Smc Italia
Sede centrale
Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, 62
20061 Carugate (MI)
Lecco, 15 December 2015
SUBJECT: VDI Simplivity Project
Attn: Mr. Giampiero Petrosi
Further to your inquiry, below our offer for the VDI Simplivity Project.
At your disposal for any further clarification, we take this occasion to send you our best regards.
Upgrade srl
Riccardo Rolando
Managing Director
Upgrade S.r.l. - Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 - Via Belfiore 31/D, 23900 Lecco (LC) Tel. 031/850268 PI 02513010138
Introduzione ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Cos’è la VDI? ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Descrizione della VDI ........................................................................................................................ 4
Vantaggi della VDI ............................................................................................................................. 4
Products Value .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Citrix XenDesktop .............................................................................................................................. 6
Protocollo ICA .................................................................................................................................... 6
Proposta di progetto .................................................................................................................................. 7
SimpliVity Hyperconverged Infrastructure ................................................................................................. 8
Headquarters project execution ......................................................................................................... 9
Software-Defined Data Center With SimpliVity ................................................................................. 9
Simplivity .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Key Features ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Data Virtualization Platform ............................................................................................................. 10
Hardware Acceleration .................................................................................................................... 11
Global Unified Management ............................................................................................................ 11
VM-Centricity ................................................................................................................................... 11
Native Data Protection ..................................................................................................................... 11
Hyperconverged Benefits ................................................................................................................ 12
Operational Efficiency ...................................................................................................................... 12
Time to Value ................................................................................................................................... 12
Risk Reduction ................................................................................................................................. 12
TCO Reduction ................................................................................................................................ 12
Project Value ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Simplify Application & Database Test/Dev With OmniStack ........................................................... 13
The Rise in Cloud Services for Test/Dev ................................................................................................. 13
SimpliVity OmniStack: Quickly Provision Test/Dev ......................................................................... 14
Configuration ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Technical and economic details .............................................................................................................. 16
Project Details .................................................................................................................................. 16
Terms and conditions .............................................................................................................................. 17
Upgrade S.r.l. - Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 - Via Belfiore 31/D, 23900 Lecco (LC) Tel. 031/850268 PI 02513010138
1. Introduzione
Nell’ambito della fornitura di attività di analisi, progettazione e fornitura di tecnologie riguardanti il “Progetto
Citrix VDI”, il presente documento ha lo scopo di descrive nel dettaglio la migliore proposta di Upgrade.
L’obiettivo di Upgrade è quello di creare una infrastruttura IT che garantisca:
Velocità di approntamento delle Postazioni Di Lavoro (PDL) attraverso la VDI
Contenimento e riduzione dei costi di esercizio
Scalabilità delle infrastrutture per proteggere gli investimenti fatti
Migliorare e rendere più affidabili le prestazioni della rete
Utilizzare tecnologie gestibili in modo semplice da tutti gli operatori IT in modo da garantire continuità
di servizio ed intercambiabilità dei ruoli
Il progetto ha come obiettivo primario quello di mantenere semplice la gestione di tale infrastruttura IT e di
garantire continuità e sicurezza del servizio.
Lo scopo dell’installazione è fornire un’infrastruttura in HA capace di deliverare 300 desktop virtuali (VDI)
differenziati in 3 tipologie di utenti:
Users-Internal: Utenti che utilizzeranno la VDI in Lan dall’interno della sede di Milano o dalla sede di
Carsoli, quest’ultima tramite collegamento MPLS. Questi utenti avranno a disposizione il pacchetto
office e il gestionale Movex come applicazioni principali.
Users-CAD: Utenti che utilizzeranno la VDI in Lan dall’interno della sede di Milano o dalla sede di
Carsoli, quest’ultima tramite collegamento MPLS. Questi utenti avranno a disposizione il pacchetto
office e i software di gradica AutoCAD e Pro-E
Users-Roaming: Utenti che utilizzeranno la VDI dall’esterno della rete aziendale. Questi utenti
avranno a disposizione il pacchetto office e il gestionale Movex come applicazioni principali.
Upgrade S.r.l. - Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 - Via Belfiore 31/D, 23900 Lecco (LC) Tel. 031/850268 PI 02513010138
2. Cos’è la VDI?
Descrizione della VDI
La VDI ospita un desktop in remoto, consentendo all’utente di accedervi da ogni computer. Si rivela
particolarmente utile consente agli utenti di avere tutte le risorse necessarie ed essere sempre in linea con le
loro attività. È molto vantaggiosa anche per chi ha bisogno di accedere ai propri dati da dispositivi diversi
poiché permette di lavorare in maniera produttiva anche durante gli spostamenti.
In sintesi, implementare la tecnologia VDI consente a un’azienda di essere sempre produttiva e aggiornata.
Gli aggiornamenti software sono semplici da installare non necessitano l’intervento di un intero dipartimento
IT per installare upgrade e nuovi programmi.
Anche la sicurezza presenta notevoli vantaggi in un’infrastruttura VDI, grazie alla possibilità di effettuare
backup con tranquillità e massima protezione delle informazioni. Il rischio di perdita e danneggiamento dei
dati è infatti ridotto al minimo: i dati sensibili non sono più archiviati su singoli desktop/laptop, ma sono al
sicuro all’interno del datacenter. Tramite hypervisor è possibile eseguire il backup dei dati e, in caso di
emergenze, ripristinarli allo stato originale. Questo consente all’azienda di recuperare velocemente e
mantenere elevati livelli di produttività.
Concretamente i desktop virtuali risiedono in modo protetto presso il Data Center e vengono distribuiti agli
utenti mediante un sistema crittografato che ne aumenta la sicurezza rispetto ai pc tradizionali e non
modificando, di fatto, il modo di lavorare.
Ad ogni utilizzatore finale vengono distribuiti sulla postazione di lavoro:
Un immagine del suo Desktop,
Il proprio profilo utente
Le applicazioni che gli sono necessarie, in un'unica sessione, per il corretto svolgimento del suo
2.2 Vantaggi della VDI
Svincolo dal tipo di hardware del PC e dal Sistema Operativo.
Estrema mobilità del personale, dando agli utenti, l'accesso ai dati e alle applicazioni ovunque ci si
Aggiornamento del sistema operativo (Win 7, 8 , 8.1) più veloce e senza la necessità di cambiare il
Mantenimento dei sistemi operativi obsoleti (XP) con la compatibilità retroattiva dei software.
Salvaguardia degli investimenti mantenendo sempre le più recenti tecnologie (macchinari di
Implementazioni hardware immediate, in caso di preparazione di un nuovo PC o nuova utenza.
Upgrade S.r.l. - Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 - Via Belfiore 31/D, 23900 Lecco (LC) Tel. 031/850268 PI 02513010138
Aumento della produttività del personale.
Minore attività tecnico-sistemistica su hardware e sistema operativo.
Proteggere con estrema facilità tutti i dati e le apparecchiature, indipendentemente dalla loro
Semplificare il supporto costante per le risorse e le apparecchiature aziendali.
Assicurare la conformità di tutti i desktop ai requisiti aziendali e normativi.
Risparmio energetico sia sui PC che sul condizionamento.
Upgrade S.r.l. - Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 - Via Belfiore 31/D, 23900 Lecco (LC) Tel. 031/850268 PI 02513010138
3. Products Value
Citrix XenDesktop
XenDesktop è la soluzione Citrix per il delivery delle VDI.
Protocollo ICA
È il protocollo utilizzato ed ottimizzato da Citrix XenDesktop. Su questo protocollo viaggiano tutte le
connessione tra client e l’infrastruttura Citrix.
Il protocollo ICA è comparabile per funzione al protocollo RDP nativo di Microsoft, però è universalmente
riconosciuto che il protocollo ICA è superiore al protocollo nativo di Microsoft, soprattutto grazie alle
numerose ottimizzazioni implementate nel corso degli anni. La scelta del protocollo diventa ancora di vitale
importanza nella scelta di una soluzione VDI dove il posto di lavoro dell’utente viene interamente sostituito
con un ambiente virtuale: sempre di più gli utenti fanno uso di grafica e video e il protocollo può fare la
Upgrade S.r.l. - Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 - Via Belfiore 31/D, 23900 Lecco (LC) Tel. 031/850268 PI 02513010138
4. Proposta di progetto
Lo scopo dell’installazione è fornire un’infrastruttura in HA capace di deliverare 300 desktop virtuali (VDI)
differenziati in 3 tipologie di utenti:
Users-Internal: Utenti che utilizzeranno la VDI in Lan dall’interno della sede di Milano o dalla sede di
Carsoli, quest’ultima tramite collegamento MPLS. Questi utenti avranno a disposizione il pacchetto
office e il gestionale Movex come applicazioni principali.
Users-CAD: Utenti che utilizzeranno la VDI in Lan dall’interno della sede di Milano o dalla sede di
Carsoli, quest’ultima tramite collegamento MPLS. Questi utenti avranno a disposizione il pacchetto
office e i software di gradica AutoCAD e Pro-E
Users-Roaming: Utenti che utilizzeranno la VDI dall’esterno della rete aziendale. Questi utenti
avranno a disposizione il pacchetto office e il gestionale Movex come applicazioni principali.
Le macchine VDI saranno deliverate tramite il servizio di Provisioning partendo da 2 Master Image (1 per gli
Users-Internal e Users-Roaming e 1 per gli Users-CAD).
Upgrade S.r.l. - Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 - Via Belfiore 31/D, 23900 Lecco (LC) Tel. 031/850268 PI 02513010138
5. SimpliVity Hyperconverged Infrastructure
In the analysis prevision, design and supply of technologies regarding the "Project SimpliVity, Hyper
Converged Infrastructure", this document is intended to describe in detail, technically and economically, the
Upgrade best proposal.
The objective is to create an IT infrastructure that allows:
Speed Up the preparation of the Workstation and the new apps
Reduction of operating costs
Infrastructure scalability to protect the investment made under the budget.
Improve and make more reliable network performance
Managing simple technologies to guarantee the service continuity and the roles interchangeability.
The project’s primary goal is to keep it easy to manage the IT infrastructure and to ensure continuity and
security service thanks to SimpliVity.
SimpliVity’s intention has been to deliver to customers the best of both worlds:
x86 Cloud Economics
Enterprise Capabilities
o High Performance
o Data Protection
o Data Efficiency
o Global Unified Management
Upgrade S.r.l. - Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 - Via Belfiore 31/D, 23900 Lecco (LC) Tel. 031/850268 PI 02513010138
Headquarters project execution
The professional service activities will be carried out in Milano.
The remote actions will be carried out from our offices in Garbagnate Monastero.
Software-Defined Data Center With SimpliVity
You need technology that supports automation, federated management, high performance, and efficiency. In
short, your infrastructure should be Hyperconverged. SimpliVity OmniStack is the industry’s first and only
globally federated and Hyperconverged infrastructure solution.
The infrastructure cannot take months to provision, months to deploy new applications, or weeks to make any
provisioning changes. The infrastructure should be:
Consolidated: No longer can you manage and operate different appliances for server, storage, network,
backup, disaster recovery, and cloud.
Streamlined: No longer can you train your employees to operate different management screens across
disparate technologies.
VM-centric: No longer can you focus your limited time and resources on manual storage tasks; your
infrastructure, and, by extension, your data must be aligned to the workloads you actually care about.
Globally federated: No longer can you manage resources separately. You can’t have misalignment
between your business and your infrastructure. You can’t have islands of resources at remote sites or
across business units.
High performance: No longer can you over-provision or deploy more storage disks than you need just to
match IOPS requirements. Instead, efficiently deduplicate data at inception to reduce the required IOPS.
SimpliVity’s breakthrough is aligning the data to the virtual machine, globally. Locking data into its underlying
hardware infrastructure is now a thing of the past. Now, data is just as mobile as the virtual machine itself. This
is the true essence of Software-Defined Data Center. Just as workloads can be managed and automated
through policy, so too can the data.
SimpliVity’s OmniStack delivers hyper convergence for the Software-Defined Data Center.
Upgrade S.r.l. - Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 - Via Belfiore 31/D, 23900 Lecco (LC) Tel. 031/850268 PI 02513010138
SimpliVity’s product portfolio is based on OmniStack software-defined Hyperconverged infrastructure.
OmniStack is the core technology and “brain” of SimpliVity Hyperconverged infrastructure. OmniStack software
runs as a controller on VMware vSphere/ESXi. It abstracts data from its underlying hardware, and shifts the
management paradigm from hardware resources to application workloads. OmniStack combines all of the
infrastructure and functions below the hypervisor, eliminating the need for about a dozen discrete infrastructure
and software products. By doing so, OmniStack dramatically simplifies IT.
OmniStack achieves its performance and capacity efficiency gains through its Data Virtualization Platform.
SimpliVity’s Data Virtualization Platform is an architecture that addresses performance, capacity, mobility,
manageability and data protection. By abstracting the data from the underlying hardware, virtual machines
running on SimpliVity are actually just data “maps” pointing to deduplicate blocks on the storage.
Since the deduplication, compression and optimization processing of incoming data is CPU intensive,
SimpliVity employs a special PCIe card to offload processing from x86 processors. The OmniStack Accelerator
Card performs the “heavy lifting” processing for inline deduplication, compression and optimization of data,
enabling zero performance impact on business applications.
Key Features
SimpliVity is a company founded on the belief that today’s modern data centers need to be greatly simplified.
SimpliVity OmniStack enables Hyperconverged infrastructure, seamlessly combining all of the functionality
“below the hypervisor” in an all-in-one form factor
1. Data Virtualization Platform
SimpliVity’s Data Virtualization Platform is an abstraction of the data. OmniStack Virtual machines are actually
just data maps that point to storage blocks. OmniStack deduplicate, compresses and optimizes segments
before data hits disk, and maps the data to the unique deduplicate blocks on physical disk. A dictionary
contains thousands of words, but those words can be mapped back to 26 unique letters in the alphabet.
Similarly, the Data Virtualization Platform only stores the unique 4K to 8K blocks for virtual machines in a
cluster. This makes virtual machines light and portable.
This data architecture that addresses:
Performance. OmniStack’s Data Virtualization Platform drives efficiency at data’s point of origin, and
reduces IOPS requirements across the environment once and forever.
Capacity. OmniStack’s Data Virtualization Platform deduplicate, compresses, and optimizes data at
inception in real time to reduce capacity requirements.
Mobility. OmniStack’s Data Virtualization Platform takes a VM-centric perspective, tracking what data
belongs to which virtual machine, enabling efficient mobility.
Manageability. OmniStack’s Data Virtualization Platform creates a global pool of local and remote
infrastructure resources, enabling management of resources and workloads across the global pool,
and greatly reducing complexity and cost.
Data Protection. OmniStack’s Data Virtualization Platform maintains data in its deduplicated and
compressed state, which allows built-in backup to make optimized copies of virtual machines and
eliminates the need for traditional backup software and hardware.
Upgrade S.r.l. - Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 - Via Belfiore 31/D, 23900 Lecco (LC) Tel. 031/850268 PI 02513010138
2. Hardware Acceleration
The OmniStack Accelerator Card is a purpose-built PCIe card that provides a boost in deduplication processing
and makes HDD IOPS more efficient. It introduces significant savings in the amount of data that must be stored
and moved, and maximizes the efficiency of virtual machine operations such as clones, backups, migrations,
disaster recovery, and archiving to the cloud. It also provides unique processing offload capabilities to ensure
primary CPU resources are available to serve business applications.
3. Global Unified Management
All distributed instances of OmniStack within a cluster form a federation—an intelligent network of collaborative
systems and a single pool of resources, managing billions of fine-grained data elements. This enables data
movement and sharing across the globe. The resources and virtual machines within a global federation are
managed from a single interface.
4. VM-Centricity
OmniStack takes a VM-centric perspective to management. OmniStack removes the layers of complexity
between the hypervisor and the underlying infrastructure, which eliminates the complex mapping between
workloads, resources and data. OmniStack establishes policies, performs analysis and reporting, and
executes actions and management tasks at the virtual machine level—not at the infrastructure component
level. This ensures that policies align with workloads and not the underlying infrastructure components, and
eliminates component-level expertise and management. It also improves operational efficiency and staff
5. Native Data Protection
Since the Data Virtualization Platform maps virtual machine data on the physical storage, OmniStack best
understands what data must be protected. OmniStack includes native backup and replication that efficiently
captures and transfers virtual machines within and across data centers. OmniStack employs simple rules that
defined frequency, retention and destination of backups. VM-centric backup and WAN-efficient replication
create tremendous efficiencies versus third-party backup, replication and deduplication software and hardware
since data doesn’t have to be rehydrated and re-deduplicated as it moves from its original production storage
location to its backup destination within the OmniStack federation. OmniStack’s native data protection also
trumps storage-level protection strategies that snapshot and replicate LUNs between storage systems, which
inefficiently capture and transfer multiple datastores containing multiple virtual machines.
The data efficiency of OmniStack backups enables rapid VM-centric copies, practically eliminating the need
for a backup window. It also means that copies can be made more frequently—in as little as 10-minute
increments—to support aggressive recovery point objectives (RPOs). Rapid restore operations enable
aggressive recovery time objectives (RTOs). Rapid VM clones dramatically speed up workflows for test and
development environments, while rapid moves and migrations enable mobility and agility across data centers.
Upgrade S.r.l. - Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 - Via Belfiore 31/D, 23900 Lecco (LC) Tel. 031/850268 PI 02513010138
Hyperconverged Benefits
Hyperconverged simplifies IT, operations, and data. as well as the deployment of virtual machines/workloads—
providing faster time to value. When compared with legacy silos in the data center, hyperconverged
infrastructure also streamlines management, resolves interoperability issues, and enables automation—
improving operational efficiency for data center personnel. Features, such as data virtualization and native
data protection eliminate the need for third-party hardware and software, reducing capital and operational
expenses, and introducing efficiencies and improvements over traditional approaches.
Benefits include:
1. Operational Efficiency
Enables IT organizations to have more control of provisioning resources and deploying applications,
improving operational efficiency.
Hyperconvergence simplifies IT, reducing operational overhead required.
Global Unified Management allows for centralized management of the global resource pool, workloads
and policies, increasing operational efficiency.
Centralized management from the familiar vCenter interface streamlines operations.
VM-centricity enables automation and efficient movement of VMs, and contributes to more operations
that are efficient.
2. Time to Value
Accelerates resource and application deployment, improving time to market.
Establishes highly scalable test/dev and production environments quickly and easily.
2.1 Performance Improvements
 Inline deduplication, compression, and optimization of data at inception eliminates unnecessary
read/write IO, saving IOPS and improving performance.
3. Risk Reduction
Efficiently maintains backup copies for operational and/or disaster recovery.
Backup in intervals of as little as 10 minutes minimizes data loss and meets stringent RPOs.
Rapid recovery of VMs lowers recovery time, meeting aggressive RTOs.
Bandwidth-efficient replication optimizes the transfer of data between primary and disaster recovery
Native, VM-centric data protection lowers deployment costs for disaster recovery site.
4. TCO Reduction
Hyperconvergence eliminates the need to purchase multiple discrete components, contributing to a
3x TCO savings.
Data virtualization optimizes storage capacity, network bandwidth and IOPS utilization, reducing
resource requirements.
Federated VM-level management streamlines administration and removes the need for component
specialists and management at the component level.
Integration with VMware vCenter minimizes the training required for operational staff.
Scalability enables on-demand expansion; prevents over-purchasing for performance and capacity
Upgrade S.r.l. - Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 - Via Belfiore 31/D, 23900 Lecco (LC) Tel. 031/850268 PI 02513010138
6. Project Value
Simplify Application & Database Test/Dev With OmniStack
SimpliVity OmniStack Hyperconverged infrastructure accelerates time to market by simplifying test/dev
provisioning, while eliminating redundant data.
The Rise in Cloud Services for Test/Dev
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) adoption is growing, but not necessarily from IT: “It’s coming from developers
bypassing IT infrastructure managers, from engineers and scientists procuring their own infrastructure, and
from business owners procuring technology directly for websites, web businesses, and marketing.”
In ever-growing numbers, end users are turning to the public cloud. Why? It boils down to a fundamental
capability gap between what the business requires and what IT can deliver on legacy technology. The business
Faster time to market
Faster time to deployment
Faster application development
Faster provisioning
Faster spin up and spin down of test, development and Quality Assurance (QA) environments
Committed Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
The theme is speed. For you to deliver competitive advantage to the business, you must enable the business
to move quickly. Any difficulty in providing the speed the business requires comes as a result of two critical
factors: existing technology and cost.
The legacy technology that most IT departments leverage today is big, expensive, inefficient, and often made
up of disparate pieces that must be integrated. As most IT organizations have not yet invested in hyper
convergence, your environment likely consists of several appliances: servers, storage arrays, backup
applications, disk-based targets, and more. To test a new application, some combination of these steps is
usually required:
An application developer requests a test environment.
The request gets processed through the IT ticketing system and enters the queue.
When the resources – CAPEX and OPEX – are deemed available, the project is marked ready; this
process alone could take days or weeks.
The virtualization administrator clones a VM or creates a new VM altogether.
The storage administrator adds the new VM to an existing data store or configures the data store,
o Carving out a new Logical Unit (LUN) on the array, choosing LUN number, tiering policy,
controller owner, etc.
o Assigning the LUN to a group that includes the World Wide Names (WWN) or iSCSI initiator
for the vSphere hosts to attach.
o Zoning the physical and/or vSwitches.
o Rescanning the vSphere HBAs for the new LUN.
o Assigning or confirming the path selection plugin or the vendor multi-path plugin.
o Creating the necessary disk group and RAID protection schemes.
These are a lot of steps, consuming a lot of time when the application developer just wants to get started. And
this is just for one test environment for one application. The same needs to be done for additional applications
across multiple test, development, QA, and other related environments.
The process leads to stress and contention between the business and IT and is incredibly wasteful in terms of
both operations and physical resources. Each test and development environment effectively becomes a logical
copy of what came before it.
Upgrade S.r.l. - Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 - Via Belfiore 31/D, 23900 Lecco (LC) Tel. 031/850268 PI 02513010138
According to Forrester, it is no surprise developers have started moving to the cloud:
“Ask your test lab managers about the challenges they face, and they’re likely to complain about how
demanding developers can be and how much time is “wasted” in setting up and tearing down test environments
for them. They might also complain about not having enough resources. Talk to your application and program
managers, and they’re likely to vent frustration with how long it takes to get access to lab resources and that
developers don’t understand why IT ops burdens them with so many constraints – making it difficult to get their
jobs done.
Then look for the developers who are viewed as the most productive and innovative on the team and ask them
how they manage to be so capable among so many complaints. If they’ll tell you (and often they won’t) they
might just confess that they’re productive because they don’t use the lab resources provided by IT ops – they
go directly to a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) or IaaS cloud where they can get resources within minutes and
only pay for those resources when they need them.”
SimpliVity OmniStack: Quickly Provision Test/Dev
What if you could …
Quickly gain access to the test and development resources they need, when they need it?
Quickly spin up and spin down resources on demand?
Clone a VM – and its associated data – in two clicks and a couple of minutes?
Leverage a smaller building block instead of overprovisioning upfront?
Eliminate waste as a result of duplicate data?
Simplify IT’s environment with hyper convergence?
Establish and meet SLAs with the business?
Retain control over the company’s critical Intellectual Property (IP)?
How? SimpliVity OmniStack Hyperconverged infrastructure accelerates time to market by simplifying test and
development provisioning, while eliminating redundant data.
SimpliVity’s OmniStack is the industry’s first and only globally federated and Hyperconverged infrastructure
solution. OmniStack combines all of the infrastructure and functions below the hypervisor, eliminating the need
for about a dozen discrete infrastructure and software products. By doing so, OmniStack dramatically simplifies
IT. Designed and optimized for virtualized environments, it enables dramatic improvements to the
management, protection, and performance of virtual workloads – all at a fraction of the cost and extreme
reduction in complexity compared to today’s traditional infrastructure stack.
OmniStack delivers the core functionality of pooling and sharing x86 hardware resources. Its Data
Virtualization Platform performs deduplication, compression and optimization of data, which delivers
performance and capacity improvements to OmniStack-powered Hyperconverged infrastructure; and offers
global unified management. OmniStack hyper convergence is available as a software solution and turnkey
Hyperconverged infrastructure when packaged on x86 systems. SimpliVity offers two turnkey Hyperconverged
infrastructure platforms: OmniCube, packaged on 2U servers; and OmniStack Integrated Solution for Cisco
UCS, packaged on Cisco Unified Computing Systems.
SimpliVity’s Data Virtualization Platform deduplicate, compresses and optimizes all data inline at inception,
once and forever. It eliminates the redundant data that typically proliferates across many disparate test and
development environments, across many applications and business units.
SimpliVity cuts the time it takes to provision test and development environments. Instead of days and weeks,
it takes a couple of minutes and a couple of clicks in VMware vCenter.
Upgrade S.r.l. - Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 - Via Belfiore 31/D, 23900 Lecco (LC) Tel. 031/850268 PI 02513010138
N.3 OmniCube CN2200-2abc
Each one configured:
dual 8 cores
256 GB RAM
8 disks HDD each 1 TB SATA
2 disks SDD each 400 GB
3 Years Silver Support
N.2 Server Huawei RH2288H V2
Each one configured:
dual 12 cores
256 GB RAM
2 disks HDD Raid 1
N.2 cards 10GbE DAC
3 Years Support
N.1 nvidia k1 grid card
N.1 Server Huawei RH2288H V2
dual 12 cores
256 GB RAM
2 disks HDD Raid 1
N.2 cards 10GbE DAC
3 Years Support
N.2 Switch 10GbE
N.2 NetScaler MPX 5500 3 Years NBD Maintenance
N.290 Citrix XenDesktop Enterprise License per User 3 Years Maintenance
N.6 socket VMware vSphere Standard License 3 Years Maintenance
N.5 Windows Server 2012 R2 2proc Datacenter Edition License OEM
Upgrade S.r.l. - Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 - Via Belfiore 31/D, 23900 Lecco (LC) Tel. 031/850268 PI 02513010138
8. Technical and economic details
Project Details
CN2200‐2abc OmniCube CN2200‐2abc dual 8 cores, 256GB RAM,
8X1TB HDD, 2x400GB SSD, 3 Years Silver Support
€ 129.000,00
Huawei RH2288H V2, dual 12 cores, 256GB RAM, 2X? HDD, 3
Years Support
€ 60.000,00
Switch Huawuei 10GbE
€ 12.000,00
NetScaler MPX 3 Years NBD Maintenance
€ 30.000,00
Citrix XenDesktop Enterprise License per User
€ 60.000,00
VMware vSphere Standard License
€ 8.000,00
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Edition License OEM
€ 21.500,00
Professional Services
€ 45.000,00
€ 365.500.00
Upgrade S.r.l. - Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 - Via Belfiore 31/D, 23900 Lecco (LC) Tel. 031/850268 PI 02513010138
9. Terms and conditions
Availability Products
In the event that the products are not available in the time agreed, Upgrade
will purchase products with the same features but with different brand after
consultation with the customer.
VAT excluded
Freight Transport
€ 0,00
To be agreed
All materials and licenses are owned by Upgrade SRL, until full payment
Terms of Payment
Bank Transfer 120 days
Manufacturer Warranty
Expirdi Date
120 days
Riccardo Rolando – Upgrade S.r.l.
The Customer
Upgrade S.r.l. - Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 - Via Belfiore 31/D, 23900 Lecco (LC) Tel. 031/850268 PI 02513010138