M&V in Italy Dario Di Santo, FIRE 22 November 2015 FIRE: the association for energy efficiency The Italian Federation for the Rational use of Energy is a no-profit association founded in 1987 that promotes energy efficiency, supporting energy manager, ESCOs and other companies dealing with energy. Besides the activities directed to its nearly 450 members, FIRE operates under an implementing agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development to manage the Italian energy manager network since 1992. In order to promote energy efficiency FIRE cooperates and deals with public authorities, energy technology and service companies, consultants, medium and large consumers, universities and associations to promote best practices and improve the legislation. www.fire-italia.org FIRE manages SECEM - an accredited body - to certify the Energy management experts according to the standard UNI CEI 11339. 2 FIRE: the association for energy efficiency Some members of FIRE: A2A calore e servizi S.r.l. - ABB S.p.a. - Acea S.p.a. - Albapower S.p.a. Anigas - Atlas Copco S.p.a. - Avvenia S.r.l. - AXPO S.p.a. - Banca d’Italia Banca Popolare di Sondrio - Bit Energia S.r.l. - Bosh Energy and Building Solution Italy S.r.l. - Bticino S.p.a. - Burgo Group S.p.a. - Cabot Italiana S.p.a. - Carraro S.p.a. - Centria S.p.a. - Certiquality S.r.l. - Cofely Italia S.p.a. - Comau S.p.a. - Comune di Aosta - CONI Servizi S.p.a. - CONSIP S.p.a. - Consul System S.r.l. - CPL Concordia Soc. Coop - Comitato Termotecnico Italiano - DNV S.r.l. - Egidio Galbani S.p.a. - ENEL Distribuzione S.p.a. - ENEL Energia S.p.a. - ENEA - ENI S.p.a. - Fenice S.p.a. - Ferriere Nord S.p.a. - Fiat Group Automobiles - Fiera Milano S.p.a. FINCO - FIPER - GSE S.p.a. - Guerrato S.p.a. - Heinz Italia S.p.a. - Hera S.p.a. - IBM Italia S.p.a. - Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.a. - Iren Energia e Gas S.p.a. - Isab s.r.l. - Italgas S.p.a. - Johnson Controls Systems and Services Italy S.r.l. - Lidl Italia s.r.l. - Manutencoop Facility Management S.p.a. Mediamarket S.p.a. - M&G Polimeri Italia - Omron Electronics S.p.a. - Pasta Zara S.p.a. - Pirelli Industrie Pneumatici S.p.a. - Politecnico di Torino Provincia di Cremona - Publiacqua S.p.a. - Raffineria di Milazzo S.c.p.a. RAI S.p.a. - Rete Ferroviaria Italiana S.p.a. - Rockwood Italia S.p.a. - Roma TPL S.c.a.r.l. - Roquette Italia S.p.a. - RSE S.p.a. - Sandoz Industrial Products S.p.a. - Schneider Electric S.p.a. - Siena Ambiente S.p.a. - Siram S.p.a. - STMicroelectronics S.p.a. - TIS Innovation Park - Trenitalia S.p.a. Turboden S.p.a. - Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma - Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore - Università degli studi di Genova - Varem S.p.A. Wind Telecomunicazioni S.p.a. - Yousave S.p.a. 445 members in 2014, 228 persons and 217 organizations. Our membership include organization and professionals both from the supply and the demand side of energy efficiency services and solutions. 3 FIRE: the association for energy efficiency Besides being involved in many European projects, listed next, FIRE implement surveys and market studies on energy related topics, information and dissemination campaigns, and advanced training. Some of FIRE clients over the years: Ministry of Environment, ENEA, GSE, RSE, large organizations (such as Centria, ENEL, Ferrovie dello Stato, FIAT, Finmeccanica, Galbani, H3G, Telecom Italia, Unioncamere), universities, associations, energy agencies and exhibition organizers. www.fire-italia.org 4 4 SECEM SECEM, European System for Certification in Energy Management, is a certification body created by the FIRE. SECEM was the first body to offer third-party certification for Energy Management Experts (EMEs) according to UNI CEI 11339 and is accredited according to the ISO/IEC 17024 standard. In Italy two standards were developed in order to promote the qualification of energy efficiency operators: UNI CEI 11339 for EMEs was issued in 2009, UNI CEI 11352 for ESCOs was published in 2010. A new standard for energy auditor is presently under preparation. www.secem.eu Both the mentioned standards are recognized from the national legislation within the energy audit obligations for large companies introduced by the EED directive and the white certificate scheme. 5 Saving evaluation methods in Italian WhC Deemed savings projects (progetti standard): the saving is evaluated with respect to the number of installed reference units (e.g. square meter, kW, number of installed units). No measures are required. Only standardized solutions can be included in a deemed saving file. The proponent presents an RVC once. Scaled savings - engineering estimates (progetti analitici): the saving is evaluated with respect to some measured quantities through a dedicated algorithm defined in a dedicated file. Required meters are also indicated in the dedicated file. The proponent presents an RVC at least once a year. Metered saving (progetti a consuntivo): the method is similar to the previous one, but the algorithm, the baseline, the additional saving coefficient, and the needed meters should be preliminarily proposed by the applicant PPPM and approved from GSE (with ENEA-RSE). After the PPPM is accepted the proponent will get WhC by presenting an RVC at least once a year. D.S. file E.E. file PPPM Surveyed savings: not used so far. Plans to diffuse them with new WhC guidelines. RVC: Request to verify and certify the savings PPPM: Project proposal and M&V procedure 6 Points to be considered for measurements Deemed savings Scaled savings The method is easy to use and facilitates the evaluation. The method is easy to use and facilitates the evaluation. Savings are not measured and monitoring can be complex if multiple solutions are considered. Savings are measured. Required documentation: choice to go easy or bureaucratic, which usually implies a failure, unless the incentive is very high. Required documentation: choice to go easy or bureaucratic, which usually implies a failure, unless the incentive is very high. Metered savings The method is usually complex, especially if additionality or detailed adjustments are present. Savings are measured. Required documentation: is usually substantial, but the size of the project allows it. On field controls are usually a viable option. On field controls are usually a viable option. Effort required to evaluate baselines, additionality, and other needed information. Effort required to evaluate baselines, additionality, algorithms and meters to be used, and the other needed information. High cost-effectiveness. High cost-effectiveness. Possibility to pre-evaluate EE products in order to ensure the required performance. Simplified monitoring plans? Effort required to evaluate baselines, additionality, algorithms and meters to be used, and the other needed information for both the proponents and the evaluators. Shall data be available for everybody? On field controls are expensive. Very flexible, but potentially costly and complicated (viable for high targets). Measuring EE savings is really an hard task. Metered savings can really boost flexibility. 7 Verification process 8 Public reports on verifications http://bancadativerifiche.gse.it All data about positive and negative documental and on-site verifications are available. 9 Appendix Examples of deemed savings and scaled savings files 10 Simplified evaluation methods: industry Filetype Unit Requestedunits pertoe Photovoltaicsunder20kW DS kWp 1-2 9T Invertersforpumpingsystems kW 1-16 16T Invertersforpumpingsystemsover22kW DS EEP 30E ElectricmotorsIE3 kW 31E Invertersforcompressedair DS EEP 33E Powerfactorcorrectionformotors Motor 34E Mechanicalsteamrecompressionsystems DS EEP - - 35E Industrialcoolers EEP - - 36E UPSs DS kVA # Solution 7T - 9-135 - - 1-189 2-36 Fordeemedsavingsprojects(DS)arangeispresentsincethevaluesdependonsomevariables,suchasthe numberofworkingshifts,theweatherzone,thepowerrange,etc. Perleschedeanaliticheèimpossibileindicaredeivalori. Forengineeringestimates(EEP)novaluesareindicated,sincetheydependontheapplicationofthesaving algorithmtotheindicatedvariables(e.g.fuelconsumption,heatdemand,etc). 11 Simplified evaluation methods: civil sector # Solution 2T ElectricDHWheaters->gasDHWheaters 3T Highefficiencyboilersforsingleapartments HighefficiencyDHW 4T 5T Doubleglazingwindows 6T Wallandroofinsulation 7T Photovoltaicsunder20kW 8T SolarthermalforDHW 10T Naturalgasdecompression 15T Airtoairheatpumps 19T Airconditionersunder12kW 20T Wallandroofinsulationforcooling 22T Districtheating 26T Centralizedcoolingsystems 27T DHWheatpumps 32E InvertersforHVACsystems 36E UPSs 37E Biomassboilersforsingleapartment 38E Buildingautomationsystems Pleaserefertothenoteinthepreviousslide. File type Unit DS DS DS DS DS DS DS EEP DS DS DS EEP EEP DS EEP DS DS DS Boiler Boiler Boiler m2 m2 kWp m2 Apartment kWf m2 Heatpump kVA Apartment m2 Requestedunits pertoe 5 3-27 6 13-172 27-1.145 1-2 2-8 1-22 99-222 430-1.718 3-6 2-36 1-5 105-1.573 12 Ptacs potenza termica nominale dei generatori per produzione di a.c.s., nella configurazione post-intervento; nel caso in cui non sia presente un generatore separato per a.c.s., questo valore coincide con quello di Ptrisc [kWt] coefficiente correttivo che assume valori diversi da 1,00 nel caso in cui l’intervento riguardi sistemi dotati di termoregolazione e contabilizzazione locale del calore [-]; i valori possono allora essere: - 1,22 per le zone climatiche A, B e C, Allegato A alla deliberazione EEN 9/10 così come modificato dalle deliberazioni EEN 14/10 - 1,18 per la zona climatica D, - 1,15 per le zone climatiche E e F. Scaled savings: buildings heat and cooling 6. SCHEDA DI RENDICONTAZIONE CENTRALE TERMICA E FRIGORIFERA DATI MISURATI DATI CALCOLATI O PREDEFINITI Contatori di calore Ec Generatore di calore Alimentazione dell'impianto ) (Ptacs, Peacs Energia termica utile destinata a produzione di acs EFacs Combustibile per la produzione termica f Quantità di combustibile utilizzato g Potere calorifico inferiore Sistema frigorifero (Pfraffr, Peraffr) Produzione di energia termica j Energia termica fornita all'utenza Sistemi di distribuzione Energia termica utile Generatore di calore Caratteristiche dei generatori di calore (Ptrisc, Perisc) destinata a riscaldamento EF risc a Potenza dei generatori per riscaldamento (e acs) Pt,risc 116 [kWt] c Potenza degli eventuali generatori separati per acs Pt,acs 0 [kWt] Energia dei combustibili NO qua rich ren son da mis eff stru ade pre cas sia pos mis ind pre me sia que con dir SCHEDA DI RENDICONTAZIONE PER SCHEDA N. 26T Dati relativi al periodo compreso tra il ____________ e il _____________ energia elettrica M 10.000 [Sm3 o Kg] Energia frigorifera PCIutile 10.000 [kcal/Sm3, kcal/kg] e destinata a raffrescamento Consumi EFraffr EFrisc 80 [MWht] elettrici Produzione di energia termica per acs (se prodotta sepratamente) m Energia termica EFacs Ee fornita all'utenza Produzione di energia frigorifera e Potenza frigorifera PFraffr EFraffr o Energia frigorifera fornita all'utenza b d h f_E f_T _t,risc 0,187 [tep/MWhe] 0,086 [tep/MWht] = 0,7537 + 0,03*Log10(a) 0,82 [-] _t,acs = 0,7537 + 0,03*Log10(c) 0,82 [-] L'alimentazione avviene con combustibili liquidi/gassosi non rinnovabili -7 =10 * f * g EPcomb 10,00 [tep] EPrisc 1,18 [-] 9,95 [tep] = k * f_T * j / b n EPacs 0,00 [tep] = f_T * m / d p q ,raffr EPraffr 3,0 [-] 0,00 [tep] pari a 3,0 oppure 2,7 = f_E * o / p w ce,risc ce,acs 0,49 [MWhe] = 0,005 * j / b 0,00 [MWhe] = 0,005 * m / d k i 0 [MWht] 0 [kWf] 0 [MWhf] Figura 1– SchemaIncremento dei flussi consumi energetici coinvolti da un sistema di climatizzazione centralizzata elettrici I consumi di energia elettrica sono stimati La Figura si riferisce ralla situazione più complessa, nella quale i servizi Ee centralizzati tutte le tre funzioni x misurata riguardano 0 [MWhe] (riscaldamento, raffrescamento e produzione di acqua calda sanitaria) e ciascuna di esse è fornita da un generatore a sé Potenze elettriche nominali totali di: stante. Possono naturalmente presentarsi situazioni più per semplici nelle quali, ad esempio, non viene erogato r s generatori di calore riscaldamento PErisc 0 [kWe] raffrescamento e le funzioni di riscaldamento e produzione di a.c.s. vengono espletate da un unico generatore di calore. t generatori di calore per produzione acs PEacs 0 [kWe] Con “sistemi di distribuzione” si intendono le pompe e gli ausiliari asserviti allaPEraffr circolazione dei 0fluidi termovettori. u sistemi frigoriferi [kWe] Ee stimata y z EFe EPe Note: Calcolo dei risparmi energetici riconosciuti 1 Tra quelle elencate nella Tabella 2 dell’Allegato A alla deliberazione 27 ottobre 2011, EEN 9/11. 2 Di cui all’articolo 1, comma 1, dell’Allegato A alla deliberazione 27 ottobre 2011, EEN 9/11. EPservizi v 9,95 [tep] =i+n+q %1 3 Di cui all’articolo 3 della deliberazione 27 ottobre 2011, EEN 9/11. RN RN -0,05 [tep] =v-h-z %2 4 Di cui all’articolo 17 della deliberazione 27 ottobre 2011, EEN 9/11. %3 5 Eventualmente in aggiunta a quella specificata all’articolo 14, comma 3, dell’Allegato A alla deliberazione 27 ottobre 2011, EEN 9/11. %RN tipo I %RN tipo II %RN tipo III RN tipo I RN tipo II RN tipo III 0,00 [MWhe] = s * (j / a) + t * (m / c) + u * (o / e) 0,00 [MWhe] = r - w - x ove applicabile 0,00 [tep] = y * f_E 0,00 = q / v 1,00 = (i + n) / v in ambiti metanizzati 0,00 = (i + n) / v in ambiti non metanizzati 0 = %1 * RN 0 = %2 * RN 0 = %3 * RN 13 For more information about our activities visit our web site! Thank you! www.dariodisanto.com www.facebook.com/FIREenergy.manager www.linkedin.com/company/fire-federazioneitaliana-per-l'uso-razionale-dell'energia www.twitter.com/FIRE_ita