TerraA"lartlca 1<)\18,5(1).1-30 © Terra Antartica Publication Background to CRP-I, Cape Roberts Project, Antarctica CAPE ROBERTS SCIENCE TEAM * Abstract. The fIrst ho]e ofthe Cape Roberts ProJect. CRP-I. wasdnlled m OCluber. 1997, lo a depth of 148 metres bclowthesca floor(mbsl) before beIng termmdted unexpcctedly by the lossoffast sea-Lceseawardoflhe ng followmg a<;evere"torm The site hes m 150mofwatcrat77 008°5 and 163 755°E. 16 kmoffCape Roberts Thlspartofthe report ollthne, Ihe gcologlC sctlIng, a genl1y tilted sequence nedr the ffidrgIn ofthe VLctona Land Ba"In. and descnbes the hLstOry of the growth of sea Lce. whlch provlded the dnlhng p]atform, a~ well as the hl"tory of the dnl1Ing Itself Core recovery was around 77% In ,oft dl1d brlttle strata to ]00 m and 98% be]ow that The \equence was found to compnse a Quaternary glaclgemc mterva] down IO 43 55 mbsf and be]ow thls an ear]y Mloccne mtervalthat was a]so glaclgemc Core propert1e, that wcrc studLCd include fracture patlerns, porosJly. somc veloclty and magnetic ~o,cepllbLhly. Veloclty In parllcular was useful In re]atmg the cored <;eqoence to the reglOnal selSffiLCslratIgraphy. A pre]Lffilnary as"cs"ment suggests that the bottom ofthe ho]e l' 15 m ~hort of the boundary between seLsmlC sequences V3 dnd V4 AnalYllcal faclhhesnew totheAntarclLcdnd u\cd forprocessmgsamples forlhe project are descnbed here ,md Include d bench top palyno]oglca] processmg system and a paldeomdgnelLc ]aboratory. The core management and sampltng systeffi, whlch recorded over 2 Don sample" b al,o outlmed INTRODUCTION bd.ck to perhap\ dS much as 100 Ma In age beneath the western slde of McMurdo Sound. Antaretlea. In arder to study the teclonlc and chmd.tlC history of Ihe reglOn. Il IS named afterCape Roberts, the siagingpomt for tne offshore drilling and a small promontory 125 km north west of MeMurdo StatlOn and Seott Base (Flg l) The Cape Roherts Project I~ a eo-operative dTllltng proJecl between the AntarctJc progr dmmes of Australia. Germany, Italy, New Zealand. UK and USA. Tbe aim ISto obtain eontinuou,> eore through strata from 30 Md m age ,&i') E ,,q, W CapeRoss ROSS Gregory\, 'I Islaod ROSS SEA " .. RotM!rts "' c.", S,m _8dg9aflC9a/terQr;tober24 Duolop ltlslaod McMURDO DRV . SOUND . DVDP15 VAlLEYS I "" .. edr1eOfJC9 '/be1arsOclOber24 , ,." '"" . -- .MS'",CIROS 1 . CtROS2 Fqi 1- Mapofthc 2Ò , Ò, "'" ",,., . eaPe ChocolatB ,..., 78.5 'illutb WC"Icomcrofthe Ro"sSea, "howmg Ibc locallons of Capc Roben~, CRP-I ,md othcrdnllsLlcsm Ibe Jrca. and McMurdoSlahonl Scntt Ba'\C.lhe mam "Iaglllgpomiforthe projecl ThecdgcofthefasllccbcforcandaflerlhcOctobcr 24breJK-OuILSal'illshowo . J Aodcr;on, P Armleo!J, C AtKm~, P Barrctt, S Boha!y, S Brycc, M Clap". M Currao. F J Davey. L Dc Santi". W Ehnnann, F Flonndo, C. Flcldmg, M Hambrcy, M Haooab, D M Harwood, S Henrys, F Hocl'>Chcr, J A Howc, R Jarrdrd, R Kcnlcr,S Kooymdn, C Kop'>Ch, L Kn<,,'\Ck. M Ltvelle,E Levdc,F NLCs,\Cn,S PJ'>Schler.T PJulsco,R Powcll.A Pyoc,G Rafal,tj Ralllc, A P Robert", LSagnoth,S Sandronl.E Schulz. J SLmcs.J Smclhc, P S!roog, M TabcckL, F M Talanco, M Tav1am, K L Vero_ub. G Villa, P N Wcbb, G S WLl'oOn,T WlIwn, S W W....... T Womk, K Woolfe, J H Wreno 2 The projeet - . is de"lgned IO ~ddress two maJorque.,tlons. did ice 'ohcet\ grow and deeay on AnldrctJca, wlth d.ttendant ehanges in globd.\ sea level, prior lo the edrlte~t Oligocene 34 Ma ago, when It 1<;wide]y beheved Ihe flrst exten"ivc ice formed on thc contment? al what lime did the eontmenl begin to nft to form the Ros" Sca and the Transd.ntaretic Mountatn"? Impliclt In the obJecllves i" the signifieant eontribullon to be made through age- and roek-type cahbration for thc 40 ODOkm of seismic survey" m Ihe Western Ro~" Sea by conng the strata off Cape Roberts. The !>tratato becored form d seaward-dlppmgsequence lO to 15 km off Cape Roberts and seaward oftne hounddTY between tbc Transantarctle Mountam\ (TAM) block and the Victond Land Basin (VLB) (FIg.2) SClsmlc surveys of the basm hdve Iraecd 3 ,>equenccs mto thc 2000+ m of <;trataoffCapeRobert~(V3, V4andV5-Flg 3) Correl<ltion wlth the CIROS-1 hole 70 km to thc south mdleated tndt mo~t of thc strata arc more than 30 ffillhon year\ old (Barrel! ct al., 1995, Bartek et al , 1996). Thc Cape Ronert\ Project alm\ In care 1200 or more m of tnl.., <;equence by dri1hng at lea\t three holes rangmg m dcpth from 400 to 700 m aod ovcrlappmg <;0 a.. to cn\ure d. continuous "trallgraphie record Thl5 /nltlal Report, and a compamon SCU!lItIficRepOl t to be publi"hed later thl5 year, provide rc"ults from the flr\t dnlling <;ea"on After some uneertamtlcs followmga year's postponemcnt due IO thc Id.ledeve10pment of fa"t sea-Ice in 1996 dnd a series ofwinter ice break-out!> thl" year, the iee was thought ltkely to be thlck enough in tbe dnll-stte arca to safely suppor! the dnlling syslem A decl"lOo was taken tu "end the advance party to Scott Base on the August "WINFL Y" operallOo to c\tablish a land route lo Cape Roberts and locate the flfSt drill sile Thc party arrived at Seott Base on August 25, and, after some ehallengmg route-findmg around the edge ofthe MeMurdo Ice Shelf, reached Cape Roberl" on August 30. Ob<;ervatlOns of sea-ice chdracter and thickness led to tbe !>clection of site l on the <;outhern ofthree pO:-.lble transect Ime!>indleated IOthe SClence Pian (Barrett, 1997, Flg 35) a\ the ]ocallOn for the fusi dnll slte. CRP-1 CRP-1 wa" terminated prematurely after 7 day<; of coring whcn a large secllOn of thc fa"t sea-Iee broke oul llfler an uncxpeetedly flerce storm on Oetober 23.24, ledving the ng vulnerdble to further break-ouls. Nevertheless, slgmflcant core had been reeovered from both the Quaternary cover bcds and the oldcr part of the !oeetlOnto .Ideplh of 147 rnetres below thc !ocafloor (mbsf), dnd form\ the <;ubjeci of Ihi.. report BdSICdata far Ihe hole .Ire ..umm.ln<;ed m table l, and thc depth and range of ages encountered .Ire <;hown in fIgure 3 m the context of the 3 "Ite" planned far the proJect . C Robel\sdnllsotes SEA . .270 Ross Ice Shelf B Cape RObert& x TAANSANTARCTIC MOUNTAINS EAST ANTARCTIC ~ ICE SHEET ~ 'flg 2- MapofR(MC(1OhnCOldl~hclf{A) and crll'~ WClU10thmugh thc cdgc ofthc Cd~t AntdTchC RLft Sy,tcm (B), ~howlng thc locallon lIfCdpC Rohcr!~ wnh rc~pcct to thc E,l't Aotarc!Jc !cc Shcct. thc Trdn'dot<lfCllcMouotJ.LOSdndlhcVlctona uodBd,m Thcloc3t1onoffigurc3.wlth Ihc3pldoocddnll~Ltc,offCdpc Robcrt~, L~d[.,o,hown D V1.3Glacolli (... y" ROSS SEA 10110"'''11 figure) I VlCTQRIALANO aASIN 'D ~V61gr>ews ~ DV4pao,yglaoa1(3v7Basemenl o (''''''~'''''''''"~) DV5Urlknown 200 '00 o '00 kml20 B<ir..kgrnUlld lo CRP-1, Cape Roberts ProJect 3 F'g 3 - Gco]oglcal >cchoo ba'cd no ~eL~mIC ddla from NBP96-89 (adaplcdfromFlg35by SA Hcory, In 8dITCU, 19',17), ~hnwlOg CRP-] Jodlhcdgcsoblamcdby IhcCapcRobcnsScLcoCC Tcam (scc Quatcrnary dod MI(>ccocStrdtd,thL~ volumc) 0.5 - tw! (socs) 1.0 IceedgebeforeOct24-->, w::eedgeafterOct24->. : CRP-1: D :~ 200_ 400 . .. . 600 600 ~ 10D0 PO~lllOn L.ttLtudc lnnglruUc Walcrdcplh Sca LCCthlcknc~~ FJf~1 core Li,lc"rc CorcdlOl"rvdl GorcrCU1Vcrcu Rccovcry Deplh to honol11 ofholc Agc and ILtIJology of old<.",tr.Lld "" "" "" "" ,, , " "" _ " . _. "",," :' ~:___ , ,,' "" ~ 17 ~ __ .,,,-,,'Y "-22':2' ~ _" =--':,~..' ~ :.' :_:--,.Y.5"-? ? "'-. ' - '... o l 16 km ENEufCdpC Roh<.rr, 77 OIJH~S 161755°10. 15350m l hOm l ,0 "m. 17 Oo..lubcr 1'-'97 20(]"m.24Octuhcrl<:J97 l,206m I1332m 1<6% 14769 mb.,i 22-24 Ma MlKbtoncwuh 'o.."n<.r<.<lpd'hl<.., The report l" orgdnt\ed .1\ 4 reldted .!rtlc!C\ l.. BackgrOlllldtoCRP-J. Thissecllonmclude~mformatJOn on geological context for drillhole, coring dnd "c,l-Ice ob"crvatlons, eorc propcrtic'o and an overvlcw of thc care. Il .1[100indudc10 core recovcry data (Appendlx 1), care logs on a scale of 1:20 (Appendix 2) and scanned Imdgesof thc care face after splitting (Appendix 3). 2 - Quaternary slrata Thcse <Ireabout tWlce 3\ thlck a... expeeted, and eontdlfi an unu'>lIdl carbondte facte~. 3 - MlOcelle Mrata. Although the~e are pdrt of the dlppmg "tdrgel" "equenee, they are around 8 my younger thdn wc expccled from SCI"mic corrclalion from Ihc CIROS-I dnllholc 70 km to Ihe south However thc CRP-l core provide~ a ncwwmdow on thc period from 17 lo 22 Ma m this reglOn 4 - Summary oi re!>ults. This provldes a prelimmary <.Lge mode I for Ihe core and mterpretdlion~ on glacldl :,, ~ Plannedlor Dnlledln '97 ~ 0-2my. V~ --......... '97. '98 1 2 3 CRP-1 5km J advance and retreat over the ~lte In early QUdlernary and Mioeene tlme. REGIONAL SETTING GE:OLOGICAL SETI ING McMurdo Sound lIe~ al the ~oulhwe~tern end of thc Ro\.. Sed, between the Tran..antarellc Mountdin\ of South Vletorhl Land and the rccent (5 Md) volcamc Ross Island (FIg 4). Il eomelde\ wllh thc \()ulhwc...tcrn end of the VJ{.IOn<.L Lmd Bd\m (VLB), one offour m<.LjoreXlen"lOndl hd\m\ formmg the Ro\\ Sea continental \helf (Houtz & D,lvey, 1973; Davey, 1981,1983; Hmz & Block, 1984, Cooperet dI., 1987, 1994) The VLB ISacomplexstructure, cxtendmg from Ro\" I\Iand lo Terra Nova Bay, and compri\tng a major hd\tn up to 14 km deep m the west separated from a subbastn, in the east by a vokafile zone, the Terror Rift, whlch apparently eontmues into Ro~ bland. Ro I..landmay be expcCledlo be underlam by <;cverdlkm" ot ~dlmenldry roch(Coopcr & Davey, 1987, Melhui"h ct al., 1995). In this reglOn the T AM form!. the we!.tem margin of the VLB and the defonndllonal hl"tory of the tWo are probdbly dlreClly reldted Two mdin crostal thinmngcvent" have fonncd thc bd"ins ofthc Ros" Sca but they are noi well con~tr<.Lmedm lime. The firsl, an es"entially non-magmaltc nfting evenl over mo"t of the Ross Sea, IS probably to the break -up of Gondawana related in this reglOn (late Mesozoic) The !'ccond cvent was as."ocldted wlth volcanic dCtlVityand 4 Flg 4 - Loc3lLon .. (LIlsct) and bathymetry of the Cape Robcrts ProJcct survey area Swath bdthymctryLsshowll,wlthcoOloUf'o LnterpoldtedfromotbcrSLIlgle!rack data whcre ~wath data wcrc noI dvaIlable Cootours are al 25 m Intcrvalsovertheswdtharcd,dod '.. 50 rn clscwhcre The '\C]~mLcprofile In fLgure 5 15 aloog the hoe NBP9601-89 Dnll-sJlc ophons (sJtcs 1, 2, 3 on NBP hoc~ 86,87 aod89)aodthednll~ltcCRP laTe markcd - .. ,""" 1=' \>i'I'!r.f ",,'-.~";"iL' ~ -.-.r , ..,)"'''''',..,.... , , ~' k..RP _ ,- , ~,'~- ,,..'" , I "" .. .r,..' ,.. I I ~ 'b, locahsed m the VLB, and an Eocene and younger age has been propo..ed (Coopcr et aL, 1987, 1991) The mam structural trend ." north-~outh, with maJor normal faultmg formmg half grabens m basement and tefminating in theoverlymg sedlmentdry seCllOn CenozOlc faulting cuts Ihrough thc sedlmentd.rY section and, in places, reaehes thc \ea floor. Late Cenozoie "truclural trends have bcen mapped also transvcrse to these fedture\ (Cooper el al, 1994) The planned Cape Roberts dnll sites are loeated on an off<,hore bathymetric rise, Roberts Ridge, in northern McMurdo Sound, about lO lo 20 km ea~t of Cdpe Roberls on the southcrn entranee of Granite Harbour (Flgs l & 4). 1111Sbathymetne high nses from about 500 m depth In thc west to wlthm 100 m of ,>ca leve! To the south, Roberts Ridge broaden~lOto .I ..hdllow-coastalplatform 200 m below sea leve] in western MeMurdo Sound Gladal advanee~ have truncated Roberts Ridge to the norlh and west expo~mg thc older east-dipping lotrataof the VLB clo"e lo the loedfloor (Flg 5). A Ihiek stratigraphic seetion through "trata of the VLB ean therefore bc "ampled by a ~eneloof shallow dnllholes steppmg down the weMern flank of Robert" Ridge The "edlmentary geology beneath MeMurdo Sound compn"es slrata Ihat dlp gently east from Ihc wc...tcrn~hclf of McMurdo Sound and apparently under Ro~.. bldnd These same strata crop out on western Robcrls Rldge, where they were first observed m 1980 (D Bennett, unpublished manuscnpt). Subsequent multJchannel , =u ICESHELF " ., -, ;, ~cl"mlc mea\urements from R/V SP LEE and R/V OGSEXPLORA demonstrated Ihat the umls could be traced into thc lower( deeper) sedlmentdry \cquences ofthe VLB (Cooper et al, 1987; Brancohm et al, 1994). Several seismlc~urveys have defined the majorselsmo~tratigraphle umts Ihroughout the Victona Land Basm (Cooper & Davey, 1987, Brdncolml el aL, 1995; Barrett et aL, 1995; Bdrtek et .IL, 1996) The \tr dtigraphy, ages and facies (hd\cd on CIROS-1 correlatlOn) from these studies are ...ummdfJzed in table 2. The maJor ...el...mlc umts, VI through V7, u\ed in thls paper follow the \trdtigraphy of Cooper & Davey (1987) Drilhng m "outhern McMurdo Sound (MSSTS-1 and CIROS.l) \dmp1ed rocks back to Eocene in age. They indlcated vcry limtted ice dlstnbutlOn m the Eoecne and early Ohgocene, dnd grounded lee in the late Oltgoeenc and edrly Miocene (Barrett, 1986, 1989), but the on~et of gldcldtion in the region has not been 1oamplcd. CorrelatlOn of these dTllling results wlth the Cape Robert" "cquences (Barrett et al, 1995, Bartek et al, 1996) ~uggc\ted that the latter sequences are the ~ame dnd older m age and may therefore contai n a record ofthconset of Antarctic glaclalton. Samphng the~e lower umts WlIl al..o provide mformation on the age and evolullon of the VLB and uphft hl1otoryofthe adjacent TAM. BATHYMETRY Bdlhymetric-data eoverage aver Roberts Rldge hd" \igmficantly Improved wlth the advent of multlbeam I . , 5 w - E Flg 5 SCI~mlc record for hoc NBP 960I-H9 (a),wllh IOlcrprclalloo of [lic strangrapl1lc Umls V3, V4 aod V5 IO lcnn, of two-way travclume(b)aoddepth(c) [n~!~ proVI<lC <letalI of thc record over tlle CRP 1 ~Ile Notcthcbrodd~h.allow<;cour cl1aonel,ncdrtllcscdf1oor -g400E " "" .""" o ." <) "'" 400 E ~ ~ <>00 '00 2bl" .""" D L ,,'" 0'"'"1 ,. ." D o 250~ > 800-1 , 2c Tali 2 - Sc"mlc ~lrdtLgrdphy wrrd,llIon 01 tlic CdpC Rohcn' CI al , IOprc'~) VI V2 V3 V4a b V5 V6 VI Thicknes~ (km) <12 02 -13 03 -2 5 <I dl5 <8 <8 ofthc VllLOrl.II~LrHJ wqucnce Veludty (km/sec) 17.13 2.]-29 27-41 40-49 45 -56 50-74 B.L~m (.!ftel wuh ClROS ('""per cl di, ]987) MHdLficd !O t"-k.c LmOd~COUOI SCI~mIC J, ,mJ [lic rcv'wlO or tlic dgC or tlie lowcr pari or thc hule (Hannah A" midPhocene mLdMlOccnc lo Plloceoc ]"leOhj!ocenetoearlv MJOcene eJrly Ohgocene ,md Eocene Eoccncandoldcr Cretaccoostocarlv PaleoJ!.cnc P"leugene-Recent Precambnan - mld Pa]eozolc techniques. Thc bathymetric map (Fig. 4) forine \ea floor ed~t of Cape Roberts is largely bd~ed on mulhbcam ddtd eolleeted aver mo~t of the area of the mdp by the RN NATHANIEL B. PALMER, using a Seabeam 2112 multibeam sonar survey "y"tem m February 1996. The few drca" not covered by the mu]tlbedffi data were filled m wlth other dala ~ct..,. Thc ddta "ets merge well wlth Lithology Glaclalmdrlnc,cwment" G]"cld[mJnneserumenls GJacJaI maTJnc~cdJmenl~ Manne <;cdlmcnl<;? Mdnne,eruments? BasaltlcvolcanJcs Ba"cmcnt di"crepancles of less than 20 m m generaI. The eomplled bdthymetry "hows Ihe steepslopesofnorthern and we~tern pdrts of Roberl" Ridge, which we infer were caused by glaelal erosion controlled hy Ihe structures formmg the 900-m-deep Maekay Sea Valley and by cod"t.parallel fdultingassociatedwith the Tran~antarctic Mountam Front A tectonic influenee on the Mdckay Sea VaUey Issuggested 6 Cape Roberts ScLence Team by Ihe observation thal it forms the northem limit of Roberts Ridge. The Cape Roberts basm (Hamilton el aL, 1997), west ai northem Roberts Ridge, is up to 500m deep and dies away to the south of Cape Roberts. The dnll site CRP-1Is located on the western slde of Roberts Ridge at a depth of 150 m (Fig 4). Granite Harbour. Faullmg in the sedimentary seetion is generally sub-parallel to the Transantarcllc Mountam Front (NNE) or to the Mackay Glacier trough (ENE) and 15apparent1y moslly normal in characler. Unit V5, the presumed oldest sedlmentary seismic unii m the area (Tab. 2), ISof unknown age and lithology. Il nses from deep in the Victorian Land Basm to reach the AEROMAGNETIC DATA sea fIoor from 12 to 5 km east of Cape Roberts, where It is lruncated by a north-trending faull V5 is estimated to reach a thickness of between 2 and 5 km (Cooper et al., 1987) Itshkely age lies between 105 and 55 Ma; lilhologies couId include either or both shallow.manne or terrestrial facies (see Barrett et aL, 1995, for discusslOn and eomparisons wlth posslble New Zealand counterparts). Umt V41Spreswned, from ameIaUvestrata atOROS-1, lo be largely manne mudslone of Eoeene-early Ohgocene age, although, as dlscussed by Barrett et al. (1995), the base ofCIROS-l may not coincide with the base ofV4 and the lower part of Ihe unit may be older. Il crops out on the west flank of the ridge 20 km off Cape Roberts, cUiving eastward into the Mackay Sea Valley in response to valley bathymetry. Sirueture contours on the base of V4 indicate a planar surface dlpping gently just north of east.lsopaehs conslructed for V4 (Fig. 6b) show that It thlckens eastward at around 100 mjkm. IIs thlckness varies little from south tonorth Umt V3 is the youngest of the expo!oed strata of the Victoria Land Basm m the mapped area The sequenee underlies Roberts Ridge and the area lo the east with a maximum Ihickness of a little over 200 m attained far V3 just east of the ndge crest. On the basis of seismic eorrelation with the CIROS-1 driIIhole and its similar posll1on relahve to the Transantarctic Mountains, V3 was mferred tocompnse altematingdmmiclite, shallow.manne mudstone and sandstone oflate Oligoeene toearly MlOcene age, as in the CIROS-1 dnl1hole, and records many advances of east Antaretlc Ice beyond the mountains and inlo the basm. Scour channels, presumabIy of gIacial origin, are eVldent in the shallow part of the selsmic profiles of thls uml. Anaeromagnetlcsurveywascarriedoul bythe GermanItalian AefOmagnetic Researeh in Antarctica (GIT ARA) projeet in 1994 (Bozzo el al., in press) across the Roberts Rldge region in response to a report of a Iarge positive magneticanomaly Just wesl ofthe northem Roberts Ridge, from whlch Behrendl et aL (1987) inferred a subrnarine volcano. The GITARA aetomagnetic sludy (500 m line spacing, 125 m altilude) greatly improved the defmihon of the magnelic anomalies and the bodles causmg them, and suggested Ihat the bodles are more ltkely to be fragmenls oi slraliform basic igneous bodies Although the modelled bodies carne dose to the sea floor, thIS occurs weU (more than a kllometre verbcally and horizontally) to Ihe west of the mostwestern proposed drill site. The outline, atadepth of l km, of the magnelic bodies, is shown in figure 5. SEISMIC REFLECfION DATA The coverage ai seismic profdes is now adequate lo trace boundanes ai the major seismic units over the area east of Cape Roherts. Only Ihe older seismic UOItS (V3, V4, V5) have been identlfied In the Cape RoberlS region, as VI and V2 have been largely eroded away here (FIg. 5). V4 has been further subdivlded into Units V 4a and V 4b on the basis of an angularunconformily between Ihe two subunits in this region (Barrelt et al, 1995; Harntllon et al~ 1997), but we have not subdivided the unit in figure 6. V3 and V4 can be further sub-divided on the smgle channel selsmlC dala, with, for example, at leasl 6 sequences recognised in V3 in some places (Henrys et al, 1994; Bartek et al., 1996) However, track-line coverage is noi sufflclenl to resolve them across the who1e area, and Ihey have not been delinealed IO this report The dlstnbution of major seismostratigraphic units is shown in figure 6a and b, along with the primary selsmie tracks(SPLEE(1984), EXPLORA(1990), POLAR DUKE (1990), and PALMER (1996)) across Roberts Ridge. The stral1graphlc sequences were correlated and mapped on the basis of lateral continUlty and selsmic character. The strata are found to slnke consislently just west of north and to dlp gently east wlth dlps nsing from 2 5° for Ihe upper part ofthe sechon lo around 5° for Ihe lower part, based on sea-fioor outcrop ofthe units Dips on Units V5 and V4b increase to the south, with Units V3 and V4a onlapping V4b and ptnchtng out lo the west against V4b and Ihe sea floor. V5 and V4b gradually thicken lowards the east. The sedlmentary section off Cape Roberls IS bounded on ils western margin by a major, sleeply dipping, north trending fault about 5 km offshore, upthrown lo the west and bringing basement roeks to the sea floor (V7 of Cooper & Davey, 1987). These rocks are most likely to be granitoid bodies similar to the exposed rocks around DRlLL-SITE OBSERV ATIONS SEA-ICE OBSERVATIONS Each wlOter a frmge of fast "ea-ice (abbreviated to "fast Ice") forms around the soulhern and western margms of McMurdo Sound, and extends north along the VletoTia Land coast past Cape Roberts (Flg l). The fasi ice was fusi used as a drilhngplatform in 1974 far DVDP-15, and tben subsequentIy m 1979 (MSSTS-1), m 1984 (CIROS-2) and 1986 (CIROS-1). Both praetleal expenence and theorel1cal calculations indicate Ihat a mmimum safe Ice thlckness for supportmg the drilhng system for a penod of several weeks IS 1.5 m (Pyne, 1986) In most year!o thls IS achleved in mid-late September. The ice grows through October lo a maximum of belween 1.7 and 2.0 m bui begins lo lose slrength as It beeomes isothermal when temperatures rise to around _5°C, typically m lale November. This provides a "drilling wmdow" for seltmg Background 163'30' , ,, , , --' to CRP-1, Cape Roberts ProJecl ,, ,, " ,, "", , -~~~ ,""" 7 Flg 6 - Map of the area off Cape Roberts, showlOgthedl5tnbutionofthesedlmentary sequences (V3, V4, V5) beoeath the Quatemarycoverbedsthere a)ShIp'stracks(dotted)andstructurecontoors onthebaseofV3andV4 1__ ,I; '[10]' , , "," " :/ 77'00' o '-'CO<>Io"_ __u,.. 163'00' , , "" """ 163'30' 164.00' 163'00 b)Bathymetry(dottedlmes)andlsopachsfor V4(bothm metres)offCapeRoberts .77'00 .77'00 163'00' 163'30' 164'00' Background lo CRP-I, Cape Robert, ProJecl However,]t eould have been a "Ignlflcant pomI of concern dfter IhaL A further analY\ls of these data, along with weather dala from Ihese and pasl year<, w]1l appear IO the SClenllfic Reporr far CRp.1. Olstance to the edge of the fast ice (markcd by .In iccberg 4.9 km ea<;tofthe sIle) wa" a]<;ochecked every few days, and d]d not change mea:-.urably Ihrough the :-.etup and dnlhng periodo In addltlOn reguldrchecks were made on Ihe route to the dnll s]te to mOnitor possible deve]opment of eracks IOthe ]ce The well known "Cape Roberlscrack", whICh forms cdch year TUnnlOgNNW.SSE aboul2 km off Cape Robcrt", hdd grown lOa typlcal width of around lO m, w]th Ice thickne..:-. rdnging from 70 cm .Il the edge to a few cm of open water m the middle Nevertheless il could be ero<;sed, wlth bndgmg, by 22 tonne erawler tractor 8 kilometres to the north and Il kilometre~ lo the south of Cape Robcrt". No olher erdcks were idenufled, but several ..mali crdck" lo the local Cape Robens area were often cro,>\ed wlthout bridgmg aod IdTger frozen craeks of Ihmner Ice were \een IOthe off\hore Ice. We conclude thdt unul the storm of OelObcr 23-24, fa:-.t-Ice behaviour lay well within the hm]l\ \CI for safc dnlltng operdtJon. The "torm of October 23-24 was unu,>ual bOlh IO the seventy ofthe wmds (exceedlOg50 koots al CdpC Roberts), and m tbe \wcll that propagated through Ihe Ice from the opeo waler" oi the Ross Sea. Tbe \well was deteclcd early on October 23 by the drilhng leam and Ihe Selence Support Manager, Ibe projcet':-. \ed-]ce advber. The maximum\afe limit far venica].]ce movemenl by swelJ<, w]th a period of 10-12 "econd hdd been "et at 30 mm, ha\cd on advice from Or. Tlm HaskeIl, sea-Iee phYSICIStThls limit was exeeeded in the early hours of Oetober 24. After "ecunng the dnll site the personnel relurned lo Cape Roberts After the storm, the fast ice had broken out to within l km of tbe rig (Flg 7e), well below the accepted safe limlt of 5 km As a consequence of the exposure to po\:-.iblefuture slorms and the premdture weakenmg ofthe fast Ice by temperatures around 7°C warmer then average, the dnll-slte eqUlpment was taken to Cape Roberls and plans far funhcr drilltng abandoned for thls season. CORING HISTORY Tbe various element<; ofthe dnlling "y...tem and camp were on slte by the end of Oetober 4 and Ihe rig assembled and m po"itlOn by October 5. 00 October 6 Iwo sea-Iee bole\ wcre dnlled for the video hut and drill rig The sea n&er wa" then lowered on It~ first full deployment wlth both ngld and mt1atable float" (Flg 8), and set lOto the ...ca flooron Octoher 12. Thls took a liule longer than planned due to teehnical prohlcms Tbe riser wa,> Ihen underreamed to a depth of 16 mbsf through a m]Xlure of mud, sand and cobbles and onta a 46-cm thick boulder ofwhat wa~ laler found to be dolente. Il was cemenled in and tenslOn adjusted with the IOfiatable floats Conng begdn late on October 16 with the H dnll stnng (eore size 61 mm), the fmt care (of grout wlth the top 3 cm of a dolente boulder at the botlom)comlOg onto the rig floor at 1:30 a m. on Oetober 17. Conng proceeded steadily bui wllh difficultles encountered In Tuh ~ _ Mca~urcmcnj<, of LCCttHcknc~~ lh.rough. lime for ttIc ttIrec propo'\Cd unII ~1I~~on ltIc ~oultIcrn tr~o,cCl of lh.cCapc Robcns ProJccl (Flg 4) Satcllltc ]m...gcsInUlcatcttI...tttIe ,cewvcr bcgan lO form arounu July l Position DS3-1 DS3-2 DS3-3 Lat Long 770079 770088 770152 163.7482 1636496 163.5877 1 Jul (cm) O O O 31 Aug (cm) 128 125 124 9 Sep (cm) 145 142 146 29 Sep lO Det Il Nov (cm) (cm) (cm) 171 171 158 154 171 169 158 Ice Movement Dir Lat Long 18 Sep 29 Sep Il Ocl18 Oct 20 Oct I Nov 4 Nov 7 Nov Rate. (m) (m/d.iy) (Olrue) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (dcgrees) (degrees) 0.14 600 383 000 0.92 1.41 282 303 CRP~l 770076 1637552 020 77° 9.07 IO 08 9 97 000 5.72 DS3-1 770(J79 1637482 1183 018 72° 1165 000 521 DS 3-2 77 0088 1636496 019 70° 1149 11 04 000 433 DS3-37701521635877 Octl] -Nov7,DS3-1 Scp 29 - Ocr 20, DS 3-2 Scp 29 - Nov 4, DS 3-3 Scp 2<) - Nov 4 Date NOles (sce bclow) Orill Hole Freeboard VideO Holc Frceboard Oct 3 , t60 160 9 Oct 6 Det 16 Oet 18 Oet 19 Oct 23 Oct 25 Oct 25 , , d b 120 45 40 tOO 60 55 -IO 120 40 50 40 O 50 100 Notc~ a E.'tlm~IC ofth.c sca-Icc ~urface frccboaru onc u...y pnor IO loadlOg ttIe Dnll SLte, b E.~t\matc ofthc frceboard m thc Dnll ~nu VLUCOholc~ ]mmcuMtcly ...fterfmal po~L\]onmgofth.c unII ng, c Mea~ured frcebwrd@ 1108 NZDSTat thc bcgmmg of ttIe Oclober 23-24 storm, d E.'tlm~le of lh.c frccboard aftcr ttIc stonn w\th largc ~oow dnfts around thc ng,e E.~hm...tcofthefrceboardafterttIes\tc"completclyclcarcd IO -. !wo 5 tono" loHatablelloats :~ \' I ~!-'_'- ~ '-J~\ I il . .. . o . ."', gUide..."". subms"o"v,deo cameraandl1ghts -'-.:---S" .... CO""!lw.,h HOIl" Sea "se,cas,og cemenled16mbsf FIli 8 - Dnllmgsys!cm u\cd for CRP-! The ~ca. TI<;CTcompnws 5" OD ca~mg <;C!]6 m lOto thc~ca floor,ccrncntcd aOlI then Uvcrlcn'luoedwLlh mflJtJblc floats [I wa~ dC~Lgocd IO ~uppor! thc rotdtmg dnll ,Inng dlld lo wllh~tand l,ncral rnovcrncn! nfthc sca-LCC dod currcnt~, whlch fedch up lo V'i cm/~ec al Ihl~ ~Ite Thc mud hu! I~ for rnlxmg. coodmoomg aod cxlrdchng dnll cuthng~ from thc drlllmg f]uld Tbc video hUl hold~ thc wmdl. monitor a"d cuntrul ~y~!cm for thc suhmarmc VLdcoCarncrd ~y~tcm 1l1L~ mo' on gUide WlrC\ from thc ~urface [o thc <;Cafloor aod all()w~tbc dnH-"IC team IO VLCW ali pdrt~ofthc ~Cdmcr for opcralwnal ~afcly aod covlroomLold] rc~~oo~ recovenng soft pebbly sand and mamtaimng hole stability. Thc softness ofmuch ofthc sed]ment reqUlred rclativcly ,>hortcore fUn..to achleve rea,>onablcrecovery dnd high mud welghts and vI,>cosltics were u...ed to malOtain ho le stablIily Unstablc down-hole conditlOn~ per,>i~ted well below the 20 m or ~o expected. In fact they extended below the Quaternary sedlment,> (bd,>eal 43.5 mbsf) and into the Miocene ,>equence dS .I eonsequenee of both brecciation dnd ~ome 50ft ,>and layers. This eondillon led to almost total los50fdnlllOg fluid at a rate of 5 tonnes/day, hard to sustain wlthout resupply for more than a few days These difflcultles conlinued down IO 100 mbsfwith down-hole progress dveraging around 16 m/day and reeovery around 77%. Late on October21 dnll]ngcondillons became firm as pebbly mud,>tone dnd then ùiam]ctite were encnunlered Rate of progress increa,>ed to 20 m/day and reeovery to 98%, but the near total loss of dnlling flUld eontlOued through the mterval above 100 m 'Iltcre wa~ also a thln but potent mteTVal of loo,>e sand between 114 and 117 mb~f Ihat rose 8 m m the hole after Ihe inner tube WdSrelneved. Nevertheless the formation was considered competenl, and by the evemng of Oetober 23 It had been deelded to case dnù ccment IO the H rod at the depth then reached (148 mb'>t) dnd to continue Ihe hole w]th N rod (45 mm core dlameter) Thl'> would preclude down-hole loggmg to thls level, but It was clear from the mud loss and the washing needed on several oecastoos to get Ihe moer tube back to the bottom of the hole that wlthdrawing the ùnll pIpe to above 120 mb~f would lead inevltably to eollapse dnù lo\\ofthe hole. During the day ofOctober 23 the dnllslte team noted movement between the tensioned ,>eanser anchored miO the sea floor and the dnll ng on the floatmg sea-Ice platform. This movement was attnbuted to sea swell Iravelhng through the ~ea-ice platform. It rdnged from ~hor! period (1 0-12 seeonds) to les,>regular longer penods of25+ seconù... and wa..aecompamed by IOcreaslOgwlOds. LIterdurmg this ~h]ft dnd into Ihe followlOg "night" sh]ft the larger long penod movemenl caused uneven bit pressures dunng coring and obvlOus fraeluring of thc recovered core The SClence Support Mdndgcr ddv]~cd thal the maximum ,>afeIImlt for verlleallce movement was 30 mm far the shorl penod movement (see Sea-1ce Observationsseetion). Measurementswere laken regularly, dnd m the early momingofthe 24th, with swellsconsistently exeeedmg the hmlt dnd high winds prevaihng, the SClenee Suppor! Mdndgcr ddvl~ed that per~onnel should be eVdeudtcd from the ng The ...lOrm contlOued through Ihe ddY, but a party was able to reach the ng for refuelmg in winds exeeedlOg 50 knots 00 the momlOg of October 25, the storm had abated, and the weather wa,> clear and calmo A helieopter reconnai,>~anee by the Project Manager and Scienee Suppor! Manager rcvealed that extenslve fast lee had broken out to the east and south oflhe dnll slte, leavlOg the ng w]thm l km of the new ]ee edge. Plans were then made for Immedmte recovery of thc ng dnd othcr eqUlpment dt the site. Before the recovery operdtion began, thc dnll team was dhle to tag the bottom of the hole and rolate the dnll stnng, indlcating that the hole wa,> stili m good eondltlOn Almost ali ofthe equipmenl was back at Cape Rnberts within 24 hours. The ,>eaTlser wa,>al,>orecovered IO sub~equent ddYS, aparl from the sea-floor gUIde base and l8-m seetlOn eemented lOto the sea floor. This aceount is es,>entially a lay summary of events far thl,>/mtwl Repart. For a teehnicahnd authontatlve aeeount thc rcader referred to the Dnlllng Manager's Report lo l''' thc Cape Roberts ProJeet Manager, Antaretica New Zealand Matters reldting to the sea ice are addres~ed in more dela]l m theScicnee Suppor! Manager's Report, and m an article to be prepared for the SClenfific Repart. B'Kkground CORE PROPERTIES FRACTURE ARRA YS IN THE CRP-I CORE Introduction Complemenlary ~tud]es offraclure,> in the core and in the boreho]e wall<; were designed to determme the slre,>s fleld hislory, mcludmg the eontemporary stres~ dlrectlOn<;, as~octated wlth nfting along the structurdl boundary between the Tran,>antarctic Mountams and the ddjacent Victona Land ntt ba\m al Cdpe Roberts Thls hounddry appears to have bccn reacllvated dunng the mu]tlple rift phases which occurred within Antarctiea durmg progressive breakup of the Gondwana supercontment, dlthough age eon~tramts on Ihc tnmng of ~truclural movements are few A well-ddtcd \truClural record ofthe kmemdtlc dnd dynamlc hlstory along the Trdn~antdrctic Mountams Front can hc obtdmed from fraclure dndlysl'> of strata eored by thc Cape Roher\<; Projeet, potential1y spdnning the major pdrt of the rift hl~tory. Because roeks of ~uLtable dge are not expo~cd on outerop m Antaretlca, an dge-controlled po~t-jura~~ic fraeture record Cdn only be obtdmed from dnIltng the basm .,trdla Forthe CRP-l dnllhole, only the corc fracture ...ludIC\ were completed. Frdeture logging of core was u\ed to map natural fracture~ pcldmg kmemalle and paldeo~tre~., informatlon and \O ]dentlfy any induced fraetures thdt may retlect the 111sllu stress fleld Natura] fraeturc<; are tho~e pre...cnt m the rock pnor to dnlltng and mter\ccted during conng Induced fractures form in re~pon\e to dnllmg- orconng-related perturbdtiollsofthe stre~<;f]e]d, or due to subsequent handllng of thc core Frdcture,> were abundant throughout the CRp.1 core, dverdgmg 5 frdetures/m Although ~urfdce kmematlc/dynamie indieator~ were sparse, these data together with morphologlc and geometric characteristics of the corc fractures allow us to mdke a preltmmary mterpretatlOn of kcy frdcture type~. Natural mlerofault and fraeture arrdY\ dnd c1dSttc dykes are present. Induccd fracture\ includc petdl dnd petal-centreline fraetures, pOlenlmlly indlcallve of In Silu contemporary ~tre~~ ducctlOn..., di~c fractures, and suhhoTlzontal fracture<; formed due lo \e.l \wcllrelated influenee~ on the dnlhng process (see Cnring Hlstory sectlOn). Fracture Study Procedures Imtial plans ealled for scannmg the circumference of the enlue core usmg the CoreScan@ equlpment ]ed,>edfrom DMT, Germdny. The CoreScan@ obtam" digilal Image~ by rotating the whole core on rollers. scannmg segments up to 33 cm in length, and dlgitally joining these segments into 'unrol]ed' care Images .I maximumof lOOcm in length. The l m eore...ean...were then dlg]tally Jomed mto care runs usmg Ihe Corelog@ software providcd by DMT. Due to the poor induration of care material, It Wd'>nOI posslble to do who]e-eore scannmg of mo~t of the mterval 16-95 mb...f Thc subsequent core mlerval 95-147 mbsf wa<; ,>canned wlth thc cxcepllon of highly frdctured interval,>, rc,>ultmg in multiple ~hort gap\ m Ihe whole-core sean record,>. The slabbed face of the entne workmg half of the core wa,>al<;o...eanned after p]acement In the care boxes. Note that, due to evacudtlOn of the drillsile lab wlth proeessed corc material, the archive half of Ihe core had lo be \cdnned far Boxes 35, 36, and 37 The frdcture measurements made on thc core were entercd lnto DMT's Teclog@ \oftware to generate p]OI'>of frdcture aUttude, type (where known), and frdcture denslty In additlOn, .I utJlity m the Corelog@ wftware wa~ u\ed to d]gltlze ~tructure" l'rom the 'unrolled' whole-corc \cans and \O produce plot\ 01' fracture atlltude dnd type V\. depth for each eore run The:.e p]OI" were used to eheek hand-mea\ured onentdtion,> dnd to Identify addJtional, hand]mgmduccd frdClure plane~. In CRP-l, the m,>tabllity of \ome ,>ecllons of the borchole precluded u~mg an oncntmg too] (dc:.tgned by A1ex Pync at Victoria Umver\]ty ot Wel]ington) to direetly onent eore runs Borehole m\tdblltty and the early termmatlOn of dnlhng prevented downho]c logging with dipmeter and horchole teIevlewer tools Fraeturc mdppmg from the.,c onenled downhole log record., would have bccn u<;ed IO onenl the cores by matchmg borcho1e wall and core fractures (cf Nebon ct .11.,1987), m pdrticuldr, mdtchmg the borehole televlewer ]mdges ofthe boreholc wdlh wlth the whole-corc ...can Images provldes .I rohu\t method of eore OTlCntdtlOn (e g, Sehmitz et al, 1989, Weber, 1994) In the ab,>ence ofthese datd, ...everal means of determmmg core oncntation are bemg explorcd In \omc ...cgmenl\ of core tt Wd\ pos~lble to obldlD d]rect mea...urcrncnt,> on beddmg dnd/or cro:.\-beddmg, and the...e can bc oriented to mateh ~el~mlcally~determlrted reglOndl dip Where successive core run" Cit together, sectlOnsof The whole core prior to spltltmg was sy~tematJcany ]ogged for fractures, which were numbered ,>equenllally from core top. Depth~ \O the 10p dnd base of each fracture were recorded. Fracture attltudes (dlp and dip direetion) were mea,>ured with re~pecl to an arbllran]y placed red Hne scribed along the length of Ihe care Logging mcluded observatlOns on fraclure morphology, fraeture surfaee features, and fracture term inations, erosseuttltlg and abuttmg relallOns. Features oi spectal inlerest were photographed or ,>canned. Procedures for logging fraclures m cores and cnteria u~ed far distinguishmg natural and mduced fractures generally followed Kulander et al. (1990) downward Il lo CRP-I, Cape Roberts ProJect eore up to -I (] m m length can he oriented from beddmg dip directlOn. Addltional data on beddmg dip wlll be obtained from Ihe whole-con: dnd slabbed-core sean records dnd u...ed IOonent larger intervals ofthe eore. Core seetlOns lackmg bedding may be onented by matehi ng distinet fracture sets with consistenl orientatlOn\ with onented core runs 1111Sapproach may eonstram the generai onentation of most oflhe care. In addition, It may be possible to u!"e paldeomagnetic mclination vector!> IO orient portlOns of the core. Unti! these further analy\e~ are carned out, however, the fracture data presented represent\ onentation only with respeet to an "arb]trary north" defmed by the red seribe line, which differs betwecn core runs Bdckgrnund IO CRP-I, Cape Roberts ProJect Flg 1/ 13 - Corc~ao@ Image of a Il1gh ~oglc clas!Jc dyke on the 'uorolled' clrcumference of the CRP-1 core from 13905 to 139 22 mb~f Whllc da~hed Imes mark plan~r dyke margLns The ~tcep!y-dLppmg dyke appears ~~a lugh-amplnude sme wave un Ihc 'unrolled' core 'Urf~Le 111c arrow pomls lo compacuon. rclated mdenl~llon of a 10neMonemio Ihe dlke mMgm ,,",o 1m!>.!) "rrowplm , Còr;;l;':'agc , , ., An",1b~ " 1::"I1--'-«,'7-:;::-,~-1 I Il" II1" I Il 'I 1J)C".. , ,, , , " '" '" 1::.'27 , , JS/lO 1.1.'\37 CBl\rlI'-;.i'ÌlhHmil l , " I~I 11111- 1::.'47[911 , -, , " m 67-"7--.t_~£81II"NJ':I l . I..", " .....';-':.,>.~dr~; - '" , " '" '" ' . I 1-- H,, i' V1 J"I', >41/4>1 '" '" '" '" 241125 ,..', ~ ' 1::.'77- '" . ~22I61 , " IL'''71t11:1 '" ,, , I Il III III ,, , --.!,, ,, , r ~:" (Fig. 12) Such d]p~ are alyplcal oftracture.. mdueed by ..tres..es relaled to drilling, eoring and handling Scverdl factors are eon..i..tent with Ihese fraetures bemg pre-exl~tmg fraeture planes Ba~ed on thh evidenee and thelr dppd.Tenl meompatibihty w]lh mduced frdeture geometne,>, we tentallvely mterprel them a,>naturdl frdClures A vancty of dnlltng-,conng- and hdndhng-related \Irc\..c.. edn cau,>e fraeturc.. dnd these breaks ean hdve chdr deten\tlc pallern\ relaled to In 51111stres.. eondltions Several di\tmct Iypes of fracturcs in thc CRP-l core were dehmtely or very hkely induccd dunng drtlhng and coring Petal and pctal-eentrelme fraeture\ form m response to \Ires,> mduced bencath the advancmg drtll b]I, thu,>originate outslde of the core boundanes dnd hdve curvcd form,> that follow thc mduced stress traJectoncs (Kulander ct aL, 1990). Curviplanar frdclures that termmate wllhm Ihe eore oecur al 29 65 mbsf withm Ihc Quaternary seetJOn dnd throughout thc Mioccne ~tratd lo the bd"C of thc CRP-1 care Although these fracturc.. ldck the dl,>tinetlve ..urface plumes and arrest hne.. rcported by Kulandcr ct dI (1990), Ihe faet thal they curve lOto the eorc mdrgm (Flg 13) and termmdtc wtthm thc corc \how", that they are mduccd fraclures The dl\lmetlve eurvlplanar form dnd thc position of the slecp 'eentrelme' porllOn followmg the vertleal eOTe axi,>(Fig. 13) are diagnostle charaetemtle\ ofpclaleentrelinc fraeture\(Lorenzet aL, 1(90). The mcrease m oeeurrcnee of fraeture~ wlth petal-centreline morphology durmg storm perlOd\ whcn ~Cd \well dnd rc\u1tdnt vcrtleal motloncdu\cd vanallOn IOdnll b]t we]ght dt thc ba,>e of the borchole l'> consistent w]th the genesl~ of petal-cenucltne frdetures (Kuldndcr et al., 1990, Lorcnz et aL, 1(90). DI\e fraeture~ arc frdclure,> normal to thc corc axis that gencrdlly form]n reglOn..ofhlgh hOrlzontal stresses. Subhonzontal to low-angle «30 dcgrcc dlp) fracture.. drc very abundant m thc CRP.1 core (Fig. 12) Mdny of the\e fracture~ werc hncd with drillmg mud or a,>,>ociatedwlth mlerofractured rubble zone~ probdbly induced by drilhng, ind]cdtmg that thcy arc e]thcr natural fraclure~ or induced during FIC 12 125"7 - Core,c,m@ Iyplcal frdctured l::.'n 103/27 " Image and Corclog@ LotervJ.1 slruclural plol of d m CRP-I core, conl~mmg popul~uoo~ of ~ul1honZ\1nt~lJIow angle and moderalcly dLppmg fTdc\Urc~ (marked by d...~hcd whlle lmeson 'unrolled' core ~urfacc Lm~ge) The ver11cdl hoc 00 Ihe core Image I~ Ihe '>Cnbc hoe defimng an ~rl1llr~ry 'north' refcrcncc Ime forfraclure athtude mc~~urcmem~ The 't~II~' m the ~rrowplol sbuw fr~cture d]p dlfCCUOO wllh re'peel IOthl~ rLference lme and Ihl' lme" ,hnwo a~ ]he vemcal, dd,hedrefcrcncchocm]he '3-DCore' plot Bdckground 15 lu CRP-I, Cape Roberls ProJecI rlg 15_Curc\CdO@LmageofbreccL,tllOn leXlur~~ m \IJbbed CRP t core al 50 00 IO 5919 mb\f The ngbl-h...od Lm..ge IS.. oegallVe LmJgc of thc Icfl hand \lde, empha~LzLnglhc'JlpaWpU7.7Ie'fltoftbc frJgmcm, Jnd mmlm..l relAtiVe movemem I1clwcen cI,,-\" WI1IICda~bed lmes oUlhne dcfonncd ~urf..cc~ (beddmg?) m..rkcd b} ChAOgC\ m cI,L~1 ~17C Ln thc brccclAICd mAlena] wlth th]\ \tre,>s onentattOn A \tre\\ rcglme w]lh vcrtlcdl maXLmum compres'>lve stre~\ ]~ ehumClcri\lic of a conlmcntdl nft regime dnd the\e \tructurc\ mdY reflect tectonlc deformattOn or the Capc Rohcrt\ reglOn. Alternatively, a glaelallLJdd mdY hdve Impo\ed the vertledl comprc'>\tnn re\pon\lhle for thc\e ,>tructures The mode of formdllOn or brecc]di, wlthm the core need\ to he furthcr]nve,>tlgated IfhreeelatlOn prove\ tobe related to hyurofrdCluring, 11Igh nUld pre\\ure\ m a whglacml envlronmcnt may he a Itkely \ellmg for dcforrndtLOn Thl~ in turo may providc con\traml\ on thc dcformdtion regIme responsihle for devclopmcnt or fdults dnd frdcture\throughout thecore. The presenee of petal-ccntrchne fr,]cture\ ]\ vcry \igOlficant, as this fraeture type may murk thc onentallOn of the /!I \/111,>Ire,>,> field, havmg \tnke\ thdt pdrallel the reglOnal maxlmum honzontal \tre\\ duecllOn (Plumb & Cox, 1987, Lorenz et al, 19(0) The petal-centreline fr.leture,> m the CRP-I core occur IO onentation cOIl~trdmts Transantdretle I~ avallable, It will be possible lo pIace the firsl on the contemporary \tre,>,> regime along thc M{)untdJO~ Front PIIYSICAL PROPERTIES Dnl! 5tte Idhordtory work for CRP-l mcluded non. dcstructlve, near-colltmuou\ dctcrmlOattOm of Wet Bulk Den,>ity (WBD), P-wave vc10clty and magnetJc \u\ceptlhlhty m 2 cm intcrvals. Tbe Multi Sen~or Core Logger (MSCL, Geotck Lld , UK) was u\ed to mCd,>ure eore temperature, corc didmeter, P-wave trdvel lime, gammd-rdY dllenuatlon and mdgnetic su,>ceptlhihty Magnetle W\ccpllbihty was measured in Icrm\ ofSI umt\ (m, kg, j) Ddtd are corrected far loop~~en\or and care dldmeter a\ follows' ,>trata of both Quaternary and MlOeene age and dre clearly neoteetonic, mdueed traeture seb. Thl\ uemon'>lrales th.lI, when care magnetIc '>LL'>Cepubtlity (l(}-5 SI) = mca.\uredvalue (10-5SI) I K-rel 16 K-rel ]~ a ~en\or-"pecifle correetion calculated from the diameter of the eore aver Ihe dmmeter of Ihe loop Sen\OT accordmg to Ihe eorreetlOn instruetlOns for the Bartington MS2 sensor systcms (Tab. 6) P-wave velocities were ealculated from the COTe dld.meter dnd travel time aftersubtraetlOn oflhe Iravellime through thc Iransduccr cap.. (P-wdve travel time offset, Tab. 6). The arrivai time of the P-wave pube is detected using the sceond zero-crossing of the recelved waveform. Resullmg P-wave veloelties are normalized to 20"C using thc care temperalure log... The gamma detector]'i calibmted illoingalwninum, carbon and nylon of Imown densitJes Quantificanon of Wel Bulk Demoltleswas camed out aocoriling to the following formula' WBD = a + b * (11-11*d) * In (l/Io) a, b. system-speclf]c vanab1c" \Ocorrcct forcount-rate dependent (1997); errors a,> de!o.cnbcd by Weher et al d' care diameter, Il- speciflc attenuation coefficient for gamma rays; ]n (l/Io) naturallogarithm of thc ratio of attenuated (sample) over nonattenudted (alr) gamma counls pcr sccond POR = (dg - WBD)/ dg: gram deoi>lty (dg = 2.65 dw pore-water densJty - dw) g cm"; = 1.024 gcm'~. The techmcal spec]fJcahon'Ì of thc MSCL system are sUffimanzed m table 6 Straligraphy 8ased on Physical Properties Ba..ed on Ihe resulls of the whole-eore loggmg, therc arc six maJor umt~ in the CRP-1 eore. The,>e units are deftned In term,> ofhoth the level aod scatter of amplltudes Tab {, SpccLfica\Jon~ far Mulll-Scn'o<u-Corc - of magnetic susceplIbihty, P-wdve velocJty and poro..ily Magnel]e su,>eeptibilities range on a large scale from nearly l lo mare than l 000(10-5 SI,F]g. 16)solhatthedata are plotted on a loganthmic scale. Tbe log of P-wave veloclty 1<;dlscontlnuous because no resulls were obtamed In fraclured and unconsolidated seclions of the care Unit PPI, which exlends from the top of the core to 3189 mb,>f, is defined by relatively high magnetic susceptibihty, low P-wave veloelties and, on average, porositles well above 0.5 There i\ a relalIvely large degree of scatter observed in the ddtd, In pdrticular in Ihe pOfO\ity lago Thb includc,> a few exeeptional data pomls of very low poro~Jty. The umt also includes a large boulder of dolenlC located at the topoflbe care, whicb isebaraeterized by high magneltc su\Cepl]biliIY (upto 790), P-waveveloclty near 6 UOOms'! and a poroslty of O. UllIt PP2 (3 1.89 t063.20 mbsf) exhibils lowermagnetic su~eeptibdities (mostly below lOO), P-wave vcIoclties between 1500and2000ms'] andrelatively hlgbporo~ities S]m]ldrto Umt PP1. Poroslties peak In tbe mlddle part of thc Umt PP2 dt nearly 0.8 wbere no P-wave resuils were dchievcd. The entire umt i~ charactenzed by tbe high est degree of seatter In Ihe physical properties ddta of Ibe entire CRP-l care The boundanes at the top and bollom of Umt PP2 are sharp. Umt PP3 (63.20 to 92 19 mbsf) I~ deflned by the lowest magneti c ~useeptlbililie~ measured In the core. P-wdve veloc]ty 15well above 2 000 ros-l and poroslly grddually decrease~ from about 0.5 to 0.35. Al,>o, there IS remarkably hUle scatter In the data .l'' compared to the units above. Thc phys]cal property ]ogs appear to be cyclic In both thc magnetic \u,>ceptibd]ty and poros]ty logs Una PP4 (92.19 to 103 41 mbst) IS charactenzed by a sharp Inerea,>e of magnctic susccptibility at the top of thc unitto more than 100 (10.sSI), whereas thegenerdl pdttern of P-wave veloelty and poro\lty remain" slmllar to Ibe ovcrlying Umt PP3 Unir PP5 (10341 to 14160 mb"f) ]" defined by a relatively ~hdrp downcore mcrca\e of P-wavc velOC]I]C'> IO values well above3 OOOrns'l and a decrea.'>Cofporoslty to O 2 Loggcr MSCL 25 P-wave Velocity and Core Diameter Transducermameler Trdn~m]lterpolsefrcqocncy TransmJtledpulserepelilJOo rate Rcce]vedpwsercso]ullOo P-wavelrave].I]meoffsel 5 cm (7.5 cm Includmg IransdllCercaps) 500 kl-ù I kfu 50n' 218511S We/8!dk DeIlSlly Gamma ray source SoorceaCllVlly Sourcecnergy Co]limatordiameter Gammadctector Cs-137 356MBq O 662McV 5mm Sctnll]lallOn G>unlcr (John Counl SCJCnl]fLClld ) Magnetic Susceplibility loopscnsortype uJOp,en\ordiarncter Allem<lIIng f]eldfrequency Magnct]cfieldtnlCnSlty Loo[:!sensorcorrectJOn CocfficLcnl K-rc1 MS-2B(Barltngton lld) Sem 0.565 kI-U dpproX 80 Nm RMS 145 Backgroond to CRP-l, Cape Roberts ProJecl high tovery high P-wave veloc]llesand very lowporosities. Major units of diam]ctites such as the lithostrahgraphlc Units 2 l, 4.1, 6.1 and 6.3 are ali characlenzed by a high degree of data scatter. Lonestones are much less abundant in the mlddle (Units 5.110 5.8) and thc lowermost part of the care (Unit 7.1), where a lower degree of data sealler is observed in Ihe physical properties Thls would imply that the degree of data scatter, parltcularly in the P.wave and porosity logs, ]S a refleetion of distance from Ihe Ice margm as mterpreted from the scdlmentological evidenee S]mi!ar to the above Umts PP3 and PP4, the downeore vanatlon of ali thrce physlcal parameter<>appearssomewhat cychc although Unlt PP5 is charaetenzed by an mcrease in data seatter eompared to thc overlymg unit In partlcular, thcre is a relatively high amount of scaUered data points mdlcatmg very high magnetic susceptib]lity (>1 000 10.5 SI), P-wave veloelty (>6 000 ms ]) and very low poroslty «O 2) m some narrow intervals ofUnit PP5. Also, betWeen about 108 and 115 mbsf and near the bottom ofUmt PP5 there are two layers of relatively high poroslly (>0.4). UnllPP6 (141.60 to] 47.69 mbst)exhlblts asignlficant downcore gradient back to hlgher porosities (up to about 055) and lower P~wave velocitles (2 000 ms.L) Magnet]c suseeptlblilty <;catters between lO and 100. Tbe physical propert]c\ of Umt PP6 appear to be <;omewhat slmilar to thdt of Unlt PP4, although the magneltc susceptibilily IS lower in PP6. (see Qualemary Strata, thlsvolume - seetion sands observed at that depth Thls may be explamed in terms of arlifacis from the dnlhng operallOn such as mixingofthe sands with the suspended drilhng mud.lt IS, Ihereforc, likely that the physical properties m the lower part of Uml PP2 have been somewhdt altered. Thus, the (m s 1) p.wave Veloclty 2000 and Mioeene on FaciesAnalysis) Tbe physlcal property Units PP1 and PP2 as well as PP5 would then be more proximal glaciomanne, and Untts PP3, PP4 and PP6 more distaI glaciomanne lt is interesling to note, however, that there IS no sigmficant change m the physlcal propertles al the major unconformity in Ihe core, which is loeated at about 4355 mhsf m the upper part of Unit PP2. This may be at least partly explamed by the faet thal the physlcal property dala in Unit PP2 Me more strongly affeeted by poor care quahty than IOOlher parts ofthe eore. MaJor parts ofthis sectlOn are fractured or uneonsohdated. Thls aIso eaused thc large gaps in the P-wave logbecause no P-wave signal was recorded. In partlcular, the very high porosltie~ m Unti PP2 of more than 0.7 are unhkeIy for unconsol]datcd Ali umt boundanes of the physica! propert]es match boundartes m the hthostratigraphy. The lower boundary of PP1 cOlncldes wilh Ihe boundary belween lithoslratlgraphie Umts 23 and 3 L The base of PP2 correlates with the boundary between 5.3 and 5.4. Unit PP4 is equivalent to 5.8 m the hthostratigraphy. Tbe uml boundary of PP5 to PP6 IS hnked lo the transition from htho~tratlgrah1c Umts 6 3 to 7.1. In gencrdl, it appears that the highcr degree of scatter m the phys]cal property data is mostly ob<;ervedIOUnlts eontaining diamlcts In Pdrticular, large lonestones Cdu,>e (105 SI) Magnetlc Susceptlblllty 10 100 1000 10000 17 4000 Poroslty 6000 01 03 07 05 o 10 ~.':.. 20 .-- '!'S.. 30 - 40). ..~. ._-..,.. 50). :::c::... -"-'" ---.~;j:;"~", w .. jJi . . . ',"- .. .. .. . .. J"~}~ . zr;...: . .- 90 -. 100 ......:;~ .- - 120 ~~~. . 130 ~.. --..-....... 140 I .,.. . - ... .' .. -;.-. _ -- ... .""I. . -f. Logs of wholc-corc ';'~-:::-', .......M ':'}:~ ... .'. ,:::' . . ,... .".. ....,~~ ::.h-~. ..,.... ~::~ .,...': PP2 ~.. m~;~ .~.- PP' :';~'r ~. -. . , . . ''>. -, .. 'r:.., . . PP, ~ PP, .. ".. ' ~ . . '.,. .,.. .~ '1...'1 _ . " . .. ~ ... -=,>:,' -E_ Flg 16 '1"" I -. ~.::!~:. '[ ...~:.. ~.~....... ;;~~i'- 110 ". i;:- '111-.' .. .. . pp, l'''~l '.~r"': ìLt~~f:.t _.....,.w.......,.._ M , 80 ... . ~,::..._. I 70 {mbsl: . 1- ".~......r.. ~' -.i......;.;.;: 60 - I I I " "" ,~ phYSlcal propcnLcs aod physLcal propcrty Umt~ PPI to PP5 LOcorc CRP-t I PP' 18 uneonformity between the hthostratigraph]c Units4.1 and 5.1 may be masked In the dalaset. On the olher hand, there ]5 a very good coinc]dence bctwecn the mcrease in magnetic susceptibilily and the increase in vo!canic debns in the care (see Miocene Sirala, this volume. seCllon on Sand Grains and Provenance) above thc lower boundary of Unit PP2, whleh suggests maJOT changes m thc geo10gical record eontrolled by ehanges in thc palaeo-environrnent rather than artifacts at this boundary. In marine sedimenls, changes in suscep\JbIilty 3re normally controlled by vanatlon In the conten! of magnetile Magnetile has a significantly higher suscepttbllity (k = + 10.2) than most common minerals (-lO 610 + 10.6) and is more abundant in volcamc rocks and In summary, there is a lot of coinc]dence bClwecn the physical prOperl]eS and other resu1ts from the CRP-1 care. MaJor ehanges In thc lithology can be Iraced usmg the physleal propertles. Magneltc susceptlbihty seem~ to be slgmficanOy mfluenced by the conleot of volcamcally denved materia!. These eorrelatlons WIIl bc clanfied after additional oorreetions are applted lOthe data during further data proeessmg These mclude calibration of the wholecore data using resulls tram plug samples, correCI]on for overburden pressure release, eorreetion of po 'uble errors m the deteetion of P-wave travel time-onsets, eorreetions far deteetor dnft and temperature effeets on the magnetic suseeptLb]hty and correction far drift ofthe gamma deteetor. ashes. Higher magnet]c su,>eeptIbd]t1es in the upper part of the care (Units PPl and PP2) may then refleet higher volcamc aCl1v]tyand, subsequently , deposltion of volcanic debns al the dnllslte supeflmposed on vanation of manne and glaciomanne sedlmentation. In lerms of the 3eoustic behaviour of the roeks, there afe two m3jOr boundanes seen in the physlcal property logs (I) The steep gradlent of downcore mcrease ofP-wave velocity eombmed wlth a dccrease in porosity deftnes a strong change m acou~tic impedance al the top of thc d]amictite at aboul 103 mbsf. If fesolved in seismic prof]les this honzon wlll create a relative! y strong refleetor. (i i) A slmllar strong, but reverse, gradieot in poroslty and P-wave ve]oelty is seen at the transition belween the mudstones of lithostratlgraphic Umt 7.1 (PP6) and the overlying diamlctlte of Um! 6.3 (PP5). Thc re,>ultmg impedanee eonlrast would imply selsmic reflectlOn wilh strong negative peaks in the wavelcls, If the mudstone umt IS th]ck enough to be resolved in seismic sections ESTIMA TED DEPTH TO BASE OF V3 P-wave Veloclty 2000 3000 4000 o IO - ~ I I (ms-1) 5000 6000 I ~ 20 ~, 30 40 50 60 70 Measuremenls of P-wave velocltles were used to ealculate a two-way travel tlme log for the CRP-l care site (Fig. 17) morder to esl1mate the ba,>e of the V3 ~ei,>mic uniI. Unrealt,>t]cdata pomts, probably eaused by pom care qUdlity, were removed from the P-wave veloclly log However, there may stili be some errors in the ddta because, far very low amphlude levels on the recelver side, Ihe Geolek sy~tem has dlff]cultles deleetmg the drrival time ofthe p.wave pulse correct1y This error may be up to +/- 20% for some data pomls If Ihe detection i~ affected by a negallve or positive offset ofone wavelength on the recelved P-wavelet. Il IS assumed, howevcr, thdt thls error would largely smooth out, if the 2.way trdvel lime Isea1culated foreach mdividual depth mterval between 2 data poinls and then summed up (Fig. t 7) Far larger gaps m the data set, the P-wave veloclty wa!o,e\timdted on the basis of the average velocities measured In the underlying or overlymg umlS Two-Way Travel Time o 005 (5) 010 015 "l" I :-.. , 80 .... 90 1-, 100 1 110 120 I 130 140 (mbs: 1\ I Flg 17 l - COlltLnUOUSP-wavc I I Ì\ r- log (Icft) uo;cd to calculalc the two-way travcl-tmtc sum Jog (nght) of thc CRP 1 cure BJ.lkground Fur Ihe IOtal lenglh of Ihe core, a two-way Irdvel time ofnearly O 15 \ ISdetermmed The IWOmaJor refleetlOns, WhlCh .Ire suggested from the Impedance contrast of the physlcal prOpcrl]e~ record to be dt 103 and 140 mbsf (the translilOn from Iltho~traligraphlc Unlts 5.8 to 6.1 and from Um\<' 6.3 to 7.1), reveal two-way travel tlmes of O 107 and O 137 s, respeetJvely Smce the mud\lone of Umt 7.1 ha~ a lower velocJlY and lower denslty than the overlymg dmmletJte, a negallve amphtude peak should result for aCOu\I]C refleetion from Ihe top oflhls layer. Indeed, In the <;e]\mlC Ime acro\\ Ihe CRP-1 dnll ~]te a relatlvely strong negative amplJtudc is pre,>ent at a Iravel lime of about 0.14 <; whlch form... the V3N4 boundary. Therefore, it is sugge~ted that thl~ rcfleclOr eorrespond"'lo the top oflithostratJgraphlc Umt 7.1 al14 1.5 mbsf. ThlscorrelatlOn IS supported by the fdCI, that above the V3N 4 boundary a very '>trong positive reflectlOn amplltude]... seen whleh can be explamed by the ]mpedance eontrasl In the eore at thc 10p oflhe dlamletlle two-way travel time, respeetively) al 103 mb,>f(0.107 '> However ,>ee CorrelatlOn of Sei<;ffi]C Refleetors below STRATIGRAPIIIC Depositional environmenl " " 21120 >-' CI: «12.2 z CI: W accordmg wa\ not reeovered dunng dnl1ing. Howcver, dlamleton hes above the bounddry and sandstone below Although Ihe dnllmg operatlOn wa~ noi designed to samplc unconsohddted sediments, a.. much as 68% recovcry wa\ aehlcvcd Four lithostratlgraphlc umts (l, al the tOp, to 4) have bccn Identlfied, wlth litho...trdtlgrdphlc Umt 2 bemg further ,>ubdivided into Ihree subunits. The Miocene sect]on (4355 mb..f - base of hole al 147 69 mb~f) eompnses Idrgely hth]fJcd strata Thc boundary IS takcn at the top of a frdctured ,>andslonc tnlerval Recovery of the upper pdrt of the care (around 70%) wa\ httle bctter than thdt for the Quaternary on aeeount ofbriule fraeture~ thal pcrvadcd mueh ofthc core, and aho occasIOnai loo~e sand layers. Three majOT htho\trdtigraphlc umts (5-7) have been IdenlifJed, IWOof WhLCh are further subd]vided lOto subunits. The hthoslratigraphic units and theu pnnelpal hthologies far thc whole core are as follows: QUGtemary Unit 1.1,0.00-19 13 mbsf, diamlclon (!tttle reeovery) Umt 2.1,19.13-22.00 mbsf, dl3m]cton Unit 2.2, 22.00-29.49 mbsf, sand Uml 2.3, 29.49-31.89 mbsf, dl3mlcton Umt 3.1, 31.89-33.82 mbsf, muddy packstone Umt 4.1, 33.82-43.55 mbsf, dmmlcton ...~ S/1a1Iow"",nne'1rOng ac..l..n_ , do...nonl . Open-..a..~..-b.....""""'lOHa I-~ .. .. ~... .. 0141 . .:. I -.- .-' ..I ~mo......dom....l8dbo/ ocebergoed<monlobon.. p=molldr.lBI...tW1QO ~_ --~. 51LSO " " " IOpOI'>dboltQm - -- "",monre ",'sno_"",.onedo......t&dby gt...ty_oed""""tBbOo,......... ,n modelle ~":;:"~deb,,:,& sno_..........do...nol8dby grO\fJly-_oedImonlotJOn Wlt1lluctu"f'9"P"'O! ""'.....nod<lobt1o ,..- -..,-:' ~j -~ O ~15a oce-tOtnng ~Ruc1u"f'9","..orF . - " -- ' " m~..~ ,- ""'.,....1 " " . Shollowmanre dom....todbo/ g,,,,,,ty_...drmenlnon - '" W Z W () ~ma......dom...tedlry 9J8V11'/_oed....ntBlIon _m...,.""'....lIIngal / -- 18) Loggmg of the eore revealed two mam depositlOnal mtervals, for wh]ch provisional age... of Quaternary and early Mloeene hdVCbeen obtamed, largely on the ba'>l'>of dlatom taxa. Thc two mtervals are dc..cnbed m separate drtlcles m thl...volume. The Qualernary seetion (1500-43.55 mbsf) l'> dlstmgUl\hed from that of the MlOcene m bemg lJ.rgely uncon\ohdated The bounddry IS unclear beeau\c the core ]\ heav]ly fraelured dt th],>pOSJlionand thecnllcal boundary ,. snoklwmanreoce-.o => SUMMARY to logs al a scale of 1 5CXJ(FJg ."" -'.. ShalIow....,onedom..'.,,""'ol ...r-.;IImudWllhm..'IO.""'....1'IIng !;( The strdtigraphy ofCRP-1 ha,>been pre,>ented allhree levels 1.5, 1:20and l' 500 In th]ssectlOn ofthe report, the core L<;descnbed 19 to CRP-1, Cape Roberls ProJect ' COs."~ ~ .:-.~~:~ ..-...-. , ;,A' 1_") ,~' -!~ ~!;;' ~ ~~~~.~ H'IIn<lof14llyOOtlboo'9' _""lobOone.. ''''<I11'''".1"",,,,,,rg.. snollowmonnodom...t&dbo/ g"vnv.__monla~on wllh..tllbIe"'ll,,"o! .,..,olled<lobn. -."--"-1 ....-.-. -..,.':..~...-., I~;t.~i~..~ ,,-. s. '" ",...-.- .. .. . ~ ,.~... . "'- ..-. ...-. High40N'I'\'IOOb.rgor ground"'llhno_monlalon Wllhollorlltved""",","n ph....w'mmud O'Sand<lopoSlbon ",".~1 ,. _. .-. J __w..-. ......-..~.~s...-! " Flg 18 _ - ~c.. OrdphlC log ~ummarlslng ~"";_n1...111mg ono/MlnWl1l1m..,,,,,,,,rol'llng the ltthology and Inho~trdtlgraphlc ~ubdlvlslonofCRP-l MlOcelle Umt 5.1, 43.55-53.70 mb,>f, sandstone Umt 52, 53.70-61.51 mb,>f, interbedded si!tstone, diamictlte and breccia Uml5 3, 61.51-63.20 mb,>f, diamletite Umt5 4, 63.20-70.28 mbsf, sandstone Umt 5 5, 70.28-78.85 mbsf, sandstone and c1aystone 20 Unit Unit Untt Unit Unit Umt Umt 5.6, 78.85-8116 mbsf, sandstone and siltstone 5.7, 81.16-92.19 mbsf, siltstone and sandstone 5.8, 92.19-103 41 mbsf, mudslone 6.1, 103.41-108.76 mbsf, dlarn]chte 6.2, 108.76-119.28 mbsf, sandstone 6.3,119.28-14160 mbsf, diamictite 7.1, 141.60-147.69 mbsf, mudstone CORRElATION OF SEISMIC REFLECTORS WITH CRP-l The CRP-1 dnl1hole sampled only strata above the V3N4 boundary (Fig. 5). Seism]c data mdlcdte that thc dnllhole fimshed about 15 m above the boundary, although a maJor hthologlcal change (diamictite to mudstone) wa\ sampled about 6 m above thc base ofthe hole. Thls change was taken as the V3fV4 boundary in thc Core Propert]e~ sectlOn above, bui on the basis ofthe limlted th]ckness of the lowest mudstone unii and the discrepdncy m depth between Ihe ilthologieal change and thc mlerpreted V3N 4 boundary, we con<;]der thal the boundary was not reaehed Strong reflections are as,>ociated with thc shallower major dlamlcllte umls sampled by the drillhole. In ,>ome Cd,>esthe reflectlOns beeome stronger down dlp of thm diamiclite units in the drillcore, suggc'>tmg thdt thc,>emay thicken to the east. Near thc sea floor, thc '>ClsmlC data indicate seour ehannel... A weak ,>elsmlC reflectlOn, inferred to eorre~pond to the base of a channel In thc region ofthe dnllhole, correspond'i closely in depth wilh the unconformlty markmg Ihe base of the QUdternary sed]mcnt,> coredo CRP-1 lic,>on sCI,>mic line NBP9601-89 (Fig. 5, shot potnt 2032),a W-E line aeross Roberts Rldge. Reproce!o~mg of Hne NBP9601-89 ha,> Improved the resoluhon of the data across CRP-l. CRP-1 rcached a depth of 148 mbsf, equivalent to 145 ms twl below ,>ed floor (see Core Properties ..ection) Severa] seismlc events edn bc identified at thls depth or above and can be relaled to thc eored ~ectlOn (Fig. 19) The discusslOn here will he limited toan analyslsoflhe major unit,>as a detailed linkage is uncertam due to the wavelength of the ,>ei,>mlc:ngnal Further analysis usmg synthetic sclsmogram<;W]!!be carned Qut far thc Researeh Report. Thc drillhole cored almost lo the boundary between the ~ei..mICUnils V3 and V4 A double positive peak (comprc,>s]ve, shown black on the seismle reeords) correspondmg to an aeoustlc Impedance increase, ha,> been mterpreted for Ihls boundary (Flgs. 5 & 19) This boundary craps out at the base of a step in the sea floor. The drillhole terminates at about 15 ms (15 m) above the V3N4 boundary (Fig 19). Lithostratlgraphle Umt 7.1 I~ the lowe~t umt m the core. Only 6 m of Ihe uniI was sampled before dnllmg eeased, so it eould extend slgmflcanlly below the base of the drillhole. IfUnlt 7.11~ th]ckcr than c lO m, il,>upper boundary, which eorre~pond&to .I high negaltve acoustic impcdence contrast surface (from 11Ighveloclty in Umt 6.3 (diamlctlte) to low velOC]ty m Umt 7 l (mudstone), should appear as dlstmct reflcclorw]th negatIve amplitude peak, as seen on selsmic data (FIg. 5) just above Ihc interpreted V3N4 boundary. The age of the sediments from the base of the dnllhole ISesltmated as about 23 Ma (MlOcene Sirala, Ihls volume - sectlOn on Diatoms) Thls ISsignificantly younger than the age mferred for Ihe V3N4 boundary (late Ohgocene, 30 - 34 Ma). This eould imply a very condensed section between the base of dnllhole dnd V3N4 (15 m in IO my), and prelimmary dndlysis of paleomagnetic data suggests very low sedlmeotation rates (Mioeene Strata, this volume -section 00 Palaeomagneli..m and Mmeral Magnellc Properties), bui other explaoallOns seem more likely. There is no indlcation of any s]gmflcaot wedging oul (downlap) of the oldest <;edimenls of V3 00 the V3N4 boundary, whlch support the coneept of a missmg lower part ofV3 m the Cape Roberts reglOn. If the lowe<;t part ofV3 had pmched oul, it would have beeo ~een on thc se],>m]c data by Cooper et al. (1987), who ooted that untts V3 and V4 are eonformable aver mo~t of Ihe VLB A re-evaluation of the eorrelatlOn of geology and age of the sedlmenls between CIROS-l and the Cape Roberts reglOn, on the basis ofthe ~e]~m]c datd, is plamly needed Furthermore, ifthe V3N4 bounddfY ISdbout 23 Ma In age, then thl\ ha.:; ]mphcatlOns for the inferred glaelal aod tectontc h]..lory ofthe region based on Sel&mle ddta (e g., Brancoltoi et al , 1995). A major unconformlty in the Ro\.:; Sea at about 23 Ma correspond,> m time to maJor plate readjustmenls in the Southwe&t Pacif]c The next shallower ..eism]c uml corresponds to the lithostraligraphle Untt~ 6.1, 6.2 and 63 from 103 lo 142 mbsf. Umts 6.1 and 6 3 are compo~ed of diamictite (Unlt 6.2 is sandstone) but only Untt 6.1 has a signlflcantly highervelocity than theadjdcent units. The top oflhe Unlt 6.1 appears as a high amplilude positive refleetor. The phy\icdl properllesofUntt6are fauly homogeneou<; Tl'ns lack of d maJor change in propertles of unit 6 causes the semitran<;parent character of IIS corre~ponding selsmic unit with only dlseontinuous weak reflectors (one may correspond to Ihe upper boundary of the lower diamlctile Unit 6.3). Theoverlymgselsmieumt (60 ms thick) iseharaetensed by continuous, high amphtude refleclors, that dlp gently eastwdTd,> dt an angle of about 2.5°. Thl~ ,>ei\m]c unii],> correldted wlth litho'>tratlgraphic Unit 5 (from 43 to 103 mbsf), which is mainly compo,>ed of dllerndtlOn& of sandstone wlth generally lowveloc]ty, and thm dlamictltes with higher veloelty . These al ternation<; cannol be deteeted on the seismic Ime because theu thicknes\ i,>below Ihe resolutlon ofthe seism]c data. However, towards the eaM where Ihesel&micuntt thickens, '>Omcofthe thm dlamletlte& extrapolated along dlp correspond to eontmuous high ampiliude reflectors thal may represent more eXPdnded ~echon,>of Ihe thm diamictiles units reeogni,>ed In the CRP-1 core. The cootmuity in eharaeter ofthe reflector\ of thl'> ,>clsmle Untt to the east of the drill sile CRp-1 ~uggC\I'> Ihdt the hlhology ofthe shallow part oflh]\ unlt IS SlmIiar to thal reeognized In Ihc care, although Ihc geometry of the refleetors shows a lower dlp. The upper seismle Unlt corre..pond,> to Ihe htho&trdtigrdphic Units 1.1- 4 l (from Oto44 mb..f).lt IS mostly hldden by the rlnging effect of the ~ed floor, but a weak reflection at 45 ms below ~ea floor corre,>ponds 21 Bdckground to CRP-1, Cdp~ Robert~ ProJecl o '" o o "o o , " > - . o >>- > '" ~ o U) a tI: ~ a o a. ~ >>- "a ~ WW8 >E~ W > ~a. , ~ o = =- =~= (wl Hld3a <e ci ""~ = = ci = ~ ~ J .. = = = = ci ci = = = = ~= = = = = = ~ A\J010Hlll 38V ~ N o N o o o N fI a U) o N o (SIIMi o '" o o "o 22 dosely to the the base of Unit 4.1. This dlscontmuous refleetlOn appears lo define a local "cut and fili" orchdnnel geometry, posslbly giada! in ongm, along most of the sClsmic Itnes. Astronger reflection,just dlseemablcthrough the coda ofthe strong sea-floor refleetion, at about 30 ms below sea floor, may correspond tothe lopofthedlamicllte/ carbonate Umts (2.3 and 3.1) at 30 mbsf. Core Tracer spores TECHNIQUES ACldDlge>tlOn IOmlHCI ]O~. 20m11lF50~0 20m111C13M'O PALYNOLOGICAL PROCESSINO Processmg procedures commonl y used In palynological re~earch (e.g, Barss & Wllharns, 1973; Gray, 1965) mclude: l) acid digestlon of mmcrdl c1asts and eements In HCL(to removecarbonates) and HF (to femove slheate~) dClds, 2) controlled OXlddtion (to remove organic debns), dnd Ihe coneentratlon of palynomorphs by hcavy Jiqutd sepdration and for \]eving (Fig. 20). Il l'> ev]dent Ihat sample processmg for stratlgraph le palynology l'>re1atively eomplex, compared to that of other microfossll groups, and requires considerable care and sklll on the pari of the processing technician. It is no over!"latement to say that the potentlal sueeess of any pdlynologlcal study is determmcd In thc processmg laboratory, long before Ihe paIynologl\t scans thc first shde (Wrenn, in press) Consequently, Il was important for ,>uccc!>,>fui palynologleal !"uppnrt of thc dnlling program \O estabhsh a palynolog]Cdl processing facilily mdnned by an expcnenced proce~M)r in the Crary SClence dnd Engmeenng Labomtory. Equally important, "peclal conslderdtmn wa,> required for handhng harmful vapours generated by HF and HCLaclddigestion of !>ample,>beeauseofthe sen'>ltlvc environmcnt of AntarctJca TraditlOnal palynologlcal proce~sing i...by cold-dC]d digestlOn In opcn beakers under a furne hood There are a number of drawbaeks to this approach. Rock digestlOn eommonly takes one to two days becdu\e cold acid reactions progress slowly and it i,>ofteo neeessdry to add fresh acid during dige~tJon IO expedite thls proeess Consequenlly, the open-beaker method eonsume~ eonsiderable quanl]ties of reagenls. In addillOn, slgmficant harrnful vapour.. arc re1ea,>cd to the atmo~phcrc, cven though Ihe aClds afe cald. Safety IS a major concern becau<;e frequent handlmg of rCdgents and the presence of aCld fJlIed, open beakers are a conltnual Ihrcat to proce<;sors. Fmally, aelddlgestlOn fume~ arc vented outside the laboratory to the atmo<;phere. Venting of aeld vapouN, parllcularly those of HF, would not be permitted In AntarclIca Rather than employ tradltlOnal open beaker, cold-acid sample digestion, samples were dlssolved m hot aClds withm the clo:-.ed :-'dmple vessel of a Prolabo Model401 foeused microwave acid digestion ufilt (Flg 21) The unii foeuses mlerowave.. on the aeld and \ample contained In .I clo:-.cd, mlcrOWdvetran,>parent d]gc\tJon ve,>sel at atmospheric prc:-. urc. Th]<; maxlmlze<; sample heating .md increases the reaction rate of roek dlgc..tlOn (lI]s Important not to hCdt the sdmple ProlaboM401 MLcro\\a\e DlgCSlor V]sual m>peetlOn He3vyL1qUld S~"parauon (Napolylungslate) VI~ua] mspeellOn 6-]25 m palynomnrph ~lides Flg 20 _ Flowdldrt ofpalynnlnglcal-procc»Lng proccdurc, u'>Cdon sample> from CRP-] high enough to merea..e tbe ndtural thermdl matunty ofthc pdlynomorphs.) AClds are pumped dlreclly from rCdgent bottles into the dlgestion ves..el, and thc duratlOn and degrce of\amplc healtng <Irecontrolled by a computer. Computer control of BJckground to CRP-1, Cape Roberb prOJect 23 F'E 2J - Prolabo M401 mlcrowave dlgc'llooum!,pump dodcompUlcrcontrol unLl reagent pumpmgmmlmlses the amountof rCllgent handhng by Ihe proces,>or Vapour~ generdtcd dunng hot-dCld dlgestlOn are evaeuated from Ihc vc~,>cland neutrahzed m a bonc aCld/\odJUm hydrox]dc \crubber (Flg 22) befare bemg vcntcd to thc dtmo\phere. See Elltn & MeClean (1994), jone\ (1994), Jones et .I] (1995) and Jone~ & Ellm (m prc<;s)for dlscussionson the use ofmicrowave d]gc'>tlOn m pd]yno]ogLcal sdmple preparation CRP-l Sample I)rocessing Ten "fa,>t-track" ...amp]c\ (T db 7) werc recelved and proee\\cd for pdlyno]og]cdl dndlysls durmg care dnllmg. An addltlOnal45 samples were \elecled, where posslb]e, from fme sand and sllt umts at roughly a4 m mterval, 31 ofthc,>c were <;tudied forthls mltm] report Approximately five gram... of cdeh \dmplc was proces<;ed, cxccpt far ,>ample P-6 Ten grdm,> ofthls fme sandstone were dlge\ted m thc hopc of incred,>mg recovery. In ddditlOn IO these genera] proeessmg !>tep\ noted ahovc, one Lycopodlllm tabletl was addcd to cdch \dmp]c dt the starl of aCld dlgestlOn to fdclIJlale thc e,>tlmdtlOn of the pd]ynomorph eoncentraOon/grdm of sedlment (FIg. 20) Some samples reqmred II \ccond hot IICL treatment after microwave ac]d dige...tlOn to remove preclpilates of Flg 22 - Procc~Mng tcchnlclan lohn SLmc~(NcwZcaldnd) Lnspcctlng fumc <;eruhl>mguml Nolc thcmlcrowdvcumlm !hcfumchoodl>cluod jolm 'L}COpmjlllm Idhlel tdhlc!\ wcrc produccd by DcpanmcnlofOuatcrn,Lry Gcology, Lund UrllvcNty, Lund, Swedcn Bdtchll124961, 12542 +/-414 ~porc"" CapeRobert\SCLenceTedm 24 Tab 7 - CRP-t palynologysamplcs procce'i.~ed dllnog dnllmg opcrdllons T.. 000 20.60 21.04 25.10 31.50 3205 3190 32.34 32.37 32.58 32.77 32.98 33.31 3350 3372 3400 3662 39.06 42.41 4504 48.35 5350 54.45 58.43 5958 62.90 67.54 7002 7487 78.15 7815 7875 82.18 8536 8742 92 34 9637 9902 10047 104.75 10875 11244 11645 12027 12040 12408 12812 132.07 13620 139.14 141.80 142.34 144.31 14565 14768 Kcy to~amp]c Base Lab, # 850 20 61 2114 2511 31.51 3215 31.93 3237 3240 3261 3280 3301 3334 3353 3375 3401 3663 39.07 42.43 4514 4836 5360 5446 5844 5968 6291 6755 70.03 7488 7825 7825 78.76 82.19 8537 8743 9235 9638 9912 100.48 104.76 10876 11245 11646 12028 12050 12409 12813 13208 136.21 13915 141.92 14235 144.32 14566 14769 type f=rush, P3 P5[ 04 P50 P49 P5 Wt (~) d 6 [ d 63 5.9 d P38 P48 P47 P46 P6 P13 PIO P[7 P[8 P8 P[9 P20 P2[ P22 P[ [ P[6 P23 P24 P25 P27 P28 P29 P[2 P30 P3[ P32 P33 P34 P35 P[4 P36 P37 P39 P40 O4[ P[5 042 044 043 P45 R=reb'lllar, 55 6.9 64 5.9 104 54 54 5[ 54 ,. 54 ,. Type F R F R R F Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q R R R R F R F R R F s]llstone 8 R F R R R 8 R mtU.blonc R 8 F "53 F' 53 53 5 [ 5.6 57 6O 59 52 ,. pchb]y mmblone mud'ilOne R 52 54 5.[ 5.6 57 64 53 F R R R 8 8 F 5.3 54 64 R R R ,. Q=foramLOLrera] an unknown nalure. These precip]tates may have been generated from the digestlOn products of the volcamc dasts thal are pre~cnt in most samples Due to the hmlted proeessing t]me ava]lable during the drilhng season, Il wa,> not posslble to determine the optimum progrdmmmg of the umt for th],> rock type to remove these preClpltate~ mudstone sandydiamlclile sandydiamlclLlc s]]lyc1ayslonc sandy siltstone muddydiamlctlte muddydiamlcllic sl]l'ilone mudstonc muddyiliamlCtIle muddydJ.am]ctJle muddy diam]clJle R dayeysJ!tslone clayeysJ!tslonc s]lIy claystoDe clayslone S]lty clayslone proce<;'~LOgre~Ldue (~ee text), 3 [ 3 [ 3 [ 3 [ 3.[ 3 [ 3.[ <'-Odr~e~]ltstone R 54 56 54 ,. bLOgemccalcareoLJSsand bLOgcnJccalcareollSsand bLOgeniccalcdreoussand bLOgcmccdlcareou.ssand blOgemccalcareoussand ~andy muddy grave] calcarcoussandymud calcarcnussandymud calcarcollSsandymud ~andymuJ..lone muddywdmlclon sandy muddy gravel mudd} ruamlclon finesandslone 'iandymud>lone s]llstonc cldycymudslone coar~e ~i]btonc 8 R 8 R Uni t [[ 2 [ 2.[ 22 3 [ 3 [ 3.[ 3.[ calcarcoJJS muddv sand muddysandslolle ~]lty'anLb[one ..dt'itonc sdlysanùstone S]1ty claystolle sdly cldystolle sdly claystolle ma"SlvesLI!'itone claycys]ltstonc R 56 56 Uthology muddy diamicton muddy wam]cton muddydJam]cton sandy mud softsandymud . 4 [ 4[ 4[ 4[ 5[ 5[ 5[ 52 52 52 53 54 54 55 55 5.5 55 57 5.7 5.7 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 6 [ 6 [ 62 62 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 7 [ 7.[ 7.[ 7.[ 7.[ rcproccsscd Rdthcr, HCL was added to the residue and heated in a hotwater bath on a hot plate, while another sample was being run through the microwave uniI. This removed mo,>tofthe precipitates Undigested minerai gratO'>were removed from resldues by hedvy liqUld treatment (Fig. 20) wlth non-toxlc, water. I Bdckgroond lo CRP-l, Capc Roherts ProJect !ooluble sodlUm polylungslale (Sp Gr. 24). Thls high ,>peelfiegravlty flULdWdSused beeausemanypalynomorphs <;ank m heavy hqUld separalion<; run al a lower speelfic gravlly (Sp Gr. 2 O) Il was discovered thal Ihls was due in part IO a very Ihin pynle eoalmg on Ihe palynomorphs. Th],> ]mparlt'd a dark gray lo blaek color lo Ihe dmoeysts and J,cntarchs, bui Ihe coatmg Wd'>so fme gramed Ihat Ihe '>pecimcns were transparenl Pyrile spheres were noi noted withm Ihe palynomorphs Trealment of the samples wllh filtnc ac]d removed Ihe pynle coalmg and changed palynomorph eolor lo hghl hrown. Fme-grained mmeral and organic debri<; was removed by slevmg Ihe residue on a 611 nylon cloth u,>ing a sievmg devlee de!ocnbcd by Rame & Tremam (1992). Res1dues were mounled in glycerinjelly and ~ealed wlth fingemail poli,>h In many oflhe Qualernary and MlOcene sample,> small numbersof eonlamlnanl pollen and spores were idenllfied, de,>plte care m laboratory cleanline,>s and Ihe McMurdo laboralory 10calJùn remole from livmg plani sources Modern conlammant speclmens eould bc recogni,>ed by a combinatJùn of fealures, including generally colorless or pale yellow cxme, remnanl protopld,>m, and brighi (whlle or greenish) aulofluorescence In blue-vlOlel epl]IIUmmdllon. Contammanllaxd ]denttfiedreflecllhe region,> of ongin of Ihe equipment and personnel tnvolved in tbe proJeel, and pre,>umably ongmate from dusl adberent lo paekagmg, eqUlpment, and clotbmg. ArremlSla andBewla from North America, and Nothofaglls cf. fu~ca and DlcksOllla from New Zealand Pollen of Pmll~, Poaeeae, and eo,>mopohlan weeds (Rllmex, Haloragaceae) wa,>also idenllf]ed A <;mgle Pmll.~ pollen gram was Idenllfied from a glycenne peln dlsh exposed m Ihe Id.boralory for a week during proeessmg The dnlhng mud (d.synlhelic polymer) was also checked for conldmmants and only rare modero Haloragaeeae pollen (posslbly oflaboralory origm) wcre found. Thc LycopodlUm lahlet,> u<;ed for e~llmalion of palynomorph concentrallon were alsoexamined for punlY: no eonlammd.nt mlOspores were encounlered dunng a scan of approxlmalely 17 000 grains of Lycopodlllm c/avatllm type m a eonlrol shde prepared from several dissolved lablels. Palynological proce<;.,mg m the Crary Laboralory was a sueees<;, due in large to Ihe u,>eof Ihe environrnenlally friendly and efhc]enl focused mlerowavc dlge'>tlOn uml The speed of acid dlgestion and the safe handhng of aCld vapors by Ihe digeslion unit made it possible for palynoslrallgraphic suppor! IO be provided on'>lle in the umque Anlarelic environmenl for Ihe flrst tlme. Far Ihe Cape Roberls ProjecI, rapJd m]crowave proees,>ing meanl Ihal palynologic dnaly!oe<;can provide cnlical input as dnllmg is in progre~\. Th]s technology open,> Ihe door IO ,>afe and fast palynologicdl processtng in remole reglOns of Ihe world, <1\well a'> on offshore ai! ngs and on board shlps PALAEOMAGNETIC LABORATORY The CRP paldcomagnelle laboralory in Ihe Crary Science and Engmeering Center (CSEC), McMurdo Siallon, was the fusi paldeomagnetJc laboralory to be 25 eSlablished on the Anlarelle conimeni. It may also be Ihe hlghesl lalilude palaeomagnelic laboralory ever eSlabhshed. A number of chaUenges were eneounlered dunng eslabllshmenl of Ihe laboralory, and we documenl Ihese here IO assist fulure endeavours of th]s Iype. Due to Ihe expense and loglst]cal d]fhculties involved m usmg a cryogenic magnelometer lo the Anlarelle, the laboralorywas eqUipped wlth two spmner magnetomelers. The AGICO Bmo JR-5A magnelometer is Ihe mosl sensilive spmner magnelometer currently available. The high ,>ensillvlty IS oblamed by rOlaling Ihe sample al hIgh speed (89.2 revolution'>l,>econd), which can produce mechanical mslablhl]cS if Ihere is any external vibratlon of Ihe inslrument In dddltlOn, Ihe high rate of rolatlOn can cause p00rly consolidaled samples to dlsaggregale. Becau,>e oflhese faelors, the laboralOry was also equipped w]lh a Molspm spmner magnclometer, which IS more robusI, bui less ,>ensillve, than Ihe AGICO magnelomeler. The Molspm magnelomeler IS well-sUited for measurmg relalively slrongly magnetlsed and/or poorly consohdaled sample,>, a<;well dS for delermming Ihe mmerdl magnellc properlie,> of selected sample,>. DemdgnellsallOn eapabillt]e<; were provlded by a Molspm altemating field(AF)demagnetiserand a Magnel]c Measuremenls MMTD60Thermai Demagneliser. An ASC Sc]enttfic IMIO-30 impul<;emagnellserwas used forSlud]es of the aequl'>llion of Isothermal remanenl magnelisallOn (IRM) and far back-f]cld demagnelisallon expcnments A Barttnglon In~lruments MS-2magneticsusceptJb]hly meler was u,>edfor \u,>cepttbihty measuremenls The equlpmenl for Ihe proJecl wa,> contnbuled Jomtly by Ihe Isiliulo NazIOnale di GeoflSlca (Rome,ltaly) and Ihe Umverslly of Cahforma, Davis Pnor lo eSlablishmenl of Ihe laboratory, a number of rooms lo CSECand IOsurroundingbuildings were a~ssed for Ihelr suitabihly to house a palaeomagnelic laboratory In Ihe abseneeof a magnetically-shielded room, Ihepnmary considerallOn was to ftnd low fleld grad]CnlS m a magnetically "qulel" envlronmenl. Ofthe siles surveyed, CSEC room 242 was found lo have the mo~1 uniform ambienl magnelie fleld VlbratlOn measuremenl!o, performed wilh an acceleromeler, also indicaled Ihal Ih],> room was least affeeled by bUJldmg vibrations. In order lo maintain low amblent f]c1d gradlenls, wooden furnJ\ure was built far Ihe room The componenls of thc fum]lure were assembled using non-magnelie faslemngs A vlbralion-dampenmglablewa,>eonslructed forthe AGICO magnetomeler by placing a granile slab on IOp of a layer of shock-absorbent rubber balls which were set in a rectdngular recess in Ihe lable. Thi<; de,>]gn proved to be h]ghly effccttve, even when slgmficant vlbralions were caused by movemenl of large objecis on Ihe loading doek adJacent lo CSEC 242. The build-up of eleclncal static, due to the andily of Ihe Anlarclic almosphere, IS a hazard thal can cause problems in Ihe laboralory. In some cases, slallc discharge from operalors lo eqUlpmenl has been known lo cause resettmg of equipmenl, wh]ch required shuttmg down, reslartmgand recahbratton Ali palaeomagnellc eqUlpment was Iherefore placed on antl-slalic mats, and fine-gauge groundmg eab]e~ attached to wrislbands were placed Background lnltlal Core Appearance - In generaI, the care arnved from the Cape Roberts Camp in good condltion. The care wa\ mOl,>twllh a sheen of water on the cui surface of Ihe sedlmeot. Thc softer sedlment did exh]bit longltudinal <;epdrdtlOn towards the mlddle of the core. This was most hkely due to the relaxatiOn ofthe sedlment and the lack of ,>upport. OecaslOndl mmor longitudinal shlftmg wilhin the mdJv]dudl metre-long seetions was ev]dent, but was easily rCClifJed. Core Logs Rechecked, Plwtography alld Vlewmg o[ the Core - After each sh]pment of the Workmg nalf ofthe care was rcceived, Mlke Hambrey and Chrt<; Flelding rechecked Ihc core logs received from tne Cape Roberts dnll MtCfor dlscrepaneles agam\t the actual core. Durmg th]s tlme they al '>0photograpncd <;cdimentological feature~ of mterest They pre<;ented theu mterpretation of the core lo the Cape Roberts \c]ence group at the CSEC. X-radlOgraphy - The science pian ealled for tne entlre care lo be \ubjected to x-radiograpny x-radlOgraphy untt purchased andlysls. The far u,>e by Ihe Cape Robert,> ProJect requucd thal tne care be removed from the care boxe,> and placed on a speeml des]gned tray that eould be manual1y posltlOned in the untt Howevcr the sofl and fractured nature of tne core above lOO mbsf made thls dlffteul! to aehieve. In an effort to complete thc \Clenee obJectlve~ m an expedlent manncr, a tnal box of care wa<;hand transportcd to the McMurdo MedICai Faelhty, wherea standard hospltal x-rdY untt wa,> u\ed The result,>were poor The decision wa\ md.de to revert to Ine ongmal pIan and edrefully removc \cIected coherent seetlon\ of tne core by hand far placement in tnc x-radiograpn IrdY. Of the approxlmatcly 45 38 metres of Quaternary age sediment only 13.81 mClresor 30 5%was X-rdyed. Oftne 102.30 metre,> of thc older sedlment only 53.6 metres or 3602% was X-rayed Thb ,>mall percentage was due to the unexpcclcd volume of soft QUdternary age sedlment and the frdclured nature ofthe oldcr <;ed]ment Only seleet \eCI]on,> of the care deemed ,>afe to be removed were subjected to x-radJOgraphy analysi,> 27 IO CRP-1, Cape Roberls Project The curator wa~ responslble far the dctermmation and removal of the\e seetJOn,>. Flexlble pla<;tJc SlrIpS of .I size that clo\cly approxlmatcd Ihc core sectJOn to be removcd were carefully workcd between the eore ~eetJOndnd the care hox Tne seclton wa\ then plaeed on the "pcclaIIy made Cdrrier for posltlOnmg m tne x-rddlOgraphy Untt The correct onentation of the earc wa,>mamlamcd during the cntlre operatlOn. The plastlc ~heel'> and the x-rddlograph eamer were washed to prevent eonldmmation pnortothe X-radJOgraphy of the next care \cction. Sample Reqllests - Pnor to Ihe aetual samphng, tno,>e scienll~t~ authonzed to reeelve samples from the core were glven a three leuer "investlgator eodc" whJCh eon'>i,>ted of the flr~t three letters of thelr la\t ndme, a ~upply of labe1,>and tooth pteks. Each person marked theu code on both cnd<; of a 25 mm by 75 mm <>elf-adhesive label u<;mgwatcrproof mk. The label wa!.wrdpped around .I common wooden toothplek, thus formmg a "flag" to mark the mlerval to be sampled. Eaeh scientlst was also provlded Wllh a sample rcquest form on whlch he/she Iisted the followmg informatlOn' the date, their investigator code, Ihelr name, the eore number, the box number, thetop and bottomofthe mterval requested, the volume requested, and any comments on samphng. These forms were returned lo the curalor to be uohzed dunng data entry and dunng the actual samphng Selectmg Sample /ntervals - Due IO the relaxation of lime constramls, an average of six boxes or eighteen metresof core was available forsamphngat each samphng sesslon. The mve~tlgators were reminded at the begmnmg of eaeh samphng se,>,>ionthat sampling "was for care eharaetenzation, nOI detailed analysls" and of the total number of samples, the intervals and volumes of each sample asset forth m the Cape Roberts SClenee Pian forthe older seclions of the core The unexpeeted recovery of a volume of Quaternary age material neeessitated a revised sampltng pian. WhIie a pian was formulated, the decision was made lo ,>ample the Quaternary age malenal at the end of the samplmg periodo The mvesl1gators were glven on average one and one half hours lo seleci thelr mtervals by placmg their sample fldg alongside the care and IO fili-m the sample requesl form The palaeomagnelic investigators marked thelr samples by placmg 4 mm by 7 mm slips of stiff paper over their requested mterval Copies of the care logs were provlded to facilttate their seleetJOn of ~dmp1e mtervals. They were also reminded to wnte leg]bly and not to contdmmate Ihe core by removmg and replaemg their sample fld.g in a different 10catlOn DI~plltedSample /ntervals. Dif>putes between multiple di\c]plines requestmg the <;ame mterval were resolved through dlscusslOns wllh the on-ice partles involved, Ihe Project Selcnee Coordmdtor and the eurator. Data Entry and Sample Labels - The curator entered the data from Ihe completed sample requesl forms inlo a relatJOnal ddtd. base. These data includcd. the mvestlgator, thc core number, the depth interval, the volume of the \dmple, the date, and eommenls. These data were u,>ed lo provide each lfive,>hgator wlth .I pdper eopy of hls/hcr sample request at thc end eaeh day's samphng. In addltlOn,a record of thc tOld.l number of sample\ rcmoved from the core by each mvestigator was provlded at the end of Ihe ,>amphng programme.The comment ,>eetionrecordcd tne type of sample taken, e g sediment, fo,><;il,or clast, and the dlseiphne and Iype of analysls to be performed wlth eaeh sample, e g petrology-thm section or paleontologydJatoms The mformation was al'>oused to generate labels u,>mga Seiko Thermal Labcl Pnnter The self-adheslve labels conlained Ihe same mformation as the ,>ample request form for each of the sample bags. The database also eontains the address of each scienee partic]pant ofthe Cape Roberts ProJecl. This sample mformation and other eonng mformalton wdl be mduded on mmordalabases and World Wlde Web sltes. These wIiI be established by Ihe curatonal faclhties at the Antarcllc Manne Geology Re~earch FacJ!lty, at the FIonda Stdte Untverslty in Tallaha<;see, FIonda and the Alfred-Wegcncr-Instltute far Polar and Manne Researeh m Bremerhaven,Germany. 28 Sampling Samplmg Parlles- Due to the volume of coreexpected, thc curator alone could nOIpo,>s]bly fulflll ali ofthe sample requests m a timely ffid.nner Therefore, thc Cape Robcrts sCleoce group at the CSEC was formed mto samphng partles consisling of four people. These four people dlvlded mto two groups eaeh conlamed a per~on who removed the sedlment from the cure and anolher who held the bag lfito wh]ch thc !.cdlment was p1aced, sealed and placed]1 m the appropnate requc!>ling invesligator's box Thc curdlor supervlsed these group". Thc samplmg partlC\ wcre arranged so Ihat the palaeontology, ~d]menlology dnd petrology dlselphne~ wcre represenled Thc majority ofpersons in Ihe group had previous samphng expenence. However, ali peNons wcrc mstructcd on thc followmg procedure<;. thc correct onentation of the care In the core boxes, the use of Ihe sample "flags" and thc sample request form to locale the correctsample inlerval, dnd mo,>t]mportdI1tly, the necessity to u,>ethe samphng tool unly once per sample and to aVOld touehmg thc con~ wlth thclr hdnd!. to aVOld eontammatlOn of the core. The partlclpants were also shown reprc..enlal]Ve .,tyrafoam mode]., ai the volumes reque~tcd un thc ,>ample request forms Sampltng PrlOrlty - PaldeOntolog]cal ,>amples were takeo first, followed by the pdlaeoffidgnellc and Ihcn the generai sampltng. Priority Wd'>g]ven to on-ice studle~ of thematenal. Palaeomagnetlc Sampllllg - Dufles after Samplmg Core Shiprnent The eore was re-exammed m Ihe CSEC-CSF prior (O paekaging far shiprnent to Ihe faclhtie~ in Fionda and Germany. The core was checked far the '>tablhly of Ihe sedlment Addltional foam blocking wa" added where needed and the core was mlsted w]th fJltered water a fmal tlme before the core.box lids were taped In piace. The eorc boxe\ were placed mto heavy, remforced tnwall Cdrdbodrd conlamers, slxteen core boxes per contdmer, placed four boxes side by side and four boxes hIgh lo mtnimlze cru,>hmg Metal bands were u<;ed to slrdp the conlamer lo a wooden palle\. The contamers were marked with arTOWSpomtmg to thc upnght positlOn. Fragile, Do Not Freeze, Piace Nothing On Top signs were placed on Ihccontamer The pdllCIS were placed lOto a storage eonlamer refngcrdtcd 104°c' The core contamers were to be \ccured wllhm the storage unlt wlth no other materldl pldccd on top for shlpment Via thc edrgo ~hlp G,eenwaw IO Lyttleton, Ncw Zealand The Workmg half of the core wllI be off10dded far alrtransport toGermany The Archive halfwill eontmue ahoard tlte Greenwave IO bc off-loaded m Cahforn]d and lran,>poned overland Via retrigerated truck to Floridd. Palaeomdglletlsb pcrformed the]rown sampltngdt.e to thc special teehnLque... reqUlred To aVOld contammatlon ofthe eore, oTlenlated, coherent seellons wcre removed from the core box, placed on .Icdrrymgtray and taken to tbc paldcomdgncticsd.mplmg Idb, a !>eparate bUlldmg located on thc IOd.dmg dock of CSEC room 201. A diamond dnll was used to rcmove the sample. The core \eCllOn was replaced m the care box In the proper onental]On. Hldden fau1ts In some sectlon~ nece<;<utdted the recon!>truction of thc care. If the sectlOn wa~ badly fragmented It wa,>plaeed m .I bag ldbeled w]th Ihc mterval and replaced In the care hox Samplmg EqUlpmefit - Samphng eqUlpment inc1uded mcasurmg tapes, various 'nze plastic bag~ and vials, separate wa~h and nn\c bonles, common laboratory spatulas, small scoops and forceps for the sotter malenal, and hammer.. and chlsels for the more hlhlfled malenal. A d]dmOnd <;awwas used to cut large clasb far samples Ali of these tools were cleaned pnor to the begmnmg of Ihe "d.mphngse~\ion and between the samphngof dlfferent mtervals. At no tlme was any tool used more then once before It was cleaned. The cleamng con~]sted ofwd.<;hmg wlth hol water and a laboralory detergent, nn~mg wlth clean water, and a fmal wash wlth filtered water. The toob were allowed to alr dry \O m]mmize the potenllal for contaminatlOl1 ofthe loob by pdper or cloth fibre from a drying medium. Curatonal In the core lab the benehe~, the f1oor, dnd ali sampling eqUlprnent were washed in preparation far Ihe nexl shlpment of eore. - The vOlds left in the eore followmg ~ampling were filled wlth carefully cut foam bloeks to stabihze the care. The core was mlsted wlth flltercd wdlcr dnd then returned to the Crary Scienee and Engmeermg Centcr-Core Storage Facihty. Summary of Curatorial Duties Tlte curdtor was responslble for the Irdnsportation of Ihe care boxes from the helicopler pd.d at McMurdo to the Crary SClenee and Engmeenng Center-Core Siorage Faelltty (CSEC~CSF), from the CSEC-CSF to the care Idb m CSEC room 201, thc return of the care to the CSEC~ CSF, dnd the crdltng and dispalch to the fdclliOes tn FIonda d.nd Germany. Becau,>e of the higher tempcrdlurc dnd lower humidity of thc care laboralory (CSEC room 201) care dehydrallOti wa~ .I eonccrn Thi'> was counterdeled by misting the care wlth fJ!lered water on a half hourly ~ehedule or as needed as some hthologles dried more rapidly thcn others The cumlor mamtd.ined thc stratlgraphle mtegnty of Ihe care dunng removal of seetions far X-radiogrdphy, paleomagnetle and generai '>dmphng. The curator reduecd the pO~~lblhty of contamtndtlOn and mlmmize dl,>lurbanee of the care through in,>truction of proper samphng leehniques and mamlaining a cledn laboratoryenvlTOnmen\. Ali origmal paperwork, mcludmg Ihe core descriptlOn logs, care reeovery log!., phy~ical property and ,>ample requesl forms, wa~ mdinlamed by the curator The eurator entered dnd md.intatned ali data in the data ba,>e eOl1eermng ~ampltng and generdtcd totdllists of ali samples laken by each mvestlgator. Ali reque...l~ by news media and mvcstlgator~ to v]ew thecoreafter thc mltldl samplmgand requests tor addlllOnal sample~ were coordmdled by the eurator. Background lo CRP-I, Cape Roberb prOJect ACKNOWLEOGEMENTS - FraClureArrays Tbc fraclure ,tudy and cure scanmng were funded by NSF grani OPP-9527394 IO T J WJl~on TmlOlhy Pauhen Wd' partm]]y sopported for the frac\ure sludy by NSFI OPP-9527394 and by the Byrd Posldoclora] Fel1owshlp, Byrd Polar Re<;carch Center, OhlO State UmversLIY Or G Rafal generoo~]y volonleered h]s I]me and expertlsc for SCI up and \rdlmng on the CoreScan@ Fee wdlvers and software dL'Ce" prov]dedby OMT-GcotfC,E..,sen,GermanyfacLhlatedlh]<;re-.earch CorrelallOn ofSelsmlc Reflecton wlth CRP-l - Wc woold hke to thdnk Dr L Barlek and Dr B Luyendyk for perml<;<;Lon lo u~e NB9601 data In Ihl' reporl Foondallon for Re\earch SClence and Technology Contract C05XXX ~upporled Ihe work lo. 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