8 Italian Barometer Diabetes Forum 3rd Diabetes experts panel meeting Auditorium – Ara Pacis Museum Lungotevere in Augusta‐Rome July 2‐3, 2015 Preliminary program In order to confront and defeat it, diabetes pandemic needs to be known, monitored, and
measured. This is the aim of the Italian Barometer Diabetes Observatory Foundation, which is
much more than just a project: it is a current tool and a permanent Think Tank to measure
progresses in the fight against obesity and diabetes Thursday, 2 July 14:00 Participants registration 14.30 Welcome Address  Vito De Filippo, Undersecretary Minister of Health  Giuseppe Novelli, Rector of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”  Renato Lauro, President of IBDO Foundation  Birger Riis‐Jørgensen, Ambassador of Denmark to Italy, Malta and San Marino  Costas Piliounis Vice President Europe Novo Nordisk and General Manager Italy 14.50 Institutional Roundtable CHALLENGES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF OBESITY AND DIABETES TYPE 2  Emanuela Baio, President of the National Committee for the rights of people with diabetes and President of 25 by 25 Think Tank  Lorenzo Becattini, Deputy and President of Interparliamentary group of Diabetes  Micaela Campana, Deputy and President of Interparliamentary group of Chronic Disease  Salvatore Caputo, President of DIABETE ITALIA  Andrea Lenzi President of the National University Council and President of the IBDO Foundation Steering committee  Mohamad Maghnie, President of the Italian Endocrinology and Diabetes Paediatric Society (SIEDP), Department of Paediatrics IRCCS, Giannina Gaslini ‐ University of Genova  Giuseppe Paolisso, Rector of the Second Naples University  Paolo Sbraccia, President of the Italian Obesity Society (SIO), Professor University Rome Tor Vergata  Roberta Siliquini, President of the Italy’s National Health Council Moderator: Marzia Roncacci, journalist 15.30 Introduction to ITALIAN BAROMETER DIABETES FORUM 2015 “OBESITY AND TYPE 2 DIABETES MANAGEMENT: FIGHITING THE DOUBLE BURDEN” Chairman: Agostino Consoli, editor of the Italian Barometer Diabetes Report and Professor University of Chieti Simona Frontoni, President of the IBDO Foundation Scientific Committee and Professor University of Rome Tor Vergata Speakers: Antonio Nicolucci, President of the IBDO Foundation Data Analysis Board Francesco Mennini, Research Director, CEIS EEHTA, Università Tor Vergata, Roma Presidente, ISPOR Italy Rome Chapter 16.15 ITALIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH (ISS) LECTURE “ SOCIAL DETERMINANTES OF OBESITY AND DIABETES” Chairman: Walter Ricciardi, Commissioner of the Italian National Institute of Health and Vice President Vicar of the IBDO Foundation Key Note Speaker: Sir Michael Marmot, Director of the Institute of Health Equity, University College London (UCL) 16.45 Coffee break 17.00 MINISTRY OF HEALTH Session “The Italian strategy for the prevention of the Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes” Chairman: Ranieri Guerra, Director General on Prevention, Ministry of Health Italy Key note speaker: Sergio Pecorelli, Rector University of Brescia and President of Healthy Foundation Discussants: Delegates of Italian Regions TBD* Giovanna Boda, Director General of Ministry of Education, Universities and Research Italy Daniela Galeone, Director of the Gaining in health programme, Ministry of Health Italy 18.10 EUPHA Session “ Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes: a public health priority” Chairman: Bernardino Fantini, University of Geneva Key note speakers: Iveta Nagyova, President of the EUPHA section on Chronic Disease Anne Marie Felton , President of FEND and Former European Coalition for Diabetes, ECD Discussants: Antonio Caretto, President of ADI Lino Del Favero, Director General of Italian National Institute of Health and President of the Federsantità‐ANCI Tiziana Frittelli, Director General of University Roma Tor Vergata Polyclinic Hospital Francesco Ripa di Meana, President of the of Federation of Hospital and Local Health Agencies (FIASO) Giselda Scalera, Director of Prevention Office Ministry of Health Lorenzo Sommella, Health Director Sant’Andrea Hospital 19.20 Conclusion of the first day Friday, 3 July 08.30 Opening 2nd day IBDO LECTURE OBESITY AND TYPE 2 DIABETES RESEARCH IN EUROPE AND IN ITALY Chairman: Francesco Dotta, Secretary General IBDO Foundation Key note speaker: Francesco Giorgino , Coordinator Scientific Committee of SID and Professor University of Bari 8.50 25 BY 25 THINK TANK LECTURE CHRONIC CARE PLAN IN ITALY Chairman: Renato Lauro, President of IBDO Foundation Key note speaker: Renato Botti, General Director of Health Planning, Ministry of Health Italy 9.10 SIO SESSION OBESITY MANAGEMENT Chairman: Paolo Sbraccia, President of the Italian Obesity Society (SIO), Professor University Rome Tor Vergata Key note speaker: Vincenzo Atella, Director of CEIS and Professor University Rome Tor Vergata Discussants: Luigi Angelini, Executive Director of Wellness Foundation‐ Thecnogym Michela Carruba, Director of the Center for Study and Research on Obesity, Professor University of Milan Franco Cerutti, President elect SIEDP, University of Turin Roberta Crialesi, DCIS ISTAT Giuseppe Fatati, President of ADI Foundation Roberto Vettor, Past President of Italian Obesity Society (SIO), Professor University of Padua 10.00 Coffee Break 10.20 IDF EUROPE SESSION DIABETES TYPE 2 MANAGEMENT Chairman: Antonio Ceriello, President of AMD Foundation Key note speaker: Joao Manuel Valente Nabais, President IDF Europe Discussants: Graziella Bruno, Professor University of Turin, member of the Executive board IBDO Foundation Salvatore Caputo, President DIABETE ITALIA Andrea Fontanella, President elect of the Federation of Associations of Hospital Managers (FADOI) Foundation Davide Lauro, Professor University of Rome Tor Vergata Massimo Massi Benedetti, President of the Hub for International health Research Gerardo Medea, Diabetes coordinator of the Italian Association of General Practitioners (SIMG), member of the Executive board IBDO Foundation Maria Chantal Ponziani, Diabetology Unit,“Maggiore della Carità” Hospital, Novara 11.30 CENSIS FOUNDATION SESSION OBESITY AND DIABETES TYPE 2 COMMUNICATION AND WEB SENTIMENT Chairman: Ketty Vaccaro, Director of Welnness Department CENSIS Foundation, Vice President IBDO Foundation Key note speaker: Fabio Fregi, Country Manager Google Enterprise Italy Discussants: Tonino Aceti, President of Tribunale dei Diritti del Malato of Cittadinanzattiva Egidio Archero, Vice President of DIABETE ITALIA Silvano Berioli, Chairman EFGCP/EUPATI Lucio Corsaro, Director General of MEDIPRAGMA Giovanni Lo Grasso, President of the Italian Diabetes Health Workers Association (OSDI). Roberto Messina, President of Federanziani 12.40 CREA SANITA’ SESSION SUSTAINABILITY, INNOVATION AND ACCESS TO CURE Chairman: Federico Spandonaro, Director of CREA Institute, member of the Executive board IBDO Foundation Key note speaker: Luca Pani, Director General Italian Medicine Agency (AIFA) Marisa Papaluca, Head of Scientific Support and Projects, European Medicines Agency Discussants: Enzo Bonora, President of SID Stefano da Empoli, President of I‐COM institute Claudio Cricelli, President of the Italian Association of General Practitioners (SIMG) and Former President of the European Union of General Practitioners (UEMO) Sergio Liberatore, President of IMS Health Italy Giulio Marchesini, IBDO Foundation member and Professor University of Bologna Nicoletta Musacchio, President of AMD 14.00 CONCLUSION OF THE FORUM Simona Frontoni, President of the IBDO FOUNDATION Scientific Committee, Professor of the University Rome Tor Vergata Scientific Secretariat: Charta Foundation Forum Secretariat: FASI Srl Via R. Venuti, 73 00162 Roma Tel +39 06 97605610 Fax + 39 06 97605650 Email [email protected] Web Press Office: HealthCom Consulting Via Bartolomeo Eustachi, 46 20129 Milano Phone: +39 02 87399.173 – 174 Diego Freri mobile: +39 335 8378332. e‐mail: diego.freri@hcc‐ Laura Fezzigna mobile: +39 3474226427 e‐mail: laura.fezzigna@hcc‐ 