1. Ricci S, Fainardi V, Spaziani G, Favilli S, Chiappa E. Right Aortic Arch Detected Prenatally: A
Rare Case With Bilateral Arterial Duct and Nonconfluent Pulmonary Arteries. Can J Cardiol.
2015 Apr [Epub ahead of print]
2. Chiappa E, Greco A, Fainardi V, Passantino S, Serranti D, Favilli S. Aortic Arch Interruption
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Course. Echocardiography. 2015 Mar [Epub ahead of print]
3. Favilli S, Spaziani G, Ballo P, Fibbi V, Santoro G, Chiappa E, Arcangeli C. Advanced therapies
in patients with congenital heart disease-related pulmonary arterial hypertension: results
from a long-term, single center, real-world follow-up. Intern Emerg Med. 2015
4. Serio P, Chiappa E, Fainardi V, Favilli S, Murzi B, Baggi R, Arcieri L, Leone R, Mirabile L.
ALCAPA and massive pulmonary atelectasis: how a stent in the airway can be life-saving.
Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 Nov;78(11):2015-7.
5. Vida VL, Padrini M, Boccuzzo G, Agnoletti G, Bondanza S, Butera G, Chiappa E, Marasini M,
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pediatric cardiology. Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed). 2013 Jul;66(7):556-60.
6. Gorini F, Chiappa E, Gargani L, Picano E.Potential effects of environmental chemical
contamination in congenital heart disease. Pediatr Cardiol. 2014 Apr;35(4):559-68.
7. Spaziani G, Ballo P, Favilli S, Fibbi V, Buonincontri L, Pollini I, Zuppiroli A, Chiappa E. Clinical
outcome, valve dysfunction, and progressive aortic dilation in a pediatric population with
isolated bicuspid aortic valve. Pediatr Cardiol. 2014 Jun;35(5):803-9.
8. Assanta N, Cantinotti M, Arcieri L, Poli V, Susini C, Moschetti R, Chiappa E, Tumbarello R,
Murzi B. Symptomatic congenital coronary artery abnormalities: review of a single
institution experience. G Ital Cardiol 2014; 9, suppl 2: 40
9. Spaziani G, Favilli S, Arcangeli C, Calabri GB, Chiappa E. Advanced therapy in patients with
pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with congenital heart disease: long term follwupin a single centre experience. G Ital Cardiol 2014; 9, suppl 2: 42
10. Spaziani G, Favilli S, Fonda C, Chiappa E. Giant aorto-pulmonary collaterals in pulmonary
atresia and ventricular septal defect: long-term survival in unoperated adults. J Cardiovasc
Med (Hagerstown). 2013 Aug;14(8):613-5
11. Bocelli A, Favilli S, Pollini I, Bini RM, Ballo P, Chiappa E, Zuppiroli A. Prevalence and longterm predictors of left ventricular hypertrophy, late hypertension, and hypertensive
response to exercise after successful aortic coarctation repair. Pediatr Cardiol. 2013
12. De Simone L, Michelucci A, Pieragnoli P, Ricciardi G, Calabri GB, Chiappa E. How to manage
asymptomatic WPW patients. . G Ital Cardiol 2013; 10, suppl 1: 5
13. Fibbi V, Ballo B, Calabri GB, Favilli S, Spaziani G, Zuppiroli A, Chiappa E. Detection of left
ventricular dysfunction by tissue Doppler in asymptomatic patients with history of surgery
for congenital heart disease. G Ital Cardiol 2013; 10, suppl 1: 39
14. Spaziani G, Ballo B, Favilli S, Fibbi V, Pollini I, Chiappa E. Clinical outcome, valve dysfunction
and progressive aortic enlargement in a pediatric populationwith isolated bicuspid aortic
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15. Favilli S, Santoro G, Ballo P, Arcangeli C, Bovenzi FM, Chiappa E, Conti U, Monopoli A, Murzi
B, Rosini C, Zuppiroli A. Prevalence and clinical characteristics of adult patients with
congenital heart disease in Tuscany. J Cardiovasc Med. 2012 Dec;13(12):805-9.
16. Assanta N, Cantinotti M, Chiappa E, Murzi B. The wide spectrum of clinical presentation of
diminutive fetal left ventricle: prenatal counselling and clinical outcome. J Cardiov Med
2011, 12, suppl. 1: C6
17. Murzi B, Arcieri L, Moschetti R, Cantinotti M, Assanta N, Chiappa E, Pozzi M, Serio P, Baggi
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18. Deorsola L, Chiappa E, Agnoletti G, Abbruzzese PA: Rescue mitral valve repair one hour
after birth. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2010; 11: 716-8
19. Assanta N, Cantinotti S, Costa S, Redaelli S, Chiappa E, Murzi B. Prenatal diagnosis of
combined right and left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. J Cardiov Med 2010, 11,
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20. De Simone L, Padeletti L, Michelucci A, Calabri G, Chiappa E. Lone atrial fibrillation in
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21. Tibaldi M, Murru P, Chiappa E, Gaglioti P, Todros T, Sciarrone A, Fabris C, Agnoletti G.
Idiopatic fetal constriction of the ductus arteriosus: prenatal diagnosis and neonatal
outcome in a single centre. J Cardiov Med 2009, 10, suppl. 1: P4
22. Favilli S, Brecsi S, Giuntini R, Cavicchi MC, Pollini I, Braggion C, Chiappa E. Heart assessment
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23. Del Bene MR, Favilli S, Calabri GB, Bini RM, Chiappa E, Barletta G. Real time 3-dimensional
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24. Chiappa E, Tibaldi M, Villar AM, Lesca A, Sciarrone A, Botta G, Ciriotti G. Right aortic arch
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25. Chiappa E. The impact of prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart disease on pediatric
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26. Antonielli D’Oulx E, Secinaro A, Bassignana A, Besenzon L, Chiappa E. Intravascular mass in
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27. Chiappa E, Villar AM Lo scompenso cardiaco in età pediatrica: diagnosi, valutazione, misure
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28. Chiappa E, Tibaldi M, Barattia G, Murru P, Ciriotti G. Determinants of outcome in
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29. Fesslova V, Vignati G, Brucato A, Pisoni MP, Chiappa E, Acaia B, Meroni PL. Outcome in
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30. Chiappa E, Tbaldi M, Al Obeyede M, Kryeziu L. Detection of persistent left superior vena
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31. Chiappa E, Tbaldi M, Barattia G, Murru, Ciriotti G. Determinants of outcome in pulmonary
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32. Murru P, Tibaldi M, Chiappa E, Ciriotti G, Bertino E, Fabris C. Epidemiology of congenital
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33. Chiappa E, Ribaldi M, Sciarrone A, Viora E. Improved prenatal detection of CHD through a
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34. Chiappa E, Micheletti A, Sciarrone A, Botta G, Abbruzzese P. The prenatal diagnosis of, and
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35. Todros T, Paladini D, Chiappa E, Russo MG, Gaglioti P, Pacileo G, Cau MA, Martinelli P.
Pulmonary stenosis and atresia with intact ventricular septum during prenatal life.
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36. Chiappa E, Costanzo P, Forno D, Tibaldi M, Viora E, Todros T, Abbruzzesse P, Ciriotti G.
Improved detection of tetralogy of Fallot in prenatal life. Ital Heart J 2003, 4 suppl 5: 43
37. Chiappa E, Gaglioti P, Botta G, Abbruzzese P, Ciriotti G. The spectrum of tricuspid valve
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38. Chiappa E, Bouslenco Z, Todros T, Barattia G, Abruzzese P. Postnatal management of
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39. Chiappa E, Micheletti A, Barattia G, Costa P, Abbruzzese. Management of critical aortic
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40. Chiappa E, Levra T, Tibaldi M, Gaglioti P, Todros T, Ciriotti G. Constriction or closure of the
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41. Chiappa E, Sciarrone A, Abbruzzese P, Ciriotti G. Congenitally corrected TGA: prenatal
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42. Barattia G, Chiappa E, Montemurro D, Stefanini L, Ciriotti G. Transcatheter closure of ASD II
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43. Chiappa E, Botta G, Ciriotti G. Echocardiographic anatomy in the normal fetus. G Ital Cardiol
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44. Evolution and long term outcome in cases with fetal diagnosis of congenital heart disease:
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46. Chiappa E, Viora E, Ciriotti G. Persistent left umbilical vein draining into the coronary sinus:
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47. Chiappa E, Viora E, Botta G, Abbruzzese P, Ciriotti G, Campogrande M. Arteriovenous
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48. Abbruzzese P, Chiappa E, Murru P, Stefanini L, Longo S, Balagna R. Surgical retrival of an
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49. Spada M, Chiappa E, Ponzone A. Cardiac response to enzyme-replacement therapy in
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50. Chiappa E, Farinelli MP, Montemurro D, Ciriotti G. La sindrome di Noonan con ipertrofia
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51. Cascarano MT, Seberich C, Chiappa E, Montemurro D, Covaglià C, Rizzo A, Abruzzese P.
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52. Fogliacco E, Montemurro D, Chiappa E, Banaudi E, Ciriotti G. Valutazione ecoDoppler della
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53. Todros T, Faggiano F, Chiappa E, Gaglioti P, Mitola B, Sciarrone A, et al. Accuracy of routine
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55. Chiappa E, Barattia G, Montemurro D, Stefanini L, Murru P, Ciriotti G. Aritmie ipercinetiche
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56. D. Montemurro, G Barattia, E Chiappa, L Jarre, G Ciriotti. Cardiomiopatia in un caso di
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57. Valori A, Parisi F, Chiappa E, Ciriotti G, Margaglia F, Zuccaio G, Ferrero F, Abbruzzese P. Il
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58. Spada M, Chiappa E, Sacchetti C, Ciriotti G, Ponzone A. Reversible cardiomyopathy with
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59. Paladini D, Rustico M, Todros T, Palmieri S, Gaglioti P, Benettoni A, Russo MG, Chiappa E,
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61. Chiappa E, Barattia G, Viora E, Botta G, Abbruzzese P, Ciriotti G, Campogrande M. Multiple
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Libri e Capitoli di Libri
1. Chiappa E, Cook A, Botta G, Silverman N. Echocardiographic Anatomy in the Fetus. Springer &
Verlag Italia, Milano 2008
2. Calabri GB, De Simone L, Favilli S, Pollini I, Chiappa E: Apparato cardiovascolare. In: Pediatria.
De Martino M, EdiSES, Napoli 2012, pag 533-571
3. Eco-Color-Doppler vascolare. Rabbia C, Matricardi L Minerva Medica Ed, Torino 2006, pag 683698