The diagnosis of thalassemia (α(α and β-)heterozygotes β )hetero ygotes Main features; the value of MCH/MCV, HbA2 and HbF. iron deficiency;a-thalassemia; β+δ-thalassemia; a diagnostic flowchart Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. di Ematologia II con Talassemia A O O R “Riuniti A.O.O.R. Riuniti Villa Sofia Cervello” Cervello - Palermo, Palermo Italia Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca 1 U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” Hemoglobinopathies are the only hereditary diseases in which it is possible identify healthy carriers with blood tests (screening of the first level) rather than molecular analysis. Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca 2 HEMOGLOBINOPATHIES HEREDITARY ¾ MICROCYTHEMIA or THALASSEMIA 1) lack of or reduction in the synthesis of the corresponding globin chain. 2)) altered amino acid sequence q with the p production of highly g y unstable g globin chains and / or low affinity for other chains. Cause: UNBALANCED ratios of the normal bio-synthetic α/β. ¾ HEMOGLOBIN VARIANTS 1) synthesis of a normal amount of the corresponding globin chain. 2)) altered amino acid sequence q ((HbS,, HbC,, HbD ... ... ..)) Cause: an alteration of the normal physiology of the globin chain produced. Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca PHENOTYPIC CLASSIFICATION OF HEMOGLOBINOPATHIES Typical Phenotypes the typical parameters of α− , β− or δ- thalassemia or variant hemoglobin carrier’ phenotype are present Atypical Phenotypes the typical parameters of α, α β β−thalassemia thalassemia or variant hemoglobin carrier carrier’ phenotype are not present Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” Alpha-Thalassemia Phenotypic classification Functional genes Hematologic status Hemoglobin status α+ Thal almost normal Normal αo Thal altereted Normal altereted Presence of Hb H HbH (β4) desease F t l Hydrops Fetal H d with Hb Bart’s (γ4) This condition is not compatible with life Molecular cause of α Thalassemia Deletions more frequent given the structure of the cluster α May involve a single gene alpha (α+ thal) May involve both alpha genes or regulatory area α-MRE (α° thal) Point Mutations Most involte the α2 gene, according to its dominant expression (374/314); cause α+ / α+/° thal ¾ Defects in Maturation of pre-mRNA; ¾ Defects in mRNA translation; ¾ Defects that cause instability of the globin chain; ¾ Variants. Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” α+ α°/+ RBC HB HCT MCV MCH MCHC RDW HbA2 RBC HB HCT MCV MCH MCHC RDW HbA2 4.94 13.7 40.8 80.6 27.1 33.5 13.1 2.9% 5.14 13.7 41.8 79.5 26.7 32.7 13.9 2.7% α-3.7/αα α-4.2/αα 5.45 13.5 40 9 40.9 74.9 24.8 33 1 33.1 14.5 2.3% 6.07 15.2 46 4 46.4 76.4 25.0 32 8 32.8 15.5 2.5% -(AC)α3.7 II/αα αS.A.α/αα 5.55 13.5 41.3 74.0 24.2 32.6 14.2 2.7% 5.65 14.4 43.7 77.3 25.5 33.0 14.1 2.6% αNcoIα/αα α° αHphIα/αα RBC HB HCT MCV MCH MCHC RDW HbA2 5.59 12.3 38 5 38.5 68.8 22.1 32 1 32.1 14.2 2.7% -- MED/αα 6.39 13.3 40 4 40.4 63.0 20.7 32 9 32.9 13.8 2.4% -- 20.5/αα 5.43 12.0 36 9 36.9 68.0 22.0 32 4 32.4 15.4 2.6% -- CAL/αα −α 3.7I/αα RBC Hb HCT MCV MCH MCHC RDW HbA2 4.97 13.1 3. 37.7 77.9 26 5 26.5 33.5 13.7 2.7% 66.23 23 14.6 45.1 72.3 23.4 32.4 14.4 2.5% α3.7 Ι/α3.7 Ι RBC Hb HCT MCV MCH MCHC RDW HbA2 5.45 13.5 40.9 74.9 24 8 24.8 33.1 14.5 2.3% ‐(AC)α3.7 II/αα RBC Hb HCT MCV MCH MCHC RDW HbA2 HbH 3.6 3 6 7.2 24.4 67.7 20.1 29.7 29.6 1.7 16.3 3 ~16 ‐(AC)α3.7 II/ ‐(AC)α3.7 II ALPHA-GLOBIN GENE MUTATIONS IN THE SICILIAN POPULATION Deletion Point α−thal mutations α−globin g Variants −α3.7/αα αNcoIα/αα αOxfordα/αα Cd 15 −α−(AC)3.7II/αα ααNcoI/αα αAgrinioα/αα Cd 29 −α4.2/αα ααIVS I nt 115/αα ααIwate/αα Cd 87 αHphIα/αα αIns A Cd59-60α/αα αSunPraireα/αα Cd 130 −α20.5/αα αα Fr(-C) Cd 109/αα αSetifα/αα Cd 94 α−−Cal /αα αSaudiArabiaα/αα ααCharolles/αα Cd 103 α−−SEA /αα C ld α/αα αContaldo Cd 103 α−−FIL /αα ααBernaldaα/αα Cd 119 −α−−Μed/αα ααUtrecht/αα Cd 129 3 7/αα ααα3.7 αPolicorοα/αα Cd 124 ααS.G.Jato/αα Cd 31 ααReading/αα Cd 48 ααNEW/αα Cd 49 / Cd72 / Cd 81 / Cd 83 αNEWα/αα Cd 51 αJ-Norfolkα/αα Cd 57 αTruidenα/αα Cd 68 αStanleyvilleIIα/αα Cd 78 αEtobicokeα/αα Cd 84 αCSα/αα Cd 142 αIcariaα/αα Cd 142 αSouthernItalyα/αα Cd 26+Cd130 ααα4.2/αα TYPICAL PHENOTYPE OF β-THALASSEMIA TRAIT ¾ Microcytosis i i ( reduced d d values l off MCV C ed d MCH C ) ¾ Increased levels of HbA2 β+ β° absence of beta-chains Marked microcytosis (MCV < 65 fl) High value of HbA2 ((>5.0%) 5.0%) modest presence of beta-chains Marked microcytosis (MCV 65-68 fl) High value of HbA2 (4.5 (4.5-5.0%) 5.0%) β++ β+++ low presence of beta chains mild microcytosis (MCV 68-75 fl) HbA2 borderline or slightly above the normal levels (3.5-4.5% or >5,5%) low presence of beta chains slight microcytosis or normal (MCV >78-80 fl) HbA2 borderline (3,3-3,9%) β-Thalassemia: In most cases, cases first-level analysis is used to define the status of a healthy carrier Si ringrazia g per p il sostegno g alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” 10 RBC 5.60 5.46 4.96 HB 13.8 13.9 12.8 HCT 41.4 42.9 41.4 MCV 61.5 64.9 70.5 MCH 22.1 20.1 22.6 MCHC 32.1 34.1 32.0 RDW 13.4 13.4 13.4 HbA2 5.4% 4.9% 4.0% β0‐carrier β+‐carrier β++‐carrier Presumptive Diagnosis of: Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” Molecular causes of β-Thalassemia Point Mutations Deletions ¾ Transcription of the gene defects; ¾ Defects in Maturation of pre‐mRNA; ¾ Defects in mRNA Translation; ¾ Defects that cause instability of the globin chain. Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” ATYPICAL PHENOTYPES -1- HbA2 borderline with normocytosis or microcytosis -22 Microcytosis Mi t i with ith normall levels l l off HbA2 edd HbF -33 Microcytosis with very high level of HbA2 -4- Increased levels of HbF Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” Si ringrazia i i per il sostegno alla ll Ri Ricerca 15 ATYPICAL PHENOTYPES -1- HbA2 borderline with normocytosis or microcytosis -2- Microcytosis with normal levels of HbA2 ed HbF -33 Microcytosis with very high level of HbA2 -44 Increased levels of HbF Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” Si ringrazia i i per il sostegno alla ll Ri Ricerca 16 HBA2 BORDERLINE WITH NORMOCYTOSIS OR MICROCYTOSIS Causes: • Silent mutations in the β-globin gene p p allelic structure • Presence of triple-alpha • β-globin variants • Co-inheritance Co inheritance of β mutations and δ mutations • Co-inheritance of β mutations and α mutations • Other: Hyperthyroidism Use of anti-HIV retroviral drugs (AZT) Dosage of the HbA2 value Si ringrazia g per p il sostegno g alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” 17 Borderline HbA2 is not a rare event and it should be more investigate, g , specially p y in p presence of reduced MCV value and if p partner is an healty carrier of β−thalassemia. Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” 18 22,9% , Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” 19 (MCV<80) (MCV≥80) Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” 20 Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” 21 HbA2 genotype cases NEG/ IVSI nt 6 Means Dev.St. 24 3,69 0,14 β-prom (-92/-101) 20 3,69 0,12 NEG/ IVSI nt6 24 3,69 0,14 βo +δ Cd27 11 3 50 3,50 0 17 0,17 NEG/ IVSI nt6 24 3,69 0,14 ααα/αα 15 3,33 0,13 NEG/ IVSI nt6 24 3,69 0,14 αα/−α 12 3.15 0.10 βo +δ Cd27 11 3,50 0,17 ααα/αα 15 3,33 0,13 βo +δ Cd27 11 3,50 0,17 β−prom (-92/-101) 20 3,69 0,12 ααα/αα 15 3,33 0,13 β-prom (-92/-101) 20 3,69 0,12 MCV t student p value 0.062 0,95 3.67 0,0009 7.94 0,00001 12 10 12.10 0 00001 0.00001 2.64 3.73 8.07 0,014 0.0008 0,00001 Means Dev.St. 69,18 2,58 83.51 4.76 69,18 2,58 61 53 61,53 2 91 2,91 69,18 2,58 85,76 4,06 69,18 2,58 75.42 6.72 61,53 2,91 85,76 4,06 61,53 2,91 83.51 4.76 85,76 4,06 83.51 4.76 t student p value 12.70 0,00001 7.83 0,00001 15.64 0,00001 4 04 4.04 0 0003 0.0003 16.85 0,00001 13.89 0,00001 1.47 0,15 ¾ β−Thalassemia ¾ α−Thalassemia ¾ δ−Τhalassemia DECREASED HbA2 Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” 23 Molecular causes of δ-Thalassemia Deletions Point Mutations ¾ Transcription T i ti off th the gene d defects; f t ¾ Defects in Maturation of pre‐mRNA; ¾ Defects in mRNA Translation; ¾ Defects that cause instability of the globin chain chain. Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” 24 INTERACTIONS BETWEEN BETA AND DELTA MUTATIONS β α = MCV, MCH δ HbA2 Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” δ+β° RBC HB HCT MCV MCH MCHC RDW A2 F 6.01 6 01 12.2 37.1 61.8 61 8 20.2 32.7 14.3 14 3 3.5% 1.3% βCd30/β δCd27/δ HbA2 Yialousa 6.10 6 10 12.3 37.3 61 2 61.2 20.0 32.7 14 3 14.3 5.6% 0.6% βCd30/β 55.54 54 11.2 36.1 59 6 59.6 20.2 32.0 15 1 15.1 3.5% 0.5% βCd39/β 5.58 5 58 11.9 37.3 62 0 62.0 21.3 31.9 13 9 13.9 5.2% 2.6% βCd39/β δCd27/δ HbA2 Yialousa Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” δ+β+ RBC HB HCT MCV MCH MCHC RDW A2 F 5.81 5 81 12.1 37.0 64.0 64 0 20.9 32.8 14.8 4.8% <0.5% βIVSI nt110/β 5.64 5 64 11.6 37.0 65 6 65.6 20.6 31.4 14.5 3.5% 0.9% 6.05 6 05 12.4 39.6 65 0 65.0 20.6 31.5 13.2 3.2% 0.0% 6.62 6 62 13.1 41.5 62 7 62.7 19.9 31.7 14.5 3.1% 0.5% βIVSI nt 110/β δCd27/δ HbA2 Yialousa Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” RBC HB HCT MCV MCH MCHC C C RDW A2 F Sw βIVSI nt110/β 5.81 12.1 37.0 64.0 20.9 32.8 3 .8 14.8 4.8% <0 <0.5% 5% 0 6.44 13.4 41.4 64.0 = 20.9 32.5 3 .5 14.6 3.1% <0 5% <0.5% 2.7% δCd16/δ HbA2’ o HbB2 Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” INTERACTION BETWEEN BETA AND ALPHA MUTATIONS β α Reducing the imbalance between the chains α/β MCV = HbA2 Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” RBC HB HCT MCV MCH MCHC RDW A2 F 5.27 11.9 11 9 37.6 71.3 22.5 31.6 14.0 4.1% 0.9% βIVSI nt 6/β 4.26 11 6 11.6 34.6 81.2 27.1 33.4 14.3 4.0% = 0.7% βIVSI nt 6/β 3 7/αα α3.7 / 5.10 13.2 42.6 84.0 27.0 32.2 12.5 4.2% 0.9% βIVSI nt 6/β = 4.13 11.9 35.1 84.9 28.7 33.9 12.7 4.0% 1.9% β-101/β 4.77 12 9 12.9 35.3 82.3 28.5 31.5 12.9 4.1% 1.5% β-92/β αHpHIα/αα / Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” HYPERTHYROIDISM RBC 4.69 5.12 Hb 13 0 13.0 14 5 14.5 Ht 39.0 45.7 MCV 84.0 89.0 MCH 27 9 27.9 28 5 28.5 RDW 17.0 12.7 HbA2 3.70 3.00 HbF <1 <1 β-gene β/β α−gene α gene αα/αα δ-gene β/β αα/αα NEG NEG Post therapy Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” 31 ATYPICAL PHENOTYPES -1- HbA2 borderline with normocytosis or microcytosis -2- Microcytosis with normal levels of HbA2 ed HbF -33 Microcytosis with very high level of HbA2 -44 Increased levels of HbF Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” Si ringrazia i i per il sostegno alla ll Ri Ricerca 32 MICROCYTOSIS WITH NORMAL LEVELS OF HBA2 AND HBF • Reduced values of MCV and MCH • HbA2 ≤3.2%, HbF ≤ 2% (< 80 fl, e < 26 pg) Causes: • α° thalassemia ( two alpha genes mutated) • α+/° thalassemia ( one alpha gene alterated) • α+ thalassemia (one alpha gene alterated ) • β mild or slight mutations in eterozygosis with δ mutations • Hemoglobin Variants • Iron deficiency • Age Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” 33 δ+β++ RBC HB HCT MCV MCH MCHC RDW A2 F 5.27 11.9 37.6 71.3 71 3 22.5 31.6 14.0 14 0 4.1% 0.9% βIVSI nt 6/β 5.24 12.3 38.5 73 5 73.5 23.5 31.9 14 0 14.0 2.6% 0.0% 6.25 14.2 44.3 70 9 70.9 22.7 32.1 13 5 13.5 2.8% 0.5% βIVSI nt 6/β 5.02 13.4 36.9 73 5 73.5 24.8 33.8 13 3 13.3 2.6% 0.5% αNcoIα/αα δCd27/δ HbA2 Yialousa Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” RBC HB HCT MCV MCH MCHC RDW A2 F βIVSI nt110/β 5.81 12.1 37.0 64.0 20.9 20 9 32.8 14.8 4 8% 4.8% <0.5% 5.65 11.9 34.7 61.4 19 5 19.5 31.7 15.3 2 4% 2.4% 1.0% 6.39 13.3 40.4 63.0 20 7 20.7 32.9 13.8 2 4% 2.4% <0.5% βIVSI nt110/β α-20.5/αα δCd142/δ HbA2 Fitrzoy Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” ATYPICAL PHENOTYPES -1- HbA2 borderline with normocytosis or microcytosis -2- Microcytosis with normal levels of HbA2 ed HbF -33 Microcytosis with very high level of HbA2 -44 Increased levels of HbF Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” Si ringrazia i i per il sostegno alla ll Ri Ricerca 36 MICROCYTOSIS WITH VERY HIGH LEVEL OF HBA2 • Reduced values of MCV ed MCH ((< 80 fl,, e < 26 pg) • HbA2 > 6.0% Causes: o Hb Lepore o Hemoglobin Variants : Hb E (Cd 26 Glu →Lys) oβ β−cluster cluster deletions Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” Recommendation: Careful evaluation of hemoglobin and haematological status Hb 11-15 11 15 Hb 12 12-15 15 Hb 11-14 11 14 MCV 70.0 MCV 75.0 MCV 65-70 HbA2 28 – 35 % HbA2 7 0 – 10 % 7.0 HbF 1.0-2.0 % HbF 2.0-4.0 % HbA2 HbF 10 – 15 % 1.0-2.0 % Hb-Lepore Hb-E del. 1393 38 ATYPICAL PHENOTYPES -1- HbA2 borderline with normocytosis or microcytosis -2- Microcytosis with normal levels of HbA2 ed HbF -33 Microcytosis with very high level of HbA2 -44 Increased levels of HbF Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” Si ringrazia i i per il sostegno alla ll Ri Ricerca 39 INCREASED LEVEL OF HBF • Normal HbA2 levels, Increased HbF levels (2% - 30%) Phenotypic classification ¾ “ Thalassemic mutations” with reduced MCV and MCH values and heterocellular HbF distribution. di t ib ti ¾ “ Hereditary persistence of HbF (HPFH)” with normal MCV and MCH values and pancellular HbF distribution. distribution Gγ AγHPFH Morfologia eritrociti Gγ Aγ(δβ0)talassemia normal reduced MCH almost normal reduced HbF 15 30% 15-30% 4 18% 4-18% pancellular heterocellular Distribuzione HbF Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” δ-β SICILIAN DELETION RBC 5.50 Hb 12.5 MCV 65 65.0 0 MCH 22.5 RDW 12.5 12 5 Hb A2 2.8% Hb F 11.1% 11 1% Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” • There are about 130 known point mutations of γγ globin genes • About Ab t 20 affected ff t d the th γglobin gene promoter resulting in increased HbF ♀pregnant RBC HB HCT MCV MCH MCHC RDW A2 F Gγ γ-158 4.24 13.0 35.6 83 9 83.9 30.7 36 6 36.6 13.6 3.3% 6.8% /N Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” CONCLUSIONS • The first-level protocols are designed to obtain a reliable diagnosis, which is essentially ”presumptive”. presumptive . • The first level screening should be distinguished from a definitive diagnosis because its purpose is just to provide indications through the use of simple biochemical tests. tests • A definitive diagnosis g in most cases,, requires q DNA or pprotein analysis. Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca 44 Flow Chart for thalassemia screening MCV fl ≥80 ≥80 ≥80 <80* HbA2 % <2 2-3,3 ≥3,4 <2 δ thal Normal carrier β Thal or ααα/αα carrier Molecolar analysis α thal with δ thal carrier Molecolar analysis <80* <80* 2-3,3 ≥3,4 α thal or β + δ thal carrier β Thal carrier Molecolar analysis * withouth iron deficency Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello” Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca 45 CONCLUSIONS ¾β-Thalassemia:: g allows to define the healthy y carrier state in Screening most cases (typical phenotypes). In other cases it is necessary to resort to second-level investigations. ¾α-Talassemia: There is no specific screening tests for healthy carriers of α αthalassemia, which often remains a diagnosis of exclusion. Second Level tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis. ¾Hb Variants: in presence of an abnormal hemoglobin, hemoglobin the results obtained by firstfirst level testing remains a presumptive data. The interaction with the laboratory of the II level is essential. Si ringrazia per il sostegno alla Ricerca Drssa Cristina Passarello U.O.C. Ematologia II The diagnosis of thalassemia heterozygotes U. O. C. Ematologia II A.O.“VillaSofiaCervello”