WHC Nomination Documentation File name: 93.pdf SITE NAME ("TITLE") UNESCO Region EUROPE The Church and Dominican Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie with "The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci DATE OF INSCRIPTION ("SUBJECT") STATE PARTY ("AUTHOR") ITALY CRITERIA ("KEY WORDS") C (i)(ii) 5/9/1980 DECISION OF THE WORLD HERITAGE COMMITTEE: The World Heritage Committee made no statement BRIEF DESCRIPTION: An integral part of the architectural complex built in Milan beginning in 1463 and reworked at the end of the 15th century by Bramante, the rectory of the convent of Saint Mary of the Graces still has on its northern wall a masterpiece without equal -The Last Supper, painted between 1495 and 1497 by Leonardo da Vinci, whose work heralded a new era in the history of art. 1.b. State, province or region: Italy, Lombardy region 1.d Exact location: Milan - Piazza S.Maria delle Grazie f:/inhouse/DocCen/doc-archive.doc