WCPAG ORGANIZERS Ellen Rome FIGIJ President Secondo Guaschino ESIDOG President Gabriele Tridenti SIGIA President Vincenzina Bruni SIGIA and WCPAG Honorary President 18th World Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology Congress Florence June 25th-28th, 2016 June 24th, 2016: Pre Congress Course – Official Language Italian WCPAG ORGANIZERS Ellen Rome FIGIJ President Secondo Guaschino ESIDOG President Gabriele Tridenti SIGIA President Vincenzina Bruni SIGIA and WCPAG Honorary President PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Focus on female health in the world Opening lecture: Current world challenges in female child and adolescent health care The fetus - An holistic vision of fetal life - Nutrition in pregnancy - Cardiovascular repercussions in relation to fetal status - endocrine repercussions in relation to fetal status - endocrine disruptors and the fetus The child - Genital examination: how, when and why? Dermatological diseases in PAG Vulvo-vaginal infections today - US scan: how, when and why? WCPAG ORGANIZERS Ellen Rome FIGIJ President Secondo Guaschino ESIDOG President Gabriele Tridenti SIGIA President Vincenzina Bruni SIGIA and WCPAG Honorary President - The adolescent HIV infection in infants and adolescent girls Menstrual patterns in post-menarcheal years The” top 5” of prevention for adolescent girls Contraception in adolescence: epidemiological data What’s about the adolescent male? Open issues in peri-pubertal period Lecture: The determinants of puberty in females Early puberty : between physiology and pathology The treatment of precocious puberty: an update Surgical treatment of tuber cinereum amarthoma Precocious adrenarche: a milestone of growth? Late onset 21 hydroxylase deficiency Constitutional delay of growth and puberty: an update Elite athletes and pubertal delay Cultural female genital mutilations Cultural, traditional and anthropological aspects of FGM Short and long term consequences of FGM Un update on reconstructive procedures Turner Syndrome The adolescent girl with Turner Syndrome: genotype- phenotype correlation Prenatal diagnosis and parental counseling Neuro-cognitive aspects in Turner syndrome Hormonal treatment Carina AnkarbergThe care of transition in Turner WCPAG ORGANIZERS Ellen Rome FIGIJ President Secondo Guaschino ESIDOG President Gabriele Tridenti SIGIA President Vincenzina Bruni SIGIA and WCPAG Honorary President The XY female Diagnosis in the newborn The timing and rationale of gonadectomy IIeuan The sexuality of XY females Reconstructive surgery: a reappraisal Genital malformations Epigenetics causes of genital malformations Diagnosis of uterine malformations: an up- to The management of outflow obstructive anomalies The management of non obstructive Mullerian anomalies Adolescent PCOS update New players into the aetiopathogenesis of PCOS in adolescents The diagnosis of PCOS in adolescence The treatment of androgen excess Reflections on inositols use for PCOS adolescents Insulin sensitizers in adolescents Teens’ Endometriosis The physiopathology of menstrual pain Risk factors and natural history of the disease Adenomyosis in adolescents Early diagnosis Medical options Surgical procedures: when and how Nutrition and reproductive function Under nutrition in the world Epidemiology of eating disorders in adolescence Bone and eating disorders Eating- disorder websites and apps WCPAG ORGANIZERS Ellen Rome FIGIJ President Secondo Guaschino ESIDOG President Gabriele Tridenti SIGIA President Vincenzina Bruni SIGIA and WCPAG Honorary President Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea: from psychological involvement to neuroendocrine impairment Endocrine disruptors and reproductive function Obesity in youth people Epidemiology Predictors of metabolic risk in childhood and adolescent obesity Endocrine and gynecological consequences of obesity in adolescence Bariatric surgery in young people Weight reduction strategies for obese adolescents Viral, bacterial and yeast infection Focus in infancy : epidemiology ,characteristic and social implications Focus in adolescence : strategies for prevention and treatment Schistosomiasis as reproductive health problem Contraception, STIs and PID Multipurpose Prevention Technologies Lecture: Adolescent pregnancy in undeveloped and developed countries Bleeders and clotters Perimenarchal heavy menstrual periods Haematologic disorders affecting menses Ovulation inductors in adolescent dysfunctional uterine bleeding Contraception Contraception in adolescence: epidemiological data Psychosocial factors and contraceptive choice in adolescents Hormonal contraception in PCOS girls New regimens in hormonal contraception:to bleed or not to bleed? Natural estrogens for adolescents LARC in adolescence: focus on IUC LARC in adolescence: focus on implants and injectables WCPAG ORGANIZERS Ellen Rome FIGIJ President Secondo Guaschino ESIDOG President Gabriele Tridenti SIGIA President Vincenzina Bruni SIGIA and WCPAG Honorary President Lunch with the expert – The pill and the patch Cancer in young people Risk factors for HPV infection and disease progression Treating CIN in teens Pitfalls in the diagnosis of vaginal neoplastic lesions When does breast cancer prevention start ? Neoplasia in infancy and premature ovarian insufficiency Strategies for fertility preservation in young people Fertility preservation in Tuner’s mosaics Fertility protection treatments during radiotherapy and chemotherapy Ovocytes cryopreservation Cortical tissue transplantation availabilities and risks Lecture: Uterus transplant: current experiences Emergency contraception RoundTable Physiology of ovulation and probability of conception Mechanism of action of emergency contraception Emergency contraception utilization rates: differences between Italy and other Countries Sexual abuse The relational approach The forensic examination The diagnosis of STIs and its value Models of prevention Hot topics for prevention A check list to prepare adolescents to their sexual debut Digital natives : how to help and enlist their help Support needs of lesbian and bisexual adolescents WCPAG ORGANIZERS Ellen Rome FIGIJ President Secondo Guaschino ESIDOG President Gabriele Tridenti SIGIA President Vincenzina Bruni SIGIA and WCPAG Honorary President Health projects for migrant adolescents Special surgery for special patient The corrections of breast anomalies in adolescence Cosmetic genital surgery in adolescents The use of stem cells in PAG gynecological surgery Ovarian cysts The management of prenatal ovarian cysts Ultrasonographic features of ovarian cysts Ovarian cysts : Indications for treatment Ovarian torsion Teaching PAG (round table) Educational needs for trainees in PAG The IFEPAG experience: an appraisal E-learning projects for teaching PAG Simulation as a training methodology The main role of JPAG in the permanent updating in PAG IFA session ISGE session Endothelium and steroids sensitivity, from fetal life to young adults Endothelium and fetal growth restriction Estetrol: a key steroids for fetal and maternal adaptation Migraine in adolescence: the impact of menarche and menstrual cyclicity ESIDOG Session The microbiota during post-pubertal period The microbiota during pregnancy Diet and the gut microbiota: implications for health and disease WCPAG ORGANIZERS Ellen Rome FIGIJ President Secondo Guaschino ESIDOG President Gabriele Tridenti SIGIA President Vincenzina Bruni SIGIA and WCPAG Honorary President Probiotics and microbial interventions in Ob Gyn for young people HPV genotypes in adolescents ALOGIA session Faculty Abbate Rosanna Abdulcadir Omar Abdulicadir Jasmine Albanese Assunta Allen Lisa Anders Juul Ankarber-Lindgren Carina Apter Dan Battegay Manuel Bedei Bauman Dvora Benedetto Chiara Bernasconi Sergio Bitzer Johannes Brannstrom Mats Bruni Vincenzina Bumbuliene Zara Bustreo Flavia Caffo Ernesto Carel Jean Claude Carmina Enrico Carozzi Francesca Castaman Giancarlo Cattaneo Cristina Chiarelli Francesco Coccia Elisabetta Creatsas George Creighton Sarah Czermely Tamas Dalla Piccola Bruno De Seta Francesco Dei Metella Deligeoroglou Efthimios Di Renzo Giancarlo Donders Gilbert Donzelli Gianpaolo Essen Brigitta Fairburn Cirstopher G. Farris Manuela Fedele Luigi Ferrazzi Enrico Fleming Natalie Fonseca Helena Proni Fruzzetti Franca Fulghesu Anna Maria Gaspari Laura Gemzell Danielsson Katarina Genazzani Alessandro Genazzani Andrea R. Genitori Lorenzo Giolito Maria Rosa Giordano Flavio Giurgovich Alejandra Glaser Danya Gordon Catherine M. Graupera Betlem Gravholt Claus H. Graziottin Alessandra Grover Sonia Guaschino Secondo WCPAG ORGANIZERS Ellen Rome FIGIJ President Secondo Guaschino ESIDOG President Gabriele Tridenti SIGIA President Vincenzina Bruni SIGIA and WCPAG Honorary President Guerriero Stefano Hester Marian Hillard Paula Hoek Hans W. Hovatta Outi Hughes Ieuan Johnsdotter Sarah Kandarakis Evantia Diamanti Kapczuk Karina Kiess Wieland Laufer Marc Lucchetti Chiara Maria Maffeis Claudio Mazzanti Laura Mendes Ribas Josè Maria Molina Cartes Ramiro Montero Adela Motta Tiziano Nappi Rossella Navratil Francesca Nestler John E. Paavonen Jorma Pasanisi Patrizia Panagiotis Christopoulos Pasquali Renato Pasquini Lucia Pecorelli Sergio Pedersen Babil Petraglia Felice Pons Enrique Porcu Eleonora Rall Katarina Rome Ellen Romero Patricia Saggese Giuseppe Sanfilippo Joseph S. Santulli Pietro Selvaggi Gennaro Serfaty David Simoncini Tommaso Simms-Cendan Judith Sirakov Milko Skordis Nicos Skouby Sven Stankovik Zoran Sultan Charles Symphorosa S.C. Chan Testa Antonella C. Tridenti Gabriele UNESCO Utriainen Paulina Vassilios Fanos Vercellini Paolo Viner Russell Vizza Enrico WHO GROUP - TBD Wood Paul ---------------------------------- CONGRESS VENUE Palazzo dei Congressi P.zza Adua 1 Firenze ORGANIZING SECRETARIAT The Organizing Secretariat Net Congress & Education Viale Fulvio Testi 121 20162 Milano Tel. 02.66529856 Fax: 02.91434059 E-Mail: [email protected]