Dipartimento di Fisica Sincrotrone Trieste New science with new 'eyes': opportunities and challenges using free electron laser radiation and 1st TIMEX project collaboration meeting Camerino 29 - 30 settembre 2008 Palazzo Ducale - Sala della Muta The development of novel sources for the generation of femtosecond pulses in the UV/x-ray range of unprecedented peak brilliance, opens new opportunities for scientific and technological research in a broad field of disciplines including material science, structural biology, physics, chemistry, medicine and nanotechnology. FERMI@Elettra (Free Electron laser Radiation for Multidisciplinary Investigations at Elettra) is a single-pass FEL user-facility covering the wavelength range from 100 nm (12 eV) to 10 nm (124 eV), presently under construction next to the third-generation synchrotron radiation facility ELETTRA in Trieste, Italy. Programma: Lunedì 29 settembre 15.00 Apertura del convegno Saluto del Rettore UNICAM 15.30 Seminari scientifici Martedì 30 settembre 9.00 Riunione dei partecipanti al progetto TIMEX The event features a series of seminars giving a general presentation of the ELETTRA laboratory, the FERMI@Elettra project and an overview of the main scientific opportunities and research proposals. Among those, the TIMEX project, recently funded through a collaboration between Sincrotrone Trieste and the University of Camerino, for the design and construction of an end-station to investigate metastable and/or excited states of matter under extreme conditions. The instrument will exploit the unique intensity and energy of the Fermi@Elettra FEL beam for an efficient ultrafast heating of most bulk-like dense samples, in two classes of experiments: 1) creation and investigation of warm dense matter (WDM); 2) phase transitions occurring in metastable states under extreme conditions. Speakers: G. Paolucci Sincrotrone Trieste M. Svandrlik Sincrotrone Trieste D. Cocco Sincrotrone Trieste C. Masciovecchio Sincrotrone Trieste F. Bencivenga Sincrotrone Trieste A. Di Cicco Università di Camerino A. Trapananti Sincrotrone Trieste/Università di Camerino http://gnxas.unicam.it/meetingTIMEX Organizzazione Andrea Di Cicco - Università di Camerino - [email protected] Angela Trapananti - Sincrotrone Trieste/Università di Camerino - [email protected] UNICAM Nucleo ideazione e realizzazione grafica, settembre 2008