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Metropolitan Museum, New York
serving the Food, the Nutrition and the Environment
From protection system to innovative technologies for agriculture and fisheries
Auditorium Cascina Triulza, EXPO
Milan (Italy), Friday 25 September 2015
The science of acoustics range in very large fields. Referring
to the theme of the Symposium, they care not only of the
relationship, often in conflict, between noise and environment, but also of the protection and promotion of the territory, of the prevention of hydro-geological disasters and of
risks for worker’s health, of the management of natural reTime Table
- 10:00-10:30 Participants registration
- 10:30-13:30 First Session
- 14:30-17:30 Second Session
sources, of the use of new technologies in the food industry.
This Symposium, held by international experts, is aimed at
researchers, teachers, students, engineers in acoustics, operators of public administrations, members of scientific societies
and associations, designers and technicians from industries.
- Noise effects on marine fauna
Michael Taroudakis (University of Crete, President European Acoustics Association); Gaetano Licitra (ARPAT,
Lucca); Giuseppe Marsico (ISPRA, Roma); Gianni Pavan
(Università di Pavia); Giorgio Riccobene (INFN, Catania)
- Conservation and improvement of rural and urban-greenareas soundscape
Giovanni Brambilla (IDASC-CNR, Roma); Giovanni Zambon, Alessandro Bisceglie, Emilio Padoa Schioppa, Claudia Canedoli (Università di Milano-Bicocca)
- Acoustical estimation of fish biomass
Víctor Espinosa (Universitat Politècnica de València); Lucio Calise (Zunibal, Derio); Vicent D. Estruch, Patricia Ordoñez, Isabel Pérez-Arjona, Vicent Puig, Ester Soliveres
(Universitat Politècnica de València)
- Impact and reduction of noise emission from wind farms
Massimiliano Masullo, Luigi Maffei (Seconda Università di
Napoli); Gianni Cesini, Valter Lori, Renato Ricci, Fabio
Serpilli (Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona)
- Use of ground vibration sensors for landslide monitoring
and land conservation
Massimo Arattano, Velio Coviello, Marta Chiarle, Laura
Turconi (IRPI-CNR, Torino)
- Noise and vibration risks for agriculture and fishing employees
Alessandro Peretti (Scuola Specializzazione Medicina del
Lavoro, Università di Padova); Francesco Bonomini (Ingegnere, Padova); Domenico Pessina, Davide Giordano, Marco Gibin, Claudio Colosio, Ninfa Monica Mucci, Michele
Nuccio (Università di Milano); Anita Pasqua di Bisceglie
(Medico del lavoro, Padova); Pietro Nataletti (INAIL, Roma); Paolo Bonfiglio (Università di Ferrara)
- Noise effects on terrestrial fauna
Natale Emilio Baldaccini (Università di Pisa)
- Use of vegetation for noise control
Jian Kang (University of Sheffield)
- Sound insulation and absorption of acoustic materials of
vegetable origin
Francesco Asdrubali, Samuele Schiavoni, Francesco
D’Alessandro (Università di Perugia)
- Food control and processing by means of ultrasounds
Rugiada Cuccaro, Simona Lago, P. Alberto Giuliano Albo,
Renato Spagnolo (INRIM, Torino)
- Role of the sound in food perception
Massimiliano Zampini (Università di Trento)
Call for papers
Those interested in the Symposium topics can deliver a paper
by June 30th 2015; the Italian Journal of Acoustics (RIA)
editing rules are available at the url www.acusticaaia.it/istruzioni.
The papers will be peer reviewed and all the contributions of
the invited speakers will be published on line within a special
issue of the RIA dedicated to the topics of the Symposium.
All the papers will be collated into the Symposium Proceedings, that will be supplied free of charge to the attendees of
the event.
The abstracts of the delivered papers will be made available
on internet (www.acustica-aia.it).
The Symposium will be held at the Auditorium of the
Cascina Triulza inside the EXPO. To get to the Auditorium:
Participation to the Symposium is free, but requires an online registration through the website www.acustica-aia.it.
Auditorium seats are limited, so registration will be closed
once the maximum number is reached.
Entrance ticket at the EXPO
The Symposium takes place inside the EXPO. To access to
the EXPO is necessary to purchase an entrance ticket whose
cost ranges between 20 and 40 Euro. The entrance ticket entitles you to visit the EXPO.
For booking and purchase EXPO Entrance Tickets please
visit the website www.expo2015.org
All lectures will be in English or in Italian. It is planned to
have simultaneous translation (English-Italian and ItalianEnglish).
Certificate of attendance and proceedings
Participants will receive a certificate of attendance and, free
of charge, a CD-rom containing the text of the lectures.
Steering Committee
Alessandro Peretti, Luigi Maffei
Scientific Committee
- Pietro Alberto Bertazzi, Claudio Colosio, Giovanni Costa, Domenico Pessina (Università di Milano)
- Giovanni Zambon (Università di Milano-Bicocca)
- Domenico Cavallo (Università dell’Insubria)
- Arianna Astolfi, Giovanni Brambilla, Eleonora Carletti, Antonino Di Bella, Patrizio Fausti, Massimo Garai, Gaetano
Licitra, Luigi Maffei, Francesca Pedrielli, Alessandro Peretti, Andrea Tombolato (AIA)
Scientific Secretariat
Francesco Bonomini, Andrea Tombolato
Administrative Assistant
Simona Senesi
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: 0532/735618, Fax: 0532/735669

EXPO in MILAN-Symposium AIA-25Sept2015