Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION CURRENT POSITION Roberta Flori Roberta Flori Adjoint researcher at Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi, Rome, since Dec 1, 2012. Teaching duties for the courses: Analisi Matematica I (Mathematics I), Analisi Matematica II (Mathematics II) and Metodi Matematici e Numerici (Analytical and numerical methods) in the Laurea degrees: Agricolture, Geo-Topology and Engineering PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1999-2013 Teaching and research activities Università degli Studi di Perugia ▪ Teaching assistant for the courses: Meccanica Razionale (theoretical mechanics), Meccanica Applicata alle Macchine (applied mechanics), Economia ed Organizzazione Aziendale (business economy and management). Main roles: tutor for classwork activities, student mentor, member of the examination committee ▪ Teacher for the course: Tecnologia Meccanica (manufacturing) in the academic year 2002/2003, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Perugia. ▪ Teacher for the course “Metodi, strumenti e modelli della meccanica teorica” (methods, tools and models of theoretical mechanics), in the educational program for the formation of high school teachers (corso per la formazione degli Insegnati della Scuola Secondaria - SSIS), Università di Perugia; member of the final examination committee. ▪ Winner of the post-graduate grant: “Metodologie innovative per la caratterizzazione dinamica di sistemi meccanici” (innovative methods for the dynamic characterization of mechanical systems) awarded by Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università degli Studi di Perugia, 2011. Activity or sector teaching and research 2011-12 Teaching and research activities Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi ▪ Adjoint teacher: Analisi Matematica I (mathematics I) and Analisi Matematica II (mathematics II) at Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi; academic years: 2010/2011 and 2011/2012, for the degrees: Agricolture, Geo-Topology and Civil Engineering. Activity or sector teaching and research 2011-12 Teaching activities Istituto Professionale di Perugia (technical school) ▪ Substitute teacher in the academic year 2011-2012, course matematica (mathematics). Activity or sector teaching and research 2009-11 Teaching activities Istituto Tecnico A.Volta, Perugia (technical school) ▪ Adjoint teacher for the course: Meccanica (theoretical mechanics), Meccanica Applicata (applied mechanics), Tecnologie Meccaniche (manufacturing). Activity or sector teaching and research © Unione europea, 2002-2013 | Page 1 / 4 Curriculum Vitae 2009-11 Roberta Flori Consulting E.R.G. S.r.l., San Martino in Campo (PG) ▪ Management of research projects Activity or sector consulting 2005-11 Teaching activities Istituto Tecnico A.Volta, Perugia (technical school) ▪ Substitute teacher for the courses: Matematica (mathematics), Meccanica Applicata (applied mechanics), Tecnologia Meccanica e Sistemi (manufacturing processes and systems). Activity or sector teaching and research 2006-07 Teaching activities Istituto Tecnico A.Volta, Perugia (technical school) ▪ Substitute teacher for the course: Sistemi ed Automazione Industriale (systems and industrial automation) Activity or sector teaching and research 2006-07 Teaching activities Istituto Professionale di Stato per l’Industria e l’Artigianato, Perugia (professional school) ▪ Substitute teacher for the course: Impianti Termotecnici (heating and cooling systems) Activity or sector teaching and research 2006 Teaching activities Q.S.A. S.r.l., San Martino in Campo (PG) (technical school) ▪ Adjoint teacher for the course: Sicurezza Ambientale (environmental safety) Activity or sector teaching and research 2005-09 Consulting Q.S.A. S.r.l., San Martino in Campo (PG) ▪ Consultant of manufacturing companies for achieving product conformance to EC standards. Activity or sector consulting 1999-05 Consulting and teaching Airone P.G., Perugia ▪ Consultant for manufacturing process management ▪ Consultant for welding process management ▪ Consultant for quality assurance ▪ Coordinator, responsible for the design, monitoring and result assessment processes, administrative consultant and responsible for budget management, for several projects involving the formation of specialized personnel, with funding from the regions of Umbria, Toscana and Marche ▪ Teacher of courses of robotica (robotics) aimed at graduated students from technical schools, in collaboration with Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale A.Volta (technical school) and AIRONE P.G.. In particular, responsible of the teaching subjects: Meccanica dei robot (robot mechanics), Sistemi flessibili di produzione (flexible production systems), Automazione dei processi industriali (automation of industrial processes). ▪ Teacher of theoretical and applied courses of processi speciali Saldatura (special welding processes), Lavorazioni Meccaniche (machining processes) and Robotica (robotics), aimed at construction workers, technical personnel and engineers. Pagina 2 / 4 Curriculum Vitae Roberta Flori Activity or sector consulting and teaching EDUCATION 16 July 2013 Certification of idoneity for high school teaching (class A049 Mathematics and Physics) Università degli Studi di Perugia 22 April 2010 Ph.D. in Scienze Tecnologie e Misure Spaziali (science, technology and measurement for astronautics), specialization: engineering metrology Università degli studi di Padova 19 May 2006 Certification as operator for fire prevention Qualità e Strategie Aziendali S.r.l. , San Martino in Campo, Perugia 2003 2nd-level qualification for quality inspection of weldings (CIC PND) Istituto Italiano della Saldatura di Genova (the Italian welding institute, Geneva) ▪ Visual inspection of weldings (VT method), inspection with penetrating liquids (PT method), inspection with magnetic particles (MT methods), x-ray radiography (RT method) 15 March 2003 Specialization as industrial consultant for quality certification according to UNI EN ISO 9000 and UNI EN 729 Istituito Italiano della Saldatura di Genova (the Italian welding institute, Geneva) 30 April 1999 Degree as welding specialist (IWS) Istutito Italiano della Saldatura di Genova (the Italian welding institute, Geneva) May 1998 Abilitation to the profession of Engineer (score: 120/120) Università degli studi di Perugia 31 March 1998 Degree in Mecanical Engineering (Laurea in Ingegneria Meccanica) (score: 110/110 cum Laude) Università degli studi di Perugia June 1992 High school degree (score: 60/60) Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei di Perugia PERSONAL COMPETENCIES Mother language Italian Other languages COMPREHENSION SPOKEN WRITTEN Listening Reading Interaction Oral production English A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 French B1 B2 B1 B1 B1 © Unione europea, 2002-2013 | Page 3 / 4 Curriculum Vitae Roberta Flori Communication skills I have optimal communication skills, acquired thanks to my academic teaching experience at Università degli Studi di Perugia, Università Marconi in Rome, my teaching experience at secondary schools, and my experiences as an industrial consultant while collaborating with Airone PG S.a.s., QSA S.r.l. and ERG S.r.l. consulting companies. Management skills Coordinator, responsible for the design, monitoring and result assessment processes. Administrative consultant and responsible for budget management, for several projects involving the formation of specialized personnel, with funding from the regions of Umbria, Toscana and Marche. In collaboration with Airone PG S.a.s. and ERG S.r.l. Professional skills Good understanding of quality control process, acquired as industrial consultant on quality assurance, with particular reference to special welding processes and certification for compliance to EC standards, in collaboration with Airone PG S.a.s. and QSA S.r.l. IT skills Additional skills Good knowledge of the main software applications for office productivity, in particular: MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access. The ongoing collaboration with Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università degli Studi di Perugia, allows me to be constantly collaborating, and up-to-date, on many relevant issues related to industrial production (research, innovation, safety, quality control, certification). In addition, it allows me to produce research papers at the national and international level (a list of the main publications is reported at the bottom). I am particularly apt at social interaction, within and outside the working environment, and suited to teamwork. I am a fast learner, and fine with traveling in Italy and abroad. Hobby & Sport: reading, traveling, Fitness, Acquagym, Basketball. Driving licence Italian driving license type B (patente B) Personal data I authorize the handling of my personal data as described in Decreto Legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196 "Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali”. Pagina 4 / 4