARNIEL -88219 MAIN R&I AREAS ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Operati onal Oceano graphy/ Observi ng Systems Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Monsoon - BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 27/05/20 Development of sensors at high temporal and spatial 14, 12 resolution, able to detect not only the presence of months hydrothermal fluids, but also any contaminants in the sea waters. 2790 (485), Sicily Region SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Underwater monitoring for environmentl and energy purposes Regional & SubRegional Eurobuil ding Regional & SubRegional INGV, 19/06/20 The overall objective of the project is therefore the realization Genoa 13, 24 of a Port months system monitoring and forecasting of sea state in the areas in Authority front of the ports of the Tyrrhenian Sea, through cooperation between port communities and Research centres. CNR 02/01/20 The NextData Project has defined three Grand Challenges: (1) 12, 49 the construction of a system of archives and portals for months distributing climate and environmental data on current conditions and ongoing changes in mountain regions; (2) the reconstruction of climate and its variability in Italy in the last two Millennia, and (3) the development of an ensemble of highresolution downscaled temperature and precipitation fields from future climate scenarios over Italy for the next few decades. 2006 Afflusso di acque sotterranee nella Laguna di venezia - resp. 2007 Zaggia VENTO PORTI E Vento, Porti e Mare MARE Data NEXTDATA archivi ng and disse minati on ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) TITLE A National system to collect, store and access and dissemination of environmental and climatic data in marine and mountain regions National ACQUE SOTTERRANEE National Contratto CNR/APAT Afflusso di acque sotterranee nella Laguna di venezia INGV, Hightech 2000, Innova, CNR 1992 k€, Autorità Portuale della Spezia 40000 (3000), MIUR -190000 CMCC, DISATUNIMIB, CASPUR, ENEA UTMEA, ICTP, INGV MAIN R&I AREAS Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) PYXIS Under water techn ologie s TITLE SCALE Albero integrato per il Regional Sistema Nave Militare & SubRegional ARchaeological ARROWS RObot systems for the World’s Seas (FP7 call ENV-2012, challenge 6.26, devoted to “Development of advanced technologies and tools for mapping, diagnosing, excavating, and securing underwater and coastal archaeological sites”), http://www.arr Other/ Enviro TREVI Bathymetric, Multiple nment morphological and areas al biological (specify charac characterization of in terizat the seabed in the ion zone of the "off-shore COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY FINCANTI ERI ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 01/12/20 Study of an integrated mast for a naval ship in order to reduce 12present conflict aspects between sensors and antennas and 31/01/20 improve the global performances, based on a modern design 15 approach EU Prof. Benedett o Allotta, Universit y of Florence (DIEF) Septemb er 1, 2012, 36 months (end August 31, 2015) Development of new technologies and adaptation of existing ones (from military and Oil&Gas) to be used in underwater archaeology. Development of three different Autonomous Underwater Vehicles for archaeology Regional & SubRegional CoNISMa 10/12/20 Determination of the main physiographic, geologic-structural, 08 (3,70 geomorphological and biocenotic aspects characterizing two M) areas of the seabed of the Adriatic coast of Puglia (sited respectively in the south of the Gulf of Manfredonia and Brindisi). The study aimed to provide an envirionmental characterization of such area, to identify areas potentially BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS ca 1600k€ CORE PARTICIPANT S Total cost 4,000k€, Funding 3,000k€, EC ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Edgelab S.R.L., Portoferraio, TUT, Tallinn, Estonia, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK € 128.000, 00 TREVI ENERGY SPA CoNISMa FINCANTIERI UNIGE MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Coasta no website, l stakeholder Morfo conference dinami cs TITLE wind farm Center of the Golfo di Manfredonia”. BEACH - Beach Environment, management And Coastal Hazard ftp://ftp.cordis. BEinGRID-Business Experiments in Grid /ist/docs/grids/ beingrid_en.pd f SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Regional & SubRegional Dipartim ento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologic he Universit à di Cagliari ATOS ORIGIN SOCIEDA D ANONIM A ESPANOL A EU ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) suitable for hosting off-shore wind turbines respectively consisting of 100 and 50 fixed wind turbines. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 2012 (30 months) The project analyses the carrying capacity and the resilience of beach systems as function of extreme events and human pressure along the coast of Sardinia (Italy). 209.000, none 00 (81.000,0 0) giugno 2006 (42M) The 15.700 strategic objectives K€ of BEinGRID are: • To understand the requirements for Grid use in the commercial environment, involving software vendors, IT integrators, service providers and end-users. • To enable and validate the adoption of Grid technologies by business. • To design and build a Grid toolset repository with components and solutions based on the main Grid software distributions including: the Globus Toolkit, gLite, Unicore, Gria and basic web service specifications. • To develop and deploy a critical mass of grid-enabled pilots, embracing a broad spectrum of economic sectors with different THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH,C NR, et al. MAIN R&I AREAS Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) PRIN 2012 - Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Enviro SKYSAVER nment al charac terizat ion Other/ Multiple areas (specify Enviro PORTO nment CAGLIARI al charac Project ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) needs and requirements in terms of technological Grid challenges Birth of an ocean in Internatio MIUR2014 Understanding the transition from continental rifting to sea Red nal CNR 2017 floor spreading and the consequent formation of passive Sea_geodynamics,geo ISMAR margins is a major challenge in the Earth Sciences. The Red Sea chemistry and hight BOLOGN Gulf of Aden region is a natural laboratory where these resolution plate A questions can be uniquely addressed, because it offers the kinematics. opportunity to observe different stages of formation of a new oceanic basin. The main objective of the project is to study tectonic, magmatic, geodynamic, and kinematic processes leading to the birth of a new ocean in the Red Sea. Our previous work on these themes has been at the forefront of research, and we have produced significant contributions to the geology of the Red Sea region. Caratterizzazione Regional CoNISMa 28/07/20 Description of the main physiographic, geologic-structural, batimetrica, biologica, & Sub07 (7,17 geomorphological and biocenotic aspects characterizing an area morfologica, Regional M) of the seabed of the Adriatic coast of Puglia located near the stratigrafica, coast of Tricase Porto (LE). The study aimed to characterize the geotecnica e chimica environment of such area to identify areas potentially suitable dei fondali nell'area for hosting an offshore wind farm made by 48 floating wind "Tricase Project". turbines. CESPERT National IMAST start: Obiettivo generale del programma è lo sviluppo di compositi Thermoplastic 02/07/20 strutturali a matrice termoplastica e le relative tecnologie di composites and 07 – 5 produzione per: la realizzazione di parti mobili per veicoli, structures for years componenti strutturali per applicazioni aeronautiche e parti per transport sector applicazioni ferroviarie. Sono state sviluppati componenti prototipali caratterizzati dal soddisfacimento dei requisiti e caratterizzate da una riduzione del peso compreso tra il 10-20% rispetto alle soluzioni tradizonali Chemical, physical, Regional CoNISMa 12/12/20 The aim of this project was the characterization of sediments microbiological and & Sub11 (3,03 quality within the Harbour of Cagliari. Results of physicalecotoxicological Regional M) chemical and ecotoxicological analyses were elaborated characterization of through a recently developed model of risk assessment, and the TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 321397 160698 € 65.868,0 0SKYSAVE R SRL CoNISMa 8.686.00 0 Euro MIUR CETMAAleani Aermacchi CENTRO RICERCHE FIAT-IMAST € 79.600,0 0Autorità CoNISMa MAIN R&I AREAS in column B) OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) terizat ion Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) CLUSTER CLUB (www.clustercl TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY excavation materials and of those from excavations and earthworks in ambit of the works of "creation of a fishing dock in the Port of Cagliari. Cluster Club EU Ms Roberta LAZZARI ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) resulting classification of sediments compared with a classical pass-to-fail procedure. Management options were suggested for such materials. March 1st, 2011 - 30 months Associati on of Chamber s of Commer ce of Veneto Region Eurospor tello CC & impact s/ coasta l govern ance and COASTGAP (MED) www.coastgap. eu Coastal Governance and adaptation policies in the Mediterranean EU Lazio Region (IT) The project aimed at supporting the reinforcement of cluster systems of the nautical and shipbuilding sectors, with particular reference to SMEs. It enhances the improvement of the innovation possibilities of territorial and productive systems through cooperation, business opportunities and market research. Results: • a map of SMEs working in nautical and shipbuilding sectors including the supply chain of plastic, rubber, metal, wood and textiles; • a map of institutions, organizations and excellence centres which support or may support nautical clusters; • development of four Pilot Actions July 2013 Decembe r 2014 COASTGAP aims to capitalize 12 best practices from 9 projects of the cluster (from MED and other programmes), to produce governance and adaptation policies aimed to reduce risk along coastal zones and foster their sustainable development. In order to provide an operational and coherent strategy for the 2014-2020 financial period, supported by multi-level agreements among coastal Administrations, COASTGAP aims to design, characterize and prepare to launch a Joint Action Plan BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Portuale di Cagliari 2.819 k€ IT – CCIAA Venezia et al Financed within IPA Adriatic crossborder cooperatio n Program me 2007/20 13 and by National Funds. 1360000 Regione Lazio € 76% et al. ERDF MAIN R&I AREAS SCALE ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) on Adaptations to Climate Changes in MED, based on the Macro-Project outlined in the Bologna Charter. Universit 01/01/20 Cooperative robotic system to support diver operations y of 14 – Zagreb 31/12/20 16 OTHE R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) adapta tion Other/ Roboti Multiple cs, areas (specify in column B) PROJECT/INITI ATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY CADDY Cognitive autonomous EU diving buddy Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) - CONTROLLO ALTIMETRICO AEROPORTO NICELLI Contratto CNR/Consorzio Venezia Nuova Regional & SubRegional Roboti CART cs, cart.posidonia. Transp com ort Cooperative Autonomous Robotic Towing system EU Posidoni a srl 01/11/20 Robotics systems for the recovery of emergency towing devices 11 – for distressed ships 31/07/20 13 Project DITECO- Difetti, danneggiamenti e tecniche di riparazione nei processi produttivi di grandi strutture in composito. National ALENIA AERMAC CHI S.p.A. start:01/ Il progetto prevede lo sviluppo di una piattaforma di analisi 07/2013- strutturale con lo scopo di eseguire diagnosi e prognosi in 2YEARS presenza di strutture in materiale composito danneggiate e/o difettate. L’attenzione sarà rivolta ai danni/difetti riscontrati durante il processo produttivo e la vita operativa, distinguendoli fra quelli che coinvolgono i materiali e quelli che coinvolgono le strutture. Se occorre riparare il componente per la presenza del danno/difetto si procederà con lo sviluppo di tecniche di riparazione innovative e si svilupperanno le metodologie di 2006 2008 BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Total cost: 4890582. 00 €; CNR funding: 559792.0 0€ Contratto CNR/Consorzio Venezia Nuova - Controllo altimetrico -59040 dello scalo aeroportuale dell'isola del Lido di Venezia, aeroporto Nicelli Total cost: 912113,2 0 €; CNR funding: 301831.0 0€ 8,820.88 1 euro MIUR CNR-ISSIA, ISTISR, University of Wien, Jacobs University, DAN Europe CNR-ISSIA, University of Zagreb, Det Norske Veritas Politecnico di BariUniversità del Salento et al. MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Enviro PORTO nment OTRANTO al charac terizat ion Drafting of the Regional environmental Impact & Substudy of the Port of Regional Otranto (Lecce). ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) analisi per la loro ottimizzazione. Si studierà il comportamento della struttura riparata CoNISMa 10/02/20 The objective of the research is to assess the environmental 11 (16,87 impact resulting from an enlargement of the Port of Otranto. M) The impact on benthic communities and posidonieto has been clearly identified. accurate GIS mapping was carried out through inserting oceanographic and biological data, developing models of possible spread of sediments during construction work. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Other/ Marin Multiple e Data areas (specify in column B) European EMODNET Marine Observation and Data Network www.emodnet. eu/ EU DG Mare 20132016 Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) - EU 2004 2007 Eseas-RI European Sea-Level Service Research Infrastructure BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € CoNISMa 69.900,0 0Società Italiana Condotte d'Acqua spa 7095, 166 partners Europea n Commiss ion The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) is a consortium of organisations within Europe that assembles marine data, data products and metadata from diverse sources in a uniform way. The main purpose of EMODnet is to unlock fragmented and hidden marine data resources and to make these available to individuals and organisations (public and private), and to facilitate investment in sustainable coastal and offshore activities through improved access to quality-assured, standardised and harmonised marine data. EMODnet is an initiative from the European Commission Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) as part of its Marine Knowledge 2020 strategy. Presently, there are six sub-portals in operation that provide access to marine data from the following themes: bathymetry, geology, physics, chemistry, biology, and seabed habitats . One further portal covering human activities is currently under construction. The project is established by ESEAS to support the research 2300000 infrastructure of ESEAS and facilitate scientific exploitation of European sea level observations. The availability of a qualitycontrolled database of hourly tide gauge data, and the upgrading of the ESEAS network are major milestones. The research will result in a model of sea level variations, providing 21 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Resear ch Infrast ructur es Towards an EUROFLEETS alliance of European research fleets Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Policy and strate gy paper/ CC adatpa tion and govern ance policie s/ MSPICZM/ Resear Bologna Charter 2012 http://bologna charter.facecoa European Regions Charter for the promotion of a common framework for strategic actions aimed at the protection and sustainable development of the Mediterranean coastal areas ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) a basis for studies of climate processes at decadal to interdecadal time scales and a description of extreme sea levels. EU IFREMER, 2009EUROFLEETS' networking activities will create a common F 2013 strategic vision for European research fleets and their associated heavy equipment, such as submersible vehicles. This will ensure that the best quality research is carried out and will work to avoid duplication of experiments. Moreover, the project will provide coordinated infrastructure access to researchers across Europe which will allow them to take full advantage of marine research fleet services and facilities which will be improved as part of the project. EUROFLEETS will also create a set of standards and experimental protocols to be used by all members of the alliance. The implementation of such standards will serve to ensure the optimal use of marine research fleets and promote interoperability of equipment. There will also be an emphasis on eco-responsibility and guidelines will be created to limit the environmental impact of research vessels. Internatio EmiliaMarch Policy paper outlining a strategy and a Macro-Project for the nal Romagna 2013 14-20 period, signed in March 2013 in Brusseles by 14 Med Region (signatur coastal Administrations, up today 22 EU Administrations, 1 non (IT) e in EU (Israel) and 1 international organisation (Intermediterranean Brussels) Commission of the CRPM). The Macro-Project is now under development through the preparation of a Joint Action Plan (witih the COASTGAP project) including project initiatives on Knowledge networking, Research & Innovation, Planning and governance of coastal and maritime space, designing and fostering Major Coastal Projects implementation according with ICZM-MSP principles. SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS FP7 24 partners Europea n Commiss ion 7.2 million Euro n.a. 23 adherents up today MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) ch&In novati on/ Obser ving syste m/ sedim ent manag ement Other/ Projec Multiple ts areas Cluste (specify r in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) PROJECT/INITI ATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE Other/ Multiple areas (specify in GEBCO us/meetings_a nd_minutes/do cuments/magic _presentation_ ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY FACECOAST Face the challenge of Med Cluster climate change in the http://www.fac med coastal zone EU Lazio Region (IT) FP7 EUROPEAN COMMISSION http://lim050.u wp6.html EU Universit 2010 at 2012 Politècni ca de Cataluny a - UPC Spain National Consiglio Nazional e delle Ricerche (CNR) Field_AC Fluxes, interactions and environment at the land-ocean boundary. Downscaling, Assimilation and Coupling Novemb er 2011 BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Network of Projects, completed or on going, dealing with n.a. coastal protection, sustanable development, CC adaptation and maritime space issues, coming from different EU Programs in the Mediterranean, with the aim of put in value and capitalise projects reults, tools, best practices. Fluxes, interactions and environment at the land-ocean 4230000 boundary. Downscaling, Assimilation and Coupling Coastal-zone - 399600 oceanographic predictions seldom appraise the land discharge as a boundary condition. River fluxes are considered but neglecting their 3D character, while the continental run-off is not taken into consideration. Many coastal scale processes, particularly those relevant in geographically-restricted domains are similarly not well parameterized. The project aims at improving errors in local predictions in the Mediterranean Sea area. Results (direct): Some 20.000 nautical miles of existing multibeam data recovered and reprocessed (if possible) More than 40.000 nautical miles of MB data acquired during >500 ship working days 72 Sheets (1:50.000, A0 format) of the “Map of Geohazard Features of the Italian Seas” have been produced (4 interpretative levels) Nearly 8.000 maps present in Projects adhering on the basis of a Memorandum of Understandin g 10 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR): IGAG, ISMAR, IAMC; Consorzio MAIN R&I AREAS column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) OTHE PROJECT/INITI TITLE R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) abstract_gebco _2013.pdf SCALE Biodiv ersity; extre me ecosys tems EU Integrated HERMES project (EU FP7) aimed at defining hot spot ecosystems and geoshere/biosh ere interaction in Euopean seas ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) scientific/technical literature have been classified, georefernced and made available in the web-GIS “infor.mare” sub-project Results (indirect) Creation of a large base of bathymetric data that will be used for any civil protection operation and will highlight future variation at the seafloor Increase in our knowledge of events/processes occurring at the seafloor, by extensive data comparison and repetition of survey trough time on key areas Spread over among the Italian Marine Geology research community competencies on multibeam data acquisition, processing and interpretation Promote marine geology studies on the Italian Seas especially among young fellows Create a collaborative approach among the marine geology research community, to answer needs and opportunities at national and international level NOC, 2005A major aim of European policy is to develop european Southam 2009 continental margin resources in an ecologically sustainable pton manner. This requires a profound knowledge of ocean margin (UK) ecosystem structure and dynamics considering the variety and complexity of the continental margin environments, which hold deep sea corals, chemosynthetic life, and more or less specialised fauna in canyons. Such knowledge must be generated in an integrated way that ties research on biodiversity and biological processes intimately with the physical factors controlling ecosystems (geology, sedimentology, physical oceanography, biogeochemistry). In addition, it is important to set present-day ecosystems in an historical framework by studying the sediment record to determine long-term environmental changes and the potential response of ecosystems to global change over decadal to millennial scales. Changes due to large-scale natural forcing (e.g. climate oscillations, sea level change) or to more local human effects (e.g. resource exploitation, inputs of pollutants and nutrients) must be distinguished from each other before man’s activities make this distinction impossible. In some COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS azionale interuniversita rio per le scienze del mare (CONISMA); Ist. Naz. Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale, Trieste (OGS); SOPROMAR SPA 15 million euro; Europea n commissi on (FP7) 50 partners including 9 small companies, from 17 European and neighbouring countries MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Data Multiple tools areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify Opera tional ocean ograp - i-Marine, Implementatio n of HV sea water quality Operational TITLE SCALE IDROCARBURI LAMBRO Monitoraggio dei corpi idrici interessati dallo sversamento di idrocarburi nel Lambro - resp Cassin i-Marine - Data eInfrastructure Initiative for Fisheries Management and Conservation of Marine Living Resources Regional & SubRegional EU Implementation of HV Regional sea water quality & SubOperational Regional COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) areas, notably deep-water coral colonies, man’s impact on the environment has already been considerable.With the above background a large group of European scientists put forward a proposal to the European Union’s 6th Framework Research Programme in February 2004 to study particular benthic ecosystems on Europe’s continental margins. The project HERMES (Hotspot Ecosystems Research on the Margins of European Seas) - began in April 2005 and finished in March 2009. HERMES studied "hotspot" ecosystems: discontinuous environments that are constrained by chemical, physical, topographic and geological factors and which contain a wealth of unknown species that thrive in insular habitats. Determining the distribution as well as the resilience of these ecosystems is fundamental to producing plans for their sustainable management. 2011 Monitoraggio dei corpi idrici interessati dallo sversamento di idrocarburi nel Lambro GEIE 2011ERCIM & 2014 Consiglio Nazional e delle Ricerche (CNR) Ambient e s.c., IT 20132014 BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS -64300 Establishing and operating an e-infrastructure supporting the 5000000 principles of the Ecosystem Approach to fisheries management and conservation of marine living resources. The aim will be to reuse and render interoperable existing policies, technologies, and e-infrastructures. By leveraging on these collaborations and by taking advantage of additional funding that these organizations invest in the project, the number of available resources brought into play will be maximized. Implementation of the Program of monitoring wastewater and sea water quality. Establishment of the central database for Internati monitoring stations and beaches on the Project level. onal Implementation of the monitoring program in accordance with Bank for MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) in hy; column Marin B) e polluti on; Ocean and huma n health Other/ Roboti Multiple cs, areas Transp (specify ort in column B) PROJECT/INITI ATIVE & WEB SITE Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in Coasta l Hazar ds/tec hology develo pment TITLE ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) the established database and criteria defined in the Terms of Reference and training of staff of Hrvatske vode, authorized laboratories and municipal utilities for monitoring wastewater and sea water quality, as well as for analysis and interpretation of results. SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY MINOAS Innovative Product www.minoaspr Concepts project: Marine INspection rObotic Assistant System EU RINA SpA 01/06/20 Robotic systems for inspection of ship structures 09 – 30/06/20 12 THESEUS (FP VII) www.theseusp Innovative technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate EU Prodifcon Integrated ship Regional design, defense and & Subcontrol for naval ships Regional Bologna Decembe THESEUS examined the application of innovative combined Universit r 2009 - coastal mitigation and adaptation technologies generally aiming y (IT) Novemb at delivering a safe (or low-risk) coast for human er 2013 use/development and healthy coastal habitats as sea levels rise and climate changes (and the European economy continues to grow). The primary objective was to provide an integrated methodology for planning sustainable defence strategies for the management of coastal erosion and flooding which addresses technical, social, economic and environmental aspects (DSS). An interesting results was the concept desgin of floating breakwaters transforming wave motion in elctricity. OSN 01/09/20 In the project activity the ship platform and the so called 286K€ 12payload onboard naval ships is seen as a whole in the 30/08/20 perspective of a Whole Warship concept, along ship life cycle 15 monitoring. monitoring. http://www.vo BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Reconstr uction and Develop ment (IBRD) 1,66 million Euro Total cost: 2863999. 35 €; CNR funding: 293851.5 0€ 6530000 CNR-ISSIA, DFKI, Lloyd's Register, University of Balearic Islands, Glafcos Marine http://www.t heseusproject. eu/teammebers/projec tpartners/bene ficiaries OSN, FINCANTIERI, UNIGE, IBR SISTEMI, MAST MAIN R&I AREAS column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE Flagshi RITMARE Italian Research for National p the ocean projec t, ocean resear ch KM3NET-DS KM3NET Design Study EU www.km3net.o rg ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS CNR 01/01/20 RITMARE Flagship Project is one of the National Research 12, 60 Programmes funded by the Italian Ministry of University and months Research 88000 (5000), MIUR ENEA, CoNISMa, OGS, INGV, SZN, CINFAI U. Katz Universit y of Erlangen march2006 duration 3 years Project aimed to the definition of a design study report of the Neutrino underwater telescope KM3NeT. The main goals has been the definition f a Technical design report of the deep sea infrastructure, including the realization of some main items. 9.000,00 - EU 6° FP 39 = INFN, CNRS, NIKHEF, University of Erlangen, CEA, .. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY KM3NET-PP KM3NET Preparatory www.km3net.o Phase rg EU E. Migneco / INFNLNS march2008 duration 4 years The project aimed to define the political and organization structure of the km3net collaboration towards the definition of the future ERIC for the management of the deep sea infrastructure. On the same project has been worked in order to define the pre produtcion model of the main item of the telescope and the mass production plan 5.000,00 - EU 7° FP INFN, CNRS, NIKHEF, University of Erlangen, CEA, .. Project National GE AVIO start: Il progetto si propone di creare un sistema nazionale di 10/10/20 competenze distintive focalizzate sullo sviluppo di nuove 11-4 year tecnologie di riparazione dedicate al recupero di sofisticati componenti aeronautici e aeroderivativi. L’esigenza di creare un laboratorio nazionale dedicato al repair deriva dalla crescente necessità di individuare nuove tecnologie avanzate per riparare componenti ad elevato valore unitario costituiti con materiali e processi complessi, garantendo un elevato livello qualitativo, elevate prestazioni del componente riparato, affidabilità e sicurezza, e limitando la dipendenza dalle 16.938.4 17,99 EuroMIUR GE-Avio Università del SalentoUniversità di SalernoCentro LaserCETMANanofab LABREPLABORATORIO SUL REPAIR MAIN R&I AREAS Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY MAC New methodologies and process materials for Advanced Shipbuilding National CETMA Innova MIUR tive fodder Mangime per macroalghe e invertebrati marini: MANG.I.MAR Regional & SubRegional IAMC, CNR Roboti MORPH cs, morphmarin e scienc e Marine robotic system EU of self-organizing logically linked physical nodes Project CC & Impact s/ICZ M/Poll ution/ fishing MAREMED Maritime Regions (MED) cooperation in the www.maremed Mediterranean .eu EU ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) tecnologie proprietarie sviluppate sino ad ora dai maggiori costruttori aeronautici mondiali. start: Sviluppo di nuove tecnologie e nuovi materiali che facilitino 1/1/2007 l’introduzione di strutture e componenti realizzati con materiali – 9 years e processi innovativi sotto gli aspetti funzionali, economici ed ambientali, sia metodologie di progettazione accurate e affidabili per la reingegnerizzazione dei componenti. 20122014 Obiettivo principale del progetto è stato la formulazione di un mangime innovativo da usarsi in piscicoltura contenente macroalghe e invertebrati (anellidi policheti) marini, che consenta di ridurre l’uso di farine di pesce derivanti dal pescato e di mantenere nel contempo gli stessi standard di qualità del prodotto ottenuti con i mangimi tradizionali Atlas 01/02/20 Novel concept of an underwater robotic system composed of a Elektroni 12 – number of spatially separated mobile robot-modules, carrying k GmbH 31/01/20 distinct and complementary resources 16 PACA region (FR) Septemb er 2010 May 2013 MAREMED was dealing with the following themes: Maritime policy governance, the integrated management of coastal and maritime areas, fisheries, adaptation to climate change in coastal areas, efforts to reduce pollution and data management. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 7.498.62 0 EuroMIUR Consorzio CALEF; CETENA Spa; RINA Services S.p.A.; INTERMARINE S.p.A. 285000 4 units of perment staff, 1 unit of temporary staff, 1 scholarship Total cost: 8521744. 00 €; CNR funding: 398040.0 0€ 1686526. 93 CNR-ISSIA, CMRE, IST-ISR, University of Girona, IFREMER, Jacobs University, IMAR LARNACA DISTRICT DEVELOPMEN T AGENCY,CATA LUNYA (ASSOCIATE PARTNER), COMMUNIDA D MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) CC & Impact s/sedi ment manag ement /EIA & SEA MEDSANDCOAST (ENPI ) - Innovative models of marine and coastal resources governance for a strategic defense of the Mediterranean littorals Internatio Lazio nal Region (IT) MEDSANDCOA ST (ENPI )www.medsand coast.facecoast .eu COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) Decembe r 2013 Decembe r 2015 Several Mediterranean Coastal Administrations are engaged in this project in order to share and implement models of governance of two specific marine-coastal resources: the coastal territories and the marine and coastal sediments. These two assets were indicated in Bologna Charter as the strategic resources that must be managed very carefully in the mid-long term to face CC effects. Coastal risk management, marine and coastal sand deposits characterization, dunes protection and recovering are the three main WPs of the project. A fourth one is dedicated to the governance aspects and in particular to the rules for a possible shared management of the deep marine sediment quarries. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS VALENCIANA, MURCIA, AQUITAINE (ASSOCIATE PARTNER), CORSICA, PROVENCE ALPES - CÔTE D'AZUR, Crete, EmiliaRomagna, Lazio, Liguria, Marche, Toscana, CIM, CRPM 1.322.00 Regione Lazio 0 € 90% (IT), ERDF Département de l'Hérault (FR),Regione Toscana (IT),Agence de Protection et Amenagement du Littoral APAL (TN), ATIM (TN), Municipal Union of Sahel Al Zahrani (LB), Amwaj al Biaa (NGO MAIN R&I AREAS Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Coasta l Hazar ds TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) - MONITORAGGIO Regional MURANO & SubCNR/COMUNE DI Regional VENEZIA - Programma di ricerca su Murano 2005 2007 Caratterizzazione della qualità delle acque e dei sedimenti dell'Isola di Murano (laguna di Venezia) - sia dei canali interni, sia dei bassi fondali circostanti e alla definizione di metodologie multidisciplinari di monitoraggio -. Zonta - MORFO BATIMETRIA LAGUNA Contratto Consorzio Venezia Nuova - MorfoBatimetria della Laguna di Venezia Regional & SubRegional 2009 2010 Morfo-Batimetria della Laguna di Venezia - MORFOLOGIA LAGUNA Studio morfologia della Laguna - Quota 2008 Regional & SubRegional 2008 2010 MICORE (FP VII) www.micore.e u Morfological impacts and coastal risks indiced by extreme storm events EU Ferrara June Universit 2008 y (IT) Septemb er 2011 The work of MICORE has made significant innovations in the area of coastal storm risk management and coastal civil protection schemes. The development of nine fully-operational Early Warning Systems for coastal storm risk show that such an on-line tool based on realtime data acquisition and using a range of state-of-theart hydrodynamic and morphological models is feasible for vulnerable areas across Europe. FP7 MyWave MyWave: A EUROPEAN pan-European COMMISSION - concerted and EU Meteorol 2012 ogiskInsti 2014 tut – The main goal of MyWave is to lay the foundation for a future Marine Core Service that includes ocean waves. The proposal has identified four target areas where concerted research is BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS environnemen tal LB) -144000 -65000 -57600 4600269 Department of Earth Sciences University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy (UniFe) et al. 2973896 - 412000 13 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI TITLE R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) (specify http://mywave integrated approach in .eu/ to operational wave column modelling and B) forecasting – a complement to GMES MyOcean services Other/ Cluster Naval Ship Multiple Technological Cluster areas (specify in column B) Other/ FP7 OCEAN-CERTAIN Multiple EUROPEAN Ocean Food-web areas COMMISSION - Patrol – Climate (specify www.oceancer Effects: Reducing in Targeted column B) Other/ Marin Multiple e Data areas (specify in column B) Ocean Data ODIP Interoperability Platform http://www.od ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) needed to establish a high quality GMES Marine Core Service for ocean waves. SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY MET.NO – Norway Regional & SubRegional FINCANTI 01/11/20 The project is aimed to a series of topics centred on the naval ERI 12ship, i.e. acoustic signature (propeller design, silent propellers, 30/10/20 self noise), EM signature, DP System development, Modular 15 cabins, structural joints. Most of them present dual nature, with possible application in the merchant field EU Norges TekniskNaturvite nskapelig e Universit et – NTNU, Norway Internatio British nal Geologic al Survey (BGS), IK and Marine Informati on Service (MARIS), The BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 1733k€ 2013 2017 Ocean Food-web Patrol – Climate Effects: Reducing Targeted 9348370 Uncertainties with an Interactive Network investigates the - 344131 impacts of climatic and non-climatic stressors on the food webs and the connected biological pump, and their feedback mechanisms. It will identify and quantify multi-stressor impacts and their feedbacks, and how these alter the functionality of the marine food webs and efficiency of the biological pump in different bio-geographical settings. 20122015 The Ocean Data Interoperability Platform (ODIP) will contribute to the removal of barriers hindering the effective sharing of data across scientific domains and international boundaries. ODIP includes all the major organisations engaged in ocean data management in EU, US, and Australia. ODIP is also supported by the IOC/IODE who will participate in its implementation and operation, closely linking this activity with its ODS project. The ODIP platform will organise international workshops to foster the development of common standards and develop prototypes to evaluate and test selected potential standards and interoperability solutions. Fincantieri, Seastema, Euroguarco, CNR, UNIGE FP7 10 partners Europea n Commiss ion 11 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Opera tional ocean ograp hy; Obese rving syste ms; CZM Other/ Multiple areas (specify Socioe PERSEUS-Policyconom oriented marine ic & Environmental Policy Research in the An operational PALME observing network of meteorological and oceanographic parameters for coastal zone management. SCALE Regional & SubRegional EU ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) The ODIP partnership will also provide a forum to harmonise the diverse regional systems, while advancing the European contribution to the global system. The products and services developed by ODIP will be actively promoted at the international level by IOC/IODE therefore ensuring global interoperability beyond the ODIP partners and fully in line with the objectives and mandate of IOC/IODE. ODIP will not only facilitate the dissemination of best practice and the transfer of technology, through the development of international co-operation, it will also lead to the application of the results of EU projects to the broader international community. This will help strengthen the role of the EU on the international stage while contributing at the integration and strengthening of the European Research Area (ERA). OGS, IT 2003An innovative, real-time hydro-meteorological monitoring 2013 system has been developed by the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale – OGS for the Protezione Civile della Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia (the Civil Protection Agency of the Friuli-Venezia region) in north-eastern Italy. The new system has been integrated into the existing surveillance network of the Agency. The system is used to monitor continuously a number of the most important physical parameters characterizing the coastal environment, supplying key information useful for making mangement decisions and designing safeguards and relief measures for the territory within the jurisdiction of the Agency. The system is currently equipped for measuring fundamental hydro-meteorological parameters, wave action and currents both in the sea and in the main rivers of the zone, but is quite flexible in that supplementary instrumentation can be added on if requested. HELLENIC gennaio The overall scientific objectives of PERSEUS are to identify the CENTRE 2012 interacting patterns of natural and human-derived pressures on FOR (48M) the Mediterranean and Black Seas, assess their impact on MARINE marine ecosystems and, using the COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Netherla nds BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Pretezio ne Civile della Regione Friuli VeneziaGiulia 2,26 million Euro 12.970 K€ (fondi CNR 455 K€) 53, CNR (IT); METU (Turkey); IFREMER (FR); MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) in Resear column ch, B) MSPICZM, Ocean s and Huma n Health , Marin e Hazar d Other/ Enviro Multiple nment areas al (specify charac in terizat column ion B) PROJECT/INITI ATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE SCALE CIBM Plan for Regional environmental & Subcharacterization of the Regional marine coastal area facing the site of Massa and Carrara. Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) - PRISMA - ASI Coasts National and Lake Assesstment and monitoring by PRISMA Hyperspectra Mission - resp. Braga Southern EUropean Seas COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY RESEARC H, ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) objectives and principles of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive as a vehicle, to design an effective and innovative research governance framework based on sound scientific knowledge CoNISMa 01/01/20 The aim of this project is to acquire chemical-physical and 08 (20,27 ecotoxicological data useful to assess the potential risk M) associated to the removal of highly contaminated coastal marine sediment. Activities carried out Sampling and chemical-physical characterization of sediment samples collected in the nationally significant remediation site of Massa Carrara. Results The project enabled to classify the material characterized according to the criteria provided for by current regulations and by the guidelines drawn up by the technical body of the Ministry of the Environment (current ISPRA). 2011 Coasts and Lake Assesstment and monitoring by PRISMA 2015 Hyperspectra Mission BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS CSIC (Spain); CoNiSMa (IT): CNRS (Sp) IEO (SP); IBSS (Ucraina); INRH (marocco); NIOF (Egitto) € CoNISMa 186.000, 00 CIBM Centro Interuniv ersitario di Biologia marina ed Ecologia applicata -400000 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Other/ Project – Multiple EASIAQCIS areas (specify in column B) TITLE Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Promoting World Class Cluster: a regional network for excellence CLUS3 Project – EASIAQCIS SCALE ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 1/1/2008 Main Objectives: to quantify the marine biota response to , 48 changing environmental conditions and to implement microand months macro-algal life-cycles in a coupled ocean-atmosphere model; � to develop a coupled biogeochemical ocean-atmosphere regional climate model; � to quantify the influence of the marine biota on organic aerosol and ozone fluxes; � to produce an assessment of the contribution of natural (inorganic and organic) aerosol sources and hemispheric transport to air quality in Ireland; � to improve the quantification of ozone destruction, production and removal in the marine boundary layer; � to produce an assessment of the impact of climate change on natural biogenic on particulate matter and ozone Informes Novemb The project aims to develop project partners’ capacities in t er 2013 - managing cluster programs in line with methodologies and Region 24 principles outlined within the European Cluster Excellence Friuli months Initiative, the management capacities of participating clusters’, venezia to support cluster organizations in the process of acquiring the Giulia gold label of excellence, to grant sustainability to the “towards cluster excellence process” by becoming one of the crucial tools supporting the Smart Specialization Strategies of the involved territories. The project will impact directly on policy makers and cluster managers and indirectly on all the stakeholders of the territory. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Internatio National nal Universit y of Ireland , Galway, ISAC-CNR BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS ISAC CONTRIB UTION: 144 KE EU Financed within CIP Competit iveness and Innovatio n framewo rk Program me 2007/20 13 1. IT - Region Friuli Venezia Giulia – Informest 2. CZ - Czech Invest Investment and Business Development Agency 3. RO - South West Oltenia Regional Development Agency 4. E - Instituo de Fomento ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Marie Curie Action s, Staff Excha nge Reef ECOlogy and design of Marine PRotected Areas (RECOMPRA) EU José A. Garcia Charton, Universid ad de Murcia, Spain Start: Jan 1st 2012. Duration: 48 months Regional common EU action strategy against coastal erosion East Macedon ia & Thrace Region (GR) April 2009 March 2012 REGIONE VENETO National REGIONE 2007 VENETO- 2011 CNR ISMAR BO Project drafting for the characterization of underwater sand 54000 deposits on the high Adriatic platform potentially exploitable as 54000 borrow pits for coastal nourishment PHASE III + integration RES-MAR Réseau pour l’environnement dans l’espace Maritime Regional & SubRegional IAMC2011 (24 CNR UOS months) Oristano, Regione Liguria The objective of the project is the development of joint policies regarding the protection and monitoring of coastal areas and the protection of the environment, including through innovative models of managerial action applied by public bodies and socio-economic actors. The project activities concerns the conservation, monitoring and management of water resources, an improvement of SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME, Marie Curie Actions (People), International Research Staff Exchange Scheme Other/ CC & COASTANCE Multiple Impact (MED )areas s/sedi www.coastanc (specify ment in manag column ement B) /EIA & SEA Other/ REGIONE Multiple VENETO areas (specify in column B) Other/ Coasta Multiple l areas Morfo (specify dinami in cs, column Ocean B) s and RECOMPRA proposal aims at consolidating an existing research network established by mutual bilateral relationships among EU (Spain and Italy) and South-American (Brazil and Argentina) labs which common objective is to study specific aspects of reef ecology, in order to provide sound criteria for the design, monitoring and management of MPAs in a scenario of global change. Special emphasis is given to strengthening the interplay between ecological and social sciences, in order to reach robust, longlasting institutional arrangements for the governance of the coastal realm. Objectives of the project were the capitalization of knowledge and resources already acquired in the field of coastal protection and the Mid to Long Term planning actions for climate change effects adaptation of coastal zones in line with the EU Directive 2007/60/EC. Some of the project results are capitalized by the COASTGAP project BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS de la Region de Murcia 119700 CNR-IAMC 1812775, 33 € 75,93% ERDF Region of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace (GR), Regione Lazio (IT) et al. 2 70000 Regione Toscana, regione Liguri, colletive territorial de Corse (FR) ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) monitoring systems in coastal areas for the prevention of coastal erosion and the testing of innovative models to promote the reduction of the environmental impacts of production activities. The objective of the project is the development of joint policies regarding the protection and monitoring of coastal areas and the protection of the environment, including through innovative models of managerial action applied by public bodies and socio-economic actors. The project activities concerns the conservation, monitoring and management of water resources, an improvement of monitoring systems in coastal areas for the prevention of coastal erosion and the testing of innovative models to promote the reduction of the environmental impacts of production activities. 20111 The aim of the project is to improve a conceptual model of the (12 modifications and adaptation of beach systems to changes of months) hydrodynamics and sea level following climate variations, by using experimental data and numerical modeling. MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Huma n Health TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Coasta no website, l stakeholder Morfo conference dinami cs Rias - risposta e adattamento dei sistemi costieri della Sardegna alle variazioni climatiche Globali Regional & SubRegional Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Opera RIMA tional Ocean ograp hy/Ob servin g Syste ms, Trainin g& RIMA – Sviluppo di National tecnologie e software per una Rete Integrata previsionale Mediterranea per la gestione dell’Ambiente marino e costiero. Dipartim ento di Scienze della Terra Universit à di Cagliari Coordina 2013tor: 2016 Distretto Ligure delle Tecnolog ie Marine; CNR, ENEA, INGV, RIMA develops an integrated system for the monitoring and management of the Ligurian Sea. Main outcomes: • Development of technologies for the real time monitoring of the coastal area; • Development of autonomous vehicles of “last generation”; • Development of a hierarchy of nested models of the Ligurian Sea circulation. ENEA develops: • A Lidar system for the monitoring of organic suspended matter, and/or of pollutants; • New algorithms for the use of satellite data in coastal regions; • An operational model of the circulation of the Western Mediterranean Sea, which provides initial and boundary data for higher resolution models of the Ligurian Sea. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 110.000, none 00 (50.000,0 0) ENEA budget: 269 k€. Funded by Distretto Ligure delle Tecnolog ie Marine. MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Techn ology Transf er Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) enviro nment al impact s associ ated with CO2 leakag e from storag e sites; safe manag ement of CO2 storag e sites TITLE Research into RISCS Impacts and Safety in CO2 Storage http://www.ris SCALE EU COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ARPAL, SELEX ES, STM Italia, among others. British Geologic al Survey, UK ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 20102013 RISCS is a European project which aims to improve our understanding of the possible environmental impacts of geological storage of CO2. The project is designed to study a wide range of potential impacts, thus providing tools for developing appropriate legislation and helping to ensure the safe management of CO2 storage sites. RISCS will focus on the potential environmental impacts that might be associated with CO2 leakage from a storage site, even if such leakage is very unlikely. The project will provide the essential research, through field work and the development and validation of appropriate models, to underpin frameworks for the safe management of CO2 storage sites. Research within the project is focused on understanding the potential likelihoods and consequences of impacts scenarios on key receptors such as human populations, ecosystems, and groundwater. A representative set of reference scenarios, encompassing the main types of impacts to living organisms that could be present, will be investigated. This will cover a range of CO2 storage options, both onshore and offshore, in a variety of geographical settings. RISCS will communicate the research and the outcomes in an accessible way to stakeholders and the public. A key output of the project (and other related research) will be a ‘Guide for Impact Appraisal’, which will be developed in consultation with stakeholders. Environmental protection regulators and site operators will get clear and agreed definitions of credible scenarios for leakage and quantified descriptions of realistic impacts. Regulators and policymakers will get tools to design and implement both strategically and BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS FP7 24 partners Europea n Commiss ion MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) marin e infrast ructur e, data TITLE SCALE Progetto Bandiera La Ricerca Italiana per il Mare RITMARE - SP7 Interoperable Infrastructure for the Observation Network and Marine Data National Pan-European infrastructure for ocean & marine data management SEADATANET- PANEU EUROPEAN INFRASTRUCTURE FOR OCEAN AND MARINE DATA MANAGEMENT ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) operationally fit-for-purpose regulations, most especially in evaluating environmental impact assessments. Operators and regulators will be able to greatly improve site safety, due to the increased capability to assess and predict the potential consequences of leaks from storage sites. CNR 2011 The project aims to design and develop an infrastructure that IREA 2016 allows data coordination and sharing on an open access basis. The infrastructure design is intended as user-driven, based on a constant interaction with the experts’ requirements, on the cooperation in setting goals and testing solutions, through participative tools and methods. The infrastructure will also work as a showcase, to disseminate the Italian activities and to promote them to the wider European and international domain. IFREMER aprile Data availability is of vital importance for marine research but (FR) 2006 most of the European data are fragmented, not always (60M) validated and not easily accessible. In the 40 countries bordering the European seas, more than 600 scientific laboratories from governmental organizations and private industry collect data by using various sensors on board of research vessels, submarines, fixed and drifting platforms, airplaines and satellites to measure physical, geophysical, geological, biological and chemical parameters, biological species etc. SEADATANET aims to develop an efficient distributed PanEuropean Marine Data Management Infrastructure for managing these large and diverse data sets. The objective is to network the existing professional data centres of 36 countries, active in data collection and provide integrated databases of standardized quality on-line. The on line access to in-situ and remote sensing data, metadata and products will be provided through a unique portal COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 2500000 - MIUR CNR (IAMC, IDPA, IREA, ISAC, ISMAR, ISSIA), ENEA, INGV, OGS, SZN 8.750 K€ (BUDGET CNR 146 K€) 44, IFREMER (fr); MARIN (NL); BODC (UK); BSH (Ger); SMHI (Sweden) CNR (IT); ENEA (IT); INGV (IT) IEO (SP); RIHMIWDC(Russ) MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) marin e infrast ructur e, data SEADATANET2 -A EU PAN-EUROPEAN INFRASTRUCTURE FOR OCEAN AND MARINE DATA MANAGEMENT Pan-European infrastructure for ocean & marine data management SCALE ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) interconnecting, in the first phase, 11 interoperable node platforms. The development and adoption of common communication standards and adapted technology will insure the platforms interoperability. This activity will be developed to gradually connect all the other data centres to the interoperable system. The quality, compatibility and coherence of the data issuing from so many sources, will be insured by adopting standardized methodologies for data checking, by dedicating part of the activities to training and to preparing synthetic regional and global statistical gridded products from the most comprehensive insitu and remote sensing data sets made available by the participants. These products, easier to interpret by nonspecialist users, will be used first to check the data and the system operability, and further to market and serve a wider range of uses than raw data: model initialisation, industrial projects and teaching. IFREMER ottobre The overall objective of the SeaDataNet II project is to upgrade (FR) 2011 the present SeaDataNet infrastructure into an (48M) operationally robust and state-of-the-art Pan-European infrastructure for providing up-to-date and high quality access to ocean and marine metadata, data and data products originating from data acquisition activities by all engaged coastal states, by setting, adopting and promoting common data management standards and by realising technical and semantic interoperability with other relevant data management systems and initiatives on behalf of science, environmental management, policy making, and economy. SeaDataNet is undertaken by the National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs), and marine information services of major research institutes, from 31 coastal states bordering the European seas, and also COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 3.600 K€ (BUDGET CNR 158 K€) 44, IFREMER (fr); MARIN (NL); BODC (UK); BSH (Ger); SMHI (Sweden) CNR (IT); ENEA (IT); INGV (IT) IEO (SP); RIHMIWDC(Russ) MAIN R&I AREAS Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) FP7 - SEASERA, Enviro COMUNE DI nment VITTORIA al charac TITLE SCALE SEAS-ERA,Towards integrated European marine research strategy and programmes EU Service analysis and Regional surveys pertaining to & Subthe characterization of Regional marine sediments of Port Scoglitti and the ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) includes Satellite Data Centres, expert modelling centres and the international organisations IOC, ICES and EUJRC in its network. Its 40 data centres are highly skilled and have been actively engaged in data management for many years and have the essential capabilities and facilities for data quality control, long term stewardship, retrieval and distribution. SeaDataNet II will undertake activities to achieve data access and data products services that meet requirements of end-users and intermediate user communities, such as GMES Marine Core Services (e.g. MyOcean), establishing SeaDataNet as the core data management component of the EMODNet infrastructure and contributing on behalf of Europe to global portal initiatives, such as the IOC/IODE – Ocean Data Portal (ODP), and GEOSS. Moreover it aims to achieve INSPIRE compliance and to contribute to the INSPIRE process for developing implementing rules for oceanography. MINECO, 2011To constitute a stable and durable structure for coordination ES 2014 and integration of national and regional marine and maritime research programmes with the major goal of providing a clear reply to the need for developing and implementing common research strategies and programmes related to the European sea basins. To this end, SEAS ERA will bring together, through several mechanisms, the four european sea basins working within two different levels: regional and pan european; this work structure will enable to harmonise common priorities and needs in marine and maritime research while respecting diversities between regions. CoNISMa 01/03/20 The aim of the project 11 (4,07 M) Task of physical, chemical, bacteriological and ecotoxicological characterization in order to assess the environmental compatibility of marine sediments handling activities resulting COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 2000 € 111.239, 50 Comune di 22 CoNISMa MAIN R&I AREAS column B) OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) terizat ion TITLE SCALE beaches of Kamarina and Riviera Gela. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) from dredging of the Scoglitti harbor and their reuse in nourishment actions of Kamarina and Riviera Gela beaches. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Vittoria (Siracusa ) Activities CoNISMa dealt with the sampling of Kamarina and Riviera Gela beaches, the drafting of the reports related to sampling activities, physical, chemical, bacteriological and ecotoxicological analysis of both sediments from Scoglitti harbor and materials from beaches. In addition, a final report has been prepared resulting from the integration of all the analytical information, including the assessment of the compatibility of marine sediment for beach nourishment actions. Results Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Ocean FP6 s and EUROPEAN Huma COMMISSION n Health , Climat e Chang SESAME Southern european Seas: Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem changes Project Reference: 36949 EU Hellenic 2007 Centre 2009 for Marine Research The results revealed absence of contamination, both in the Scoglitti harbor and in Kamarina and Riviera Gela beaches. Ecotoxicological tests showed no toxicity. Microbiological variables were very low. Grain size distribution in almost all harbor samples revealed a concentration of the pelitic fraction <10%, amount indicated by the "Manuale per la Movimentazione di Sedimenti Marini" ICRAM-APAT (2007) as limit for sands intended to nourishment action. CE, FP6-2006-GLOBAL-4 - Sub-Priority 3: “Global Change And Ecosystems” - 1473049 7415522 49 MAIN R&I AREAS Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) e& Impact s TITLE SIRENA CC & impact s/ ICZM/ offsho BEACHMED-e RFO (Interreg 3C South) www.beachme TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Simulazione National dell'impianto propulsivo di una nave di tipo CODLAG per la progettazione del sistema di controllo e per l'esercizio dell'impianto propulsivo delle fregate FREMM della Marina Militare Italiana SIRENA National SEASTEM 18/12/20 Development of propulsion control system simulation for A 08FREMM frigates 31/12/20 10 60k€ UNIGE E. Migneco / INFNLNS Sett2004 duration 4 years Realization of a prototype of underwater detection unit for the realization of a deep sea neutrino telescope. The detection unit has been installed in front of Catania site, connected to the junction box of LAMS project. 2.301,00 - MIUR INFN SMART GRIDS Navicelli Spa Period 20102013 The project has the objective to integrate technologies that enable you to rethink the design and operation of the conventional electric network through the development of innovative network management technologies based on thermal and electrical energy storage Lazio Region (IT) July 2005 The main objective of the Regional Framework Operation was - June to pinpoint and improve technical and administrative tools for a 2008 strategic management of the coastal defence, in order to achieve a sustainable development of the Mediterranean coastal zones, trough 9 Subprojects (on Monitoring, 7668366, 5€ 54%FEDE R Regione Lazio, (IT), leader partner, Regione Emilia Romagna (IT), Regional & SubRegional Strategic management EU of beach protection for sustainable development MAIN R&I AREAS column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) re sand reaser ch and manag ement / Obser ving syste m TITLE SCALE Enviro CANALE nment D'OTRANTO al MSS charac terizat ion in relatio n to enviro nment al impact Studies of benthonics Regional component, chemical & Subcharacterization of Regional sedximents, studies of physical and biogeochemical oceanography, analysis and graphycal restitution of geophysical data between Italy and Albanian coasts of Mediterranean coastal zones COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) networking, protocol for research and management of offhore sand deposits, ICZM and planning, coastal Observatories system) with the participation of 36 partners from Universities, Research Institutes and Administrations working in the field of coastal defensepartners from Universities, Research Institutes and Administrations. During the project was sigend the first version of the Bologna Charter (2007) BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Regione Toscana (IT), Regione Liguria (IT), Conseil Général de l’Hérault (FR), Service Maritime et Navigation du LanguedocRoussillon (FR), Generalitat Catalunya (ES), East Macedonia and Thrace Region (GR), Crete Region (GR). CoNISMa 01/10/20 Studies of benthonics component, chemical characterization of € CoNISMa 06 (15,20 sediments, studies of physical and biogeochemical 261.020, M) oceanography, analysis and graphycal restitution of geophysical 00 - MSS data between Italy and Albanian coasts Mediterr anean Survey & Services MAIN R&I AREAS ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) OTHE R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) asses ment Other/ Enviro Multiple nment areas al (specify charac in terizat column ion B) PROJECT/INITI ATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY PORTO TRAPANI II Regional & SubRegional CoNISMa 01/02/20 Study of the characteristics of the seabed of the port of Trapani 12 (23,30 and of the neighboring coastal areas; aimed to develop and M) verification of novel criteria of characterization and environmental assessment. Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Safe Underwater Operations iN Oceans (Smart Cities and Communities – Sea Technologies), http://www.m pro-v-p108.html Study of the characteristics of the seabed of the port of Trapani and of the neighboring coastal areas; aimed to develop and verification of novel criteria of characterization and environmental assessment. SUONO Other/ Multiple areas (specify Under water techn ologie s TITLE Support of the NICOP entitled "SuperCavitating (SC) Surface Piercing (SP) National Prof. Benedett o Allotta, Universit y of Florence (DIEF), Dr. Daniele Magrin, CNS Internati onal S.R.L., Avenza, MS Internatio OFFICE nal OF NAVAL RESEARC Novemb er 1, 2013, 36 months (end Novemb er 31, 2015) Development a hyperbaric robotic rescue vessel (HES) featuring 72 hours of autonomy, devoted to save the lives of saturated CCDs in case of wreck of the mother ship. Developement of a novel hybrid robotic vehicle (HUV - hybrid in the sense of being capable of both ROV and AUV operation). 01/09/20 CFD investigations about unconventional multihull high speed 10vehicle 28/02/20 13 BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € 440.000, 00 Provvedi torato Interregi onale Opere Pubblich e SiciliaCalabria CoNISMa, ISPRA, CNR/IBIM Total cost 13,000k€ , Funding 11,000k€ , MIUR RANA Diving S.p.A., RES MARINA S.R.L., Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (EXTREME CENTRE), SO.PRO.MAR S.p.A., Cooperativa Nazionale Sommozzatori 195 k$ UNIGE MAIN R&I AREAS in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Project/subcontratctor Enviro MAR PICCOLO nment TARANTO al charac terizat ion Project TITLE SCALE Hydrofoils: Design and the optimisation methods Taxi del Mare National Techno - Scientific activities targeted to the deepening of the interactions between the environmental system of the Mar Piccolo and the flow of contaminants from primary and secondary sources. TEXTRA – Innovative technologies and materials for transport sector Regional & SubRegional National COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY H GLOBAL Taxi del mare srl ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) start: 01/06/20 07-2 years Scopo del progetto è la progettazione di imbarcazioni innovative dalle altissime prestazioni in termini di: • Velocità • Comfort • Robustezza e tenuta del mare • Risparmio energetico • Riciclabilità dei materiali • Abbattimento delle emissioni inquinanti. Sono state sviluppate tecnologie e componenti per il settore della nautica caratterizzati da materiali compositi a matrice termoplastica caratterizzati da elevate proprietà meccaniche, leggerezza e riciclabilità BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 155.000 Euro (CETMAbudget)Consulen zaProgetto finanziat o MISE (non è noto l'importo totale del progetto ) CoNISMa 21/06/20 1. Detailed georeferenced survey of bathymetric-morphological € 76.000, 13 (8,40 data (SB/MB, SSS) and of the superficial sediment stratigraphy 00 M) (SBP) of the Mar Piccolo di Taranto, using a apposite craft able ARPA to sail inside the productive structures present within the basin. PUGLIA 2. Biocenotic mapping of the Mar Piccolo di Taranto by means of a ROV and underwater camera pulled across the bottom, as well as through underwater inspection. 3. Building of the geological, morphological and sedimentological model of the Mar Piccolo; assessing the effects of flood flows; reconstruction of morphological basins. CETMA start: Il progetto , mediante attività di Ricerca Industriale su 11.002.7 1/1/2006 Tecnologie e Materiali Innovativi per lo sviluppo di componenti 84 Euro – 7 years di Vettori Ferroviari e di Medie Dimensioni, punta ad aggregare, - MIUR integrare e potenziare competenze multidisciplinari di soggetti pubblici e privati, tali da costituire un Laboratorio di eccellenza Eupolis -ATechnology Taxi del Mare CoNISMa ENEA; MERMEC; AVIO; Università del Salento; MAIN R&I AREAS TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Under water techn ologie s THESAURUS Regional & SubRegional Prof. Andrea Caiti, Universit y of Pisa (Centro Enrico Piaggio) THESEUS Innovative technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate EU USV Permare Autonomous vehicle for operational observation of the marine environemnt National Alma 2009 Mater 2013 Studioru m‐ Universit à di Bologna UniBo Italy DLTM Oct 1st, 2013; duration 3 years column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) per i trasporti. Le tecnologie e le competenze sviluppate sono trasferibili ad altri campi del settore trasporti. OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TecnicHe per I'Esplorazione Sottomarina Archeologica mediante I'Utilizzo di Robot aUtonomi in Sciami (PAR FAS REGIONE TOSCANA Linea di Azione 1.1.a.3), http://thesaur FP7 EUROPEAN COMMISSION www.theseusp platfor ms for data collect ion March 1, 2011, 30 months (end August 31, 2013) Development of a class of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles named “Typhoon” designed to perform archaeological campaigns either in single vehicle fashion and in a cooperating swarm BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Politecnico di Milano; Politecnico di Bari-CETMA Total University of cost Florence 1,900k€ - (DIEF, DINFO), Funding ISTI-CNR, Pisa, 1,400€ Scuola Regione Normale Toscana Superiore, Pisa THESEUS examines innovative coastal mitigation and 6530000 adaptation technologies to deliver a safer coast for human - 40000 use/development and healthier coastal habitats with respect to stressors such as sea levels rise, climate changes and economic growth. The primary objective is to provide an integrated methodology to plan sustainable defense strategies and manage coastal erosion and flooding. THESEUS objectives are governed by three specific goals concerning risk assessment, response strategies and applications. Modular, autonomous platform capable to fit in different 3855k € sensors 32 DLTM MAIN R&I AREAS column B) Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE Climat VECTOR e Chang e& Impact s; Deep Sea Ecosys tem; MSPICZM; Marin e polluti on VECTOR - Vulnerability National of the coasts and of the Italian sea ecosystems to climatic changes and their role in the cycles of the Mediterranean carbon. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) CoNISMa 20/02/20 Aim 06 (47,63 M) Scientific investigations by research cruises and data collection in the national seas and the Mediterranean Sea in order to monitoring the effects of the climatic changes and to design future scenario. Activities 35 cruises at sea with the involvement of hundreds of researchers, during the 4 years of the project; mooring and remooring of instruments in the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic seas ; measurements and monitorings in the Lagoon of Venice and the Gulf of Naples; elaboration of data concerning the activities of fishery, the coastal erosion and the problems dues to the sea level rising. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € 8.250.00 0,00 MIURMinister o dell'Istru zione, dell'Univ ersità e della Ricerca CoNISMa, CNR-Italy, ENEA-Italy, ISPRA-Italy, CMCC-Italy, OGS-Italy, Stazione Zoologica “Anton Dohrn”-Italy Results Other/ Multiple areas (specify in column B) Project WOODY-Innovative advanced Woodbased Composite Materials and Components EU 3 national workshops with tens of participants and hundred of posters; insertion of the project in the international net IMBER; granting of PhDs and post-doc positions; several pubblications on magazines ISI. CETMA - start: The WOODY project goal is to develop new composite materials 7.238.31 D'appolo 01/01/20 and products from wood-derived renewable materials, 3 Euro nia 09- 4 providing performances competitive with traditional EU-FP7 Years composites.The main objective and the most relevant achievement of the WOODY project was to proof the feasibility of the introduction of natural derived materials into the world of industrial composites. This has been achieved and proven in demonstrators of different types of materials and real scale systems, covering a wide span of processes, addressing CETMA - APC Composit ABDanmarks Tekniske UniversitetValtion TeknillinenTutkimuskesk us MAIN R&I AREAS Socioec onomic & Policy OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE http://www.liv ANCORA SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Regional & SubRegional Province of Livorno ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) extended types of products and demonstrating applicability to different industrial sectors and markets. Period 20132014 The main objective is to encourage the development of land in areas affected by the system for recreational, competitiveness and adaptability of enterprises, employment and skills of workers in the supply chain and the District of pleasure. The BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS CentexbelTransFurans ChemicalsMarbo Italia S.p.A.- Luleå Tekniska UniversitetAntnony, Patrick e Murta Exportação LDA-Volvo Lastvagnar AktiebolagLindbäcks Bygg ABSwerea SICOMP ABeXtreme Materials S.r.l.-The Hebrew University of JerusalemGianazza Angelo S.p.A.FAPES S.p.A.European Plastics Converters MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE CSA OCEAN CSA Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans EU Researc h Socioec onomic & Policy Researc h FP7 EUROPEAN COMMISSION http://www.jpi nett-jpioceans/CSA_Oc eans/12539799 59045 Socioec onomic & Policy Researc h ECOSAFIMED Towards EU Ecosystem Conservation and Sustainable Artisanal Fisheries in the Mediterranean basin FP7 EUROFLEETS Towards EU EUROPEAN an alliance of COMMISSION - European Research www.eurofleet Fleets Socioec onomic & Policy Researc h ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) services provided by the project include analysis, reconnaissance, identification, development and transfer of knowledge in an innovation process, product and organization at the local level, with local development of logical and interlocal, also aimed to create a "system" of the port area; analysis, development and dissemination of shared learning processes, innovative, oriented to the exchange and evaluation of best practices, capacity building of relationships between the companies related or connected, oriented to the creation of new jobs and opportunities for integration / reintegration persons in a state of unemployment, supporting entrepreneurial culture. Research 2012 CSA Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans is a support action Council 2015 designed to reduce the time for JPI (Joint Programming of Initiative) Oceans to move from the preliminary to the Norway operational phase. The project aims at supporting the (RCN), governance structures in its work to establish JPI Oceans, and Norway facilitating the development of a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and an Implementation Plan according to JPI Oceans vision and goals. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 1999925 - 12500 11 Biodivers Decembe The project proposes to study the impact of artisanal fisheries 1388M € University of ity r 1, 2013 on shelf areas with low trawling pressure. It aims is to provide a Genova Foundati package of scientific-based recommendations for an on ecosystem-based management of artisanal fisheries, in order to (Spain) achieve a good conservation status of benthic habitats. French 2009 Research 2013 Institute for Exploitati on of the Towards an alliance of European Research Fleets. The project aims at creating an alliance of marine research centers across Europe, able to work together and to share resources, to improve the overall quality of marine research in Europe. 8930589, 98 583379 25 MAIN R&I AREAS Socioec onomic & Policy Researc h OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) FP7 EUROPEAN COMMISSION www.eurofleet Socioec onomic & Policy Researc h Socioec onomic & Policy Researc h Socioec onomic & Policy Researc h http://www.m TITLE SCALE EUROFLEETS2 New operational steps towards an alliance of European research fleets EU M3-HABs Risk EU monitoring Modelling and mitigation of benthic harmful alga blooms along Mediterranean Coasts MARAKANDA EU Mediterranean Historical Markets MARBEF UE Marine biodiversity http://www.m and ecosystem funtioning ules.php?name =Description EU COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Sea – Ifremer France French Research Institute for Exploitati on of the Sea – Ifremer France CoNISMa ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 2013 2017 The project New operational steps towards an alliance of 1087308 European research fleets (EUROFLEETS2) is a Research 9,46 Infrastructures project under the 7th Framework Programme of 407578 the European Commission. It aims at consolidating the construction of a pan-European distributed research fleet infrastructure, with common strategic vision and coordinated access to European marine research vessels and equipment. January 1, 2014 Promotion of environmental sustainability at the basin level 1998k € CNR, ARPAL, OnAir ENPI CBC MED project to foster the social and economic development in the Mediterranean 1355K € Municipality of Genova € 14.352.5 57,00 Unione Europea / VI PROGRA MMA QUADRO CONTR. N° GOCE- CoNISMa, Netherlands Institute Of Ecology Centre For Estuarine And Marine Ecology, Plymouth Marine Municipa January lity of 1, 2012 Florence Netherla 01/02/20 MarBEF, a network of excellence funded by the European Union nds 04 and consisting of 94 European marine institutes, is a platform Institute (63,83M) to integrate and disseminate knowledge and expertise on of marine biodiversity, with links to researchers, industry, Ecologystakeholders and the general public. Centre for " Estuarine and Marine Ecology 31 MAIN R&I AREAS Socioec onomic & Policy Researc h Socioec onomic & Policy Researc h Socioec onomic & Policy Researc h OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE http://medME-3R EuroMediterranean p/fr/ strategic platform for suitable waste management MEDSEATIES inclusive governance for sustainable Mediterranean coastal metropolis Access http://www.od ODYSSEA FIM ibility and comm unicati on netwo rks SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) EU Metropol Decembe Croos border coordination for integrated waste management is of Nice r 1, 2012 systems (France) EU Institut de la Mediterr anee (France) January 20, 2014; duration 24 months EU Collectivi té Territoria le de Corse Agence du Tourisme de la Corse May 1st, 2009; duration 27 months BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS CT-2003505446MARBEF 4787k € CORE PARTICIPANT S Laboratory, et al. University of Genova A strategic approach for the benefit of the marine environment. 1870k € Municipality The environmental market is subject to strict environmental of Genova, regulations. The new EU Framework Strategy Directive on the DLTM Marine Environment is aimed at the proper ecological condition of coastal marine areas. It completes the Framework Water Directive (2000). It implies a more extended and complex monitoring. It also involves the interaction of activities and developments with ecosystems, as well as the restoration of degraded environments. There is experience in the pilot cities the model of sustainable 2 414k € - Territorial co-development and governance, Odyssea in seen to improve Collectivity of the offerings and services of the network of marinas become Corsica large and associated territories. This model will be tested using Tourism a common set of specifications, a replicable methodology, Agency of innovations focused on networking border offers through ICT. Corsica The territorial concept necessarily includes: sea / harbor / the - Union city to rural lands. This structure in a process and Marinas environmental ethics, offers services around four major themes Corsica of stops, labeled Odyssea. The project for different target - Liguria audiences: the people in the inventory phase and shared Region identity, the nautical sector, the residents and vacationers, Sector boaters, but local managers of marinas, natural and cultural Community spaces, actors boating, agro-tourism and wine tourism. Affairs and International Relations - Regional MAIN R&I AREAS Socioec onomic & Policy Researc h Socioec onomic & Policy Researc h OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY www.polopent PENTA Regional & SubRegional Navigo MARINE STRATEGY Performing a study on National the issues of the Marine Strategy for the realization of the initial evaluation of the state of the marine environment and the achievement of the main objectives of the 2008/56/EC Directive , as implemented by Legislative Decree no. 190/2010. ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) Projec t POLO PENTA, funded within the european framework of POR-FESR, brings together all the service centers of the Tuscan yachting , universities and major research centers in Tuscany and is aimed at a basin of about 3000 nautical enterprises . CoNISMa 09/09/20 Performing a study on the issues of the Marine Strategy for the 12 (12,47 realization of the initial evaluation of the state of the marine M) environment and the achievement of the main objectives of the 2008/56/EC Directive , as implemented by Legislative Decree no. 190/2010. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Agency "In Liguria" - Network Ports Sardinia - National Association of Wine Cities Pisa Province Office of Community Politics and International Relations period 20102012 € 1.364.00 0,00 ISPRA Istituto Superior e per la Ricerca sull'Ambi ente CoNISMa, UNIMAR, COISPA, IREPA, Università del Piemonte Orientale “A: Avogadro” , Università di Ferrara, Università di Padova, Università di Pavia. MAIN R&I AREAS Socioec onomic & Policy Researc h Socioec onomic & Policy Researc h Socioec onomic & Policy Researc h OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) INTERREG CISM REGIONE CAMPANIA TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY HCMR (Greece) Policy-oriented marine Environmental Research for the Southern European Seas (PERSEUS) Project of technical assistance for the implementation and management of an International Centre of Sea Sciences in Albania - CISM (INTERREG IIIA ITALY – ALBANIA 20002006) EU Regional & SubRegional ARPA PugliaItaly Research and analysis of the economic and social impact of protected areas in Campania Regional & SubRegional ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) January Research project that assesses the dual impact of human 1, 2012 activity and natural pressures on the Mediterranean and Black Seas BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 13000k € CORE PARTICIPANT S 01/07/20 The aim of the project was the definition of a possible 06 (28,43 International Center of Research in Marine Sciences to locate in M) Albany. This Center (current name: CISM) would be the only one Institute for the research in the field of Sea Sciences along the Albanian waters with competences in biotic (biological resources) and abiotic (chemistry, toxicology, etc. ) sectors. € 2.570.00 0,00 Regione Puglia CoNISMa 10/09/20 The project regards the 2 MPAs of the Cilento coasts ("Santa 07 (10,13 Maria di Castellabate" and "Costa degli Infreschi e della M) Masseta"). It was developed connecting several tasks, trough the set-up of a common geo-database, taking into account the environmental status and the human use of the marine territory (e.g. professional and recreational fishery, diving, pleasure navigation), the analysis of historical and socioeconomic heritage along the coasts, the characteristics of the turistic demand and present offer, with the purpose to identify new sustainable initiatives and provide the guidelines for an effective financial support. € 230.000, 00 Regione Campani aAssessor ato dell'Ambi ente AMP Aree Marine Protette CoNISMa, ARPA PugliaItaly, CoNISMaItaly, CNRItaly, Albanian Ministry of Environment, Albanian Academy of Sciences, University of Tirana-Albania CoNISMa CNR, ENEA, INGV, OGS MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Socioec IT-FR onomic Marittimo & Policy 2007-2013 Researc h TITLE SCALE SERENA EU Socioec onomic & Policy Researc h Study about the thematics of marine strategy for achieving the priority objectives of the Directive 2008/56/CEE. Regional & SubRegional MARINE STRATEGY CALABRIA, CAMPANIA; PUGLIA ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) Period The project has the main objective to analyze the boating 2009industry and its supply chain within a defined area of 2011 cooperation between Italy and France, to assess the current state of development and future prospects of the industry, identify employment opportunities that it can offer and thus strengthen the capacity of the basin of attraction of employment in the sector is through the strengthening of employment services is through the establishment of common training standards CoNISMa 01/06/20 Implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding ratified 14 (7,10 with DGRC n. 4 of 18/01/2013, regarding the pursuit of the aims M) set by D.lgs. 190/2010, for the adoption of the European (12,13 Directive 2008/56/CE which establishes a framework for EC M) (3,00 action in the field of marine environment policy. The research M) programme focuses on the marine coasts in the Western Mediterranean Sub-Region and falling within the competence of the Campania Region, as technical-scientific data concerning them resulted insufficient. In order to pursue such aim, the Parties signing the Agreement, each within one’s competence, have undertaken to develop the following issues: 1. socio-economic aspects of the use of marine environment and costs of its deterioration; 2. marine waste; 3. distribution and size of both benthic (coralligenic) habitats and pelagic (planktonic) habitats. As regards the distribution and size of the benthic (coralligenic) habitats, the implementing subject is CoNISMa. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Province of La Spezia BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS € 172.800, 00 ARPACAL - Agenzia Regional e per la Prevenzi one e la Protezio ne dell’Amb iente della Regione Calabria +€ 300.000, 00 Regione Campani a+€ 224.825, 00 ARPA CoNISMa + CoNISMa, ARPAC; Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn. MAIN R&I AREAS Socioec onomic & Policy Researc h OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) FP7-PEOPLE2010-IEF (Marie-Curie Action:"IntraEuropean fellowships for career development") http://www.20 YNRESHSynchronousRegime-ShiftsAcrossEuropeanSeas%28SYNRE SH%29s5612.html TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) SYNRESH Synchronous Regime Shifts Across European Seas EU SAHFOS, UK 2012 2014 Regime shifts are abrupt changes encompassing a multitude of physical properties and ecosystem variables, which lead to new regime conditions. Regime shifts can cause large-scale losses of ecosystem services with severe consequences for human wellbeing. Recently, regime shifts have been documented for various marine ecosystems. Novel research has found that many of those occurred quasi-simultaneously, raising the question about global-scale environmental forcing. In particular, all European seas seem to have underwent regime shifts in the late 1980s (Conversi et al., 2010). Understanding such co-occurrence is key to differentiating the role of large/hemispheric scale (climate) impacts from local/basin scale (eutrophication, overfishing, etc) impacts. This differentiation is in turn essential for both addressing marine ecosystem protection strategies, and understanding the climate – biota relationship in global warming scenarios. The aims of this project are (i) to address, via a comparative, multi-basins approach, the large-scale synchrony in regime shift timing and its drivers, and (ii) to link scientific research to policy, by addressing the development of prevention and mitigation strategies to be used in future ecosystem-based managements. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS PugliaAgenzia Regional e per la Prevenzi one e la Protezio ne dell’Amb iente della Puglia 272980 272980 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Training P.O. CRO FSE & Regione Liguria Technol 2007-2013 Axis ogy IV Human Transfer Capital - TITLE 3D STEREO MONITOR Study and development of a system for the reconstruction and development of threedimensional models from stereoscopic images with applications in marine monitoring Training Settin Ministry for Centro di Competenza & g up a Education and Tecnologica Technol marin Research “Impresambiente” nel ogy e (MIUR) - 2000- settore del rischio Transfer mesoc 2006 N.O.P. for ambientale per la osm as Scientific promozione a Research, dell'innovazione contri Training and tecnologica e della bute Technological competitività delle to a Transfer imprese (CCT distrib (www.cctIMPRESAMBIENTE) uted impresambient marin e resear ch infrast ructur e in the South of Italy SCALE Regional & SubRegional National ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 2013 The proposed project involves the use of three-dimensional 2015 representations obtained by stereoscopic techniques in two different application scenarios related to marine environmental monitoring: 1) Recognition and classification of macro-and megazooplankton (2 mm - 20 mm and> 20 mm), with particular attention to the gelatinous zooplankton (jellyfish and ctenophores); 2) analysis of the wave motion near the coast, with particular attention to the detection of height and direction of wave and monitoring of the coastline. ImpresA 2008 - 4 This project, inter alia, enabled the creation of a meso-scale mbiente years system of tanks at the premises of dell'UOS Cape Granitola - s.c.a.r.l. dell'IAMC-CNR, in order to carry out studies of new fish species farmed, the acoustics of fish species, etc.. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY CNRISMAR BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 104000 4 104000 8.086.56 5 (90.000) IAMC-CNR, Universities, Research Public Istitutes and SMEs from Southern Italy MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Training FP 6 & Technol ogy Transfer Training & Technol ogy Transfer TITLE COBO Integrating new technologies for the study of benthic ecosystem response to human activity: towards a Coastal Ocean Benthic Observatory PAR FAS 2007 – DEWAGS 2013 DEepWAterGreenSens ors. Training & Technol ogy Transfer DG MARE - Call for proposals MARE/2013/09 - Training & Technol ogy Transfer EC Esif Energy Saving in FISH/2006/17 - Fisheries SCALE EU Regional & SubRegional ECOSEE/A Guardians EU of the Sea - Grant agreement MARE/2013/09 SI2.680401 EU ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 2004 The overall objective is to integrate emerging and innovative 2007 technologies from different disciplines, in order to provide monitoring of sediment habitats and better understand the interactions between the benthic biota and their chemical environment. Existing technologies have limited spatial and temporal resolutions, and this has hampered progresses in determining key parameters and explaining biogeochemical patterns and processes. Selmar 2014 The project DEWAGS takes into account a sensor station S.r.l..Italy 2016 consists of two distinct systems: - Docking Station (which is on the bottom of the sea) - Floating module (module with sensors disconnected from the station) Within this architecture, the project aims to: - Develop a system for charging batteries with Fuel Cell technology to increase the autonomy of the diving system - Develop a system of wireless charger able to transfer the charge to the batteries of the module Floating without the need for complex connectors and docking operations Città di 2014 San 2015 Benedett o del Tronto Gruppo d'azione costiera Marche Sud 2006 ESIF aims at investigating technical and operational methods to 2009 reduce energy consumption and costs in European fisheries. The study will perform an inventory of technical solutions and running activities, analyse the economic performance of selected fleet segments, as well the factors determining energy COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 2889410 13 - 799266,6 489109,01 3 466618 114035 8 600000 - 11 MAIN R&I AREAS Training & Technol ogy Transfer OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) efficiency and the economic potential for technological improvement under future scenarios. 2008Training 4 young professionals on molecular and biochemical 2008 techniques applied to marine biotechnologies: young professionals were specialized in the characterization of active substances from marine organisms in different environmental conditions, in order to enhance the welfare and human health. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Trainin g young resear chers in the marin e scienc es Training Trainin & g Technol young ogy resear Transfer chers in the marin e scienc es Training & Technol ogy Transfer EC Structural Funds European Social Fund 2000-2006 Sicilian R.O.P. Esperto nella caratterizzazione di sostanze attive dall’ambiente marino (ESPERIA) National IAMCCNR EC Structural Funds European Social Fund 2000-2006 Sicilian R.O.P. Esperto nella National caratterizzazionedell'a mbiente marino e delle sue risorse (ESPERIA) IAMCCNR 20082008 Training of 7 young professionals in the field of fisheries ecology and biology, as well as specific skills in the protection and management of marine resources. 168.000, NONE 00 (168.000 ) FP7 EUROPEAN COMMISSION www.forceproj FORCE Fishing and aquaculture-Oriented Research Capacity in Egypt 2011 2014 Fishing and aquaculture-Oriented Research Capacity in Egypt is designed to enhance the capacity of the Egyptian National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF) to carry out research activities for supporting the implementation of sound and science-based policies and the sustainable development of fishery and aquaculture in Egypt, as well as in the whole Mediterranean North African region. 499558 83017 4 Training & Technol P.O.R. FESR GUARD-1 GUARD-1 2007-2013 Axis 1 Innovation NIOF National Institute of Oceanog raphy and Fisheries, Egypt OnAIR S.r.l. 2012 2014 The aim of the project is the study, the definition and implementation of a prototype of an autonomous system at low cost for the acquisition and recognition of underwater 216005,4 - 40000 2 EU Regional & SubRegional 168.000, NONE 00 (168.000 ) MAIN R&I AREAS ogy Transfer Training & Technol ogy Transfer Training & Technol ogy Transfer Training & Technol ogy Transfer OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) and Competitivenes sDG MARE JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE, INSTITUTE FOR THE PROTECTION AND SECURITY OF THE CITIZEN http://energyef PROJECT TITLE Settin g-up multidiscipli nary labora Comitato Interministerial e per la Programmazio ne Economica (CIPE) - Accordi SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) images with high resolution, designed to equip the latest generation of autonomous vehicles. ICEEF Information EU Collection in Energy Efficiency for Fisheries - UE Service Contract n. 255849 (2010) Commissi 2010 on of the 2014 Europea n Union Joint Research Centre Ispra (VA) Information collection in energy efficiency for fisheries JRC has developed a pilot website on energy efficiency in fisheries, accessible through the European DG MARE website. The pilot website includes reference documents and studies on energy savings, information on funding opportunities, and links to relevant EU projects, EU legislation and events. The Project tender ICEEF (IPSC/2010/04/03/NC) has started the collection of additional information to update and improve the JRC website. INNOVATIVE LOW National CONSUMPTION AND HIGH COMFORT WING SUPPORTED BOAT FOR PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION USTICA LINES S.p.A. Universit y of Palermo Starting: 01.10.20 10; Duration: 42 months Laboratori di testing per dispositivi eLettroacustici, sensorI oceanograFici e metodologie finalizzati al IAMCCNR 2005 - 4 years The project is addressed to the study and the development of an innovative wing supported ship able to make more efficient the passengers transportation for the short distances as well as the medium ones. The latter aspect will lead to prefer the innovative ship to other means of transportation as the singlekeel or the multiple-hull boat. In comparison with other fast boats, such kind of new ships, nowadays owned by the proponent Company, allow: - a greater speed; - a more comfortable passenger transportation; - a lower fuel consumption per passenger and mile. Setting up multi-purpose laboratories for the testing of instruments destined to research centres and enterprises working in the field of fisheries and marine environment. Regional & SubRegional BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 98950 - 6116.55 USTICA LINES S.p.A. University of Palermo 5.426.15 NONE 5,15 (5.426.15 5,15) 1 MAIN R&I AREAS Training & Technol ogy Transfer OTHE R/MU LTIPLE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) tories for marin e scienc es PROJECT/INITI ATIVE & WEB SITE TITLE di programma quadro Modifica scheda intervento di cui alla delibera n. 36 del 2002 ed approvazione schede di riferimento per le procedure di monitoraggio. (Deliberazione n. 76/2002). Invito a manifestare il proprio interesse pubblicato sulla GURS n. 31 del 11/07/2003 (www.iamc.cnr .it) Contratto con NALCO ITALIANA srl – Divisione Energy Services - monitoraggio dello stato delle risorse biologiche del mare (PROREPLUS-ALIF) Macrofouling monitoring activity and optimization of chemical treatments in industrial plants ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Regional & SubRegional Consiglio 2011 Nazional 2016 e delle Ricerche (CNRISMAR) Italy BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 104000 104000 1 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Training P.O.R. CRO FSE & Regione Liguria Technol 2007-2013 Axis ogy IV Human Transfer Capital Training & Technol ogy Transfer Tenders MARE/2009/05 - LOT 1 – Mediterranean http://mareapr www.mareapr Training & Technol ogy Transfer FP 6 www.rivo.dlo.n l/sites/necessit y Training & Technol ogy Transfer ICTapplie d solutio ns and infrast ructur es for marin e enviro nment Dipartimento Digitalizzazione e Innovazione Tecnologica a valere sulle risorse attribuite, con Delibera CIPE del 29 gennaio 2004, n. 8, ai “Piani per l’eccellenza del territorio” – TITLE SCALE MHYWAQ-MCA Modelling Hydrodynamics and Water Quality in Marine and Coastal Areas MYGEARS Technical specifications of Mediterranean trawl gears - Scientific advice and other services for the implementation of the CFP in the Mediterranean Necessity NEphrops and CEtacean Species Selection Information and TechnologY Regional & SubRegional Piano ICT per l’eccellenza nella Sicilia occidentale del settore innovazione imprenditoriale a partire dalla ricerca marina (ICT-E3) Regional & SubRegional EU EU COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY CNRISMAR ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 2013 The project Modelling Hydrodynamics and Water Quality in 2015 Marine and Coastal Areas (MHYWAQ-MCA) aims at developing a coastal high-resolution (~10m) numerical model to assess water circulation and quality in the Gulf of La Spezia CONISM 2012 A (il CNR 2013 partecipa ufficialm ente come IAMC Mazara del Vallo) 2004 2007 IAMC CNR 2005 - 5 years The goal is to provide updated information on the characteristics of trawl nets used in Mediterranean fisheries, to establish maximum dimensions and adequate rigging for trawl fishing gears. All these elements can contribute to improve the selectivity, limit the fishing effort and minimize the environmental impact of fishing gears. The study is carried out using information collected in relevant Mediterranean fishing fleets, with the collaboration of fishing sectors and control/inspection bodies. This project is intended to develop effective gear modifications and alternative fishing tactics to reduce by-catch and mortality of non-target fish species in European nephrops fisheries, and similarly to identify gear modifications and acoustical deterrents to reduce by-catch and mortality of cetaceans in the same area. Providing the area of Trapani and Agrigento provinces with ICT for a better cooperation among fisheries-related enterprises, research centers and local authorities. BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 52000 3 52000 135400 - 6 7725286 - 22 9.437.00 NONE 0 (9.437.00 0,00) MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) nell’ambito dell’Accordo di Programma Quadro (APQ) in materia di Società dell’Informazio ne, stipulato dalla Regione Siciliana il 7 marzo 2005 ed integrato in data 27 maggio 2005 (www.iamc.cnr .it) Training PO CRO Fondo & Sociale Technol Europeo ogy Regione Liguria Transfer 2007-2013 Asse IV “Capitale Umano” ob. specifico l/6i” - TITLE SCALE PO CRO Regional "Development of a & Subbiofouling monitoring Regional protocol as tool for antifouling treatments optimization in industrial plants and characterization of efficacy and ecofriendly performances of new experimental biocides" “Technological differentiation and experimental validation of an innovative ultrasounds system COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) Consiglio 2013 Nazional 2015 e delle Ricerche (CNRISMAR) Italy BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 99000 99000 1 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Training & Technol ogy Transfer Imple menta tion of compe titive strate gies and techn ologie s in marin e resear ch Training & Technol ogy Transfer Imple menta tion of compe titive strate gies and techn TITLE SCALE for water treatment in new application scenarios” PON 2007-2013 National PITAM - Technological Platform for Geophysical and Environmental Marine Surveys PON 2007-2013 STIGEAC - Integrated Systems and Technologies for geophysical and environmental monitoring in coastal-marine areas. National COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Coordina tor: Soproma r S.p.A. Scientific coordina tor: Ennio Marsella (IAMCCNR). Other compani es: Istituto per l'Ambien te Marino Costiero IAMCCNR. Coordina tor: Soproma r S.p.A. Scientific coordina tor: Ennio Marsella ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 01/07/20 1231/05/20 15 The PiTAM project foresees Research and Development actions aimed at the realization of a technological platform understood as a “multipurpose” sea research laboratory with structural and functional characteristics which make it competitive for execution of scientific and technological research; for the valorisation of marine cultural heritage; for industrial activity; and for emergency interventions related to environmental crises. The implementation of competitive strategies and technologies in marine research is today one of the main objectives to ensure correct implementation of recent European Community directives on the environmental sustainability of marine areas, as described in the recent Marine Framework Strategy Directive (MFSD). The prototype platform will contribute to improving the productive processes using technologically integrated and complex systems for data acquisition aimed at creating new knowledge of the marine environment. 17.909.2 23,00 (CNR 10.880.5 44,00) Sopromar S.p.A., Istituto per l'Ambiente Marino Costiero IAMC-CNR. 01/07/20 1231/05/20 15 The STIGEAC project foresees Research and Development actions for a new platform for the acquisition of multidisciplinary (geophysical and environmental) data in marine areas with high operational performances.The achievement of this objective will allow for a better alignment of the Italian companies with Research and Development strategies in the European and international sphere, as prescribed in the framework of the European Community 18.778.9 06,00 (CNR: 12.155.3 21,00) Sopromar S.p.A., Istituto per l'Ambiente Marino Costiero IAMC-CNR. MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) ologie s in marin e resear ch TITLE Training & Technol ogy Transfer Progetto MARE progetto Mare Friuli (www.progetto Venezia Giulia Training & Technol ogy Transfer ProgettoMare ProgettoMare Friuli FVG/www.prog Venezia Giulia SCALE Regional & SubRegional COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY (IAMCCNR). Other compani es: Istituto per l'Ambien te Marino Costiero IAMCCNR. Ms Paola STUPARI CH ENAIP Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional & SubRegional ENAIP FVG ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) program GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security). May The project had objective to promote and implement training 2010 - 36 activities within the various sectors related to the sea-based months economy on the basis of training, employment and innovation needs. Results: - multiply and differentiate the target users and the characteristics of the methodology of training (even individualized); - Promote important systemic actions and provide assistance, especially in terms of the link between research and technology transfer. 28/12/20 ProgettoMare is a project aimed at identifying and interpreting 11 & 36 the needs of the maritime industry, in order to train and months upgrade the skills of those who work "for the sea", thus enabling them to face the new challenges posed by the market. The project sees the participation of key actors belonging to the vocational training system, the business world, research and innovation as well as the university and school systems of the region: taking advantage of the peculiarities of each of them, progettoMare will make sure that the needs of the maritime economy are thoroughly and efficiently met, addressing the BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 4.900 k€ Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (FSE) 2.000.00 0 K€ Autonom ous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and ARSAP Associazione Regionale per lo Sviluppo dell'Apprendi mento Professionale et al. Consorzio per l'AREA di Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica di Trieste, Fincantieri, RINA, CETENA, CNA, University of MAIN R&I AREAS Training & Technol ogy Transfer Training & Technol ogy Transfer OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE FAR MIUR - RIMA Development of technologies and software for a forecast Mediterranean Integrated Network for Marine and Coastal Environment Management - RIMA Progetto RITMARE - SP6 Bandiera La Research, Training Ricerca Italiana and Dissemination per il Mare - Structures Training Air Project SIMCA & quality Technol ogy Transfer Scientific cooperation between research institutions for the study of airborne fine particles in SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) requirements of all people involved at all levels, from students to entrepreneurs. ProgettoMare provides a complete range of training schemes oriented towards the maritime economy to promote its competitiveness and allow for the widening and strengthening of the maritime industry-related network at regional, national and international level. National Ligurian 2013 District 2016 of Marine Technolo gy DLTM, Italy National CINFAI Internatio IDPAnal CNR 2011 2016 2007, 18 months The research activities proposed in the project RIMA have the purpose of enriching the potentiality of observation through the study and development of sensors and innovative communication systems able to provide real-time information traditionally collected by oceanographic vessels or by fixed platforms anchored, with a considerable saving economic resources. CNR also contributes to the project through the development of a local coastal model used for the prediction of transport and dispersion of passive tracers. The project seeks to implement various initiatives including: a) strengthening of marine laboratories, to create an efficient and shared infrastructure providing support for the national research community, b) wide dissemination and awareness rising of marine science results to scientist, companies and citizens, c) high-level scientific training, to boost a new generation of young marine researchers, focused mainly on new technologies and cutting-edge disciplines linked to marine research. The purpose of the action proposed here is to strengthen scientific cooperation between the eastern Adriatic countries and the Italian Adriatic regions, through the study of the quality of the air in important cities of the countries that take part in this network (Venice, Belgrade, Sarajevo). The aims of this project are principally to improve the cooperation between BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Europea n Social Fund 9903000 - 98515 CORE PARTICIPANT S Trieste, University of Udine, SISSAThe International School for Advanced Studies, ENAIP, ENFAP, IRES, IAL. 9 4500000 - MIUR CNR (IAMC, ISAC, ISMAR), CINFAI, CONISMA, OGS, SZN 397.75 K€, INTERRE G/CARDS -PHARE IDPA-CNR, University of Sarajevo, University of Belgrade, ISAC-CNR MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY Important Cities of the Adriatic area. Training & Technol ogy Transfer Training & Trainin g nonEurop ean young resear chers in the marin e scienc es Bilateral agreement betwen CNR and the Italian Ministry of Foreign AffairsGeneral Directorate fo Cooperation Development (MAE-DGCS) (Prot. CNR 0068091 del 12/11/2013) Tenders MARE/2009/05 Scienze per la Diplomazia (DIPLOMAZIA) Internatio CNR nal Specific Project n. 1 Horizontal Services EU CONISM A (il CNR ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) research institutes through the continuous interaction between the researchers of the different countries in all the phases of the project by secondment periods and workshops. The chemical characterization from the organic and the elemental point of view of all the different size-dimensional classes of the aerosol is very important for the assessment of the aerosol and the pollutants sources. The target groups actions are: that researchers and the graduate students of the different institutes can have the possibility of acquiring different expertise; the local administration can utilize the data from the monitoring of important urban air pollution parameters ; all the countries of the network due to the exchange and harmonization of the acquaintances will be able to create a common base for deciding strategies for air quality studies. The main activities will be: 1) aerosol samplings; 2) the chemical characterization of the aerosol; 3) identification and assessment of polluting sources; 4) Exchange of information and skills between institutes. 12 The training course aims at creating specialized expertise in the months, definition of global, EU, national and regional policies for the 2014 marine environment and its renewable resources, by training young experts with a high level of specialization in the field of maritime policies aimed sensu lato, namely the related fishing, maritime and the legislative and regulatory aspects, environmental monitoring, economy related to the sea and its resources, political and economic geography. 2010 2012 BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS Program me IIIA 1.452.55 CNR Institutes 9,49 (534.097, 3) - MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI TITLE R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) Technol - LOT 1 – ogy Mediterranean Transfer http://mareapr - Training & Technol ogy Transfer SCALE Mariti STARNETregio/ STARring a transEU me www.starnetre regional NETwork of Transp regional researchort driven marine clusters COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY partecipa ufficialm ente come IAMC Mazara del Vallo) Consorzi o per l'AREA di ricerca scientific ae tecnologi ca di Trieste ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) 15/01/20 The STARNETregio project has been conceived to increase the 08 & 30 overall capacity of regional players in the regions Friuli Venezia months Giulia (Italy), Slovenia and the County of Rijeka (Croatia) to invest in RTD and carry out research activities concerning the marine industry, in specific the shipbuilding and port equipments, intended to strengthen and develop the sector's scientific and technological basis and ultimately the economic growth of the regions. The project has been implemented in four main consecutive and complementary phases: 1) Establishment of the institutional cluster framework and thorough mapping of regional development plans and RTD key actors; 2) Crossregional analysis of regional development plans and RTD actors, aiming at setting the basis for a future trans-national collaborative research environment; 3) Knowledge transfer through mutual learning processes and mentoring activities; 4) Development of a joint Action Plan for improving the integration process. The elaboration of the shared Trans-national Research Agenda – TRA was one of the most important results as a consequence of an extensive discussion of the members of the Technical Steering Committee and the Liaison Offices representatives as well as of an integration of collected data from the three Regional Research Agendas, above mentioned. TRA aimes at identifying and setting up concerted research strategies necessary for answering to the sector’s industrial needs and is the basis for defining common RTD policies and programmes BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 981 K€ & Europea n Commiss ion Consorzio per l'AREA di Ricerca Scientifica e tecnologica di Trieste et al. MAIN R&I AREAS Training & Technol ogy Transfer OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE POR FESR TECNOPOLO 2007-2013 AMBIMAT nsorzioproambi SCALE National ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) that support their efficient implementation and accomplishment. TRA summarizes common interests and needs of the three territories, focusing on activities to be further developed for boosting the shipbuilding and leisure boat industry performance and for contributing to regions development Moreover, addressing the issues laid down in the Blue Book for Maritime Policy and building on the results included in the STARNETregio shared Trans-national Research Agenda (TRA), a Framework Agreement has been signed among 6 of 11 STARNETregio partners, including all local relevant policy makers and innovation practitioners in the field of concern. The Framework Agreement stipulates a collective vision for the regions’ development towards a competitive and sustainable maritime economy and stresses the importance of upstream (networking and cooperation among the regions) and downstream activities (cooperation among stakeholders within the region) in the maritime sector. Along with the Framework Agreement a Joint Action Plan -JAP has been set up. The JAP, which is the ultimate project result, represents a road map for measures/ actions to be further developed and implemented by the STARNETregio partners after the project’s end through the expansion of previous and ongoing coordination activities. The various measures proposed in the JAP are addressed to public and private science & technology institutions, innovation structures and individual young scientists situated in the participating countries as well as coming from further European countries. Innovative SMEs are especially encouraged to take benefits from the action plan. 2011 Study of the physical, biophysical and ecological processes REGIONE 2013 related to the ocean circulation that have influence on climate EMILIA change ROMAG Study of the mechanisms that regulate the bio-geochemical NA cycles associated with the ocean circulation COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 2400000 0327114 16 MAIN R&I AREAS OTHE PROJECT/INITI R/MU ATIVE & WEB LTIPLE SITE R&I AREAS (SPECI FY) TITLE SCALE National Training & Technol ogy Transfer TRIM Training experts in research and development in the marine and naval industry. Training & Technol ogy Transfer Contratto di ricerca con AGUSTA SpA - Valutazione del Regional potere anticorrosivo & Subdi sistemi di Regional protezione per applicazioni nel settore aeroanutico in atmosfera marina: Prove in campo e correlazione con i paramentri ambientali. ITALY STARTIN ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) G TIME & DURATI ON (ONGOING IN 2007) Investigations on the origin of the Italian seas (in the context of the geology of the Mediterranean) and on the ocean basins, as these studies are strongly related to seismic and volcanic hazards Formation and alteration of the continental margins, also in relation to climate changes. Ms Paola January The project objectives are related to the professional skills and STUPARI 1st, 2014 competences the students should necessarily demonstrate at CH - 24 the end of the training courses, defined as follows: months ‐ Training of researchers in lightweighting and new materials; DITENAV ‐ Training of researchers in the development of efficiency E enhancement engineering techniques; ‐ Training of researchers in the development of new propelling, emission control and noise‐ and vibration‐management systems. Results: project in progress Consiglio 2011 Museums and historical sites in the Mediterranean region Nazional 2013 harbor large collections from Phoenician, Hellenistic, Roman, e delle and Islamic periods. However, objects made of metals tend to Ricerche suffer in terms of their preservation. The project proposes to (CNRestablish and promote a preventive strategy, specifically ISMAR) designed for the Mediterranean region, by developing an Italy approach to monitor and protect metals collections using portable scientific techniques and new corrosion inhibitors or coatings. COORDI NATOR(S )& LEADING INSTITUT ION/CO MPANY /CONISM A – CNR ISMAR BOLOGN A BUDGET CORE (IN K€, ≥ PARTICIPANT 50) & S FUNDIN G INSTITUT IONS 1.105,5 1. DITENAVE k€ Financed by National Funds 140000 140000 1 SPAIN PROJECT/INITIATIVE TITLE & WEB SITE 37 RD&i projects of 2010 CALL of National Plan. 38 RD&i projects of 2011 CALL of National Plan. 37 RD&i projects of 2012 CALL of National Plan. RD&i projects of 2013 CALL of National Plan. RD&i projects of 2013 CALL of National Plan. COORDINATOR(S) & LEADING INSTITUTION/COMPANY Funda MINECO mental RD&i project s in sea Funda MINECO mental RD&i project s in sea Funda MINECO mental RD&i project s in sea STARTING TIME & DURATION (ON-GOING IN 2007) ABSTRACT & MAIN RESULTS (MAX 500 CHARACTERS) Starting: 2011 Duration: 3 years. BUDGET (IN K€, ≥ 50) & FUNDING INSTITUTIONS 5,3 M€ MINECO Starting: 2012 Duration: 3 years. 5,3 M€ MINECO Starting: 2013 Duration: 3 years. 4,6 M€ MINECO Challenge to improve competitiveness and sustainability in fisheries and aquaculture Challenge to improve marine research CORE PARTICIPANTS Universities, public research organizations, R&D public and private foundation and Technological Centers. Universities, public research organizations, R&D public and private foundation and Technological Centers. Universities, public research organizations, R&D public and private foundation and Technological Centers. In progress In progress